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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 24, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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>> it's 8:00 a.m. on the east coast, this is "fox and friends first" "fox and friends." fox news alert, president biden to sign $95 billion to aid ukraine and israel. ukrainian president zelenskyy spoke with fox on the deal, that is next. >> ainsley: live look at columbia university, protests have resumed. ats 8:00 this morning. they are committed. [chanting] >> ainsley: columbia said, get out at midnight, then gave them another two days as the school says progress is be ing made. house speaker johnson is going to speak to jewish students there. >> brian: and battleground state of wisconsin, lawrence is live
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talking to voters. final hour of "fox and friends" starts now. your mornings are better with friends, roll the amination. >> ainsley: president biden set to sign the foreign aid bill into law. >> the package includes aid for israel and ukraine. >> brian: let's go to kyiv, greg palkot is live. president zelenskyy has to be ha happy, right? >> greg: he is very, very happy, the folks in ukraine are breathing a sigh of relee relief after passing the foreign aid package. no one more happy than zelenskyy who has been waiting for this aid. zelenskyy expressed gratitude and hopes for the weapons.
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listen. >> i want to thank you for such s significant support, to president biden, congress, mike johnson, of course bipartisan support, thanks to senate for today's decision. i hope that president biden will sign the law, which is so important, crucial for our lives. and god bless, we will get it as quick as possible. >> greg: that is that important that you get the weaponry, air defense, the long-range missiles as fast as possible? >> as fast as possible, otherwise it will push us back. it is true, our people know about it. the americans have to know about it. >> greg: some weaponry is in storage in depots in germany and could get to the frontline
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within days. ukraine has been outgunned and outshelled in recent months, losing key ground. president biden has to sign it and make it law. that is expected shortly. very emotional and determined president zelenskyy in kyiv. >> brian: congratulations on the interview, can't wait to hear the rest of it. >> ainsley: another fox news alert. group of protesters gathering at columbia university chanting, israel go to jail. students and activists remain on campus despite calls to leave. >> columbia says negotiations have been extended. >> good morning. yeah, this crowd that ainsley referred to off campus, this
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crowd has shown up on a daily basis to cheer on the student protest happening on the lawn, which is go ing, has been extended for 48 hours. pro-palestinian students said they threatened to call in the national guard. they say too many jewish students have been harassed and are calling on columbia president shar shar if to resign. >> so that we can start to push them out of the camp. >> the encampment continues and
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elise stefanik is calling on the biden administration to revoke federal funding from columbia and revoke student visas for any international student involved in the protest. demands are being echoed by other republicans. >> it is important, columbia university and other schools recognize, these are not simply protests about a political issue. these are pro-terrorist mobs. >> we're expecting house speaker mike johnson to meet with jewish students this afternoon. many students have taken the university up on offer for hybrid learning model for remainder of the semester as this folds on campus. back to you. >> have you noticed any difference in crowd size or behavior over last couple of
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days? >> of the crowds outside? there -- it tends to fluctuate. we see numbers swell to about 100 people protesting. in terms of the encampment, we got a look at ariels captured and it doesn't look like tents have been removed. students pledged to remove some tents. >> brian: one thing they agreed to, they said anyone that is not a student has to go, they agreed to that. fdn y said this is a fire hazard and agreed to make changes. now they will wait two days to do it. that is why el pise stefanik an others like john fetterman said she has to be fired. >> ainsley: elise stefanik said
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to revoke funding. she wrote a letter to homeland security security and to merrick garland. donald trump was talking about this yesterday, slamming columbia university for closing campus, this means the other side wins. >> you have aoc talking about removing tents is reckless. >> brian: need closure. >> exactly. >> brian: bring in lawrence, in wisconsin, there were protests there -- i mean, in minnesota, texas, rice, massachusetts, mit and topps, berkeley and california. this is organized and well funded, lawrence. >> lawrence: well-funded and well organized. they don't like the media coverage unless you stand with
