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tv   The Five  FOX News  April 24, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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we need to pass legislation in congress, including the anti-semitism awareness act, and to stop anti-semitism on college campuses immediately. >> sandra: it is just incredible, the number of students we have spoken to on this program at our program this afternoon that go to school there that don't feel safe, they can't walk through the campus without receiving threats to their face. this, you know, drastic action is going to have to take place eventually if this continues, and i know that you are questioning whether or not this is the president to take that. thank you very much for joining us. >> as you can hear behind me, we have some folks engaged in these protests. what they don't seem to understand is anti-zionism is, in fact, anti-semitism. >> sandra: we hear you, congressman. thank you for joining us. our coverage will continue. i'm sandra smith. thanks for joining us. ♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: hello, everyone. i'm judge jeanine pirro along
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with harold ford jr., dana perino, jesse watters, and tyrus. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ calls for cuddling the university president mahmoud chu feick to resign are growing louder and louder after she surrendered her campus to pro-terrorist agitators, making life odder hell for jewish students, giving the protesters another 48 hours to dismantle their anti-israel tent city. jewish columbia students have been fearing for their safety as they have endured slogans like "i am hamas," and it is only getting worse. so far 8,000 pro-hamas protests have popped up in more than 850 cities in the u.s. universities in texas and california becoming the latest hotbeds of radicalism. with dozens arrested.
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but america's coward in chief could condemn all of this. but today, joe biden was in front of a microphone at a podium at two separate events, yet he walked away when pressed on it. >> mr. president -- >> the protesters on campus. >> mr. president. >> judge jeanine: contrast that with house speaker mike johnson. he showed some real chutzpah going into the lion's den of columbia to speak with jewish students. >> columbia has allowed this lawless agitators to take over, the virus of anti-semitism has spread across other campuses. i am here joining my colleagues in calling on president shafik to resign if she cannot immediately bring order to this chaos. enjoy your free speech. >> jesse: 5 but the radical protesters aren't just on campus.
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both alec baldwin and new york city mayor eric adams have been harassed while out in public by lunatics shouting pro-palestinian slogans. >> can you please say free palestine one time? why did you kill that lady? you killed that lady and got no jail time? [bleep] israel, [bleep] zionism. please say it. one time. >> mayor eric adams. yes. [bleep] you. you support the genocide in palestine. all over new york. you are always partying. you don't actually care about the citizens of new york. >> judge jeanine: all right, jesse, i'll start with you. you have the radical left-wing protesters saying they want another 48 hours on campus. you repeatedly your jewish students saying they don't feel safe and columbia has moved hybrid for the rest of the school year. i mean, sounds to me like the left is in charge. >> jesse: what's chutzpah again, jeanine? yiddish, right?
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>> judge jeanine: i like it. >> jesse: these presidents were on capitol hill just last month saying if you say "kill the jews," that's against our harassment policy. harvard lady was fired because she couldn't say it. and now these people are just outright shattering the policy and they are not enforcing the policy. they are negotiating with them. i remember there was a president, dana, see if you can remember, he said either you are with us or against us. okay, you do not negotiate with terrorists. they are now negotiating with terrorists because what they are having a hard time figuring out is this oppression hierarchy. are the jews more oppressed than the muslims? and when you live in a world where you see everybody is oppressed or oppressed, that's an inside straight beat carico pair? they can't figure out who to side with. we had a psychiatrist on last night to explain why most of the
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people are female that are leading this protest, and she said because females -- i think i can speak for the women at the table -- go >> judge jeanine: you cannot. >> jesse: are generally nurturing people. and when their professors are giving them better grades for their social activism, they are trying to appeal to the teachers, and they have been told they are oppressed as women, and they identify with the palestinians, and they are trying to hug them and nurture them. this is not, what i said, judge, this is what my guest, who is a clinical psychologist -- >> judge jeanine: thanks for repeating it. >> jesse: because they are single, they are not nurturing their boyfriends. their boyfriends have been described as toxic. so they are trying to nurture other people. and i saw this happen in 2020. remember there were these black lives matter riots. and what everybody did was let them fester. and so they have seen what they can get away with, and now you see it is spreading to the west coast, you see it spreading to texas, and they are going to
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do this because they know they are not going to be held accountable. i know there has been a lot of talk about me being awarded an honorary doctorate by columbia. because i am such a man of letters. i want to say preemptively, i will not accept this honorary doctorate as a matter of principle, so let's just put that to bed right now. thank you, tyrus. >> judge jeanine: you know what, i'm going to go to dana now. i suspect that dana will agree with me that you do not speak for the women at this table. but the important question i want to ask dana is this. look, you have joe biden, who gives a talk, who comments on the bill that was signed, the law banning tiktok and the mo money. the omnibus bill, the bunny that was going to ukraine, et cetera. but at the beginning of the speech, he says, and i'll answer questions. and at the end of the speech, he walks away, answers no questions, and yet mike johnson is out there saying this is wrong, this is america, thank god you have free speech. >> dana: it really is remarkable.
