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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 26, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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(fisher investments) we have a simple management fee, structured so we do better when our clients do better. (other money manager) your clients really come first then, huh? (fisher investments) yes. we make them a top priority, by getting to know their finances, family, health, lifestyle and more. (other money manager) wow, maybe we are different. (fisher investments) at fisher investments, we're clearly different. >> 7:00 a.m. on the east coast.
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good morning, friday, april 6th. >> "fox & friends." >> brian: day 8 of the donald trump trial. set to meet behind closed doors on presidential immunity. president biden says is he not following the cases. >> lawrence: unbelievable. wild video migrants getting on the beast mexico heading to the u.s. border. >> incredible rescue two barber barberrers saved that little girl about to run into traffic and possible be hit by a car. those everyday heros are going to join us this hour. the second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now and, remember, especially on fridays, mornings are better with friends. >> oh, yeah. >> guy: a fox weather alert right now parts of nebraska under a tornado warning. america's heartland is expected to see dangerous storms throughout the day. >> ainsley: this comes one day after several land spouts and hail hit colorado and kansas yesterday. >> brian: those are samples. let's go straight to senior
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meteorologist janice dean for our fox weather forecast. janice? >> janice: video is showing where we could see the potential for severe weather today. we are going to focus in right now on oklahoma where we have some twisting, some rotation on the radar here. several tornado warned storms east of oklahoma city. southwest of tulsa. and, again, these are radar indicating some rotation so people are urged to stay inside, go to the lowest portion of your home, away from the windows. severe thunderstorm watch in effect until 8:00 a.m. we could see a tornado watch in the next few minutes because we think that all the ingredients are going to come together for a severe weather outbreak not only today but saturday and sunday in. so same areas from texas all the way up towards the central u.s. the great lakes, and the upper midwest. so, if you liver in some of thesest areas fox >> heavy rainfall could cause flash flooding and that's going to be a concern as we go through
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the weekend even into monday. slow moving storm systems and then these areas of low pressure that from the rockies and all of the ingredients coming together for severe weather outbreak not only today but through the weekend here is our exclusive radar as we go through the day the storms move up toward the northeast and another storm system moves out of the rockies and we see the same areas getting hit ladder by the potential of strong to severe storms. keep you up to date. fox for all the details. oklahoma right now you are in the warning area. so be alert. over to you. >> lawrence: that's right. we are praying for those in oklahoma. thanks, j.d. >> brian: normally i do a hit in the morning one of our affiliates today called up and said can't do it. it's a weather emergency. >> lawrence: president trump's new york criminal trial resumes in a few hours. his defense team is expected to continue their cross-examination of former national inquirer publisher david pecker. >> brian: all right.
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todd piro is joran van der slooting ♪ down feverishly in the overflow room where he sees multiple angles, does your hand hurt today, todd? i wrote too many notes yesterday. today will be more circumspect. yesterday, perhaps, thank you, thank you for laughing at me. perhaps the biggest take away from yesterday's testimony was that david pecker killed stories for many people over the years including many, many politicians. expect that to be a key line of cross-examination from trump's attorneys today. now, yesterday, pecker said he still considers trump a friend. even though though they haven't spoken in years. today he mostly testified about alleged catch and kill deals to protected president trump. but, near the end of his testimony, he actually called trump his mentor. and even told the story about trump trying to help him when an employee died from anthrax letter mailed to the company in
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2019. >> breathtaking what went on in this room you saw what went on, it was breathtaking. and amazing testimony. this is a trial that should have never happened. this is a case that should have never been filed. and it was really incredible. an incredible day. opened your eyes. >> pecker spent most of the day detailing the negotiations three years earlier to buy playboy playmate karen macdougall's story that claims she had a 10 month affair with trump. testified swapped favors for years over damaging stories that could hurt trump long before he ran for president in exchange for trump giving pecker exclusives for the inquirer. but, notably, this practice was not reserved for just trump. pecker also detailed many of the people he was involved in killing stories for from arnold schwarzenegger to tiger woods. even testifying about quashing an affair he said former chicago mayor rahm emanuel had.