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the pro-hamas cause. we have been trying to talk with the people to figure out what they believe. on columbia, they try to negotiate and you can't negotiate with people not in reality. yesterday i went to college campus and these are some myths said. >> we are here to advocate for palestinians and gaza and there is more casualty on the palestinian side. not trying to compare the sides. people are like october 7, no, this is since 1948. >> look at gaza, it is inhumane. >> what about the jewish community, the women raped, kids put into ovens. >> wait, that was -- that was denied. was that not denied? >> it actually happened. i talked with --
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>> i don't know the resources -- >> lawrence: you feel like you can separate the two and say talk about the humanitarian aspect of it without talking about the larger conversation of hamas using people that you care about, i care about as human shields. >> it is unfortunate, we don't look at that at all, you have to understand, you are talking about hamas. we're talking about civilians. we're talking about right now. >> lawrence: so as you can see, they deny the women were raped and deny babies were put in ovens, they deny palestinian authority get funding from the u u.s. government. they said israel has hostages, no they have criminals -- don't
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live in reality of truth. >> brian: there is video available. you almost wonder if we should make it available to everyone. someone might accuse them of being actors as infants were put into ovens. thank you, you will stick around. they got education secretary to speak up, he is against an antisem antisemanhuntic talks. i would like to hamas to find out answers. eric adams said there is unh unhinged violence. i feel back for the nypd, while academics argue, they go in, everyday that goes by, it will be harder to go in. >> ainsley: what were statistics
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on tiktok? when you look at the images, these are college campuses, young 35people getting news on tiktok and much of that is controlled by china. china wants this to happen. >> brian: they want racial unrest and chaos. tiktok, 52 videos that are pro-hamas or pro-palestinian for every one that is pro-israeli. he said we are being manipulated. does everyone admit fentanyl is bad? good. can you admit tiktok is social media fentanyl? china is declaring war on us and russia is even better at it and north korea is not bad either. they know this causes friction, do you think the countries want
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don donald trump to win the election? >> the history, teach them humanity, we have a discipline called humanities, you teach people to be good humans and universities are not doing that, when you have students that support hamas. >> brian: look what they are wearing, is it dress-up day on campus? >> language skills are terrible. >> ainsley: how do they have time to do this? don't they have job? don't they go to school? their parents probably pay $60 to $70,000 to go to college. how much do they really understand? lawrence was talking to them and wasn't that debunked? i think it was, i don't know.
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last night i was uch waing sean's show and they were chanting from the river to the sea. she asked do you know what river or sea and the girl could not answer. >> brian: gaza might have empty vacancies, you can go there. and taking place tomorrow in the election interference case. >> ainsley: trump will be in new york city, he could be jailed for contempt in the hush money trial. >> lukal joins us. >> lucas: according to abc, secret service is preparing for that. what happens if donald trump goes to jail? prosecutors say they are only seeking a fine. chris conroy said he does not
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see jail time for the contempt. trump is prohibited from making statements on the case. conroy accused trump of violating that gag order on 10 separate occasions. there have not been discussions on what to do if trump is convicted to prison. trump lashed out saying he is highly conflicted and taken away his right to free speech. trump called it a kangaroo court. the former president spoke yesterday in new york. >> this is all biden, in case anyone has a question. they are keeping me in a courtroom, very unfair situation. this guy is out there campaigning. >> lucas: former trump attorney
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general bill barr said he thinks this is political and real danger is from the far left. tomorrow supreme court is expected to weigh in on donald trump's immunity claim. lawrence. >> lawrence: let's talk to people about this. this is first case of all the prosecution. how you doing? what is your name? >> kyle. >> lawrence: what do you think, is it fair, would they be doing this to a democrat? >> of course not, it is absurd they are coming after the former president. they would not be doing this if it was anyone else, they are doing it because it is trump. >> lawrence: do you think this sets a dangerous precedence? >> absolutely, if they are going out of their way to create
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crimes out of thin air, it sets up new baseline this is what you can do to go after your political opponents in the future and it shows through the american people this is so fake and just clear political prosecution. >> lawrence: you don't think the american people are buying it? >> no. >> lawrence: this is a big one, how do you feel about the prosecution against the former president? going across the country. new york, and conversation between secret service if trump may be jailed. how do you feel bathat? >> it is terrible. we have a two-tiered justice system, he is not getting a fair trial. he need change and he will give it to us. >> lawrence: 80% of folks in manhattan voted for biden, do
