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tv   The Five  FOX News  April 24, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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thank you for joining us. our coverage will continue. i'm sandra smith. thanks for joining us. >> ♪ ♪ >> welcome to the 5.
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it's 5:00 in new york city.grow there is calls for the columbia president to resign growing louder as she surrendered to prove who terrorist agitators making life other health for jewish students giving protesters another 48 hour's to dismantle their tend to city. hav jewish columbia students fearing for their safety as they endure slogans like i am hamas and it's only getting worse. so far 8000 pro- hamas protests propping up more than 850's to cities in the u.s.iv universities in texaers and california the latesdt hotbeds f radicalism. as america's coward and chief
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would condemn all of this but n was in front of a podium at 2 separate events as they walked away. >> you have a message for the protestshe p? as contrast that with mikech johnson going intout the lion's den of columbia to speak with jewish students.we >> as columbia hasd allowed lawless agitators to take over the virus of anti-semitism iser spread across other campusese . i am here joining my colleagues calling on her to resign if she can't bring order to the chaos. enjoy your free speech the radical protesters aren't just on campus as both alec baldwinth
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and eric adams a were harassed t in public by lunatics show booting pro- palestinian slogans >> say free palestine 1 time whe did you kill that lady you got no jail time screw israel and screw zionism. 1 time say it. >> mayor eric adams. [ bleeps ] you you support the genocide in palestine.ew y you're always partying you don'r care about the citizens of new york.t >> jessiwie a start with eve got radical leftist protesters with another 48 hours on campus you hear jewish students they don't feel safe and columbia has moved hybrid for the rest of theds school year. t lik sounds to me like the leftists are in >> think that's yet it. j
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these presidentsud that before n capitol hill last month thing if you say kill the jews that'sai against ounsr harassment policyw harvard oras the lady was fired because she couldn't say it these people are out righttter shattering the policy and not enforcing it i remember there is a president see if you can remember you're either with useh or against us you do not negotiates with terrorists they are negotiating with terracevi because with herng having a hard time figuring out is the oppression hierarchy are the jews mark preston the muslims when you live in a world where you see everybody is oppressed it's in does an inside straightn beta 2 i. they can figure out who the side o towith the psychiatrist on lat night to play my most of the
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people are a female leading the protests and it's becausing e females i can speak for the women at the table rightyo generally nurturing people and when their professors give them better grades for their social activism they try to appeal to the teachers and are told theyy are oppressed as women identify at the palestinians and trying to hug and nurture them that's not what i said judge that's what a clinical psychologist said and said because they're not nurturing their boyfriends their boyfriends are describedic as toxic. so they nurture other people i saw this happen in 2020 remember when there were theli black lives matter rights what everybody did was let them faster they've seen what theyt can geawt away with you see itst spreading to texas, and they ce
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do thicas because they know thee won't beld held accountable i kt there's been ahe lot of talk ab in awarded an honorary doctorate by columbia i just want to say i will not accept i won't as actor matter of principle so let's just put that to better right now thank you tyrus. >> i expect dana would agree with me that you do not speak for the women at the table butth the important question is this. you've joe bidenas comments on i bill signed the 1 in banning tiktok domino miss bill at the mony going to ukraine and so on but at the beginning of the speech that he says they willlk answer questions and then they didn't answer anything. saying it's there wrong it's america free-speech, yeahca,.th >> it's remarkablean president
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can't answer questionsap lesseei out with marine 1 whirring in the background and reportersre shouting questions adam.po he's the only president inme living history to not grant ago interview to thein major newspapers in the oval officein that makesk, me think that while there will be a debate i don't thintek they think he can do it that's my only asked nation buth also this now fo ir free days ty fed opportunity for him to sayme something on canada -- camerthae directly to the jewish studentsr and parents about this outrage and he decides to say nothing t don't justak take it from sears the headline today the biden team blasé about in the campaign saysthe what is your principleu are leader of the work freethe world you're supposed to be the 1 who helps us never forget youn students hidind g and i do take
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issue with a clinicalcl psychologist because i believein women can be hateful hatemonger is just as much as men can be that's what i would say.defi >> we're in agreement. >> the not takin g the rage att the embassieths they take it out on jewish students in the universities and those who have them there. i just want to mention i support the idea that if you were arrested if you don't get prosecutedsumm you're a student year oldar and if you aren't yos is a crossed off any loan forgiveness for the rest of your life. and nypdast is t is reporting ts of those arrested 25, 27, 28 these aren't typical undergrads who are these people they shoule be arresteopd and prosecuted. a >> and 1 thingrr i think it disconcerting to some a people is free palestin
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e as well as the palestinians appraising killing the jewsin frog m the river to e sea of these students so shallos they don't knoe w that because n is its own entity they collected hamas toth rule them. >> there's things that make misa the slogans but even we are doing where's the guts hamasts a terrace are at the school why de we keep calling them pro- hamas why they are not pro- hamas. if i say i am a black panther and me and harold are black panthers we are black panthersd we would get treated differently work. i decided overnight identifies a nazi i come in and say i'm representing nazis on the 5 emmy commercial breaks by now do youe think ssi would survive?
