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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  April 26, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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evening, everyone, i am laura ingraham, and this is "the ingraham angle." thank you for joining as always. you are looking liveus george washington university in d.c. where the deadline forse protesters to leave campus has just passed. you can see they appeared to have no intention of moving your head to new york where massive pro israel rally has just started, just gotten underway, we will bring you more on the protest come on campuses, the protest growing later in the show.l, plus my "angle" how biden is the one on trial given the newsum today. that is in moments. but first... t trump had found shall liquidate from new york trailed to supreme court or oral arguments in the presidential immunity case. we will get totay t, f all of iy with us here. but first, we start in new york where david pecker testified foa the third day. it i os less clear is the trial wears on as what is the crime?
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>> today was a breathtaking. and amazing testimony. this is a trial that should never happen. this is a case that should have never been filed. >> laura: joining me now is" todd piro, coanchor of "fox & friends first," i know you were in the courtroom today. you were witnessing and whatwers the take away today? >> i can't answer the crime is. we havlarse said legal cannot sy what the crime is to be in the courtroom and watch hour upon hour of testimony my still don't have an answer. to me, we have had nine years ou trump bad and in court, he had eight more hours of trump bad. i still don't know what the crime is. >> laura: when you watch the jury in the courtroom, are they
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riveted? are there eyes and attention seem to wonder? i'm so jealous you got to be in the courtroom he would give us a since of a bird's-eye view. >> i was was in the overflow ron i wasn't where the jury was pure to put to that point, i made a number of key points right backo to the producers here at fox basically making the point, ies watis getting bored during the butestimony of the prosecution asking pecker a bunch of questions. i understand you nees d to establish but it was painstaking going through minutee de detaild minute detail of every interaction david pecker had with every single member of trumps orbit pure contract that with the las laut 45 minutes, laura of the dayatio which was cross-examination. holmes attorney at snappy questions and i understandamin t is a function of cross-examination but if i'm inh the jury and rolled to sleep, i may hold that against the e prosecution for quitein frankly wasting my time to an extent with a very long andrn eyboring day whereas trump's
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attorney went in there and hit key points. laura come wit dayh the number e key point i took away from the entire day is this line ofrs questioning: donald trump's attorney got david peckeareer to admit throughout the course of his long career at ami, thest or"national enquirer," he caught and killed stories ford, b politicians all the time. and based upon the new york o d.a.'s definition that there is no statute of limitation onwh anything involving campaign come up with a coal campaign violation, i guess the new york va will have to goingl after eve politician that david pecker caught and killed a story of. >> laura: as we said, todd, where is the crime coursework think so much. another embarrassing date in court for alvin bragg as manhattan d.a. again struggles to prove that a state business fraud, a statute, actually somehow can involve a federal
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whecampaign law violation. when this doesn't get traction, this theory, the media revertshe to blabbing about anything but the state law at issue. >> a really scheme in which thea "national enquirer" was in cahoots withti trump. >> what other conversations did> david pecker have with donald trump that bear on hispt knowledge and intent? t by>> that was catch and kill,t not by a publisher, donald trump himself. >> we are looking at someone who clearly doesn't follow the results of the election. and he will ge witt away with i. >> laura: joining me now is david schoen, former trump impeachment attorney and sol wisenberg are former deputy counsel, sol. did you get the sense they are almost given up the low practice of never trump loc? today kind of took the cake for me. >> they never give up, laura, and they never will give up nodn
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matter how many times they are slapped down here or there was nothing in today's testimony that changed the underlying legal problems that i think bragg is going to have or change the key facts in the case. is, the key problem is it's not illegal as you pointed out, itme it is not illegal to pay not somebody money to catch and kill a story. t it is not illegal to reimburse a publisher who pays that money. to convict trump under the latest esoteric theory, you have to show he conspired to promote his own election by unlawful means. but as we have pointed out, it is not apparently the theory is unlawful means was that theypr didn't report this where they were trying to stop from reporting this as a federalat campaign expenditure. but as we know, that actually is not the federal campaign expenditure law. so, i don't see any movement bye
