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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  April 25, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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the top five. bye, jesse. okay. so a british marathoner had a glass of wine per mile at the london marathon. >> typical british move, always showing off. 25 glasses of wine while running a marathon. >> finished under 4 hours. kidding. seriously, what is wrong with him tonight? >> because you don't drink. tonight, jesse. what a primetime. johnny asked about biden's uncle, boosie, who was eaten by cannibals. >> oh, i can't wait. joe biden is like a bag of dope. donald trump. that cocaine. you went to heroin? >> like slow joe. or tell you what the what do you want, the heroin or the cocaine? >> well, i mean, recovering. >> wow. johnny there it is. harold, we don't have time for you, but can i just make it airborne? we love what you say. i wi >> all right, that's it. right? >> welcome to jesse watters. primetime tonigh>> jest. ump es
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trump escapes the cageca and makes a play. >> we're going to be doingrallyt a rally at madison square gardengarden. who's behind the arab springeti break? >> a prime time investigatioinv show your face. show your face. >>ace.e you scared to show your face? with more on this stormy weather, here's our weather personh more o and bona fide meteorologist. >> al roker, thanks a lot,th kermit. >> now, here's where the hurricane is right now. rricannoal roker's getting sued. i was. by the way, how do you think uncle buzzy tasted uncle who? >> there's an animal loose on the streets in new york cityi
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breaking out of his cage at the crack of dawn this morning, donalds caget th trump headed st into a construction site. you, donald trump, amid a sea of hard hats this morning. >> it wasn't eve hardhatn 630, the former president shaking hands, signing haters and talkig to the people who built the city of new yorkt. .. >> i think this may be where democrats are going. [ inau there's not a democrat in there. these are people that took a lot of great buildings in the city with these people, and they've given me great support. they're really amazing. very, very, very talented people. they don't there a ver get the h that. >> very few people can do what they used to doey pay her three floors a week in concrete. and it was guys like thi is.
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>> it's very trump's always lovedp ha the god construction site for a real estate mogul like him. it's hom gooe. judging by the we lovejudg trump chants, they love him, toing t weo. r. >> it was great to see it the president come in engaging with the blue collar worker of new york city. blwe basically built new york.t i put out a poll in my union. president trump is leading joe biden's 3 to 1 on1 of my presidential poll out of my 9000 members right nowy 90. we are very tired of the situation with groceries, inflation, gas prices, illegal immigration, crime. we are livinrices,g it every day in new york city. >> these are lifelong democrat unions rappingy.>> jesse their u around trump, a group joe biden won by 16 points last time. but biden can't even put a hard hat on the right way. remember when he does talk to them, too? .hehe talks down to them.
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>> choose your fighter. this is exactlessey why democrai need trump trapped inside of his cage in court. >> every timdef hicagee he escab whether it's a construction site or a bodega -, as msnbc's, he said, it's a dangerous situation. he earns the hearts and mindss h of crowds and biden loses his base. >>arts o trump says he's making. a play for new york.e' >> and normally a democrat will win new york. biden is the worst president ine history, and we have some very bad people here, but we have the greatessomey t people. and they're right behind me and they all want us to run. and we're goint usg to we're goe to run very hard in new york. new york. we have a good chance we have e of new york, in myt at opinion, but we're going to give it a shot. with aafter hanging out bunch of hardhats this morning, animal control caught the donald and threw him back in his cage. l caug the freezing cold courtroom in manhattan. hin hit break' his spirit. >> today was breathtaking. in this room, we saw what went
