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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  April 24, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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having now. group of 30 migrants arrived this morning waiting to be processed, we've been here and seen hundreds of migrants go through this specific area behind me. we'll keep watching. thank you so much. >> dana: fox news alert columbia caves to anti-israel mob extending deadline to clear campus after ignoring the president's deadline. mike johnson will justice the school today and meet with jewish students at the epicenter of this virus. president biden will be in new york and has no plans to visit
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the campus. double standard on rules of war, one for israel and second for hamas. welcome to brand new hour of america's newroom. >> jacqui: i'm jacqui heinrich, bill is off today. it is an established fact. antisemitism erupting in america. these are just examples, first picture calling for hamas to target the u.s. and israel, symbolic watermelon elude to israel as stolen territory.
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jewish professor at columbia business says who was barred s sayses this is soil for terrorism. >> this is how terrorism works, it works on columbia campus, you start off slow and you see that you don't have to face co consequences and amp up the heat until the other side gets to a breaking point and starts noshtino negotiating with you. let's begin with gillian turner. >> we are getting mixed messages from state department official about policy toward israel in war against hamas. take a listen to secretary blinken, he said this to
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reporters. do we have a double standard? the answer is no, this report makes clear in general, as we're looking at human rights and condition of human rights around the world we apply same standard to everyone. >> so yesterday embambassador ad satterfield, envoy to middle east contradicted blinken and said there actually is a very different standard applied to israel. listen. >> we require from israel because it is the right and moral thing to do, a very different standard of conduct. the president made clear on his visit to israel shortly after october 7, it is not just strategically important to do this, it is morally right thing to do. >> secretary blinken arriving in china overnight released annual
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human rights, placing israel front page. israel response have gone too far. >> on october 7, there wasn't near famine in gaza. on october 7, there wasn't dem nigz of trucks getting into gaza. a october 7, we did not see thousands of innocent people killed. >> this acknowledge mment that biden administration applies diff different -- pivoting away from america's closest ally in middle east. dana. >> dana: thank you. >> jacqui: rampant antisemitism
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spreads and president biden delivers many remarks but crickets on this one. h hi, peter. >> peter: officials are leaning on this month-old antisemitism strategy about how to report threats and organize listening sessions. >> we have put forward an antisemitism strategy that have we been implementing that involves different federal yaej y agent /* agencies to do everything we can and we'll continue to do that work. >> peter: education secretary on part of campus strategy is saying every student deserves to feel safety and belonging in school.
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education leaders must stand against antisemitism. critics can't believe president biden is not more outspoken about this. >> federal law enforcement will be there, you will not be subject to violence, joe biden won't say that, he does not want to tick off his own party. >> peter: we expect president biden to talk about defense spending bill, foreign aid bills passed that he plans to sign. >> jacqui: we'll be watching. >> dana: paul mauro, retired inspector and fox news contributor. not one of 228 arrested at the columbia protest will get a criminal record. you write about the criminality. if they are arrested and no
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record, what is deterrent >> paul: there is not one. there is innerflection point, could have been something meaningful done, columbia blinked. 200 arrests, all given trespass violation. could have gone with a misdemeanor, it is fenced in area. you can release mug shots, last thing they want. a lot of people are not even students. what is going on in this city, occupy wall street, 2020 with blm riots and summer of love, activists are waiting for a cause to jump on. in addition to palestinian cause, you have overlay of professional activists get funding from left groups and
