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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  April 28, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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[inaudible] eric: moe protest on the streets of tel aviv israel's under growing pressure to try and secure their release of the remaining hostages held in gaza. this is a new round of cease-fire talks set to get underway. president biden speak into the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu pledging to defend the jewish state or recent concerns about the humanitarian crisis in gaza since israel's possible invasion into rafah to finish up the murderers of hamas once and for all for this a brand-new hour of "fox news live." i am eric shawn. hi arthel. arthel: hello everyone i am ararthel neville. egypt is stepping up efforts to broker a truce between israel and hamas. as do proposals includes a three week cease-fire in exchange for the release of 20 hamas hostages israel warns that is prepared to launch an invasion of rafah in southern gaza if a deal is not
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reached soon. national security expert doctor rebecca granted joined us earlier today and "fox news live" with some insight. >> biden has been rock solid, ironclad support for israel. he will want to make sure israel is doing everything they can behind the scenes to keep these negotiations alive. i think our administration understands that israel has to keep the military piece in place to maintain any leverage over hamas. if israel were to back off right now, you can be sure hamas would not sign that deal. arthel: let's go to jeff paul who is alive in tel aviv with the very latest from there. >> we aren't learning a delegation from israel could be heading to egypt as soon as tomorrow for the ongoing negotiations but we also note u.s. secretary of state antony blinken will be arriving in saudi arabia tomorrow. monday he will push for a
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cease-fire. the release of the remaining hostages. there's also a sense of urgency to get an agreement hammered out before israel decides to carry on with the massive ground operation in the southern city of rafah that's where more than 1 million palestinians are currently seeking shelter from the fighting. hamas said they want a permanent cease-fire and a full withdrawal of israeli troops. israel the focus remains on the release of the remaining one third 33 hostages. demonstrators gathered in downtown tel aviv they called on benjamin netanyahu and the israeli government to do more. the protest others in previous days followed hamas release of two different hostage videos there is the first time we had seen israeli americans alive since they were kidnapped by hamas back on october 7. protesters that it is been more than 200 days since the war started and they have had
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enough. >> the first a priority is to release the hostages. this is an event the country cannot tolerate. the people cannot tolerate. this is job number one of the government of israel. job number one and they failed dramatically. parks israel's afford minister was on local tv here in tel aviv just the night before. when the staffs of theirs and his scenario that would put off the ground operation and rafah he responded if there is a deal agreed to it they would halt that operation when rafah he added anything they could do to bring the hostages home they will agree to it. arthel: okay jeff paul in tel aviv thank you very much. eric: more now on a present biden's phone call with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu the efforts to stop the fighting and release the hostages. lucas of tomlinson light at the white house with the very latest. what is the administration sank
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about with the president told the israeli prime minister? what's up on colleton president by an israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu just entered a short time ago. the white house providing a summary of that call saying israel needs to do more to get more humanitarian aid into gaza burn going to read part of the statement it says quote the president stressed the need for this progress to be sustained and enhanced in full coordination with humanitarian organizations. that leaders discussed rafah the president reiterated his clear position. the phone call comes amid the backdrop of israeli forces potentially preparing and operation in rafah we heard from jeff paul there warning this release not to do with the potential for civilian casualties tomorrow secretary of state antony blinken has to saudi arabia in attempt to get hamas and israel closer to a cease-fire and get some of the more than 100 hostages out of gaza including some american citizens. what is the work also drew hundreds of protesters outside the white house correspondents dinner last night in washington. come lay down in the street to block traffic briefly disrupting
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the arrival of partygoers and their dinner jackets and ball gowns. some were harassed by the protesters. once inside the mood was lighter. >> i was excited to be appear on stage with president biden tonight but mostly to see if i could figure out where obama was pulling the strings from? [laughter] i have to admit it's not easy following president biden but it's not always easy following what he is saying. >> some protesters managed to slip through security get into the dinner at least just outside even though they were out of uniform as you can see here. these two protesters from code pink faked a medical emergency we are told and screamed when security personnel tried to escort them out the disruption did not appear to disrupt the taking of photos on the red carpet. president biden later had a few jokes of his own. >> donald has had a few tough days lately you might call it stormy weather. [laughter]