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on. it was breathtaking and amazing testimony. this is a trial that should never happen. this is a case that shouldshould have never been filed. and it was really an incredible and incredible day. >> open your eyes. se >> the former president hit two holes in one in court toda n ,one in manhattan, another in the supreme court. preme coit was day seven in theh of the crime that democrats still haven't named the man who ran "the national enquirer", dave pecker, back on the stand. got this time, the trump team gotche a chance to cross-examin te the it turns out democrat star witness caught and killestard fr a lot of people. pecker admitted to catching g a story about tiger woods. he said he paid hundredsr of to catch and kd for arnold schwarzenegger when he ran for california governor. gger whebetween 30 and 40 women. oh, gosh, arnold.icans that's not just republicans. he was killing stories for. >> pecker testified that he caught and killed for obama's
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former- pe right hand man, rahm emanuel. turns out rahm's brother, arir c emanuel, reached out to pecker asking himhe pec to catch and kl his brother's affair. >> the tabloids are always catching and killing for republicans and democrats. >> are we goinlling fopublicangt emanuel and arnold into court for something that happened hao? ag or are we going to bringn ca the cia and the biden campaign in for catchinmpain fog and kilg the laptop? >> pecker also testified that the wholepecker a catch anl operation was spearheaded by him and cohen not trump.saidw >> he said we didn't want thisth story to embarrass mr. trump or embarrass or hurt the campaign. >> when asked whose we,p, he said, not trump. it's pecker. and cohes an. so it was the star witnesses in the case that wanted to catch and kill to protect trump, not trump. got it. all of this blows their whole case up. >> right now, the only cas righe they're trying to make is that trump should be held in contempt for talkin i forg to biden. >> donating judge held off from
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issuing a rulingthe d on that t. >> but well, avlon brags team was attacking free speechk smit in new york. jack smith's team was trying to undo 234 years of presidential precedent in the supreme cour t, arguing that presidents should be held criminally liable for actions they've taken office. >> the judges, though, not convinced. >> there's the old song aboutabu indicting a ham sandwich. yes, but i think just a few weeks you had a lot of experience in the justice department. you comeyoiv across a lot of cas where the the u.s. attorney or another federal prosecutor really wanted to indict a casenf in the grand jury, refused to do so. >> t are suc that,es you know. yes. but i think that the other oncea in a while there's an eclipse to justice kavanaugh a asked like, why wouldn't this create a vicious cycle of partisas cre presidential prosecutions and pardons and certain going forward is that the system when
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former forme presidents are subt to prosecution in the historyg of morrison versus olson, tells us it's not going to stop. us's going to it's's goingo cyca cycle back and be used against the current president or pr president or and the next president and the next president after that president not having immunity just openst up a pandora's box. >> if trump gets charged, does that mean bill clinton gets charged for bombing aspirin, factories in africa? >> does obama get charged for drone strike in a u.s. citizen?g >> can biden be charged for human trafficking alon ag the border, cocaine possession or for his windmills murdering whalesalong th? >> i mean, they're endangered species. that's one year per well, you take away a president's immunity in his free speech and there's no coming back.back >> these are all legal haile al marys to keep trump chained inside of the cage, away from the campaign trail and away frome campail an you, the votero but good luck keeping him in his cage and going to the south bronx to do a rally.
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we're going to be doing a rally at madison square garden, we believe. i think we're saying madison square garden. do we have a big rally honoring the police and honoring the fireme everybodn? y. everybody honoring a lot s, people, including teacher who will be honoring the people that make new york for. and we'll be doing a number of large rallies. it number of will be very excit. >> jason murray is a graduate apprentice with the steam fitters union. >> so, jason, you were out there today. y,what happened with the helmet? yes. so i got to see trump and i was there in the back. and i say, mr. president, could you please sign my welding helmet? handed it over to the secret servicriede, tried to deny ite first, and i was like, no, let me get that. >>: you wi wearver that again. >> i can't. can't this one is going to go on the air and on the mantel at the home, so you got to buy a new one. do you have to buy a new tw on ? and the funny part about this whole thing, my brother's in a he's in the army. he he's in alaska right now.. so this it says armed forces.foc li when he got iest and held it
