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tv   America Reports  FOX News  April 24, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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unambiguous terms. again, we have to make a distinction between you know what is legitimate free-speech inquiry protest and debate ferociously contested ideas, that is one thing. and of course, also, a recognition of the pain that is driving so much of the passion around the issues in the middle east. whether we are talking about the pain that was caused by the violence the murder and the kidnappings on october 7th, that reverberated through israel and throughout so many jewish communities, or the pain of the many, many people including the many, many children, who have lost their lives in gaza. it is one thing to recognize that, it's another to see expressions of hate to the idea a student for reasons having nothing to do with any role, it's not like they are policymakers, especially to storming the idea a student would be targeted and harassed simply because they are jewish or simply because they look jewish. that you know, for the same
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reasons it is horrifying when we have seen in moments both since october 7th and through our lifetimes moments with students who are arab or look arab are targeted for harassment or for violence. any time you see any of that it has to be confronted. as again i would emphasize it has been confronted in the most unequivocal terms by the president of the united states. >> sandra: it looks like some of the local reps are weighing in on what they are seeing there. obviously them message of anti-semitism will not be tolerated here. sounds like the office of the dean of students there and often has warned they cannot occupy the campus and are saying arrests could be made. so we are watching this happen live together and mr. secretary, really appreciate you joining us today as eat we continue to watch this play out really appreciate your time, sir. >> thank you. >> john: appreciate it see you again soon. >> sandra: we will continue watching that scene on austin, texas, is now we wait for this white house press briefing this
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will be key obviously to watch for continued reaction from the administration karine jean-pierre will take questions. obviously as we watch that chaos in austin take place on your screen, the university by the way is saying they cannot do this on campus. that is happening, john. it does not look like they are listening to that message. so we will continue to watch what happens they are in austin and we will see if there's any any white house reaction shortly. hello and welcome, everybody, and other breaking news afternoon i'm sandra smith in new york. >> john: i'm john roberts in washington and this is "america reports." a little more on the university of texas there, protesters had occupied the administration building and tried to shut it down. we don't know if they are still in there or if they have been cleared out by campus police. but these protests have spread to more than 25 of the top colleges in the u.s. moments ago is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu wade in comparing the scenes in america
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to nazi germany listen to this. >> anti-semitic mobs have taken over universities. they attacked jewish students, they attacked jewish faculty. this is reminiscent of what happened in german universities in the 1930s. it is unconscionable. it has to be stopped. >> john: let's check in with alexis mcadams live at new york university, signs of a lot of protest in washington square park what is going on today, alexis? >> hey, john, you can see right behind me there are some groups of students showing up here at the location where they are planning to do more protests starting at social media with a few dozen people they are planning to maybe speak i guess with some microphones we were told kind of about how they want their school here to stop putting up boards and stop preventing these protests and support the palestinian people. they want this university, and why you come to divest from israel. let's take a live look on what is happening across the country. this is some wild new video
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coming out of university of texas campus. look there, done in center, hundreds of students walking out of class at the university of texas rally today in support of palestine saying they will occupy the south lawn of that campus according to reports. students are marching near the campus, state troopers are on that scene, and some reports from the palestine solidarity committee riding class is canceled as they reclaim their space. calling for emergency action, that rally was organized in the past few days saying they want to follow in the footsteps of their comrades at columbia as jp, rutgers, new brunswick, yale, and countless others across the nation so this is how it spreads. it spreads quickly. we want to look at fox now at columbia, nyu, yale, protests there popping up most of them have been what police have set up and peaceful throughout the day so far. over at columbia we know there will be a lot of activity there on the ground, the nypd remains on high alert after just the other day campuses across the city agitators were mixed into those crowds. they say they were trying to
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bring in weapons and ignite confrontation with police. house speaker mike johnson is set to be out there at columbia so we will keep you posted on what happens there, john, john. >> john: alexis mcadams there for us, thank you so much. back to awesome now because these scenes, sandra, are becoming quite remarkable. don't forget this is not far away from the governor's office as well. we see texas dps on how it done my course pack. campus police are there as well and the police are determined it would seem to not let these protesters get out of control. >> sandra: it looks like there is a pretty big contingent of counter protesting happening there as you can see a lot of the israeli flags draped around some of these students as well. john, we were just alerted to this a short time ago, but we were watching for this walk out to happen. this is pretty big. you go back to the conversation with jerry baker about these are the kids who are not in the classroom.
