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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 25, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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>> yes, ma'am, it's product save your outdoors. a mission to forge community. ignite purpose and defy darkness through the outdoors. galatians 5:1 says it is freedom that christ has set us free. stand firm and da not be burdened by the threat of slavery. thought of suicide. they need to know you are loved and true freedom comes through jesus christ. >> carley: amazing. help veterans outdoor activities a lifeline for them. come back for more and struggling. you need a sense of community and purpose. it sounds, mike, like you are providing that for the people -- >> -- yes, ma'am. >> carley: people to serve our country. thank you so much. you are well-rounded and unique person. so we are so grateful for you for coming on our show today. mike, thank you so much. and "fox & friends" starts right now. have a great day, everybody. ♪ >> brian: all right. unlike the other guy, this is "fox & friends" and i'm wearing sleeves.
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all right? you cannot see my deltoids. >> ainsley: and you do not wrestle alligators. >> brian: not yet unless you needed me to jump in. what a show we have for you today. 6:00 a.m. on the east coast, april 25th. it is "fox & friends." fox news alert coast to coast. anti-israel protest rage at top schools across america. [chanting pig goes home] [no more money for israel's crime] [chanting] [shouting] put your hands up. [chanting we can't hear you] >> ainsley: plus, it is new york vs. trump continued. and we are also hearing the supreme court case where justices will weigh in on presidential immunity. gregg jarrett in just a few moments with that analysis. hey, greg.
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>> charlie: lawrence is talking to voters that 2024 presidential race. bucks county most influential in 2020. >> brian: we asked him to go and he showed up. we have a lot to talk about. friends starts right now. remember mornings are better with friends. >> ainsley: this is a fox news alert. two major stories today anti-israel protests spreading to more college campuses all across our country including down in the south. and late last night los angeles police arresting nearly 100 protesters at the university of southern california after they refused to leave the campus. >> charlie: overnight on the east coast at least 20 protesters arrested at emerson college in boston. >> brian: today is a massive day for former president donald trump. now, in just hours, he will be back in new york city in a courtroom for day seven of his carl trial. >> ainsley: and the stakes couldn't be higher in his federal election interference case as the supreme court prepares to hear arguments on
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presidential immunity. >> brian: you got all that? we have team conch to bring it all to you. david spunt is outside the supreme court in washington. but we begin with eric shawn, who is right outside, right in downtown new york. get ready for day one of the trump trial. >> good morning, brian. we are now waiting to see if judge merchan will hit the former president with those contempt of court charges. while we do that, the first witness in this trial is back on the stand. he is david pecker, the former friend of the former president. he was the publisher of the national inquirer, and pecker will continue to outline the plan to bury negative sex scandal allegations about trump during the 2016 presidential race. including the story of former playboy playmate karen macdougall who says she had a 10 month long affair with the former president. this, as prosecutors could pile on more contempt of court charges against trump for his continued attacks, especially on the expected star witness, his former lawyer, michael cohen. you know, the former president
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here at court and elsewhere has continued to brand cohen as a liar. and prosecutors have said his attacks violate judge merchan's gag order. in response, cohen tells fox news, quote: despite not being the gagged defendant, out of respect for judge merchan and the prosecutors, i will cease posting anything about donald on my x, formerly twitter account or on the mea culpa podcast until after my trial testimony. we expect co-ton testify here, perhaps, in the next week-to-week and a half. but today it will be mr. pecker's chance and we will find out if the judge cites the former president for contempt of court. if he does, he could face $1,000 per infraction. he is racking up now 11 examples so, that could be 11 grand if in deed the judge finds he is go ahead of contempt of court. back to you. >> brian: he did read that story how the secret service is preparing should go to prison how they would handle that good luck with that now to washington
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where david spunt is live outside the supreme court on the presidential -- president's immunity case. david, we are going to hear these arguments, right? >> yeah. good morning. those argue manies start promptly at 10:00. we are expecting them to go at least two hours. perhaps even more given the nature of today's topic. we expect to hear from each justice. former president donald trump makes the claim that the allegations levied against him for trying to overturn the 2020 presidential election deals with a time when he was still president of the united states. he claims, therefore, he cannot be charged. he spoke to fox news digital ahead of today's arguments and said no president would be able properly and effectively function without complete and total immunity. now, special counsel jack smith says trump's behavior continued after he left office, and he should be prude full stop. this case was supposed to go to trial here in d.c. in early march. it was delayed when the supreme court behind me agreed to hear the case. arguing for the special counsel
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is michael dreeben who previously worked on special counsel robert mueller's team arguing for donald trump is john sower antonin scalia law clerk. justices who typically like to shy away from politics cannot escape it in this case. they are entering the nerve center of the elections. if they say that trump is not immune, the engines of the case will kick back on and start moving if the justices side with the former president, it's possible he does not go to trial at all here in washington, d.c. again, arguments kick off at 10:00. we definitely expect those to last at least two hours, perhaps even more. back to you. >> ainsley: thank you, david. the ruling is expected in late june. so that would be in the middle of the summer when we will find out what they decide. >> brian: then, of course, if they do something like the documents case, you got to go through all the documents and get the security clearance in order to read some of the documents. even if you are a paralegal working with a lawyer, there is so many documents to go through you have to wonder how they can actually do it before november. will they even try?
