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tv   America Reports  FOX News  April 26, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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you keep it here in new york from president trump's criminal trials underway with a redirect right now the prosecution's first witness happening plus we are following the anti-israel pro-hamas protest spreading like gross disease on college campuses across the country. among them a rally at george washington university in d.c. marc thiessen quick thoughts. you hold out hopes that president tribble condemned these with the vigor he should? speak i think i am willing to get up and get my seat let's do it and have a debate. let's have president trump child from right to hear they are both in new york let's do it. >> i'm not holding my breath that will actually happen but i love everyone is on board. we are waiting on that debate thank you to everyone for joining us today and here is "america reports." >> i want to start by wishing my wife melania a very happy birthday. i'd like to be with her but i am in a courthouse for retrial.
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which should be over. the cases over. you heard what they said, the case should be over. but you have to make that determination and they will never allow this case to be over. in a positive way this is the most highly conflicted judge i've ever seen. >> form of president trump going over the "highly conflicted judge" overseeing his criminal trial as he made his way into the courtroom for the fourth day of testimony. eighth day in total for the trial and with that so begins friday afternoon i'm john roberts in washington. center we have a jam-packed couple of hours. do we do, i am sandra smith in new york and this is america reports. the court is scheduled for a lunch break right now. the testimony will resume soon inside the courtroom former publisher of the "national enquirer" david pecker is back on the stand now facing the prosecutors where they say that trump was in a conspiracy
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with pecker but the defense is arguing there was never a coordinated plan between the two of them. >> john: we will break down every thing we've heard so far on the court room and get reaction from trump. legal spokeswoman coming out. >> sandra: looking forward to that and eric shawn first outside the supreme court for us in lower manhattan with the very latest at this hour. hi. >> hello, sandra and the court is on schedule. yes. the jury right now on lunch. earlier this morning the cross-examination of the first witness david pecker was completed and then it was the opportunity for the prosecution to have its redirect. basically during the initial direct examination it was trump's attorney who tried to show that former president trump had nothing to do with the alleged conspiracy to interfere with the presidential election in 2016. basically laying any of that on
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the feet of michael cohen and david pecker himself. and during the cross-examination of a was trying to show that pecker's credibility is damaged and also demonstrate that trump was not part of that alleged conspiracy to kill the negative stories about trump that could damage the presidential race. that is the bedrock of alvin bragg's prosecution. that trump supposedly engaged in conspiracy to do exactly that with both pecker and cohen. but on the stand he revealed the president did not want to buy karen mcdougal's story telling him not to purchase it saying such scandalous stories always get out anyway and pecker said he never dealt with president trump on it directly but with his lawyer, michael cohen, when negotiating with mcdougall. pecker said he asked about lots of stories about celebrities including quashing an alleged affair of arnold schwarzenegger,
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tiger woods, and emmanuel ran mia among others. so when mcdougall came knocking to be paid to pecker said it was another routine celebrity sex scandal that happened to touch on his pal donald trump. we also got a preview of the trump defense strategy to attack the credibility of his former close aide and lawyer michael cohen expected to be there prosecution's star witness in a couple of weeks. trump's lawyer asked pecker all about michael cohen suggesting he is "prone to exaggeration" and he said you cannot trust anything michael cohen says as he raised that issue prosecutors objected to that. so far there has been no direct evidence the former president was actually involved in any of these negotiations knowingly dealing with the election interference with the defense has only claimed the president was angry this type of information karen mcdougal and stormy daniels claims came out because it would hurt his
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family, his reputation, and the trump brand. as he ended his testimony just before the lunch break, david pecker did say he believed and he knew at that time that making the deal with karen mcdougal was a violation of election law. that is one of the reasons he said he decided to back away from it and he never took $150,000 reimbursement from the former president trump or from michael cohen to pay for that. he was on the hook completely for mcdougall's payments completely. so the jury will be back in about an hour or so to hear more of the redirect of david pecker before we get witness number two who potentially could be karen mcdougal herself. back to you. >> sandra: does a great set up, eric. at lunch break until 2:15 p.m. that is confirmed out of the courtroom a moment to go. the former president did depart and did not say anything as he departed the courtroom. they are estimating they need about half an hour more for the
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redirect or some of the details coming out right now. bovee says there will be a recross and also todd blanche, john, just ask for the judge to compel the prosecution to provide them with the name of the next witness. this has become a thing that they are not letting them know that, john. >> john: you know, it's only fair for the defense to know who they are about to bring up on stand so they can prepare themselves. let's bring in fox news sunday anchor and chief legal correspondent, you have a unique perspective because you were inside the courthouse. you got a sense of the overall atmosphere of this trial. let's listen for a second to what donald trump said on his way into court this morning. >> it should be over. the cases over. you heard what was said. the case should be over. but you will have to make that determination. i think the judge will never allow this case to be over. in a positive way. >> john: trump saying the case should be over because there is no underlying criminal behavior here. no underlying crime, what was