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[laughter] trump is so desperate he started reading those bibles he is selling. [laughter] he got to the first commandment you shall have no other gods before me. that is of any put it down and said this book is not for me. >> officials here at the white house are very concerned about the cease-fire bright hoping to get across the finish line and get some of the hostages out. more than once or hostages remain today inside gaza including some americans. eric: hamas to remains a threatening tourist of that group. arthel: thank you. were going to r bring oklahoma republican sen senator markwayne mullin serves on the armed services committee he is alive and holding bill, oklahoma a terminator reportedly killed at least two people yesterday. senator, will get to that destruction a little bit later but he first went to ask you,
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have you been briefed yet or received any details about the call between president biden and prime minister netanyahu? parks arthel, we got a readout on it probably 30 minutes ago. it was at a pretty high level readout. it is not classified but was considered sensitive. this is just what i will say about this. we should not be pressuring israel to do anything except to take care of their own backyard. i remind people all the time no one told us how to handle our affairs after 911. this is -- october 7 was israel signed 11 hamas is still on the back door. we were going to eradicate the tears that came after us which is exactly why we went to war for 20 years on war on terror. israel has the right to defend
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themselves for the united states to put any pressure on them except full support is absolutely wrong. arthel: what do you think of the new cease-fire deal proposed by egypt? the idea is to free the israeli hostages and stave off israel's planned offensive attack on rafah. >> here's my deal on this one. if israel wants to do it that is fine. but longer we go of the less likely will have an actually survivors of these hostages. at the same time, we have to make sure the cease-fire means hamas is not having the opportunity to restock and regroup. which is exactly what they do average in the fighting stops. the idf has to go back and get aggressive. has a great intelligence department they know what hamas is doing. didn't know where they are at their hiding within the civilians in the civilian population and rafah there's a
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balance you has to take place there the cease-fire only happens if hamas wants to obey by it. this is what i would say tube, if israel l lay down their arms today, hamas would not quit fighting. but if hamas were to lay down their arms, israel would also quit fighting and it would stick. it is a two-way street. no one believes hamas will ever quit fighting against israel unless they are eradicated. this is why a cease-fire and the only person who should agree to that is israel we should not put pressure on them on this hamas is going to agree to it to and there be people watching them to make sure they comply with that. shannon: as you know hamas release those proof of life it is in a couple hostages last week which is good for their families on on a level insured s bittersweet as well. hamas is not being charitable they're putting more pressure on idf and israel. how do you see it?
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>> hamas is a terrorist organization. it's kind of like these in protesters across our campuses are changing we are hamas that means you're part of a terrorist organization's you cannot trust terrorists. the proof of life and great it's a wonderful they were able to do that. clarifying that was actual on time which we were able to clarify that was actual proof of a life that it was not filmed earlier which was a great show. but we only saw a couple at last count we had way more than that they were still holding but what about the larger group of hostages that they are holding? we have that horrible, horrible information of what is been done to these hostages and what is taking place. i do believe the only way we are going to get them all back regardless if it is recovery or where able to bring them back alive, will be if hamas is
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eradicated completely. arthel: alright senator i want to switch gears now. you are and holding bill, oklahoma. we all hate to see the devastation in oklahoma. it's always a worse of course in person but tell us what you are seeing on the ground there. >> i am actually in the command center here in holden bill. it is unfortunate is where we had to death right before came on air with you i found out very long time employee of mine who has been working for the official office for 12 years, the infant killed was his niece. that is what happens in rural america we are all interconnected. but at the same time you see the best of all of us. what i mean by that as we called the oklahoma standard. on my drive in here i was taking back roads because most of the main roads are still blocked off. they were cattle pins destroyed. fences are down paid this is
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calving season in oklahoma there were trailers lined up, farmers aon the horses gathering up the cattle to keep it off the road we had portable pens out here we saw church groups, of course fema and oklahoma emergency management out there setting up command centers trying to help people. it is humbling. i wish i could say this is something we are not used too but it isn't oklahoma. we are seeing the best of people and all of us are working together trying to restore some type of normalcy the best we can but it is extremely devastating. arthel: the country is pulling for you. i'm glad you tell us fema is on the ground are you in touch with insurance companies to make sure the folks in oklahoma receive payments immediately? >> well, we have not spoke to any of them it yet. they are really good about being on the ground during assessments
