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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 29, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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the earnhardt family has always trusted bass pro shops for all of their outdoor needs, and i continue to be a proud customer. i grew up shopping here, and now i love bringing my family here to gear up for all of our adventures together. and now, bass pro shops club members enjoy special savings and earn points toward free gear, which is rewarding when buying what you need for your next adventure. spending time outdoors with the ones you love, sharing memories and making new ones... that's an earnhardt family tradition that i'm proud to carry on. ♪ >> ainsley: it is 7:00 a.m. here on the east coast. it's monday, april 29th. and this is "fox & friends." we start with a fox weather alert. at least four people were killed
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over the weekend, including an infant. as those deadly tornadoes were ripping through oklahoma. the trail of devastation, as you can see pretty vast there on the ground. >> lawrence: plus r.f.k. jr. says more americans are being pushed to vote out of fear for major party candidates. >> when somebody is telling you vote out of fear, they are trying to manipulate you into abandoning your values. >> steve: that's why he is surging. meanwhile joe biden tries to down play his age with, of course, some jokes. >> it's been a year since i delivered this speech and my wife jill is with me tonight was worried how i would do. i told her, don't worry. it's just like riding a bike. she said that's what i'm worried about. [laughter] >> steve: we remember the bike. so does jimmy failla at the big event on the red carpet is he going to join us this hour. >> brian: second hour of "fox & friends" begins right now remember your mornings are
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better with friends. >> brian: fox weather alert now massive tornado ripping through texas one of a half dozen reported across the state. that happened on sunday. severe storms continue raging across parts of the south and the midwest. >> lawrence: brandy campbell is live in sulfur, oklahoma with the details. hey, brandy. >> just by look at the damage, weekend across the plains. across oklahoma deadly saturday night as there was a tornado outbreak. there were at least six confirmed tornadoes with more to come and, again, several lives taken. now, with the quick look behind us. can you see several things tossed around. almost looks like a junkyard. this was downtown area. drone video give you better look at daylight in damage here two more lives were taken in
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holdenville. one being a four-month-old baby. and a fourth person killed on i-35 near marietta. the damage spans across 12 counties here in oklahoma. the national weather service seeing evidence of the strongest tornadoes here and in marietta saying it was at least an e f-3. regardless the damage here is extensive. changing lives in an instant. for residents and business owners. >> devastating. >> it was our livelihood, retirement. we felt lost because it doesn't look recognizable at all. >> you know, when you see it. how do you recover from this. you know? you see it on tv, other places and you feel bad for those people but you really don't know it until it hits you. >> all right. yeah. they owned an antique business downtown and they also noted they were just wondering if this downtown will rebuild. now, governor kevin stitt, he was also here he said in his six year as governor in this state, this is the worst damage he has
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seen from a tornado so, of course, he went ahead and made that emergency declaration for the impacted counties. we were also here yesterday, seeing the fema represents on the ground. guys? >> steve: brandy, thank you very much. the governor of oklahoma is going to be joining us in the next hour of "fox & friends." >> ainsley: that poor family and they're right we do stories like this all the time. when we are reading the story about this baby that was killed, you think that's someone's family. >> lawrence: that's right. >> ainsley: totally destroyed. they lost their child. >> lawrence: the point they made you read the stories all the time but you never know until it hits you. and i think there's a lot of families in the texas area, oklahoma area that are feeling praying for you guys today. >> ainsley: absolutely. the fear they felt. they lost everything and they said that's their retirement. >> steve: janice told us another week of severe weather throughout the so-called tornado alley all the way from down south to up north. stay tuned for details. >> ainsley: vice president kamala harris will kick off her economic opportunity tour today in atlanta. as new polls show the economy is
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a top issue for voters in the upcoming election. >> steve: jacqui heinrich at her post on the north lawn of the white house with the latest on that. hey, jacqui. >> jacqui: good morning to you guys. vice president kamala harris is launching tour big focus is galvanizing black voters, especially black men where recent polls have showed biden sliding. a new cnn poll shows 92% of voters believe that the economy is extremely or very important in their vote. and a recent "wall street journal" poll showed more black men plan to support trump than biden in seven critical swing states. so drawing back some of that support is going to weigh heavily on the election in places like georgia, where biden won in 2020 by only 12,000 votes. harris heads to atlanta today where the city is receiving $158 million downtown revitalization investment to increase access to jobs, housing, education and healthcare. she says, quote: our economic
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approach has delivered great progress and we will continue to invest in you, your family, and your future. all this comes after former president trump met with his former rival ron desantis, florida governor in miami this weekend. desantis has previously denied any interest in the v.p. slot and the media reportedly focused on his plan to help trump fund raise. a cnn poll yesterday showed trump holding advantage in a head-to-head matchup with biden. when you add third party candidates, that advantage grows to 9 points. so obviously a concern for team biden. there was a recent effort over the weekend or excuse me there was an effort ows ka karine jean-pierre press secretary. this something that the white house vehemently denies. we will see if karine has anything to say about that reported. and also about harass launching this new economic tour briefing at 1:30.