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apparently the president can't answer questions unless he is out with marine one whirring in the background and reporters shouting questions at him. axios reported this week that he is the only president in living memory to not grant a single interview to one of the major newspapers in the oval office, and apparently he's not going to, and it makes me think, even though he should debate and i have believed there will be a debate, i think that maybe they think he can't do it. that's my only explanation. here's this one, which is now, for three days, they have had an opportunity for him to say something on camera directly to the jewish students and parents into the rest of us who are concerned about them about this growing outrage. and he decides to say nothing. don't just take it from us. "politico"'s headline today, the biden team is blase about it and the campaign says we don't think it will hurt us in the campaign. what is your principal? you are the leader of the free world. you are supposed to be the one who helps us never forget. and yet here you have students who are hiding.
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i do take issue with the clinical psychologist because i believe that women can be hateful hatemongers just as much as men can, and -- >> jesse: i definitely agree with that. >> tyrus: hear, hear. write that down. >> judge jeanine: no max before they are not taking the rate out at the embassies, they are taking the rage out on jewish students and the universities who have them ther. i do think one other thing i just want to mention, i support the idea that if you are arrested, even if you don't get a summons or you don't get prosecuted, if you're on a student visa, you are out and if you are not on a student visa, your name is crossed off any loan forgiveness for the rest of your life. my last point is this. nypd is reporting a lot of ages of the people who are being arrested. they are 25, 27, 28, 29 years old. these are not your typical undergrad, so who are these people? they should be arrested and prosecuted. >> judge jeanine: you know, tyrus, one of the things i think is very disconcerting to so many people is free palestine, long
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live the and for tyler, the palestinians uprising and killing the jews, from the river to the sea, are these students so shallow that they didn't know that gaza is its own entity? they elected hamas to rule them. >> tyrus: a lot of things that make me upset. even we are doing it. pro-hamas terrorism -- take the pro -- where is the guts? hamas terrorists are at the school. why do we keep calling them pro? why? they are not pro. "i am hamas." if i said "i am a black camp know my panther," me and harold are black panthers, jesse, 1%, you are in, we would be treatedt me at work. if i decided overnight to identify as a nazi and i am are present in nazis today, how many commercial breaks what i make, jesse? >> jesse: ? >> jesse: zero. >> tyrus: i would be gone.
