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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  April 24, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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>> shannon: check this out. a very special day. >> we can definitely help you escape because sometimes this place can be chaotic and you will just get caught up in a lot of stuff going on around here. reading is just like that place that just brings you back. >> shannon: every week, group of depaul university peers head to cook county jail in chicago to discuss books with inmates. comes one thought provoking questions about everyone reads. one rule of the club no questions permitted about why any of these members are in jail. just a discussion. tomorrow on "special report," our second installment in toxic towns looks at nuclear waste. i'm shannon bream. "the ingraham angle" is up next. that's it from washington
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thank you for joining us, losing control. that's the focus of tonight's angle. now, the democrat establishment, i think they always assumed that they could control the crazies on the left without our help. but, what if that's not true? [shouting] >> don't touch them. don't touch them. [whistle] >> don't touch them. [shouting] [whistle] >> knock it off. knock it off. >> one of the protesters was arrested and put into that squad car you see right there. the car was then surrounded by protesters demanding "let him go. let him go. let him go." it appears that they might actually be letting him go. there was pushing and shoving, cursing, swearing. a great deal of anger. and then this arrest. >> there is now a physical clash between students and police. >> laura: the pro-hamas movement is catching on at college campuses coast to coast. it's moving faster than stds.
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this is a new generation of activists who consider george floyd a hero and most of them think america is just down right racist. and now they are feeling emboldened because as social liberals and left wing radicals they believe they're always going to have cover from the liberals who are running our colleges and universities. >> well, we have this encampment that has shown solidarity with each other. with other colleges, with the palestinian people. and that is something that the administration cannot take away from us. the way they have been treating us as if we were strangers in our own campus i think they haven't been teaching us what we are applying here at this' encampment. >> laura: i love the mask. last night columbia university gave the upper hand to protesters who were given a deadline to disband. remove the tents but then the administration buckled. >> that deadline came and went. hours later, the university spokesperson said they made enough progress to where they feel they can push back that deadline by 48 hours.
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>> laura: 48 hours? ha ha. now, some of these activists are ignorantly just supporting hamas. i mean, most of them do not even know what hamas is. but some are vicious anti-semite and others are just bored and i think they are desperate to maybe find boyfriend, girlfriend or just meaning in their lives. students who work hard to be in school. most of them can't afford to be involved in this nonsense. they can't afford to skip classes or not study for exams and scream from the river to the sea on camera. this angry campus occupation is filled with entitled kids, poorly raised, who live in a natural state of entitlement and sloth. who needs class work? mommy and daddy will still slip me the keys to the beamer. they know that college officials are ideological joined at the hip with them. so punishment is not going to be coming any time soon. after all, remember, it was obama himself who encouraged young people to be community
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organizers. that was one of his final speeches that he gave as president. and they know they have campus and city law enforcement in a box. >> these moments, sometimes, of law enforcement moving in actually creates sometimes a moment of escalation. >> we cannot put police officers, especially nonuniversity police officers, as we have seen in some of these jurisdictions, just out there fully armed, terrifying students. we don't have to treat the protesters as enemies. we don't want to get to defcon one in an hour. lawyer the truth is, just as dr. frankenstein's monster eventually came for him, the democrats' creation, these hateful pro-hamas activists will also come for them. a new type of monster. not only are they threatening to disrupt the democratic national convention in chicago, they're putting biden's re-election in danger by convincing a lot of middle america that the democrat party is dominated by
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anti-american and anti-semitic extremists. we did have riots in 1968. and, remember, nixon won the election. so this is where the rubber meets the road. up until now, the democrats thought that these activists were helping them, as they did in 2020, by kind of intimidating republicans, bringing all that excitement and passion to campaigning. but now, democrats have lost control of the situation. with these kids raging out of control. shouting their support for hamas, stopping normal life on campus for everyone else. and this is setting up a potential nightmare scenario for joe biden and his party. what will they do if all these students or others like them march into chicago on august 19th? two or three nights of riots are going to sink biden like it sunk hubert humphrey in 1968. my prediction is the biden campaign will do everything it can to convince this movement
