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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  April 29, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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the statute. this is not a very specific alibi. as of now, it is surviving. hea i don't know, i have not theha prosecution has challenged it here that is not in the courtt, filings. that will be tough to talk yourt way out anald the moon and stars defense will not suffice. >> trey: i don't either and this will be a long process. the mention of the death penalty will be a long, arduous process and i can't think of anybody better then someone with your background to walk us y through this. thank you for joining us on the first of what will be many>> nights together. >> thank you, congressman. >> trey: thank you for spending part of your sundayn with us i hope you have a great week ahead.op find us on >> todd: breaking right now, live look at protesters camping out at george washington university in washington, d.c.
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after hundreds occupy the campus and rail against the police presence into the morning hours. >> our schools are painted red. over 30,000 dead. >> todd: the latest from gw and new calls from amnesty coming from protesters and want to avoid consequences for doing it. a new poll shows former president trump extending his lead over president biden. robert f. kennedy is challenging trump and biden to a debate. >> 80% of people do not want -- between president trump and president biden. >> todd: you are watching "fox and friends first," i'm todd piro. carley shimkus has the day off. we'll have that for you over this 5:00 a.m. east coast.
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we are tracking deadly weather across the country. sgls that is gigantic, that is huge. motion on the right edge. >> todd: unreal. fok weather alert, video showing what appears to be a massive tornado ripping through texas. half dozen reported yesterday. storm says across -- leaving trail of destruction in their path. 120 tornados plow through six states in two days. in oklahoma wind spoeed toppe 106 miles for hour. an infant was killed. and states of emergency after they begin surveying damage. four million under tornado watch and 47 mill ion are at risk for
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severe weather this morning. janice dean has the fox weather forecast. there is a lot to get to. >> janice: absolutely, another round of bad weather this week in the same areas. severe threat lessened today. we get into tuesday and wednesday and things ramp up against. 136 tornado reports. these were warnings over last few days, over 250 total tornado warnings and confirmed warnings from texas toward central and northern plains and parts of the midwest. severe thunderstorm warning around the houston area and potential for flash flooding and dangerous lightning as they continue to move eastward slowly. we will watch this system continue to move eastward.
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it won't pack the punch we saw over the weekend. could see threat for stronger storms. tuesday and wednesday things start up against, new system in the rockies. snow for northern rockies. tuesday and wednesday, some of the same areas hit hard over the last three days with severe weather outbreak. flash flooding. we could see a lot of rain in a short period of time. radar today, not as destructive. getting into tuesday and wednesday, new storm moving into the plain states and thunde thunderstorms start to erupt again. not only hail, damaging wind and tornados, heavy rainfall and snow for the denver area. here is forecast highs today. warm across the plain states.
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woorm, humid air mass is in place. we will feel warm temperatures toward d.c. and new york, feeling like june and july for cities along the east coast. we'll enjoy that today. focus on severe weather we experienced over last three days. national weather service, fox weather did a great job showing the area wing could see severe storms. >> todd: not just for prepping your day for fun stuff, these are life-saving results. >> janice: we lost lives, but i believe people were heeding the warnings. >> todd: robert f. kennedy says americans are voting out of fear for major party candidate after former president trump accused him of being a democrat plant. now he is calling for a debate.
