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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  April 27, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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will make jerome powell fight harder to get to 2%. paul: politically backed, interesting to see. >> i'm giving it to new york state and its public officials at the urging of governor kathy hochul, the state included measures to increase the police effort to shut down the shoplifting epidemic in new york, they raised our salty retail worker from misdemeanor to a felony. some of the legislators are putting in measures that will allow property owners to remove squatters who have taken up residence in their homes. i agree in new york it is like turning around the titanic, at least give him credit for making a try. paul: of the district attorney, that is it for this week's show, thanks to my panel and all of you for watching. we will see you next week. >> right in front of us, guys.
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violent tornado, violent tornado. edward: powerful tornadoes ripping through america's heartland leaving behind a trail of devastation, multiple twisters reported in iowa and nebraska which is where cameras captured this monster crossing over interstate 80 northeast of the state capital. look at what is left of the -- houses reduced to rubble, families forced to flee for their lives. severe weather threat is not over. we are tracking it and have more on that later in the show but first this. >> you are coming to my university and you will tell us you are not threatening me. i'm trying to go to school and study. i believe in the call for an intifada revolution, you're calling for the death of my
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people. >> the conversation is over. the time to stop the genocide is now. edward: angry confrontations on campuses nationwide as anti-israel protests continue with no end insight, students and outside agitators are taking over the grounds of colleges and universities to demand schools cut ties with companies linked to his relapse war effort in gaza. we are monitoring the situation at george washington university where police are assembled at an encampment blocks away from the white house was welcome to a brand-new hour of fox news live. brian: the widespread protests leading to student arrests and suspensions. columbia university the center of the unrest has barred one student from campus, the move comes after a video from january resurfaced of them
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saying, quote, zionists don't deserve to live. one democrat lawmaker tells fox news the anti-semitic rhetoric out of the college protest is dangerous. >> when you see banners that say final solution, intifada revolution, anyone who doesn't understand what final solution means to jews, the final solution was what hitler carried out with the slaughter of 6 million jews in the second world war, those kinds kind of statements are deeply offensive to jewish students. arthel: let's go to senior correspondent steve harrigan at columbia university with the latest. what is happening? >> reporter: protests underway at columbia and nyu and others, you can sense the anger and tension as this goes on, they were hoping to clear things up by graduation but they are still on campus. one question many protesters
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have is where is the money from the universities being spent. one student, a protester from the university of chicago. >> are university needs to be completely transparent, going with different investments so we can figure out where our money is going. >> reporter: at many campuses across the country jewish students say these protests have created an atmosphere where they are fearful for their physical safety. here is one from ucla. >> my brother goes here. he came home last night, didn't feel like he was on a peaceful, safe campus. >> reporter: columbia sent an e-mail to students saying it had barred one of the protest leaders for unsavory social media posts, saying the people are lucky he is not out killing zionists.