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>> lawrence: i find it interesting they are starting economic tour in atlanta. that's also the place they got rid of the all-star game because of jim crow 2.0 and all those businesses lost that economic opportunity. i wonder a lot of the residents were upset about that. can we expect some sort of apology to the people of atlanta as they kick off this economic tour? >> brian: okay. try to be diplomatic. [laughter] >> jacqui: broadly speaking, i haven't seen anyone from this administration issue apologies very often on anything. you know,. >> steve: ever. >> jacqui: their plans are pretty well-thought-out and they stick to them even when they don't often work. so, i doubt it on that front but, you know, we will see. we can ask. >> brian: jacqui, did it catch you totally by surprise this coup attempt detail. job she was going to get and how to exit and the critiques they had on her seemed pretty much
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consists critiques about her. doesn't understand the policy. glued to the binder has to read everything verbatim it. seems like there is a lot of substance to it. did it catch you by surprise? >> well, it caught me by surprise the timing of this report. because, the whole emily's list offer was several months ago. that was reported at the time. so i don't know what sort of made this come out now. broadly speaking, you know, karine has her wheelhouse in certain areas. just like we see john kirby always talking about anything with national security, foreign policy, you know, former pentagon spokesman. they sort of divide that job in that area. and when karine has to, you know, talk about the things that judicial usually john kirby talks about it's not as strong as when she talks about things in her wheelhouse political messaging, for instance. the timing of the report was a little bit surprising because we knew about the emily's list offer back in, i think, disease
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you were up on the dais because you are part of the association and one of the officers. i'm sure there was some smalltalk about that. it actually at that event i was there a white house official, a very high ranking person told me that the story was absolutely true. they would like her to step aside she just won't governmental that's interesting. you see the on the record vehement denials in that "new york post" report and then also echoed when we asked about it at fox news behind the scenes people speak more candidly i can't speak to it. i was on an island away from everyone else. the only person i talked to last night was doug emhoff he was a pleasure to speak to. we had a meal together up on the stage watching the dinner and i think it was a success. so a lot of jokes. the president, you know he pulled off some funny lines the
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bike one was a good one. >> ainsley: saw you on tv. i watched it in my cozy home and saw your son a lot too. they were zooming in on peter a lot. you said she was glued to her notebook. i'm thinking when you were a waiter you would have nightmares if you didn't serve something you were supposed to or in our job nightmares you are on in 5, 4, 3, 2. you have nightmares goes to the podium and does not have her binder. >> opens it up and all blank pages. what what that story said was she relies heavily on the biden and doesn't do the work like jen psaki would study for hours and hours. report does say kjp does study there is just dynamic people in the communications wing at the highest levels and advisers would like to see somebody else at the podium. >> ainsley: it has to be a hard job. >> lawrence: a hard job that she wanted and she is an experienced campaigner. it doesn't look like she is can
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do the job as press secretary. the thing that has hurt her the most is when you have admirable kirby he is not just doing national security. he is talking about a vast array of issues. >> when he goes out there and kills iter single time. also in that report previously it said that there was tension between her and kirby because he goes to the press conferences but she wants to decide what reporters she can call on. she gets to pick them. >> ainsley: talking about going to atlanta and talk about the economy. trying to get on that message they know this is the number one issue. when you look at the cnn poll do you approve or disapprove of the way joe biden is handling the economy. only 34% approve. 66% disapprove. you said that was the number one issue for a lot of voters. >> brian: that was before kamala harris gets to speak on it. i'm sure it's going to reverse before she gives the speech and tells everyone how much money they have than what they actually have. inflation no big deal and transitory. different message. last time the president spoke