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them at all here.nv it is a very troubling case, even if they get a conviction that it stands a chance of being reversed on appeal. >> laura: yeah, dave had become i have to say, more stunned than ever that this case got to this point and i thk we are seeing a lot of the medih lawyers, some not, trying to whip up their audience despite t what is happening in the courtroom with these vague narratives and offer come i think i'm a false hope, watches. >> david pecker, boy, he hasf laid this out how this works with his catch and kill form of journalism. how damaging his it's been two donald trump? >> on a scale of 1 to 10 come i would say 8, pretty. >> laura: [laughs] that is it, david become an 8. h on what issue? >> laura, you hit the nail on
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the head appeared to made it to some focus on the crime. the salacious details, very interesting to some people, but the ask how can the case get t this way and juan merchan no normal judge would allow this to go forward just as the d.a.'s office when mark pomerantz presented it. llbut the question is, do wey believe that for a candidate to either want to pay extortion money or hide some fact that may be unpleasant from the public that that is really election interference? but the probleaim m is we don't' what they claim the charges. we don't necessarily get to the misdemeanor because that requires intent to defraud with the wa y things are booked. you can be sure president trump didn't direct elvis was to behat booked. e if you got to that, they haveo prove they did that with intent to commit another crime. without the grand jury charging what the other crime is t committed is impossible to defend. let's say through this witness helpit is to cover up some sala fact to help himself in then
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electionfi. but another witness, it is really campaign finance violation and another ona e say, no, a tax violation. a defendant doesn't have to hit a moving target all the time. today's testimony perfectly highlights what many of the problems are but this case. by the way, would it be to advance a campaign if someone plagiarized and then cover that up or somebody ruined a server that might have embarrassing details on it and emails on it to promote a candidacy? with those be illegal?>> l were they ever charged against another candidate? >> laura: they keep mentioning conspiracy and fame never charged, sol as we talked about before. to. keep invoking the conspiracy and he wasn't charged with conspiracy. today, you get the sense from david axelrod, sol, a democrat who wrote following the campaigns, this is becoming perhaps a political problem for the president. watch this.
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>> we will have it in a second h but he is basically talking abot whether orry not a hung jury wil help biden or not and, in fact, i think we have it now. >> there is some history what happens to the end of this process. if h te is a convicted felon, tt will have a material impact on him movinge forward. if he should have a hung jury, which could happen, it could have the reverse effect in the beginning of his way out of this legal morass that he is in. he will use it to taint all of the other cases. >> laura: now, sol, trump is now being charged in the press ged with tainting other cases ie succeeds in this jury but one juror saying he's not guilty in any of this, really!, >> that is a new crime toothin attacking other cases because you are acquitted of a jury.
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axelrod makes a really good point. there are manyis. examples of t. i don't know if you rememberup texas u.s. senator kaine baileyn hutchinson got indicted when she was up for reelection by the notorious district attorney and travis county. and she destroyed in the case didn't get to trial. and she just kicked the out ofa her opponents and it can haveth that effect and particularly when you combine that with what. it looks like the supreme court is going to do here they will notht give trump total immunity. >> laura: we will get to that next segment. >> so -- >> laura: david -- >> there will be consequences here. >> laura: david, do you thinkti they regret this casnge going forward first? i'm not counting e. jean carroll case. but this case being their first big bite of the criminal,
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criminal apple here? >> i think on some level they do and they should, but i think they also are glad about the case because it getsm to president trump off the campaign trail. dai think the judge's order requiring him to be inabso the t everyday is absolutely absurd. there is a statute in new york to 60.20 that has trump during the criminal trial. but every story as a defendant's rights and rises from the state and federal constitutional right of confrontation here and i wils tell you the other. thing i want to comment quickly about is come earli think the sandoval arose t couple of days ago a motion by the prosecution to introduce evidence of prior bad acts by president trump will be very. important. the e weinstein case throwing ot the conviction is very important because you can see now they have no they will try to piggyback and prove hering is guilty her byt bringing in other allegethd prir bad acts and that is exactly the decision is to prevent.
