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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  April 24, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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it's amazing what they do. it's amazing. against a larger military. ukraine has gained over half of the territory that russia took from them in this invasion, and they won important victories against russia's navy. but make no mistake about it. they are a fighting force with the will and the skill to win. the will and the skill to win. for months, blocking ada, ukraine has been running out of artillery shells and ammunition. meanwhile, keeping them well supplied. iran send them drones. ballistic missiles. china is providing components of know how to boost to their defense production. with all of the support russia has ramped up air strikes against ukrainian cities and critical infrastructure. raining down munitions on brave ukrainians, defending their homeland. now america is going to send ukraine the supplies that they
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need to keep them in the fight. this weekend, the reports -- i find this amazing. the reports with cheers breaking out of the trenches. probably came from one of your folks. reporters or someone. not sure who it came from. cheering as they watch the house vote to support ukraine. it's not like they don't understand what we've done. not like they don't understand how critical this is for them. i making sure the shipment start right away. the next few hours, literally the next few hours, we are going to begin sending and equipment to ukraine. for air defense, for artillery, rocket systems, and armored vehicles. you know, this is literally an investment. not only for ukraine security, but in europe's security. and our own security. we are sending ukraine equipment from our own stockpiles. then replacing our stockpiles
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with new products made by american companies here in america. missiles made in arizona. made in alabama. artillery shells made in ohio, pennsylvania, texas. we are helping ukraine while at the same time investing in our own industrial base, strengthening our own national security, supporting jobs in nearly 40 states across america. you know, united states is not acting alone, to state the obvious. our allies in europe and around the world, constantly asking are we going to step up? we're not going to look away, are we? some of you have been in these international meetings with me. they are very concerned that if we fail to step up, lord only knows what will happen. we are all standing together against this brutal dictator. as i've argued for months, this is directly -- directly in the united states national security interest. if putin were to triumph in
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ukraine, the next move of russian forces could very well be a direct attack on a nato ally, and you will know that in article five, north atlantic tree would be the first thing that comes to mind, which declares an attack on one is an attack on all. if putin attacks a nato ally like he is attacking ukraine today, we would have no choice but to come to their aid, just like our nato allies came to our aid after the september 11th attacks. that's why we are supporting now ukraine to stop putin from drawing the united states into a war in europe in the future. you know, taking a little bit of a step back, realizing what a critical moment this was for the united states and for nato. this was an historical moment. the last two years, we've helped unify, strengthen, expanded nato. imagine if instead we had failed to step up now and support ukraine.
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all of that would have begun to unravel. and our national security would have been undermined. you know, putin started this w war. when that failed, he changed the strategy a little bit. break our will. well, he's failed again. we stand up against dictators. we bow to no one. certainly not vladimir putin. this bill also includes support for israel. just ten days ago, we saw them lunch over 100 missiles and drones at israel. because of them and others, no serious damage occurred. unprecedented attack. hamas, proxy is of their own
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attacks on israel. they fund these guys. my commitment to israel i want to make clear again is ironclad. the security of israel is critical. we will always make sure that israel has what it needs to defend themselves against iran. provide other critical -- so that they can never carry out the destruction that they attended with this attack ten days ago. at the same time, this bill significantly increases humanitarian assistance that we are sending to the innocent people of gaza who are suffering badly. suffering the consequences of this war that hamas started. trying to get as much aid to gaza as possible. this bill includes $1 million for additional humanitarian aid and gaza. we are having a meeting to secure that aid, including food, medical supplies, clean water.
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and israel must make sure all of this aid reaches the palestinians in gaza without delay. and everything we do is guided by the ultimate goal of bringing those hostages home, securing cease-fire, and setting the conditions for an enduring pe peace. you know, there is more that this bill does that you all now. including providing support to strengthen further our allies and partners. as well as humanitarian aid to places including haiti, sudan, somalia. if there is one thing this bill does not do, border security. you know, just this year we negotiated and agreed to the strongest border security bill this country has ever seen. it was bipartisan. should have been included in this bill, and i'm determined to get it done for the american people. we will go back to that at another moment, another time.
