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tv   The Big Weekend Show  FOX News  April 28, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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alibi. as of now, it is surviving you know, i don't know, i have not heard that prosecutions t has challenged it, it would be tough to talk your way out of it. >> it will be a long process, the minute it was noted for death penalty it would be a large anda process, thank you for joining us. thank you, congressman. >> thank you for spending part of your s sunday with us, i hope you have a great week ahead, good night from south carolina. us. ♪
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>> we begin "the big weekend show" with the fox news alert, thank you for joining us everyone i am anita vogel along with nicole saphier, jason chaffetz and joe concha. , right now look at this, chaos on the ucla campus, violence breaking out between pro-israel and pro-palestinian protesters. a young jewish woman among those hurt after a jewish organization at ucla says she was assaulted by an anti-israel protester. fox news correspondent christina coleman is live at ucla, christina what are you seeing on campus right now. >> i can tell you emotions are definitely running high today, yet pro-palestinian protesters and pro-israeli protesters yelling at each other very upset very frustrated were standing in front of the large encampment on
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campus, the pro-palestinian protesters have the senate you can see the large signs saying free palestine. in pro-israel rally scheduled at ucla was met with counter protesters that came to demonstrate and support ongoing encampment on campus. eventually physical art location broke out after one of the groups reached a barrier to keep the to protest separate that according to a short statement released by the university this afternoon. it's unclear which side escalated the situation rally was organized by pro-israel groups in support of jewish ucla students. take a listen. >> we arrange this in advance we have flyers, when we indulge this kind of thing we not only incentivize them but we also incentivize bad behavior, we cannot ever incentivize that behavior not in the middle east and not right here on our campuses. >> i want the other side to look
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into arguments they call everyone hamas supporters and everyone terrorists. >> this comes as pro-palestinian protesters called at the university of california divestment from israel. on friday the university responded to the demands of the statement saying in part the university of california has consistently closed for boycott from divestment of israel. the university affirms the right of our community members to express diverse viewpoints in a boycott of this impinges on academic freedom of our students and faculty and the unfettered exchange of ideas on our campuses. back out here live again he can see, there is a heavy law enforcement presence here there is a number of students walking around, you still see handfuls of protesters walking throughout the campus but right now things are calm and safe and there are no signs of violence and we are definitely hoping that it remains this way.
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>> christina that's good news, thank you for the live report, christina coleman. >> tonight as fights break out between both sides, new warning that the pro-palestinian protesters at campuses across the country could become terrorists. >> these are people that when hamas comes to america and they will in the approach some of these kids who they had been grooming him for years, they will help them plant bombs. this is america, these terrorists are coming here, were building a fifth column of hamas supported terrorists. these organizations are funded by george soros and other organizations that help fund these academic and turn these useful idiots into protesters and eventually it is into terrorists. that's what terrifies me. >> that is a scary warning coming from alan dershowitz.
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when you listen to the students protesting i've heard a lot of them say that we are hamas, i've heard those words come out of their mouth. when you hear alan dershowitz say that it could be future terrorist. >> i totally do not understand how ucla is allowing encampment. if you look at the video of all of those tents in the little city that they bill on the campus of ucla, is that we paid for your kids to go in a learning education. by the way unit secretary mayorkas and the attorney general garlands in white supremacy was the biggest it to the united states of america. they have not rescinded that. the biggest threat is a millions of people coming here illegally, terrorist organizations like hamas and others are undoubtedly part of this, people on the terror watch list or part of this, they don't talk about the chinese involvement in the funding of tiktok and how the videos are influencing so much of this. you never hear any of that from this administration.
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this is part of the democratic base, they are pandering to these people and allowing them to thrive and operate and the death of other students, how can they allow this to continue go on and build the little cities and a campus like ucla. >> especially like ucla it sits right in between westwood which is a major tourist area from people all over ended exclusive neighborhood called hollywood hills we have celebrities and it's an interesting situation but nicole, this is happening all over the country, you have a college-age son, as apparent when you look at this, do you think other parents are wondering how their kids are going to be kept safe on the college campuses like i really try to think about the parents involved here, if you think about the parents of the students that are part of the anti-israel protest, i certainly cannot relate with them i'm not raising ignorant swats but every time a campus and i can imagine
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spending tens of thousands of dollars in tuition to have the entire academic schedule disrupted this way and not meant to their entire safety to be put in jeopardy. i don't what the academic is expected to happen they were allowing and tolerating the pro-terrorist organization and screaming at american jews and burning the united states flags completely assaulting law-enforcement disobeying the rosetta been laid out these are not peaceful protest leader pro-hamas into israel and anti-american resolutions. unless they put into this there to get worse. >> we heard a lot of violence today and yesterday on the campus of george washington university in washington, d.c. let's listen to what some of the students there are saying.