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doug luzader has more. >> doug: who role will third-party candidates have? it could be significant. this pack is held by horseshoe beach robert f. kennedy. he says he is not a democrat ig plant. >> so many americans are voting out of fear. strategy to keep me off the ballot and make everybody terrified of donald trump. on the other side, they do the same thing. when somebody is telling you, vote out of fear, they are trying to manipulate you into barks bandoning your values. >> doug: yesterday, why did junior's family -- they can't conceive of more liberal brother running as anything else. kennedy shot back, president
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trump's rant is barrage of inaccurate claims that should best be resolved in presidential debate. president trump has proven himself most adept debater should not be panicked to meet me on the stage. trump has an edge over biden including third party candidate. 61% of adults think president biden term has been a failure and 44% say the same of former president trump's time in office. quiet day around here, quiet week at the white house. biden public schedule is empty and vice president kamala harris is heading to at lant to to drive home financial messaging. >> todd: i would watch that three-person debate. >> doug: get your popcorn. >> todd: former president trump
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meeting with ron desantis in miami yesterday, sources confirming the former trump challenger is agreeing to help him fund raise for the general election. north dakota governor burgum could be moving up the vp short list. president trump mentioned him several times calling him a safe, low drama choice that could attract moderate voters. one television star is flipping the tables on president biden. joe concha reacting to that and back to the breaking news on the george washington university campus, protesters camping out now after tearing down barricades and standing off with police overnight. congressman cory mills is here with a message for protesters. don't miss it, it is coming up
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buy one line of unlimited, get one free for a year with xfinity mobile! plus, save even more and get an eligible 5g phone on us! visit today. >> todd: president biden and israeli prime minister netanyahu still negotiating with hamas for return of hostages being held in gaza. spokesman john kirby says the two spoke yesterday. >> they assured us they won't go into rafah until we share our concerns with them. we'll see where that goes. if we're able to get this hostage deal in place, hamas has not fully rejected it, they are considering this proposal. that would give you six weeks of peace. >> todd: blinken kicking off mideast tour in saudi arabia, meeting to discuss ceasefire in gaza before moving to jordan and
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israel. protesters camping out on the george washington university campus and this is what is left of the massive demonstration from overnight. hundred says occupy said the campus, tearing down barricades into the early morning hours. there were physical confrontations at schools across the nation. ashley is here with more. >> ashley: take a look live at george washington university, protests are happening as we speak. protesters tearing down police barricade and video shows them stacking barricades and planting a palestinian flag in them. following a day of arrest on four university campuses and days long encampment after students call for their schools to stop giving aid to israel and
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a ceasefire. on sunday, ucla said there were physical altercations on campus after demonstrators breached security barriers separating two groups. and pro-palestinian protesters were told if they did not leave, they would be arrested, the situation had the potential to become unsafe. these are just some scenes over the weekend. college administrators try to b balance free speech and inclusivity, protesters trying to seek amnesty. mike lawler says congress need to step up and end this. >> antisemitism has been brewing on college campuses for years. these students have been pedalling in it, promoting the bds movement and in the aftermath of october 7, it has
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been hyper charged and congress must act to crack down on it. universities and college presidents and administrators are failing in their responsibility to keep students safe. >> ashley: new orleans police department says four officers got hurt overnight. 10 people were arrested. >> todd: unreal. bring in foreign affairs committee member congressman cory mills. protests are not under control, they are spreading and spreading far and wide. how should the schools respond now? >> i can tell you right now, one thing ben saas, president of university of florida has done, talked about the fact there can't be bullhorns and tents or
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you can be expelled. there is fine line to walk with free and nonviolent protesting. jewish students are being p prevented from attending classes. presidents need to be more vocal about the fact they will not tolerate this type of antisemitism and they will get control of their college campuses. it is time to investigate where is money and noninfluence operation being led from. what is the foreign entitty behind this. >> todd: for those who say this can't be done. look at how blue state school versus red state schools are doing. red state schools seem to be
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under control and blue state schools have not. you are seeing refusal to acknowledge university. students and proefessors are demanding amnesty so it doesn't follow them into the future. we want to cause all this, but the consequences are not for us. >> red states we believe in defending law enforcement and blue states want to defunds fund law enforcement. chop was allowing it to be law lsz and blue states were ineffective doing anything about it. you are seeing big difference between red and blue states and how things are handled. we need to make sure we're more vocal to stop the antisemitism
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going on to ensure the safety for students of all ethnic and religious faiths to be safely going to and from class without fear of assault. these children need to be ex expelled, we have seen it before, people who had violation of handbook conduct be expelled from school. how is this not a vilingolation? >> todd: important point. house set to vote on bipartisan antisemitism awareness act. this could divide democrats. here is latest on ilhan omar. >> i met a lot of jewish students in the encampment and it is unfortunate people don't care about the fact all jewish kids should be kept safe and
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should not have to tolerate antisemitism or bigotry for jewish students whether they are genocide or pro-genocide. >> todd: do you expect the ilhan omars to be on board or is democrat division going to be on full display? >> she is speaking out both sides of her mouth. she says there should not be antisemitism, but then talks about pro-genocide or genocide. shooey is saying, if you believe in israel right to defense and in their action after october 7 to get hostages back, if they should rid themselves of hamas, you are pro-genocide. if you are pro-palestinian and going ahead trying to kaud cause violence, you are anti-genocide, her comments are
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disgusting. we should have jewish students go back and forth without fear of violence, we need an antisemitism act. i did not appreciate the fact she is referring to idf as pro-genocide and those who are supporting this terrorist activity from october 7, they are anti-genocide, wrong message. >> todd: we will be watching, thank you cory mills, we appreciate it. former president trump back in court tomorrow in new york criminal trial, breaking down next steps and looking forward to the next witness to take the stand. did you see this? >> foul called along the sideline. chris fitch got hit hard, he is down. mike connely got hit hard.