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pile on and make it larger and more heated, it makes it more difficult to investigate if you are doj. if you start getting into money schemes, you will start hitting things this administration doesn't want you to hit. >> jacqui: hewitt wrote, people are not stopping discrimination against jew, why have biden department of justice and education been mia. last guest says it might have something to do with mayor adams not responding -- >> dana: let's play it, this is professor at columbia who has been barred from campus. >> if you tell me that is peaceful, mayor adams know if
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this was about kkk, targeting a race, targeting a sexual o orientation or identity, nypd would have found something to do. mayor adams does nothing. >> dana: what do you think about that? >> paul: they did make the arrest, the charge was too low. nyu could have, as well. in u cloo, columbia, you need e president to press the charges. my gut said columbia president said we don't want noise. they were back the next day, failure point there. doj, switching to them, they can operate without eric adams to bring cases. you have hamas and hezbollah being involved. you have people saying, i am hamas. they are a terrorist organization, fbi investigates
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that, doj prosecutes, you have government to do that. these cases would be open and they would dig into financial flow and all the stuff you do, subpoenas, not going to do that here, you hit funding mechanism you don't want exposed. a lot of same groups funneling money to democratic groups. class-action lawsuits, we will see class-action lawsuits from jewish students who have been ha harassed and attacked, they will go after individual students. discovery is something we should keep an eye on. this will be civil case. >> dana: theme of mind this morning, in a short amount of time, if biden and president of columbia wanted to, they could make safe passage for students to get to class and nypd could
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be called in to help, national guard, shouldn't that be the answer? if not, protesters win. >> paul: of course, i have seen ages of a lot of arrestees, mid-20s, half of them are not even students. we're treating them with kid gloves. the whole thing builds on itself. they stir themselves up and we got what, 10 weeks of occupy wall street, summer of 2020, we don't want this through this year going into the election as israelis go into rafah it will get worse. >> jacqui: you are seeing students ask for refunds in some cases. >> dana: they should, parents, as well. fox news alert, supreme court hearing another case about abortion stemming from case in idaho, you have pro-abortion and
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anti-abortion protesters this morning. can doctors provide more than abortion in states where the procedure is banned? that is what they are arguing this morning, key ruling could be coming by end of june. and we are waiting to hear about the gag order ruling coming down the pike in donald trump's criminal trial, judge set to decide if former president violated a gag order. >> jacqui: l.a. county deputy lucky to be alive. >> dana: and senate passes foreign aid package for u.s. allies, will it be a different maker, mitch mcconnell ahead on that. he seat. the seat is leather. alan, we get it. you love your bike. we do, too. that's why we're america's number-one motorcycle insurer. but do you have to wedge it into everything? what? i don't do that.
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>> russian court rejecting evan gershkovich latest appeal, meaning he will stay behind bars. evan gershkovich has been emprisoned on nespionage charge that the u.s. denies. in pre-trial detention has been extended multiple times. rus russian court has yet to present any evidence. >> dana: and bill melugin is live in l.a. >> this l.a. county sheriff deputy is lucky to be alive. he was sitting on his motorcycle
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and shot in his back. his bullet-proof vest save his life. here is the call he made. >> i've been shot. it hit the vest. vehicle went westbound. check the location. >> 10-4, sir. >> bill: this is a photo of that vest, just inches from a potentially fatal kill shot to the head and showing how lucky he was. investigators have the suspect in custody, a known gang member. y he was arrested hours after the shooting for drunk driving and had a gun on him. he was previously convicted of
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manslaughter for stabbing a co-worker to death and convicted of felony evading in 2021 after leading police on this pursuit in l.a. county following a hit and run. then in 2022, he was convicted of being a felon in possession of a gun. he was also arrested for dui. he was tied to this case based on witness testimony. >> end of the day, i'm very happy this person is in custody but i'm more thankful that deputy is doing well and he's recovering at home. i made several statements last night and talked about the fact he was wearing his bullet-proof
