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tv   The Big Weekend Show  FOX News  April 27, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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[ applause ] >> greg: we're out of time. thank you to our entir ♪ ♪
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>> i am nicole saphier along with anita vogel, joe concha and jason chaffetz. welcome to the "big weekend show". the big story tonight. biden's big night at the white house correspondents dinner but will keep remember where he has? this was just yesterday. >> i think there's a lot of really -- i'm doing the gridiron dinner saturday and one other things, the serious what to say is that paraphrasing, a choice between we have an of free pres- >> a quick note to the president, gridiron dinner was over a month ago. this will be his welcome party. anti- israel protesters who want to check on the white house correspondents dinner, fox news correspondent lucas tomlinson is at the white house tonight. >> once inside the white house correspondents dinner, president biden likely to face a receptive
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audience. he also says he wants a piece of former president donald trump in a debate. >> i don't know if you will debate your opponent. i am somewhere, i don't know when. >> donald trump says he will debate joe biden anytime, anyplace. >> monday night, tuesday night, wednesday night, thursday. we are ready, just show me where and we will do it in the white house, that would be comfortable actually but tell me where. obviously he's not showing up now. i don't think he will debate, maybe he will. i'm not sure he has a choice. >> president biden will head to the correspondents dinner shortly as you mentioned outside the dinner, he might face a chilly reception with protesters over his conduct of the war in gaza in support of israel, something would not hurt the president mentioned much in recent days. >> thank you.
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maybe he will debate, maybe they will. i'm curious whatever one thinks if they will actually debate. i'm waiting for kj p to issue the retraction from what president biden said, he wants to debate, i don't think they will. >> i think he has to know because he's on the record saying he will debate. do i think you will do the three presidential debates we normally see in september, october? no. i say he waits until after early voting, john fetterman used this strategy. he'll go out because if he does not, he looks like a coward and reaffirms everything we've been thinking of this president, too old and can't speak outside of a teleprompter. >> i think there is merit to what joe said but actions speak louder than words and say i'm going to debate is one thing but i'd like to see it if he does, it will be late october like john fetterman did, same thing. >> i think betterment president trump is right, i don't think the puppeteers will allow him,
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he wouldn't even go to the super bowl and do the easiest interview in front of the easiest audience. no way he does this. >> i'm not convinced to be the nominee. we still have the dnc on august. i'm waiting for hail mary. there may be a debate but i don't think biden will be there. speaking of president biden, he's staying up way past his bedtime to wine and dine with celebrities, politicians and media the white house correspondents dinner tonight. he'll even get a chance to role-play as a comedian. some of the mainstream media are excited for him to quote lexus bernie bunkley to be sticky between biden team at new york times articles report about feud between the new york times and the white house this week. a formal biden campaign aide from his 2020 campaign saying the new york times is failing telling political immigrant believe in the importance of free press and upholding our democracy new york times was for generations an important standard for the state.
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frustration with the times are sometimes so intense because the times is failing at it's important response ability. that sounds a lot like someone else i know. >> the new york times which i call the failing new york times, failing new york times and that is failing. >> failing new york times. >> so here's the thing, you have the white house staffers upset with the new york times, they are saying, they are upset new york times is reporting on biden's agent they want him to stick with the issues, don't talk about the age, don't question his mental acuity the last time i saw april last mon month, 73% of all voters think president biden is too old to run for a second term so isn't the new york times just writing about what the american people are thinking? >> is age and mental acuity,
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that's a legitimate part of the story but when you don't grant interviews to a new york times reporter, it's hard to go back and complain about that. the new york times i think put this out as a cover, cover themselves. i don't know that they are going to go after biden, they could have done that the last three and a half years. i think what they are doing is putting a marker dancing we tried but they've pushed the president or kamala harris to sit down and do interviews. >> and political magazine, this is a quote, when vice president kamala harris arrived at the newspapers midtown headquarters for the record meeting, devoted several minutes to asking her why biden was refusing to grant the paper or any major newspaper in an interview. harris later grumbled to aids about the back-and-forth being a waste of the a lot of time and this is a quote from the new york times statement regarding got in the presidential news