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>> laura: david become i would like to say great minds think alike but i don't consider my mind as smart as you. or sol. great to see both of you, thank you so much. all right, the power of all future presidents depends on what's happens in terms immunity case. we are on it next. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪to spin wen lt all right, if youts didn't have any time to listengo to the supreme court's oralo arguments in the presidentialhe immunity case today, don't worry, we will tell you what you need to know here the question for the court whether if to the extent the former president enjoyed crystal immunity for conduct alleged with official acts during his tenure in office. and there was a critical mass oc justices today who werere very concerned about what will happen to the presidency if no immunity is given for actions taken by the president as part of hisqu official duties. >> it is aon w serious constitutional question whether a statute can be applied for the president joe asked if. >> are you saying there is no>> presidential immunity, even for official acts? >> what is before us doeswh involve thisat particular case, which is immensely important. but whatever we decide wille
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poapply to all future president. >> justice , the point i want to make about this case does go to the general proposition. >> i understand that, but as i said to come will have effects that go far beyond this particular prosecution. >> laura: well, seeing its fantasy go up in flames if trump on trail in d.c. before the election and that federal courte case given how things went to the supreme court, the regime media is in total despair. politico opining tonight that the already slim likelihoods j donald trump will face criminal trial brought by jack smith before the election appeared tou dwindle further thursday in thtw faceas of withering scrutiny to the supreme court's conservative majority. and it was no better at fox where they need to start offering company-wide therapy pets come herai think. the take was oral argument was disaster for special counsel jack smith. at least 5-quart republican seemed eager to o the very leasg
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to permit trump to delay, criminal trial adding the trust does seem to hedged the mostme john roberts also seem toec think that trump enjoys some immunity from federal prosecution. a little bit about the argued cases and clerk for is justice scalia and thomas. chris, is the real reason for the left to be in despair tonight customer >> i think it was a good day for former president trump info t i supreme court court, laura. but i think that is because he's got the law and common sense on his side. i i mean, this is -- the questiont edas you just read is whether aa president can bevi subjected toh criminal liability after leavine office for official acts, right? nobody is arguing here about the president's being immune for private so, murder, speeding, whatever. but the thing is, if we crossedn the rubicon of saying that our
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presidents can bche criminallyon charged with for their official acts, we don't h have a country anymore. how is the president or any president from whatever partys tosupposed to do his job if he h to worry when the opposition party gets in, that he will be prosecuted? >> laura: well, that is what justice cavanaugh toledo brougho up repeatedly today. this was justice alito. >> if an incumbent who loses a close contested election knows that the president may be criminally prosecuted by a bitter political opponent, will that not lead us into a cycle that destabilizes the functioning of our country? we can look around the world and find countries where we have seen this process, where the loser gets thrown in jail.
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>> i think it is exactly the opposite, justice alito. >> and he went on to say special councils representative of the court that the opposite and impact this will strengthen the ldemocratic process, a >> you know, laura and i feel like this as watching a cartoono with wile e. coyote. they think they will blow up thf roadt runner, right? a lot of the left has been rubbing their hands in glee and finally we got president trump on criminal trial. i think the united states supreme court takes very seriously its institutional obligation to make sure that we protect the separation of powers that our constitution establishes and allow presidenta to do their job. a lot of times in the law, you can talk about a slippery slope. maybe this case doesn't look so bad, but if you allow them if yo au allow this president to be enshrined in law to lead to negative consequences down w thd line, the law fear and unleashet
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against president trump this year shows that we don't have to hypothesize about a slippery slope. this wolf isn't coming in sheep's clothing but as a wolf.a >> laura: i want to play the moment from justice cottone g ketanji brown jackson. i'm trying t o understand this incentive from turning oval office into the seat of criminal activity in this country.nt once we say, no criminal liability, mr. president, you can do whatevee wor you want, im worried that we would have anstr worse problem and the problem of the president feeling constrained to follow the lawth atwhile he's in office. >> i respectfully disagree with thaterat because the regime you described as the regime we have operated under for 240 euros.ou >> laura: that was the newest justice to the same court, biden appointee. >> again, the point is, this is so novel what we are living int
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right now.s un we have been a country for 234 years under our constitution.lyp we have never had a presidents, criminally prosecuted like we are seeing now. so the question is, is this going to be the new normal, or e can we stop this and say, lisn nentif you don't like your polip opponents, then your answer is not to come up with a creative legal theories to get him tied up in court appearance, chris, will they send it back to the lower court to come up with a role between>> official and private acts? real quick. >> i think they have to hear it i would suspect they would announce general rule of law and it would depend on the lowerfi courts and theci district courto separate what is official and ee what is private or smirk they a lthrew everything into this indictment but the kitchen sink though there is a lot to segrege there. ore th>> laura: it ain't happen before the election and chris, always wonderful to have you on tonight. >> thanks, laura. >> this has nothing to do with
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me. this has to do with a president in the future for 100 years from now. if you don't have immunity, you're notg to going to do anyt. you will become a ceremonial president. yog u will be doing nothing. upre>> laura: low, the reason te left doesn't care about they supreme court taking powers away from the president is because they are happy with a figureheao or ceremonial president. if you want to know how s hadisastrous that would be, w, watch what is happening right now in the biden white house. >> we took action. things these chips were made in american next to mike now. imagine what we can do next, four more years, four more years. >> arese you ready to choose freedom over democracy? [applause] they went that is a ceremonial president. ari fleischer, press secretary, fox news contributor. this was a wild day all the way
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around, but i think they are hopes that law fair was going to save this election for them have gone almost at this point down the drain.this >> laura, let me dive into this immunity issue which democrats appear to have a setback today. we are set to live in a polarized age right now ands people say it because donald trump with all the normsn but let me remind you work for a united states president back inl thede good old days who almost every single democrat called a war criminal . in 2007-2008 the democrats chomping at the bit to call a criminal. they called on the obama to prosecute him and elkins hollis. and the obama administration did procnot proceed, but if we liven the modern era might have no t doubt the democrats and today would try to pull that trigger and prosecute you george bush..