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and he said he quashed stories for many, many politicians over the years. for their part, prosecutors show there was conspiracy between pecker, michael cohen and trump to silence macdougall for political purposes, not out of embarrassment and family concerns. as a way of thanking him for handling karen macdougall. pecker testified trump invited him to the white house for dinner. when asked about the trial, president biden responded, quote: i haven't had a chance to watch the court proceedings because i've been campaigning. i'm going to head back into the courtroom in about an hour and a half from now. and, guys, i fully expect today's testimony to go as follows. i think cross-examination is going to focus right out of the gate at 9:30 on the politicians that david pecker quashed stories for. and then, because juries are human, they know the weekend is upon us. don't be surprised if cross-examination ends early. don't expect 8 hours of cross-examination.
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i think the defense is going to want to force the prosecution to put on a witness as we head into the weekend, so that that witness for those last couple of hours is the last thing that they have going into the weekend. the jury is thinking my god, why are they dragging this out? you have to keep in mind i have impaneled juries, mock juries. the things they gravitate toward or many instances how the lawyers treat them. so far yesterday was very drawn out from the prosecution. the defense was very quick and snappy. i understand that's a function of cross-examination. but, don't be surprised if that happens. you want to earn points with the jury regardless of the facts and the law. >> brian: at least one juror, right? if you are donald trump. >> lawrence: thanks, todd. >> ainsley: we did like your notes, todd by the way. let's bring in kerri kupec urbahn. you have been following this in the courtroom for many days. david pecker talked about killing other stories and announced that certain people, celebrities had affairs also that he said stormy daniels or
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trump told him that every time stormy daniels uses trump's name, that's a million dollars penalty? >> yeah. and apparently david pecker was giving donald trump a heads up about that story since 1998. which was long before donald trump announced his intent to run for president. but, yeah, ainsley, i mean, it was really interesting. we learned a lot about other celebrities who have done the same thing tiger woods, rahm emanuel. former president obama's chief of staff, arnold schwarzenegger, it's a pretty common practice. >> lawrence: katkerri, the prosecutor didn't lie but the lie of omission. when they did the cross of pecker they didn't bring any of this up. it was the defense that poked holes in it how does this play on the jury. this is donald trump. out of the ordinary. does not happen. and then you have the defense come right behind them and show it was actually pretty quite frequent that this happened.
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>> the entire case is misleading. still unclear what this underlying crime is that donald trump is supposedly -- was supposedly trying to conceal. we talked about this all week it. feels like they are looking for it as they go. and, so, again, if they are honing in on this new york state law, which says that it is a crime, a misdemeanor by the way, to promote or a candidate for office by unlawful means or in -- conspiracy to influence an election by unlawful means, one, conspiracy to influence an election is called running for office. and, two, what are those unlawful means? and they still have not identified what that is. >> brian: they want to say that they was successful yesterday, politico writes, in tying donald trump's need to suppress these stories with a 2016 campaign. do you agree with that? >> i don't still see what the crime is. we are in a court of law. it is not a crime to enter into an nda. it is not a crime to do a catch
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and kill scheme. and it is not a crime to suppress bad stories about yourself, whether you are running for president or not. >> guy: maybe that's the point. because they are going to try to convince a jury many of whom probably have a negative view already of donald trump that there is a lot of sorted stuff going on. this was ugly, this was unseemly. trust us, this equals a crime in the aggregate. seems like that's kind of the case they're making. >> definitely. they are trying to equate in the jurors' minds dirty equals illegal. it doesn't. coming from the right. pressured bill barr for not prosecuting certain fan favorites. and, you know, he would always go back to the very simple question. what is the crime? where is the evidence? i was constantly have to court of public opinion decisions doj saying that just because something is dirty, it feels bad, it doesn't look good doesn't mean it's a crime. and we deal in evidence and we
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deal in crimes. >> lawrence: kerr kerri, how could they put a witness i assume the trump knew about the alleged crime. >> they can't. >> brian: i assume trump knew about the deal michael cohen was cutting. >> even if he did, again, is that a crime? it's not. if donald trump worked to suppress a bad story and paid for it personally and used his personal attorney to do so. i still don't see what the crime is. >> brian: see the importance of what you are saying here it's important for the defense to clearly tell the jury. you might not like that story. never happened to you. you can't believe this. it's not a crime. it's not a problem. if we look at the bimbo eruptions with the clinton era, they had a whole team to handle women that came up and made accusations. they weren't paying off. they were threatening them not to come out. >> ainsley: sorry, did you want to respond? >> go ahead. >> ainsley: talking about the supreme court big day yesterday