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that they're only helping elect trump. so put the brakes on the protest stuff. if it's left to governor joe bastardi pritzker and dopey chicago mayor brandon johnson to stop these kids with police and national guard presence well they will do it. this could end unjust like 1968 all over again. remember those scenes? well, the upshot here is that the politicians like biden and chuck schumer and nancy pelosi president trump you are not a dictator and america will not permit you to be one. we will not permit you to be one. >> they have placed our democracy in jeopardy. >> laura: now, from time to time it's easy to conclude that they actually believed what they were
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saying. but, you know, really looking at this, do you really think that the guy who served as vice president to barack obama for eight years really, in his heart of hearts, believes that the country is sis tim micly racist? probably not. and chuck schumer doesn't believe that donald trump is never going to hold another election if he is president. it's ridiculous. they just say it. the more we look at this, the more we see it was all an act. performance art to attract the energy and the enthusiasm of these young radicals. all to stop the populist and donald trump. but those suburban mothers, who thought biden was going to return us to normalcy, that's what they promised. they see all of this unfolding, chaos everywhere. we look from the trans movement hurting all those young women to border and college now. suburban women are still going to think that trump is the problem? it would be sweet justice if, after all this, it blew up in
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their faces in november and helped elect donald trump and that's the angle. all right, joining us now cornell law professor jacobson founder of the equal protection outfit. he dealt with this hostility from his own school because he dared to ask questions about the blm movement professor, president shafik of columbia said that the university designates certain areas for protest in order to guarantee free speech to avoid disruption from the other students like we are seeing with these encampments. why is the administration negotiating with the people that are violating its own rules? >> i think that's a great question. i think that's one of the reasons she probably should be stepping down. that this is toxic situation with toxic ideologies. these are essentially anti-american, anti-western, anti-capitalist ideology similar to occupy wall street from a
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decade ago, mixed in with islamist pro-terror groups and mixed in with praise for hamas and other terrorist groups. this is not really something that we have seen before. and i have been covering these movements for over a decade. it's worse now. >> laura: cnn thinks that the police are, perhaps, the catalyst for the protests themselves and may make things worse. watch. >> the action of bringing police into a group of people who are already feeling that they are sort of representative of the oppressed, who are inspired by what happened with george floyd in 2020, and seen what is happening in gaza, that that has only really acted as a catalyst here. and so, um, i wonder at the wisdom of bringing in the armed police. >> laura: so, professor jacobson, apparently they are supposed to just let these hundreds of tents, without
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nissan station, without any concern for the students who are actually trying to get a real education, just let them stay up until they get tired. >> this is obviously very highly organized. this is not spontaneous. there's a group that's organizing these around the country. if you look at a lot of the encampments, the tents are identical. somebody bought them. somebody put in an order for these. these are not just students showing up. and that's really what's going on here. it is no mistake. it is no coincidence that today on x, formerly twitter, the supreme ayatollah praised -- this sphwhoot it appears to be, this is a much more serious situation. >> laura: you know, this is infecting our country now. this is what the liberals wanted and this is what they got. professor, thank you so much. >> laura: now to the so-called peaceful protest at the so-called southern california usc.
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[shouting] >> laura: joining me now from campus is usc alum jared zelman. you are an alum, do you feel safe as a jewish american on campus? >> unfortunately, laura, i do not feel safe anymore. this is one of the holiest weeks to jews across the world. the week of passover. i don't know anybody who is wearing a yarmulke or comfortable wearing the star of david out at all this week. >> laura: well, jared, this anti-semitic sentiment it's been building across the country and including at usc. the valedictorian speech was even canceled because of it. so what happened there? >> so, the valedictorian was
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espousing anti-semitic, entirely anti-israeli opinion online and in person. her instagram bio called for the dissolution of israel there are over 200 people eligible for this role. usc selected her. instead of standing down, calling her off, and changing the speaker, they suggested that the problem with those in our community that were going to make her feel unsafe. so now they have canceled all speakers. >> laura: i mean, this is what happens. these so-called liberals who are actually very illiberal because they are disrupting what is going on for just students who want to go to class. they are obviously having their education at the very least interrupted or made more traumatic by. this they don't seem to care about that at all. they want to get the instagram video. they want to get stuff for their reels. and they want to blame the campus security officers who are knocked on their back during all of this.