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barack obama in 2011 authorize the drone strike againstrike 16-year-old american in yemen and killed there was no judicial finding. there was no order from a court that he should b e subject to the death penalty. obama did it. now, should bush and obama be subject to prosecution? and one more possible example: donald trump wins this novembers he loses the popular vote. he narrowly, narrowly winsege. electoral college and democrats try to stop in the electoral college. should they be prosecuted for their election interference question marks me when you can go dowcan n the line or you cano down the line. there is a lot but the bushbr ouadministration was really, ari i'm glad you brought that up because everything come atblac e black sides, all of it. criminal prosecutions every other day indictment filed against them, but also the other presidents as well. i want to play something, ari, from chuck schumer who said
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today the supreme court ist protecting trump to slow his trial. scotus beats up charles i want but not in this case. >> this is a part of that promise to bring back norms and respect for institutions. we have the senate majority leader saying what he is saying now about the court. how is that a norm that is respected? o h,how is that a norm that is respected? i'm sorry. >> laura: he seemed a little frozen. ther e you are. >> yeah, no, this is why i'm making the point about precedent with other presidents and future developments a in which legitimn things presidents do. it is not norm breaking. whatve would be norm breaking is to say presidents don't have immunity. sonow, if a president goes out n fifth avenue and shoot
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somebody, they should be criminally prosecuted. for anything adjacent to then th office some official actions, including objection to winning an election that was very, veryt close, including theo democrats object with future election. but when you bet. >> i believe i that should not e covered by immunity. this is where donald trump's onl high ground and appears thone supreme court will carve out something along those lines. >> laura: fee ari, thank you so much.n th thank you for freezing and coming back. you may be physically in the courtroom muppet who is on trial here? my "angle" explains next. ♪ ♪
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and on the defensive. although it was day three in the hush money trial, trump was on the move.po even when trapped in court several hours a day, he is still dominating the political landscape.p] [chanting] usa, usa, usa! >> laura: this was before another marathon date and judge merchan's courtroom. this is a nightmar te scenario r democrats to see union workers, they are people, supposedly,e cheering depot team. remember, many of them were lifelong dims but they have seen what bidend, has done to our in economy come our border, of course are standing in the world is in the today was a very, very bad day b foeer joe biden and all of thosh who have been bamboozled link the american people on his beha. as we just discussed the speciar
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escounsel will likely bee, disappointed by what the supreme court does in the presidential immunity case, meaning they won't be able tor rely on a trial in federal court markintrg up the campaign for trump. trump is facing multiple felonye counts in this ridiculous hush money case, he is forced to sit in the courtroom four or five hours a day, four or five dayses, a week. biden and his policies, that is really what is on trial here. every household in america, every city, every town in our country, all of it have beenad insulted. all have been defrauded by this administration and its party from the economy to the border ultuto the biden, schumer, pelosi, they have caused incalculable destruction to our country. yet, remember the headlines from january 2021? remember, they were meant to reassure us, b-17 seeks to bring normalcy to the white house after a tumultuous four years
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normalcy? is thinorms normalcy? >> we are going to shell palestine. can i hear that? if you are a drag queen free palestine. if you are drag queen and you know it and you really want to show it, you are a drag queen and shall -- free palestine!ry excellent! >> laura: drag queen story hours are now going anti-israel. like the one you just saw inaf massachusetts. why should any of us be surprised here at the drag trant identity has been supported and mainstreamedraon. by this administration and their highest level staffing and all the way o their actual policies such asw the recent changes to title ix, which now stipulates that sex discrimination includes gender identity. i'm telling you tonight that girl sports will never be the
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same again, thanks, joe. voters see the evidence, and ite is clear biden isn't protecting the girls, isn't protecting ther women. he is protecting his far left base. every turn since hising inauguration, biden has chosenf them over the workining class, including in the reckless and going of inflation that they remember and initially dismisset and then later tried to spin. >> you are not anywhere near a recession right now in terms ofh atthe growth, but i think we cao have what most economists call a soft landing. >> america's path to a soft landinlg has underpinned global growth. >> i pla always thought the soft landing was a plausible outcome. >> laura: [laughs] bus t everything is done from t extended covid shutdowns, which weren't necessary, to the obscene levels of spending. some republicans hope there.e to his radical claimant agenda. newsit has driven us to the bri.