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about bidenomics. there were people protesting his speech on bidenomics outside. they have to find a way to say look, we are happy with the numbers. but we understand you don't feel that wait a minute and then start customizing their message. they can't keep on telling people that their life is better than they think it is. >> maybe if the white house is lucky. the people protesting for gaza will drown out the people protesting bidenomics. >> brian: maybe. >> steve: just because you put on a speech, you know, the economy tour, that doesn't mean the message is actually about the economy. because as we have been talking about for months, a lot of the numbers are good for the administration but it just doesn't feel like it. that's one of the reasons why young people are abandoning joe biden because they are out and trying to make money. at the same time, the inflation is chewing away at all the stuff they are trying to get. >> lawrence: look at what they are doing right now. this is called the economic opportunity tour. when you got the former president had opportunity zones. they are trying to hijack a
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message. part of opportunity zones was lower taxes, deregulation, investment into poorer areas and they say they are going to do it in the next devil rays. they haven't done it yet. i just don't understand how you hijack a message when you haven't done anything to push the narrative forward. and as i asked jacqui in the interview. you are starting with atlanta. you killed the businesses in atlanta. jim crow 2.0. >> steve: also, remember, it was this congress that passed the inflation reduction act, which didn't actually reduce inflation. but that's what they called it because that was the message. inflation was about 9%. let's call something something that it really isn't. nobody bought it. >> brian: brag about the expiring tax reform that president trump put in that had the economy growing. and everybody. you know who had the smallest decrease in taxes? the top five 10%. the rest, mostly middle class felt those tax reductions. now president biden is i can't wait for 2025 when they expire.
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nobody is happy about that. >> ainsley: well, cnn, we talked about these polls at the beginning of our show if you are just waking up. these are pretty astonishing. donald trump he'd according to cnn biden and trump he is up by 6 points. if it's a 5-way match, trump, biden, kennedy, wes and sian trump is ahead by 9 points. >> that's significant. >> steve: remember, going into where we are right now, months ago, you know, you would do -- look at all the polls and they would be are you happy with the top two choices and so many people said no. that's one of the reasons why r.f.k. is actually surging. but, you know what, he was actually out and about yesterday. here in new york state. and he explained what is going on with the polls and who is taking essentially shots at joe biden. watch this. >> so then why am i behind? the reason i'm behind in the voting polls, the conventional voting polls is, because so many
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americans are voting out of fear. i have yet to talk to anybody outside of my family who says we're voting for president biden because he is energetic and because. [laughter] he's got a cognitive capacity to outsmarted everybody in the world. and he's going to give us a new vision for america. they never say that. >> brian: now r.f.k. is getting it from both sides his poll looks like he helps trump significantly gives him 6 points. last week's poll, two weeks' polls show him giving joe biden the advantage. president trump lit him up over the last few days and also he commented to, did president trump on william barr saying hey, i'm going to vote for trump over biden he lit up former attorney general who i think is the mvpss of the former administration. you know what at least i will stop calling you lays.
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i will get rid of one derogatory term. >> ainsley: why do you think is he going up in the polls? >> steve: r.f.k.? >> ainsley: no donald trump. because we are watching him in the courtroom. take down a flag and put up palestinian flag on campus? >> lawrence: strictly the economy. of course we covered the border and all these other stories. >> brian: the border. >> lawrence: what impacts them on day-to-day basis when they go to the grocery store. when they go to the gas pump. you got people i'm speaking to in diners independents used to be democrats saying hey i know i don't like the mean tweets. i wish the former president would adjust himself there price of eggs, the price of bacon through the roof and ultimately gets passed onto the people who were sitting there i think the border is huge. everyone i talk.