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we have to stop with the pro. they are not going to change. these are not young kids. these are pamphlet protesters who for some reason they have circled -- here is the deal. the way this stuff works, black america needs to pay attention because it usually runs downhill. they will start with one group and then they will start with us. when is it going to be the mind? just in the last couple years, women have been under attack, being a man's man is being under attack, and now, basically, jews, everything that is wrong with them -- it doesn't matter whether you are pro israel or not, if you are a father, husband, a son, a wife, mother, and seeing what happened on october 7th, there should be no question to support them. absolutely no question. but when they say pro -- start calling them what they are. it's what they want to be. let them experience it. let's start getting a list of actual charges pressed. hey, real quick, the president, who did walk away good, he went in the right direction when he left, because as we know he is
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very sharp. >> judge jeanine: clearly. you know, the whole idea of the curriculum in these ivy league universities has changed, and i think it is almost -- this is one of the things that may lead to a rejection of the ivy league colleges and more kids applying to clemson and some of the other universities. these elite universities, they have lost credibility, as will their graduates going forward. >> harold: first, it is good to be back around the table. i'm not convinced how long terms will be but you can bear with me, right, i'm going to say what i have said for the last several days and align with everything around the table. there is no place for threats, violence, or identifying as a terrorist. every president should have every right to err on the side of their code of conduct. if their code of conduct is ambiguous in any way, err on the side of protecting your students. be they jewish students, be they not jewish students, black students, i don't care what, your job is to protect your students.
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two, i'm glad the president signed the bill today. it provides aid to ukraine. it provides aid to our friends in israel. it provides aid to our asian allies as they try to counter china. and it was a bipartisan coalition to pass it. the president deserves credit. >> johnson deserves credit. i'm not sharp i was speaker johnson i would have gone to columbia's campus today. i would have said it from the house floor. but he had every right along with his colleagues to do that. i hope happened now is what you are saying around the table vehicle it is hypocritical for republicans who get really partisan about this issue to try to make this about democrats when almost a third of republicans did not support the bill to provide aid to israel. equally so, it's hypocritical of democrats and president biden to say things about black lives matter, to say things when george floyd happened, but not to say something and respond when you are walking off after giving a press conference. if we don't have the courageous politicians -- and i am a former politician, a recovering politician, frankly would love to go back -- must be five oh!
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make an announcement? >> harold: i love the business of politics and public service. if we don't have the decency to say threats and violence have no place, you can say you are for the palestinian people or a two-state solution, but be totally against those who are aligning themselves with hamas or threatening and engaging in violent acts against jewish people in this country, around the world. what are you? i say to the white house on the president, may be the president did not hear the question, i give him the benefit of the dellwood. >> judge jeanine: harold, you are wrong. >> harold: let me finish my point, i give everybody the benefit of the doubt. difficult going forward if there is not a statement from the white house on this issue condemning the violence condemning the threats and condemning any student who says or for that matter any professor who is teaching, as you said so well, tyrus, it is hamas. you cannot say you are a black panther or you are in isis and not be arrested, this is wrong,
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and they should be speaking about it. >> judge jeanine: i want to make one thing clear. joe biden before he went out and spoke about that bill giving the money away and about the bytedance, divesting itself from tiktok, said, "i will take questions on this later," and he never did. where the audio is clear. there was no marine one in the background. everybody was teed out. he said he would take questions and he didn't. >> harold: i'm saying -- go >> judge jeanine: because you are giving him the benefit of the doubt and i am telling you what the facts are. >> harold: i'm giving -- >> judge jeanine: you are not giving -- >> harold: the longer they don't see it, the less credibility they will have. >> judge jeanine: up next, the liberal media definitely needs some therapy. the sickos want to see president trump locked up. ♪ ♪ -so, what's the code? -it says 547. 5-well, that's not working. dad, she really needs to pee. [baby crying] we're gonna get in in a minute, okay?