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>> 0. >> >> they want t no be at they are going to change these areds pamphlet protesters who for some reason the way the stuffs worke like americans pay attention because he usually runs downhilw starts witilh 1 group then it starts with us. just in the last couple years women have been under attack, being a man is under attack and jews as well b doesn't matter whether your pro- if your father a husband a sun mother seeingan what happened october 7th it should be no question to support. absolutely no question when they say pro- just darkling them what they are. let them experience it give thef a list of actual charges and the president went in the right direction as we left because we
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know he's very sharp. >> the whole idea of these great gillnet th e ivy league universities has changed they think this is 1 of the thingss that leads to a rejection of the ivy league colleges more kids are applying to clemson and some of the other universities easilr universities lose credibility as do their graduates going forward >> first it's good to beince background a table not convinces how long term this could be could be right i will say what i've said with everything around the table there's no place for frets violence or identifying aa a terrorist. they should have the right to work witofh their code of conduf and if c it's ambiguous in any n or be on the side of protecting your students be they jewisht students, not jewish students that's what it is your job is to protect students second glad the
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president signed a bill today providing aid to ukraine aid to our friends in israel and her asian allies as they counter china. there is a bipartisan coalition the pass the president deserves credit not sure i would've gone to columbia's campus he had every light as well as hist colleagues to do that.heis but ci hope happens now is that it's hypocritical for republicans who have beenre partisan about the issueal to me it about democrats when almost a third of republicans did not support the bill to provide aidd to israel equally so it's hypocritical democrats and president biden to say things about black lives matter to say things about george floyd but not say something and respond after giving a press conference there if we don't have the courage as politicians and i'm a former politician recovering politician frankly frankly i would like to go back.