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>> charlie: all this and the protests and election year. going to be unbelievable. >> ainsley: bring in gregg jarrett fox news legal analysts to weigh in on this. hey, gregg, what's your thoughts? what is your reaction? >> gregg: well, presidents already have immunity from civil lawsuits as long as their actions fall within the outer perimeter of official duties. that was a decision by the high court four decades ago. it's quite possible, i think, that the justices will extend that civil immunity protection to criminal prosecutions because the exact same reasoning applies. if there was no immunity, the chilling effect on presidential decision imagination would maker paralysis. the ruled by a committee of lawyers. if the supreme court does grant let's call it immunity with conditions, then they would have to remand trump's case back to the trial court to decide whether those conditions have been met.
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another possibility is the high court could say well, there should be some immunity for presidents. we will give you a little bit of guidance but sending it to the lower court to figure it out. the supreme court has done that in numerous cases. but, either way, the process will be time consuming briefs, court hearings, a further appeal. so, it would seem impossible that a trial could take place before the election. >> brian: couple of things, gregg. so they will hear the arguments, but they are also setting up precedent for the future. we know that is some immunity, as you mentioned, but will they get into specific arguments about donald trump in particular, january 6th, what he said, documents, back to mar-a-lago, took while he was still president, technically or will this be a general talk about what is too far did, for example, a president does an aaron burr and shoots alexander hamilton had he not been vice president, president. you will never be immune from
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that. that's extreme behavior. >> gregg: i suspect they will not get into the trump case because the supreme court, when they took this case, framed the question very broadly, whether presidents should enjoy some form of immunity. so, i tend to think they don't want to get into the nitty gritty of the trump case itself. even though that's the reason it was brought to the high court you lawyers often talk about the outer perimeter of presidential action, official duties, where is the line of the outer perimeter? >> well, it's very subjective the fact is this arose 182. nixon had already left office but been sued by the name of fitzgerald. the supreme court eventually
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took the case and look, there has got to be some protection for presidents, otherwise, they won't be able to do their job. they will be defending themselves in a myriad of civil lawsuits over every decision they make that effects any individual. as i say, the same sort of reasoning applies to criminal cases. what i worry about is, you know, a president who has to make a very immediate and important national security decision. let's say take out a terrorist leader. that could be described as murder. should a president be charged then with murder when he leaves office over something like that when is he protecting america's national security interests? i don't think anybody would say so so there has got to be some immunity here. >> charlie: probably the best
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example of that, of course, is when president obama used a drone to take out a 16-year-old american citizen in yemen. >> greg: yes. >> charlie: basically what we are talking about here is one branch of the government either limiting or basically eliminating another branch of government. >> gregg: yeah, i wouldn't call it eliminating but defining restrictions about what can you and cannot do about bringing a criminal action. it's pernicious now because there are four documents, criminally, against donald trump. which many critics, myself include believe were politically motivated to interfere with the upcoming election. it's classic lawfare, the weaponization of the law. >> brian: everybody knows it's just a coincidence. you are such conspiracy person. >> ainsley: really quickly before we let did you go. talk about the new york cases because the hush money trial continues day seven today
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downtown. we are expecting the judge to rule on the gag order today. we are also expected to hear again from mr. pecker. he is going to take the stand. how is he going to rule on a gag order? >> i will probably fine trump. is he not going to send him to the hughes cow. as far as bragg's case it's his theory crime for a defendant to suppress damaging information. are you kidding me? going on for more than two centuries. no such crime exists in the law instead he charges this caulk cockamamie. claims it was done in violation of another state law that prohibits conspiring to unlawfully promote a person's candidacy. well, first of all, trump is not charged with conspiracy, second the state law doesn't apply because it was a federal election. by the way the statute of
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limitations has run on that misdemeanor as well. finally, it's not unlawful to suppress a story. gee, joe biden did it in the 2020 election, suppressing the loont story. by the way, paying money to somebody in exchange for silence, that's perfectly legal. so, i think a fair judge would have dismissed this case long ago but juan merchan is either ignorant of the law or i think is he horribly biased, probably both. >> brian: thanks, gregg. appreciate it. we will see what happens today. we will get the real time reports and then we will get the transcript we think that next day. i think it's pretty amazing what's been happening. the defense teams, one goal should be what is illegal and what's not. what's a violation. what is salacious for page 6 and what is actually a problem for the president's criminal trial? and that's what the defense should be saying. whatever you are saying right