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coverage. for anyone who understands the role of free press in a democracy it should be troubling biden has so actively and effectively avoided questions from independent journalists during his term and meetings with vice president harris and other administration officials for publisher of the times focused said on a higher principle systematically avoiding interviews and questions from major news organizations doesn't just undermine an important one, it establishes a precedent that future president can used to avoid scrutiny and accountability. what you make of the fact that the new york times is calling out the president? >> it is stunning because they have had a cozy relationship in the past, the new york times historically has been favorable to the biden presidency overall. the major papers so it is interesting to see this and to hear the reporters getting retaliated against with their cough from sources receiving less access, it seems petty but
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i do love the new york times response. real quick from the new york times washington bureau chief says it's pretty much par for the course no white house is ever happy with coverage. honesty why they should be, our job is to power to account. that's true and i hope they talked about. >> i certainly like to see is a citizen, come speak to the media a lot more and not just certain podcast and comedian shows and i would like to the hard-hitting interviews. joe, i want to switch gears, white house correspondent tonight boxing his funnybone. here is the issue i have with this, he was in full flex recently when he tried to tell a joke to a crowd and he says the other day a defeated guy came up to me and said mr. president, i'm being crushed by debt completely wiped out and he posited delivered the line, i had to look at him and say sorry
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donald, i can't help you so here's the thing, he was needing this to be funny trying to make fun of donald trump and the bail and other fees former president trump has to pay right now, the entire think that company is he so out of sync with the american people. a recent poll, 52% believe they are financially worse off under biden yet here biden is joking about someone struggling financially, is he out of touch with the american people? >> that's why he's pulling lower than any other president of his term in 70 years. that's how bad things are because the messaging is in particular when it comes to the economy, this is a president that's not a compass this year. go back many months before he did. to put that in context, donald trump the 35 in his final year in office. he was very accessible, joe biden is not, he's scripted, homogenized and that's going to hurt him come november.
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>> well, we'll see. november is not far away. president biden is about to leave any minute the white house correspondents dinner and for the dinner tonight, we are going to be playing biden bingo. standard rules apply, the great jimmy failla host of fox news saturday night rubbing elbows with the washington elite. you have your bingo card ready? >> i'm ready. hello from the red carpet. with got a lot going on. i was talking to senator fetterman from pennsylvania and there's a lot to get to. mean to co-op but you take it away. >> i want to say senator fetterman has become the best surprise of 2024, i appreciate his stance on israel and so much more. i would have loved to have been on the carpet with him. very surprising with what he's doing these days. >> he has the best talks here and he buried one of his democratic colleagues in the senate. stay tuned, you will die laughing, it was very funny.
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>> let's talk about our bingo pics and i have anita's pics. >> i personally am going with -- can we put up bingo cards? i'm going with i down, i don't think biden is going to mention trump by name, certainly will make a joke about his age or at least he should. he loses the battle with the prompter, we all do. he's going to contrast himself to trump and exaggerate his background. i would like to throw a wildcard, he's going to walk back the whole debating trump think. >> really? >> one 100% but there's one thing got to remember. howard stern did ask him tough questions yesterday like what is your name? what state are we end next he is battle tested, i expect him, he doesn't say trump name, he will say the other guy.
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that's what i think in vegas, my over under, he's going to drink tonight. my over under his two cans of inshore for the president. >> i want to give you my bingo card, i'm taking him down, i'm seeing the president may call vice president harris the president tonight, i think he's going to show up late because he typically shows up 20 minutes to an hour late. i think when he's on stage he might do that biden shovel we'll see him do and at the end of whatever he's going to say, he might apologize for speaking too long and then he will continue to speak longer. what you think? >> you guys have pretty high hopes for this speech, yes? i think this is solid analysis. i'm surprised no one suggested him going the wrong way on the way to the podium. >> a very strong possibility. i am way impressed you are out there, i've never seen you look -- really sharp.
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i'm really impressed. you click, tie and you are there. [laughter] >> good for you. i will not have you insult my stylist or his seeing eye dog. i don't have to take this but continue. >> i do hope you have sparkle on somewhere, i do miss the sequence, i'm missing you wearing sequence here and there. >> love it. later, stay tuned. you got to stay tuned for that. >> people can tuning, jimmy failla limp from the white house correspondents dinner nine to 11:00 p.m. eastern, watching. it's going to be a jampacked big weekend show coming up tonight including this. >> we as a whole senior class have never had a real graduat graduation. >> i think it's not fair. >> outrage growing as anti- israel protesters on college campuses ruin a major milestone for graduates.