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up and i was just like, this is, you know, perfect right now. >> well, that's great. hear >> and thank your brother for his service. oh, thank you. so you heard the sound bite of your chied biteure said tf. >> he said that it's three to one trump to biden. >> was it always like that? >> didn't the unions m in manhattan used to be more liberalor? ago >> yeah. just four years ago, you could even see that our union,oud to that they said to support supported biden. >> and then immediateln. immediy a week after he got into office and took over, laid off 10,000 of our workers, some of my brothers, he laid them off. y laid them off. the job was gone. they were out working on the pipeline, shut down the pipeline nngne, shut. now, all these guys that had jobs out there working, trying to, you know, provide for their familye guys now if they don't have a job anymore and he didn't really mention it. >> he just laid them offand that and that was it. no apology, no nothing w. what else started to change that shifted your political leaningst in the union towards trump? >> well, just the cost of the cost of livingh the , just going through the roof. everything. everything that they promised, say they say more work. they say all this, and then all of a sudden they turn around all these illegal aroundh
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immigrants coming in. i mean, kathy hochul, she was trying to give our work away. so it's like you said, the democrats, you're here for the working man, yet here you're trying to give our jobs away to people that don't even have legal status here yet. >> whebs awan you reflect back e trump presidency, you've now been able to compare the four of trump, that four of biden. are you and your memberse thinking about that, just >>oking at it back to back thin >> yeah, i had conversations with guys on the job sites all the time, and 2018 wass on one of the busiest times that any of us can rememberpresd in construction, and that was during his presidency. so ient hasn't been as active with joe biden. >> no, not at all. when you see trump, i guesshe's he's there at 630 in them, morning, he's shaking hands and he's getting back to hishe'w freezing cage in court. >> how does that make you guys feel? s thatou guyeloh, it's actuallyt feeling. >> and our our business manageoh who is on tv, he reached outed to every single presidential
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candidate to see if they wanted to address our membership. and he got e preside a responset from trump, directly from rfk. and herf has not received a single email or memo from biden or his team. >> wow. do you think president trump is getting a fai. r trial here in manhattan? >> i think it's a kangaroo court. all right. i think it's banana republic fai here in attan?. and it's it's a it's a shame. all right. well, i'd sign that for you, but i think it wouldul lower the value. thank you very much. i appreciate it. thanks for your addres low s. >> we'll see you around. thank you. hamas professors.hamas . gender seasons and who hate joe biden's uncle buzzy leads. they have you surrounded. take your lawn baths, which fe terrific action. it gets three jumpstart at once kills weeds. franed. feed iz comcast and kee. growing strong download the my lawn app today for lawn care lawn app today for lawn care tips lawn feed it. there's some things that work better together, like your workplace benefits soeel conf for
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lives together. joining us, arab spring breakprn was lit this week. >> radicals that u.s. swork nd cars police and blocked their squad
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cars from leaving the scene after arrestinme sceng a bunch of wannabe jihadis. >> these encampments are becoming more hostile by the day when colleges are no go zonesents abecoming for cnn. >> that means trouble.ha the atmosphere is gettingle rou a little rough and people like peis won't show their facegh, but are trying to intimidate us by filming us. soin the atmosphere is getting a little unpleasant. now, i've got to say so earlier ,what happened? protesters started. the guys still filming me. i mean, i've just moved here. yeah, well, i mean, you show your face. you show your face. why are you scared to show your face anywaycareur , anyway,more t anyway? more than 50 of them were arrested forhan 50 w.