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>> it's scary, it's frightening. and the issue is it may not effect everybody in our country, but these people are young. and they are going to age. and at some point they are going to make up an extremely influential segment of america's people and we are all going to suffer the consequences. >> laura: jared, we're watching this very closely at usc, which is a beautiful campus, and this is an absolute disgusting disgrace what's happening. thank you. so what's really going on inside the heads of these protesters? >> if you are so proud of what you are doing, why do you cover your face? [bleep] off. >> u.s. government did 9/11. >> israel was behind 9/11? >> i'm sure they were involved. >> did hamas stay in charge of palestine. >> shut up. >> which is your favorite terrorist group which one should run palestine. >> go hell. [chanting free, free palestine. >> why don't we free palestine from the terrorists. don't touch my microphone. somewhat safe and best way to
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deal with hamas. >> to dissolve israel state. >> laura: joining me now the man you just saw adam gentleman let. gillette.were you surprised to t these ivy league pretend pro-hamas activists weren't the brightest lights in the bulb drawer? >> ha ha. no, they are ivy league radicals and ivy league fools. i have been encountering them across the country. they're no brighter at berkeley law. they are equally anti-semitic. they are no brighter at harvard, just equally anti-semitic. you see the same sort of radical across the country and really comes from the dei teachings. they learn dei rather than anything of intellectual weight. >> laura: our previous guests said a lot of these protests are astro turf protests, these are highly organized. perhaps centrally organized down to the tents and, you know, i guess perhaps who is helping
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fund some of this activity. do you have any knowledge about that or do you doubt that supposition? you have several different groups. anti-semitics. typical progressive dei radicals increasingly at columbia i see these off-campus agitators who consistently sneak on to campus imagine paying $70,000 a year for tuition told to go home and leave off campus folks with my own two eyes i watch them sneaking on to campus every day these are adults, radicals, looking for the next protest to find and they are ruining the education for these children. >> laura: adam, columbia's president shafik wants everyone to know that she takes anti-semitism very seriously and testified to that effect. watch. >> and we condemn the
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anti-semitism that is so pervasive today. anti-semitism has no place on our campus and i am personally committed to doing everything i can to confront it directly. >> laura: adam, do you believe her? >> yeah. it's unbelievable. i was at that hearing. and it was really ironic when she explained to congress that she tries to make it so that protests are away from the classroom so that students can listen and study and learn. it was hard for me to hear her at that time because at that exact moment, her students were outside the room screaming and shouting and demanding to be let in. these are entitled children who have gotten away with far too much for far too long and she is entirely incapable of solving the problem. she should resign. >> laura: adam, quickly, a lot of people say who cares? these are elite universities who are over endowed and graduate under performing students. why should we care about it? >> well, these are the people
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who are going to be running our country in a few years. this is literally what corporate america is going to look like in 10 years. we need to stop this problem now. before it infects even more of our culture. >> laura: that's why they have the masks on. i love how they all have masks and scarves around their faces they don't anyone to really know who they are. adam, thank you. alvin bragg, perhaps, realizing his case against trump may be a dead dog. so they now have to reinvent themselves. jonathan turley is here next. to explain it. stay with us. with my memory." memory loss is, is not something that occurs overnight. i started noticing subtle lapses in memory. i want people to know that prevagen has worked for me. it's helped my memory. it's helped my cognitive qualities. give it a try. i want it to help you just like it has helped me. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription.
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>> laura: as court resumes tomorrow, let's remember how the never trump legal types initially reacted to bragg's hush money indictment. >> the entire point of an indictment is to tell the defendant here's what you're charged with. he said federal campaign election law, but this is new york state. he said state election law, but this is a campaign for president, which is a federal office. real questions about this. it's disappointment. it's hard to imagine convince ago jury that they should get there. >> one source said to me this is donald trump, you don't bring a knife to a gun fight. >> i had hoped that there would be more.