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this is a reminder. coming together, despite our differences. i want to thank everyone in congress who made it possible. especially the bipartisan leadership. speaker of the house, johnson. the leaders of schumer and mcconnell. we don't always agree, but when it matters most, they stepped up and did the right thing. and i mean this sincerely. history will remember this moment. for all the talk about how dysfunctional things are in washington, when you look over the past three years, we see that time and again, the times that we have come together. it has not always been easy, but when it is time to rebuild america, we did so. when it came time to invest in our semiconductor industry, protects the technologies of the future, we did that. when it came time to stand with ukraine and israel and help the people of gaza, we did that as well.
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at the end of the day, most of us, we believe that america must stand up for what is right. we don't walk away from our allies. we stand with them. we don't let tyrants win. we do not watch events unfold. we shape them. that is what it means to be the world superpower and the world's leading democracy. some of their maggot republicans reject that, but this makes it clear that is exactly what we will continue to deliver. no time to answer questions on this. >> mr. president, do you have a message? >> mr. president -- >> harris: just spend $95 billion of taxpayer money. much of the conversation about
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ukraine and getting aid in gaza to palestinians there during the israel-hamas war, but he left, saying that he is already late for this next engagement. then $95 billion foreign aid bill, the legislation which passed a 79-18 vote. that is a big lead into spending that kind of money, and the senate minority leader mitch mcconnell was talking about this just a short time ago. let's first go to that. >> actually, only 0.2% of our gross domestic product, so put in that context, it is not a whole lot of money for us, but it is very significant step for them because it gives them the more sophisticated weapons they need to hold the russians at b bay. >> harris: i have yet to hear a general on this program or
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even conversations i have off of it saying that much will help ukraine to sustain a victory. perhaps this will. we'll have to see, but i have yet to see the experts who have fought wars say so. but ukraine gets its money, and the president called on israel to make sure that the dollars reach the people of gaza. their military can do that. but no one has been able to force hamas to feed its own people. we will have to see what hap happens. let's start with this alert as well. can filled with israel hitting protesters supposed to be gone last night at midnight, not so. that's because columbia university has given the occupiers extra time. what he had hours to take down their tents. we may know just using control, and it does not look like it is columbia's president. the school is forcing jewish students and others who do not feel safe on campus to learn
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online. "columbia surrenders." they are in a horrible position. go to school in fear and danger or stay locked down on your device to get that very expensive ivy league degree in your own apartment. i'm harris faulkner. you are in the "the faulkner focus." they sought more protesting and hate on the streets last night. look at this video. [chanting] all right, you've been hearing essay on this program there is some uniformity in the certain things about how these people are protesting. growing concerns now that professionals in big far left dollars are promoting this huge wave of anti-semitism. the new york police department, city mayor eric adams, and students whose campuses have been taken over, all pointing to outside agitators. >> also, there are professional
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agitators in there that are just looking for something to be agitated about, to protest. >> there are people who are here. they latch onto any protest. >> there are people inside those tents who are not students who have no affiliation with the university, who are chanting to attack and kill jewish students. >> harris: wow. we saw the anti-jewish movement spark at columbia university, and now it is happening at more than half of our nations top universities. most of the east coast. look at that. one columbia student on "the focus" yesterday described it as toxic and unstable for jewish students. you just heard from him. and now claudia tenney is in focus. we get to her. he is at columbia. he's been in the middle of all of this when it got pretty tough out there.