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that's not just a plan. anyway, i think we should. i thinhok.ul i think we should probablyo go because it's getting jesse a little nasty here. >> but these two influencers are starting to smel: s tl like antifa. outsiders aren't welcome in their encampment.ins, which is y ilhan omar was welcomed to columbia with open arms today were y. >> that's pretty funny today. thatre going to take that mad t i just wanted to see and make sure that, you know, that's w being that we were hearing fromf issuyounrog people that it is peaceful, that they want the issue to be focused, the demands that they are making, and that, you know, we should no elcomplete other things that are happening elsewhere to the encampments that are happening on college campus. >> here's the thing.thos those protests are happening on college campuses. whether the colleges wanre ht tm or not. >> new york's renowned fashion institute of technology, not traditionally a haven for political activism, triepolitidi to shut down a protest that was
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starting on their grounds. but outside reinforcements buements up and forced their way inside to support the budding encampment. you know, try to avoid university. >> you shouldn't be surprisedurs by these insurgent cells popping up on their grounds. they've made fostering theseedyc anti-american ideas a key point of their curriculum. >> it's what attracted manyn th of these students in the first place. here's a clip from anel sem anti-israel seminar hosted by a columbia student groupin a right before these protests kicked off on october 7th. we saw the potential of a
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future for palestine liberated from zionism by the forces bye. d ansistanc how do we get organized and use ghe organizing that we're doin in order to be a meaningful part of that globa tl front i ti of resistance? >> i thinknker after october 7t, palestinians have revived becausevolution they have now engaged in not just defending themselves and their existence, but alsso we are moving towards being the taking initiatives. >> yeah, hamas was just showings initiative. that's what we like to see. eeand let's meet one oflet's the columbia's now formerly esteemed professormef s mohammed abdou. the school describes him as a muslim anarchist, interdisciplinary activist, scholar of indigenous black, critical race and islamic studies, as well as gender, sexualit ely, abolitionwith e and decolonization with extensive field work experiencesive fierience. here's one of the seminars
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mohammed held before. >> he was hired by columbia. it doesn't take much more onolu. these issues to change the world for 2500 or we're able to do it to whatever extent that we agree or disagree or partially accept or whatever. >> hamas or not. i have my ow>> i h own crin crir whatever of islamists in general, but ultimately i support the resistance. >> but look, one thousand 500. people are able to dodo all right. >> look what they were able to do. they slaughtered innocent womenn and then their corpses. columbia saw that and said, you you're hired. re >> they knew exactly what they were getting when they hired mohammed. and now they're just thed mohamg to save face. last week, the president of the university , he told congress that mohammed would never work in columbia again. >> okay. but mohammed was reportedly seen on campus jus report day ao and said that the school's president lied about firing t them. >> why don't you let these people take root? it's almost impossible root it' to weedg to
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them out. >> what's it going to take for columbia to fire this guy? akmbia this guy?they find out h. >> charlie hirsch joins me now. >> charlie, cnn has broadcast from afghanistan, iraq. but they had to wrap things up a at columbia. >> what does that tell you? actual war zones. >>they they they want to gett ty under the desk, but they keep they keep going. right. but not at columbia university. no, it's -- it's lly amaz reallydegree amazing. and the degree to which joe biden owns all of thiso wher lots of different reasons, not just because all of these biden are democrat supporters. and, of course, joe biden, you know, he's not condemning these people. what he's saying is he's still he's still kowtowing to thems h desperately trying to get their support for the next t for election. but this is the thing that i think is going to sear through worse than anything elsecause of because of joe biden,axpaye the american taxpayer is payinr the tuition of these clowns to go to this universitythis u.
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>> and these are and these bills are being paid by people who workin hard, who maybe didnl go to college themselves, who maybe couldn't send their own children to collegle y but they're having to pay for this stuff. and it is enraging this st to to a regular person. >> when you see people wearingae the headscarves. now, that could be a legitimate deal that they're doing. tha legiti deat it.y ar >> but it looks liketheir they're hiding their faces purposellyy for disguise in ords to cause trouble and not be seen. >> so you know who's not confusedee about any of thisstuf stuff? are regular americans, regular taxpayers? they look at this stuff arreguls they're disgusted. but and as much as companies try to be woke and try to pretend compa twoke a like t of endure all of this nonsense, the truth is companies are not going to hire these people. these clowns are neverese peoptg to work. they're going to be on welfare the rest of their lives. and sost ly the only smart thingstud some of these students are doing is putting on masks or hiding behindentsngs umbrells and putting on scarves so that they can't. so it doesn't wind up o on linkedin that's goingn link .