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i love the business of politics and public service if we don't have the decency. that frets and violence have no place you can r say you are for the passing people and for a 2 state solution but be against those t aligning themselves with hamas fretting jewish studentshe engaging in violent actionsin against jewish peoplste in this country around the world what are you other maybe he didn'tto hear the questio tn. >> outcome on.g. and mckay give everybody benefi> of the doubt will be veryod difficult going forwary d ifhere there's not a statement from the white house on this issue ite condemning the violence, condemning the threatsndem condemning any student who saysa or forny that matter any profess who is teaching as you said it's hamas you can't sit here is an black panther oris isis and note
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arrested that is wrong and they should be speaking about it. >> i want to be clear job item before he went out and spoke about that bil he l divesting if and tiktok i will take questions on this later and you never did the audio was clear there is nothing going on in theback background everybody was ready he sai sd he would take questios any didn't. >> i'm saying. >> i'm giving him the benefit of the doub t -- you're giving him the benefit of the doubt untilni you withne the facts >> then' longer they don't say l the lessit credibility they will have. >> up next>> the liberal media needs therapy as sickos want tos see trumeep locked up
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♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪irst >> donald trump to be the first president in history to go to jail in the media is tearing it on. then a moment we might hear from the judge whether the president violated his gag order in the trail. prosecutors want toro slaps trp with a 1000-dollar fine for each of the 10 alleged violations anl want all offending posts removed what they are not -- not asking, for is jail time the press on the other hand is outright demanding it. >> the fine doesn't deter but incarceration will. if i'm the trail jus wert i woud imposedge, it if he continues to attack jurors witnesses or court jupersonnel then the judge won't have much of a choice but to incarcerate him and be for an
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afternoon or overnight. >> 2 weeks of home confinementhi if he is a good boy in those 2 weeks and doesn't violate thede gag order,r then we can take off the ankle bracelet. >> we could have gone on whilein it's unlikely is front and the slammer the pepper lemon airyin discussions on whaart to do. mimic what you think they're waiting for with the gag order issued?fo >> the prosecutor with a federal state and city officials regardin askg if trump were seno jail over 7 the prosecutors come out and they say we are not looking for fred the gag order. as the y don't understand thecr criminal justice system they are fools okay number 1 the guy is 77 years old. second it's a felony the most you can get his 4 years and 3 he
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doesn't have a criminal record w blessing you douo a sentenceen demand to jailce. s having sentence all thatai lookg at the order or don't trump his gag and it says 3 things donald trump cannot make e or direct others to make public statements or direct others to make publicteme statements about counsel or statements about prospective jurors right.p i alsoev active everyone of the tweets the president on truth s social thaent allegedly violate the gag order. there is no violation because ho didn't direct all he does was s repost things that other people said it. that jesse watters said. there is no violation of the gag order period and a >> g get theed judge the benefit
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of the don't.e >> and giving prison trump thedi benefit of the doubt in this regard that'benes the kinda guy. the presiden t as a defendant heun still an america-an if the precedent is set we're all ableo to follow this he specialia buddies not super american because of that as well i wouldu only's send hit m to jail and ld out clearly if you attack a juror identify a juror or endanger a juror or do the same to court personnel then i would relate this to the public you would be jail period the other stuff woul d just be fines. i can take criticism myself i think michael cohen who i understood my can't say things about trump when michael cohen is saying things to him i think that's fair game but if you're gonna say anything about a juroi if i'mng the judge, yeah, anythg about court personally their the
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families you endanger them i don't care what your name is what job he served before your and american you will go to jail other than that i think we just get on with the trail. >> teflon don is a slipperyilly sucker surviving bankruptcysi a access hollywood the russia hx impeachment january 6 left for w deadas and the man has 9 lives r democrats know hate such a fried because he beat hillary in thely only reason he lost a bite and was because of covid-19 and the ciovida and fbi. >> and he didn't get as many votes. >> he can play on their turf in the respa employee and his base blacks, hispanics and young people they decided to stop ed tpoliticking and just want to incarcerate the guy and they caught him they trapped him in the cage we call the courtroom a cage in these like king kong they're sending rachel maddow down therese looking at it liken animal like wow his hair is orange look at his eyes he lookh
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angry he's mattie's upset watching him. they don't provide legal analysis to a region was like he's bigger than i thought he was there acting like it's a zoo creature what happens with king kong your member's not going to be good he's going to bust outou of the cage eventually they won't be able to keep them. >> they did kill king kong the. >> it was in the building in the forties. >> i did not . see the end of the movie. >> it was a bad day for king kongay.s >> wrote the otherev movie iswa s different. >> what did you think that the media >> jessie's take aboutow king kg is blowing my mind. >> i think the quote star wars e think thy e problem is they want to put them in jail desperately the judge wants to put him in jail there clever then iphone
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this when they are awake not woke his the risk worth the reward you lock him up ease a martyr's like i'm home's republican no you rally the bass independence the libertarians what is fenton nothing. m where people say horrible things about supreme court justices outside their hous e we still wait for them to be arrested so this administration has been lax 90 see him walking them up you're just doing his campaign for you want to find him a thousand dollars he dropped00 almost a billion dollars on bailed you think that will heard him it's not they made a big move they expected to scare him in his leg do what you have to do to the put them in jail for attacking the jury?di
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they didn'dnt wait until he did that. >> nudge jeao he's asking if hes asking hypothetical. >> the judge already plated out the judg e should not have allowed information out under this gag order trump didn't >> asked me questions so. >> are you sure king kong died. >> he got the white woman and they were fine what's he got to the top of the building and they shut him down 1946 we've come a long way. mimic up next is she getting on the trump trainer we going to do this she offered some kind words for the former president.
