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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  April 27, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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hat? oh wow! but we got to sell our houses! (vo) well, almost perfect. don't worry. just sell directly to opendoor. (woman) yes! (vo) close in a matter of days. when life's doors open, we'll handle the house.
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carley: destruction in iowa and nebraska from devastating tornadoes. we have a live report. will: the rematch is on and apparently so is the debate. >> we're willing to debate all nigh. pete: getting saturday sweat in for a great cause and marine travis with the sacrifice nearly 17 years ago. today thousands are working out in his honor. carley: massive tornadoes tear across america's heartland yesterday. pete: 59 twisters recorded in texas, ohm, kansas, iowa and
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hardest hit nebraska. will: nicole is live in ill horn, nebraska, with more. reporter: good morning in elkhorn and you have to look around and catch your breath. one home in particular you can see through to the street over. the roof here collapsed at least on one side and you're take ago look at maybe part of the grand jury area and the salvation army and red cross is there and people that live in the homes at temporary shelter at nearby school realizing they don't have a hope at this point to come back to.
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the positive destruction and that's understanding and looks for permission and that's going across the husker station and going for nebraska and several counties impacted lancaster and douglas county and hearing from officials throughout the area and one point of the roofs of several buildings came crashing down on top of them and look at the damage and real deal coming down from lincoln, nebraska, up towards omaha there's another emergency situation across from us on situation and going for his images is a lot to take in still for the first few hours and could be a new day of
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cleanup people that don't have a home, a place to get to for the next few days. pete: nicole, thank you. the no fatalities is that because there's a decent amount of warning here and is that part of it. reporter: officials are hoping not only that but having daylight and people maybe being able to see this tornado coming and may have helped in that situation. they've outperformed what meteorologists were anticipating. carley: you can see the destruction that you're standing in front of. nicole valdes live for us in elkhorn, nebraska. nicole, thank you so much. pete: a lot of streets locked down and had of course the trial ongoing with donald trump they're brining against him that we covered a lot and this guy who's across the street, sirius xm across the street and
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joe doesn't give many interviewed and decided to sit down with howard stern, and it was a long wide ranging love fest and did have one middle nugget of interest for the viewers. will: trump says any day of the week, in fact. he said gave of the seven days of the week. >> biden debating and doing it any time he wants and going for them with biden going to the courthouse and my guess is he's signed up and administration and we're willing to debate monday, night, tuesday night, wednesday night, thursday night or friday night on national television and
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the white house very comfortable. tell me where but we're ready. carley: the white house would be very comfortable. the former president jumped on that news and he wants to debate president biden so badly. he was posting about it on truth social. pete: i think they're doing everything conceivably possible to keep him from a debate stage. we can't give a platform to the
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misinformation, disinformation of donald trump. that will be their excuse. the media will lap it up. all these clowns at the white house correspondence dinner and they'll lap it up. and you're right, this is a unique carley: the ratings would be so huge. will: no clips or quotes or press con inspire hope presences on president trump. will: they're protecting their audience or whatever from misinformation coming from trump. everything is a safe space including the audience including joe biden sitting down with
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howard stern and including joe biden walking from marine one. concerned about the fact that he's been aimlessly wandering around marine one and access reporting some biden advisers have told axios their concerned those videos walking and shuffling alone across the grass highlighted his age and they're going out in a pack and there he is alone and now they're walking in a pack. pete: the new york post said whitless protection this morning. you know there's now -- witless protection now and there's a roster from the white house to the helicopter and who's walking with joe duty today? make sure you keep up with him, keep the pace going. will: lot of bags. pete: maybe they're coming from
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camp david. will: a lot of bags. pete: maybe it was a sleepover. carley: this is a campaign cycle where president biden wants four more years and the end of the second term of the fourth year. pete: they only care about the optics in a campaign year. they don't care about his health or his -- the permanent state, permanent brock seizure disorders running itself. bureaucracy running themselves and keep him on the rails to get to election day and hope to pull something out and they'll -- they don't care if joe falls a thousand times. carley: will, talking about safe spaces being everywhere and usually on college campuses and not for jewish students these days and not at columbia and schools across the country and even in usc and one of the big headlines out of this and usc scrapped their commencement ceremony and graduation ceremony because of property tests and interesting timing here, this is four years after the pandemic so the students that are graduating