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and politico had a story and said that trump supreme court lawyers had a good day. do you agree? >> i think both sides got tough questions i think it's because both sides had pretty extreme positions. donald trump said absolute immunity the department of justice said zero immunity. it seemed that the supreme court is probably going to land somewhere in the middle, like some kind of qualified immunity distinguishing between official acts and personal acts. >> brian: and do you think that this whole thing with alvin bragg in new york, plays a role in the need for immunity because now these state prosecutors want to be famous like what is happening in arizona and they try to get famous and try to full phi candidates and it seems we could have 50 different agendas attacking every candidate or current president? >> well, the immunity issue before the supreme court would just touch the federal cases and federal charges. but, to your point, brian, what was a remarkable statement made by the department of justice lawyer yesterday was that well, prosecutors don't prosecute for political reasons, and i thought
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how can you possibly say that with a straight face with what we're watching not only in new york but the person who made that argument has been part of bob mueller's team which was one of the most politically driven investigations in american history. and i thought i can't believe you are expecting us to sit here and believe that. and he said yeah, we take oaths about that kind of stuff. >> brian: do you realize when everyone talks about donald trump, the chaos with donald trump the chaotic thing was really stem from the russia investigation that never stopped. every time there was an infrastructure day. there was a russian eruption. all of which ended up being totally fictitious and no one ever apologized or acknowledged they got it wrong. >> let's not forget weigh that did. the bob mullen team what they would do is selectively leak bad information to the press and then donald trump would react. angrily, not surprisingly because he was being accuse 6 something he hadn't done. react poorly. then they would use his reaction as further evidence that he was colluding or obstructing.
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>> lawrence: unbelievable. >> it is unbelievable. >> brian: flashback you gave us all. >> lawrence: are you going to be back in the court today? >> i am. >> brian: make sure todd pays attention. >> he has been great. he has been great. >> guy: thanks, kerri. now to this crisis at our southern border. border patrol gearing up for brand new migrant surge. ainsley: hundred dretedz of people packing the train cars in mexico heading to el paso and eagle pass. >> brian: i don't think they all have tickets do they? peter doocy is live at the white house. hey, peter. >> peter: they do not all have tickets, brian. this train is translates to the beast. when you look at the video pretty crazy. there doesn't appear to be many if any seats but hundreds or more are riding atop these freight cars through mexico heading north toward the u.s. border. if many of them make it all the way to the border, it's going to undo recent bind world boasting about border encounters going down. in fact, it could put border encounters under this president closer to the 8 million mark. right now it is at 7,930,000 and
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100. and it's not even house democrats the president must act and bring order to the southern border. we are calling today on leaders in both the house and senate to pass legislation to give border patrol back the expulsion authority that expired last year. and about half of everybody surveyed in the new harris poll said they would support deporting illegal border crossers en masse. 42% of people who say they are democrats. and this is a change which it's going to require some maneuvering from democrats who work here at the white house who have been very sensitive for the last couple years to have an immigration policy that is more humane than the one that got barack obama tagged as the deporter in chief. back to you. >> brian: tough situation. that's why his people are looking at it. they are looking at things they could do. well, go back and see what you undid and then see if you can do it again. >> lawrence: almost four years later. >> peter: to your point there, brian. we had been hearing trial balloon someone at the white house floated a couple weeks ago that there was going to be a big
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executive order addressing border crossers at the end of april or by the end of april. that's coming up. >> brian: la ha ha let's see. >> guy: they are waiting. >> lawrence: maybe still poll testing. >> ainsley: we covered that for one day and never heard anything else. right? >> peter: they must have put it out and not liked what people were saying about it. >> ainsley: okay. >> brian: peter opted for on his apple watch. they asked what you want on your face i don't want the date. peter wanted the date on the face of his apple watch. that's what gets me. >> lawrence: what do you want on yours. >> brian: i want the time. guy guy it's his own face. looking good there, brian. >> brian: just a mirror. >> ainsley: either george castanza or own face. >> brian: is there a difference? >> guy: former athletic director at a high school in maryland now facing charges in connection with to an ai generated impersonation scheme involving the school's principal.