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now, that's not a violation of the law. you might not like it. you might think it's unsavory. but this is the way it's done. since when has the national inquirer looked at as a bastion of integrity. one minute robots are stealing my luggage. the next minute you have another story about aliens who are amongst us. the third might be of a celebrity. and now we are saying the national inquirer tilted the election because of a story in there about donald trump? >> charlie: they did successfully break the john edwards baby scandal. >> brian: every other one. >> ainsley: let's bring in lawrence having breakfast with our friends from battleground, pennsylvania. hey, lawrence. >> lawrence: good morning, family. obviously we are here in pennsylvania because it is a swing state. when you look at the set-up of the map right now and polling. it's a dead heat for the former president donald trump as well as the current president joe biden. we're here because we want to go to the issues, what matters to them. do they care about all of this nonsense that are happening with
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the court, the% ciewtion of donald trump? do they care about what's happening on the college campus, all this anti- -- >> ainsley: they are shaking their heads behind you. either yes or no. >> lawrence: do they care about what is happening with the economy? let's ask them, actually. who cares about what is happening with all these anti-semitic attacks on campus today? >> yeah. >> lawrence: who thinks the number one issue is the economy? raise your hand. what about crime? yeah. >> lawrence: i think it's all of them. the border? >> yes. >> lawrence: they are not going to give their hand away. all of them matter from the economy to the border to anti-semitic attacks on college campuses. i was happy, guys, that my home state of texas shut it down yesterday. >> brian: they went right in there with the horses. they ripped up those tents before the spikes could get in the ground. that was awesome. >> ainsley: they arrested 20 protesters. four of them were crying when they were hand cuffed. they even arrested a recover
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photographer; pro-palestinian protesters in austin need to be in jail and anti-semitism will not be toler rated in texas greg abbott said. >> lawrence: they made it clear they needed to disperse. that means the media as well. the first thing i cover a lot of the protests. the first thing i do when i go on the scene. i talk with local law enforcement. i introduce myself. i say hey, where's the line. where can i be? i do need to be behind the police line. they made it very clear to state police that they needed to disperse. so everybody that failed to disperse, they arrested them. >> ainsley: at columbia they tell them to disperse and give them two more days in texas they're like we are not tolerated. >> lawrence: they negotiate. we don't negotiate with terrorists in texas. [cheers] >> brian: and they clapped in pennsylvania. thank you. thanks, lawrence. so, there's a lot going on. put it this way, if you are protesting and find out you get
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support from the grand ayatollah khomeini and the head of hamas, i'm pretty sure you are on the wrong side. you should actually get yourself up, collapse your tent, find a shower, and then apologize to everyone you see. >> charlie: if you find yourself saying we love hamas and we love your bombs. probably wound up on the wrong. >> brian: i never thought we would be talking about this as a legitimate story but happening all across the country. >> ainsley: we don't even recognize when we showed that video at the top of the hour don't even recognize this is america. looks like another country. anti-israel protests are still raging at columbia university. i think c.b. cotton is live there this morning. >> ainsley: hey, c.b., tell us what's happening. >> hi, ainsley, charlie, brian, good morning to you three. yes, you know, some jewish students here on the campus of columbia university say for more than a week they have heard nonstop chants calling for israel to be wiped off the map. as this campus remains divided and tensions are high, these
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students are planning to hold a rally this evening called united for israel. jewish students tell us they plan to begin placing flags on one of the campus lawns this morning. it's still not clear how columbia university will clear another campus lawn where some pro-palestinian student protesters have been camped out now for more than a week. those students said on social media they have been threatened with the national guard. but the university tells fox that is not true. house speaker mike johnson came here to columbia yesterday and warned, amid a crowd of boos that calling in military force was a real possibility. [we can't hear you. glen joy your free speech. [chanting mike you suck] >> anti-israel popping up universities all across this country. [crowd boos] >> you can hear those booze right there.
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the university says pro-palestinian student protesters have agreed to remove tents and nonstudents from the encampment and crack down on any discriminatory language. visually though the lawn doesn't look much different than it did earlier in the week. some jewish students are telling us as long as that encampment is up, they feel unwelcomed. house speaker mike johnson told jesse watters what he saw. >> it was chaos on that campus. i mean, we were looking out to a sea of students' faces with rage, so many of them, jesse, don't even know what the heck they are talking about. this is not the expression of free speech. it's not the free exchange of ideas in the public square. this is threatening and intimidating jewish students because of who they're. because of what they believe. >> new york republican anthony diest poo sit toe says these students have been endorsed by hamas and therefore part of the problem. back to you three. >> brian: thank you so much. appreciate it c.b. details of how they got that 48
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hour extension president meeting with the senate. i exasperated the problem by asking the cops to come on campus. basically said i promise not to do that again. okay. we might censure you on friday. we will think about it. for republicans who say she should be tougher or should be fired. now she feels as though to keep her job she has got apologize for bringing the cops in last thursday. what she has got now is encampment. well, they promised to pull up their encampments and make sure there is only students among the pup tents. the students go we don't even know what you are talking about. we didn't agree to that. we are not tearing this down in the next few days. what is going on here? a columbian president trying to keep her job at the same time people say you better be tough or you are going to lose your job. >> charlie: what's the difference between a pup tent or regular tent? >> ainsley: he like tolls say it every day. >> charlie: something you might know.