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your sense being inside the courthouse today of that particular argument? jonathan turley said this, andy mccarthy has said this, where's the crime? >> yeah, that is what the prosecutors will eventually have to convince the jury out. they have to lead him there and make them understand and explain without underlying crime is because so much of what we have heard is salacious. you know, it's a little bit tawdry talking about all these different celebrities and killing stories for them. talks of playboy bunnies and all kinds of other things but is there a crime that the prosecutors can point to to say this is the code, this is the violation? that's where the misdemeanor charges which they would have run the statute of limitations long ago. that's where we pegged them. what is the felony what is the charge the underlying crime? right now it is very plotting it's very methodical. president trump looks sort of bored in there. you have to believe that the jury has red bull or caffeine
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because they have to be engaged in following along. right now it is just sort of don't get too cozy, maybe that's why they keep the room so cold to keep people awake. >> sandra: no kidding. that could be a good strategy. shannon, as far as what we are going to see when they resume, this redirect will continue. take us through what the coming hours will look like and where this goes into next week. >> so it looks like the redirect is not going to be very long. we love to see where the recross goes with pecker who has been on the stanford days. the only witness we have had a chance to hear from so far and you referenced that there has been a lot of back and forth between the defense and prosecution in not coughing up who the next witnesses will be. you know it takes an enormous and defense preparation to get ready for a witness to take the stand. you can be ready for multiple different people that you expect, but really honing in when you know they are in the batter's box. that so important for both sides
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of this equation. prosecutors know who they will call. the defenses in the dark. they asked defense to give them a heads up and there has been back and forth on whether or not present trouble be responsible with the names of the witnesses. whether you just give them to the attorneys and not to the defendant. i assume there will be haggling over that because the defense is sitting there thinking that pecker will wrap up soon, who is coming next? >> and again as sandor was saying rumors are or i think eric shawn said it could be karen mcdougal herself who takes the stand. michael cohen is all so a star witness buried you have to wonder when they will play that card as well. by the way, perhaps judge mershon is playing the david letterman strategy. he used to keep his studio between 60-65 degrees so the audience didn't fall asleep. may be the judge is trying to keep the jury awake as you point out. but as you point out at what pecker has been saying so far that it looks like trump was not
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involved in the mcdougall catch and kill. pecker was never reimbursed for the money that was spent. $150,000 or so. the fact that veep says he did this for arnold schwarzenegger, for tiger woods, he also did a for mayor romney manuel. the jury has to scratch his head saying what did trump do wrong here? >> yes. there have been no direct tie like moments ago eric reiterated knoche hyatt to these payments or conversations or negotiations around this, but pecker did say when it came to karen mcdougal's story that they never intended to publish it and that it was to help the campaign. in his estimation, that was his side of the story. he says stories about celebrities including trump sold big. they did really well for him. if he wanted to make money for the tabloids and magazines, he would run those stories so it was to his detriment in some way. at least from a financial or business angle to not run her
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story and he did indicate from the stand he did it to help the campaign but again, no indication president trump was never part of that conversation. >> john: fox news sunday, shannon, obviously this will fill a large part of your agenda? >> it will. it's one of the reasons we have jonathan turley with us. we also have senators j.d. vance and chris murphy both sides of the aisle covered and i sat down with retired justice breyer. got to ask him about a lot of current events very what's happening on campuses, the first amendment and pressure on justices to retire he is recently in that club so that much more on sunday. >> john: looking forward to it, shannon, thank you. >> sandra: we will be watching for that. meanwhile president biden is finally weighing in on whether he is willing to face former president donald trump on a debate stage. here is what he said earlier this morning in an interview with howard stern. >> i don't know if you are going to debate your opponent. >> i am somewhere, i don't know
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when. i'm happy to debate him. >> sandra: no president trump's campaign says they want that to happen. a senior advisor saying "okay let's set it up." so we will see if there is any immediate action after the president said that, john, because there has been some clues given on the biden campaign that he was not willing to debate so we will see how this goes. >> john: the commission on presidential debates is sure hoping there will be debates. the first want to schedule i think late september. although the trump campaign has said they want to move that up because i believe early voting in some states begins in the middle of september. so they want voters to have a chance to see the candidates had to head before they start casting ballots. we will see if anything moves or if biden actually agrees to debate. >> sandra: this has been seen as a healthy part of the process you would assume the american public wants to see it as well. >> john: we look forward about this fall meantime, this.