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>> ainsley: this is unbelievable. madeleine rivera has all the details. you are going to want to listen to this story. >> madeleine: get this police say the former athletic director used artificial intelligence to impersonate the pikesville principal and created fake recordings to make like he made race and anti-semitic comments about the student and staff. this led to the principal being temporarily removed rather and the school got hate-filled messages and calls. after investigation was launched by the school and police, their findings concluded the recordings were not authentic. they allege they were made by 31-year-old darian. officers believe they have a motive. >> through their investigation, detectives allege mr. darian, who was the athletic director at the high school, made the recording to retaliate against the principal who had launched an investigation into the potential mishandling of school funds. >> madeleine: darian is facing several charges including stocking, theft, discrimination of school and retaliation against a witness.
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is he being held on $5,000 bond. the district says they are taking action following darian's arrest including for darian to be terminated and working with the school principal for the next school year. back to you. >> guy: as ai gets better and more advanced and easier, i wonder if you will see more of this. >> no problem. >> guy: discern between what is real and what's not seeing a story like this. >> ainsley: they went through his emails i believe and that's how they determined he had done, this allegedly. >> lawrence: i'm really concerned about that. this technology in the wrong hands, like brian kilmeade he could start a rumor around the staff, l.j. said this and have all this a.i., it could break up the team. >> ainsley: what about in a political election? >> guy: geo politics, war. here is a fake recording of something. this is a local story but what a nightmare it must have been for this principal for that period of time. he was innocent. he knew it. but people didn't know it yet.
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>> brian: almost like getting hacked. people will hack in and put tweets in your name. the only thing is you could do right now put the penalty so severe people know that if you get caught, you're going to jail. automatic jail time if you're doing it. all right. let's toss it over to carley shimkus who has never been to prison. [laughter] >> carley: as far as you know, brian. >> ainsley: her record was expunged a lot of community service. >> carley: everybody has a past, guys. >> ainsley: this is true. >> brian: google carley. >> carley: in the meantime as you google me we have a fox news alert to get to starting with. this congressman adam schiff getting a taste of san francisco's crime crisis. thieves reportedly stole luggage from his car that was sitting in a parking garage. this caused a democrat to give a speech at i couldn't know scale dinner party in short leaves and a hiking vest. oh no. well, everyone else at the table were in suits and formal attire. shocking video out of oklahoma city. oh, wow, a bus driver loses control and hits a building as
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is he pummeled by out-of-control passenger. the bus driver was attacked after denying that man's request to make an early stopped suspect is facing charges. the bus driver thankfully is expected to be okay. now, to the crime crisis in washington, d.c. a harris teeter, grocery store in washington is announcing it is banning certain bags to curb shoplifting. workers will also be checking customer receipts in an effort to curb shoplifting as well. a spokesperson says improved safety measures stores in the district of columbia including the checking of receipts as customers exit the store. new policies, printing suitcases, duffle bags, oversized backpacks and roller bags. kim kardashian joining kamala harris at the white house to talk criminal justice reform. the reality tv star and advocate talked to several people biden recently pardoned for nonviolent drug offenses. >> in this very room yearsy meet really inspired me to figure out how i can be helpful and how i
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can tell the amazing stories that i would hear from the success stories from individuals like yourself. >> back in 2018, kardashian visited then president donald trump in the oval office. and she has praised trump's work on the issue. and bradley cooper getting behind the grill. the actor serving up some philly cheese steaks to stars like martha stewart and kelce. he brought keeps foot truck to first ever age of possibility summit. momma kelsey was one of the first in line. she says her son, chief's tight end trillions kelce told her cooper would be there and he was. he was. see it on your screen. those are your headlines. that looks delicious. >> ainsley: thank you so much. >> carley: you are welcome. >> brian has a show this he could would. got to sell that place out. not many seats left. right outside of las vegas.
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>> brian: tomorrow night. co-produced with fox nation. also, remember to dvr this show, 6:00 a.m. eastern time watch all three hours. >> lawrence: this is a problem you have so many shows you can't remember which one to plug. >> brian: i know it's nation. >> ainsley: where do they get tickets? >> brian: brian hopefully to see everyone in person. meanwhile get tickets for this general jack keane is cued up next. so much going on in the world he is going to make sense. >> ainsley: that's free. >> brian: yes. ♪ ♪ nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid before it begins. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium.