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there are obviously jewish students who have to walk through this and many of them have joined us fearing for their safety, fearing for the lives. because they do hear the threats and they hear the anti-semitic rhetoric on these college campuses. but ut austin, this is a live look of what is happening right now, john. >> and police are there on horseback and with quite a large presence to stop what we saw at other campuses across the country in the last few days with fires being lit and computations happening between both sides. there was one jewish students hoped in the eye with a palestinian flag. there is harassment that has been taking place, a lot of anti-semitic tropes thrown around as well. so even though austin is sometimes described i think is the capital of texas by reality, that the police in the state of texas are not going to let this get anywhere near out of control. so it seems to be pretty
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peaceful now, but there is no question there's a lot of folks there and then a time that many people get together it's always a potential flash point for something to happen. >> we will continue to report on this and will bring you any new information from austin as we get it, now this. >> we must protect our young, opportunities for women and girls are precious. we must take advantage of every one of them. and every time a biological male competes, he takes away an opportunity from a biological girl. >> that was moments ago west virginia attorney general patrick morrissey they're teaming up with riley gains in the state's ongoing fight to protect women and women's sports. the biden administration made sweeping rule changes to title ix happen just last week. joining us now is former ncaa swimmer riley gains and uptake contributor and attorney general, thank you for coming on. it seems there is a story every
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single day where girls, women feel threatened in their various port, those teenagers there with the shot put and a show of protests just spinning and walking off their competition because they did not think they had a chance. i mean, this has gone viral and west virginia. riley, to you first. i know you made the point why does it have to be 12, 13, 14-year-old girl standing up and being the adults in the room? >> i am still trying to figure that out but let me just say i could not be more proud of these girls. again, 13 and 14 years old they are in middle school yet they are the ones who are forced to be the adults in the room to advocate for their own rights to equal opportunity, safety, and privacy which were once insured by title ix but now of course that is under threat and once were insured by the law and west virginia, but now with the circuit court of appeals ruling it's all under threat which sets of course a terrible precedent to all of that to say could not
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be more proud, could not be more inspired by these girls. ultimately that's what reminds me, revitalizes me, it reminds me what we are fighting for. it's girls just like emily salerno and the other four girls who decided not to compete against a boy when given the opportunity. >> mr. attorney general what is your message here as this continues to be a reality for so many girls in this nation facing biological males in their locker rooms in many cases? why aren't there more people sticking up for them especially these girls that are going through this at such a young a age? >> i think i want everyone in west virginia to cross the country to know that there are people standing up and they will fight for the rights of those young women. what we saw last week with those five young girls stepping up, i think that should be replicated across the country. but the stakes on this case and a lot of these issues, they cannot be any higher.