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wow. -incredible, isn't it? -yeah. well, with your home, auto, boat and rv all bundled with progressive you've got the peace of mind to really wander. yeah. yeah, i just hope it stays this way. once word gets out about these places they tend to -- -are you done? -aaand there it is. well, at least your vehicles are protected. let's hit the road. hey fam! i'm just at this beautiful lake that i just discovered. practicing gratitude, manifesting abundance.
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>> 2024 we >> president joe biden: 2024 we will make trump a loser again >> -ish enough said that. >> figure out the guys in the corner given a straight left. imagine we could do next 4 more years, pause. >> tough guy joe biden talking a big game about beating donald trump as usual is all bark andd noble bite as he read on aal teleprompter and he' ls confused will user is. showing him trailing trump and 6 of 7. some democratic strategists think joe biden's faltering because he's lost his superpowei of empathyng.
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and kim kardashian thinks o trump haf s it in space. y >> how are you and donald trump? on the outs no good? >> i don't think he likes me very much but i'm okay. i think he did amazing staff with prison reform let some people at signed an amazing bill so that's what i would focus on. >> stop the discussion. this is a new form we are seeing from joe biden trying to trigger the former president sheathingeo that's going to pan out. >> what's going to deliver thewt final punch the joe biden is the economy gives them 17 millionar households struggling to affored as when they can't afford food as part of the reason and the
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reason they are angry or is because joe biden's put much money into the economy and hash to stop spending money and stopg giving away buivt he doesn't cae thinks he is buying everybody to inflation is up only 3 or 4% the truth is as we don't include food or gas as groceries are up 30% as homelessness is increasing andne credit cardsss are charged to to max for the first time inn american history the highest ever it's a record high and people are taking as they pay for pensions as 17 million americans as their make sure illegals get their food as the
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truth is everybody's gonna lease on this.>> j >> we were always hearing aboutm this bigit supposed state of thp union joose biden bounce which s dead now according to bloombergc >> for bidenco he can articulate all the poles worries upca decanter tn'o chelate a message jewish students at american campuses that's where i draw thw line doing the benefit of the doubnd gt is also an idea of th empathy superpower i think it's a myth because with withdrawal of afghanistan think that might have been the point is paul numbers have never really recovereave d also east palestie couldn't go there but if you're going to try to own the good poles you have to own the bad poles and poles are difficult for them that's way of democrats
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concerned he needs to be more fiery and fiery and yelling shows energy. not sure that a work. listen this whole election is going to come down the facts biden administration is going to run on feeling os. is that speech of follow-up because he knows stop the red wave was a this emotionalse feeling response t to roe v. wav so hiss. whole thing is feelings as we get closer and republicans much like my sweet boston celtics don't know how to maintain a lead in the ones wilg stay homoie are for came acrossn the line t they will mostly beco connected because republicannnsf need to get a feelings to her we need to take some steps back
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flip the difference trump is th 1 presidendit of the 2 that can bring the sides together crazy idea but by giving the independent something they want i knowing she was crazy when ii the satyr your think abouts having a different perspectiveen on at roe v. wade if you take that away from the biden campaign what do they have then people worry about the economya and cost of eggs the emotional side of the vote for >> and poles only good for bidee as the a electorate is unhappy a it looksnd like we are stuck wih this here. after what happened to your point 2022 and 2023 in the 2
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election02s i think we all needo show some pause when we look at these issues. he nailed at the outset presence or reelections are about the economy as you have to have the economy as i think abortionre reproductive rights issues ispr powerful is more powerful than i thought 2023 and i think it sustained self identify 3 datesk memorial day, foenr for july the last week of august is gete ki started to go back to school in may parts of the country butal some go back to school early in louisiana and tennessee what's the cost of gas memorial day what's the cost of food and gas then as if the economy is not in position for every day americanh
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as of politicians a home wasth said thaatt you talked judge repeatedly on the show lab a different conversation august to mid september. >> you give me the benefit of the doubt now. >> tiktok is banned as we know n bounce tiktok as we know it. ♪ ♪ weeds... they have you surrounded. take your lawn back! with scotts turf builder triple action! it gets three jobs done at once - kills weeds. prevents crabgrass. and keeps it growing strong. download the my lawn app today for lawn care tips and customized plans. feed your lawn. feed it.