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and acting pretty quick. what role i play in this is helping coordinate the official federal side which is fema the oklahoma emergency management but on the phone multiple times today with the governor, oklahoma emergency management is out here right now region six wishes fema and trying to get the first dollars flowing much faster. those are the immediate needs water, food, shelter that we have to have. and that we work at the insurance companies typically what happens in a case like this when it is widespread will have two or three centers for the insurance companies to set up our people come in and file their claims at the same time we are going out to them and getting access. the insurance companies, a lot of the properties they cannot gain access to because it's not safe for them to get there. very seldom do we have an issue with insurance companies not working pretty quick in these cases. arthel: that's good to hear i'm
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glad you were there on the ground as you were helping the people there to somehow recover. for those who lost their homes and their livelihood it's a definitely devastating and i am sorry to hear about the deaths that got so close to you as well. so senator if you have any final words for me i will listen. if not i know you need to get back to work there on the ground. anything short to say? >> where the bible belt we always say pray for us. pray for our neighbors pray for the hearts that are broken for the families who lost life. that's the most important thing we can do. thank god i live in oklahoma we are able to get on our knees and pray openly for her neighbors beside us. arthel: we are praying with you and praying for you. oklahoma senator markwayne mullin thank you very much sir. >> thank you.
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eric: joseph senator markwayne mullin talking about the situation in the command center that is a dramatic video capturing the moments sirens rang out in his state, oklahoma just moments before the powerful tornadoes tore through the state. the governor now says at least four people have been killed for the after math like a scene out of a disaster movie. it is almost incomprehensible to look at the damage you see from her drone footage. trees completely uprooted pete look at that post office truck. homes, businesses flattened and destroyed. residents left to pick up pieces of this overwhelming damage. he said the threat for more severe weather is sadly not a fox news meteorologist adam klotz tracking at all right now but what is next? >> since thursday 10028 tornado across a huge region here. unfortunately self active tornadoes on the ground as we speak. we are getting right into the heat of the afternoon and this is typically when they stir up. it is a little smaller of an area that we have seen in
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previous days but nonetheless still tracking severe weather. largely you see from the gulf coast getting back up into the plains. the bull's-eye is a little bit more defined. we are targeting in here on portions of eastern texas spirit running off of dallas and in spots a little further off to the east. that is where the ingredients are right that is where we are actually seeing the most impact as we speak currently there are a line of storms the only severe weather out there right now several of these are severe in nature by the red one is a tornado worn storm because of radar. this cognitive tough to see between 35 off towards a 45 just south of the waco area. arose about right nexis this is observed tornado currently on the ground continuing to watch that one trek to the north and east. fairly slowly as it's making that move. a wider air is being impacted by heavy rain. all of this flood watches because it has been raining for days. we've been talking about system
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after system after system. this is rain still yet to come he sees him the yellow areas, the orange areas you are stalking in or for the two -- 5 inches of rain. flooding is going to be a concern here. even as the storms or wind down flooding will still be an issue tomorrow into tuesday as well. eric: people got to be careful. adam thank you. arthel: more encampments are popping up at college campuses across the nation as students demand their schools cut ties with israel. with final exams and graduation ceremonies around the corner university leaders are facing tough decisions over how to handle the protesters senior correspondent steve harrigan is light outside columbia university which has become ground zero for the protest movement. >> it all started here it certainly has spread quickly across the u.s. more than 200 arrests overnight more than half of those arrested at northeastern university in boston. police and there were only
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called and after demonstrators began to chant killed the jews administration officials said to zip ties and those demonstrators most of them had no affiliation what so all with the university they were outside professional agitators. more demonstrations also george washington university in washington d.c. last night and today as well. a statue of washington also vandalized with free gaza written on it but went 16 old young man a jewish young man said he was visiting the university as upper prospective student when the protesters began to arrive harass him and his family part here's what he had to say progress or trying to walked on the streets i'm being blocked at people sitting in front of me i'm 16 years old grown men and women coming up to me putting their hands on me trying to keep me away. >> police barricades here out front of columbia have been taken down the tents are still on the lawn officials have assured protesters the police