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george soros is connected to the chaos plus biden is planning another flashy campaign fundraiser and maybe hollywood's hero but trump has blue-collar workers cheering him on in new york city. who will win the vote of the american worker? also, what you say i do again? surprising number of people who wouldn't. coming up straight ahead. ♪ salonpas lidocaine flex. a super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks? salonpas, it's good medicine. so rich. so indulgent. it's new olay body wash. silky indulgent moisture. bye bye, dry skin. hello glow in just 14 days. indulge. with olay body wash. we handcraft every stearns & foster® using the finest materials,
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like indulgent memory foam, and ultra-conforming intellicoils®, for a beautiful mattress, and indescribable comfort. every. single. night. stearns & foster. what comfort should be.
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♪ i got married at the jersey shore, true story. welcome back to the "big weekend show". anti- israel protest exploiting at college and universities across the country. fox news correspondent steve harrigan is were some, epicenter columbia university. >> protests in the second week of big crowd in front of new york university overnight when you talk to the demonstrators in campuses around the country, want amanda keeps coming up is where is the money being spent? where the universities and vesting? one protester from the university of chicago. >> are university needs to be transparent with our money so
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disposing investment so we can figure where all the money is going. all we know is public domain. >> for jewish students and families, there are judgment concerned about their own fiscal safety from the claimant fear being created by these protests. his a family from ucla. >> brother goes here, he came home last night, he didn't feel like he was on a peaceful safe campus. >> columbia university part one of the protest leaders from campus after social media posts have been discovered the 20-year-old junior says people are lucky he's not out killing sinus. zionists deserve to be murdered in a short time ago the president of columbia and were sent out an e-mail to all students and part of the e-mail read social media posts from own students trying to kill jewish people are unacceptable. just to restate, the president
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of columbia and the board sending an e-mail here saying threatened to kill jewish students is acceptable. in new york, steve harrigan, fox news. >> thank you. anti- israel protesters cal poly combo becoming so threatening school is not shutting down for the rest of the semester. that's just one of more than a dozen other campuses where george soros is paying educators to cause chaos. >> we have the hitler youth throughout colleges and universities celebrating and embracing different types of nazis and this is funded as i've demonstrated on the show twice now by hamas, a funding networks funding students for justice in palestine among others by critical link of dollars into colleges and universities. they are funded also by dark money billionaires and democrat party, george soros and others.
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>> you are wanting to stay around after the show because mark levin goes off on the protesters tonight in park eastern on life, liberty and levin right after the "big weekend show". let's talk about this. beastly this is not antiwar protesters we are seeing as far as it being organic and authentic kids on campus that have strong feelings for the people of gaza, this is organized, george soros, he billing her last check jewish recordings show he's behind it, the question is, how do we stop it? is the new normal on campus? >> george soros to come from jewish family born -- they escaped during occupation. not everyone was able to escape the way his family did not was part of the reason why israel became what it is because you have so many displaced jews but make no mistake, soros made billions and he has funded so
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much to hurt israel and american jews care. it is beyond we hear him when he's asked about jewish, he says he was not observe it jewish family. whether he identifies as jewish, i don't know what i do know is what he has contribute to, students were just as of palestine, 200 chapters all over school right now, soros foundations have given $300,000 since start 2017, these people, this is what they said, they put out a statement after october 7, this is a historic win for free palestine movement, what it means to break palestine not slogans and rallies but confrontation. you have to remind people what happened october 7? massacre, it is rape, murder of children, women. to say these protests happening across college campuses right now are peaceful, you are ignorant to think that these are
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exciting hate, violence. you have the right to free speech, he do not have the right to block traffic, to block bridges or anything about sort, need to be expelled and put in jail because with freedom comes responsibly with that action has consequences. >> we don't have much time but usc isn't having a graduation ceremony this year. imagine the class of 2024 because it has for you didn't get a graduation because of covid and now in college you are not getting one because of these mobs. can you believe this is 2024 in america? >> i do feel for them but you've got to be able to follow the money, they say they want to see universities investing their money, who want to seek where they are being funded, some from george soros and some of china follow-through not-for-profit, but the skin and it needs to be exposed. >> the media doesn't seem to cover the source, washington post is saying nothing to see here. >> way too early for the post to say it's not happening, there's a lot more to report on and uncover like the hunter biden laptop. a final word on usc in
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washington this video of what's happening at the school. it breaks my heart and what is needed is real leadership. >> will have to leave it there. next, you may where your heart on your sleeve but are you wearing your political affiliation on your face? artificial intelligence seems to think so. that's coming up next. ♪ smile! you found it. the feeling of finding psoriasis can't filter out the real you. so go ahead, live unfiltered with the one and only sotyktu, a once-daily pill for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, and the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding you're so ready for your close-up. or finding you don't have to hide your skin just your background. once-daily sotyktu was proven better, getting more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb.