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>> i have, harris. still continues today. columbia leadership may be trying to appease both sides with the student negotiations which come as more than 1,000 grad students, lecturers, and professors across the globe pledge to boycott columbia university. they feel the student protesters are peaceful, and they think the police should have never been called in and the first place, but n is really jewish professor barred from entering campus earlier this week has this warning about what is going on here. >> you start off slow, and you don't have to face any consequences, so you end up more and more until the other side gets to a breaking point and starts negotiating with you. this is how terrorism works. >> the university tells us "negotiations continued after students agreed to remove a
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significant number of tents and people not affiliated with columbia university from the encampment." students have agreed to prohibit discriminatory or harassing language at the encampment, which several jewish students feel is the epicenter of hateful rhetoric. >> i think a lot of them are scared, given i think the violent rhetoric of the pro-palestinian movement that's on campus and outside our doors constantly. there's a lot more fear on campus within the last week, certainly. >> people are now trying to trace the money trail, as you mention, harris, because similar is sex are showing up -- the right, protests at the university of michigan. and off campus, droves of pro-palestinian demonstrators continue to rally in support of students where we hear chands like this...
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>> israel, go to hell. >> it is right to rebel. >> israel, go to hell. >> mike johnson is set to speak with columbia jewish students today. we will be monitoring. baback to you. >> harris: wow, that is fair if you read the signs, but they were screaming "israel, go to hell." that sounds more anti-israel to me. calls are growing for the national guard to now get involved. republicans want foreign student visas revoked if students are involved in anti-semitic protest, like what you just heard it. you heard what they said. i repeated it. ron desantis said that he would send the doj if he were president. condemned of both anti-semitism and anti-arab and anti-muslim
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sentiment. and we are not seeing much of the latter, but the former, we are all seeing all over the country. josh gottheimer of new jersey went to columbia university and said this is not okay. >> imagine sending your child off to college and obviously spending a pretty penny for it, and they are not safe. you are worried if they are going to be safe. so i think that is unacceptable -- the rabbis are saying that they cannot even feel safe on the campus, and i think it echoes a huge responsibility now that many of my colleagues are calling for, that these university presidents across the country step up and provide a safe space for all students. >> harris: a divide inside the democratic party is on full display. we have seen thus forming. far left squad members, one of them alexandria ocasio-cortez posting this, calling in police
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enforcement on nonviolent demonstrations is escalatory, reckless, and a dangerous act. it represents a heinous failure of leadership that puts people's lives at risk. a professor was kicked off columbia's campus for leading a pro-israel protest fired back at her. watch this you need >> of chaos. this is not a peaceful protest. she is lying to the people. >> harris: in focus now, claudia tenney of the great state of new york. i tell you, new york city is something to see right now. what would you say to those jewish students on lockdown instead of being in class i columbia? >> first of all, we are all praying for them. i agree that this is an anti-israel protest. not necessarily a palestinian, and i agree with all the concerns about everyone. where is the money coming from? students for justice in
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palestine, funded by other 50 501c4, where we need to really crackdown on the spirit as a member of the ways and means committee, we had a hearing on this. there's a lot of dark money coming in. these are not grassroots. clearly preplanned at demonstrations, and i think we need to do another hearing to find out where this money is really coming from. first of all, the president needs to go. but let's get rid of their tax exemption if they are not going to stand up for students equally, and that will change a lot of the tunes of a lot of these universities that are getting all these taxpayer breaks, and there also getting money. money is where the rub is. that is one way to tackle this problem. that's why the outsiders are getting a lot of this money and doing nothing about it. >> harris: angus woman, i want to ask you about that dark mo
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money. people are saying this came out of nowhere. no. you don't get this many people to feel a certain way or to express that they do overnight. so this has been among us or potentially among us all along. >> oh, yeah. i noticed is back when i was running for congress in 2016. i had 11 universities in my old district. like nine or ten in my new one. rural upstate new york, very small jewish population, but this is all being funded by groups that are supporting the bds movement. sanctions movements. it is all very similar. and i think all of your commentators and people weighing in on this have seen just how similar everything looks, like it's a cookie-cutter, and it is, and it's been happening for a long time. this is what our enemies and propaganda look like.