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will not be called in for a second time. back to you. arthel: steve harrigan thank you very much. eric: historic trial of former president trump set to resume on tuesday. the former banker for michael cohen back on the stand which could set the stage for mr. cohen's appearance. we will have a look straight ahead on "fox news live" what to expect in this historic trial. to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day. ♪
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arthel: we expect the air mode testimony this week former president donald trump criminal trial resumes in new york city. the big question is when will the prosecutor's star witness, michael cohen take the stand? he is a key player in the case of trumpets spent most of this trial attacking his credibility billets go to cb cotton live outside trump tower in new york city with what to expect. arthel but former president donald trump x lawyer michael cohen is expected to be a key witness for the prosecution. the first full week of testimony set the stage for him and other key witnesses to come. in the meantime it banking executive gary will return to
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the stand pretty testified on friday he helped set up the bank account eventually used by it cohen to send a payment to stormy daniels in the months leading up to the 2016 a presidential election. and keep quiet about an alleged sexual encounter with a trump which the former president denies. this transaction is the crux of manhattan d.a. albin brexit case. which alleges trump had the payment by falsifying business records. trumpets pleaded not guilty to 34 felony charges against him. republican congressman and chair of house judiciary committee jim jordan said the case and other indictments against trump are all about politics. >> bragg, the crime is kind of trying to get this president trump was involved trying to conspiracy to obstruct the 2020 -- 2016 election it seems to me the truth really is alvin bragg and jack smith are in a conspiracy to impact the 2024 races. and frankly fani willis as part
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of that as well that's what the american people see. >> the first full week of testimony also included a key witness -- make another key witness for the press of former tabloid publisher david a packer. he paid one or $50000 to silence former playboy playmate karen mcdougall's claim of having an affair with trump and 2006 and 2007 put something trump also denies bread there also several subplots of this ongoing criminal trial. a decision on one and content motion is pending the judge has scheduled another hearing for this upcoming thursday for prosecutors to argue trump has violated more parts of the gag order which prevent him from making public statements about jurors, court staff and family members of court staff. back to you. so you have a right cb cotton live at trump tower at thank you. eric: the trump trial resumes on tuesday morning prosecutors will continue to lay out the
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financial foundation to show how michael cohen paid adult film star stormy daniels to keep her alleged affair of the former president under wraps. boom of the star witness himself appear on the stand? let's bring in andrew former federal prosecutor andrew, good to see you. first can you walk us through the steps. i'm covering the child's other of course but we are going to hear testimony about michael cohen setting up essential consultants moving the money through that. to stormy daniel come next or it is michael cohen? many thought the prosecutors would follow david pecker potentially with karen mcdougall. how will this play out? >> it has been all smoke and no fire as of yet for the prosecution. they have told essentially a little back story how some of the stories came to be that ultimately had nondisclosure agreements entered into with donald trump. what we have coming up this following week unfortunately do not know who the witnesses are. the defense really has a right to have some advance notice as
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to who is coming in order for the trail to continue in a fair and orderly manner should have that idea but we do not know where the prosecution is going for there is expected testimony from stormy daniels perhaps karen mcdougall the biggest that will happen in this whole trial is michael cohen. i expect will be the only potential link between the hush money payments and some crime the prosecution unannounced into its specifics at this point will potentially make. the cross-examination of michael cohen and his testimony is sure to be the biggest point in this whole trial would just do not know when that's going to be. >> it is surprising david pecker long time friend former publisher of the national enquirer. he did not tie the president former president into an election conspiracy and his testimony at all. one would think he would've done that had three meetings with the former president.
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one setting up this alleged conspiracy in august of 2015 then meeting with the former president right after he got elected in trump tower where he said mr. trump had said how is our goal meaning karen mcdougal and invite her to the white house with other editors to thank him basically. you would think in all of the conversation there would have been a thank you dave for help and meet when the election. thank you, david for helping me hide karen mcdougal. we didn't hear that at all, wh? of the crime were committed through the indictment with the statement of facts you would have expected each and every one of these witnesses to have bombshell type testimony linking donald trump directly to an idea of having a specific of mental intent of interfering with the election in an illegal fashion.