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oh, i love the guy that says, you know, oh, man, hamas really showed some potential, really good initiative. yeah. yeah. no. they hir, they hired that and of course, this guy, professor abdu, who who's an i expert in, among other things, sexuality. >> oh. hired literallity among otheings to the day after october seven, which he celebrated. t th >> and they hired him.him. yeah. i don't care that they fired him. they hired him n th in the first place. right. and that's the problem. and then they lied about firing him. yeah. >> jesse: th thet fire that guy. yeah, it's impossible now. all right, charlie., thanks.r sr >> good to see youet. connell is secret service agent who wigged out. >> new details could be dea hire a once ignored educational epidemic has become a nationwide issue for public schools and become cockpits of a culture. we've seen just how many ways kids have been held hostage
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because his presidency was brilliant by compariso presidenn. but this is the worst president we've ever had. wey, destroying our countrent closed the borders. he can do it in one one phone call. you can close the bordert cals.u >> close up the borders. joe, our country is going to . try isamerica agrees. : amer a majority of the country backs. mass deportations of illegals. >> but sanctuary cities like maicago doing everythingchything they can to make surekean the migrants keep showing up. >> chicagots k city council approving a massive $70 milliond payday for illegal aliens. >> and that's on topayfor ille 0 million already earmarked. where's the money going? free hotels and houses. >> how long have you been in this hotel? >> seven months. what was the service inside? hotel?seven moit was good becaud us move forward and get a house. >> was the babs forwardy born b >> yes. is the government givingy you money to gborn h>> yeso to ? >> yes. how much? i don't remember how much, but i have to leave now. >> i think that the chicago illegal aliens are ver>> jessel
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thankful and they knowbe they wouldn't be her e if it wasn't for one man. >> thanks to the north american president. joe biden,ac we are all north american. >> since we've arrivedan, hashak treated us good. we are thankful for his support and we love hi form. i >> if i could vote, i woulde vote for biden. for e ableing to b to vote in the elections? >> my dream is to vote, get my documents? to vote. that is my dream. they give us the opportunity to vote. e us oppnity tjoe biden is numb. >> are the migrants afraid of donald trump wins >> migra? on >> yes. the truth is yes. yes, there is fear. re is febiden might be down in e polls, but he's got a 100% approval rating with illegalg wo >> the people who grew up in chicago, the american citizensw up are getting shafted and they're not happy about it. >> actually, not better than [ real residents like they giving them that day. give us. and we. born and raised in chicago, taking care of migrants more than the actual residents of the city. we tried to get them out of our city to bed in chi.migrants hono they have been like robbing and still oppose robbingheou people and stuff like that.
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there are a lot of crime from the migrants here. ye theimoms, course, definitely. you know, they're still th robbingthg, robbi, but the de between the cities and chicago is no accountability for ac. t foantse takes a lot for chicago c to complain about crime. now, whileom the migrant crisis is crushing average americans, big businesses, this surge with dollar signs in their eyes, the bezos, washingtonut post just came out and admitted what we've known all along. baked jobs claims have really only benefited one group illegals. they published a handy chartwer' showing that if it weren't for fodeign born workers, there' be zero job growth since 2020. zero flat pesos is paper. em >> no problem there. in fact, they're celebrating biden's open ey are borders withoute th mentioning the deadly crime wave that's been usheredat in to them and really is justco the cost of doing business. migranf doing t home invader wh two kids in michigan. still an economic net positive. democrats have already admitted
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they want them to pick crops,anh hold mops and wipe dowitn tabletops from signs learning about the secret service agent who went on a wild rampage at fort base this week.she wa >> she was supposed to beo protecting kamala, but otherothe agents ended up needing protection from her secretagente service. >> sources tell real clear politics the agent was acting weird from the get go, but things took a turn when she snatched a senior agent'things i and starts deleting his apps. >> they got it back, but things got worse. she reportedly started mumblings to herself and throwing tampons at another agent whilent screaming that they're going to burn in . >> they told her she was being removetheyd fromt an the assignment. >> and then it got worse from there. shdrse frome then chest bumpednf the commanding officer, tackled him to the grounicd d and, starr swinging. >> she was armed. the wholmetimee time, by the wae >> she was taken away in cuffs.f and it turns out this wasn't