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♪ ♪ >> dana: donald trump could become the first president in history to go to jail in the media is chairing it on. at any moment we could hear from the judge on whether he thinks the former president violated his gag order in his hush money criminal trial. prosecutors want to slap trump with a $1,000 fine for each of the ten alleged violations and they want all offending posts removed. what they are not asking for his jail time. the press, on the other hand, is outright demanding it. >> the fine is not going to deter what incarceration will. if i were the trial judge, yes, i would impose jail time if donald trump continues to attack jurors and/or witnesses or even court personnel. then the judge will really have no choice. but to incarcerate him. that could be for an afternoon
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or overnight. >> i would give him two weeks of home confinement with an ankle bracelet. he is a good boy during those two weeks and he does not violate the gag order, we can take off the ankle bracelet. >> dana: and we could have gone on. though it's unlikely trump will be thrown in the slammer, his secret service has reported they had preliminary discussions on what to do if he were. it's unbelievable, judge. what do you think merchan is waiting for in his gag order? >> judge jeanine: i don't know what's taking so long but the prosecutors that asked for meetings with federal state and city officials regarding what would happen if trump were to be sent to jail, and then all of a sudden the prosecutors come out and they say, you know, we are not looking for jail time against the president for the gag order. and these people are idiots, i mean, they don't understand the criminal justice system. they are fools, okay? number one, the guy a 77 years old. number two commits a class e felony. the most you can get is four years. number three, the guy does not
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have a criminal record. the last thing you would do a sentence this man to jail. but having said all that, i looked at the order where donald trump is gagged and the order says three things. that donald trump cannot make or direct others to make public statements. he cannot make or direct others to make public statements about counsel. and he cannot make or direct others to make public statements about a prospective juror. okay? mall i also looked up every one of the tweets that the president on truth social supposedly sent that violate allegedly the gag order. there is no violation because he did not make or direct. all he did was repost things that andy mccarthy said, that jonathan turley said, that the editorial board said, that michael avenatti said. that jesse watters said. >> jesse: who is that? >> judge jeanine: there is no violation of the gag order, period, and of the story appeared >> dana: what do you
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think, harold? are you giving the judge of the president of the doubt? >> harold: i give the president benefit of the doubt in this regard. that's just the kind of guy i am. if the president as a defendant, he is still un-american. if he gets a precedent that is set then we all are able to follow it. he is special but he is not super american because of that, too. i would only send him to jail -- i would lay out clearly to him. if you attack a juror, identify a juror, or endanger a juror, or you do the same to court personnel, i'd released us to the public, you will be jailed, period. the other stuff will be thousand dollar fines. i can take a little criticism myself. i think michael cohen, who has been -- i don't understand why presidents not present from can't say things about michael cohen because michael cohen has said things. but if you are going to say anything about a juror, if i were that judge, anything about court personnel or their
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families, you endanger them, i don't care what your name is or what job you served in before, you are an american. you will go to jail. other than that, i'd find him and we get on with the trial. >> dana: jesse watters? >> jesse: i mean, teflon don is a silly little sucker. he survived bankruptcy, access hollywood, the russia hoax, impeachment, january 6th, he was left for dead and the man has got nine lives, and the democrats know he is such a threat because he beat hillary and the only reason he lost a biden was because of covid and the cia and fbi -- >> harold: he didn't get as many votes. >> jesse: they see him as a threat because he can play on their turf and the rust belt and can play in their base with blacks, hispanics, young people. so they have decided to stop politicking and they just want to incarcerate the guy and they caught him. they trapped him in a cage, we call it a courtroom but it is a cage and he is like -- they are sending -- looking at him like an animal, man, his hair is really orange, look at his eyes
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and his lips, he is angry, he is mad, he is upset, watching him. they are not providing any sort of legal analysis. joy reid went down there, different than i thought he was. it is like a zoo creature. what happens with king con? boom, going to bust out of this cage eventually, cannot keep him down. >> tyrus: he took a white woman on top of a building and it was frowned upon in the '40s. >> jesse: i saw the end of that movie. >> tyrus: it was a bad day for king cons everywhere. >> jesse: king kong 2 was a little different. >> dana: tyrus -- what did you think of that media montage? >> tyrus: oh, man, jesse with king con is just completely blowing my mind. i think, to quote "star wars," i think the problem is they want to put him in jail. desperately, the judgments to put them in jail.