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but what we hear is what happened at ami through david pecker is perfectly normal activity for celebrities to engage in with a certain tabloid publications that if stories are coming out that are unfortunately defamatory to someone's personal interests they do these "catch and kill" programs. it does not have to do with politics and has its reputation, celebrity status the protection of your own image within your family and the public. this is consistent with donald trump's claim of innocence all along. see for the prosecution patient is as election indifference they try to hide karen mcdougal and stuart mcdaniels for the voters would not find out about the 2016 election that's a whole foundation of the case besides the 34 false business records. >> i cannot say i agree with that because we do not know what the case is all about. the idea of what the charges are donald trump a ledge of done illegal is still not clear
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prints out that misdemeanor fraudulent entry of business records for that is not a crime the statute of limitation is passed on that it has to be a fraudulent entry into business records plus an intent to commit another crime paid what that additional crime is, is yet unstated is it some sort of illegal election interference? election interference can alternatively be stated as just elections doing what they typically do, running a certain campaign message is not illegal to essentially engage in nondisclosure agreements. that is not inherently a crime but they have to connected to some sort of additional true criminal behavior but when the public, must sluggishly prosecutors cannot wrap their minds around what that crime actually is, it begs the question what are we doing in trial? eric: michael cohen star witness how do you think the jury will see his testimony? >> that has yet to be seen. michael cohen's testimony is no
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doubt going to be a slashing cross-examination by the defense in this case. his reputation, his credibility, his past convictions his unasuntruthful statements, is changing testimony, all of that is going to come out throughout the course of it. the main point with michael cohen is going to be what specifically does he say that connects donald trump to the criminal activity question records talk in a moment ago about how that as yet unknown perhaps michael cohen is going to be that link that somehow key is going to claim donald trump was engaging with him knowingly entering into some greater conspiracy to do illegal activity. but again that is very unclear. when he testifies expected to be extremely long. days on days on end there is no doubt going to be fireworks. >> prosecutor defending him saying he wants to hold donald trump accountable in his words for this conspiracy. here's a michael cohen has given
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to foxes a statement saying quote let me read this you after the trump administration had me remanded to solitary confinement for a total of 51 days, i learned i'm a lot stronger than i ever imagine strong enough to ensure that truth will prevail over donald and his acolytes lying and immigration of me the court hallways or untruths social platform regardless. no one is above the law that's a pretty stinging strong statement do you expect will see that from michael cohen on the stand? >> i do not know that michael cohen would know the truth if it hit him square in the face. the problem with michael cohen's testimony obviously is the past history he has with his own very criminal behavior. the convictions he has had the fraud he has engaged and how can he be believed? he seems so biased and motivated in this case. it's very difficult for a witness like that to give compelling testimony. eric: the of the trump defense of course prosecution they have
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a different view as they present it. you are right it will be a few days and it will be on fire. thank you for your insight. "fox news live" continues right after this. and the raptor cake. now, how about something to put a smile on your face? aspen dental provides complete, affordable care with dentists and labs in one place plus free exams and x-rays for new patients without insurance... and 20% off treatment plans for everyone. quality care at a price worth celebrating. it's one more way aspen dental is in your corner.
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human smelling operations by cartels. we are live at the border and much more. hey danamarie mcnicholl. >> i can tell you the number of migrant crossing seeking asylum not only in el paso but across the southern border continue in the thousand per day. take a look at what we sow this morning for it our cameras caught a group of about 10 migrants who crossed illegally but they were being escorted onto a border patrol bus. officials here emphasized the people who are unable to establish a legal basis to remain in the u.s. will be removed could face a minimum of five year ban on reentry.
