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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 25, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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>> we love trump! we love trump! >> i think these may be
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democrat, for me, they are republican. we built a lot of great buildings with these people and they have given me great su support, they're amazing. >> brian: president trump meeting with construction workers in new york city. >> stakes could not be higher in federal election interference case. supreme court will hear the case on presidential immunity. >> ainsley: we are outside the supreme court. eric shawn is in new york city. we will begin with alexis. >> good morning, it has been a busy day in midtown manhattan for former president donald trump who will be heading back to the courthouse, where he's been for seven days and
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counting. he stopped to talk to union and construction workers, trying to gain traction in deep blue new york, which he says he plans to change to red much watch. >> you are 10 points behind president biden, do you think it is doable in new york? >> we are close in new york and leading in the country by a lot. polls just came out, we are up in every swing state by a lot. i think we'll do well and make a play for new york. >> make a play for new york while he's here in court, if he has to be in a courtroom, bring the campaign trail to donald trump. he spoke at the construction ground and the former president joined by local union members and the crowd was loud. supporters talked about projects in new york and quality issues
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they face on a daily basis. they are trying to connect with union workers who feel left behind by president biden's failed economic policy. the focus is on how trump cares about the average american worker and president biden is not fighting for everyday w workers and families who are paying more thea the grocery store, rent and you name it. we checked in with the construction workers and so did brian kilmeade, watch. >> i put out a poll and president trump is leading joe biden three to one out of 9000 members right now. we are tired of the situation with groceries, inflation, gas prices, illegal immigration and crime. we are living it everyday in new york city. >> many people who are out here are life-long democrats like who
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you just heard from. that is not the case for many construction workers that that gives a pulse on what everyday americans are feeling. one thing the president said about former president trump is that he does not connect with blue collar workers, we saw a different scene. >> great stuff, thank you. in an hour and a half trump will be back in a new york city courtroom for day seven of the criminal trial. >> ainsley: prosecution first witness is david pecker. >> brian: if his testimony bothered donald trump, he said, david has done great, eric shawn is doing great outside the courtroom. preview and review. >> yes, good morning, brian and guys. former president trump wants to be in court today, not the one i'm at.
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he criticized it is judge for not letting him aknow tend arguments over presidential immunity. we will see if judge merchan will cite president trump and basically punish him for vi violating the gag order. >> i have no idea, they have taken my constitutional right away with the gag order, it is election interference. whole thing is election interference. >> the former president again slamming this trial and judge merchan's order that bars him from attacking witnesses and others. prosecutors say he should be held in contempt of court. we wait to see if the judge will slam trump with fines. david pecker is expected to layout today now nation"nationa
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enquirer" paid karen mcdougal. pecker refused to pay stormy daniels for her claims. if the former president is found guilty of contempt of court, he faces fine of $1000 for each infraction. prosecutors have 11 infractions, that could be a fine of 11 million. >> brian: president will say do you want it in tens or twenties. >> ainsley: i'll take 11,000. >> brian: thanks, eric. >> to washington, dave spunt is outside the supreme court for trump's presidential immunity case. >> we expect them to go two hours, huge day with high stakes for any future president, it
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will stand for decades. justices will ask questions having this go likely past noon today. donald trump was charged by jack smith with trying to overturn the 2020 election. he says -- donald trump says the alleged acts happened while he was still president and should not be charged. jack smith says it happened after he was president. here is what the former president said an hour and a half ago. >> we have a big case today on presidential immunity. a president has to have immunity or you have a ceremonial president. >> this case was supposed to go to trial in early may, it was delayed. arguing for special counsel is
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michael dreebben, who was on robert mueller's team. and john sour worked for former president trump, former law clerk to late justice scalia. if rule in favor of special counsel jack smith itten moos the trial will be back on, engines kick back on. we probably won't go to trial for several months, it's been paused at district court level. if they rule in favor of donald trump, don't expect to see a trial at all. we should have a decision by end of june, at latest, it is possible it could be in the next several weeks. it is not something that will be decided if a few days. >> bring in jonathan turley, law professor. professor turley, old saying bad
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case makes bad case law. are we setting up bad case law here? >> jonathan: i think you captured the moment for the justices, they have to drink. they have been avoiding this for decades. they had a case involving civil immunity, they said a president needs immunity to function, including outer parameters of his office. question is does that extend to criminal law and criminal charges? what has often been discussed is how extreme the trump team's arguments are, bringing up seal team six and things like that. they may be concerned about extreme nature of lower court decision, it leaves a president without protection, they have cliffs on both sides.