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>> ainsley: breaking news right now. >> charlie: fox news alert. live pictures as former president trump arrives at new york city construction site to meet with workers and union members before his criminal trial resumes later this morning. >> brian: this is right now. >> ainsley: alexis mcadams is live with more. big crowd for 6:20 in the morning alexis. what's happening? >> yeah. only 6:00 a.m. people have been here quite a while as they wait to catch a glimpse of former president donald trump who we know will be heading to this construction site in midtown, mid-atlantic m. trump expected to speak midtown manhattan any minute before he heads to court. former president joined by local union members. can you see the crowd. construction workers and supporters talking about ongoing projects in new york city and quality of life issues he says everyday americans are dealing with the trump team tells us that the union workers here are paying the price for what they say are president biden's failed economic policies. but says the focus will be on how trump cares about the average american.
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okay? but this comes just a day after president joe biden secured another union's backing. that was the head of the north america's building trade union. the president has been working hard for everyone out here to try and gain more support with those courting union workers. telling that president trump is a bully. president trump is out here today to try to change that narrative from president biden so he can talk to these people who has a lot of support from these really campaigning hard, right, in new york city. we don't expect any major or official endorsements. we are told by the trump team from this union workers here today. some of them, you guys, are lifelong democrats who say this time they are interested in looking forward to voting for president trump because they feel like there are a lot of issues, not just here in new york city, but across the country. >> brian: so, asex sis from, best you can ascertain those people behind you are with the steel union and they are here to see the president. is the president going to speak to them? is it a formal speech or is it a meet and greet? >> it's going to be he is going to walk kind of in this area
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here walk up and down and shake some people's hands and also a pool camera that's set up that he is supposed to make some remarks right in front of that camera. we are going to ask him some questions, brian. let me know what you want me to ask him. he will probably talk about what is going to go on today with the supreme court decision and immunity and talk about what's going on in criminal court. he has a lot on his schedule. >> ainsley: is this a meeting for the teamsters, 4 or 500 steelworks? he found out about it. he said i wants to go meet and greet them and talk to them or is he having a meeting with some of them? >> so, this isn't too far from where he is right now at trump tower. so that's kind of why they chose this specific construction site. and then he had had it set up so he can meet and greet with construction and union team members. we don't know how long it was on the schedule for. >> brian: you can't put a nail in a wall without the unions in new york city. the president since the 1980s has dealt at the highest level with the highest executives with
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these unions. so, for people to say well, you know, republicans aren't good with unions. you haven't met donald trump. because he wouldn't have a business without unions. >> that's right. that's what he wants to talk about today. he knows new york city. he lived in new york city and built so much of it up. he wants to talk about yeah, he knows how much talking to the average american. a lot of people don't know how he can connect with average americans. state fair he was out on the campaign trail this past summer. people like him he has something magnetic about him. that's why people are here at 6:00 in the morning see what he would change not just here in the big apple but across the country. >> ainsley: we're going to keep following that story. thank you so much, alexis. it reminds me what are we seeing here trump tower? that's live? all right. reminds me of the bodega. >> brian: president going to be speaking live. we will be taking it. back in a moment. more "fox & friends." ♪
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get started for $49.99 a month plus ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. don't wait- call today. ♪ >> ainsley: this is a fox news alert. you are looking at live pictures from former president trump or of former president trump. he is en route to new york city to that construction site right there. he just left trump tower to go and meet with these workers and union members before he goes over to the courtroom for his criminal trial which resumes a
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little later this morning. >> brian: seems highly organized. evidently it was set up earlier. see the motorcade pull up. you never know exactly which suv is he in. i believe is he going to get out and speak for a while. points out -- and point out some of the imbalances in the economy. now, he would do it different. alexis mcadams is live. alexis, i hope you are in the secure location and not in the middle of the street anymore because we have a caravan there. [chanting u.s.a.] >> former president has just pulled up to this midtown manhattan construction site. you can see that motorcade there also on your screen. the former president is expected here to meet with union workers. i'm going to step out of the way, too. to have a double shot here of what's going on so i can turn around and see. he just came, right, from trump tower. so it's just a couple minutes away here. and is he going to talk here about new york city and quality of life issues they say that everyday americans are dealing with the trump team tells us these union workers who are here to talk to the president are paying the price of failed
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economic policies. currently in the country. so the president wants to talk with these people to gain their support. these are hard-working new yorkers, okay. union members who have been working on this big construction site here in midtown snamplet. [chanting we want trump] see the president walking up and down and shaking hands and fist bump. he has busy schedule. criminal court and waiting to hear the supreme court decision and trying to campaign in between all of this. so as you guys mentioned similar to the stop out in harlem. these aren't maybe the spots people thought the former president would be hitting on the campaign trail but when you are in the big apple you are in the big apple, sign some make america great again hats and wait for him to come over here where we can ask him some questions about what his plans are after he gets out of court and how he is feeling about that ongoing criminal case that we
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know continues to call a hoax. he continues to call out the d.a. here alvin bragg. we will see what he has got to say. >> brian: alexis, how big is this crowd? i heard the u.s.a. chants. they seem to go about 10, 15 deep. >> yeah. there is a few hundred people here in the front. i don't know if we can pan, also, i will duck down here so you can see. but, you know, right above, on this construction site. there are people too who are working on this specific project that if their camera is out and trying to catch a glimpse of the former president. people have their union uniforms on here and they also have their hard hats with trump stickers. kind of -- different vibe for 6:00 a.m. here in midtown. >> charlie: a lot of hard hats here but also looks like other people who are not in construction gear on site there. >> that's right. yeah. these are supporters that knew that the former president was going to be here. they are shaking hands with them as well.