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[chanting] >> are you doing this? spewing anti-israel protests on college campuses across the land shown no signs of slowing down. even as police intervene. we are live on campuses all across the country coming up next. >> sandra: plus with keeping our eyes on the courthouse in manhattan testimony on the criminal trial against former president donald trump will be back underway soon. will we hear from the former president on his way back into the courtroom? we are always listening for that. we have the story covered from all angles are all-star panel will join us next. feeling claritin clear is like... ♪
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[chanting] >> we will fight, we will fight exmac >> sandra: into israel protesters causing more and more chaos in college campuses all over the country than half the nation's top 50 universities have been facing protest over the past ten days now. we have fox team coverage for you. cb cotton at columbia university here new york city. jonathan serrie in atlanta at emory university and we start with griff jenkins.
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he is in our nation's capital at this hour at george washington university. graph, what have you been hearing from students there? >> well, sandra, we have a momentary break and all the chanting that's been going on since the sun came out. there is some sort of speaker addressing the crowd now but for the second day in a row students from area schools like georgetown, american have converged here. i want to give you a closer look of a situation in the background the you yard as they call it back at g.w. the that was supposed to be cleared out by 7:00 last night the students divided now they remain here with no plans we are learning from the authorities to move them. but there are a handful of jewish students here that feel threatened by the rhetoric they hear from the crowd the "river to the sea" chance that you've been hearing in earlier today speaking with one of the jewish students at g.w. david delarosa while we were interviewing him
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was having an encounter with another one of the students, listen to this. >> this is our university. >> i'm on public space. this is a public street. this is a public street. >> i believe in the freedom of speech. i believe in the freedom of protest. [speaking over each other] >> you come here and call for a are calling for the leave don't play anti-semitism with anti-semitism i'm jewish. >> if you don't want to have a conversation you can turn ar around. >> there's also a sign i want to show you that david took out here. you see on that final solution he says that some of the rhetoric and signs make him feel very uncomfortable here. it's unclear what will happen with this crowd. the seat here is being shut down
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by the police which are standing by. a gentleman shown appear in the last few minutes with an israeli flag as well a little bit of words exchanged here but so far it's calm while there is some sort of speaker addressing the crowd, sandra? >> sandra: all right, greg jackson's stomach to mike jenkins that was acquired in exchange he showed us we will continue to get updates, john >> john: meanwhile talks continue at colombia university between school officials and protesters as the deadline for them to clear out came and went. now some pro-israel demonstrators are pushing back on everything. cb cotton live in columbia with the latest. >> hi, john, more in the pro-israel demonstration in a moment. this is the epicenter of the student pro-palestinian movement at columbia university saying there has been more progress in its negotiations with student demonstrators, but the spokesperson added the nypd has not been called in to clear out the encampment. how is the lawn going to get
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cleared for the undergraduate commencement ceremony which is in about two weeks? the answer is not clear yet. john, if you listen to the student protesters, it sounds like they are running the show here. and at campuses across the country. speak of the precedent set by at columbia has resulted in a way of a police brutality at several campuses nationwide. we are calling upon columbia university to to vest, disclose, and provide amnesty for all students and faculty discipline in the movement for palestinian liberation. those are our central demands and until those are met we will not be going anywhere. >> minnesota congresswoman ilhan omar during the student protesters with her daughter yesterday. she told our fox affiliate all jewish students should be protected regardless of whether there "pro-genocide or nt
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genocide." they held a rally to support your students saying they are being threatened and harassed. and one jewish woman reacted to representative omar's statement. >> when she uses that word to describe them whether they are pro-genocide or nt genocide she is weaponizing that word againsy and she should be ashamed of herself. >> now the encampment continues to draw a hype profile politicians we are learning congresswoman aoc just stopped by not all also ago. >> john: i wonder what side she will beyond? don mcgahn might be on? >> sandra: now emory university where officials are bracing for more potential protests when police arrested at least 28 people at a rally there yesterday. let's get to see new correspondent john vince areas life at that university. jonathan, what exactly is happening there right now?