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from usc now had high school graduation canceled so their parents are missing out on a double opportunity to see their son or daughter make the college achievement of graduating college and missed that four years ago because the pandemic canceled those while in high school. >> very sad my peers can't make the point to go to a main graduation and the university going for them on the part and going for them and there's
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things they could do and resources to pull that and prevent from getting to the situation. pete: the university of southern california if they wanted to could figure it out. they're more scared of their students than anything else. they've allowed them to get out of control. will: you're probably right. a friend of mine sent this to me, a jewish friend of mine lives in dallas, daughter is a freshman at university of texas, and he said this is what's going on on campus at university of texas. the sign said zionists can choke and die on their own spit. my daughter and friends aren't feeling comfortable to walk around campus being identified as jewish. there's another one. white supremacy is a plague disguised as zionism. pete: this is the university of
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texas? zionism is the code work they use to make it seem like they're talking about extreme form of judaism. zionism is the belief there can be and should be a jewish state, which is the state of israel. it's 99.9% of jewish folks and americans believe it's true. now that's the code word they're using. carley: by the way, hamas has done two thing this is week when related to the united states of america. going to have applaud of protest and protesters and they released a hostage video of the israeli american her hersh goldburg poland and he's the one that had his arm blown off during the october 7 terrorist attack and imagine being his parents on the air and seeing that video of a mix of emotion seeing their son for the first time. that video and hostages are what we should be focusing on for the
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protests. pete: the third thing hamas did was lob a mortar at new floating pier we're setting up with the u.s. army. carley: remember that. pete: our army is still actively building a pier off of gaza where americans will be part of transporting those on ships. carley: there was concern it'll put our troops in harm's way and pete: these kids are protesting for kids that go for americans. carley: costs and more and more young people choosing alternative route and the statistic coming out nationally enrollment and vocational colleges up 16% compared to 2022 just compared to two years ago with increase of 23% of students
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studying and construction jobs and it's a really cool story and two people out of michigan, a father and a daughter, the daughter decided to follow in the father's footsteps and become an iron worker and the trade and same union as her father did. they worked together for three years and her name is tiffany young, dad's name is robert. take a listen to what they had to say. >> i was going to college for nursing and again i was like this isn't a good fit for me. i decided to be an aaron worker and fabrication program at a local community college and went down and joined them. there's a high demand not just for iron workers and a lot of different trades and i feel very secure in my job. >> probably one of the best feelings a guy can have and a
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lot of guys work with their sons and just a few have the handfuls to work with their daughters and i postponed my retirement and going towill: i did like your suit and going into iron working. carley: realize that would have
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been awkward for you and that's a big deal. you reached over and placed your hand on my knee. what's happening. carley: i'm blushing. will: what's happening on the show and go i wrote on you. carley: i'm so sorry. will: she took her pen and wrote across my knee. pete: by the way that kind of ink is not coming out. carley: i was reaching over for a piece of paper. will: what is this pen? carley: just a marker. pete: it's the kind of marker not coming out. carley may as well sign your pants and make it a signature. carley: want me to sign your pants? will: looks like a marker and put cold water on it. pete: check it out in the 9:00 hour. pete: bring to hair and makeup and jan will try to get it out. if anybody knows, they're going to know. carley: now two apologies in order one for writing on you and ruining your suit and one for putting my hand on your knee. will: hr will be speaking to you a bit later. carley: this is what was going
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on in my brain, i was trying to cover it up like i'm so sorry. i didn't mean to. that is what was happening. will: i felt awkward and rather you talk to my representative. pete: or talk to me. carley: yeah. i'll give you money for those pants. will: give me $2. pete: while we resolve this, i'll read you some headlines. taiwan detecting 22 war planes and very detailed graphic overnight and all of them arriving near the island within three hours. the president of beijing to manage and discuss managing differences between the
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difference and managing climate change. brittney spears settling legal battle with her estranged father jamie and seeking physicals in fees he paid during the determination of the conservatorship in 2021. will: how is that going by the way? pete: nothing to see here. turn to instagram. details of the settlement not made public and lawyers for the pop star say brittany's wish for freedom truly complete. seeing her liberated. will: really mice when they see that. pete: she's got a chance. here we go.