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they go over one side or go over the other side and president has total protection and can do almost anything. there is a good chance justices will want a third option and have some protection. >> ainsley: while donald trump was being interviewed with teamsters this morning, he was asked about this. he said, if you have a president that can't make decisions because they are fearful of being caught in a criminal court case, then you have a ceremonial president and that doesn't exist in our country. >> jonathan: that is the motivating theme of the fitzgerald case, when the court last look and issued that opinion, it said we don't want that chilling effect on presidents wondering if they will be in a civil case.
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does that apply in criminal capitals? tough r court will have a hard time grappling with this. say the court wants a third option, more nuanced, they tend to take small steps, not great leaps. most obvious thing, we need you to look more carefully at this record and what is related to his office and where do these questions fall? if they do that, i don't think they could try the president before the election and if they don't try the president before election, jack smith may never see a jury. >> brian: trump would have to win, you'd think. let's talk about the kirkus in downtown new york city. today, we think the judge will rule on what type of -- where
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he's going on the gag order. did the president violate the gag order? how long will that last? >> jonathan: i think the judge is likely to find he did violate the gag order, clear from the earlier hearing and trump is at attacking the gag order itself. i'll violate this gag order, i'm running for ez proseesidency an can't talk about a guy on the air every night not just talking about his case and testimony but talking about why i shouldn't be president and you are saying i can't respond leading to this presidential election. i think merchan is wrong about michael cohen and he is being stubborn here. will the court narrow this order and find him in contempt?
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no question they will find him in contempt. >> you have huge constitutional issues here whether a case in new york court, judge telling somebody he can't speak about stuff or in d.c., in supreme court, judicial branch basically dramatically curtailing the executive branch, big constitutional issues, i think. >> jonathan: they are. and you know, they are related. interesting thing about the supreme court decision and manhattan case, alvin bragg is probably the best lawyer donald trump has right now, he issic maing the case there need to be immunity protection. he is the problem, this is what the court was worried about, you have democratic district attorneys politicizing the criminal justice system, it is legally absurd and occurring on the very day the court is
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considering how to protect presidents. >> ainsley: you are able to say that as a democrat, you consider yourself a democrat? >> right, funny thing in contempt proceedings, one thing the former president is accused of is citing one of my columns, i'm used to expressing contempt, never a column issue of contcontempt employs >> brian: david pecker on the stand, karen mcdougal supposed to follow, what do you think will happen and what is prosecution approach and what should defense be? >> you know, the fact they started with pecker and karen mcdougal is telling, this is not part of the indictment, they are bringing in earlier alleged affair and they have not got to tz main issue which is dealing with the stormy daniels payment.
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the reason that is upon haing, they don't have a crime. they are saying, we'll prove facts, the facts are being contested and most are accepted by defense because they are not crimes. you will hear from karen mcdougal, i'm not sure what she has to offer, whether or not she had an affair with the former president is immaterial to the charges in that courtroom. the main problem is that this judge is allowing this farce to unfold in his courtroom. we are still debating every night, what is the crime he was trying to conceal, that is not a good thing when you are in the second week of a criminal case. >> brian: right, jonathan turley, we'll use up our whole retainer before end of the show. >> ainsley: what is interesting, there are two attorneys in the jury box listening to this and if he's saying that as an attorney, i wonder what they are
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thinking? have they proven guilt. >> brian: unless they preconceive to know what they want to do. >> ainsley: hope you can make a decision about someone's livelihood, and take politics out. >> it doesn't hurt to have people that know the law, i think that would benefit somebody like trump in this case. >> brian: i watch other channels and they have have a different p perception what is unfolding here. >> okay, we have a fox news alert, anti-israel protest at top schools as protest spread to more college campuses across the country, los angeles police arresting 100 protesters at university of southern california when they refused to leave campus. >> ainsley: on the east coast, 100 arrested at emerson college in boston. four police officers were injured, one in serious condition. >> brian: isn't that mostly an
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acting school and chaos at university of texas in austin. dozens behind bars quickly this morning after students hosted a walkout, they are mad at governor and university of pennsylvania holding a listening session today. this is crazy stuff, violence the usc was unbelievable. cops arrested one person and the protesters surrounded the car and the cops had to let the one person out. >> one big issue in this election, president biden i insistence on making president biden pay tuition for these kids and donald trump will be able to say joe biden is making you pay for this stuff.