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a little cleverer than i thought. on this when they are a week, not woke. it is the risk worth the reward with president trump. he is a martyr. repuican, going to rally thea base, the independents are less, the libertarians, this man is being put in jail for what is nothing. we have literally seen where people have said horrible things about our supreme court justices outside their house and we are still waiting for them to be arrested. now you are seeing, going to lock him up. they are just doing the campaigning for him and that is why they are struggling. you want to fight him $1,000, the dude just dropped two halliburton's of almost a billion dollars, and you think that is going to hurt him? it is not. they are stuck right now, they made a big move, expected to scare him and old don was like, do what you've got to do. >> jesse: should they put him in jail protecting a juror? >> tyrus: yes, but they didn't
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wait -- >> judge jeanine: whoa, whoa, whoa, where did he attack the juror? >> harold: asking a quiet stand, hypothetical. >> harold: judge, this is what i would lay out -- >> judge jeanine: the judge -- >> tyrus: the judge already laid it out. but under this gag order, trump did not violate it. >> jesse: are you sure king kong died -- speeder he got on the building and they shot him down. it was 1946. we have come a long way from then. [laughter] >> dana: kim kardashian getting on the trump train again? the reality start offering some kind words for the former president. ♪ ♪
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>> 2024 we are going to make donald trump a loser again. >> just inject a little bleach into their veins. [laughter] he missed it. it all went to his hair. >> i shouldn't have said that. >> think about the guys you grew up with that he would like to give them to a corner, straight left. not suggesting we hit the president. imagine what we could do next. four more years. >> jesse: tough guy joe biden is talking a big game about beating donald trump both at the ballot box and with a left hook. as usual, it was all bark and no bite. biden pulled a ron burgundy by reading the instruction paws on the teleprompter. and he is confused on who the real loser is here for a new batch of polls in key swing states shows biden trailing former president trump in 6 out of 7 of them. some democratic strategists think joe biden is faltering because he lost his superpower
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of empathy. speaking of empathy, kim kardashian thinks trump has it in spades. >> how are y you and donald trup right now? i think on the outs, right? no good? >> listen, i don't think he likes me very much. but i'm okay. you know, i think he did amazing stuff with prison reform and let a lot of people out and signed an amazing bill, the first step act, so that's what i'll focus on. >> jesse: stop discussion. judge jeanine, this is a new form we are seeing from joe biden. trying to trigger the former president come hit him with a left. do you think that is going to pan out? >> judge jeanine: i tell you, what's going to deliver the final punch to joe biden is the economy. we've got 17 million households in this country who are struggling to afford food. when people can't afford food they get really angry, and part of the reason -- >> jesse: had angry. >> judge jeanine: part of the reason they can't afford food is
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because joe biden has put so much money into the economy and joe has to stop spending money and stop giving it away but he doesn't care, he thinks he is buying everybody and buying votes. he keeps telling us inflation is up only 3% or 4%, when the truth is, he, because of joe biden, we don't include food or gas in inflation. and right now, groceries are up 30%, rents are higher, interests are higher. homelessness is increasing. and credit cards are charged to the max for the first time in american history, this is the highest ever. it's a record high. and people are taking money out of their 401(k)s. while illegals get money and the veterans don't and we pay for pensions for employees in the u.k. -- in ukraine -- and lost s are hungry, joel makes sure that 10 million, 11 million illegals get their food. people are going to be angry,
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not so much about kim. maybe it is because of taylor going for biden, who knows what it is. but the truth is he is going to lose on this. >> jesse: your plastic is not maxed out yet? >> judge jeanine: no. >> jesse: no limit. we were always hearing about this big post state of the union joe biden bounce. looks like it is dead now, according to bloomberg. >> dana: also, biden, he can articulate all the polls where he is up but he can't articulate a message to jewish students at america's campuses? i mean, that is where i draw the line and giving him the benefit of the doubt. there is also this whole idea of the empathy superpower. i think it is a myth. >> jesse: i do too. >> dana: i think that ended with the withdrawal from afghanistan. that might have been the point. his poll numbers have never recovered since then. remember east palestine? you have to own the good polls and the bad polls. that is why you have democrats
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concerned. they tell him he needs to be more fiery. and fire and yelling shows energy. i'm not sure that's going to work. >> jesse: do you think that came across well? >> tyrus: i think it came across mine, jesse! how did i do, dana? listen, this whole election is going to come down facts or feelings. biden on feelings. he has roe up on the wall because he knows what stop the red wave was an emotional response to what was going on with roe vs. wade. his whole thing is going to be feelings. so as we get closer and we know republicans, much like my sweet boston celtics, do not know how to maintain a lead. so we will do something. we will emotionally fire up his base, and the ones who are going to stay home or maybe think about crossing the line, they will emotionally be connected because republicans, we got to get on a feelings tour. we got to start, take some steps