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>> these people are not only chanting against the jews they are chanting against the american values and it stems from the faculty that is the root of this problem there indoctrinating kids with anti-israel lies and hate. >> i hear chance calling for the allocation of the jewish state and fear and concern for my safety is a jewish student on campus as well as my fellow jewish students. >> it should always start with hatred and hatred time and time again a lot of times in history start with anti-semitism and that's what we see on a college campus right now. anita: we talked here yesterday about how the groups are being funded and we heard alan dershowitz say the link to george soros and i know you been looking into. >> absolutely. it's clear these are not organic protest by anti-war protesters it's too organized and happening across country where you can't help but think that their 70 behind all of this for a billionaire behind this were a jewish man by the way i did of the highest educational
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institutions. it costs now and what is with the cosmic is eight or ten years, 60, 70, 90000 to go to columbia university and this is what you're going to get here, cb cotton whatever other fine reporters, remember after october 7 we were doing the show and she interviewed the protesters and said why are you speaking about october 7 where it was murder and kidnapping and rape, the murder of children of mothers and they said either it was exaggerated or they just dismissed outright. i say every college in this country should have a mandatory course that shows what happened on october 7 as grisly as it was show the videos and teach about the holocaust these kids are misinformed were obviously being paid and bought four by george soros in these situations. the only good news perhaps in about two or three weeks at least when i went to school mid-may school ends in summer
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the campus has out so maybe we'll get relief from all of this. anita: maybe will pull it down but when you talk about police coming onto the campuses in washington, d.c. take a look at the headline from the washington post, d.c. police rejected dw's george washington university's plea to sweep at the university protesters and apparently they said it would be a bad book. you have the police not even wanting to help in these situations speaker it's as american as it gets to protester government so peacefully but when you call for the eradication of the jews and israel itself, they're talking about killing people, how is that not a violation why are they kicking these kids out of school, weren't they denying the ability to get agree which is what they want what they're paying for and why are they enforcing the law. if you feel threatened you should call the police and have the police come and protect you not for some person at the d.c. police department to say the
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political winds i got a test that first before were going to protect the jewish student on the campus. anita: what about the people at the university of florida there with laying down rules. nicole: what about the kids protesting on visas why are they not supported this is a privilege to be here, not a right. do we not forget the fact that we don't have any but they're still hostages that have been taken from their families and these families don't know if there dead or alive in five at least americans, where are the screams for that. anita: that's an excellent point and gets lost in all of this, so people being held hostage in gaza. coming up, we have a stacked big we can show still ahead tonight including this. >> my wife doctor jill was with me i told her don't worry it's like riding a bike, that's what i'm worried about she said. anita: the president was full of jokes at the white house correspondents dinner but is not
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laughing at a new poll that topples a strategy against tru trump. plus, los angeles mayor karen bass react to the terrifying break-in at her manchin. also coming up a new trend on social media gained steam, the soft guy eric, what is that. >> somewhat equality but they demand in most equal situations that were in i suffer with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx.