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>> hi, center, out of an abundance of caution today most undergraduate classes are taking place virtually here at my alma mater. that after events that pulled in here yesterday where police arrested 28 protesters that allegedly pushed past police officers and said set up tents on the quad where they are preparing for commencement activity is. objects were allegedly thrown at police and one student was tased after allegedly attacking an officer carried university officials say 20 of the 28 protesters arrested have ties to the emory community and they are working to expedite of any who remain in custody. late yesterday about 500 demonstrators protested on the quad and march to the front of the theology school at one point they pinned several police officers to the glass doors and through things at them before
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dispersing. some civil rights organizations are discussing concern the aclu saying it has historically been a place that citizens could really express their right to protest but we have seen unconstitutional crackdowns on speech and protest across georgia in recent years. georgia governor showing a statement thanking police for restoring in the past as always we will respect the right to peacefully protest but we will not let them make threats or in other ways break the law will be fed with the full force of the law and brought to justice. back to our live shot outside the school of theology at emory if you look through the glass you can see a large group of protesters inside. many of them actually slept in the lobby of this building overnight. inside, things have been peaceful. they have been praying and singing but there are reports that larger groups of protesters may descend once again on the
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campus quad later in the afternoon. so emory is trying to facilitate peaceful protest but also preparing to crack down if things turned violent, sandra? >> sandra: jonathan serrie watching for things, thank you. and we have these brand-new live shots provided by our fox ten phoenix camera operators on the ground and aerial shots as well. we are watching arizona state university this is tempe, you can see tents on the lawn, people have been gathering there pretty steadily. some of the local reporters are reporting that protesters have been arrested there, but this is one that is popping up. this protest has emerged in the last couple of hours. >> john: you know i saw some interesting video earlier this morning we are trying to get cleared. it happened at ucla there was a little reflecting pool there and a professor who was clearly pretty worked up standing up on the side of the reflecting pool
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yelling about genocide and a jewish student holding an israeli flag send you know what genocide is? and the professor was at a loss for word and turned around and said can summary help me out here? and it just goes to show the point has been made for many critics that a lot of these protesters really have no clue what they are talking about. >> sandra: that's obviously very disturbing for all of us who have been watching this play out. when we say coast to coast all over the country as we see this emerge in california this is the case, look at this. >> john: you would think a professor like eight at a college like ucla would know the definition of a word but apparently not. smugglers as in other migrant surge heading to the u.s. is the border patrol ready for the wave? >> sandra: plus, john we are on the ground in new york were former president donald trump's criminal trial will continue
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soon. fox news legal editor carrier bond has been in court all day. she will join us live coming up. brushed away. even a little blurry vision can distort things. and something serious may be behind those itchy eyes. up to 50% of people with graves' could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor. see an expert. find a t-e-d eye specialist at only purple's gel flex grid passes the raw egg test. no other mattress cradles your body and simultaneously supports your spine. memory foam doesn't come close. get your best sleep guaranteed right now! save up to $400. visit or a store near you. it's time to feed the dogs real food in the right amount. a healthy weight can help dogs live a longer and happier life. the farmer's dog makes weight management easy
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who is suffering an in desperate need. this is what god wants from us. just feed the hungry. if you hear god's voice, i'm asking you to act now. do it when it's on your heart. i pray that they'll know in their final months that they're not alone. >> john: u.s. border patrol gearing up for new migrants after posts on tiktok how they show they get groups of guideways into the u.s. illegally. live in el paso, texas, this is pretty brazen of these muggers.