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in a bad spot. >> todd: timberwolves coach suff suffering serious injury. how this could impact their playoff hopes when "fox and friends" "fox and friends first" rolls along. after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" i'm thinking company wide power nap. [ employees snoring ] anything can change the world of work. from hr to payroll, adp designs for the next anything.
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into the things that keep our food fresher, our families safer, and our planet cleaner. to help us get there, america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars to create innovative products and new recycling technologies for sustainable change. because when you push for smarter solutions, big things can happen. >> todd: the missing daughter of stewart butterfield found with a man older than her. the 16 year old has been found. the man is facing kidnapping charges for coaxing the teen to run away. s and farrelr is on the stand.
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andrew, former federal p prosecutor joins me now. what is prosecution trying to establish from the gary farrow testimony? >> layout donald trump's dirty laundry. we are getting testimony about how banking works for donald trump and how his check writing occurs. there is no evidence of a crime at this point from the prosecution, we are not even talking weight of evidence. i expect testimony tomorrow to be more of the same. this background information no criminal type evidence at this point. >> todd: i was in court last week watching this trial in the overflow room.
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boy, this stuff is seedy salacious, i wouldn't want to be associated with any of it, a and... i do not know what the crime is. >> as the trial goes on, i expect only real witness that will present criminal conduct may be michael cohen. there is difficulty prosecution will have believing anything he has to say. they have to bruce evidence that a10uates to the alleged crime here. what the crime is is unbelievable. i don't get it. it is not misdemeanor underlying fr
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fraudulent business records, that is not a crimes and statute has run. >> todd: when you talk about cohen, order of witnesses, put putting david pecker in there. he seems like a nice senior. it is a battle with michael cohen. they will attack him. you want a witness who said cleaner things before they get into cohen. your thoughts on what eric trump said on sunday morning futures, watch. >> presidents need immunity, if they don't their entire tenure will be filled in depositions and subpoenas like they have tried with my father for last eight years. they will not be able to fufrpgsz function as presidents
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of the united states. biden, when they withdraw from afghanistan, 13 servicemembers killed, is that manslaughter? >> todd: just on the whole, you see this strategy of lawfare backfiring and donald trump in the polls. what is the end game here? are they going to continue to push this regardless of in the immunity case there is immunity? in the new york criminal case -- will they do it before trump is behind bars? >> you are saying it correct lawfare, using this. you hear mr. trump talk about immunity issue, it is matter that the president needs.
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the left has been saying no immunity and it gets to supreme court and there is some degree of immunity, what the line is, difficult thing to define and more difficult when it is president of the united states who has a broad range of authority he needs to be able to act upon. what is happening now in new york is more exposure of lawfare, where you have former president who some acts dealt with time he was in office and he's caught in local legal system with crime undefined and evidences had yet to be presented of guilt of any sort. >> todd: despite what witnesses say is a crime, it does not matter, in the case of david p pecker, did donald trump think
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it and act on it? no evidence of that so far in the new york criminal case, see if we get any this week. appreciate your time. your wife catie, you let her speak in, you kind man. new poll showing former president widening his lead over president biden. robert f. kennedy refusing to let this be two-man race. >> 80% of american people do not want to vote between president biden and president trump. >> todd: r.f.k. jr. wants a debate, kaylee mcgee white reacting next. this is steve. steve takes voquezna. this is steve's stomach, where voquezna can kick some acid, heal acid-related damage
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>> todd: robert f. kennedy responding to claims he is working with the democratic party to help president biden get re-elected. >> robert f. kennedy is a plant put in place to help crooked joe biden, worst president in
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history of the united states to get relelect elected. >> robert f. kennedy says let's hear president trump by respectful debate. kaylee mcgee white from restoring america, joins me now. i am trying to read what trump's play is on this. should he be picking battles with robert f. kennedy? when all three are in polls, it is clear robert f. kennedy siphons votes away from joe biden? >> kaylee: he definitely hurts biden more than trump. you are right about that. trump is wrong to give attention robert f. kennedy wants. i don't think it is unfair to call robert f. kennedy a democratic plant. r.f.k. jr. is a democrat flat out, he voted for hillary