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reducing emissions by 60%. ♪♪ we're moving forward with indycar. because we're moving forward with everybody. shell. powering progress. nicole: welcome back to "the big weekend show". former president trump is gaining on president biden and biden strategy to taken down does not seem to be working. >> donald has have a few tough days lately, you might call it stormy weather. what the hell. trump is so desperate he started reading those bibles he's selling. nicole: it looks like trump may have the last laugh. a new cnn poll gives trump a six-point lead over biden in a
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hypothetical 2024 matchup the trial is not stopping trump from designating with voters here is eric trump on "sunday morning futures". >> you be in trial all morning long being attacked by a corrupt judge and going to banegas in speaking to union workers going to michigan in pennsylvania and ohio and all the other swing states the guy is a remarkable human being and i love him to death and i'm proud of him. i think the whole world knows his backbone and his toughness. nicole: testimony and trump's trial resumes on tuesday. cb cotton at trump tower tonight. >> banking executive gary pharaoh the third witness will return to the stand on thursday after he testified on friday that he helped set up the bank account eventually used by former president donald trump's lawyer michael cohen to pay stormy daniels in the months leading up to the 2016 presidential election and keep
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her quiet about an alleged sexual encounter. it encounter former president donald trump denies, this transaction is the manhattan da alvin brexit case which alleges trump the payment by falsifying business records, trump has pleaded not guilty to 34 felony charges against him. republican congressman chairman at the house judiciary jim jordan says this case and other indictments against trump are about politics. >> alvin bragg, the crime is trying to get to, president trump was trying to get to conspiracy to obstruct the 2016 election. then jack smith is saying president trump was involved in a conspiracy to interfere with the 2020 election. it seems that the truth is really alvin bragg and jack smith are in a conspiracy to impact the 2024 race and fani willis as part of the effort as well. >> the first full week of testimony included a key witness for the prosecution. tabloid publisher david packer
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he said his company paid 15 $150,000 for silence playmate here mcdougall's claim of having an affair with trump in 2006 and 2007. something trump also denies. a decision on one contempt motion is pending. meanwhile the judge scheduled another hearing for the upcoming thursday for prosecutors to argue trump committed more violations of a gag order which bars him from making public statement about witnesses, jurors, court staff and their families. nicole: thank you. last night president biden had jokes for former president tru trump, looking at the new cnn poll it looks like the jokes on him, does it not. pulling up the full screen, trump versus biden the opinion of presidency trump 55% success, biden 39% success and at this point in the presidency, president biden is the least popular commandery in chief in
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seven decades. >> you least popular than carter that the last democratic president only had one term. if you go deeper in the poll trump's nine points when you include rfk junior this is absolutely devastating. it's not just one poll that will cherry pick, this has been since october, we sequenced instantly trump leading nationally in all the states of matter like north carolina, georgia, arizona, nevada, wisconsin, pennsylvania and michigan. 2016 and 2020, trump was not leading in any polls against hilary clinton and he won. he was not leading any polls with joe biden and he nearly one, what does this tell us about 2024, overall if trump wins his presidency, you don't have to wonder what is going to look like like you would with any other challenger to in a cabinet, we release all would it look like, 2017, 2018, 29. we had peace, prosperity in a
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secure border, not including 2020 because kobe turned everything upside down. if you want a preview of trump going forward he had the most successful three years 2017 2017 - 2019 any president since bill clinton 95 - 97 and that's why think if the election were held he wins the presidency in windsor easily. nicole: former president trump is tied up in these legal cases and have former president trump continuing to say not been on the campaign trail is actually hurting him but if you look at the poll trump leads a presidential election matchup with their party candidates 42% trump, 33 biden, 16% rfk junior. anita: i make of that nappy on the campaign trail is not hurting him at all. what people are seeing trump tied up in court every day, all the networks are covering it a lot, they are seeing him in the lot of people, mostly his face but others are feeling sympathy for him that he stuck in the courtroom and can't be campaigning but the poll shows
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his numbers are not going down, the going up. to the previous poll that cnn poll i find that stunning that 55% of people, right after january 6 consider trump's first term of failure, now it's reversed, looking back and reflecting back in hindsight they said that look like a success compared to what we have now. i find that stunning. >> or whether with the biden administration will be doing in terms of looking at the polling numbers now that you had president biden saint howard stern he wants to debate and we haven't seen the walk back from the white house by jonathan martin politico senior political columnist said on meet the press, this. >> i'm curious for what jen psaki's reaction would've been if she stole the white house when she heard president biden blurt out that he was going to debate. because biden folks don't want him to debate and give trump the
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platform and risk exposing biden on national tv. >> i was thinking my old job from two years ago you also don't want them to say no because no is weak in no is fear so you have to say yes, they both have to say yes. nicole: do you think with the latest poll numbers biden will move forward with the debate. jason: those puppeteers there's no way to allow him to debate. the big discussion in the white house last week, how are we going to get joe biden to walk to and from the helicopter without looking like the feeble old man that he is. the cognitive capability of this president does not allow him to debate, those five people on msnbc or whatever network that was, they know joe biden does not have the wherewithal to go toe to toe with the single best debater that we have seen in donald trump, no way they will let him do that, absolutely not. joe: i disagree. nicole: i think a debate would be highly entertaining. great tv.