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♪ welcome back to the "big weekend show". get this, artificial intelligence may soon be used by politicians to get votes. >> you know you need. let us school. get a job.
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how many of you right now work two jobs just to have enough money to be broke? >> turns out artificial intelligent tool can defy a person's political orientation based entirely on images of expressionless face study finds widespread biometric surveillance technologies are more threatening than previously thought. our results suggesting stable facial recognition convey a substantial amount of signal imply that individuals have less control over the privacy. to tell you, we did a hearing when i was in congress, it is absolutely true, scary how big government, big tech, big business are using this tool to identify you and they will use for political purposes. >> the whole terminator movie, ai, that's never going to happ happen. this is what we are seeing find
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that amazing tell somebody's political affiliation through this technology. how exactly? what features do you have a stake you are republican or libertarian? got to learn more about this but big tech and technology in general we see deep fakes as far as voices and images fooling people by the millions and we will see a lot of going into this campaign. >> the lead author of the study gave this quote to fox news digital. i think people don't realize how much they expose by simply putting a picture up there. this person never met you, never allowed you look at picture. they would never share their political orientation yet facebook shows you their picture and what studies show is this is essentially to some extent, equivalent of just telling you their political orientation. there's more pictures out there than you know.
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>> artificial intelligence to say we know how you're going to vote. >> it so scary. i'm pretty careful with my post on facebook but now thinking i just want to take it all down. i want somebody looking at me making assumptions. it's interesting study from the american psychological association evaluating 591 people and tried to make this connection between facial characteristics and political affiliation. what they found in one case that conservatives tend to have larger lower faces. this sounds ridiculous. i'm smelling a lot of lawsuits, i don't know about you. >> ai fulfill ai weaponry don, i wear my opinions on my sleeve just ask me and i'll tell you. i watched matrix last night with my kids, i am anti- ai, i think machines will take over.
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i even an apiary, i'm going to be living off my land pretty soon. note ai. [laughter] >> now this internal fear growing on the west coast after three babies overdosed in less than a week near seattle, only two survived. fox news correspondent christina coleman has the details. >> three victims under the age of two years old suffered from fentanyl overdosed and one died. it happened in these locations and ever about 30 miles north of seattle. the incense happened within a five day time span between saturday last weekend this past wednesday. officers don't believe the incidents are related and have not released details on how the victims came in contact with fentanyl. >> all three cases are still actively investigate and the department is ready to give specifics on facts and circumstances of each one.
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>> city officials one resident of the dangers of fentanyl on social media knowing it can be prone to a baby or others smaller body. the cdc as warning talks about the synthetic opioid noting it's up to 50 times stronger than heroin and 100 times stronger than morphine. >> it only takes the tiniest amount to cause an overdose. fraction of a raindrop. >> for the city of everett located where fentanyl is a growing problem. blaster 21509 people died from opioid overdoses in that area. >> so sad. next on the "big weekend show". [chanting] >> tale of two campaigns, trump gets a hero's welcome letter new york city construction site while biden plans hollywood sequel to quincy radio city music hall fundraiser.
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who will win the boat of the american worker? that's coming up next. ♪ ♪ why won't scout play with us anymore? he has something called osteoarthritis pain. it's joint pain that hurts him all the time. come on, scout. now, there's librela. the first and only once-monthly injection to control your dog's oa pain. veterinary professionals administering librela who are pregnant, trying to conceive, or breast feeding, should take extreme care to avoid self-injection, which could cause allergic reactions like anaphylaxis. this is the best day of my life!