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vest and we believe it saved his life. >> bill: a lot of questionses as to how this guy was still out on the street for this shooting to happen. i reached out to l.a. george gascon's office about how they will handle this case, i have not heard back from them. >> dana: bill melugin we'll keep in touch, thank you. >> jacqui: could get a ruling on whether former president trump violated his gag order. trump blasting the gag order as unconstitutional. any comments were in response to political attacks. a lot happened in court yesterday, bring our viewers up to speed, so much, you had prosecutors laying out the case
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and national enquirer publisher featured on the stand. lay it out for us. >> we learned from former publisher of national enquirer david pecker he and trump had a relationship. trump sold them a lot of magazines. he was a popular figure and they wanted to make money, they put trump on their cover. pecker testified when he became aware trump wanted to run for president, he saw this as opportunity to help himself and help trump by being eyes and ears for him. he warned trump that women may come forward and have stories about him and he would help him out on that front. he engaged in a catch and kill scheme, where media buys rights to a story and do not publish
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it, this is in respect to mcdougal karen mcdougal. p pecker bought the story and squashed it. in the tabloid world, it did not reveal anything criminal for the actual case charged. >> jacqui: there is op ed by boston law professor that reads, i thought alvin bragg case was a legal embarrassment and now it is a historic mistake. embarrassment of prosecutorial ethics. what is your take on this, you have had that sentiment echoed across several different outlets. >> it is a problem when people ask what is the crime. reason people are asking that, it remains unclear. trump is charged with 34 counts of falsifying business record
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and he mislabeled or someone did the payment to stormy daniels as business record, it was to conceal an underlying crime. we don't know what the crime is. two, entering into an nda, with a porn star or not, is not illegal. is it unsightly? sure. not illegal. we're in court about a crime. catch and kill schemes are not illegal. suppressing bad information when running for office, is not illegal and labeling something legal expense when it is compensation by an nda. these are up in the air it is and legal experts scratching their head. >> jacqui: underlying crime, though, he was conspiring or committed crime by conspiring to
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unlawfully promote his own candidacy. >> right, that law is new york state election law. the question i have, one, it is vague, what does it mean to unlawfully promote. if you try to influence the election, if it was conspiracy to influence, isn't that called running for office? where is the crime? where is unlawful part? it is unclear. the agreement with stormy daniels is not illegal. two, characterizing them as legal payments what would the state like them to be, rei reimbursement to conan michael to pay off this particular person? the fact we're in court, first time american president is standing trial over something like this is quite remarkable. >> jacqui: get your 30,000 foot
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take, hush money trial payment and stormy daniels and election inte interference, does that hurt the credibility of the case, some see it unsubstantiated or not partisan. >> i think if people know the facts, they would be concerned, these 34 counts, statute of limitations have run on them. if this case was rock solid, why did they not bring it when statute of limitations were in place. only way to revive this, boot strapping to an underlying crime, a felony, but it remains unclear what it is. if they say it was to conceal
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contribution to himself, if hush money trial were unreported campaign contributions, why did doj decline to bring that charge against trump when they had the opportunity considering it was their jurisdiction to do so. >> jacqui: we will be watching and waiting for the decision on the gag order any moment now. thanks so much, appreciate it. >> dana: president biden about to speak on passage of that foreign aid bill his remarks 10:50 a.m. eastern and we'll bring it live as it happens. that bill providing support for israel and ukraine and taiwan money, too. we'll get thoughts on important important of supporting allies straight ahead. >> this is a more challenging time right now than leading up to world war ii.