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back, split the diff. president trump is the one right of the now of the two that i think and bring the sides together -- crazy idea -- by may be giving the democrats for ther independents something they want to be a good judge thought this was crazy when i threw this at her. needs to think about having a different perspective on roe vs. wade. if you take that away from the biden campaign, what do they got? then people will start worrying about economy and the cost of eggs and things like that, but you have to get the emotional side to vote for you. it can't just be facts, in my opinion. >> jesse: let's go to the most emotional man at the table. >> harold: absolutely. we are in the second inning of a ball game and the polls do not look good for president biden. they did not look good in the first inning and now we are in the second inning. we are at a time where the electorate is clearly unhappy and unsettled. unhappy with both candidates, to be candid about it. but it looks as if we are stuck with these candidates here. after what happened to your point, tyrus come in 2022 and
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2023 elections, i think we should all show some pause as we look at these issues. but dana, i think, nailed it at the outset. president trump's reelection for lsr about the economy, and it is about -- you have to have the e, looking as if it is growing. i think abortion and the reproductive rights issue is powerful. it is more powerful than i thought, frankly, in 2022 and 2023 at i think it sustains itself. but i have always identified three dates, memorial day weekend, fourth of july, and really by the last week of august because kids are starting to go back to school in big parts of the country, not where we live, jesse, with our kids, you all went back to school early in louisiana where i am from end. what is the cost of food and gas at fourth of july and food and gas in electronics and things not included -- and then you get to the home stretch come september and october. if the economy is not in a better position for everyday
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americans, you cannot tell someone come of the numbers say you are doing better than you a. there are a lot of politicians at home we said that. you have to have an economy that is moving in the right direction, costs coming down, the things you talked about, judge, repeatedly on the show including groceries, if that is not the case we would be having a very different conversation come mid-august to mid-september. >> jesse: really good to have you back on the table. >> tyrus: giving me the benefit of the doubt. >> dana: always. >> jesse: up next, joe biden bounce tiktok as we know it. ♪ ♪ of bringing textile manufacturing back to america. we're taking the best fibers our farm can produce, spinning it at one location, weaving it, then finally into a cut and sewn product. there's value in buying american made it has a real life impact up and down the supply chain. we want our customers to feel how special this product is, right when they open the box. go to and receive 20% off
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♪ limu emu ♪ ♪ and doug ♪ hello, ghostbusters. it's doug... ... of doug and limu. we help people customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. anyway, we got a bit of a situation here. ♪ uh-huh. uh-huh. ♪ [ metal groans] sure, i can hold. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty liberty liberty liberty ♪ ghostbusters: frozen empire. in theaters now. ♪ ♪ >> harold: tiktok is on the chopping block. president biden signing into the law a bill that forces the social media giants chin chinese-owned company bytedance -- trying to read here -- to sell or face a ban. they have nine months to sell the wildly popular at that has
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over 170 million users. but tiktok bows they will take the biden administration to court. >> it is at this point that there does not need to be a defining -- it is ironic because the freedom of expression on tiktok reflect the same american values that make the united states a beacon of freedom. rest assured, we aren't going anywhere. >> harold: despite biden signing the bill, his campaign says they will stay on tiktok. former president trump is blasting biden over the band saying "just so everyone knows, especially the young people, crooked joe biden is responsible for banning tiktok." judge, your thoughts on this? is it a national security threat? should the congress have done it? and what do you make of biden staying on it? >> judge jeanine: look, i'm not privy to national security information -- >> harold: that has never stopped you before. >> judge jeanine: i'm not giving the benefit of the doubt. look, there is a problem. there is a first amendment
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problem and that is what he was talking about. they are going to sue on the basis of the first amendment and free speech. meta gains if bytedance has to divest itself. here is the question. why are they banning tiktok? okay, they say it is addictive and they say the information is being collected by the chinese government, and that's why they are mandating a sale within the next nine months. silencing the 170 million people and the right to free speech. i don't know much more about it than that. >> harold: so meta and our social media giants, dana, they are not allowed in china. so tiktok come in some ways it is reciprocity pits before i have good news for everyone. when the tiktok guy says rest assured we are not going anywhere, that's true. even if the sale goes through, tiktok is allowed to continue. you can have all your videos and all of your nonsense and all your great information, whatever you get there, but this was something that happened to another very popular social media site. i've never been on it. it's called grindr.