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these got aways their intent is to not get caught or be known and now they are posting how they do it on tiktok? >> yes that's right, it isn't this mountain range right behind me you can see the border wall here on this side that is mexico. i'm on the other side in texas. we have been able to use an oculus to spot them in the mountain so i will have a photographer tilt up so you can see exactly where they are right at this moment at the top of that mountain ridge. you can see that white monument and our drone. even getting a closer look, we have been told these smugglers in the mountains get paid by migrants to guide them through to cross illegally to avoid border patrol and be processed by the u.s. now that tiktok video we talked about we now have insight into the dangerous journey by a smuggler. the tiktok video shows a group of about 20 migrants some in camouflage being guided to tiptoe across the road to
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conceal footprints from border patrol. of other tactics include traveling by storm drain. the chief border patrol says these spaces are extremely dangerous with toxic fumes and floodwaters that rise rapidly. now we did just speak within independent journalists covering this crisis from the mexican side of the border and here is what he had to say about who is now making the trek to the united states. >> to me there are two types of migrants. the asylum-seekers, those who turn themselves into border patrol, and then they got a ways. those who do not qualify for humanitarian parole or asylum. they are avoiding law enforcement. >> we are hearing aid train from central mexico is making its way up here. officials are monitoring the situation and again border patrol has been circling in helicopters giving those smugglers a clear message that they are watching. john? >> john: dana murray mcnichol there on the border, thank you.
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>> sandra: trying to form a president trump's criminal trial former "national enquirer" publisher david pecker facing redirect from prosecutors after the defense team cross-examined him earlier today. let's bring in fox news legal editor carrie urban who is at the courthouse what can you tell us, carrie? >> when exhibit i thought was especially important that the defense put up was a "wall street journal" article that was published just days before the election that revealed the "national enquirer" had actually been helping donald trump for months. in fact this was not a big secret that no one found out about until after but in this article and that effectively the inquirer had endorsed a donald trump which got me thinking as i was sitting there how it's pretty par for the course how newspaper is to endorsed candidates. i pulled up as i was sitting there "the new york times" full-throated endorsement of hillary clinton that they published in september of that
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year. the defense obviously was putting that out to say look, there is no secret conspiracy happening. everyone knew about it. there is nothing to see here. >> john: so, carrie, i ask this question earlier now that you've been publishing semitalking about this we had a cross and i redirect and i we are getting a recross as well are we any closer to knowing what actual crime donald trump is being charged with? >> i think with the prosecution is attempting to establish is by painting this picture of the relationship between david pecker, donald trump, and michael cohen, this collaboration of sorts is to conceal a federal election campaign violation, a crime there. and the reason i think they are doing that and going there is because david pecker was later
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invaded getting mike investigated for a violation but the lawyer said he had not committed a violation but he signed two agreements a nonprosecution and a conciliation agreement both which are not technical admissions of guilt but their way of settling matters that were okay, we are okay with what you're charging with. we are not admitting it's true but we will agree for purposes of settling. >> john: is that a "yes" or "no" that we don't know what he is actually or what actual crime was committed here? >> it say no because this is not about david pecker and karen mcdougal is about stormy daniels and michael cohen who we have not heard from yet. again, what they are doing is trying to complete the two and obscure the issue of bit by presenting these two or this man to the jury as a way of saying see? it is the same thing that
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happened over there except for the fact they have not yet pointed to the illegal thing that happen even with david pecker, karen mcdougal, and donald trump aired a nothing on cross-examination is poking holes in david pecker's testimony in one of the things is that david pecker had previously told the fbi that donald trump never thanked him for any of the good stories, killing the karen mcdougal story and the dormant story but yesterday on the stand david said he had. these are some of the inconsistencies he pointed out to say maybe he is not as credible as the state would like him to be. >> sandra: all right, carrie, outside the courthouse for us as we expect this will resume shortly we are keeping an eye on that and will get back to that. by the way, john, big guest joining us live. she is a spokesperson for the trump legal team and she has said on the record in recent days during this trial that she
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is doubtful the court and the jury are going to do the right thing in this trial. she will join us with her thoughts on the latest developments, john. >> john: and with the legal eagles yesterday all the prosecution has to do is convince the jury that something bad happened here. even if there was no underlying crime. it would be good to be talking to alina coming up and as college campuses coming up his struggle anti-israel protests at one washington, d.c., high school, arab students are claiming censorship of their views on palestinians and the war in gaza. katie pavlich with how the fight while it's their right too, free speec gh. ... of doug and l. we help people customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. anyway, we got a bit of a situation here. ♪ uh-huh. uh-huh. ♪ [ metal groans] sure, i can hold.