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you think trump can get a fair trial where that happened? >> not really, we'll give it up to god and have god make the decision. fingers crossed and trump 2024. >> lawrence: you have faith. >>en it0%. >> lawrence: you have legal scholars say listen, this case was passed up when it came to doj. you have the election board that passed it up federally, so why is manhattan d.a. trying to prosecute. >> ainsley: i love the last lady, so true. so many of my friends are praying for the upcoming election. >> brian: go over to carley shimkus. you ready? >> carley: happening today, supreme court will confront
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major dispute over abortion access. justices will hear arguments over whether state restrictions are invalidated by federal law. it is about ashin emergency situations. today in georgia, governor brian kemp is expected to sign a bill making squatting a crime in his state. what drove his decision? >> this is insanity, people think they can come in and take over somebody's home. it is outrageous, locally appoint appointed ju dish iary is not acting, we want to protect property owners and go after individuals. >> carley: florida recently passed similar legislation. survey finds near ly 40% of all
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baby boomers could not afford their home if they were to buy them today. 18% said they definitely couldn't afford to buy today. most have lived in their home for five to 10 years. prices are going up. wild video out of canada. train with five rail cars on fire seen this week barrelling through the city of london, which is northeast of detroit. fire officials praising the crew for disconnecting from other cars hauling hazardous material. no report of injury or s significant property damage. and another wild video from the streets of london. this is london, england. four people were hurt after horses seen running loose near
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buckingham. soldiers were tossed there horses after the animals got spooked by nearby construction. this competition to decide who has the best seagull impression. [cawing] >> ainsley: nine-year-old cooper wallace from the uk taking home a medal in the junior category in the european championship of gull. competitors were scored on sound of the screech and how well they un understood seagull behavior. we want to know which "fox and friends" co-host do you think has the best seagull call?
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our money is on brian, who is dressed as skcuscuttles and tha not edited. >> ainsley: you look scary, charlie. flounder. >> brian: what is that? >> carley: you are pretty as ariel. >> ainsley: flounder, the fish. >> brian: just a second, carley, you going to toss it back? >> back to you. >> brian: she has to learn. >> ainsley: tell us what we're supposed to do at home? >> brian: dvr the show and see if it is as you remember it. >> ainsley: look back at what you look like and how to make that costume next year. doj set to meet with families.
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>> brian: next guest lost her daughter and says officials are squirming to justify boeing's act actions. hey! asthma's got you going through it? grab nucala for fewer asthma attacks. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask an asthma specialist if nucala is right for you.
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>> brian: happening today, justice department meeting with families that were killed in two separate deadly boeing crashes in 2018 and 2019 after whistleblower alleged boeing hid manufacturing problems. next guest lost their daughter in a max jet crash and channelling her grief into a call for accountability. she announced she is running for congress in massachusetts and joins us now. nadia, what you hope to accomplish today, is it the families briefing the justice department or vice versa? >> it is called meet and confer and it is required by the crime victims rights act. a federal law says crime victims have the right to be involved in prosecution. the justice department lied and
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said they were not having prosecution with boeing, so we were not involved, that makes this illegal. they said, you are not victims, next argument. we had to litigate for 18 months to say we are victims. judge reid o'connor agreed we are victims. they made deferred prosecution agreement with boeing meaning if boeing behaved well in the three years, they would move to dismiss the charges with court. boeing did not behave well. the blow out happened three days before the agreement was to expire. we are bringing evidence and
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complaints from pilots and many other warning bells beside the b blowout. many warning bells before our crashes. >> brian: do you have to get a lawyer to convince the justice department to sue boeing? >> we have a federal volunteer, paul casell from university of utah, volunteering time to represent the family members. >> brian: tell me about your daughter. >> my daughter was incredible, she was a humanitarian, on mission to look for accountability, looking at gates foundation money going to help people in uganda.