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clinton and joe biden. climate change, abortion and gun control. he does not resemble republican party platform and trump is right to point that out. >> todd: that is important point that need to be made. if you see robert f. kennedy on our air, you think he must be a republican, not necessarily the case. when you look at r.f.k. jr. and joe biden, one clear difference is enthusiasm and r.f.k. jr. add addressed that yesterday. take a listen. >> why am i behind? the reason i'm behind in voting polls is baz so many americans are voting out of fear. i have yet to talk to anybody outside of my family, who says we're voting for president biden because he is energetic and his
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cognitive capability and he will give a new vision for america. they never say that. >> todd: same here, i live in a democratic state, most people are voting for joe biden, you never hear anybody voting e enthusiastically. your thoughts? >> kaylee: it is quiet admission, they will vote blue, even if it is cognitively i impaired joe biden. donald trump going up against r.f.k. jr. with other candidate, ability of r.f.k. jr. to specifically attract cogen-z voters, these voters are fleeing joe biden. polls tend to be most activive
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to candidates like r.f.k. jr. trump will have to figure out a way to do the same thing. >> todd: new poll shows president trump's lead over president biden widening and showing 61% of ejsterred adult think joe biden presidency is failure and 55% think donald trump's presidency was a success. in the end, despite all issues we debate, it will come down to how people feel beginning of november or when they vote with their pocketbook. will they pull the lever for trump, biden or r.f.k. jr. >> kaylee: who was the better president? c con consistent finding, when people were asked do you think donald trump or joe biden was better
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president. vast majority say donald trump. they are measuring quality of their lives, which is affected by the economy and pocketbook. that is why trump's legal cases are not making a dent. people are being looing at quality of their lives and asking who helped me most. most voters are saying trump. >> todd: kamala is heading to georgia to convince voters that the economy is doing well, you look at your pocketbook. honing in on the economy, same poll showing 34% of voters approve of the way joe biden is handling the economy. it 8 be the issue in november. cheryl casone from fox business with are m. break down the numbers for us. >> cheryl: there is a lot of
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numbers, this could be why despite the criminal trial, former president trump maintains advantage in the latest cnn poll. 65% in this poll say the economy is important and 27% say it is very important when voting. still senator tim scott says president biden appear ready to reek more havoc on the u.s. economy. >> joe biden specifically willing to tank america's economy for no actual purpose. the fact he is willing to own that and wants to tells us bidenomics does not work and joe biden does not understand how to create activity in the private sector. >> cheryl: 70% say, vice president you mentioned with
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kaylee mcgee white there, she is defending the administration's economy. we will continue to invest in you, your family and your future, i guess that is student loan bailout story. will kickoff nationwide economic tour, kamala harris will start in georgia today. she's been hitting campuses and talking about women's rights and now switching to the economy. we are seeing the economy is number one. >> todd: you mention campuses and making money, caitlin clark made a lot of money through work on her college campus. >> cheryl: great transition, this is wonderful. caitlin clark set to be first female athlete, fourth overall to have all named as apparel
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selling at dick's. jersey made by nike, selling on the website, there are t-shirts and hoodies, the clark effect. lionel, travis kelce and coach de deion sanders. >> todd: so many people paying attention, good for america and fun to see. she's a hell of a player. thank you, welcome back. shes of in fephoenix, minnesota timberwolves heading into round two of the playoffs. sorry, cheryl. t-wolves leave the game with one injury, not to a player. >> foul called along the
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sideline. >> oh, chris fit ch hit hard and he is down. mike connely ran into him. >> head coach soarsly hurt in a collision with his own player. had to be carried off, appears to have pulled a tendon. pres president biden, celebs say celebs are too afraid. steve doocy has a look at what is coming up on "fox and friends" and steve, first time you and i spent saturday night together. >> steve: first of family, we were at the white house corres correspondents dinner.
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>> todd: you were mad at your son and happy with us. >> steve: everybody was on the fox bus ready and peter doocy. >> todd: that is peter's town. let peter do peter things when in town. >> steve: coming up on monday telecast, state of emergency issued as deadly tornados ripped through oklahoma. governor kevin stitt will have an update of the devastation on the ground. we'll hear from gregg jarrett, ben dominic and marc siegel. and talk about seeing double, 11 sets of twins set to graduate from one pennsylvania high school. that has to be a record, right?