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it is going to be effective. >> brian: they are actually pleasing the grand ayatollah of iran. congratulations, parents, paying $80,000 and your kids in a pup tent. >> praising hamas rockets. >> ainsley: bring in lawrence who is in pennsylvania, neck and neck between biden and donald trump, and governor of your state down in texas says the pro-palestinian protesters in austin need to be in jail, he said antisemitism will not be tol tolerated in texas. >> lawrence: when you start putting pro-hamas in the state of texas, good luck, texas state troopers will not deal with it. we saw what can happen if you have a governor that believes in law and order and i hope other
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governors follow suit. i'm biassed. we have a table was veterans. listen up, we have a table full of veterans, i'll ask how they feel about what is happening on college campuses today. we have a world war ii veteran here with us today. [cheering] >> lawrence: so when you see these pro-hamas protesters on college campuses, what do you think? >> they should be expelled,let kids in school and foreign visa should be expelled and deported anda agitators should be arrestd and prosecuted and given time to stop this. they have to pay for it. >> lawrence: thank you. sir, what about you, nate, the great come around a little bit, what do you think about protesters across the country, they say the same as terrorist
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organizations. >> they are self-proclaimed, every one of them, you talk to them and hear them on the news and radio and on your channel, you don't hear them on other channels, okay. it is just a one-sided thing. they are nasty people. they got nothing better to do than to say that and that is so disgusting, i'm sorry. >> lawrence: thank you for your service. one last gentleman, is this what you fought for, for people to go out and burn the american flag, not fight for our counter? >> i believe in the first amendment, however, there are c constraints and the people p protesting are terrorists and shouldn't be allowed to do that. law enforcement is restrained, i have no idea why. >> lawrence: thank you, sir.
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one last gentleman over here, loop around and run quickly. i think he deserves a run because he fought for our country, world war ii veteran, one of our last living. i will turn you around. george, when you see all these people protesting, they say and express hate for jewish community, stand with hamas, have hezbollah flags, what runs through your mind, is this what you fought for? >> they are disgrace to united states of america, burning flags and talking against the country, not happy here, deport them like anybody else if they are not an american. these veterans died and injured so they could protest against the united states of america, total disgrace. >> lawrence: thank you for your service, give it up for our
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veterans in here. we have a big group. back to you in new york. >> brian: that is a great day, good job, lawrence. >> ainsley: great message, tell them we thank them for serving our country. >> brian: that is there. find out what is happening around the country. >> carley: brings everything into perspective, love to see that. heiress to massive tech fortune has vanished, authorities in san francisco bay area believe she could be in one of the most dangerous neighborhoods. she ran away from home and may be in the crime-ridden tenderloin district. her billionaire father co-founded slack and her mom co-founder flickr. wild video out of los angeles, car explodes and goes up in flames causing major traffic jam. no word on what caused that
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fire. thankfully they were able to put out the flames. president biden getting roasted for reading in his latest telepr teleprompter gaffe. >> imagine what we can do, four more years. pause. >> four more years. four more years. >> carley: you are supposed to pause, not say it, that moment did happen in a speech to union members yesterday. those are headlines. >> brian: put in brackets. >> carley: congress dan crenshaw wrote, they should put i'm retiring and my name is ron bur burrgundy. >> brian: got himself in trouble? >> i'm ron burrgundy, why a
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question mark behind my name? supreme court will hear trump's immunity claim in 90 minute says. >> brian: sorry we're late thank you, won't happen again. shannon bream coming up.
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>> biden's pause on liquidified projects in appeal to young climate voters spelling trouble in battleground pennsylvania. lawrence is live in the most competitive area. joined by ceo of e2e, toby rice. >> thank y'all so much, i appreciate it, family. you are in natural gas business and understand what energy means to this country, how has it been impacted under this current administration? >> it has been difficult, we wake up and find another punitive action like this pause or from regulation and from the agencies and interpretation and it makes it difficult to do what we do, keep america energy secure and keep the leading
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energy producers. >> lawrence: i try not to get you involved in politics, this is affecting your bottom line, what would donald trump presidency do for your industry? >> the biggest difference is energy is political, how can we have high energy prices when sitting on the best energy system in the world, political force has overridden market force. let market force rule, let cleanest energy come to the stage. lng pauses would not be part of the conversation. you should care about lng, is key to lowering global emission around the world and our potential right now, we have ability to add to the world stage.