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rallies, a legal battle is heating up at a high school in our nation's capital. the american civil liberties union's swing administration of the school accusing them of violating first amendment rights of an arab student group. the editor of and a fox news contributor so this group the arab student union wanted to get some palestinian education into the school. they wanted to show a film and hand out leaflets and the school said no, you can't do that and now the aclu is saying wait a minute, you can't do that because you are treating them differently than other student groups. >> sandra: the aclu also admit if the school has a good reason to think there'll be obstruction or that education will be interrupted than they have the right to take some of this material away. now they have seen what is happening on college campuses all over the country. they have seen what's going on. they don't want things to go out of control and i would argue palestinian activists behind a lot of these groups have blurred the line between pro-terrorism material and slogans and what
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they are saying is benefiting or not benefiting the palestinian people and places like gaza and the west bank. when you look at that kind of material, there is some distinction there that has to be made about what is allowed and what is not. the school will have to defend the argument that the aclu attorney admits that we have seen what is going on around the country. we are preventing a scenario where we are having to deal with disciplinary action of these students and therefore we are not treating them differently and have the right to take away this material. >> sandra: katie, as luck would have it we are shot at arizona state university where the students have now taken to post texting there as well it made me think of you. i'm pretty sure you were born and raised not too far from there. it does appear this is popping up everywhere now. and these students have been gathering just over the last hour or so. >> john: that's her on the monitor. i'm sorry.
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>> i was in the micro wildcat not a son double. i think it's amazing we have to do this at a 37,000-foot level and what these students are processing for. these are anti-israel protests these are students blocking jewish americans and intimidating them from going to classes. these are people showing up with hamas flags. with hezbollah flags. hamas and has below are terrorist organizations that have been deemed so by the united states government for decades. before 9/11, has below was the terrorist organization iranian back that was responsible for more american deaths than any other terrorist organization in the entire world. that is what you are seeing showing up on these campuses. it's really interesting to watch how different places have handled this. of course all these elite institutions like columbia are negotiating with students calling for the death of a zionists where you have schools in texas, florida, georgia saying if you don't stop blocking fellow students from
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going to class and dismantle your encampment by tomorrow, you will be arrested and there will be consequences. so we will see how the universities handle it moving forward but clearly it can be dealt with. >> john: at columbia seems to be saying, hell or high water than the police will not come onto our campus. >> good luck with that. >> john: katie, good to see you. >> sandra: testimony in the new york versus trump trial is said to be under way and moment now is the defense tries to poke holes in the prosecution. reaction from trump legal spokeswoman alina habba will join us live next. many were shocked to learn they've been paying 22% on their credit card balances. and if payments were late, as much as 30%. that's over three times the interest rate on a newday 100 va home loan. pay off high rate credit cards and other debt with a lower rate newday home loan. save hundreds a month, thousands a year.