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so he is trying to gain support. what we're told, too, many lifelong democrats here. [chanting four more years] >> think they are going to change who they are going to vote for. they don't like the way the country is heading. specifically what they ever paying in terms of pricing in new york city and across the country. so we're going to wait, too, to see if this motorcade is going to pass by here and see what the president has to say when he comes over to the microphone. >> ainsley: taking time with everyone talking to people. shaking hands. look at him with this man with the hard hat, taking a picture. thanking him for being there. patting his back. one guy took off his head make america great again hat and donald trump had a sharpy. was going to sign. >> charlie: he has the mugshot t-shirt. nice. >> brian: do you know what's interesting, alexis, the dynamic with the president. union heads almost feel compelled vote for democrats. say whatever they want. they are only one vote. these union members will make their own decisions. it will be their decision. and there's a lot of people out there who have a hard time putting donald trump in a
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category that's anti-blue collar. because most -- his supporters are blue collar. >> ainsley: what was that? a helmet? >> a welding helmet. is he signing the welding hole met. >> ainsley: he represents these people. first of all he grew up in new york, grew up in construction on these sites. and now he is talking to the men and women that build new york. [cheers] >> ainsley: build all these buildings, he knows a lot about that. he is one of them. >> charlie: 2016 when he first ran. he would talk about himself. his biography, i'm a builder, i build buildings, everybody in politics is so confused. is what he is talking about. sea builder. he builds buildings. let's listen, is he addressing maybe the press and the other half of the crowd. >> brian: looks like he is rolling right to our camera. >> love fest. i built many buildings with them. great people, great contractors
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and great people. and i have a lot of support. i hear the teamsters, i've gone a lot of work with teamsters, built a lot of buildings with teamsters. they like me. a lot of teamsters and amazing show of affection and we did a great job. >> how important is the union vote you? are here in new york city. you are talking with these members. do you think you can maybe change some of their minds if they were lifelong democrats to vote for you. >> these maybe were democrats but for me they are republican. there is not a democrat in there. these are people -- look at that building. look what we can do. we built a lot of great buildings in this city with these people. [chanting] >> they are giving me great support. they are really amazing. >> do you know what? they are very, very talented people. they don't get the credit for it. very few people can do what they do. we used to do three floors a week in concrete. and it was guys like this that did it. very basic. [shouting questions] >> testimony so far? >> he has been very nice.
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i mean, he has been -- david has been very nice. nice guy. mr. president, did you know -- >> what's that? >> are you positive that justice. >> we have a big case today. the judge is allowing me to go. we have a big case today supreme court presidential immunity. a president has to have immunity. if you don't have immunity, you just have a ceremonial president. you won't have a president. >> did you know about the payments -- >> -- we have a very big case. very big case going on. >> did you know about the payment. [[inaudible] question] >> do you anticipate. [chanting u.s.a.] >> very threngtsed. very smart. they know what to do. >> did you know about the payment to stormy daniels? [cheers] >> you heard that right there. is he pretty confident here in what's going on in new york city in terms of turning people, what he says, on his team here who might have been lifelong democrats so that's kind of what we are hearing right now. is he going to continue to walk
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around and talk. >> brian: is he dealing with the republican party chair. that's ed cox. he is the some of richard nixon. the president has history with the nixon. nixon identified him early as a presidential candidate in the future. ed cox is probably one of the most powerful people in new york. you wonder, guys, the president is within 10 points of joe biden in new york. joe biden is going to go up to syracuse today for a cop's funeral where they are having trouble getting state troopers to work his security. no cops want to be protecting the president that presumably is so weak on crime and punishment. >> ainsley: i like he is doing this before court. it's like when he went up to harlem and went to the bodega and he had so much support from the crowd in harlem. now he is doing. this this is at park avenue and 48th. somewhere in that area. there's a build building been under construction for a along time. close to trump tower. hopefully he will do things like this more often. take advantage of being able to campaign in new york and in this area. >> charlie: democrats are going
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to wind up regretting that they have sequestered him in new york because by the time this is all over, is he going to put new york in play. >> brian: new york, they are already talking about an event in the bronx and possibly at madison square garden. got to leave him here for six weeks. showed up the bodega's union on their invitation. this has been on the books we understand for a long while. and this is something that is unscripted. [chanting u.s.a.] >> brian: unscripted. real, a slice of life. in new york we live this unscripted slice of life. >> charlie: can you imagine joe biden stopping at an event like this and having this sort of organic enthusiasm? it doesn't exist. >> brian: he would actually say read everything that he have to. pause, stop. say it out loud. >> charlie: i think we are safe to say this is the only president or candidate we have ever had who knows how many floors in a week you can build with concrete using steelworks. >> brian: his thing was i can pay for it, but they build it. and that's why he has so much