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♪ welcome back to the "big weekend show". first week of testimony in the criminal trial of former president trump is about. his the prosecution convincing the jury that trump's actions were illegal in his hush money trial? most legal experts say no. fox news correspondent cb cotton is at trump tower tonight. >> new york state is trying to convince a jury that former president donald trump was part of a scheme to catch negative stories and kill them before they were made public. the key witness tabloid boss testified his publishing company
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was part of catching joke scheme and agreed to by potentially damaging stories with no intention of ever running them but trump's attorneys took aim at credibility exposing while said under oath trump thanked him for coming stories, he told the fbi something different, trump didn't thank him. one legal expert tells fox testimony shows how weak manhattan da alvin bragg's earliest. >> david packer helped trump more than hurt him testifying his national enquirer. stories all the time for a host of celebrity so it wasn't just donald trump. killing a story of us not a crime. >> trump pleaded not guilty to the 34 felony charges against him. prosecutors allege trump hit damaging information for orders and falsifying business records to conceal the hush money payment. assets new york trump basis other legal hurdles including federal charges he conspired to
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overturn the 2020 election the supreme court recently heard arguments about trump's claims of presidential immunity pending on when the justices rule federal case could be delayed until after election day. >> we will see, thank you so much. who will win the boat of the american worker? trump's visit to a construction site in new york city andy indication, he has the edge of her biden. >> like to see the president come and and engaging the blue-collar worker of new york city. we basically built new york, the union has made the middle class and we are patriotic union throw america so my members right now i put article, president trump is leading joe biden 321. >> at least one of those construction workers in the crowd says biden is making it worse for them.
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>> didn't the unions and manhattan used to be more liberal? >> just for yourself you can see the union support biden and the week after getting into office and took over laid off 10000 workers. >> you like them off. >> the job was gone. >> what is president biden's focus? are currently hollywood sequel to his glitzy fundraiser in new york. his campaign is working with former president obama to sign on for another event. this time it would be in los angeles. you know what it's like to have fundraisers. this is going to be a must liberties but this is the test of a trump fundraiser. >> this hillary clinton playbook. every property on the planet going to hillary clinton event, picture taken and all but meanwhile donald trump is author talking to real americans. the stuff you see with donald
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trump is organic happening spontaneously. it happened with police officers when an officer was killed in a happens with union workers and they remember union people remember joe biden week one got rid of the keystone pipeline and laid off thousands of people. they don't joe biden is bad for business and patrick union people. >> let's take a look back and former president biden try to make that up with autoworkers, let's take a look at that. >> wait wait wait wait it. >> okay, wow. quick reaction here, what a dark contrast with what we saw in new
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york city with president trump. >> completely telling, alabama football camp or nascar, that's not news. he was getting cheered and burrell, manhattan where he received 12% of the vote in 2020 and now polls were he's within ten points and new york within the margin of error, new jersey, the map is expanding and it's bad news for joe biden who clearly needs to work on his people skills in the campaign trail. >> quick talk to wrap up, what you think about the idea president biden is trying to hitch his wagon to former president obama in los angeles? >> he needs to work on skills but doesn't have them he's out of touch with american people like need to bring in former president obama but when you put president biden next former president obama, president biden will always like the vp. he will never get out about shadow and president obama was much more presidential you see former president trump, he's with the people and the country
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is on fire pro- palestinian protest biden will hang out with george clooney, and others. fund raised during the campaign here but it's remarkable. >> we will see what happens. a lot of fundraisers coming up coming up on the "big weekend show" from marital bliss to marital this. a new survey revealing surprising number of married couples who would not marry their partner again. yikes. ♪
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♪ >> welcome back to the "big weekend show". wedding jitters might have you thinking twice before saying i do. ♪ >> this is it all our never. >> i'm not a single. >> you are still single right now. >> , this is the best thing that's ever happened to me. >> life, kids. do i sound like a happy guy to you?