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she was an analyst looking to make the biggest impact possible and she was doing it through accountability. executives made these decisions and should be prosecuted, the executives personally. people have to face their decisions. >> brian: you will not give up the fight and you are running for office. >> i want to protect regular people from abuses, this is not the way our country is supposed to work. manufacturers are supposed to produce great products. we have to not just allow them to abuse the system we have. >> brian: thanks so much, appreciate it. more "fox and friends" moments away, don't move. manufacturing back to america.
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>> janice: good morning, friends, good stretch of weather coming. we do have severe weather coming. 51 in new york, cooler air across northern plains and great lakes, could see wintry mix with moisture precipitation. thursday, friday, saturday and sunday getting hit hard with heavy rain that could cause heavy flooding. that could be multi day severe weather event including large destructive tornados and fire danger toward texas because of gusty winds and dry conditions. fox, for details.
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>> brian: we'll tell steve you tossed. >> janice: so sorry, charlie. >> all good. summer lee surviving her race against pro-israel democrat. >> brian: and president joe biden securing enough delegates to win the costone state. >> ainsley: peter doocy joins us live at the white house. >> peter: president biden won this primary by a lot, not by as much as sitting president should. 89.19% and write-ins 4.4 8. in 2020, they had 13,000 write-ins, 2024, more than
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36,000 write-ins and progressive member of the so-called squad survived, one of the priceiest primaries. this is pittsburgh area seat, summer lee came out ahead 60.6% ahead of patel. summer lee was one of the first to call for a ceasefire in gaza. her challenger accused her of be being anti-israel. summer lee won and now on to november. >> i am unashgpologetic when pee say, are you in the squad. whatever, these are my people. we have victory in pittsburgh. >> peter: when with president biden in pennsylvania, summer
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lee declined to appear alongside him right around the area she represents, president biden still gave her a supportive sh shoutout. >> brian: i don't think it is great for the country she wins despite be ing anti-israel. bowman and bush are having trouble there primary. it is a bad sign for the party and country. >> if you want to change the tone of the conversation, you have to do it through elections and primaries. >> brian: people want her. >> ainsley: they vote for her. >> but you have to go to those people and make the case why you shouldn't want her and win it there. >> ainsley: seems like common
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sense. >> and a clear message with 50,000 voted uninstructed. >> ainsley: that is like uncommitted. badger state voters trust trump to do better on the economy. lawrence jones is with us with a small business owner in that area. >> lawrence: bring in shawna gray, she owns a vegan restaurant in town. you know the people here. 53% of americans feel like trump would do better for the economy here. what are you hearing on the ground? do you feel like joe biden would be best or trump would be best for the economy here? >> good question, i'm not 100%. right now things aren't working with the current administration. not sure who is best candidate
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to do that, we are looking at how things are now and not going in the right direction. >> lawrence: when you say things are not working, what are you seeing? >> on my end personally, i'm a business owner and seeing effects of pricing with my cost of goods going up by 30% to operate my business have went up, i am on limited working capital like literally putting revenue right back into business. i have no support of capital. i can't push any of that to my customers because they feel the effects, as well. grocery food is at an all-time high. the gas prices are ridiculous. we have problems at our border and so much going on. lawrence how was it operating
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your restaurant during the trump years. >> i started my business around that time, things were substantially different, meaning i was able to, i was working and able to afford things. i wasn't worried about my future as i am now. my food cost was so much lower at thatim too. not saying that is a better -- things were very much different meaning i didn't have stress or anxiety about tomorrow. just from eating and supporting myself. >> lawrence: if you could tell president joe biden anything right now, if he were in front of you, what were you tell him? >> i would ask, you can pretty