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unbeatable and energy export mean surplus and energy security for americans. >> lawrence: thank you for all you do. it shouldn't be political, energy is something for national security, how we heat our houses, white house continues with green new deal despite folks like my last guest saying it is not working. >> every voter buys or uses oil and gas. thank you, lawrence and to by. anti-israel protest on campus, talking to a senior putting the blame on school leaders. n activ. i understand the veteran mentality. these are people who have served. they've been in leadership positions. they're willing to put their life on the line if necessary. and they come to us and they say, i need some financial help at this point in time.
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>> brian: tonight pro-israeli students and activists will march at columbia university. live at columbia this entire week. what do you expect tonight? >> hi, brian, columbia jewish students are beginning to place israeli flags on the lawn at columbia university. university says it has midnight deadline with students who are camping out until deknow mand for divestment from israel. the university says pro-palestinian student protest protester s have agreed to crack down on discriminatory language. as long as the encampment is up, they feel unwelcomed.
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house speaker johnson telling jesse watters what he saw. >> it was chaos on campus, rage on their face, not just free exchange of ideas. this is threatening and intimidating jewish students because of who they are and what they believe. >> students is been endorsed by hamas and therefore, are the problem. back to you. >> brian: seeing all the unscripted chaos. a senior from u from columbia university joins us. how difficult has this been? >> for jewish and nonjewish students, atmosphere of chaos. no one is doing anything to stop it. break what are encampments
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taking over center square, who are those people? >> large percentage of students from columbia campus who really want to make their message clear that jewish and israeli students are not woman on campus, we have seen groups posting themselves that there are nonstudents coming in and giving speeches and support to students and new york city council members and others. >> brian: you were there yesterday, what was it like? >> correct. it was tense on campus. if speaker johnson is coming to campus, you should welcome in his perspective and let him speak. nothing of the sort, people were drowning him outs, heckling. for jewish students who do not feel safe on campus, who are being harassed, it is environment of unsafety.
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if speaker of the house want to change that, i welcome that. >> brian: you are going to class anyway? >> i have to. i -- >> brian: you have to make sure you are not intimidated. >> i do. i am paying money, i have just as much right to be on campus. >> brian: how do you feel? >> angry, sad, disasppointed in the school's administration. it is ninth day and nowhere to be seen. >> brian: have they asked for jewish representative to sit with the president to find out your point of view? >> a little bit, but recently, no, they are sending updates and we are left to fend for
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ourselves while faculty and students rile this up. >> brian: you work hard in high school and you probably going to go to law school, right? hang in there, glad you have courage to go to campus anyway, they should provide security for you. they should. >> brian: in 90 minutes from the presidential immunity hearing. shannon bream is here on what to expect. ork, and the farm was the perfect place to learn grit, determination and problem solving. we're taking that passion and channeling it through our farm to home bedding bath, and apparel at red land cotton. we grow cotton in the rich red earth of north alabama. and we want our products to be made here in the usa, from the seed in the ground to the final stitch. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20
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>> ainsley: back with a fox news alert. at 10:00 a.m. eastern time, supreme court will take up whether or not former president donald trump has presidential immunity, we'll have it live on fox. >> high court hears arguments and trump will be sitting in a new york city courtroom for his criminal case. >> brian: brooke singman has details. >> brooke: the supreme court taking up this high-stakes case. the former president says this morning there is no room for error. watch. >> the supreme court on presidential immunity, a president htz to have immunity, if you don't, you have ceremonial president. >> brooke: trump is upset he
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can't attend the arguments and took a swipeats at the judge saying, he thinks he is above the supreme court. two hours ago trump met with workers at a construbction site. we spoke to a union leader, watch. >> it was great for him to talk to us in new york city. nobody likes what is going on in america right now, they are agitated. >> brooke: immunity hearing will begin at 10:00 a.m. >> ainsley: thank you, brooke. interesting to watch him live this morning 6:15 before he went down to court. >> brian: he has a great team, so much here to campaign about. it represents the rest of the country and new jersey, pennsylvania, connecticut is in
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play. shannon bream, fox news sunday and she has another hat, put on now, chief legal correspondent. what are you looking forward to most to hearing today? >> shannon: we're finally here, this argument was added last minute, be last argument of this term. we will see where the justices go. it is a secret vote, we don't know who voted to hear this or voted not to hear this. i'll be watching the chief justice closely, he could be key to this entire thing and whether they decide to go as president is asking the former president for full immunity, nobody who support president trump think that will happen. do they send this back to lower court stretching this further?