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her first issue with a superior. she sued sued the city of dallas, where she was a cop. she felt retaliated against the after she blew the whistle over an alleged assault. an ane wanted the millio bucks, but the judge dismissed the case twicee dismis. so have this woman get o dnn ge the vp detail. some agents putting the dea, 3 the secret service, pledged to make wome n 30% of the force by 2030. let's ask ronald kessler,- rona authorld of the first familytail detail. >> what do you think really happened here? >> ron, i think you laid it outt perfectly. perfthe secret service, namely, the secret service director, kimberly cheatham, decided a embrace this goal, put out by a women's policewoaniz organization to haveatio 30% ofe agents in the case of the secret service being females. t' and that's roughly double
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the percentage of females in the secret service. well, of coursles in t secret es that lead to? that leads to corner cut in accepting lng people who aree up to standards. sed sure enough, in this cas en you have the secret service overlooking an obviousrv proble, which was the the lawsuit you mentioned, where the judge twice dismissed the charges. wouldn't even bring it to trial, because obviously there was no evidence. and that calls into questionandt her judgment and her honesty.hol so that immediately should have been a red flag. be redver should have been hired. and it's so serious. you know, she just color just as well could have attacked kamala harris. >> i mean, it could have gotten a lot worse. you're right. and this woman, cheadle, who'sie running the secret service, this is the same woman that hired this woman thatn. this is the same woman that kind of covered upe the cocaine in the white house. >> isn't a shend she? well, i don't know about that, but -- but, you know, i thin ik
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that's still up for grabs. and i don't see any indication that. but you are right that she is a problem because she ignored the fact that 24 times biden's dog had beaten the secrete service agents over a period of almost a yearag. i w, i understand that she did talk to bideunn it. biden blamed the agents, which is typical biden. you know, he blames the secret, the supermarkets for presentation. but she should have said she should have stood up to him and said, you know, we cannotif provide protection to you if we're goineg be under constant threat. that's what she should have done. thate should hr did. >> all right. ronald kessler, the first wemily detail, go get the bookey . thanks so much, ron. have a great weekend. thand.k you, se jesse. >> fox news alert harvey weinstein's conviction in newwk york has just been overturned. >> how?nal co >> senior national correspondent
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kevin cork has the story. rr kevin s kevin? >> evening, jesse. i as shocking as this sounds, the weinstein decision, actually makes it likely that a brand new trial in new york oy same charges will come about in the not too distant future. r, this is important. mr. weinstein will remain behind bard s, both because of a separate conviction and because of what would likely into a lengthy retrial. meantime, here's what happened todare's whay. new york's state court of appeals overturned weinstein's 23 year sentencen in a43 decision, the court foundecisiond, the trial judge,l unfairly allowed testimony against weinsteiowagainsn based on allegations that were not a part of the case madevocate to advocates, noted that the ruling was based on legal technicalities and is not anoneo exoneration of mr. weinstein's behavior . e th in a stinging dissent, judge madeleine cengiz wrote that the courtt of of apps was continuing a disturbing trend of overturning juriesng jr guilty verdicts in cases involving sexual violenciltye,
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adding that the ruling came at the expense and safety of women. >> now, weinstein's lawyers expect today's rulinw thg to hae a major impact on his appeal of his l.a. convictio hisn, foi which he's on the hook for 16 years. their arguments, jesser e se, at to begin on may the 20th. back to you. all right, kevin, thanhe 20th.ko much. >> you bet. johnny checks in with.h biden voters. do you think joe biden is okay up there? biden ha. k joe bides done a lot, but heao doesn't like, you know, the anything up yet except for the economy, the border. okay. so okay. >> copd isn't pretty. and with >> copd isn't pretty. and with i'm out of breath and often out. of the picture, but this is my story. >> and with one daily trilogy, it can stillys open be beautiful it can stillys open be beautiful because with three medicineson,