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arthel: that is really pathetic. steve harrigan, thank you. brian: let's bring in the former deputy special envoy to combat anti-semitism under donald trump. thank you for being here. let's pick up where we left off, one of the student organizers at columbia university posts a video bragging essentially of recording himself during a conversation with columbia's disciplinary group about the fact that this person said, quote, zionists don't deserve to live, be grateful i'm not going out and murdering zionists. it took three months for columbia university to bar this person from campus and that happened after this video went public. what do you make of that? >> the facts speak for themselves. the leadership at columbia
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university has failed not just the student body but our country. i'm an alumna of columbia. never thought the day would come that my alma mater would stand on the side of this pro-terrorist, pro-hamas mob that has taken over the campus and left jewish students unable to attend classes and safely walk across the campus. the president of columbia university came to congress and said almost all the right things but went back to campus and has failed. i will join speaker johnson in calling for the resignation and i want to make clear for all of us we are standing at a moment in american history where our university leaders, elected officials are at a crossroads. they can choose to stand with the jewish americans which are a minority, the most suppressed minority in history or get into
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the pro terror mobs. >> reporter: the president came out with a statement that reads of this. to clear an encampment once, and the view based on discussions in the community and with outside experts, to bring back the nypd would be counterproductive further inflaming what happening on campus and drying thousands to our doorstep who would threaten our community. they are at an impasse in negotiations with these students and now the president is saying we are no longer going to bring in the nypd and we have the university senate voting essentially to say that she violated established protocol when she did this. this is a revolt on the university, what do you make of her decision to say nypd is never going to hear back? >> leadership is completely pictured -- capitulating to the
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anti-american pro-hamas mob so that have taken to the campus. she allowed this to metastasize and columbia became the model for campuses all across the country and this problem is spread nationwide. it is due to her failure leadership and we have a lot of options on the table. our call on congress to cut federal spending at universities that will not stop this. we need to stop allowing endowments to go untouched and enforced donald trump's executive order which injures american civil rights protections for the first time in american history, the biden administration is refusing to use the tools that are available to that stuff. >> to this soundbite. listen together. >> the double standard, dylan
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roof goes into a charleston church and kills 9 members of a black church. if i went to the plasma of any of these universities with the confederate flag and started saying globalize dylan, kill black people there would be no need for context, wouldn't be talking about free speech, i would be out of academia. it is clear to me that free speech is at its freest when it is hate speech against jews. >> reaction to what was just said? >> the professor is right and what we are seeing play out in front of us is hypocrisy that comes to jews and that's the very definition of anti-semitism. university leaders, elected officials to bring the end to this anti-semitism spreading across the country. it will hurt all of us. not just the jewish problem. history has shown when jew hatred is allowed to spread it involves the entire society and
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we need to bring a stop to it now. >> reporter: 42 of the top countries have these protests as we monitor this. thank you so much. >> thank you for having me. arthel: two w's are injured and one fighting for his life after should out with an armed man. it happened after midnight. the polk county sheriff department says deputies were patrolling an area that has seen a spike in heartbreak ins. at a white car in a sports bar, asked the driver to speak up and deputies called for backup and try to take him out of the car, gunshots rang out. one deputy was shot in the chest and is in critical condition, the upshot four times in his right arm. he's in stable condition.
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>> we killed him graveyard dead, we killed him dead in a gunfight, firefight, who had no idea they were dealing with anyone other than someone in the park after the park rose, being suspicious and resisting our efforts to identify why they were in the area. arthel: police described him as a moorish sovereign citizen. they are not releasing his name until next of kin is identified. >> looking at this devastation, loss of life or severe injuries right now, we want to hear that. arthel: local officials in omaha, nebraska, are thankful that most of the town's residents are safe after powerful tornadoes ripped through america's heartland friday but the threat from or
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severe weather, we are tracking it all. where is the bad weather heading next? >> reporter: there are tornadoes on the ground, a line or severe weather has developed across the southern plains from texas through oklahoma, kansas into iowa as well, severe thunderstorms and tornadoes with this line. every one of these boxes is our radar indicated tornado. you are looking at 123 of them across northern kansas. as these lines develop we are seeing these look tornadoes spin up. when you see a purple box like this, that is an observed tornado. the one is radar indicated meaning someone on the ground has seen this moving across northern oklahoma and moving south along this line, severe thunderstorms, another observed tornado, i wanted to highlight
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this one. 21/2 inches is the size of a tennis ball coming down in this community, these lines of storms continue to fire and run through the evening hours. a tornado watch is in place from texas, it does run north through kansas, ultimately getting up towards iowa a little later in the evening as this is going to take a while to drift to the east. i could put this into motion. look at the time stamp in the corner but we are far from done yet. this will run through the evening hours into the overnight hours before beginning to wind down as you lose the daytime heating but we have hours to go, likely tornadoes will be firing up as we watch this. arthel: definitely have to pay attention. tennis ball sized hail can do a lot of damage not to mention the tornadoes themselves. thank you very much.