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>> todd: as president biden rubs shoulders and fund raises with the hollywood elite. demattio calling out eleasters saying hollywood elite are petrified to speak out against
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joe biden's leftist agenda. >> this administration has just been hammering all of these things and people in hollywood are petrified. what are you going to speak out against race and sex and all of that stuff? people are afraid to have those conversations because, first of all, you never win. you are just never going to win with a liberal. >> todd: joe concha is a fox news contributor. he joins me now. i will take this a step further is hollywood, yes, hollywood actually more red than we thought? >> >> i think it is but, obviously, we are not going to hear very much about that. andrea anna was one of my favorites characters on sopranos. shame how tended for her that final season. the real live version of drea, demattio, is correct don't like what they are seeing as far as the wokeness, as far as inflation hitting their wallets, as far as crime and illegal
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immigration crime in new york. they know if they speak out in any way, shape, or form they will be ostracized they will not work again. look at a cal berkeley poll that came out recently. among californians more disapprove of joe biden than approve same thing in new york by 10 points. deepest blue states in the country. perhaps that's why we seeing polls like we saw over the weekend you talked about earlier where donald trump is beating joe biden by 9 points nationally. this is something that penetrates all -- all areas of our culture at this point, todd. >> todd: i would make a point if drea could sit down with her former co-star who is her husband on the star sopranos maybe she could have a conversation with him. he seems to have gone very, very extra far left. speaking of celebs, speaking of tv, media, all that good stuff, all those people gathered there in d.c. for the white house correspondence association dinner, president biden making
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some jokes about his age. listen. >> it's been a year since i have delivered this speech and my wife jill is with me tonight was worried how i would do. i told her, don't worry, just like riding a bike. she said that's what i'm worried about. [laughter] of course, the "new york times" issued a statement blasting me for, quote: active and effectively avoiding independent journalism. hey, ha ha ha, if that's what it takes to get the "new york times" to say i'm active and effective, i'm for it. >> todd: joe, you watched this whole thing, what's your grade for the president? >> i love how you see everybody laughing and clapping in the audience, all those journalists and some celebrities when he mocks the "new york times." joe biden has not done one interview with the "new york times" editorial board or the "wall street journal" editorial board or "the washington post" editorial board in his presidency. no modern president has avoided all three of those major publications. and, yet, he is up there
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laughing and they are laughing along with him. i found that quite disturbing. look, joe biden is fine. if you put him -- give him scripted remarks and a teleprompter, and something before he goes up on stage, is he more than fine, as far as his delivery. the question is, todd, if we go debates and there is no more teleprompter and he actually gets serious questions about the serious issues in this country, then how is he going to perform? that's why i think he made some news with howard stern on friday where he said i'll debate. i think his handlers were probably like wait, whoa, what? what did you say? i'm not sure they want to put him up on the stage at this point. >> todd: if is he on a stage there will be a bloodbath. speaking of the word bloodbath. joe referenced that against out of context with trump. >> everyone knew that joe was wrong but they had to clap to your point they all have to suck up to the president. the host of the night was snl
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comedian collin. he had plenty of jokes as well. >> before i begin tonight can we just acknowledge how refreshing it is can to see the president the united states that doesn't see the bailiff say all rise. republican candidate for president owes half a billion in fines for bank fraud and is currently spending his days farting himself awake during a porn star hush money trial and the race is tied? the race is tied. nothing makes sense anymore. >> todd: all right, concha, how do you think joest did? >> the race isn't tied. i don't know, if i'm doing the white house correspondence different and on national television. i'm certain i don't have to look down almost the entire time like i'm karine jean-pierre. he was okay. i feel like, you know, every emcee at the white house correspondence continue remember basically the same. they are activist democrats who
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will do some jokes about joe biden and save real hay makers for donald trump or each this network. overall, you know, he was okay but exactly what you expect at this point. put jimmy failla up there and greg gutfeld. let's see some real comedians really hit both sides. what do you think? >> todd: that's what my mom said. my take, i thought he did a pretty fair and balanced job on the jokes. and i thought he really went after biden hard on a lot of the jokes and actually got some applause in the room. what i disagreed with when he called and poignant moment because talking about dead grandfather. what he called joe biden decent. look at joe biden wants record. you make the decision at home whether you think joe biden has been a decent man these last couple years and i disagreed with that going to have to leave it there. joe concha is decent. "fox & friends" even more decent. they're now. ♪ ♪ >> steve: that was a decent toss. thank you very much, todd. 6:00 here in new york city


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