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we'll see. >> ainsley: if they take away his immunity, he was saying earlier, that makes me a ceremonial president or whoever, he said presidents will never make tough decisions if they don't have immunity. what are your thoughts? >> shannon: the court will recognize some level of immunity. we talk about the old nixon case, this is different, they have not done this with respect to criminal charges. of course, the president has some immunity, probably not full-throated widespread immunity president trump is asking for. he has some points. he talked about a president, all caps on social media, president be worried about leaving office and opposing party coming after them for tough decisionses have
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to make. >> has a big crowd gathered outside the courthouse >> shannon: we did expect they would. yesterday the abortion case they had hundreds of people out here, today is quiet, oddly. we have protesters with signs derogative to the former president, it is quiet, more so than yesterday. >> brian: what does it mean? they go out and should be limited immunity, what does it mean for the classified documents case and special counsel immunity case >> shannon: they will outline that if applicable to this case. you heard jonathan turley talking it may go back to the lower court, we have given you parameters, apply that to january 6, does that fall into limited immunity bound we have given you.
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it could stretch out the case, which would be a win in many ways, if they define something specific, may mean there is more legal wrangling on this case to come and not fully settled. >> ainsley: thank you so much. >> brian: thank you. whole fox family is here. it is bring your kids to workday and we're celebrating with young executives. >> brian: look at this. >> ainsley: look. >> brian: first as we walk in here, should i -- should we not -- >> ainsley: we'll interview them after the break, check in with dana perino to find out what is coming up on her show. hi, dana. >> dana: ainsley, bring them up here, so cute. it is different day for former president trump, justices hear his case about criminal charges, it will be in new york city, criminal hush money trial continues today. trump surprised construction
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workers and campaigned this morning. sounds like they have his vote. president biden in state new york today, not to visit college campuses or taunt trump, raising money for his campaign and striking a semiconductor deal up there. supreme court trial starts at 10 clk a.m., we'll see you then. . i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. to abandon their pets. those pets often end up in shelters that euthanize them after just a few days.
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>> ainsley: what a great shot of the morning this is. >> lawrence: is live at the eagle diner surrounded by patriots including veterans in pennsylvania and they say they want to do something very special for us, right, lawrence? >> lawrence: that's right. we have veterans from desert storm, afghanistan, korea war, world war ii, and, of course, vietnam. they will say a prayer. they meet twice a month. they will say the pledge of allegiance and salute the flag. take it away. >> we're mostly vietnam veterans. we meet twice a week as larry said and these are all encouraged to join us and we're about to salute. and salute. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america,
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and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indi visible, with liberty and justice for all. guys, what a powerful moment from the greatest generation. over to the next generation, hopefully they can keep this legacy going. >> brian: awesome, great job. now it's time the mojo we've been waiting for. bring your kids to workday. all the kids came in with parents today. >> ainsley: so excited to have so many members of our fox family this morning. this is tatum, my daughter. we love your parents so much and watched all of you grow up. many of you we knew when you were born. >> brian: janice, start and let's get everybody's name. ready? >> erin, olivia, alice, faith, robert, maggie, richard,
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madison, con el, hank, jack, axle, ainsley, ethan, ian, frankie, emmy, leah, quinn, sophia, maddy, olivia, stella, ava, miley, adam, teddy, ian, avery, emma, olivia, ella. hannah, connor, robert, he stole my name. christopher. >> ainsley: you did great, everybody. >> brian: what do you like more, school or coming to work? >> work. >> brian: who knows what they want to do when they grow up? >> be a police officer.
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>> brian: what about you? >> any job that i can use my brain. i want to be a basketball player. >> brian: look at this. >> who can do a better job than brian kilmeade? maybe you should tell ask her? >> i want to foster puppies. >> brian: very well. it saves a lot of lives. >> ainsley: i have to save my money. thank you all so much and for being here. >> brian: applaud for yourselves. i'm so glad you came here. enjoy the day. see you later, everybody. >> dana: high stakes day in the halls of justice. two of the biggest trump cases are coming to a head on


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