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to use rush limbaugh's phrase, they are low information voters, scratching the surface. not really looking deeper. nor are the university professors. they are buying into this propaganda. we know some of it was on ti tiktok. tiktok was purveying all sorts of anti-semitic hatred. all after october 7th leading up to and after. i think you are right. it is not new. it is just growing. we need to take a stand, where the professors here take away the tax-exempt status. take away the funding mechanisms where they are doing a run around our nonprofit laws that prohibit the use of political speech. money makes it work, you know. >> harris: congresswoman, you have such like a really, really defined path ahead. and i don't know what congress can do to get involved, but there are some actual point to you just mention that could start in 15 minutes.
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>> ways and means. i serve on the committee. this is what we can do. we can do it through the irs. of course you've got to get democrats to agree. you've got to get a majority. a tough thing to do. >> harris: president biden is still planning to visit syracuse, new york. i want to get your response to that. the president will brag about his policy victories, as he calls them, while the community there is breathing. breathing. a police officer and a sheriff's deputy killed in the line of duty last week, and their funerals were just held this week. syracuse police chief says that apartment did not request the president delay his trip but did express concerns about the department's capacity to cover a presidential visit. that concern apparently when ignored, and the police union chief has a message. here it is. "this has probably been the worst week of our lives. for each and every one of us. we are just starting to grieve.
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can you give us a minute to catch our breath? weighing in on "the focus" yesterday. >> so many officers mourning the loss of their brothers and sisters in blue, and you see the president who simply does not have their back. >> harris: i want to get your response, congresswoman. >> look, we are all morning in upstate new york. i'm about 25 minutes away from where this incident occurred. they are in our prayers. the police came out -- it was absolutely an incredible tribute to these law-enforcement officers. we back the blue, support our police, and president biden is just proving that he is part of the defund and demoralize anti-police movement, and he's got to show some respect. the best thing is the police are cooperating and working with the secret service to make sure that the visit is safe, even though that's not something they would
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prefer. they're standing up, answering their call to serve, and i am just so honored to be among many of those friends in my community. >> harris: amen. they are the true essential workers. those heroes among us. thank you, angus congresswoman . we are waiting on whether former president trump violated the gag order, and if he did, what the punishment could be. calling out the judge, saying donald trump should be allowed to speak about those who publicly criticize him. he's got to be able to defend himself. "the daily caller" put it this way. double standard, but giving michael cohen free reign. attorney michael terrel on this program. >> this is an attempt to harm
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his election chances. nothing more, nothing less. it does not make a difference if this is unconstitutional. it does not make a difference of michael cohen can basically say whatever he wants. the goal is to hurt trump's chances. the public realizes, but that's the whole goal of this proceeding. >> harris: now let's go to jonathan turley, law professor at george washington university. fox news contributor. leo terrel and i were reacting in real time. and today, it is wednesday. what goes through your mind as you say what's going to happen with the gag order? >> he's going to find him in violation of the gag order. they are not really contesting that much about the statements the president made, but the order itself. the problem is the scope of the order. i agree with that. you can have a gag order that
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limits what you say about aspects of the trial, but extending to someone like michael cohen, it is just facially ridiculous. you've got michael cohen going on the air every night, not just opposing the president in this trial, but in the campaign. even after he testifies, the president cannot respond to him, so all these networks constantly have him on, and somehow he is in this bubble. he cannot be addressed by the candidate for the presidency. that's the type of thing where i'm critical of this a judge, the failure to realize the inequity of that arrangement. >> harris: maybe he recognizes. kind of you to say he doesn't, but what would you tell donald trump to do? >> i think he's got to comply with the gag order. this is a very weak case. they are trying to get him -- do
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not give them what they want. this case is based on no good law in my view, and you should let it collapse under its own weight. >> harris: i wrote that down. all right, jonathan turley. tomorrow, the u.s. supreme court, jonathan, is going to take a look at oral arguments over the former presidents immunity. and his claims of immunity in a federal election interference case. it could have far-reaching implications and future commander in chief. let's watch. >> i think this is the most significant moment for all of the trump trials. there is a really significant argument supporting the idea that the president should be immune because it is a very slippery slope when you start to look up all the decisions the president has to make and whether an opposing party can come into office and started to second-guess and criminalize these decisions, including military decisions and
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operations, things of that sort. >> harris: work of the u.s. supreme court do on this? >> i think it's doubtful that the court is going to go that far, and some of the arguments of absolute immunity. but they may be as disturbed by the sweeping arguments of immunity. this is an incrementalist courts. i think they will recognize that the president does need some protection, but if they come up with a more nuanced approach, you would still likely have to send this back. if it does that, it throws a real wrench into the works for special counsel jack smith. it would seem almost impossible at that point for him to have a trial before the election, and if trump is reelected, jack smith may never see a jury and either of these cases. >> harris: that's an excellent point. really and truly, we are getting there already. always good to have you in focus, and good to see you.