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right now we have 25 states in the country where a lot of these laws are going to get tested. that's one of the reasons why today we now have announced we are going to take this case all the way up to the u.s. supreme court. because we have to win not only to protect women's sports, but to protect women's privacy. to protect safe spaces. to have just a sense of basic fairness and decency so that people once again no it's not up to debate there are significant differences between men and women and it is right for a legislature to separate sports and other functions on the basis of biology. >> riley, are you optimistic? >> of course i am. look, i believe truth and sanity will always prevail from a worldly sense, but i'm optimistic more importantly from an internal sense because the bible tells us the outcome and being a christian that's all the reassurance that i need is what
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keeps me grounded. it's what keeps a smile on my face and allows me to have an incredibly lighthearted. i see people like me salerno fighting attorney general morrissey, people are waking up. they are understanding the severity. their understanding the threat. they understand how the gender ideology movement harms of course women's rights but parental rights. it harms the safeguarding of children. so people are waking up. that's what we need. we need more courage to be shown that it is for sure. i think we are governed by finalist morally bankrupt cowards across academia and across corporate america of course within our government. what have you. so we need more leaders is what we need. >> sandra: i know you guys are fighting the good fight for women and girls all over this country right now. mr. attorney general, riley, thank you very much for standing up for them. appreciate you joining us, thank you. >> thank you so much. >> john: we are waiting for the white house to brief along the chaos on college campuses
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nationwide we will jump in if the conversation goes to the protests plus this. because the university of columbia has terkel presidents right now and it is rashida clade and ilhan omar. the universe who just decided they don't care about your safety. >> sandra: support from far left officials emboldening anti-israel protesters on his college campuses out kick columnist mary catherine hamm is here and she says she would rather have her kids be indoctrinated in sec football van hamas friendly ideology. she is next. kubota orange days. it's the year's biggest selection of kubota tractors, zero-turn mowers and utility vehicles, including the #1 selling compact tractor in the usa. plus, the year's best deals, like 0% apr for 84 months, or up to $3,300 off select compact tractors. orange goes all day; sale's ending soon. visit your local dealer today.
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>> some pro-israeli folks and other protesters as well the university of texas. we talked about this even though it's often it is still texas. texas dps is here university of boston police are here as well. according to the local school newspapers the texas horn which is the conservative publication and the daily texan, a couple of arrests have artie been made. we do not know the circumstances under which those arrests were made but it looks like authorities in texas will not let this evolve in the way the authorities so to speak at places like columbia university and yale let it evolve. they are keeping quite a lid on this as it continues to be a boisterous crowd from what we can see so far. a peaceful, but we do not know it led to these arrests. there were some people who tried to get into the administration building and did. may be blocked people from doing their jobs there. that may have had some thing to do with it. we will watch the situation and
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bring everyone the latest. >> sandra: this is the big difference from what we have seen in the immediate presence of police and security in the department of public safety and be on campus and there is the very direct message to those occupying this area of the university that they are not allowed to be there and there will be consequences to that. you are noting the reporting they are already a couple of arrests made. also from our field producer on the ground large group of people marching with signs and palestine signs you can see chanting free palestine. she also heard overheard someone saying this is our generation's vietnam. i wonder too if we could pick up some of the chanting or any of the sound of their let's listen for a second. so, middle of the school day, john, they are not in the
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classroom. >> yeah. >> sandra: let's see what they do about this. the university did to send out a message they knew this walkout was coming. they were told not to do it, and arrests would eventually be made if they did. i suspect the following minutes and hours will be very telling. >> john: we will keep an eye on this and see how it all evolves. >> sandra: meanwhile in one week high school students will decide when they are going to college. the anti-israel protests are affecting that and the costs. the college tuition fees of 859% since 1983. wo. box news correspondent is live from chicago, very inexpensive school, what are we learning? >> sander that number you mentioned is four times the rate of inflation.
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we know in the same time period inflation has increased just over 200%. if you want to go to school like u chicago it will run you about $41,000 up the cost for just tuition and fees at a private university for this current school year. if you would like to attend a public university the average tuition for the school year is $11,000. couple that with the highest borrowing costs in 15 years. federal student debt interest rates are mandated by federal law. not that affirmativ departm education, for the next academic year we can estimate we will see a rate of 6.61% based on the april auction. again, those official numbers will be determined next month. not only is that up from 5.5% this year these are recession of level.