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♪ uh-huh. uh-huh. ♪ [ metal groans] sure, i can hold. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty liberty liberty liberty ♪ ghostbusters: frozen empire. in theaters now. ♪ ♪ tiktok is onth the chopping bloc k the bill that forces social media giant to sell they have 9 months to sell the app70
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70 million users. tiktok does va m.l it would tak the bidetan administration the court. >> it's a disappointing momenttr does not mean that it needs to be a defining 1 freedom of extension on tiktok reflects the same american values rest assured we are going anywhere. >> despite him signing the bill the biden campaign said they tik would stay on tiktok.yo >> just everybody knownespe especially young peoplcie. a joe is responsible for banning tiktok. >> judge your thoughts on this is this a national security threattion. >> i'm not privy to national security >> there is a problengm there ia
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first amendment problem that's what he's talking about based on first amendment and freeze. meta- gains if they have to do vest itself the question why are they banning tiktok rate they say is addictive and the information is being clicked by the chinese government as it silencing the hundred and 70 people's right to free speech i don't know much more about it than that.old: >> meta- and social media giants they aren't allowed in china tiktok in some ways it makes sense. >> i have good news for everybody. when a guy says rest assured we are not going anywhere even ifse the sale goes through tiktok is a letter continue you can have your videos and nonsense and great information whatever you get there. this is something that happened to another's social media siteam i've never been on.
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same thing owned by a chinese company they made themselves nob nobody stop going on that at because of that yet ask why doei china care so much why they wane to fight it so much they want the information second if you look at the difference between the anti-semitism pushed on tiktok compared to the video seen on instagram is vastly different that's 1 of the things you'll hear from anybody ups there at columbiupa a lot of lot that's coming from there any pro-israel content is suppressei i would they do that remember you can be rest assured tiktok will exist. he won't be debt different for the consumer think. >> is apparent this is laughable your passing 1 that person over to another the differences instagram facebook they they'reb
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the same thingoo in terms of wht they are doing to our children if they cared about monitoringya the internet there's a little l thing called an algorithm. they can tell you how old you arrithe what you're doing whatdo you're purchasing so there was a pedophile sending stuff they would know it's easy to find they know how old your kid is when he gets online and says h these 18 he's not and he starts getting e-mails of this and thas they don't care and absolutely job if you cared about doingmeth sunning about social mediamedi tiktok is 1 we have an ocean of garbage if you're going to doto sign 1 stock -- stop sects trafficking all on social mediar if ws e made a nap on social mea sing we are a 13 year ogle we would've 30-year-old manutes
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hollering at us in less than 3 minutes so they get assured it's a pig. >> litigation but sign we said h in the beebe block on behalf ofl the table i would like to apologize for everybody else being wrong about king kong. >> kong skull island 2017 kong lives, kong versus godzilla kong lives.pted >> those are the wrong >> i would also consider myself an emotionally intelligent person.i >> nobody knows me better than tiktok i go on to see what's going on i started deep diveng i next thing i know i'm short videos of cute 30-year-old women in leisure a nicely renovated kitcheeanin dancing tiptop to sp up and of thinking why i was like that's my wife they know me
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really well that's what scary both agreed we should do this. >> no hollywood blockbusters for you.infe jerry seinfeld is declaring them movie business is overov known for following your dreams. known for keeping with tradition. known for discovering new places. no one wants to be known for cancer,