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>> call 1-800- 3297676. that's 1-800- 3297676. >> we'll be doing this on a weekly basis. design is something we must have tapped by thursday. prime times favorite day of the week in honor of reverend al sharpton. we're bringing you the best storiee brins about diversity, y and inclusion. >> it's not every day you seea l a white guy sue a black guy for not hiring enough black guysey for his pbs show. >> but today, anything's possibles pbs today an. >> al roker and his company, roker entertainment, are being sueder e by a white producer for
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not being d-i enough. >> the initiative demanded that roker exclusively hire black writers for his show, weather hunters. but naughty al roker hired some whites and the white whitee producer not happy about it. according to the complaint, the whit e producer demanded roker start discriminating against whitesscriminas and got fired. now he wants $10 million bonfire fire, sandy beaches, pool parties, barbecues. >> don't poo you love summer?vem i love summer so much. i'm thinking of identifyinmeh g as it. it's called gender season. n. >> did you know? however, there is a kno gender identity that is linked to the seasons? this is calledthis i gender sea and a season is an individualy n who explores the gender identity in relation to a thall of the seasons. so this might be somebody whose gender, expression and identit'y is linked to one season, say,
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for example, winter or this might be somebody whosey gender identity and expression changes depending on the seasogn . >> my pronoun spring, but i p might transitionrono to summer.r >> working in retail is hard. the hours are long, the work ca n be boring and the customers. i thought there was nothing worse than a karen ithought . s well, that is until we met a trans karen. >> oh, this is quenton at the dollar general theater , though.eard what did you think when you called me to see her? i don't know what you said to get the photo. >> because your system may? to go. i don't know what you call me. e to>> i cinton, please feel to tell me what you called me. we can play this game all day. m oh, what game?ing tran where you're being transphobic and offensive because your system is notfensivd as wo. and i asked if we could use another registered. you could give me a hard time here at dollar general. all right, then. want to leave because the card >> because my card did not do not save sufficient>s funds. and no d thursday is complete without a prime time victory
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as we know, joe biden gave title nine a change to allow th to cover trans. >> the rules are supposed to change in august. boyss and girls locker rooms. >> boys in the field. hockey team. boys in the girls bathroomd hoe and remember, that can be changing based on the seasons, but notn desa in florida. >> ron desantis says nntiso chas will be made to title nine in his state for as long as he'syoa governor. and you can expect the biden administration to sue, whichpect could take this to the supremewh court, where we may get someer clarity on the trans situation when the president of the united states says his unclele was eaten by cannibals. naturally, you'd think it'd be covered everywhere. no, not for biden. msnbc. nothing. cnn. nothing. abc, nbc, cbs. dy cen >> nothing. thank god for comedy centraltr.i the single engine planes reconnaissance over war zones.
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you guysdoing shot down in new guinea and they never foundecaue the body because there used to be a lot of cannibals in that part of. you're going to lose the election. at some point, we all get to an ine where we confuseag our own life story with the plot of indiana jones and have. >> but how a regular new yorkers digesting the cannibal story johnny hitjoy the streets to ask h guess>> gue what donald trump said. now biden's decrepit or something liket that. melania's pregnant and these are his was about hillary killing stuff. >> enough. he said his uncle was eateisn ue by. annibals that's nasty. donald trump lies about every day. >> he needs to get eaten by cannibals. do you believe it? no, actually, it was joe biden? who said that barack could
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believe. >> you think it's true? yeah. to him, yeah. oh, we're going to leave it there. these? canveus >> yeah, they did so wrong. >> joe biden. sleepy joe. >> i don't know anyone that's b ever gotten me by cannibals. get in my lanellyd. >> joe biden said his uncle'sana plane was shot down in new guinea, and then cannibals ate him. >> but the pentagon says that's not true. pentagon doesn't say it's people. >> so we don't want to putguinea that. >> where's new guinea? it ain't the pentagon. in america, everything is out of his mouthut is lies, and it makes no sense. hi and i want to be clear. i'm not going nuts. the white house. questio >> you're silly if you question this story. is that fair? is tfaire house. >> i don't know why i can have my own opinion. they think it's silly because they know we. t. right? maybe she meant it was silly>> that you're even still bring it up. you' they ng id be great.for press secretary for joe biden. thank you.>> is that a compliment thank that it's just that they hiding something. what do you think they're hiding? it's not the joe biden.