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brian: to the southern border where fox camera sketch videos of suspected migrant smugglers on a hill in el paso, texas. border agents bracing for more arrivals as hundreds of migrants hitched rides to the us in mexico. dana mcnichols in el paso, texas, how is it looking now? >> reporter: always an active situation, border patrol monitoring it closely. sitting at the base of the mountain where we showed the migrants. that a well-organized operation blue smugglers pay the cartels to occupy the mountain so let's see what's going on, there should be a group of 2 to 3 at the top of the mountain on the left side of the monument. the mexico side of the mountain, they are looking out for border patrol. migrants guide them through the
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terrain, to be processed in the us, some known to carry drugs on them during the journey. they threw rocks at a fox drone trying to capture the process, they don't want us knowing what they are doing. the journey being documented on social media. this video posted by a smuggler, some of them in camouflage being guided to tiptoe across the road to conceal their footprints from border patrol and earlier this afternoon an active situation, a group of smugglers guided migrants down the mountain, border patrol spotted them in the mountains before and did pick them up in at van. the number of illegal crossings continue to climb in el paso after a train carrying hundreds of migrants arrived in horace. i spoke to an independent journalist covering this crisis whose sources tell him these migrants are not backing down.
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>> migrants arrived with stones and sticks to fight mexican immigration, a hard time making it to the river. it seems they won't put up with mexican immigration and find a way to cross into el paso. >> reporter: our cvp sources give us new numbers that can show a thousand encounters on the el paso sector in one day. >> reporter: thank you. arthel: police near seattle are investigating three shocking incidents where babies overdosed in fentanyl, one of those children died. the overdoses all happening in a span of five days. christina has more live in los angeles.
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>> reporter: three victims suffered federal overdoses and one of them died. the incidents happened in these three location 30 miles north of seattle. they took place in a time span from saturday of next week and this past wednesday. a spokesperson for the everett police department shared the range of emotions some people are filling in the community after learning about these disturbing incidents involving babies and fentanyl. >> outrage, sadness, confusion obviously. those are emotions the department shares as well in this short time. it is certainly unheard of at least in my career. arthel: disturbing incidents and a short timeframe. police found 18-month-old unresponsive wednesday and despite lifesaving effort the child died and a few months
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earlier a few hours earlier a 6-month-old baby was found in another apartment with trouble breathing, the baby was given narcan and survived and on saturday emergency crews found in unresponsive 11-month-old at a house. the baby survived as well. police don't believe the cases are connected and they never not released details on how the babies are contacted as the investigation continues. the city's warning residents of the dangers of fentanyl on social media noting it could be potent to a baby or toddler's smaller body. on federal level the cdc is warning people too. they note how fentanyl is up to 50 times stronger than heroin and 100 times stronger than morphine. >> it takes the tiniest amount to cause a fatal overdose. a fraction of a raindrop. 30 grains of salt.
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arthel: the city of everett is located in snohomish county where fentanyl is a growing problem. last year, 269 people died from opioid overdoses in that area. arthel: shocking, thank you. brian: the first week of testimony ends and donald trump's criminal trial with no witnesses testifying yesterday. a closer look at how prosecutors are laying out their case and how the defense is responding next. oh, absolutely. (inner monologue) my kids don't know what they want. you know who knows what she wants? me! with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so you don't have to worry. empower. what's next. life, diabetes, there's no slowing down. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day. [ applause ] the day you get your clearchoice dental implants
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brian: the first week of testimony in the trial donald trump is in the books. trump's legal team arguing what prosecutors claim was election interference is not illegal but, quote, democracy. as we heard from david packer about those catch and kill schemes. cb cotton is live outside trump tower. >> reporter: donald trump's defense team appears to be laying some groundwork to argue any dealings trump had with david packer were to protect trump's reputation, his family, but not his 2016 presidential
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campaign. and after the tabloid publisher wrapped up. he says his company paid $150,000 to silence cara mcdougall and keep her from publicly saying she had an affair with trump, something trump denies. trump's assistant took the stand as the state tries to prove trump was behind another patient to silence stormy daniels. and to have an alleged sexual relationship with trump which trump denies. she said she updated trump organization's contact list which included mcdougall and daniels. she also vaguely remembers seeing daniels at trump tower only once. during cross-examination said daniels may have been there for the show celebrity apprentice, trump pleaded not guilty to 34