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much look at people and what is going on right now and how we are all pretty much suffering and we need help. i'm not sure what could be done at this point, definitely not going in the right direction for myself and business owners like myself. it is not looking good right now. >> lawrence: thank you for talking to me this morning. we'll be at eagle diner west war minister tomorrow. see you then. >> brian: don't go out late, we need you early. >> ainsley: you are doing great job, three days in a row at diners. tiktok, clock is running for chinese social media giant to sell or be banned. >> brian: is it really running? chad pergram live from the hill
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as the bill heads to the president's desk. that is chad. >> ainsley: great song. ♪ k-d emotionaling [coughing] i'm out of breath, and often out of the picture. but this is my story. ( ♪ ) and with once-daily trelegy, it can still be beautiful. because with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open for a full 24 hours and prevents future flare-ups. trelegy also improves lung function, so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating,
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>> brian: today president biden set to sign newly passed 95 billion important aid package including potential tiktok ban. >> chad pergram is live on capitol hill. >> chad: tiktok is one part of this bill and it sends aid to ukr ukraine. tiktok faces consequences in the u.s. >> it is not a ban. it is saying that at a enterprise that potentially coll collects 170 million americans data and impacts what you see is national security threat. i don't say donald trump was right often,y he was right to raise national security concern. >> expect a lengthy legal fight
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on first amendment ground. foreign aid bill commanded gop support to vote yes. >> we can wish for a world where the responsibility of leadership don't fall on us or act like we understand that they do. none of us is excused from our obligation to equip the united states to face down those who wish us harm. >> mcconnells the gop is turning from isolationism, some progressive had problems with the bill because the bill sends money to israel. >>y we are deeply complicit this is american israeli war. most equipment being used in gaza is provided by united states and subsidized by
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american taxpayers. >> president biden called this flection point in history and added he would sign the bill today because need in ukraine is great. >> brian: long-range rockets are included in this. appreciate it. check in with dana perino. >> dana: attack them on this show. president biden stands by as wall street spread on campus, zoom school can't be the answer. no punishment, no consequences, what is point of nypd arresting them? paul mauro will be on set. will ukraine and israel win their conflict? mitch mcconnell is here this morning. and a mistake by legal scholar in "new york times," but alvin bragg forges ahead and gag order could come today. big wednesday ahead, we'll see you at 9:00.
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ah, these bills are crazy. she
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>> the ncaa facing pressure to address the trans athlete issue. >> ainsley: outkick says 3000
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coaches are encouraging the committee to protect women's sports here is outkick founder clay travis. thanks for coming to talk about this. what is your reaction and where does the ncaa stand? board of governors, 16 of them, consist of university president and athletic directors? >> >> clay: yeah, great question. i want to give credit to the women speaking out and that headline shows breadth of that speaking out. people like sue bird and megan rapinoe are saying you should let men pretending to be women compete and win championships, the message dawn staley made at the ncaa title game press
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conference. this is easy call naia, has already voted they will not allow men identifying as women to compete. i give credit to riley gaines for drawing attention to this issue after swimming against lia thomas and thomas won as a man who swam for the university of pennsylvania team to switch and become a woman. i think vast majority of sports fans recognize this wrong. i hope ncaa and leadership will stop women from having to fight this battle and make a blanket rule to disallow this. >> common sense and science say the same thing, it is mind
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boggling this is a discussion. >> clay: when you include men ide identifying as women in women sp sports you excludelegitimate women from competing. you have navaratilova who is against this, she played men and she said it is about it is f fairness issue. head to, check out clay and buck radio show streaming on fox nation. been great working with you, charlie. >> lieswise. >> ainsley: have a wonderful day and see you tomorrow, tromorrow is thursday, bye, everyone. >> dana: we are awaiting reaction from president joe biden after senate passes 95 billion dollar


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