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where's the real joe biden then, then? yeah, i've heard of you.? let's call the white house for reasons. the people in there got to be white people. what about barack obama? what about him? he was in there. not about obama. d he he was black for a minute. well, no, he was black for the whole eight years. i was the one that got him to produce the birth certificate. >> and i think i did a good job . why does joe biden keep makingoo stuff up? he's crazy and he shouldn't be president anyways. the burqa. s americget used to it. now the takes these old ain't got only got like memory loss. >> so when someone asks you apo question on the spot, he has to just think of whatever comes at the time somebody tk pushedi the dog in the lake. >> i mean, i get it, but i didn't. >> joe biden's okay up there. >> no, i think that's pretty clear. he's just like a puppet. >> njoe biden is like a bag of dope.
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donald trump like cocaine. >>u got to pick out which one do you want? you went to heroin. like slou waw joe.cain >> oh three.e like what? okay. like donald trump. well, what do you want? the heroin donald op?r the coc. >> woke up. i'm in recovery. biden hasn't don>> bidene a lote also doesn't like, you know, anything up yet except forth the economy, the border. >> okay. so oka y, i go home to miami. go home to miami.. >> tell me a story your grandpa told you that was just s too had to believe that he would surv my grandpa say was shot seven times in the chest and he survived. >> my great grandmother. was she told me she was named man the man of price is right. fine. you're good lookinices rigg. inn i beg your pardon? by the way, how do you think uncle boosie tastecld? pro >> uncle who?was go oh, my god. ill. if they had a mom, you probably be good. >> like rotten fish. f just like you. is so delicious. >> what do you want to tell jesse watters of fox news? >> we'll say a prayer for unclee moses. i hope you do not get eaten
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by cannibals d e because that we would miss you so much. nobody eating, uncle baldy. not even nobody.ext, >> my guy. i'm next page. mayor pete got my mother right now. >> everybody wants super straight super white teeth. >> they want that hollywood whitsensitivity e. new sensodyne clinical away provides two shades whether teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. a product.any ti >>me it's going to help a lotwh of patients. you knowat people don', i spende thinking about dirt at three yo and time of day. what people don't know is that not all dirt is the same.for us you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients. look. at new organic soil from miracle-gro. miracle-gro. everybod >> it worked great for us. this is as good as gold. and any garden.
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you got a job right now. next right now. get me out. get me. >> all right, this way. >> and pay for that. hey, relax. i got a job right now. car. >> yesterday was wounded heroes day in north carolin jesse: a ir of our good friend sarah varadkar's husband, mike.e mike endured catastrophic and life changing injuries in afghanistannduredatastrop ine defied the odds. this weekend, he was honored with so many great people gary sinise, tulsi gabbard, tim kennedy, and many more. mike, thank you for tha your service. ce >> we love you.
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>> foster from ohio if trump keeps making construction and bodega stops, biden is going to start bodegas begging t these trials to end. michael from beg new york i thii trump should ride the subway to court one morning. that'd be iconic orning anr ris, but you never know. >> dennis from south carolina biden threatens the union workers while trump greets them. it's obviousbide threaten who shouldom mic be president. >> craig from michiganhiga do you think biden could get up early enough to greet construction workersbiden coup? >> you probably have that little sleep mask indentatio n right there on that little shiny chick. tim from buford south carolina,o i let you sign my dirt bikuth e send it up to johnny. >> john hancock it send it right back. an abc amy kilcky, robach story on epstein but pekar can't kill a story rop. happe catch and kill happens all thens
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time. >> steve from california. my father was in papua new guinea , a forward observer guine for an army artillery unit during the war. >>oreign said the cannibals wou eat you, but they might chop your head ofea f. >> thanks for service, chet.e fm >> from myrtle beach. how myrtley gender season, jess. >> how do i feel today?l autumnto yeah, i'm autumn. >> then from a world, oregon. >> take magnesium to stop your eye twitching. u we read up about it. it's a combination of stress and too much caffeine. and we discovered i doubled up my coffee intake. i do a coffee now after breakfast. >> probably. probably the caffeine. car but thanks for your care and support. i'm waters. and this is my world.


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