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we gotta leave it there, coming up was a secret skiing to get karine jean-pierre booted from the white house? >> you deserve a fashion line for this. >> i missed best dressed. >> this anybody have any gold bars for my mattress. >> you better be open bar. nicole: the biggest laughs probably outside the white house correspondents dinner. that is coming up next.
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♪ ♪ >> welcome back to "the big weekend show" president biden managed a few laughs and took some jobs at trump at the white house correspondent dinner even though his speech was under ten minutes long one of the shortest ever, lucas tomlinson has a recap from the white house
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tonight. >> last night hundreds of protesters showed up outside of the washington home where the dinner took place but inside it was a night filled with general - my wife was worried how i would do. i told her no worry it's just like riding a bike, she said that's what i'm worried about. i'm campaigning all over the country, pennsylvania, georgia, north carolina i've always done well in the original 13 colonies, the new york times issued a statement blasting me for active and effectively avoiding independent journali journalists. that's what it takes to get the new york times is an active and effective i'm thrilled. >> president biden was on the receiving end of some of those jokes. >> i'm exciting to be on the stage of president biden and mostly to see where obama was pulling the strings from.
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before i begin tonight can i just acknowledge how refreshing it is to see and president of the united states added an event that doesn't begin with the bailiff saying all rise. my weekend update coanchor was going to join me here tonight but in solidarity with president biden i decided to lose all of my black support. >> former president donald trump who skipped the correspondents dinner all four years in office provided the following review. the white house correspondents dinner was really god, cricket joe was an absolute disaster. it doesn't get much worse than this. the new york times also provided a critical review saying calling joe's jokes fell flat. >> i suffered through it and i watched it. by myself in new york it was pretty lame. jimmy value w was great.
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but joe biden knew the best reline to get to the coming is still no tussle with the new york times about providing access, he tries to laugh it off but he is not a person that is available to the press even though he's in the whole room they never got a chance to interview. >> i watched a little bit too and he took a shot at the new york times he has thin skin but he also talked about the notion of election the press of disinformation and the idea that democracy could be ending but he didn't use the argument right before the mentors and it probably played some role in stopping the big red wave that was predicted, that didn't happen, why not use the argument again? >> again i really think what jimmy did was great, look at the highlights and jimmy had last night. >> you deserve a fashion line.
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>> i missed best dressed. >> you were robbed. >> does anybody have any gold bars for my mattress. >> open bar. >> this is cash bar i'm walking out. >> you know what i love about you coming here you sent a song saying money is nothing and were $34 trillion in debt as a country. i blamed the pre-i love you brother iraq out to your songs every night. >> jimmy is really good that's very well done you have to be spontaneous but what did you think about nicole. nicole: i did not watch it, shocking but i did catch up on highlights in preparation to have this discussion but i think colin, i don't really know his name i don't really watch s&l but i've seen his gifts and is pretty funny when he does the weekend update he was certainly very light and president biden which was not unexpected he went light on him and hard on former
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president trump. at the end of the day there is major criticism when it comes to president biden and i think it would've been better if he can get a little bit harder on some of the big item issues that americans are thinking about. jimmy failla is an icon and amazing and i think they should earn him a spot on every red carpet from here on out whatever the roadshow is. i want to bring up the results of our biden bingo. i think it's very exciting. >> spiking the football? >> i was i down. >> he spoke for such a short amount of time it's hard to fill out any one thing. nicole: i was the closest it apparently i one by default which in my book that is a w and i will take it. i win and i will collect my price. >> calling is a funny guy i actually like him and i like his
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wife even better but is wondering why his jokes fell flat in a room full of traditional media and there is a reason why there was golf clap at best when used chomping on joe biden. >> is not just journalists but a lot of celebrities as well that is a big no, no watch stephen colbert and jimmy campbell that does not happen. his wife is scarlett johansson for our viewers at home that do not know that how he said his grandfather as his last vote was joe biden for a decent man because nothing says decency quite like a man who pretends his granddaughter does not exist because it's politically expedient until he has to acknowledge her because maureen dowd got upset. i really enjoyed the fact the president biden compared journalists to firefighters to the twin towers on 9/11. isn't that interesting that this guy who will not give an interview, the first president