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to the same thing, owned by chinese company, made them solid, nobody stops going on that app because of it. if the exact same thing. ask yourself, why does china care so much? why are they going to the mat like this? why do they want to fight it so much? they want the information. the other thing is if you look at the difference between the anti-semitism that is pushed on tiktok versus the videos that you see on instagram and reels, it is vastly different. that is one of the things you will hear from anybody who is up there at columbia or nyu or any of these campuses. by a lot of that is coming from there and it is being -- any sort of pro-israel content is being suppressed. why would they do that and why would they fight? you can be rest assured, tiktok is going to exist. it will be seamless to the consumer. you won't even know. >> harold: t? >> tyrus: as a parent, this is a joke. this is laughable. you are just passing one bad person over -- the differences china is not getting information but let's not be fooled.
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instagram, facebook, they are the same thing. even elon with x with what they are doing to our children, if they really cared about monitoring the internet, there is a little thing called the algorithm. those algorithms can tell you how old you are, what you are doing, what you are purchasing. so there was a pedophile sending something, they know it. they know how old your kid is when he gets online and says he is 18 anna pronhub, then emails and the rabbit holes. this is an absolute joke. if you cared about doing something on social media, tiktok is one stream. we have an ocean just garbage out there. though if you are really going to do something, you want to start sex trafficking, you want to stop the drugs, the fentanyl stuff, it is all in social media. they are making these deals online, these predators -- jesse, if you and i made an app on any one of the social medias saying we are a 13-year-old girl, we would have 40-year-old
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man hollering at us in less than 15 minutes. >> jesse: holler at me. >> tyrus: to get a dish a pig but don't fly straight. >> harold: prime time? >> jesse: a clarification of something that was said in the b block on behalf of the table i would like to apologize for everybody else being wrong about king kong. >> tyrus: 1933 -- >> jesse: kong lives, kong versus godzilla, kong lives. apology accepted. i consider myself a pretty emotionally intelligent person. i thought i -- >> tyrus: let's take a vote. >> jesse: nobody knows me better than tiktok. i go on just to see what's going on. i start a deep dive. next thing i know i'm just showered with videos of cute 30-year-old women -- >> judge jeanine: g, what -- >> jesse: dancing to hippy hop. i think to myself, why? that's my wife.