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6.8% which increases every academic year through 2014 where it began to fluctuate. interest on government student loans for undergraduates is capped at 8.25%. according to the new york federal reserve for every $1 received by higher education institutions, in the subsidized loans tuition increases by $0.60. the white house has relieved about a hundred $53 billion in student loans comes to $1.6 trillion remains in outstanding payments. >> sandra: on the southside of chicago, thank you so much. john? >> it mary catherine for more on this. this is more of a shocking sign of the times. brand dice university says it is extending its transfer window for any jewish students at yale or columbia or cornell or nyu who want to transfer over to a safer environment. here is what marc thiessen remarked. >> can you imagine if
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howard university had to announce it was extending its transfer deadline because black students at columbia felt unsafe and they needed a safe place to study? why is it okay to do this to jewish students and do things to do students that no one would tolerate? if it was being done to african american students in this country? >> he makes a very good point. >> he does make a very good point and also the market is speaking here a bit. get out and try to get a refund. if they are not serving the needs i have been very, very happy to send them to state schools and to be electricians and welders but they are not going iv on my dime because when you're looking at the cost-benefit analysis these people are paying 70000-$80,000 may be $20,000 for room and board and this is what they get? even the students who want to learn of these institutions right now are being kept from doing so. those columbia protests, and there should be wide latitude for speech on campus, right? even if i find that speech detestable.
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be one not all jews should die. >> and all the students yelling all night so these other students can't get done what they need to get done if you like columbia is an announcement of what has been happening where it's like a formal transition from an institution that is dedicated to inquiry and learning to one dedicated to activism. they want full remote on captive so my classes they say or that was the announcement the other day. good luck with that. and they decided we will opt out of the in-person teaching because we are intimidated by this crew. we will not stand up to them here and we let the monster we created get to too large and we cannot run a university now that's what they are telling you and you should react to that. spiel on the whole thing with ivy league starting with harvard and up on capitol hill university of pennsylvania and a lot of people now are looking at these ivy league schools saying why should we go there? they are increasingly looking to the south and when you joked on x he said my chosen to
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indoctrinate my children into sec football instead of hamas friendly ideology looking better every day. our encampments come with wings and corn hole and set of and a lot of evangelicals in the south feel a real affinity to israel. >> they do and we call our equipments tailgates, they are great you should come on by. and we dismantle them every saturday and put them away nicely. but know this is a big terrace between ivy leagues and what you see in sec school where there is 016 schools being investigated for anti-semitic incidents is there are very clear rules for your protest is allowed to do this. your speech is welcome. we are a university. we are into that. however you will not do these other things and there will be consequences when you do those other things. at vanderbilt there were suspensions and expulsions over it. ben sasse and i am loath to praise the university of florida because i went to university of
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georgia, go dogs, but they were clear from october 7th on this is how we will do with us and welcome speech but lay down the law when it came to not speech. >> john: very big eight contradiction between what the white house is saying about biden trying to have it both ways and what members of the squad are saying like aoc saying at the by an event coming up praising the protesters listen to what ilhan omar said in minnesota last night. >> i am incredibly moved by her courage and bravery as a student body inputting your bodies on the line to stand in solidarity to end the genocide taking place in gaza at this moment. >> john: they are waving their terrible towels if you are a pittsburgh fan and saying "go team" what about the idea of student -- jewish students being harassed and feeling threatened not safe on campus, anti-semitism? they are delineating saying oh, we will ignore that all of that is happening and we will say rock, rock, go.
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>> they agree with their cause so it doesn't matter and they will say you are mischaracterizing but i don't think we are mischaracterizing at perry we seen quite a bit of incidents that go far beyond speech, but the other part of this is although you welcome wide latitude for speech you don't have to endorse it as a leader, right? a lot of these guys and if it was an attack and these messages were coming from the right against jews. they will be asking for a denunciation. >> john: can you imagine? >> sandra: it's not like every student at these gatherings is a bigot, there are small parts like charlottesville and people should stand up and say that's bad that's not too much to have. >> john: lovely to have your take. police on horseback at university of texas trying to keep order, thank you so much, appreciate it. sander? >> sandra: we are monitoring another development at ufc are we going to university of
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southern california los angeles? okay, that is the supreme court. okay we are monitoring a couple of big cases there i will get to that in just a moment here we wanted to alert and on these life pictures out of usc. i wanted to highlight what we saw there a few moments ago, some police confrontation there as well, protesters gathering, tents are going up on campus there and this particular protest at usc los angeles comes as the university canceled they are pro-palestine valedictorian for the 2024 commencement ceremony citing safety concerns. there was a planned and called for a walk out on campus they are, you can see the police presence and the number of people were growing on the lawn at the campus a short time ago so we are monitoring these developing stories out of austin and now los angeles at usc as well, john. >> john: plus awaiting a judge's decision on whether former president trump violated a gag order in his hush money
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trial, former attorney brett tolman on how this can play out.