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in modern history to the editorial board in the new york times or the washington post or the wall street journal is praising the journalist while giving them the heisman as far as talking to them that everything was joe biden never based on his actions but based him on his actions. >> the best part is watching jimmy falla set it up. coming up next on "the big weekend show". >> it was definitely very disturbing especially with the family there but he was captured on site. so we are doing much better. >> a targeted home invasion battle los angeles mayor karen bass will it be enough to sweep the homelessness and crime off of the city street
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♪ ♪. joe: welcome back to "the big weekend show" los angeles mayor karen bass breaking her silence about the home invasion at her mansion one week ago. >> we are all doing fine. it was definitely very disturbing, especially with the family there but he was captured on site so we are doing much better. joe: the mayor has a lofty goal in her crime-ridden city. listen. >> you said you hope to eliminate street homelessness by the end of your first term in 2026. >> i still hope to do that. >> is it still achievable. >> we shall see we've done pretty well a lot more to do. joe: alright, karen bass has a strategy to have wealthier residents of her city start to pay for security around the city, how do you think that's
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going to work out. anita: i think what they've done so far by trying to get the taxpayers to pay for it hasn't worked. the last major that was on the march ballot proposition one calling for billions of dollars to help her with homelessness barely passed by 50-point to percent. the public is tired of being asked to spend money on this, the private effort has early raise $10 million. it's awkward to be a government solution has to be a government and private partnership. it has to be to help solve this, it is so big. >> i served in congress for karen bass personally she's very likable but there living with the democratic policies that they instituted over decades, you have a governor who is not in support of this and they do not enforce the law and actually prosecute these crimes. i'm fascinated to follow this case, who was it that broke into her home let's learn the
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background and do they prosecute this person gives you not get us all the homelessness and the danger that los angeles has become until you enforce the law, bu get prosecutors to do t. the people of los angeles rhea elect gascon of the district attorney, you created this problem los angeles and don't tell me your to clean up the city in the next 24 months that is not going to happen. >> it may even targeted. >> i don't know i think it's a fascinating case don't sweep it under the rug, let's see how their prosecuted. it's good to be different than how they do it for everybody else than they do for the mayor. >> she was home with her daughter, son-in-law and their newborn baby and it must've been terrifying. anita's point i like what she's trying to do in terms of homelessness she's realizing taxi the citizens is not working, she's asking for the people will you donate to help get rid of homelessness in their people that are willing to give millions of dollars do not tax
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the entire population who don't necessarily agree with the policies, here's something san diego d.a. put out last week, they said homeless individuals were 514 times more likely to commit crime than the average citizen, 98% of crimes are from repeat offenders. to jason's point, you absolutely have to get back on tougher crime the democratic cities that let criminals wreak havoc without any consequences is going to continue to grow the crime you have to be tough on crime but you will have to tackle homelessness when you verizon homelessness you will have in parallel arising crime. >> if you deal mental health they do not deal with a properly you have to do with the mental health crisis that is theirs. >> nancy and paul pelosi's home was jumping into famously and that happened to the house speaker at the time. adam schiff was rob this week. at what point do california
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voters, i know they vote democrat and say maybe it's time to go to different direction, anybody take it. jason: they don't have to spend more money is a prioritization where they actually spend the money they're getting give healthcare to everybody that is illegal in the state that's by tens of billions of dollars. prioritizing people that are here illegally as opposed to the homeless that who serve the nation honorably and cannot afford the 6-dollar gasoline in california can't afford to have a home in california. >> i think we need arnold schwarzenegger back. the new trend taking social media by storm, the soft era guy does not apply to anybody here. coming up tomorrow morning as deadly tornadoes leave a trail of destruction throughout the midwest. oklahoma governor kevin stitt joins "fox & friends" to talk about the recovery efforts. don't forget to dvr if you can't catch it live.