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>> sandra: testimony about resume on day eight of the criminal trial against former president donald trump. has defensive team grabbing its cross-examination of the former "national enquirer" publisher david pecker just a short time ago. alina habba is former president donald trump's legal spokeswoman and the general counsel for the save america packed, she joins us now thank you for joining us. >> my pleasure, thank you for having me. >> sandra: i know just a couple days ago as this was going on you suggested you were not optimistic that the jurors and the judge in this trial will do the right thing. have you changed your thinking on that at all? >> if this was based on facts
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and what actually happened, my comments would be different. the realistic nests of what happens in new york court when her name is donald trump and you are the leading candidate for the g.o.p. is entirely different. for people to say that is not the case is just denial of what is actually happening to the american justice system. we have a serious problem. we have a problem where there is a vitriol, a trumped arrangement syndrome and its blinding lawyers, it's blinding jurors, and it is affecting judges. they are soros backing and political affiliations should have no part in the court, but i've seen time and time again that it does. so you know my comment while the left-wing media would like to take it out of context is the truth which is that president trump has done absolutely nothing wrong. he should win and if he is given a fair jury, if he is given a fair court, if he is not in manhattan which is a completely blue state where they only pulled blue state members of the
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jury on purpose, that's a different game. but to say if i said here i think every thing is perfect, i would be completely hypocritical as i've said the last three years this is a witch hunt. the president is under siege. the american people are under siege. and if we don't change the judicial system, if we don't change this law fair in place of politics, the american people are going to suffer. >> john: alina, it's john here. we have had legal analyst after legal analyst and this is andy mccarthy, former prosecutor turley, law professor at g.w. he has argued before the supreme court all saying they have read all the material, they have washed the court proceedings or at least listen to them and they can't figure out where the crime is. that alvin bragg is trying to charge the president with. but when you take a look at the make of this is what you were saying a moment ago. when you look at the makeup of the courtroom, the jury, all the prosecutor has to do is convince the jury that hey, something bad
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happened here and you don't really have to prove the fact. you just have to prove convince them. you think at this point that even if alvin bragg were to get a conviction that there is enough material that this could be overturned on appeal? >> 100%. and if you have any doubt about it i have seen the vitriol happen in the lower courts. i've seen it happen with the attorney general case. look what happened there. we had a 475 million insane judgment. we went to the appellate division, they lowered it immediately and they will look at the facts and look at the record. we have unfair records and i want to be clear that was my point. we have judges not allowing evidence that should be admitted. we have rulings that are not necessarily press related or were the rulings, but they affect our cases. we can't bring in evidence that most people would be allowed to bring in. now all of those decisions, all of those transcripts are examined by the appellate division and that's what i said these are long game trials. they are not necessarily trials
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that will win when we have ags ndas going to the bite and a administration and coordinate with the top. but i do believe there is some justice at the appellate division at the higher courts as we heard yesterday in the supreme court that will hold true. to the constitution and the laws and applying law to fact as we are supposed to do. >> sandra: this just in from our team in the courthouse in manhattan their flagging jason miller from the trump campaign handed a printed copy in the truth social post. around the courthouse are as everyone is at lunch. that particular truth social post the former president just posted acknowledges joe biden in this new interview with howard stern a short time ago announced he is willing to debates of the former president donald trump's posting about that saying everyone knows he doesn't really mean it but in case he does i say anywhere,
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anytime, anyplace. how would you describe the former president's i don't know, how is he doing? you are clearly in touch with him on a regular basis. this is a long process. is he sitting in the chorus many long hours every day, how would you describe its current state? how is he doing? >> look, politically is one thing he is so strong. personally is another. he is the biggest fighter i know. i can't tell you -- go i get into poles and all of that those speak for themselves at this moment but at the american people want to know how he is on a day-to-day basis, look at what you are seeing. he comes out fighting. he comes out with papers. he is reading, he's educating himself and he is educating the country on what is happening. he is making sure this platform they have created for him where he is not allowed to campaign is going to still be used as a platform for the american people to hear what is actually happening and to motivate people to get out and fix the country
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in november. that's who he is truly whether he is in court in front of a camera or behind the scenes just speaking to myself. he is resilient. he is a fighter. and he is just a positive person. this just motivates the man, frankly even more. the more they hit him the more he gets up because he does not want this to happen to people that don't have billions of dollars. that don't have the ability to defend themselves despite the constant ridicule and the constant persecution. he sees this as an anti-american witch hunt and i'll be honest with you, he is the same person i met three years ago. he is just resilient and strong and a fighter. >> john: the construction workers you met with yesterday's seem to agree on that point. hope to see you back soon. we are about 20 minutes away from the resumption of court we will be right back afterer this but because it's gold - they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital.
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