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don't wait, go straight to to fox news alert in texas, growing number of students engaging in this walkout protest that obviously is spreading from the ivy league to other universities. there in austin some students are reporting there has been a standoff on the main drag of campus between protesters and the department of public safety. as you can see, but troopers on horseback have entered the campus there. university has sent out a letter saying this will not be tolerated and there will be consequences for these students walking out on the campus there. bike cops and state police on horseback moved into the crowd. we are told from folks on the ground there that they are being shouted down, the police, as
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fascists and currently they are hearing "let her go" so this is live at the university of texas perry we will keep watching this for you, john? >> john: and i am assuming "let her go" refers to one of the people that have been arrested by the university authorities there or the texas dps. will keep watching this for you. >> sandra: meanwhile supreme court is hearing arguments on another abortion case this time it is on whether idaho's full abortion ban applies to women needing emergency care. shannon bream says more on this and what we are learning today. a-determiner >> sander, this was to be an hour-long program and it went for almost her go and it got very heated at certain points. it's not often you see justice is really going at each other in some sense from the bench but it felt that way at times. there was a long prolonged period of questioning when justice sotomayor was really pushing the attorney for idaho, the state at the center of this case, they argued the near total
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ban on abortion their applies and fits with the federal law. this federal law is about emergency care for people who show up back in 1986 it was passed if they come to emergency room and need stabilizing care at the point is you cannot make it amount money. it does not matter if they have insurance on the money to pay, this guarantees that hospitals who take medicare money have to provide emergency care for anyone who shows up. now they had biden administration's making the argument that means if someone shows up for an abortion in an emergency situation that these hospitals have to provide it. they say that is in conflict with idaho's very strict abortion law so they are suing idaho. but what turned out to be the case is it turns out there is not much of a conflict between and the courthouse to figure that out if there really is. there were stories today about one being transferred out, sent to different states because they cannot get the care they needed in idaho, idaho argues if a woman's life is in jeopardy her physical health then doctors can
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make the choice to perform an abortion. implications for dozens of states out there have passed really tough abortion law so sandra, we will see but the end of june what the just missed the justices ultimately decide. >> sandra: i think john was jumping in there? okay. >> or not. >> sandra: shannon, thank you very much. it will be a big week and a big day tomorrow as well, thank you. >> sure thing, you got it. >> we will sit on the couch in front of the tv with the switcher for like 45 minutes debating which netflix show should we start streaming [laughter] >> john: vice president kamala harris seems to be letting her hair down increasingly and it seems more moments like that one may be on the way. charlie hurst joins his rea reaction.