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>> laura: their april 2023 disappointment. weakness over the case has become excitement and even anticipation. their old concerns magically melting away. joining me now jonathan turley, george washington university law professor, fox news contributor. professor, i love going back and watching these old clips because now they are kind of in with the -- in with the bragg attempt to bootstrap, you know, some conspiracy references into their opening statements and now campaign finance violations. what the heck is going on here with this evolving spin? >> i don't know. because this case is quickly becoming incomprehensible. i mean, the newest theory that he gave just as the trial was starting is that we have another dead misdemeanor. and the misdemeanor is that trump conspired by promoting his own election unlawfully. but they don't explain really
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where the unlawful part is. they also don't explain how denoting this as a legal expense later affected the 2016 election. it just doesn't seem to matter to nina courtroom that this is utter nonsense. that this is not a campaign violation in terms of contributions. the federal government did not believe there was grounds to charge anything in this case. many experts reject that whole concept. and so what we're watching here is something that i have never seen the likes of. i mean, the judge is allowing this farce to unfold in his courtroom. and everyone just seems to be treating this like they're actually trying a known crime. when you have people still debating, not just on this network, what the crime was that trump was trying to conceal, it's something that is out of a movie. it's just crazy.
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>> laura: professor, what would you say doing a seminar, like a criminal defense seminar for law students and they were actually trying to convince you that this was a -- this was a state crime rising to the level of a felony with these facts? i wouldn't want to see what you graded this theory on if they had to write a paper trying to argue. this. >> well, i remember i had a professor in law school who would always say that's an interesting argument, but it doesn't pass the red face test. you have to be able to make that argument in court and not get a red face. this is one of the things i tell the students: you're try too hard. that is the gravitational pool of who the defendant is warping your judgment. at some point you have to decide what is more important? go ahead. >> laura: yeah. at some point it becomes an indictment both of the press, of these legal minds who actually have a lot of experience in
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court. so they're indicting themselves by letting -- they despise trump so they want this to kind of fit into the box that alvin bragg has constructed and it doesn't work. but, jonathan, i want to move on to what is happening tomorrow at the supreme court. i wish i was there. i was desperate to be there to see the oral argument in the trump case involving presidential immunity. your quick take? >> well, this is a real cliff case. because there is cliffs on both sides and these justices don't want to go over them. everyone is talking how extreme and sweeping trump's arguments are. the lower courts extreme as well. both are cliffs. you leave a president no protection for statements made in the presidency. or you create a president who has no accountability for even the most egregious crimes. there's a good chance the court is going to try to find a third option beings a more nuanced approach, if that happens it will have an immediate practical
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benefit. if it gets returned i don't see how could possibly hold a trial before the election. >> laura: jonathan, thank you so much as always. the corporate media pretends they are nothing like the national inquirer. we have evidence proving otherwise. plus, an update from the ground at the anti-israel mob central. don't go away. ♪ ♪ imagine a future where plastic is not wasted... but instead remade over and over... into the things that keep our food fresher, our families safer, and our planet cleaner. to help us get there, america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars
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>> laura: anti-israel pro-hamas mob spreading to other colleges across the united states. fox news national correspondent alexis mcadams joins us with an update from nyu. alexis, you are back at nyu. what's the latest? >> hey, laura, well, there is some situation kind of happening right now.
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we will show you what is going on here with campus security. there's some people here on the sidewalk and some issues going on with people -- harassing me with no. >> yeah, for sure. that's kind of what is going on here on the side of campus. i want to show you what is happening at nyu. step off camera and show you what is happening here with some of these boards they put up around campus because things got so out of control just the other day and there has been some violence happening at the campus. so, take a look here at this video. protesters at nyu, laura were throwing bottles and even a chair at police officers as they tried to clear the new york city campus this week. that chair was thrown so hard it badly dented an nypd's officer helmet here in the area. okay. you can see that chair being thrown. and that was a riot helmet that was smashed in. imagine if this cop didn't have that on. this comes after numerous warnings from police. watch this. >> this is the new york city police department. you have been warned by new york university to leave the area. please leave the plaza now or you will be arrested for trespass.