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for ukraine to push back russia decisively. >> we hope so. it's actually only .2% of gross domestic product so put in that context, it is not a lot of money for us, it is very s significant step for them, it gives them more so fphisticated weapons they need to hold russians at bay and these p
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people, russians are trying to take their country and they have enormous incentive. we are not getting any americans killed, we are helping degrade military of biggest adversary, the russians. >> dana: do you think that president biden was too slow to give ukraine what it needed initially where we didn't get to this position? >> yeah, much slower than he should have. the president made two big mistakes. number one, withdrawal from afghanistan, which was not at war, we shouldn't have
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withdrawn. when we did, that was dpreen -- a green light to vladamir putin. we didn't give them efficient weaponry soon enough. we tend to react too slowly. administration did make a number of mistakes, but after a long delay, we've all come together and done what needed to be done to help ukrainians and this is a huge issue to the whole world. prime minister of japan the other day in an address to congress, talked about ukraine. it is a big deal for every country in the world that elects own leadership. >> dana: the vote was 78-19. there are people wondering and you can understand reluctance,
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they are upset nothing was done on southern border and feel americans are not being well taken care of. anything republicans can do before the election to make them feel better about that? >> i agree, i think our southern border has been unmitigated disaster for this administration and our country. we can walk and chew gum at the same time, ought to be able to fix that border and help countries around the world stand up to chinese, russians and iranians. we had a negotiation with administration over getting legislation they would agree to. that fell by the waste side, a lot of members, including myself, were hoping to make a better deal with them. we have to deal with them, they have the white house, the
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senate. i think we ought to address that as soon as possible. if i were the president, i would fix this myself and take the heat away. >> dana: do you think having the force of sale of tiktok, not a ban, people still be able to do tiktok, help you get to number 79-18? >> let me tell you what that was about, about national security and i'm a big defender of the first amendment and free speech, when it comes to national security, we were concerned about control of tiktok by chinese. >> dana: switch to politics. you are in your last effort as leader. your last few months at the leader and your goal is to return republicans to majority in the senate. two questions. what race are you most confident about and which are you most
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concerned about? >> certainly the one i'm most confident about is west virginia, very popular governor justice is running there, almost certain that is number 50. we need another one somewhere else to get majority and nothing wrong with getting more if we could. montana, ohio, pennsylvania, all very, very competitive and there are other states that could come into play. >> do you think maryland is -- >> glad you brought that up, i should have mentioned that myself. we have a fabulous candidate in maryland. who would have thought maryland would have been competitive, governor hogan has incredible approval ratings. >> dana: on my mind, i saw a big ad, million dollars he will
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spend there. last question is about president trump and president biden. it is the rematch that people are waiting for to watch to see what happens. throughout history inkcumbents usually win a second term, not always, based on your experience and instinct, do you believe it is possible for joe biden to be a one-term president? what will it take for president trump to win? >> well, look, we know it will be decided in about seven states, everybody will vote across america, about seven states will determine who actually wins does it looks like we'll have another close race like we had in 2020. very difficult to predict who will win. we are encouraged by the account fapresident biden has a bad approval numbers on almost every
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issue. >> dana: mitch mcconnell, thank you, gl glad to have you. thank you so much. >> thanks, dana. >> jacqui: in just moments, the president is expected to give remarks. stay with us for that, we'll show you. plus debate in california over airport security lines, lawmakers arguing paying to skip the line for tsa is equity issue, critics are pushing being ba. bowel incontinence. but that changed when my urologist told me about axonics therapy. a long-lasting solution that has really changed my life. this is not another drug, and it works. visit to arrange an appointment with an expert physician to determine if axonics therapy is right for you.
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>> executives made decisions and they have be personally accountable and prosecuted, executives personally. that makes behavior change in
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boeing, if peoep face their decisions. >> dana: families of victims aboard the fatal 737 max flights. we are in washington, d.c. with the story. higrady. >> hi, dana, meeting this morning with the crash victims comeless as department of justice is reviewing agreement doj and boeing made after the two crashes as part of deferred prosecution agreement, boeing settled claims during the approval process for the 737 max. the company would avoid criminal charges if it met certain terms. families of the victim says the deal never should have been
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struck and they will tell officials they feel boeing hasn't held up its end of it. >> we will ask they don't dismiss the case and extend this agreement and have outside monitor look for fraud. box is good about writing paper and covering up what means nothing ultimately. >> in earnings report boeing said it lost 355 million after a series of recently incidents including in january. boeing outgoing ceo says we'll take time necessary to strengthen quality and safety management system and this work will position us for a stronger and more stable future. doj opened a separate criminal investigation into the blowout from january. >> dana: grady tremble, thank
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you. >> jacqui: new california bill threaten to ban clear from airports in the name of equity. clear let's people pay to skip the tsa line. they say it is unfair for wealthy people to get through. they are saying it is equity issue, but actual text of the bill says get your own lane or you cannot break in the airport. tsa has own line they have to pay. help us understand it. >> they want to make our lives more miserable at the airport. they say it is for the rich, annual fee is $189, if you travel frequently, that is not that much on per flight basis
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and a lot of credit cards pay the fee for you. >> you can pay for pre-check, too. >> exactly. in the name of equity, here we go. it will make your experience at the airport more miserable, i don't understand that. >> dana: california state senator newman, a democrat says it is basic equity issue when you see people being escorted in front of people who have waited a long time. >> if this was equity issue, make more competition and bring down prices, don't get rid of it. every product people couldn't afford became more accessible because of competition. it will bring prices up, clear pays $13 million per year to
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california airports to be there. if they don't pay that, guess who does? the airlines. guess who pays that? you do. >> dana: exactly. >> airlines oppose it. i don't understand, most airport clear uses tsa pre-check line. not like it is people in general boarding. >> dana: a lot of people are saying, what are you talking about. there are people who travel every week on the road and trying to get home for a little league game, maybe their company pays, there are other people who say i travel once a year, what is the big issue? >> if you say getting to pay to go through faster, why not ban air travel, who can afford air travel? >> that is next. >> only rich can afford that. go down equity rabbit whole, you go to absurd places and california wants to show us.