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felony charges against him. he calls the trial politically motivated. >> there is no case here, no case whatsoever. it is a disgrace was we have a conflicted judge. not in this country. >> reporter: court resumes tuesday. bank executive gary farrow returns to the stand. he testifies friday he worked at the bank used by michael cohen when cohen wired $130,000 hush money payment to stormy daniels and the days before the presidential election. arthel: prosecutors argue donald trump's hush money payment are election fraud. they are laying out the case against the former president monday saying this was a
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planned, long-running conspiracy to influence the 2016 election to help donald trump get elected through illegal expenditures, to silence people who had something bad to say about his behavior. todd blanche, lead attorney for the former president countering saying, quote, i have a spoiler alert, there's nothing wrong with trying to influence an election. it's called democracy. end quote. let's bring in nassau county district attorney robert schultz. let me get your reaction to those quotes. >> as he was trying to influence the election, they will rely heavily on the timing of the alleged payments to miss daniels, which counter -- controvert the statement of trump's lawyer. however trump's lawyer is correct, these catch and kill journalistic payments, hush money payment, nondisclosure agreements have been used for
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years and decades and they are crimes. if they were crimes donald trump would be charged with those crimes. it is important to remember that the federal government did look into this to see if they thought he violated federal election law, alvin bragg is on record saying his case should have won in all of his committal cases. this is a prosecutor and defense attorney upstream match up in a courtroom moringa over what is and isn't and it is which lawyer paints the best picture on sub nation explaining what the evidence needs to this case. arthel: have prosecutors made their case the trump's hush money was election interference? >> reporter: everyone uses the term election interference when technically it is a hush money payment which is not a crime. prosecutors need to prove to
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take it from a misdemeanor to a felony to create a conspiracy that there wasn't other act committed in furtherance of the falsifying business records misdemeanor which if donald trump is convicted in my opinion is a nothingberger. it is a fine. he goes home. no big deal. everyone rolls their eyes at this case. what the prosecution in my opinion was a little light on was what is the act donald trump committed in furtherance of this conspiracy? arthel: how will defense proceed? >> the most important witness will be michael cohen, who has admitted to lying, has given so many statements about this case, about donald trump, hike wants to get donald trump and things like that and a defense attorney's dream matchup in a courtroom to be able to have someone on the witness stand as
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long as they want going over painstakingly in front of the jury how many times he has lied, misrepresented, was inconsistent, whatever term you want to use, those are beneficial to the defense and it could come across that he is out to get someone else to be guilty of these crimes other than himself and that's to point the finger at the former president. he is going to be the key in this case which everyone agrees with. arthel: will prosecutors point to michael cohen and say this man is a liar but that man lied on behalf of the former president. >> that's exactly what they are going to do. when you are a prosecutor with issues with your case and want to do both on your opening statement ontology or he is a liar, he lied in the past but we are going to be able to corroborate his testimony with evidence that cannot lie to you. at the evidence of the personal assistant to donald trump, the
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bank records and mister packer who is not a convicted liar but he is getting a nonprosecution agreement meaning he's not being prosecuted so he has a benefit with the prosecution. arthel: i wonder if you have an idea how much sway the jury's decision, the jury's vote will have over of voters come november? >> reporter: most people have made their mind up how they are going to vote. there could be certain people who identify as conservative or republican who could beyond the fence whether they will support the former president and this could be something that could sway them. that is a small margin of people but something to consider. all donald trump's lawyers do, that when jurors guilty, this is a political witchhunt or election interference.
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and the president has alluded to in interviews and truths social, if they hang the jury, the question is whether the manhattan district attorney is going to go forward trying to prosecute potentially the sitting president of the united states, i don't think it is going to be in their best interest to see a second trial. they will get one bite of the apple and that in this case so they better hope they win. arthel: maybe no daisychain affect. thank you for the analysis. thank you so much. brian: president biden could be met by protesters when he attends the white house correspondents dinner tonight. meantime house republicans in the small business could he accuse the white house of using a government agency to register democrat voters in battleground michigan. congresswoman beth van dyne sits on the committee, joins us coming up. the balloons and the raptor cake.