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♪ ♪. anita: welcome back to "the big
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weekend show" you get is not trendy for men to be the provider in romantic relationships. enter the soft guy era. >> men in the soft guy era want to find high value women who can take care of them being a provider we know that is a scam so were not doing that that is old-fashioned they want us to have money and i want my woman to have money. >> are not dating you you are dating me. >> a girl came to my house to take me on a first date in the 2013 honda. >> these women get money now it's time to spend the money. they want equality but some demand the most unequal situations from then. anita: oh boy. joe, you follow trends that are going on you know what's hot and what's not, what in the world and what's going on with masculinity what's going out the window. >> one trend that's horrifying at 35% jump last year in men
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wanting consulted on vice activities, don't even want to have kids they don't want to take on the responsibility. it is a thing apparently. i'm a former relationship columnist, when i was single and my days i wrote about these things and it seems like men do not want to play the role of being elusive anymore or hard to get, they text way too much in there far too needy and they live far too long with her parents, particularly with mom and that's a problem when you're a woman and you want a real man. i shudder to think what's in store for my daughter. >> you should hear these tick talkers, let's listen to one right now. he said women should pay for all the dates, listen to this. >> i don't care what anybody says, but a guy should always be paying for dates. >> never. >> beta my soft guy era it opens
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my eyes to reality, women want to be in long-term relationships so this is what you're going to have to do you have to pay for all the dates. anita: you mentioned yesterday you have a long and happy marriage. would you be having a happy marriage if you asked your wife to pay for the dates. >> no way, we went out on her first date and i brought a coupon when we got yogurt and she still thought that was pretty funny. some of these guys all they want is a mom they want to be coddled and taking care of, who is the breadwinner, perhaps it's a woman or the man, perhaps your spouse however, you want to be politically correct about this but you have to find the balance in your life it works for some but doesn't work for others, the idea that you get a predetermined who is paying for what before you've even gone out. joe: your first date you had
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yogurt and a coupon for the yogurt. >> he was frugal that's why she married him, that's longevity. >> dessert yogurt, you have it in the morning. >> enough. were done with the man talk. >> as a woman when you go one day in your dating somebody pick up the check every now and then and chipping here and there, you have young sons, it's called chivalry i don't know what the soft guy, i thought it was soft body. here's the thing. nicole: i work full-time, we all know that the thing about being financially independent as a woman in a marriage is a beautiful thing. i don't need my husband financially. my husband doesn't need me financially, we are together
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because we want to be together we work on our marriage because we want to be together and raise our children together, that is a beautiful thing but when were dating should he absolutely be paying for our date, yet sexually and he should keep me on the inside were walking on the sidewalk and opened the door for me and my husband does that in my three children boys do that as well, no one in the sapphire house. >> a revolving door the man always goes first. in a cab the man goes first so the woman doesn't have to shimmy across. nicole: working to write a book on what you should be doing and whatever this little fad is, no. there's no soft guy at this table. >> soft bod maybe. anita: stick around the big four is coming up next. ♪ i suffer with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ welcome back to the big weekend t schopp it is time for our big four. the biggest pics for stories this week everyone is going to be talking about. i will go first. love mom's number three on the "new york times" nonfiction bestsellers list. this is very exciting. it feels like a very big accomplishment i can tell you the best part of this book coming out has been all of the notes and pictures people have sent to me the different stories in the book. may be something resignation it with them. some bit people saying the emotion how much they love it hurt such an honor but makes the
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perfect mother's day gift so make sure you get it now it's here in time for mother's day. it's a beautiful book. >> congratulation. it is a good book. dismantle worker took a disdain for their bosses a little too far for the maryland high school athletic directors accused of using artificial intelligence to create racist and anti-semitic audio to retaliate against the school's principal. these a deep fake artificial intelligence generated, i'm telling is going to change the world, should never have done that. if that is the allegation but should never have done a quick so real you can't tell the difference or. >> it's so scary big bucks just watch the matrix you'll see the future. but she wash us diaper the white house there's a secret internal plot to rid of house press secretary the scheme for supported by the your post. that spoke to several sources who said the chief of staff and top aides were trying to find another job on the hill. but the job never panned out for
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deputy white house press secretary andrew bates calls the claims wildly false. look, we have seen her on a daily basis. apparently di stands for didn't earn it. if you think about it she is the face of the administration per she is the one person you see on a daily basis. here we have a president who has trouble articulating a thought outside of the teleprompter. with a press secretary who can articulate a thought outside of her binder. it's completely believable but. >> she has disdain for the press corps. >> i'm not sure there's one worse than what she is. it has been is been an embarrat perfect obama press secretary were very good. it's a performance thing. >> she said it was a hard job it. >> impossible. [laughter] so listen to this. told howard stern one of his favorite presidents is not other than thomas jefferson. watch this. >> i think jefferson was one of my favorite presidents of all
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time. the fact that roosevelt came when he did and the way he did and stood up. >> it is interesting. i don't run for the president complaining too much for the thomas jefferson statues came down, school names were changed. but he was a great president everyone could agree with that. before we go, don't forget to follow the big wins on facebook an instagram have big weekend show. that's going to do it for us for great to be with you guys. we will see you next weekend. right now you want to stay tuned because "life, liberty & levin" starts right now. he's got a good one for you. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪


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