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[laughter] would you marry your partner again today? according to informal survey, only two thirds of people what down from 80% in 2023. jason, i'm going to start with you. he said that common reasons people would say i do again growing together, being great partners in parents, feeling lucky to have their match. let's be honest, marriage is not perfect, it doesn't mean you are happy all day every day but as long as you are happy everyday, that's a good thing. my husband sings all the time and sometimes it drives me bonkers but if they do take who sing our happy but it seems like a good thing, right? >> i do not think but i'm in a happy marriage, i've been married 33 years, i'm very blessed. we go through hard things, he called to difficult things. it's great to be with somebody who goes through highs and lows and there's lots of things you can do to make sure here managers strong but this survey
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is set to me out of the people are saying they wouldn't do it again? i was kind of sad. >> same survey last year was much higher, 80% said they would say i do again. for the record, i would say i do again, i'm not sure i was clear, just in case my husband is watching. common reasons people wouldn't say i do again, spouse changing for the worst overtime, fundamental incompatibilities, i feel you should think about prior to the wedding. general unhappiness and lack of connection. >> changing over time. that means that person has gained a lot of weight. you look a lot different than wedding night. i'm just saying. divorce rate 50% of this country, i'm not surprised at all. i even think the numbers even lower than two thirds because people are probably subconsciously afraid if i know, and it gets back to my spouse, that could be a problem. preferably at this table, i've met julie, we met in italy which
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is nice high school sweethearts, right? >> no. i had to get away from her high school sweetheart. >> three decades, you're not going anywhere but anita, judging by your awesomeness, you're not going anywhere. your husband, paul has the best here in new jersey and possibly the country. forget the singing, is incredible. [laughter] >> dave kids for a living. >> what you say about this? median age for women and men to get married in 2023, 34 men and 28 for women and older than historic trends. i still think it's too young. i think you need to live a little, experience life and figure out you are and what you want and maybe that's why not enough people are saying he would marry his desiccant. it is one of the most important decisions you will ever make in your life and it does determine
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the rest of your happiness so i think wait a little bit. there's no rush, make sure you pick the right person. >> i think society is changing the dynamic of what the family unit is, there's not enough conversation support for family unit and importance of marriage and parental and child relationship and i think we are getting away from that not to bring the mood down but that's how i feel. according to this, mr. happy marriage, having a joint bank account. be optimistic and supportive. only arguably over solvable issues, we should all feel that way in general. split up chores, he will power, relationship time. >> all good advice. getting married 30 or 28 particularly the way the economy is now where it's impossible -- you got to save money for a while or money will be the thing that split you apart. i realize i didn't say what happened when i asked my wife this question today, if you have
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to do it again, would you do it? there was a really long pause where i started opening a tender account and she said finally, i'm toying with you. i think we are good at this ti time. >> i disagree, i got married when i was 23 and she was 22 and it's turned out great and i think people sometimes wait too long and if you have kids, it's a good thing. not everybody wants to what we did and it turned out great for us. >> i think is no perfect time to get marriage but marriage is a beautiful thing. it takes work, you have to be committed. >> and you have to think. >> yes. big weekend flops coming up next and don't forget to follow the "big weekend show" on instagram at big weekend show. ♪ men tell us when they use just for men® to eliminate gray, there's a great “before and after”. then, there's the 'after the after' — that boost you get when you look and feel your best. and that's why more men choose
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9:57 pm
♪ ♪ welcome back to the big weekend show. it's time for big weekend flops. our picks for the biggest fails of the week. i will go first. another day, another gaffe by president biden but this time at a speech in washington. >> folks, imagine what we could do next. four more years because, pause ♪ ♪ for more years. quickly prompter said he tossed a generation but that is what's called a queue.
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at this point what more can you say? the guy wrote the pause the best thing is the white house official transcript took out the word pause in there just to make it look like hey, this actually never happened because they tend to do that quite often. all of the gaps get removed from the transcripts. this never really happened or. >> magically exactly. so now is tossing to jason progress despite president biden signing ability could ban tiktok the president's campaign will continue using the app. tiktok is a chinese by tool. so much so the president signed legislation prohibiting its use in federal government. then he signed another bill is going to force the divestiture of tiktok. joe biden's quest for power, oh no we will use tiktok as a campaign tool. way tbut way to lead byexample . total embarrassment and wrong for the country kind of on par
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rules for thee not me you is a theme in. i'm going to go next vampire officials gone wrong. three clement likely contract hiv they came out for facials and she came out against them. you are taking a plasma plate rich blood injecting it to the face to boost collagen and stuff. they are linked people can hiv or read reports are viral infection's happening. this does seem quite dangerous. if you're going to have any invasive make sure it's a licensed facility preferably with a physician. it's a privilege to grow old thunder here and there i wish they would refocus on what's important and what's not. we don't stick all the stuff in her face. it is supposed to be her own blood? the majority of places use your own blood some places may not.
10:00 pm
u.s. senau.s. senate, adam schia very warm welcome when his car was broken into and his suitcase still enforcing them to wear his casual clothes. a button-down shirt and a hiking vest to a formal ritzy campaign dinner crime does not discriminate against anyone in california. even including those in power overseeing the status quo and that once golden state that's quite an ironic story, isn't it? folks want to bet he did not talk about crime during that case. >> he glossed over. >> better if it was that french laundry. [laughter] i had no. that doesn' does it for us willu back here tomorrow at 7:00 p.m. eastern for the big weekend show "life, liberty & levin," that starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪


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