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thank you, jonathan. president biden's uncommitted problem is becoming more uncommitted than ever. will not go away. tens of thousands of voters in the key swing state of pennsylvania have joined the movement. "welcome aboard," some say. they are not slowing down the push to vote. say no to joe. voters outraged over very stubborn inflation now under president biden. >> during the trump years, i was able to afford things. i did not have the stress or anxiety about tomorrow. you know, just from eating and supporting myself. >> harris: did you hear what she just said? eating. eating has become a problem. and she was successful under trump erie new data showing millions more americans are struggling with hunger. that poses a big threat to biden come november. it's a threat now. look at those numbers.
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>> harris: primary voters in pennsylvania are sending a warner to both president biden and former president trump in the primary. biden again faced a large number of uncommitted voters. we don't know the exact total, but there are about 36,000 tallied compared to only 13,000 in 2020 without an organized protest vote. it's very organized this time across many states as you know if you progressive group says they are not slowing down. >> we've helped mobilize over 600,000 uncommitted votes. the next front in our fight for the uncommitted movement is going to be the maryland primary. we've got over 137,000 members, supporters in maryland. and we are going to be going all
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out to get them to vote uncommitted to send the president a message he cannot ignore. >> harris: yeah, he want to be able to ignore that. former president trump easily won the states primary, but nikki haley, who you know suspended her campaign, still got more than 156,000 votes. national correspondent bryan llenas is in philadelphia right now. >> harris, anti-israel squad members some really easily won her primary last night and pittsburgh against her pro-israel challenger. now, she has been supportive of the campaign. an early test to see how pro-palestinian progressive democrats could share among voters amid these anti-semitic protests all over the campuses. now, among the first to call for a cease-fire in gaza. voted against u.s. aid for
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israel and opposed house resolutions contending how my spirit >> there are a lot of people who wanted to convince us -- this movement is a movement that disavows all forms of hate. we disavow in western pennsylvania every form of anti-semitism or anti-blackness. >> meanwhile, officially set for november appeared dave mccormick released a digital ad attacking senator bob casey, claiming he is voted with president biden 98% of the time here democrats are out with a new ad today attacking mccormick as an out of touch millionaire who does not live full-time in pennsylvania. the presidential primary was a foregone conclusion here, so turnout was relatively low. this was also a close primary, which means 1.3 million registered independent voters could not weigh in. but there is currently a campaign to change that so that
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independent player left can have a voice in the nation's largest battleground state. >> we know that independents are less partisan. so bringing those folks into the elections broadens the base, creates a bigger governing metal, if you will, and makes better incentives for folks to get the job done when they get elected to office. >> between the 150,000 plus registered republicans who chose nikki haley over trump, both parties have a lot of work to do to coalesce their voter bases in pennsylvania. >> harris: i would guess the pennsylvanians are going to see a lot of both of those men. thank you very much, brian. great to see you. let's get a great debate now. doug collins from georgia and mark penn is here, former clinton advisor. democratic bowl stir. i'm going to start with you. uncommitted. they saved this our revolution
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group that you saw the director of a couple minutes ago says that the next battleground is going to be maryland. may 14th. they have 107,000 members that he says he is getting ready to mobilize to vote. just say no to joe. what's your reaction? >> my reaction is it is sort of a pop revolution, really. getting some uncommitted votes. they are not going to vote for donald trump. the uncommitted vote, frankly, is pretty small. 3%, 4%. it is smaller than the nikki haley vote. they have the democratic party pretty well consolidated. their beliefs by a minority of democrats. he is getting 90% democrats -- >> harris: but when you look at the sliver of difference, i don't know that democrats don't have anything to worry about with these people.