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britbritney forever, she's okay. week five of united football league and not wearing much from helmets and not in the ufl and arlington renegade and going for them with the rest of the season. pete: how do you pronounce this san antonio? tonight. is that fish? will: no, it's a bull. pete: it's a bull. okay. both kick off at 7:00 p.m. eastern and how is that not a name we've heard before. will: the bull withs the hump on their back, brahmas bull.
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it's right on the shoulder blades for the hump. the you have 00 hour, i got fired up because nfl wearing proposed mushroom helmets and mushroom on the helmet. i don't think we should walk around with pillows strapped to our heads because there's a little danger involved. will: your outrage and passion this morning. pete: you want to bubble wrap everybody? will: i think we want to reduce head injuries and i do think that the helmet has become a weapon and they head hunt and what it if looked like the other helmets and not big and puffy and large and made of mushroom material and players less
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incentivized to head hunt with them. would you be down on that? pete: sure, mushroom head. will: as long as it doesn't look different. will: you don't want it to look different? pete: i look at you and see a mushroom. it can't look different. it'll look weird. you want leather helmets. you want leather helmets contraindication for cerumen he? will: you're an engineer and telling me what they can do. just take the mushrooms off. pete: carley agrees with me. carley: california republican senate candidate steve garvey is coming up next. count on propane to make everything great. but did you know propane also powers school buses that produce lower emissions that lead to higher test scores? or that propane can cut your energy costs at home? it powers big jobs and small ones too.
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>> crime doesn't discriminate. sorry it happened to my opponent or anyone but happens anne donovan the streets of san francisco and new york and los angeles. it's a failure of career politicians, especially on the left to be stronger. doing for defense on that and now more than ever we have to standup and political courage and religious courage and men and women in these united states short term orientation tanned up for what it right and college campuses and when you attack a
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certain culture of people and the attack is on the jewish students, you're attacking their roots and attacking their religion, and leadership has to stand up. leadership at these universities, their sole goal is to provide a nurturing environment and safe environment and we being leaders around the country and myself running for the next senate and i'll be a u.s. senator, i demand leaders to stand up whether it's presidency and whether it's in congress and state politics and we've got to stop this. carley: yeah this, is a crisis from college presidents all the way to la district attorney george gascon and calling on him to do something about this. >> absolutely. he was the san francisco and see how crime is deteriorate that had city and now in los angeles.
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it's been a felon and felonies and using this despite the vote and look at people like myself and state of california and been here and have the faith of people and they know what i believe in so i'm standing up using political courage to make sure these leaders dot right thing and do it now. what i think is the most pressing situation and that's global defense and i think we'll take care of that with our allies and more concerned with the implosion and for the religion and protest for a sure fire sign you're on the wrong side. steve, thank you so much for joining us this morning.
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we appreciate you as always. >> always a pleasure. look forward to next time. carley: nearly 17 years ago marine travis manian made the ultimate sacrifice and we're taking you through the manion workout of the day. that's next. ♪ let's get the rest of these plants in. organic soil from miracle-gro has grown me the best garden i have ever had. good soil, and you get good results. this soil will blow you away. it's the martha stewart of soil. nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid for twice as long as pepcid. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. we love being outside, but the sun makes our deck and patio too hot to enjoy.