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now, i want to show the recent numbers of single date migrant encounters across the southern border broken down cbc source the san diego sector leading with a 1333 of migrant encounters. the tucson sectors sought 1245 for the first time in over a week. the el paso sector sound less than 1000 encounters in one day. sitting at 875. former border patrol chief rodney scott said this could all be fixed with changes in the white house and congress. >> it when this administration reimplemented catch and release that is when the massive amount of legal immigrant cross. that is what has to be fixed. it's not a money issue it is a policy issue. if we detain people or deport them and you can do either one, you just cannot release them into the u.s. this crisis would dry up overnight. >> earlier this year at 27 states joined together sending a letter to the biden
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administration supporting texas governor greg abbott's effort to secure the border. since it then texas a military department has received help posting over this week on social media photos of tennessee, montana, new hampshire and south dakota national guard soldiers participating in operation lone star. a big part of that operation is razor wire you can see on your screen now. those same scenes are what you see on the other side of the border wall. >> all right danamarie mcnicholl thank you. arthel: steps up the migrant crisis in decades. san diego is the top hot spot for it migrant apprehensions. migrant apprehensions. it is overtaken tucson with nearly 20000 reported encounters over the last two weeks. let's bring in california republican congressman darrell issa serves on the house of foreign affairs committee. thank you. why do you think san diego is
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now a preferred illegal crossing point? >> because there is no attempt to stop the people. san diego used to be the preferred area. then we put up the wall we were the first to have a border fence. then the first to have a triple border fence. but now that the gates are open and contrary to the previous segment you just had on, when i have met with people at the border from multiple countries including china, russia and so on they have said they are here for jobs. they have not said to me and i am there were translators they have not said they are here seeking asylum and they still get to stay in. the policy today they may say they deport a great many but the reality is they just have to show up and they are welcomed in. until we return to mexico, which we have a right to do, we are going to continue to have it. offense does no good if the gate is open with the welcome mat. arthel: i understand your point it is policy that needs to be
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changed. in the meantime what adjustments will san diego border patrol agents make in response to the surge? >> the brave men and women not only of the border patrol and ice and coast guard they are spending most of their time and effort. it is productive. it is against the tide. they are going after fence and altered the going after methamphetamines. san diego is a number one importing area for drugs. i have a 100 miles of the mexican border along with one other congressman for all of san diego county. whether they come in through the water, they come in around the fence, out in the desert. we have an onslaught of that. every month of thousands of pounds are seized just inside trucks trying to get in with the false floors and false walls. that is the epidemic that men and women of these agencies are still able to do something about. we are not able to stem the flow there's an awful lot of backpacks full of drugs getting in.
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it's poisoning over 100,000 americans will die this year from fentanyl alone. arthel: does decide to policy changes san diego need more federal aid and if so in what form? >> we are a sanctuary state. we have asked for but 73 billion-dollar deficit has not appropriate to send money to a state that's part of the problem, not part of the solution. if you want to send that money sent it to texas is trying to do the right thing against a president who will not let them do it. that would be where i would send at the age i would send the age of the national guard and so on that are at least having some success in keeping at least some of the criminal element out of texas. arthel: it understand your sentiment but when you say to your constituents listening who say what are you telling us? we deserve it because of what
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they are doing in sacramento. >> set what sacramento is doing is creating the problem part of sacramento is not willing to change -- rough look the lord to help those who help themselves. if you are bound and determined to sink a ship it's not up to the coast guard to come help y you. at the end of the days scuttled the ship it goes down you go with it. that's what we're doing in california we have the highest taxes. we have the highest deficit of any state in history. and in fact we are still calling ourselves a sanctuary state filled with sanctuary cities. and they are one thing in mind people or costly talk about the homeless crisis. the homeless crisis are not for the most part these aliens. the fact is we are already providing federal money mostly but some state money to house these migrants for a period of time. that is also causing a problem. in san diego hotels are completely shut down and then filled with the migrant workers.
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they are not being detained they are simply being accommodated until they find other housing. when you brought in over 10 million that's an awful lot of a housing being eaten up by new residents. arthel: hoping get it solved san diego's a beautiful place a congressman darrell issa thank you for joining us. >> november, november at. [laughter] we will be right back. sy [laughter] no fingersticks needed. all with the world's smallest and thinnest sensor. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. try it for free at they need their lawn back fast and you need scotts turf builder rapid grass. it grows grass 2 times faster than just seed alone. giving you a stronger lawn. smell that freedom, eh? get scotts turf builder rapid grass today, it's guaranteed. feed your lawn. feed it. my dry eye's made me a burning,
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israel is under attack. the war against israel began with the murder of hundreds of precious children. in this orphanage bomb shelter, we're praying for god's help, praying to avino malkino, our father, our king. countless israelis are enduring the devastating anguish of lost loved ones. thousands of rockets have forced over a hundred thousand israelis to become refugees in their own homeland.