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speed to vice president, harris is giving in an interview today to drew barrymore. no word if it's pressing issues like the war in gaza will come up, let's bring in "the washington times" open an editor and fox news contributor. charlie, good to see. >> always good to see you. >> she is the border czar so naturally he would ask about chaos at the border but i don't know. i have seen drew barrymore's interviews i am not suspecting this will be the case. >> yeah, i'm kind of doubtful any of that will come up, but it's a reminder how fundamentally unserious these people are and how fundamentally unserious kamala harris and joe biden are when you look around at these very, very serious problems around the world. if you are concerned about ukraine or the border or economy, well, these people could be doing something about it, but it is almost like it doesn't even register. >> sandra: they don't want to
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be asked about a-determiner. as we look at these live pictures out of austin, texas, we know the president is coming to new york tomorrow and there are no plans to visit the campus at columbia where students have appeared right here on this program and said they don't feel safe, their lives are threatened? they are being spent on. avenue speaker of the house mike johnson heading there today, he will be speaking at 3:45 p.m. he is paying a visit but the president as we know right now this white house press briefing happening has no plans to do so. these are the pressing interviews she is giving lately. this is the vice president on astrology, charlie, and her family's streaming habits these are real things. >> i am a libra. my husband of the libra. and, doug, he will talk about the fact that it is libraness how we will sit on the couch in front of the tv with the switcher for 45 minutes debating
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which netflix show should we start streaming. [laughter] >> sandra: nothing on the border or the economy. this is the same podcast she talked about shoeless airline passengers. >> if they take their shoes off and then crossed her legs so therefore it is dangling right in front of you? just especially if they are cyclists. >> sockless people in an airport it's unbearable. >> let me tell you what happened to me she's clipping her toenails and i'm rather alarmed and looking around to see if does she have a collection place where she is collecting these toenails? >> sandra: that's discussing. i don't how promises it looks she will engage in any pressing interviews with drew barrymore, charlie. >> no matter how much i may agree on one topic, it is a real problem. but it is not a problem when you start looking around the world. and i think a lot of it is an indication. the only reason joe biden won
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the presidency is because he had the press on his side and they did everything they could to to get them into the white house. but even the regular press, they can't even do interviews with them anymore because there are so many of these problems. they are so obvious and so undeniable -- go to go do interviews with drew barrymore instead -- >> sandra: have you seen she gets real close and she holds a lot of people's hands. very emotional. >> i think she's often crying. >> sandra: by the way earlier this week in a string of softer focus interviews, she detailed the history of her hairstyles and blood buzzfeed's cocoa butter hair stories, if you could finish with these kind of a last thought i know you've been watching these protests that have been happening. ut. >> these are some of the most privileged people on the planet. there at some of the most prestigious universities.
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the ignorance that exudes like every interview you here with these people -- >> sandra: they are all in face masks. so many and face masks. >> it's ignorance and it's so depressing. we are losing the educational war against everybody else. >> sandra: that you have, charlie, great to see you. john? >> john: big day on the hill after the senate overwhelmingly passes a $95 billion foreign aid package our allies overseas are overjoyed but what is in it for taxpaying americans question what the breakdown with victoria coates former deputy security advisor to trump coming up next. . with his risk factors his recommended ldl-c level should be below 55. find out if you're living in the red. learn how to get a free ldl-c test. want to save money and get cash? for veteran homeowners, it's easy as 1-2-3. one: call newday and apply. two: take out an average of
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's going all right we are following in the university of southern california campus in los angeles, protesting against the israeli war in gaza, our william la jeunesse is watching this in our l.a. bureau with the latest. >> john, l.a.p.d. is not there yet. we are told they are on their way however there is about 100 protesters there at the main campus at usc. we are told there are students mixed with some "outsiders" and we do not know exactly what the administration has done in terms of their marching orders for
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both campus police as well as l.a.p.d. whether they will clear them out which is happening in texas or whether they will be allowed to stay to put up their tents and so forth as i have been told by our photographer who is on the scene they have brought tents as well. let's move over if you don't mind to university of texas really quickly. because what is happening there is really different than what happened in new york. obviously you see some heavily armed dps officers have been moved in, called in by the dean of students and the administrators to clear a large gathering of protesters on the main campus right in front of the ut tower and there have been 2-4 arrests so far, jon perry we have been told according to local reports at least two of those are students. this palestine solidarity committee at ut has been told prior that this will not be allowed to proceed as planned and i will quote they were written by the administration
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"simply put the university of texas will not allow this to be taking place to derail our mission in ways that groups affiliate with the organization have done elsewhere." so you can see what is happening at university of texas is different then what we see at several other campuses. >> john: that protest seems to be dispersing as well and from what we see there are more police then protesters at the moment at least in that area. william, thank you for the update we will be right back.