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>> the nypd video shows that protester also chasing police at nyu on monday night. sources telling us the crowd grew angry and violent after they cuffed a protester. demanding they released that person immediately. the police had to get into the building for safety reasons. nypd top brass tells me the language they heard from these students not just here at nyu but at columbia has been vile. >> language from the students toward our cops was represent prehence cybil. disgusting. we will not have any seattle type encampments on the streets of new york city. i guarantee tee you that that would end rather quickly tried o will push the recover from's camera out of the way demanding to know where he worked. protests popping up on college campus like wildfire from yale to the university of texas where they are really not taking it so well in texas. arresting dozens of people as they moved in on horseback.
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they handle it a little bit differently there. government officials say it's obvious these protests are being funded by outside groups and they are not just pro-palestinian protests but many are anti-israel. listen to this. [chanting israel go to hell] it is right to rebel. israel go to hell. >> you can see officers in front of nyu as people walking by get pretty heated. i want to walk you by really quick and see what some people wrote on one of these walls. a girl just jumped up here with a mask on who does your wall protect? free palestine and a few more messages saying this is nyu's wall of shame. people aren't too happy out here laura with what is going on. let this campus let them set up those gaza encampments. we will send it back to you. >> laura: imagine kids trying to study for finals and get that project on they are a little behind on. that's adding another challenge
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to the end of the year drama on college campuses. alexis, as always thank you so much. yeah, well, we just cut her off but that's okay. trump is on trial. but as professor turley and i just discussed every day in covering trump, the press is really indicting itself. but they claim, of course, to be the ultimate arbiters of what real journalism is. and they want you to know it ain't the national inquirer. >> i feel compelled to say this but it's worth saying out loud. this is not how journalism works. maybe that's true that it falls into that category, but that's not journalism. that is not journalism. when my world of legitimate journalism, people don't offer money like that generally. >> none of this is normal. like no aspect of what we are witnessing is normal. for all journalism students out there, checkbook journalism in not a thing.
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>> laura: oh really, burring the hunter biden laptop story is that how journalism works, sweetheart? what about pushing the russian collusion hoax? was that good journalism? they got everything wrong. they keep getting everything wrong. they totally misread middle america. they don't care about them. they think they are awful people. then they lecture us? >> this is real journalism. get out of town. joining me now. chris bedford, political columnist and byron york chief political correspondent fox news contributor. chris, i love the pearl-clutching about real reporters and real journalism. a little bit ironic, maybe? >> it's more than a little ironic. they have got a point that the national inquirer is paying for stories doesn't fit the bill but neither does anything that we have seen from a lot of their outlets for the last couple of years. i mean, one of my favorite courses i took in a largely
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wasted degree which was journalism was ethics. and certain things that you're supposed to do and things that were very, very basic. like diagnosing someone as mentally ill when you are a news reporter. that's something you are not supposed to do. that was a lesson we learned in the 60's. something cnn would do every single day to donald trump. chasing down stories. trying to suppress stories. npr coming out with some kind of big convoluted reason for why they wouldn't cover an obviously true biden laptop story. ethics have gone out the window with these folks. to say hear the lectures it's just hysterical. >> laura: byron, have you documented, this but their justification and these are from people who actually are talented writers, in we just talk about writing. their justification is trump is really subhuman. is he a danger to our very existence. is he hitler, is he satan. so that's how they try to get out of that ethics constraint. >> yeah. you saw during the trump
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presidency, that so many in the media took a much more openly adversarial stance than they had ever taken before. even with previous republican administrations that they gave a hard time to. so, there was that. and, also, they lowered their standards of proof for stories involving donald trump. think back to the steele dossier, the sensational, unsubstantiated allegations about trump and russia. when it became clear that they could never be substantiated because they weren't true, some people in the press decided they should still discuss it because they had not been proven false. which is to take the journalistic standard and turn it on its head. so a lot of things changed in journalism in the trump years, and they were all for the worse. >> laura: chris, what i think is quite hilarious and you try to find humor wherever can you in this sad situation in which we live. but, when you look at some of the polling, it's just polling,