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to say thanks to drone shots and great reporting, you see the flooding come across. nobody is addressing it period. we are just running out the clock until there is a new election. >> ainsley: when you have a house and three kids at home and we have all been there in our homes growing up. and you don't have enough money to pay for everything. and the garage breaks. or you get in a car accident and you need a new car. that's called stress. >> brian: knowing that the money is going toil legal aliens to live luxurious life in hotel where they sit in stairwells and have drug-fueled alcohol-dominated fights while tossing out most of the free food we gave them while using our free -- the debit cards that we give them. instead of refillable. >> lawrence: shutting down schools in chicago. taking senior housing away from the elderly in harlem. these are traditional democrat voters that have been on our
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program, that are madder than hell. let's see what they do in the next election, though. >> steve: everybody pays the same prices. it's the great equalizer. >> brian: great opportunity to toss to ainsley. >> ainsley: thank you going to that camera. thank you, chris. thank you brian. u.s. central command taking down five unmanned aerial vehicles over the red sea yesterday. centcom saying it was determined the uavs presented an imminent threat to u.s. coalition and merchant vessels in that region. these actions are taken to protect freedom of navigation and make international waters safer and more secure for u.s. coalition and merchant vessels. we have a lot of vessels in that area. >> brian: whose were they? >> ainsley: i think they were ours? >> brian: were they the houthi? >> ainsley: i'm not sure. we will have to find outer more information. this story is just breaking. so he would are just finding out about it. los angeles mayor karen bass says her family is recovering from the very disturbing break-in at her house last week. she was home with her daughter, her grandson and son-in-law when
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officers say a man smashed one of the home's glass doors to try to get in. >> it was definitely very, very disturbing, especially with the family there he was captured on site. we are doing much better. haines ains thankfully she had a safe room. the suspect is facing burglary and vandalism charges. nice house, right? it's huge. the law firm representing dolton, illinois maher, tiffany hay northward is looking to withdraw now from the 22 lawsuits against her the group says it is not being paid and it will stop defending her and the village in the federal and stated courts fbi is investigating hay northward after accused of corruption. increase in ranks for first time since 2020. national order we also see where
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the american public is much more supportive of law enforcement reality is good leaders make good organizations. there is a period of time leadership within cities across this country were not supporting law enforcement officers. >> more sworn officers were hired in 2023 than any one of the previous four years. while fewer officers overall resigned or retired saint paul mascot mudanna the pig. hugged 90 people attending in 60 seconds. setting record most hugs by a mascot in one minute. the old guinness record was 8 #. afterwards the moss scott gave free hugs. the team estimates 200 people hugged by the moss scott other the course of that game. >> steve: congratulations. >> ainsley: she is cute. >> brian: we never thought that record would be broken. we talk about this every
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morning. >> lawrence: i wanted to break that record. unfortunately. >> steve: we could try that all we need is a moss scott. and, you know, essentially 90 seconds on the clock. >> lawrence: don't we have a fox mascot. >> brian: we will see if we can do that. matthew mcconaughey. >> lawrence: another texan. >> brian: man sexier than i am. and i don't say that often. is he doing a special on fox. >> steve: all about texas. deep in the heart, narrated by mr. all right, all right, all right. >> brian: is he so cool. >> steve: celebrates texas' landscapes and wildlife that can't be found anywhere else in the world. we have got actually a preview clip of what is on fox nation. here is matthew. ♪ [wildlife]
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♪ >> this film celebrates the natural wonders of texas. it is the story about tragedies in our past, recoveries against all odds, and is a call to action to conserve the wildlife and wild places in our home. >> this is a story for all who love texas. [applause] >> ainsley: wow, so cool. >> brian: i love it. >> lawrence: can't say enough. it was only options is me or will cain to do something and the network is like you got to get a better texan. [sighs] >> lawrence: i don't have the matthew mcconaughey voice. >> ainsley: all right, all right, all right. >> brian: someone gave him the green light to do that. for that i'm very happy. >> ainsley: is he on fox nation. >> steve: matthew mcconaughey part of the fox family.