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israeli families are in crisis. the international fellowship of christians and jews is on the ground, reaching jewish people of all ages. children, mothers, the elderly, even holocaust survivors. but we can't do it without you. your gift of $45 will make sure that the people of israel have mobile bomb shelters, emergency supplies, and the hot, nutritious meals that they so desperately need. our teams are working on the ground, often at great risk to themselves. they're delivering meals to the elderly and families who are living in bomb shelters. this would be an incredibly important time for all of the friends of the international fellowship of christians and jews to stand with our friends in israel. let them know that we are not only praying for the peace of jerusalem, but we're also praying and acting in their interest because we believe it's what god would have us do.
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i simply can't stress enough the urgency of this situation. it's more dire than ever before. this is your moment. this is your opportunity to make a life-saving difference. it's your prayers and gifts that give hope to the people of israel. call, scan, or visit our website now to make your life-saving donation. base after it shows more to president trump than president biden. mark meredith picks up the story. >> robert f kennedy jr. candidacy has become one of the biggest wildcards in this year's presidential race. generate a lot of attention and criticism from both major
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parties. this weekend former president trump is claiming kennedy could also spoil the race. kennedy who was already picked a running mate recently learned he is going to be on the ballot in the battleground state of michigan. triple travel there to camping later this week. trump also post it on "truth social" quote a vote for junior it would essentially be a wasted protest votes that could swing either way but would only swing against the democrats if republicans knew the true story about him the latest poll finds among voters kennedy would earn about 16% support compared to 37% for trump and president biden. they're watching kennedy to biden even campaigned with high-profile members of the kennedy family the candidate himself firing back in a statement attacking biden saying dnc is treating me as if i am the president's big challenge but is a real problem is not me as real problem is for dollar milk, 4-dollar gas, $6 a loaf of bread the fact this generation of american kids are never going to own their own home for this
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week kennedy is expected to focus heavily on efforts to get on the ballot in new york state. his campaign already at work trying to collect at least 45000 signatures and they say they are going to get there. eric: thanks so much. thcap next incredible stories of two historic pieces recovered from the titanic that are now hitting the auction block. ♪ nd price so it's simple to find a pair you'll love. there are the shapes, that's the price. now you get it. visionworks. see the difference. but st. jude has gotten us through it. st. jude is hope for every child diagnosed with cancer because the research is being shared all over the world. ♪ limu emu ♪ ♪ and doug ♪ hello, ghostbusters. it's doug... ... of doug and limu.
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bennett live in london with those details. >> both of those selling for hundreds of thousands of dollars. it's the stories behind them that are priceless. take a look at them. first up the violin a bag within issues whh blunts the titanic band at master wallace hartley but according to titanic survivors are currently that is eight piece band as they continued playing music while the ship sank in april of 1912. it sold freight whopping three and 60000 pounds which is roughly four to $55000. as for the violin that sold separately in 2014 for about
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900,000 pounds. the gold pocket watch it even better selling for more than one point to million pounds. that's about $1.5 million that includes of course taxes and fees. that's the highest and ever paid for a single titanic artifacts the gold pocket watch belonged to the wealthiest passenger on board 47-year-old jon jacob astor who was an american financer and real estate investor. he went out the ship after helping his pregnant wife onto a lifeboat and of course we passed the 112 anniversary of the titanic's demise it was going from southhampton to england over too new york claimed the lives of more than 1500 people. auctioneers say the items not only reflect the importance of the artifacts themselves, but also the enduring fascination with the titanic and also all the tragic stories of people's lives lost in the stories they had before that. arthel: really, really fascinating. stephanie bennett live in london. thank you so much.
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you just cannot get enough of that. so okay we are done, go ahead. eric: is going to say that watch ait looked like it stopped about the time the titanic sank just after 2:00 a.m. in the morning that really brings it home and humanizes >> timestamps for sure we'll see you outside of court tomorrow morning, eric. thank you. with 30 grams of protein. (♪) feeling claritin clear is like... ♪ [cat meow] rgies. yeah. she runs and plays like a puppy again. his #2s are perfect! he's a brand new dog, all in less than a year. when people switch their dog's food from kibble to the farmer's dog, they often say that it feels like magic.
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