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whatever. quinnipiac is very interesting. because they have been trending against biden. it's been building, so, at the more they put this lens on the trial and distort what is really going on, the worse it's getting for biden. and you look back, and january, it was up six for biden. february, up 4 for biden. march up 3. and now in april it is a tie. and i know a lot of people thinking how could it be a tie? that trend in that poll, i am told, by people who know more than i do, is significant. and that is also an indictment of the press. people are tuning them out. >> it is. they don't have the power that they used to have. they don't have the ability to just declare to people who should should be the president. who should be the candidate. who is good and who is bad. to back it all up. when they don't have any real facts. when they -- they are following this case to new york. which is this garbage. they stood up these group chats amongst themselves to try to come up with new ways to try to convince the american people. they are much more like group
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therapy sessions than actual support groups. >> laura: yes. we will have to send a therapy pet over to that group chat. some of this news starts turning. chris and byron, thank you so much. all right, speaking of the left's vitriol, it has a new target. this just tells you how desperate they're getting. yeah. we're talking about melania trump, next. the earnhardt family has always trusted bass pro shops for all of their outdoor needs, and i continue to be a proud customer. i grew up shopping here, and now i love bringing
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powering progress. ♪ >> laura: she's beautiful. she's smart. and she's married to donald trump. so, of course the miss creents on the left hate her and look for any excuse to criticize her. >> the heels are so high. >> heels are always high. >> it's not the most practical idea to wear those high heels on the steps of capitol hill. >> the way she is allowing herself to be defined on on strange choice of a jacket that she wore on a trip that was in poor taste. >> melania stood out in a coat while everyone else was dressed in dark colors. >> laura: so pathetic, now the "new york times" is resurrecting this all and dissecting the outfit that melania trump wore at a recent fundraiser. describing it as a covered up black michael coors pants suit
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with a leather belt wrapped twicely twice around her waist. melania looked chick and confident but fashion chief vanessa freidman found the hidden meaning behind it all psycho graphic of dress. black, the color of seriousness of doom of downtown of ninjas, of mourn something not exactly what one might expect at palm beach party black. one palm beach said it's almost never seen locally. yeah, there she was in her much ballyhoo 2024 campaign. one that she and her team knew would be keenly watched in black. the import was even few naral or fighting ready depending on your perspective either way it wasn't neutral. but at a previous fundraiser. melania had chosen a floral pink number and wore polka dots in 2022. what is this all about. monica crowley, former trump
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assistant secretary. monica, full disclosure i'm in palm beach and wearing black. whenever i see melania trump i stay away from her because i don't want to be photographed with her because she is so pretty and beautiful and smart. i step aside. but the fashion writer, monica, the fashion writer ended this drizzle with how melania was as if she was getting ready to fight against whom? monica, what is wrong with these people? please? >> you know, laura, i'm sitting in the palm beach area as well. i almost chose a black dress to join you here tonight. [applause] >> you know, sigmund froid's old and very famous saying sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. sometime a chick, gorgeous black suit is just a chick gorgeous black suit. mrs. trump looks absolutely beautiful in anything. she is highly accomplished. she is fluent in five languages. and, yet, they always have to
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try to find something to bludgeon her, because, by extension, they are trying to hit her husband, of course. look, mrs. trump is a real power house in her own right. she has been literal supermodel, laura. so for them to be wasting precious columns in the "new york times" when the world is aflame and the country is hanging by a thread, thanks to biden and the democrats tells you their level of desperation and their level of jealousy about mrs. trump as well. >> laura: but, monica, hold on, hold your horses, because you can't really compare melania's fashion sensibility to kamala's. you know, she is on the cover of vogue. kamala really, now, when she wears a pants suit, it screams seriousness and poise and confidence. this is what -- was back in 2021 when she donned the cover of the magazine. but, they went on and on about
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kamala, this kamala that. which is fine. it's no problem. i think she looked good. i mean, but it shows you just how desperate they are and how sad -- they are sad people. monica, really quickly, close it out. >> how gelless they are, laura, of her stunning beauty. her accomplishments. she was an extraordinary first lady. she is going to be an extraordinary first lady again. so, of course she. >> laura: if she were a liberal they would love her. if she were a liberal they would love her. >> i had a major editor of a major fashion magazine. >> laura: we have to go. >> tell me a couple years ago they were told to never put melania trump on the cover. just simply because she is married to donald trump. a real world supermodel can't be on the cover of vogue. trump trump biden stumbles and mumbles. arroyo is next.