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>> russia would struggle to sustain its assault on ukraine without china's support. beijing cannot achieve better relations with europe while supporting the greatest threat to european security since the end of the cold war. i made clear that if china does not address this problem we will. >> brian: a fox news alert now. that happened moments ago. tony blinken secretary of state with a warning to china over its role in the ukraine war. shortly after meeting with president xi early this morning. and ukrainian forces hitting a
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russian airfield. look at this they had line in crimea already. after the u.s. secretly shipped them atacms. long range missiles and they are getting more. here to react fox news senior strategic analyst retired four star general jack keane. general, your thoughts, first off about the secretary of state calling out china said he did a face to face about them backing up russia's defense arsenal. >> yeah. it's pretty significant. while they are not providing weapons' platforms as an end item. they are providing much of the components that make weapons' platforms and all the other things that you need to sustain an army on the battlefield. there it is significant upgrade in russia's defense industrial base that china is providing. and the administration admits it's been long-coming to recognize how comprehensive this support has been because it's obviously been under the table and china keeping it a secret as
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possible. but we're on to it. certainly all the pressure we can put on them is appropriate here. i mean, it is very significant. and, of course, the support they get from iran in terms of literally thousands and thousands of drones and also ballistic missiles is significant itself. >> brian: secretary of state also called on china to stop dealing with iran. in fact, be a positive force. listen. >> to discourage iran and its proxies from expanding the conflict in the middle east, and to press pyongyang to end dangerous behavior and engage in dialogue. going forward, we'll continue our high level discussions on these and other issues. >> brian: that is a well you would have dug. giving russia lethal weapons like drones when they are also giving basically dual use stuff the same thing?
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>> yeah. i mean, this is just a waste of rhetoric. russia, china, iran and north korea are all clashing, collabo. they want to change the whole international order as a result of it i think there are significant issues that would lead one to believe that they're cooperating together. our rhetoric isn't going to stop any of it. let's face it. and certainly telling the iranians we want them to stop using their proxies to destabilize the middle east, are we serious? iran's goal is to control and dominate the middle east using those very proxies. the only thing that will stop it is force. rhetoric is not going to stop it. that's the reality of what we're dealing with. >> brian: you know, there is -- as our weaponry gets to ukraine,
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i guess 6 billion is released today, worth of weapons. there's going to be a push by russia to get as much land as possible. do you expect that and does -- do the ukrainians have an answer? >> well, they are trying. they have made some headway but it's been marginal in terms of the ground they have been able to take. and why is that? well, the reality is russia really hasn't learned much in the two years they don't have operational maneuverable momentum which is what they would need to take large territory back under their control. their conduct of mechanized operations are as in effective now as what we saw in 22. the ground that they made up on is where the ukrainians just literally have not been able to have the wherewithal to fight back in terms of munitions. so, the sooner the munitions get there, the sooner the ukrainians are going to be able to strengthen their defense. and the fact that they atacms,
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the long range, 190-mile, versus the 100-mile they had before which is really antipersonnel weapon. this is designed to go against infrastructure. they already used it at russian military airfield. i will tell you their plans are to hit every russian military bales of consequence in crimea using that weapons system to drive the russians out of crimea without having to put a foot on that territory there. in other words, to drive their military strong bases out of crimea. doesn't mean they aren't occupying it politically and militarily that is their objective. now they have the wherewithal to achieve that objective. >> brian: general, if you ukraine is able to push them back, has a lot to do with you and your advocacy and with the institute for study of war keeps telling everyone about what is really going on there. thanks so much for joining us. >> yeah,you guys have great weekend. thank you. >> brian: you too. speaking of the weekend coming
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up tomorrow night i will be flying out shortly henderson. history liberty and laughs. fox special. specials and brian for tickets. who is mark bezos and mark zuckerberg and elon musk part of the run away best series maybe ever created. we go inside the most fascinating people in america and beyond and tell you who they really are and how they got there now they drop on fox nation. check them all out. meanwhile, this story straight ahead. weinstein's conviction overturned. a live report on the new ruling and what's next for the disgraced hollywood producer. ♪
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harvey weinstein's accusers shocked after a court decision overturning weinstein's 2020 rape conviction. the court finding the judge in the landmark trial allowed witnesses to testify even though they weren't involved in that particular case. >> lawrence: chanley painter who sat there every day of that trial joins us now. chanley, why did this happen? >> good morning, guys, yeah. first of all, it was a circus outside that new york city courthouse four years ago as women from all over the world deliberated weinstein's conviction as a certain milestone in the me too movement. all those guilty verdicts are thrown out. here is why, lawrence. the new york appeals court overturned the movie producer's 23-year sentence in a 4-3 decision finding that, quote. of the trial court erroneously admitted testimony of uncharged alleged prior sexual acts from three additional women whose claims of unwanted sexual encounters with him were not part of the charges. so, one of the attorneys who represented weinstein at the
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trial tells me he believes his client would have had a chance of acquittal but for the judge erroneously allowing this highly prejudicial evidence. >> i think the supreme court of new york hit the nail on the head. they confirmed what i had been screaming for four years into an echo chamber that he was not getting a fair trial. the jurors actually said this was his m.o., this is what he did. this is the pattern. this is his propensity, which is exactly what that evidence is not supposed to be used for. >> meanwhile the manhattan's d.a.'s office released a statement we will do everything in our power to retry this case and remain steadfast in our commitment to survivors of sexual assault. weinstein, is not a free man. he is incarcerated at new york state prison. he will remain in custody as the next steps play out. remember he is appealing a 16-year sentence for a los angeles rape conviction from 2022. guys? >> ainsley: all right. so he will stay remain behind bars on another case? >> right, exactly.