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rick: welcome back to fax and friends. we had a will the of severe weather yesterday and have more on the way today. this is my guest eric that lost his home in a tornado a few area ago and what are you thinking
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about right now? >> take it serious and if it's in your area, wait it out and that's serious. rick: getting all rebuilt? >> took about 11 months, ten months. rick: thank you. and glad you're doing well. areas of kansas or nebraska and iowa seeming the worse of it and going a little further to the south and that's the first piece of energy moving off towards the great lakes and next batch of energy seeing that circulation across parking lots of the fourth corner and ovtowards joplin and looking at large and
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long lasting destructive tornadoes through the afternoon. pete: it's in honor of the day travis made the ultimate sacrifice 4/29/07. joining me is travis ma nion sister and founder of the organization. tell your viros what you're doing and why. >> well, we're bringing thousands of people out across the country to not just honor my brother but honor the sacrifice of all the men and women who have given their lives in defense of our freedom. so we have over 260 gyms and
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we're bringing people out to do that workout like you said. be reminded of the men and women to go out there and push themselves for us. pete: no doubt. remind our viewers about your brother and the work you carry on in his name. >> absolutely. my brother was my best friend and we're 15 months apart born into a military family and going for iraq and silver stars and going down on the line and make sure we continued his legacy and we did that by starting the travis manion foundation and supported 78,000 veterans and a community of over 250,000 and veterans is going to have
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continued purposes to serve in the community and going to the home but i'll never forget the quote you use often from your brother and talking about military service and talking about cage yous in your life and if not -- courageous and if not me than who. reporter: it's a hard workout and pair up with a partner, you can scale the squats, there's a lot of different ways and for us it's about how we get out there and make sure that we're pushing to society that we need to understand these sacrifices and if not me than who. that's it right there. giving people every day of living a life if not me than
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who. >> who's going to do it and >> the workouts start today but sign up as a virtual participant and there's events that take place through the middle of may and lots of ant opportunities to get involved in and travis manion and pete: will and i going off the wall of this two campaigns.
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will: tale of two campaigns and for president trump, stuck in new york city for latest that's
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stopped him for the voters. pete: going off the wall to see what they're up to trapped in new york city and stopped him from getting scout seeing people. in fact, he went to a bodega in handout hat tan and talking about the crime and the way so many of these guy haves been affected by the rising crime in new york. pete: he was invited by the bodega association because of the crime and not every candidate feels comfortable walking into a bodega in new york city like a small shop or deli and a portion of what donald trump said. >> i love this city and it's gotten so bad in the last three or four years and we're going to straighten new york out.
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so rubbing for president and we think we can take a bit hit on new york. meanwhile joe biden was in philadelphia. will: not a bodega and it's a convenient store and went to a wawa. pete: wawas are beloved and i didn't know about the whole wawa thing till you come out to the east coast and have a great sandwich and that's great stuff around the corner in college. he's in philly and hit up a wawa and his reception is different than donald trump. listen closely. will: he got a hoeingy and ice cream -- hoagie and the tipping and making sure joe doesn't make
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mistakes and i've nevada been to an empty wawa. and they're packed all the time morning and night and clear it up for joe and they have to interact with the human being. will: president trump's hush money trial and same time donald trump was in trial and it's on the business records case too. i know that's characterized any way. they've driven on him and out there with middle class joe and scranton and the roots for the country rooted in radical policy and radical people.
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pete: dynamics of political parties have changed and union workers and democrats more and more and donald trump getting a warm welcome in new york city from construction workers. >> they're really facing it. will: warm reception in new york city in new york city. part of the daily and daily running list of blunders. this is watch and analyze this.