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respect. >> ainsley: look in the background on the scaffolding. you have construction workers up there taking pictures. people it looks like over the cars. >> charlie: might be in new york city whether he is going to a bodega or doing this, he is talking about things that people across the country will relate to. and whether it's safety, you know, crime, or the economy. >> brian: yeah, they are yelling. [chanting trump trump trump. >> brian: they are yelling trump, trump, trump. four more years, and u.s.a., u.s.a. alexis, you are right there. who else in the press corps besides you thought this was newsworthy enough to show up? >> >> ainsley: do we still have alexis? >> brian: she probably doesn't hear. >> i can hear you now. >> charlie: it's too loud. >> i'm press. there is some people kind of coming now that this has been announced that we are nearby that are trying to come and catch a glimpse being closed out
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by security. the former president expects -- he is spending a lot of time here talking to these people. we know that he is in possible striking distance, right, in new york city. who would have ever thought that. he wants to spend time with these people while he is here to try to gain their support. if he comes back over here. if we get another chance i will ask him, brian, about that opportunity here in new york to try and beat joe biden. maybe flip some of these areas that are so dark blue. maybe a little bit red. we saw a lot of people out there, too in harlem a guy at the bodega. former president of the united states people wanting to talk to him too in that neighborhood. >> ainsley: amariel shot. people reaching for him. hope he science whatever it is they are handing to him. >> brian: like the oscars. people show up want to see. must be maddening for people. >> ainsley: no ball gowns. these are the union workers. >> brian: i'm thinking about those panel of 10 legal experts who say every day how bad a person donald trump is your message is not resonating.
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you are can indict him as much as you want. you can say whatever you want, they are not listening. they are making their own decisions. they believe that that former president was fighting for them and will, again. no matter what you say and how outraged you may be from the katy cowkatie courics in the wo. >> charlie: we see the attacks on the former president and the attacks to go after him. this is what they are afraid of. this is why they despise him so much. even in the republican party there are people that don't like him because they are terrified of him. because he is inspire this kind of enthusiasm from people by just showing up at a construction site. >> ainsley: a lot of people in that crowd, new york democrat, many can relate to him and are saying that they're thinking about switching their vote, especially when it comes to either choosing between biden and trump. and in pennsylvania, we did fox news survey and among independents, he and biden are neck and neck in the state of
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pennsylvania. but it's interesting when you look at the independents in this survey. trump had the advantage. he was ahead by 7 points among independents in march in that survey. and now he has an 8 point edge. that could take him over the top. >> brian: you know, it's also noteworthy that this team runs like an efficient machine. and he knows exactly how long it's going to take to get downtown in order to get to court. he is saying why would i leave? think about the president's mindset. it's pretty damaging to you. you have to sit here and hear these horrible things about you. listen to a judge to tells you when to stand and when to sit and what to say. this is an emotional lift for him. it's important for him to understand no matter what's going on in that courtroom, there is something going on outside there that's a lot more positive. >> ainsley: good point. good point. this will carry him through that court. >> charlie: all along i don't think that the court cases have anything to do obviously have nothing to do with justice. it's all about what you are talking about. it's all about trying to hue humiliate him.
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kick him off the campaign trail do whatever he can to kick him off his game. >> brian: why can't one of those people be in his jury pool? take your vest off. i have a job for you. [laughter] >> ainsley: the prosecutors did everything in their power to make sure that didn't happen. that's for sure. bring in lawrence. you are from pennsylvania. you have the monitors on there. >> ainsley: lawrence, sorry to interrupt you. guy with the red hat talking to trump. he is the one who wearing the mugshot t-shirt. >> brian: nice. what's the reaction in pennsylvania about what is happening in new york? >> lawrence: yeah, exactly. you have got the former president meeting with the teamsters. he is trying to poke a hole in what joe biden calls his coalition. remember the president is confined to new york city because all these court cases that are going on. i want to talk with some of the people here because you have got the former president going out there with average day people. we're showing you y all the footage of it. is he meeting with construction workers. as you know, he used to build buildings for a living.