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they know me really well and that is what is scary. >> harold: mark warner and marco rubio both agreed we should do this, so i'm in support of this. no hollywood blockbusters for you. jerry seinfeld is declaring that "the movie business is over." ♪ ♪ ♪ when you're a small business owner, your to-do list can be...a lot. ♪ [ cellphone whooshes ] [ sighs ] that's why progressive makes it easy to save with a commercial auto quote online so you can take on all your others to-dos. already did. see if you could save at
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♪ ♪ >> tyrus: there you go, jesse, get them up there, that's how we do it. what's the deal with hollywood? jerry seinfeld says the movie business is toast. he said "film doesn't occupy the pinnacle and social, cultural hierarchy that it did for most of our lives. when a movie came out, it was good, we all went to see it, we all discussed it, val quoted the minds of scenes we like. okay, he is missing one point. we haven't had good movies. >> judge jeanine: that's exactly -- >> tyrus: we have not had an "godfather," not an arnold schwarzenegger movie with one great line. what movies. we have had some good movies this summer. "barbie" did well, "oppenheimer," and "godzilla versus king kong" was phen phenomenal. >> jesse: who survived? >> tyrus: everybody survived.
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we have to go quick around here. do you believe movies are dead, yes or no? >> judge jeanine: no. >> tyrus: harold? >> harold: quality writing is alive but the movies, tv and everything, so much good stuff there. >> judge jeanine: there are movies on tv. >> tyrus: benefit of the doubt, yes or no. >> harold: the movie business as we know it is over, yes. >> jesse: you can buy a surround sound home studio for not a lot of money. >> tyrus: pennies on the dollar. >> judge jeanine: talking about movies or movie business. >> tyrus: dana, go. >> dana: i think seinfeld is right. >> tyrus: always read books, right? >> dana: that's right. better than the movie, anyway. >> harold: extend the answer -- >> tyrus: overruled. >> judge jeanine: movies or movie theaters? >> tyrus: judge, overruled. "one more thing" is up next. [laughter] ♪ ♪ life, diabetes, there's no slowing down. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady.
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glucerna. bring on the day.
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♪ ♪ screen jean it's time now for "one more thing," hit it,
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harold. [laughter] >> harold: a group of brave samaritans pulled a man to safety from his burning car in minnesota. group had just witnessed the driver's sufficient, look at this, veer off the road and hit a light pole before catching fire. people pulled over to help the man. dash cam video captured the moment they pulled him through the window right before the flames engulfed their car. blessedly the driver avoided serious injury. jesse, hit it. >> jesse: you know what? not that there is anything wrong with that. >> judge jeanine: no, there isn't. >> jesse: happy birthday, emma's mom has a big birthday today. there she is with one of our children i'm not sure which one that is. we love her very much. great mom, great sister. great-grandmother. >> dana: great pictures for. >> jesse: happy birthday, jan. now backing up into 9:00 a.m. on the 27 in vero beach going to be a long one.
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>> tyrus: where is that north of palm beach. a little too north because i'm staying in palm beach and annoyed about my logistical. >> tyrus: we want the crowd to come out though. tonight, "jesse watters primetime," we have speaker johnson, john loved and adam carolla 8:00. >> dana: have you seen this taylor swift video? i bet your children have. watch. people have been talking about this. but, here's this dog doing the same thing, watch. is there no music, guys? that's kind of boring. i'm supposed to talk over it. well, i don't know what the song is. >> tyrus: sing it. hit it, jesse. >> dana: hit it, taylor. okay. that's all i got. >> judge jeanine: have you ever wanted to work out with the money la lisa or desmilo you are in look. the famous luverne museum. >> jesse: how do you say it. >> a way to call sports ahead the summer olympics.
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per regions take part in four 10 minute classes earlier today as part of a course named run in the louvre. the activities included yoga, dance, stair climbing and running in different rooms and none of them were climate changers. all right. tyrus. >> tyrus: hit it! [laughter] >> tyrus: check out seagulls screeching contest in belgium. 9-year-old from england. much better. speaking of better. check out check out my tyrus comedy tour in states all over the country. >> jesse: where are you going to be the 27th 6 september. >> tyrus: i be where i be and that's all you need to know. cities everywhere. >> judge jeanine: illinois. >> tyrus: judge, do you have a bird call? >> judge jeanine: no. an owl? ♪ >> shannon: good evening, welcome to washington. i'm shannon bream in for bret baier. breaking tonight aan


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