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>> brian: that means he is going to be at the christmas party. >> ainsley: who is sexier brian kilmeade or matthew mcconaughey. >> brian: can we put that to the people? >> ainsley: >> brian: i don't mean to put people on the spot but i would like to know once and for all. >> lawrence: will it be a close race? >> ainsley: is he great for your state. he promotes your state a lot and u.t. >> lawrence: you know somebody is from texas because we tell you. >> brian: that's true. nobody asks you. >> lawrence: fox news alert. nearly 900 arrested in anti-israeli protest college campuses nationwide. but at columbia university, a professor says the demonstrations aren't violent. one student responds, next. >> and the protest was calm, well-organized, not violent. there was little, if any, intimidation of anyone. ♪
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week came and went, the students are now demanding universal amnesty from receiving any university discipline regarding these protests or the encampment as they also continue demanding that cl cl column columbia univ. end miewngses with tel aviv. on sunday the student organizers of these protests writing, quote, columbia continues to operate as though it does not know a boycott and divest intells. we will not concede our demands nor anything less than complete divestment genocide of the palestinian people. despite criticism that she is not doing enough to stop these protests or to protect jewish students, columbia's president shafik is reassuring the protesters there won't be any lockdowns or evictions taking place at the encampment and that it won't allow the nypd to come back on campus to make arrests calling that counter productive
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nor than 100 arrested at columbia april 18th. 275 on saturday alone were arrested. back here in columbia today is the final day of classes. friday is final expectation. they want this wrapped up for commencement day on the 15th. brian? >> brian: thank you so much, bryan. 100 arrested at columbia alone, one of the professors claims the demonstrations are not violent. >> most of the faculty and i think the student body think that what's gone wrong is calling in the police. that the protests what was calm. that you violent. little intimidation of anyone. >> brian: really, that's interesting. jessica is a student. do you echo, is the professor right? >> i would disagree i have heard many things that very
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anti-semitic and also my friends and i when we simply walked onto the lawn, i think i talk about this story all the time, but when we walked on to a lawn, we have walked on to a thousand times we were corralled by a mob of over 200 people trying to push the zionists off the camp later on the person though led that chant wanted to murder zionists. that was known to the university in january. yet, he was still on campus and still trying to indoctrinate all of the other protesters who clearly followed in his lead. so, those things are very threatening, there is plenty of jewish israeli students who won't even come on to campus it's not only a peaceful protest there are people who are peaceful on the lawn but there is a lot of this growing, threatening culture that's
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taking place on campus especially outside of the gates. >> brian: professor said i have been with them. there is no intimidation of anyone. people don't agree with the protesters but there is no want thatting and no threats. meanwhile, didn't your college also tell you that go stay home and zoom for your class because they were worried about your welfare. >> they did. slogans like al kassem's next target comes out where you might have seen the picture of the one protester holding a cardboard sign with that slogan on there pointing to jewish students simply waving peacefully israeli flags those things are discussing the university needs to do something to detain this crowd that is only spreading.
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see on campuses not just nyu. not just city college but places like emerson and in texas and in california, what are your thoughts? >> it's very scary, i mean, i also saw footage from cal poly humble billings completely vandalized. protests are coming in waves of so he ventilator. right now at the encampment wave and waiting on the cal poly humble wave to arrive on campus. i sat in on a general assembly meeting the other night until i was also booed out because i was a zionist and they were talking about splitting up into platoons with yellow zones, red zones and dark red zones. dark red zones doing you will probably do whatever to defend the encampment with your comrades as they like to use that word. so, i think it's only going to get more and more aggressive and
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potentially physical with law enforcement. >> brian: jessica, what about you? you are a junior, right? >> yes. >> brian: are you going back next year? >> yeah. i will. because, you know, if we leave, then they win. we reward their scare tactics. we have to stay strong even when it's a scarier to be on campus. we have to be here. that's the point. >> brian: i agree. that is awesome. so glad you are doing that but the university should be providing security for all of you. while you still go to class. so, i'm grab to hear that, jessica, thanks so much. >> thank you. >> brian: all right. maybe the professor doesn't know what he is talking about. meanwhile a fox weather alert. devastation in oklahoma as deadly tornadoes strike the heartland. janice is tracking it. what to expect tomorrow as donald trump's new york trial enters a second week