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arthel: donald trump is challenging president biden to set a time and place after president biden said he would be happy to debate his predecessor. many wonder if the president will bring up during the white house correspondents dinner. live at the white house, lucas has more. >> reporter: a very good chance question about the correspondents dinner. earlier on friday speaking of a courthouse in new york the former president, donald trump, says he's ready to debate the current president anytime anyplace. >> willing to do it monday night, tuesday night, thursday night or friday night on national television. we are ready, tell me where. i would be very comfortable. >> reporter: donald trump was
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referring to this offer with president biden when speaking with howard stern. >> a fantasy i had. don't know if you will debate your opponent. >> president biden: i will somewhere, i am happy to debate him. >> reporter: biden stay clear protests in columbia or nyu, and to syracuse and attended a fundraiser of michael douglas's home in westchester county, trying to appeal to more voters, polls show trump ahead of biden in all seven battleground states. it is a tough position writing about six months remaining for election day, biden stand in a weaker position than any prior incumbent. something you haven't heard much from president biden is the reaction to protesters. and caught up in the woods in virginia at the earth day event. >> the bid protest in college
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campuses. >> president biden: that is why i am sitting on the program here. i also condemn those who don't understand what is going on with the palestinians. >> reporter: we've not heard specifically about him from columbia's most famous leading graduate, former president barack obama. >> fox news will be live at the white house correspondents dinner when jimmy failla posted a new edition of this on saturday night. taking shots at robert f kennedy junior, how much damage the independent candidate could do to trump's campaign, the former president writing on truths social, rfk junior is a
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democrat plant, a radical left liberal who was put in place in order to help crooked joe biden, the worst president in the history of the united states got reelected, a vote for junior would be a wasted protest vote. the comments follow a recent poll showing trump losing twice as many voters as president biden in a five way race that includes rfk junior. kennedy sounding confident as he spoke with bill maher last night. >> i will be on the ballot in every state. very quickly. i will be on the ballot. also every poll that has been done, by popularly by favorability rating is way ahead of both donald trump and president biden. arthel: kennedy's campaign is teasing a big announcement we will be watching for.
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brian: republicans accusing the biden administration of using a government agency to recruit democrat voters in key battleground state of michigan. chairman roger williams said it appears the small business administration is diverting its resources away from assisting main street so it can register democrat voters. they should not act as campaign arms for their administrations period. fox news digital reached out to the white house for comment and has not heard back. let's hear from a member of the small business community. can you lay layout what the concerns are by your committee of the sba regarding michigan? >> specifically what we have found is the top 22 of the top 25 democratic national committee targeted voters are in areas where sba has had events to try to get out the
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vote. this is obviously a campaign attempt to get out biden voters using taxpayer dollars to do it which is in direct violation to the hatch act. you don't use taxpayer funds, official funds to pay for campaign activities. that is what it appears is going on, and administration who is not following the law in many other areas, what's going on at the border, not following the laws, acting outside the intent of laws that congress has passed and doing it all to get voters because they see the polling numbers. it's all about power, all about control, not about following the law, it is all about power. brian: you've written to the sba administrator and what have they told you about this program, the fact that they are giving money to the deployment of state to register voters and what you say are predominately democrat counties?
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>> she hasn't out written in terms of the letter yet but wasn't part of the small business committee. a couple weeks ago she was asked about this and basically defended it saying this is part of sba's mission. sba should be focused on helping small businesses but right now are being crippled by biden's economic policies that are seeing increases in inflation by 20%. they are having a hard time with hiring people because the government is paying them entitlements to stay home. these are the things the sba should be focused on. they should be a vocal champion of main street and small business but they are not. what they are spending their resources on, having their employees spend time on instead is trying to get out votes in predominately democrat areas for the president's campaign. this is not helping main street. not part of their mission. it is losing taxpayer funds. brian: we should remind viewers
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how important michigan is to president biden's reelection campaign, part of the blue wall, that's the clearest path for him to be reelected as president. our polling will show you he won michigan in 202,050-47 against donald trump but the latest fox news poll in april has donald trump ahead of biden by three points or within the margin of error at least ahead there and this isn't happening in a vacuum. this state is incredibly important so i am asking you what more can you do to get to the bottom of this and are you concerned that this will extend to other states? >> we are concerned about extend to other states and other agencies doing this as well, executive orders from the president. as the chairman of oversight for small businesses, i'm trying to investigate, this is how we came to find out they were doing this in the first place.