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folks shovels in the ground and this project and exporting american jobs. will: he said four more years, pause. pete: that would be like me saying wall three, what's ahead because it's in the t telepromt. will: he read every line. pete: new york city might be the perfect microcosm to talk about so many of the dynamics and changes in the politics and it'll lead to the return of this guy. will: that's coming ahead. donald trump said he'll hold campaign events in wisconsin and michigan this next week but talking about doing a rally in the bronx and now madison square garden. pete: that would be bonkers. i need to be there.
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madison square garden and donald trump 2024. layoff, billy joel. will: joe biden some saying it's his security blanket, looks like there's plans to reunite with barack obama for a big la fundraiser in mid june. pete: of course, why not? rinse and repeat. maybe they'll invite bill clinton too. doing that last time and is that going to happen? we don't know, you don't know and joe said maybe kind of sort of. it's not something he'll have to live up to. see if he does. will: i'll believe it when i see it. debate between biden and trump. pete: tease out at 47: 15. will: pete, live. pete: coming up on home renovation month and that's next. e1 intro brad coming up. ♪
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oh, why leaffilter? it's well designed, efficient, i appreciate that. leaffilter's technology keeps debris out of your gutters for good, guaranteed. what more could you ask for? call 833.leaf.filter today, or visit (reporters) over here. kev! kev! (reporter 1) any response to the trade rumors, we keep hearing about? (kev) we talkin' about moving? not the trade, not the trade, we talking about movin'. no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it's easy. (kev) ... i guess we're movin'.
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whether i recollects national remodeling month is days away. carley: our next guest here to show how revamping your bathroom doesn't have to bust your budget. pete: welcome brad hillier. the ceo of re-bath.
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brad, great to have you. you. >> great to be here. talk about remodeling our bathroom. >> should recollect every consumer should have a bathroom they love and tart every day and end every day and going into a place that's relaxing that you enjoy and make it a room as opposed to just functional kind of space and get your day started off in a good way. an example of that and a few things to do to get your bathroom going on a budget. wall color and paint. art work in your bathroom. people don't think about it like a living space and more of a functional space. art work, some flowers, things like that just to sort of freshen that up. they don't cost a lot of money. will: i like a random piece of fur churn in -- furniture in the bathroom. like a chair. i might sit in there. >> sit and put your socks on. designerer suspended ands function and everybody in the bathroom want as space they love and thinking about the design and way that feels to you,
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colors, design styles, so on and so forth and you want it to function the way you want it to and we partner with moen, great company, great products and do a lot of water conservation and keep your water costs down. so things like this. single lever versus dual lever and then obviously thinking about design. just thinking through the function of how you want to use that space and is it going to work the way you want it to work? a way that works for you and your family? will: yeah and pairing with a various pete: what's your favorite, will? will: i like the gold. carley: me too. >> then the transitional and more modern and smaller handles versus thicker and chunkier handles. carley: yeah. pete: i like the black. carley: you like the black? pete: yeah. will: talking accessibility, comfort. >> exactly. in here, a lot of people think about grab bars from a hospital
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white sort of institutional ones but this soap dish hold service connected a grab bar. and then the shower rod is a grab bar. lots of things to do from a safety perspective to your bathroom that doesn't cost you design. it's really cool ideas and then cool and trendy seats. pete: i like a good shower seat. >> who doesn't. you want a space that's friendly, serves your purposes and meets your design style and safe and affordable. pete: excellent. >> over here, we're just talking about budget again and the way to think about budget. one of these is actually italian marble from italian quarry. the other one is acrylic, which is a fabricated product but looking at the two you can't tell the difference. the only reason you know is
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you're touching it. carley: i like this better. looks nicer. >> tou touching that stone it'sd to the touch. touching the akril acrylic, it't so cold. the italian marble costs about 2.5 times. there's lots of ways to do things in the bathroom that's affordable and functional and design savvy and don't have to bust the bank. carley: such a great job. will: all you need at re--bath. re-bath. schedule free home design consultation at r will: thank you, brad pete: i like to model rather than remodel. will: there you go. mr. mushroom helmet likes to model. little manly man. we'll be right back with the big show straight ahead.
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