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♪ ♪ >> tyrus: there you go, jesse, >> that's what we're doing what's the deal with hollywood jerry heineman there sign for called the music business is movie business toe saying doingh doesn't occupy what it didy led in likse the nineties in theus where wese would've went to the movies andwe discussed it. he's missing 1 point we haven't had good movies.movi >> we haven't had a godfather. we haven't had arnold schwarzenegger it's awoke moviee that hur ht us we said good movs this summer barbie did well i daughters loved it oppenheimer which i can pronounce rate in godzilla versus king kong was phenomenal jesse . >> who survived? tyr
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>> will have a quick round here you believe movies are dead yes or no? >> no awesome.: >> i feel goodha with the moviev is done so much good stuff. >> there is movies on tv. >> i give you the benefit of doubt yes or no. mimic th we movie business as we know it is over. mimic if you can bias surrounds down home studio for not much money. >> we talking about movies orud movie theatersge fair people wa: shorter ones i i think seinfelds right. the judge would like to revise and extend her answer would you? >> movies or movie theaters? >> movies. >> 1 more thing is m >> ♪ ♪ life, diabetes, there's no slowing down. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady.
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9:58 pm
it's time now for one more thing headed harold. samari a group of brave samaritantas pulled a man to safety from w his burning car in minnesota. a e group had just witnessed a drivers suv. look at this. veer off the road and a light pole before catchie catching fi. multiple people pulled over to help through the trap man. as the guard rolle thed held vid the driver's door shut. dash cam video captured the moment capmoment they pullem through a window right before the flames engulfed his car. lookthei at that. blessedly. blessedly, the driver avoided seriouryits injuries.with >> first he hit it.hat. u.s. citizen. >> wrong with that. so there is a happy birthday. jan and his moa m has a big birthday today. a birthday se whic with one of children and not really sure which one that is. love her very much. greareatt mom, great sister. picture for their great grandmother. prei do. >> well, there she is. happy birthday, jan. you're the best tour, ja date update. >> we're now backing in the nine a m in your a own beach on the 27th because this is going to be a long one. there is vero beach.
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it's north of palm beach. and it's all true north becaus e i'm staying in palm beach. >> and a little annoyed about my logistical wait around to come out. coy, tonight, joh jesse watters from time we have speaker johnson, jon lovitz and adam carolla.00. 8:00. all right, dana. okay. >>ens have you seen thisn have taylor swift video? i bet your children have watched. watch. e go. the all right. so people have been talking about this, but here'ssametch. g doing the same thing. >> what?i'm supp there's there are no music, guys. that's kind of boring. , je >> i'm so sad. talk over it. well, i don't know what the song said. . hit it, jesse. hey, taylor. to wo okay, i got it.rk okay. have you ever wantedmone to wori out with the mona lisa or venus de milo that you were in luck? >> stop it. >> the famous work from the louvre museum in paris is hostingerne yoga workout grop workoum.t as a way to quiet yog.
10:00 pm
as a way to find culture with sports ahead of the summer olympics. parisians take part in 410 minute classes earlier today as par t of a course they rund in the louvre. the activities includeyo a yoga dance, stair climbing and running in different rooms, and none of them will clim t.b in changes. [lau. ght, tyrus, hit it >> check out seagulls screeching contest in belgium. >> whether a nine year old boy from england was the crown winner. not bad. mine's better. and speaking of better, you can check out my tyra's livet ty coy tour. you check out my, like, tyra's live comedy tour in statesntry all over the country. >> are you going to be into the 27th of september? i will be where i'm at. i' i be where i'd be. and that's all you need to know. every well. >> and that's fantastic. you have a bird call. you do? >> n co. >> all right. >> welcome to jesse watters. primetime tonight. ifnigh i wen


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