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horrific economic news out today, the gdp came in for lower-than-expected empathetic 1.6%. yethat is the slowest growth in two years. but none of this stop biden's claimant phonetics, the assaultn on oil and gas continues with epa rules on coal plants that will shatter them and drive up our energy cost even further. i'm telling you, these people are ruthless. they mean business here they are saboteurs of america's economy and certainly our energy e security, but of course, they are still trying to downplay ite all. >> what isss your reaction hot f the press with today's first-quarter gdp data? >> a lot o if the data there is actually not ready for revisions and the u.s. economy continues to perform very, very well here at the l fundamentals here are i line with inflation continuing down to normal levels.
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>> laura: for this woman needs to hit the bingo parlor and gete adout, okay? las does she think we can't read? inflation is up from last quarter inflation as "the anglet predicted is not going down.e let's put it this way, wall street starts using dingstagnation, it is a hard kn, soft landing, janet. this is all on biden. it is doubtful it will be a soft landing for thlls e campaign. polls are turning towards trump. according to 538, trump and 18ng tied at 41% but swing states, trump is dominating georgia, nevada up six, north carolina up five, arizona, up by 4.6. so democrats thought that they could put trump on trial using prosecutors as their political hit man that none of us would noticeap what is happening meanwhile in. the united states itself. but the more voters live insh
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biden's america the more likely oue ththey will believe biden sd be held accountable here. and that is "the angle." joining me now, we are watching george washington university. the deadline for lead campus has already passed in one of itsts students joins us from the ground next. ♪ ♪ we love being outside, but the sun makes our deck and patio too hot to enjoy. now thanks to our new sunsetter retractable awning, we can select full sun or instant shade in just 60 seconds.
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♪ ♪th palen stein will be free! [chanting] >> laura: more encampments popped up today, princeton,ro northwestern, northeastern, george washington university, and now leaked group cats from pro-palestinian groups show than students at the university of chicago planned to emulate the protest action at columbia. oh, goody. as for all the student grads at ufc, you lost during your freshman year because of covid but now you're losing it in person graduation because of these protests here at announced it is canceling main
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commencement ceremonies citing safety concerns. in cambridge, harvard yard is close the rest of the week and in california state polytechnic university shut down its entireu campus four daysni. as we told you last night, columbia university is going rshybrid for the rest of theen semester as administrators continue their negotiations with the student occupied force. this is insane.ulty joining me now eric meant all him a pre-med student citing the school's failure to protect students and josh shapiro, a student at george washington university. aaron, let's y start with you, e protesters say this is classic first amendment issue here and that the law enforcement and authorities are the problem. not them. your response. >> so, i think this is not an issue of free speech. what has happened recently is
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that we have seen that the speech has become discriminatory and it has become harassment, and it has kept us from studying and going to class and put our safety on the line. u >> laura: well, josh, tell uspus what is going on at g.w., a campus i know very well, not too far from where iand used to live here and tell us what went down today. >> so, i went to my first class this morning at 11:00 a.m. here at first of 5 or six, maybe a dozen tents there. and by the time i left last, chance of hundreds of people. now over 500 people and it's called the uf yard in one of or main yards. >> la lot of chanting.>> laura:e sense that --
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>> i'm sorry? >> laura: we have a delay, q josh. let me ask a question and then i will be quiet. do you get a since most of the people at the protest really understand fully what they are protesting and what they want? >> no. i don't think everyone fully understands. i think most people are true will meaningful people. ti think they seehe on justicen the world and they should bite that injustice on every specof that. but it is also important that this is obviously one of the most politicized topics to evere face the media that it is important for people to remembed that before they go and start a lot of bill stir a lot of crowds and they are promising propaganda for most of get our news from social media which is no nott room i will make reliab. not everything that they are chanting for they have a full -- for example, there was a chanten