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how do you feel about the former president, despite being under attack when it comes to the media, as well as the court system, getting out there with average day people? >> i'm amazed because i watched it. he was so relaxed. he was so confident. and he deserves it because he is getting a really bad deal. >> lawrence: does it surprise you that the former president is doing this right before court? >> yes, it really does surprise me. >> lawrence: why do you think he is fighting right now? [chanting let's go brandon] >> fighting what's going on. >> lawrence: let's talk with more folks here nate the great. ma'am, how do you feel about the former president getting out there, talking with average day people? do you think is he going to be able to convince some of those middle class voters, construction workers, average day men and women to support him? >> i don't see why not. i mean, with the economy as bad as it is right now, going to the food store is absolutely horrendous. so, yeah, i think -- i think president trump is what we need right now. we need to get back to basics,
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back to real life lawrence ma'am, as you know your state is a swing state. everybody is going to be looking at pennsylvania. you have a big race not only between the former president and the current president, but you got bob casey, as well as mccormick. do you think that you're going to be able to change your state over to red this year? >> yes, i do. i think there is a big grassroots movement. i think it's a shame that they are trying to silence us. but i think it's about over. i think we are all going to come out strong. i encourage everyone to do the same. >> lawrence: why do you think voters are going to show up for the republicans this election cycle? >> i think they have had enough as business as usual here. we have had three and a half years now of bad stuff. i think they see it. they feel it in their pocketbooks. >> lawrence: thank you so much. let's talk with this gentleman right here. what's your name? >> jim mullen. [cheers] >> brand new poll out that shows
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you are 10 points behind president biden in new york. do you think it's doable to win new york? >> very close in new york. we're leading the country by a lot. polls just came out a little while ago, as you saw yesterday, that we have -- we are up in every swing state and up by a lot in every swing state. so, i think we're going to do very well. we will make a play for new york. i just heard a poll came out, look, normally, a democrat will win new york. biden is the worst president in history, we have some very bad people here but we have the greatest people and they are right behind me. and they all want us to run and we're going to run very hard in new york. new york -- we have a good chance of winning new york in my parkway opinion. we're going to give it a shot. >> gag order, would you pay that fine. >> i have no idea. i have no idea. constitutional right away with a gag order. that's all it is. it's election interference. this whole thing is election interference. so, the polls have just come out and i just got another sample,
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we're leading every swing state by a lot. and we're leading the nation lie a lot. he's the worst president in the history of our country. he makes jimmy carter look great. jimmy carter is very happy because his presidency was brilliant by comparison. this is the worst president we have ever had. he is destroying our country. close the borders. he can do it in one phone call you can close the borders. close up the borders, joe. our country is going to hell. >> biden doesn't think you can connect with blue collar workers. >> brian: so -- alexis, were you able to get -- you were able to get a question to the president he feels like new york can actually be in play. [cheers] >> brian: he is somewhat in shouting distance and now going back over to the people. >> president trump, let's see, brian, if we can talk to him again. >> back in the courtroom and. [chanting u.s.a.]
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>> ainsley: what are they yelling we want trump? [we want trump] >> we did ask him about how is he feeling in new york. as we mentioned that poll came out the other day showing is he 10 points behind president biden. he thinks president biden here can is kind of, i guess, upsettle people not just in new york but across the country. talking about the economy and president trump, you guys, thinks he has what it takes to connect with blue collar voters, not just in the big apple but across the country, so he is out here talking with union members and shaking hands. he wants their vote. going to work hard for their vote here. >> ainsley: alexis, can you paint the picture of what it looks like? i know we want to keep the camera on donald trump. but what -- they block of the street? i assume they did because he is heading to court? and where is this specifically? >> this is just right near the trump tower. just right off park avenue in front of us. huge construction project in new york city that they have been working on. and so the team chose this
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specifically because they think that the area here had all these union workers, they said it's been playing for quite some time. [chanting] >> they were saying when biden took office he repeatedly promised to build an economy from the middle out and bottom up. not the top down. he says that hasn't happened yet. that's why they are getting all of these cheers of u.s.a. and four more years. >> brian: yeah. it's pretty amazing. alexis, i know you don't do the white house beat. the white house reporter has got to be so jealous because they have a president that doesn't talk to them. that never goes and takes a random question that never gives a press conference. and then you have a former president who wants to be the next president who i'm pretty sure your questions weren't prescreened nor anyone else's. >> yeah. he will talk and answer the questions that he can people asked him about the gag order and he will coming back to say this kind of continues to be a hoax of a case and call out the d.a. but he is looking forward to that decision as well, i'm
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hearing what is going to happen in terms of immunity here court decision which we knows starts at 10:00. >> alexis we just saw a lady with secret service get in the back. looks like she is sitting in the back seat so she can watch traffic from behind. >> charlie: that's definitely the worst seat. >> brian: 1970s used to have that reverse third row. >> ainsley: in my mom's station wagon. >> brian: i didn't think they had that anymore. >> charlie: flow up on one another. >> brian: found out later when they did a safety study one of the worst things you could do. i guess they are going to have a pretty -- they are going to get to court early it looks like. go up the fdr drive. >> charlie: this is a reminder that far longer than trump has been on the national political scene, he was using the media in new york to get his brand or get his -- and he is a master of it. and he knows how to do it. >> ainsley: smart to do that. >> brian: right. >> ainsley: get an opportunity to show.