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>> steve: 20 minutes before the top of the hour. look at your screen folks, it's a fox weather alert. several storms continue to rage in the south and midwest after six tornadoes including that one went through texas yesterday. >> ainsley: more than 120 tornadoes plowed through six states in just two days. >> lawrence: at four people were killed including infant in california. at least 100 others were hurt. >> brian: janice dean wants to know more on that and wants to expand on it. >> janice: unfortunately seeing the damage and deaths. this was a well-forecast storm. i think people had a heads up. all of the local weather forecasters, fox weather was on this all weekend, taking a look at the report, 136 tornado reports, 144 wind hail. 206 from 16 different states. these were the warn storms to recap 253 total warnings of
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tornadoes, 85 confirmed. this was an exceptional event as you can see on your screen. the damage is prolific. it's going to take weeks, months, years to rebuild in some of these areas right now dealing with the potential for heavy rain. earlier tornado warn storm outside of the houston texas area. no tornado warnings but we dehave a severe thunderstorm watch meaning conditions are favorable -- sorry, thunderstorms, hail, damaging winds, we could see some isolated tornadoes, but it's tuesday and wednesday where we get that threat ramped up again. so here is your forecast today, that cold front moves across the mississippi river valley. cold enough for snow in the higher elevations of the northern rockies, the northwest, and then the next round of potential severe weather moves in on tuesday and wednesday. some of the hard hit areas yet again so, you know, they are trying to get out there, clean up, rebuild and you have got, you know, another system moving. in not only that, but the flash flooding. we haven't talked about that. but heavy rain in a short period
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of time is going to make travel difficult and do not travel over water you cannot seat bottom of. i cannot stress that enough. here is the rain forecast. two to three inches for widespread area of the plain states. 3 to 5 in isolated amounts. be really careful and watch those watches and warnings have. a way to get them as we go through the next couple of days because this is tornado alley. and it is the springtime where we typically see the worst severe weather. i also want to point out we need warm, moist air ahead of these cold fronts and that's what we got across the gulf coast, mississippi river valley. even the mid-atlantic and northeast. keep you up to date. fox i know they were saving lives and we thank all the meteorologists on staff. >> brian: can i also bring up, janice, local radio. >> janice: amazing. >> brian: a.m. radio. have a local affiliate krmg 24 hours live. >> janice: they do a great job. always say have your noaa weather radios and batteries that's where you get your local
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forecast. >> lawrence: they got our back, j.d., fox weather. >> ainsley: what do you do if there is a tornado going coming? do you go in your basement? >> janice: lower portion of your home away from windows. >> steve: some homes in texas are on a slap. you got to go into interior room or if you are lucky enough to still have a bathtub get in the bathtub. >> lawrence: put a mattress on top of you and call it a day. >> steve: j.d., thank you. meanwhile switching gears. 18 minutes before the top of the hour. donald trump's new york city trial resumes not today but tomorrow with the prosecution's third witness to take the stand. >> lawrence: so the judge will hold a second hearing about trump's alleged violation of the gag order on thursday. >> ainsley: eric shawn is live from the new york state supreme court with much more for us. hey, eric. >> eric: good morning, ainsley, steve, lawrence and brian. we will find out this week whether or not former president trump could be penalized for saying what's on his mind. as you know, the former
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president has been harshly attacked in this trial and the proceedings. attacking witnesses. especially aiming his fire on his former lawyer and fixer michael cohen, prosecutors have cited 14 infractions of what they say are violations of judge juan merchan's gag order including those which trump attacks cohen on truth social the president says, quote: we request that judge merchan immediately lift the gag order so that president trump is able to freely state his views, feelings and policies. he is asking for the constitutional right to free speech. prosecutors say his attacks on witnesses like mobile cohen are a threat to the trial and trump's target, michael cohen has said he won't respond, telling fox news, quote: after the trump administration had to be remanded to solitary confinement for a total of 51 days, i learned that i'm much stronger than i ever imagined. strong enough, he says, to ensure that truth will prevail over donald. and when the trial resumes tomorrow morning, michael cohen's former banker gary farro
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will be back on the stand. he has been descrig out cohen allegedly set up that shell company to event actually pay stormy daniels. the prosecutor is laying a foundation for the eventual appearance on the stand of the key witness. the star witness in this case, michael cohen who will dramatically testify against his former boss. back to you in the studio. steve dramatically. all right, eric, thank you very much. >> brian: sooner or later we will find what the crime they're charging him with. election interference i guess sometimes. >> ainsley: will all of michael cohen's past be brought up? will the jury know about that. >> brian: sammy the bull killed like 50 people testified general's john gotti and effective witness. >> ainsley: i'm bad but he is worse. >> brian: i used to be bad. now i'm so much better. there is proof is he still lying. >> lawrence: i wonder what the answer to the respond did you give the former president this legal advice to pay in this way? did you say that?