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we are getting into the hundreds of thousands potentially. in the primary vote in michigan. >> yeah, this may be -- i will agree with mark on this. the problem you have, where i will disagree with mark, and we are six months out. these primaries are over. nobody is really paying attention to them. they are making their protest noun. some republicans are too. the difference in a vote for nikki haley and trump is not a vote that would say i'm going to either stay away -- that is just two candidates. the uncommitted vote is a brilliant political ideological difference with the biden administration right now, and the one thing i have not heard from this revelation group, are they willing to set it out in the fall? this is just posturing before convention time as we'll go forward, so the real question
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is, the ideological component, is it a personality issue as opposed to ideological issues on the democratic side? >> harris: and would those votes go to robert kennedy jr. on the left? he somebody who can really kind of go in either direction with people because he can talk economy. he is definitely green. he says don't get it confused. i am a democrat. so it is going to be interesting. let's get to this. president biden might be bragging about his economy, but more americans are facing food insecurity. the united states department of agriculture says 17,000 households struggled to put food on the table in 2022, up more than 4 million from the year before. relentless inflation could have much to do with it. prices of every day things have also ordered a sense biden took office. and the latest fox foul finds that more than half of americans say they are worse off
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financially than they were before his administration. voters say this. >> my grocery bill has more than doubled, and i get less. every single thing has gone up under biden. >> high prices. it is almost $150. under trump, i could actually afford some groceries. >> we had money. we don't have money now. >> harris: wow. did you catch that? pennsylvania. scranton, no doubt. how uphill of the climate is this going to be for biden? >> it is something he is going to have to overcome because people are talking about real life hand in pocket money issues, and it doesn't matter how great you say the economy is. if they are seeing these kinds of things, that will turn elections because they are voting with literally their pocketbook. >> harris: mark? >> i agree.
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food prices are higher, and they are blaming president biden, and he's got to do something before the election. the vote on the economy, he's not winning that right now. >> harris: we are going in the wrong direction with that again. you have to admit there is a problem before you can solve one, and he won't even go that far. >> yeah, exactly, and i think that's the problem mark just alluded to. but anything he does right now probably will not have the long-term effects he is looking for because of the past eras and economic policy is that i think most are saying -- it is a problem that is just going to last. >> harris: all right, gentlemen, i will bring you back. great to see you today. well, some disturbing news for the president as outrage over anti-semitic protesting coming from both sides of the political aisle. jared moscowitz draws this comparison.
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>> we were mad years ago when we saw charlottesville. "jews will not replace us." i know that people saying this are not white aryan males with tiki torches, but they are saying similar things. >> harris: nearly exactly what he criticized president trump for in 2017. we are going to have a full discussion on this. jason chaffetz in focus, next. ♪ ♪ ♪ with fastsigns, create factory grade visual solutions to perfect your process. ♪ fastsigns. make your statement™.