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's view on the senate finally aligns with the house overwhelmingly passing the $95 billion in foreign aid for ukraine, israel, and taiwan, but it leaves many u.s. taxpayers wondering what is in it for us? let's bring in victoria coates from national advisor to president trump. vladimir live zelenskyy's one person happy to see this, here is what he told us here. >> i want to thank you for such a significant support. very important support. president biden to congress, to
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mike johnson, bipartisan sup support. i hope president biden will sign the law, w is so important, crucial for our lives. otherwise they will push us back. >> john: he is happy about it, but you are saying wait a second here. >> and president zelenskyy's right to be happy about it from his perspective, he does need the support and he is also correct there is broad bipartisan support for giving assistance to ukraine. we at the heritage foundation certainly understand the desirability of pushing back on vladimir putin. our problem, john, is the way this is budgeted which is not president zelenskyy's concern. all the simple models have been rammed through as emergency. and certainly an argument could be made in 2022 right after the war started it was an emergency and we are now well over two years into it and i don't think our children and grandchildren should have to take on another $60 billion in debt because we
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can't get this budgeted properly. we knew last year this would be coming. >> john: you are saying countries like china are looking really have the u.s. in an advantageous position? >> i mean we look at china and of course russia and iran are not making decisions independent of beijing at this point. so we see the tumult in the middle east and what is going on in ukraine as something china sanctions. when they see us on top of that burning our economy with yet more debt which they know dampens our economic might, they see this as a win. >> john: i want to put up a map of russian-occupied areas are persia, and hair salon, things have not changed much. is this package of the munitions going to help out? >> i hope so. it will take times to implement when they came in in january of this year they said the
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ukrainians had essentially taken back half the territory that putin had grabbed and that may be what we are looking at going forward which is a decision for the ukrainians but certainly if they are starting to lose gr ground, you know, we have to ask at some point, have we gotten to the point of our greatest return? >> john: it looks like hold the grand and maybe negotiate a solution at some point. i want to ask you about this because this dovetails and everything we've been talking about today. you are giving a speech at your alma mater, the university of pennsylvania, tomorrow. and it is to talk about free speech. you have how much security traveling with you? >> unfortunately three levels between the campus police and the philadelphia cops and then the personal security detail, which is deeply sobering, john. in 2024 for me to go to my own campus and to talk about free speech, talk about why anti-semitism is a problem, that
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we have to confront in this country, i need armed guards. something is wrong. that means speech is not free, that means i have to pay, heritage has to pay, the city of philadelphia has to pay for me to be able to speak my mind. that is a dangerous situation. if we look at every thing from columbia to texas to california, this is a big problem for the united states. >> john: we wish you great troubles and i hope they take good care of you. they give are coming in, sandra, how about that? >> sandra: great discussion, john, as we are alerted to these pictures we have the usc, tents going up on campus there we have been covering that, john. we just came out of the live pictures in austin, texas, come we are also now being told about a growing presence of pro-palestinian protesters on the harvard campus. that they have established an encampment in the harvard yard shutting it down. john, true to say every hour every day we are seeing more and
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more of these protests emerge. >> john: what victoria was saying the fact she is going to u penn which of course was a focus of anti-semitism after that capitol hill hearing with the presidents of you pen and harvard and mit, and she is going to have probably an 11 member if not more security detail to protect her giving a speech about free speech. really it's indicative of just the deteriorating situation when it comes to security and the tolerance of other voices on these campuses. and when you take a look how this has grown on the university of southern california, which is my wife's alma mater, clearly the message has gone out far and wide and erica adams, the mayor of new york thinks it is a lot of coordination and organization to it to get out there and say
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damn the authorities, damn the rules. >> sandra: karine jean-pierre will take the podium soon and we will monitor that for reaction to the white house speaker mike johnson and those at columbia, university here in new york is going to be speaking there that is effected at 3:45 p.m. eastern time, john. >> john: we will monitor the situation in austin as well i don't know if we have the life pictures up on that but it looks like police have cleared out a lot of the protesters, they are there at many different levels. we have the campus police, we have state troopers in riot gear come we have texas dps on bicycle and officers on foot as well. they will not let that get out of control. >> sandra: that's a live shot we expect to see the speaker of the house shortly and i am in for neil so our coverage will continue with martha, think of returning as i'm sandra smith. >> john: i am john roberts "the


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