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>> ainsley: thank you so much. now to more headlines. the city of st. louis has removed a homeless camp located in front of a home for three years. the camp made out of makeshift tents belonged to a homeless couple. the demolition and the clean up took 40 minutes. city officials say the camp posed a public safety and health hazard. florida's governor ron desantis giving a warning to president biden. he says his state will not comply with the new title ix rules which will allow biological males to participate in women's sports. >> we will not comply and we will fight back. we are not going to let joe biden try to inject men into women's activities. we are not going to let joe biden undermine the rights of parents. >> ainsley: the new title ix rules will go into effect in august. those are some of your headlines. >> lawrence: today pro-israeli counter protests are expected in new york city. this comes as columbia university continued talks with
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pro-palestinian protesters, with demonstration raging through the night. >> ainsley: c.b. cotton is live now at columbia university. she has been there all week. good morning, c.b. what's the latest? >> hi, good morning, guys. we are getting closer to that demonstration which will happen here right outside the gates of columbia university. this demonstration should remind the entire community there are still hostages remaining in gaza. take a look at this. the flier was placed up here moments ago. this precious baby boy taken back on october 7th by hamas terrorists. jewish students tell us they feel like these -- feel like these lives are being forgotten, especially when they hear chants like this. [chanting we want all of this] >> now columbia university says there are no plans to bring in the nypd to clear out the pro-palestinian anti-israel encampment. but a university spokesperson says there are still ongoing discussions with the student
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demonstrators who have been protesting the ongoing conflict for more than a week now. and this comes as the clock winds down to commencement. and, again, these protesters have said they are not going to leave until their demands are met. minnesota congresswoman ilhan omar joined the student demonstrators with her daughter yesterday. she told our fox affiliate all jewish students should be protected regardless of whether they're, quote: pro-genocide or anti-genocide, end quote. jewish students say they are hurt at these words and that no one talks about the israeli hostages remaining in gaza. >> i don't have words to people who say such things. you can't deny what happened. you can't denied people discovered. you can't deny people friends and families are still fighting to bring, you know, to end this war, to fighting against a terror organization. they are fighting to bring the hostages. it's really concerning.
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last night a crowd held a rally to encounter the demonstrations and ongoing anti-semitism that jewish students say they are facing. and house republicans are now demanding major donors withhold funding from the university as anti-semitism rages on. back to you. >> ainsley: thanks so much. lindsey graham was talking yesterday. he said you don't feel welcome on your campus because you are jewish, then come to south carolina, we will welcome you. we will support you. we see people burning the american flag and yesterday you were in this diner. you interviewed the veterans, first of all, they all said the pledge of allegiance. it was so sweet. had all the kids here from bring your kids to work day. they were saying it with you i don't know if you heard them. you interviewed some of those veterans. there was one that really stuck out with that. >> lawrence: he was a world war ii veteran. i asked him about all this anti-semitism that's going on on the college campuses and they are saying this is free speech. this is what he had to say.