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>> charlie: is he a street fighter. >> ainsley: hundreds of people are there, representing new york construction business. because he was smarted enough to do that before he goes to court. the rest of the country and world will see that he did this. >> brian: all eyes are in new york because of the trial and because of columbia university unrest. as well as nyu unrest. it's really the center of global attention and it's all within a few blocks in new york city. right, a few blocks from us. >> charlie: winds up talking about issues that maybe aren't immediately relevant to that scene. but that everybody can relate. to say border. and, you know, if you are at home, anywhere in the country, and you hear that you are like yeah, i agree with that. >> brian: other thing is he also talked quickly about columbia. failed. the administration has failed. people go back to school. send in the cops, break it up. get the national guard. excuse me, you didn't have to ask the president how he felt. he knew exactly where he stood. do you think he had to load the teleprompter to put that in?
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>> ainsley: he said close up these borders this country is going to hell. then he talked about the teamsters that a lot of them are democrats but they like me. maybe they were democrats, he said. so mostly teamsters out there, construction workers, steelworks, we were expecting 400 to 500 today. and some of them lifelong democrats but i wonder if they will change their vote after today? >> charlie: he didn't need a teleprompter to say that. >> brian: lawrence jones, you are in one one of those battleground states where the president has one or two point need. it's going to be a slug fest the rest of the way regardless. and the key is going to be what the president can take out of pennsylvania. excuse me, what he is going to take out of philadelphia, in particular. >> lawrence: yeah, brian, i was listening to the president's comments. we got remember he is on his way to court and stops there to talk with these construction workers. this doesn't sound like a guy that feels like he will be thrown in jail. i mean, that is what's on the table right now. the judge can decide that. one of the things that he
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brought up as he is talking with these construction workers that he feels like it's election interference, that he is not able to campaign. let's talk with the people about that. ma'am, how are you doing today? what's your name? >> my name is allison. >> lawrence: the former president said listen, with all the stuff happening with the court system, he feels like it's election interference. is he not able to go out there and be with the people but joe biden is. how do you feel about that? >> i think the president is right. it's exactly what it is. how could it be anything else but that? bring false charges against him. ridiculous charges against him. you have a judge that's clearly corrupt on the case in new york. it's ridiculous. all of it is ridiculous. >> lawrence: thank you so much, ma'am. how do you feel about this? i see you with your american flag shirt on. the former president out there with average day people. he says he feels like it's election interference that he is not able to campaign like joe biden is. >> it is. they are out to get him. they don't want to stop. they want to stop him at any
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cost. [chanting we love trump] >> lawrence: thank you so much. go out here nate the great. what is your name. >> my name is joanne. how are you? >> lawrence: do you feel bike the voters in pennsylvania are going to send a message to joe biden? do you feel like donald trump has a shot here? >> absolutely. we are all out here in full support for donald trump. we had our election here on tuesday and those results showed that we are out here in pennsylvania supporting mr. trump. >> lawrence: what do you think is the most oppressing issue to you because democrats would say it's democracy, democracy, democracy. what would you say? >> it's control our borders, bring back safety into our own country, keep those people out. they don't belong here. they need to follow due process to come and be part of our wonderful country. >> lawrence: thank you so much, ma'am. right while the president is on his way to be there to stand trial, he could be thrown in jail. there is also protests which is like the epicenter of
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anti-semitism that's happening on the college campuses. and it looks like the governor is just allowing it to happen. do you think that's one of the top issues now on the ballot box? >> i believe so. i think people -- people aren't stupid. they are educated. they actually see what's going on. you can't prosecute the person you are running against. and they are making it look like it's not but everybody knows that's the case. can you imagine seeing the president behind bars? did would be unbelievable what the people would do in this country. we really don't want to see that. >> lawrence: thank you so much, sir. >> thank you. >> lawrence: they are fired up in pennsylvania. they are not being distracted by these trials. they agree with the former president when he says it's election interference. great sighting right now, the former president on his way to the courtroom but found time to campaign on his way there, guys. i will send it back to you on the couch. us will. >> brian: lawrence, he went back into trump tower doesn't have to
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be court two hours and five minutes. you don't want to get there too early. >> ainsley: it's cold. very cold. >> brian: we're all freezing. more "fox & friends," unscripted moments. we have no idea what's next. "what should we do with it?" ♪ ance, it can't beat the pricing i get on my medication through singlecare. before i submit any prescriptions, i always check singlecare first! just go to, search for your prescription
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