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>> time for scene and unseen where we reveal the stories behind the headlines and turned to fox news contributor. raymond, trump has been stock in new york thanks to this sham trial but he has found a way to use the confinement i think to his advantage. >> yeah, look, if the prosecutor's goal was to lock him down, trump has outfoxed him. in between his courtroom visits he's created these pop-up campaign events in atlanta and new york, in harlem, region constituencies far beyond his usual base and he's turned trump tower into really the un on fifth avenue. just last week he hosted the polish president at his home base in new york and yesterday the former japanese prime minister visited him. this is really a brilliant strategy and hardly a lockdown they were banking on. >> i like that, treating trump tower like the oval office, they
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are all coming to meet him. and the polls are going in his direction too as we saw with the interactive polls. the trend against biden. >> warning to the prosecutors. remember with joan of arc it wasn't until the fire that things got really interesting. subjecting trump to this is only heating things up. biden is also on the trail. he spoke or read rather to union workers in washington today. >> are you ready to choose freedom over democracy -- for democracy? >> imagine what we can do next? four more years. [ chanting ] >> four more years pause. >> he did not say pause. >> every moment is scripted, every moment is a disaster. he may have very well risked his entire election in that moment. it's the cascade of them. every week, every day. >> imagine if trump did that.
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if trump said "pause" it would be every night show, every comedian, every tedious commentator on the view. he said "pause" but they treated like he's talking at a dog charity event or something. [ simultaneous talking ] >> go ahead. >> well biden hosted a big abortion rally in tampa and he was messy as ever. >> you need a ride to the polls. don't mess with the women of america. let's get it done. [ chanting ] >> i used to drive an 18 wheeler. >> he never did that. he did not drive an 18 wheeler. biden has been in politics for 30 years, laura. he's a civil rights activists, at the top of his class, 3 degrees, raised in the puerto
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rican community, and now we have trucker biden. he's the tom ripley of politics. >> wait a second, he almost -- almost at that thing again where he turned and in that weird robotic thing, that old magic -- michael jackson, the robot. the ghost handshake. he's still waiting for someone to show up. one moment was actually gross really gross during that abortion event. this is failed florida candidate for governor. watch biden as she discusses abortion laws. >> and then we come back here to state of florida where ron desantis felt like he needed to run for president and so 15 weeks wasn't good enough. we had to go to six weeks. >> this is blasphemous and so insidious. i mean to invoke the cross and jesus christ while we are talking about the extermination of innocent children. i mean no matter where you follow the abortion debate, to
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bring religion into it in this way, when you've got a catholic there who's been defying his church for years, supporting abortion on demand when his church clearly says you can't do that as a catholic in good standing. this is particularly odious i have to say. >> he is an ardent practicing catholic, just like nancy pelosi so get off their backs. thank you. that is it for us tonight. tomorrow i'm going to be on with martha maccallum on the story so tuner in for that around 3:00 eastern and follow me on social media. of course facebook and instagram and x, all the comings and goings of the angle. thank you for watching and remember, it is america. sometimes it doesn't seem so that it's america now and forever. jesse watters takes it from here. [♪♪] [♪♪] >> jesse: welcome to "jesse watters primetime". tonight. >> if i went into the nyu square


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