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>> i condemn the anti-semitic protest. i also condemn those who don't even understand what's going on with the palestinians. >> i have condemned neo-nazis. i have condemned many different groups, but not all of those people were neo-nazis. believe me. not all of them were white supremacists. i think there is blame on both sides. you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. >> with those words, the president of the united states assigned moral equivalence
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between the spreading hate and those who have the courage to stand against it. >> harris: i asked my team to play all of his words from that day, and you can see how the president extrapolated just a few for his own political cause. and many others too in the democratic party. it was a thing which you could plainly see what he set for yourself. and you can plainly see what president biden has said, giving a pass to a group now that is hating on israel. president biden finding himself between a rock and a hard place. harshly criticized president trump's words. now president biden faces a similar backlash on the anti-protests exploding over what he is saying now. jared moscowitz points out similarities between anti-israel
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protesters and neo-nazis. >> we were met years ago when we saw charlottesville. "jews will not replace us." or donald trump saying mexicans are rapists. i know that people saying this are not white males with tiki torches, but they have the same messages. >> harris: hate across the board, but this current crowd is getting a pass. why is that. all of that playing has background for the president who is now set to deliver two commencement addresses, one at morehouse, and the united states military academy in west point, new york. trying to salvage the youth v vote. jason chaffetz, fox news contributor. jason. >> the promise of joe biden was to bring the country together.
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he was supposed to be the adult in the room who had decades of experience. that was a lie because here's an opportunity to go out and actually condemn violence and the hateful rhetoric, and he's not doing it, and he's trying to play both sides. he is not principled in his approach, and people can see right through that. >> harris: why does one side get a pass? it is hate, hate, hate, but we stopped just short of giving consequences for speech that's not protected. >> good on the congressmen for actually calling it out for what it is. he did a great job of going out and saying there's a problem on our side, and you have joe biden, kamala harris -- >> harris: what about chuck schumer? >> chuck schumer. how about president obama. he is a graduate of columbia university. violence. and it's deafening.
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>> harris: the political playbook with a headline, why biden is blase about the campuses. just not stressing out about what is in the groves of academics, viewing it as a phenomenon that has drawn a disproportionate amount of media coverage to its relevance. wow. you know, the arm that raises a ton of money for democrats is that anything that brings chaos to the democratic brand is detrimental to the biden campaign. there is a little dose of honesty for you, jason. >> yeah, the lack of principle will always get you in trouble because if you think you can just ride this one out, be quiet about it, people are calling for the death and destruction of other americans and other people in the united states of america, and they are silent about this?
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they think they can write it out over the weekend? this is going to go away? they need to call out hate when they see it. it is so fundamentally wrong. it's a total lack of leadership. >> harris: i am curious to know, with everything that's breaking, where is the movements on the left for jews in america? have they calculated losing any of that vote? it is almost like -- this would be voting against their own interests. >> yeah, how many jewish american votes for the democratic party at this point, i have no idea. it used to be when i was in congress just literally a few years ago, we were so united in our support for israel. and jews in this country has been prosecuted and persecuted as much as any religious group out there, but there is a
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fundamental right in the united states to practice your religion. the way these students are treated, the lack of respect, the hateful speech, and zero consequences. that is what is a shame. if there were consequences, we would have a different equation. >> harris: we don't know where it is growing too. if this jumps, we don't now. it could be anything. insurgents that are paying for this, so on and so forth. it just gets bigger. a new "fox nation" limited series, "surviving a serial killer," drops april 30th. next tuesday. the story of 17-year-old, at the time, lisa mcveigh, abducted by florida serial killer bobby joe long. that was a big name at the time. a vicious killer, notorious. and police were hunting him. with little success until a
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teenager miraculously escaped with her life. she tells me her brief story. >> i knew you had to sign this guy. he is out there. he is going to hurt other girls. >> lisa was desperate for someone, anyone, to believe her story. >> so i go down to the police station, feel like no one is believing me. >> harris: lisa finally found the one person who believed her, and it's a good thing too. investigators soon realized that her story was just one piece of a much larger, deadly puzzle. >> harris: he had killed before it lisa and after until they caught him with her help. watch great survivor talk with grit.
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now for "outnumbered." ♪ ♪
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