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>> brian: right. do you remember when david pecker was asked did trump know? i assume so. you can't assume. strike it. you don't know. he goes i don't know. so there you go. >> lawrence: what a stunning admission. >> steve: over the weekend i actually caught up with jimmy failla on the red carpet of the white house correspondence dinner in washington, d.c., where president biden made left of his ad advanced age. >> of course, the "new york times" issued a statement blasting me for, quote: active and effectively avoiding independent journalists. hey, ha ha, if that's what it takes to get the "new york times" to say i'm active and effective, i'm for it. >> steve: jimmy failla reacts to the jokes. there he is coming up. hey, jimmy. ♪ rock this town ♪ and i wish it could last forever, and ever ♪ other, but
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>> it's been a year since i delivered this speech and my wife jill is with me tonight was worried how i would do. i told her, don't worry, just like riding a bike. she says that's what i'm worried about. >> steve: we all remember that president biden poking fun at his age at the white house correspondence dinner on
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saturday night he wasn't the only one with jokes. jimmy failla was there hosting fox news "saturday night live" from the red carpet. he joins us with a recap from washington, d.c. >> great to see you. i can't promise you i have sobered up yet. buckle up. we went hard in d.c. i don't know that we drained the swamp but we definitely drained the bottles one at a time. >> steve: we just showed the president. the thing about it is it's on a teleprompter. they are prepared. deliverywise, how was he? >> i thought he does a good job of delivering jokes. the president said the bar is in a low place because it's a little bit of humor and a little bit of campaigning which he did. he made his policy points. the fact that he got up to go to the podium and walked in the right direction is always a win for this guy. he didn't read the stage direction also a win. >> steve: they had the easter bunny just off stage. >> there just in case. make the president comfortable the entire menu was cannibalism.
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we had that going for us. very much a home game for him. >> steve: right. so you work at fox. how was the reception for you? >> i will tell you this, we travel well on the red carpet. you know how i always say i'm not the republican party or the democratic party i'm the keg party. okay. every network was in my conch. nbc came on. al roker graciously gave you a shout-out. shout out to "fox & friends." the daily show came on. you don't see that every day. as comics we had a good time. this is me with shannon bream a woman way too classy to be on the red carpet with me. i don't know who she upset in management. look at this crew. it was amazing. >> steve: at love people on the red carpet. how would you like to set up the soundbite we have got. >> one family against all odds that made it past security. i was promised this wouldn't happen when i took the gig. everyone should take a look at this. >> look who i found on the red carpet. the first family of fox news, i am talking about the doocys and the crowd goes wild. hello.
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>> hello. >> steve: jimmy, you were at this event last year. i remember that as you know, the most dangerous place to be inside the big room during the ballroom. during the president's speech is sitting next to peter doocy. >> jimmy: you are the derek jeter of fox news. how does that sit with you? >> peter: did you hear the boos when i was coming in. >> jimmy: half of those were from my crew be honest. >> peter: if somebody wants to throw a beer i will catch it? >> this is the first night that our daughter is going to get bath-time from someone else. a big night. my first night off as a mom. >> jimmy: doocys, you are royalty, thank you for this. >> steve: shout out to hillary's mom vicki who was the sitter. >> jimmy: is that true in the game ball to her. and hillary to her credit did get her money's worth. it looked like a fabulous time at the doocy table. it really was awesome. i should shout out your son he gave me incredible tour around the white house. >> steve: that's right. you can download at it one of the things about that particular event is, you know,
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when there's a republican in as the president or democrat in as president, sometimes you think i wonder if i'm going to go. i have gone since reagan. and i have seen democrats and republicans. it's the one night where it's a scholarship event. where everybody gets together. and just chews the fat. >> jimmy: a reminder of what we should be doing. you know, an open bar goes a long way towards bridging the divide. there is value in that. we have normalize co-existence. i did my part to coexist. let the record show i have got to go to h.r. but let the record show i was at friendly as could be. >> steve: it was a fun night and did you a great job. thank you, jimmy. all right. straight ahead on this monday, double trouble. 11 sets of twins are ready to graduate a pennsylvania high school. you're going to meet them live in the next hour of "fox & friends." live from new york city. and ocean city, new jersey. good morning. ♪ i swear you're giving me a
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>> brian: it's 8:00, monday, april 29th. that is the hard stuff. people killed, including


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