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we are trying to hold the administration accountable to find out how much money they spent, what they are spending it on, how this is part of their mission getting this critical information to the public, that is what we are trying to do right now. brian: 40% of families are falling behind. you are dealing with that not on registering voters. appreciate you spending your time here. thank you for joining us in this short amount of time. we will be right back. diabetes can serve up a lot of questions.
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very good sign about his health, the royal family usually tightlipped, when it comes to health and medical conditions but over the last few months, they are sit very vocal and hopes to encourage others to get those vital health checks. buckingham palace made the announcement along with releasing this latest photo of his majesty and his wife, the medical team says they are sufficiently pleased with the progress made so far that the king is able to resume a number of public duties. it neck they be a full return to official engagements yet but for now the king will begin next tuesday with a symbolic attempt to a cancer trigger where he will meet with patients whose staff show support for cancer research. his summer plans include a state visit where he will host the emperor and empress of japan, this usually includes a banquet at buckingham palace. it remains uncertain if he will be attending any of the big events like trooping of the
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color, d-day commemorations among others. he has still been carrying out his private work including regular meetings with the prime minister. princess kate is undergoing cancer treatment. she and the king have not disclose publicly the types and stages just yet. the public is supporting them. >> it's great news, sad to hear about the cancer diagnosis. it is great that he will be back looking after the nation. it is great. >> reporter: the king and queen overwhelmed by the public support they have been getting. arthel: wishing the best for the royal family. thank you. brian: we are tracking severe weather across the heartland. 55 million americans under
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brian: another outbreak of life-threatening tornadoes likely across the central west after twisters ripped through
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the heartland yesterday. the video is astounding. adam klotz has the latest on this forecast. >> reporter: we are in the thick of it, lines of storms trying to refinance march their way across these areas that were hit yesterday. you are seeing that line running across oklahoma, getting into iowa. currently on the northern end of this line, several tornadoes, currently one red box is a radar indicated tornado north of kansas city. this has been active and calming down a little bit. a little farther south you see these storms become more robust, getting into portions of southern kansas or northern oklahoma. a lot of cells here. any of these red boxes a tornado warning, currently from radar. this is one we are paying attention to as it is running near oklahoma city into a more populated area.
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this is another tornado, possible tornado thanks to radar indicating and these purple boxes mean we have observed tornadoes. people are laying eyes on these. the other thing i want to highlight with these particular tornadoes in parts of texas is the hail size, nearly three inches, talking about a coffee cup coming down. that's how large these are. these are powerful storms across texas. no surprise with all these tornadoes tornado watches across this region until 9:00 pm central but likely as we continue into the evening they might extend those. these are not particularly fast-moving systems. we will watch these into the overnight hours before winding down a little bit early tomorrow. we have them some risk of severe weather tomorrow. in the future we worry about flooding. through this region, three 2 five inches of rain through sunday. a lot to watch here.
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brian: thank you. you can download the fox weather apps for the latest updates, use your phone's camera to scan the phone,, track severe weather in your area or across the country 24/seven. arthel: we will be back at noon eastern tomorrow. please join us there. the fox report coming up at 6:00 pm eastern. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) (psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spray flonase sensimist daily for non-drowsy long lasting relief in a scent free, gentle mist. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. ♪ i wanna hold you forever ♪ hey little bear bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm gonna love you forever ♪
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2:00 pm
[ ♪ ]er >> speaker-01: i'm shannonyo
2:01 pm


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