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about endorsing intifada, every violent resistance primarilypo israeli civilians and thine whoe point of the rallies is trying to minimize violence against civilians. so i don't think peoples. understand what it is. so before you chant and clap to endorsing intifada, it is important that you get a full p scope of the picture of full context here that is what i have to say. >> laura: or maybe just go to class. aaron, minnesota congresswoman 11 ilhan omar visited, though my columbia and a en honor to be a. the encampment climbing the protests were joyful and she is in all of their bravery andou courage. so joyful and basically peaceful and everyone should chill out. aaron. >> >> i think what we are seeinf is not just academia failing.t this iths a betrayal of democra. the fact that her daughter was suspended the other day and
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arrested and was, in the first place, back on campus but her mother came to campus and glorified what is happening shows that she truly doesn't care about our democracy or jews rights to education.aura >> laura: josh, do you feel safe on campus despite these big crowds forming? >> >> physically i feel safe and i don't have any reaso n tome believe the people or crowds want to do physical harm towardl but it is kind of emotionally -- it is pretty dam emotionally damaging. whenever i want to go to anwe event on campus like a shabbat dinner, every shabbat dinner we have t oo get ids checked and crossed off of a list. and the girls get their purses checked by a guard outside. and additionally we have this event code make a shabbat with as many jewish students as weivr can in the university campus.
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and 12 or 13 police officers making sure that there are no people coming to protest us or a harass us.dd additionally, on a couple of -- they went josh, we have got toio roll, but you gave us valuable r thank you both for giving usprec insight tonight. we appreciate it, and we will be right back. sickle musical
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rehydrate and feel better with liquid labs. grab liquid labs in the walmart vitamin aisle today. >> using code words and anybody not white with deportation. >> she is talking about deportation allowing military action against mexico including a blockade ending birthrights. >> laura: welcome the democrats think they are scarinu voters away from trump saying he will deport millions of galsillegals. about a new poll shows most americans want just that. according to axios survey by harris poll, 51% of americans
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favor mass deportation of illegals here and believe it or not, that includes 42% of democs and 46% of independents. joining me senior miller, founder of america first legal. stephen commit took 7.6 million illegals and probably a lot more to wake up in a pretty interesting poll. as a mass political problem for joe biden, when you have half of his face wanting mass deportation, just think about what that means in athose are all potential trump voters. like the regulation and americans with nasty deportation, then you do not want joe biden and that argument could be made. this is true for latino voters. they support mass deportations, americans, white voters.poll
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but the poll was not there softly, do you support undocumented immigrants? they did not use the word illegal but illegal alien and this goes up ten, 20 points. this shows extraordinary supporu across the political spectrumlea for getting the illegals out of here. >> stephen, the fact that this has been a sea change in public opinion in many ways on thema nydeportation, mass deportation question come i think it shows the attempt to use l'affaire, what we see unfolding manhattan m and jack smith to get n republicans off of this narrative make people forget about the boulder. nobody is forgetting about therr border, stephen, no one. >> in fact, the height of public anger over our justice they see a president in office today who
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complicit in human smuggling, child trafficking, drug dealing, innocent people being killed from laken riley to others, they see spectacle of democrats trying to throw donald trump in jail because he is joe biden's opposition leader. it heightens outrage over system that protects joe biden and tries to put his enemies in prison. >> laura: he is on trial here, catch me on america reports tomorrow 2 p.m. eastern hour. tune in. it is america now and forever. see you on social media. jesse watters. >> carley: fox news alert happening right now, secretary of state blinken i


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