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>> they are a disgrace to the united states of america. burning flags, against the country. they are not happy here, let them deport them like anybody else if they are not an american. it's a shame and disgrace. these veterans died and got injured and everything else so they could protest against the united states of america and burn flags and everything else. total disgrace. >> lawrence: ainsley, i think part of this frustration is that the people that are demonstrating with the pro-hamas, pro-hezbollah rhetoric are not just a threat to the jewish community. but these are threats to america. that the death to america chant was started in iranian. that's the number one state sponsor of terror. and we have your young people that have bought into n. to the propaganda. >> ainsley: you have christopher wray saying he has never seen the threats this much so many of them at one dime in thinks entire career in national intelligence. it's pretty scary. dana perino is going to interview sheryl sandberg. you know her, she is jewish. she wrote the book lean in. if you are a woman.
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i read that book. it really gives you helpful tips about standing up for yourself and being a leader. at your work. and she has a new documentary about the atrocities that were committed by hamas. dana is going to talk to her about that. that's a great get. congratulations, dana. moving on, close call. two barbers hailed two heroes or hailed as heroes after saving that little girl from running in to that busy intersection in the nick of time. >> lawrence: those gentlemen, look at them, they are next. ♪ than i get ♪ i just haven't met you yet ♪
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weather outbreak he a occurring across the central u.s. tornadoes and rorli hail and dag winds. severe thunderstorm warnings in oklahoma right now but we definitely saw rotation with some of these cells. here is the deal from friday from dallas up towards des moines, the potential for strong to severe storms and then friday night tonight, the same areas getting hit. this low pressure moves northward across the great lakes but another round as we get into
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saturday as another area of low pressure moves in from the rockies. here is the severe storm threat from the plains, today, saturday and sunday and again, some of these same areas across texas and oklahoma, up towards kansas and missouri and then the upper midwest as well. know where you are going to get those watches and warnings because they are going to be happening throughout the day into the overnight and into the weekend. here is the forecast, we are watching that storm system move eastward. cold enough for snow across the rockies, but here in new york city. 58 by the weekend we will keep going up 80 degrees on monday. i'm so happy to toss over my friend guy over to you. you are looking good. >> guy: thank you, janice. you always look fabulous. appreciate that update on the weather. meanwhile, watch this. just incredible video. two connecticut barbers, everyday heroes, saving that little girl at the very last minute before she might have run right into that busy intersection in east hartford, connecticut, they were cutting hair when they looked up and see the child headed towards danger and they immediately dropped everything and ran. and those two men from look
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sharp barbershop, they are with us now as gentlemen, welcome. congratulations on doing. this great job. i just want to start with you. when did you firsts in the that this was happening and when did it dawn on you that this little child might be in real trouble? >> raffaele, dear friend, he just mentioned we were busy. it was early in the morning. we just starting the day. and he mentioned it he said hey, what is a little girl playing outside? as a business owner and knowing the area, it wasn't a comment that i hear every morning or every day. so it caught my attention. so i stopped. i looked out the window and i saw the traffic ahead and i knew the distance the momentum she had, it was not ideal. so all i knew to do is just run.
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>> guy: split second decision, snap call. you don't debate it, right, raffaele, you just governmental that's correct. you just -- when i seen that little girl, that's not normal for a little girl to be running by herself in the middle of the street. i immediately said something. and he didn't take it as a joke. he just ran. he just rand and grabbed her. thank god not talking about a tragedy. >> guy: did you have people in the chair leaving them mid hair cut to go do this? >> yeah. it was a moment that anything hahad to be dropped. it was no joke. i knew the dangerous situation, because i know the area. i have been in business here for three years. and we work every day from morning until afternoon. so, it was not a good recipe. >> guy: raffaele, when you returned this little child to her mother, who must have been very concerned, what was that like? what did she say to you?
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>> so, i wasn't the one holding the baby. he was actually the one holding the baby. when we brought her to her mom, her mom was really surprised, scared, you know, it's a quick minute. this happens in a quick second. you can't blame no one for it just happening, it happens to anybody. and hopefully we were there to save that little girl. >> guy: does this girl get free haircuts for life at your shop now? >> ha ha. amen. this barbershop we are here to serve the community. it's a business decision between industrial/residential. so, i'm glad that we here to serve. i'm glad that we are here on point early in the morning. and also hair cut for free, perhaps. >> guy: thank you for that i actually need a hair cut myself. i should come see you guys. >> come by. >> guy: thanks for doing this. you saved a life. just incredible. coming up, changing the routine
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