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taylor, sorry. >> i didn't know that. >> i moved from california to new york, from one problem into another problem. crazy bills come out of our state. i love the comment on competition. >> dana: let technology help. there are ways to get through the airport faster and throw your water bottle away before you get in there. crazy. thank you both, see you at c1:0. >> west virginia ramping up fight to protect women's sports, the action from the attorney general next. >> we are not going to stop, these are aggressive positions and would lead to disastrous co consequences. you know you can count on propane to make everything great. but did you know propane also powers school buses that produce lower emissions that lead to higher test scores? or that propane can cut your energy costs at home?
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more college campuses. the columbia president negotiating with those occupying the campus. plus, the judge could decide on alvin bragg's wish to initiate trump for alleged violation of a gag order. and they sent a big message that may have both presidential candidates concerned. congresswoman claudia tenney. jonathan turley. "the faulkner focus," the top of the hour. >> west virginia is set to announce new plans to protect female athletes. after an appeals court ruled that biological men playing women sports violates title ix. hey, alex. >> hi, jackie. they concluded that prohibiting a 13-year-old who identifies as a girl from competing is unconstitutional. those who feel that the ruling
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turns title ix on its head and discriminates against a very it was established to protect. they summed it up like this. >> they say the text of the title ix law itself demands that women include men and sports. discrimination on the basis of sex is illegal, and that means that there are no women's rights. you have to accommodate on the basis of gender ideology, which of course does not make any sense logically. >> president biden speaking now on the bill he's about to sign. >> it is going to make america safer. it's going to make the world safer. and it continues america's leadership in the world, and everyone knows that your gives vital support to america's partners so that they can defend themselves against threats to their sovereignty. and the lives of those citizens. investment in security because when our allies are stronger,
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and i want to make this again and again. when our allies are stronger, we are stronger. i'm grateful for all those in congress who voted for this bill. it had a difficult path to my desk. it should have been easier and gotten there sooner, but in the end matt, we rose to the moment. came together. we got it done. now we need to move fast. and we are. over two years, russia has been responsible for a brutal campaign against ukraine. they have killed tens of thousands of ukrainians. bombed hospitals, deliberately picks them out. kindergartens, tried to plunge ukraine into a cold, dark winter by striking their power grid. the ukrainians have fought back, defending their country and their families with extraordinary courage. many of you have been there with
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me many times. it's amazing what they do. it's amazing. against a larger military. ukraine has gained over half of the territory that russia took from them in this invasion, and they won important victories against russia's navy. but make no mistake about it. they are a fighting force with the will and the skill to win. the will and the skill to win. for months, blocking ada, ukraine has been running out of artillery shells and ammunition. meanwhile, keeping them well supplied. iran send them drones. ballistic missiles. china is providing components of know how to boost to their defense production. with all of the support russia has ramped up air strikes against ukrainian cities and critical infrastructure. raining down munitions on brave ukrainians, defending their homeland. now america is going to send ukraine the suppha


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