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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  April 29, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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i can have a chocolate cake. >> steve: luke, what is it like having 11 sets of twins in one school? >> it's been pretty interesting. we haven't realized before this year. so it's nice to see now how many of us there are. it was shocking at first. getting to see all of us here is kind of cool. i like that. >> steve: no kidding. it has been great. congratulations to all of you going on to the next step in your life. jenna and julia and luke and alexis. can you have the people behind you wave and say goodbye? >> wave goodbye. >> steve: there you go. that's wonderful. good luck on may 24th. who knew today the twin city is in pennsylvania? [chanting and shouting]
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>> bill: they're going nowhere. it is plunging campuses into chaos. the demonstrations forcing at least one major university to cancel graduation all together. they aren't even going to do it. good morning, everybody. monday morning. i'm bill hemmer. hope you had a great weekend. >> dana: i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." great to have you back. >> bill: thank you. >> dana: i'm back from helping my friend getting ready for her pilgrimage walk in spain and we're ready to go. let's get to the protests sweeping the country leading to hundreds of arrests over the weekend. one demonstration at ucla turned violent. watch there. [shouting] >> bill: we have seen similar scenes at dozens of campuses over the weekend. police arresting 300, 900 arrests have taken place over the past two weeks. >> dana: students want schools
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to divest from companies linked to israel is what they say. until that happens they say they aren't going everywhere. let's get to bryan llenas at columbia university where this has not ended. no end in sight, bryan? >> no end in sight. new this morning a new letter from columbia university's president who said after five days of negotiations between the university and student protest leaders, they have quote regretfully not come to an agreement that would lead to the dismantling of the on-campus encampment. it says the school will not divest from israel, which is a core demand from these protestors, and the school is urging the encampment to voluntarily disburse. the president said the encampment has created an unwelcoming environment for jewish students and faculty. here is one student this
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morning. >> there are certainly people who are peaceful on the lawn but there is a lot of this growing threatening culture that is taking place on campus and especially off campus right outside the gates. >> there were reportedly more than 275 arrests on saturday alone at universities nationwide including at northeastern in boston, st. louis and arizona state university. at virginia tech on early this morning and late sunday police were seen physically carrying away anti-israel protestors as they removed tents in an encampment area. university of california los angeles some fights broke out as hundreds of pro and anti-israel demonstrators clashed. at george washington university in washington there have been no incidents of physical violence reported there yet. the university is calling for the removal of hateful language
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and for it to stop being displayed. finally at harvard university over the weekend protestors put up three palestinian flags over the statute of john harvard where american flags usually hang. back at columbia, today is the last day of classes, friday is the first day of final exams and may 15th is commencement on campus. the president said that commencement will happen. that is in the same area, dana, that this encampment is currently there stationed doesn't look like it is going anywhere. >> dana: it is incredible she negotiated with them for five days. i would say end of negotiation and get them out. that's me. thank you so much. president biden faces pressure to step up his response to the anti-semitic protests on college cam campuses. we were last week. "politico" ran why president biden's administration is blase'
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about campus protests. do they think this is going away? >> evidently according to that report they don't think it will matter much in the election. the president will give a couple commencement speeches next month. they might want to consider talking about it more as republicans have been calling increasingly to bring the protests under control including house speaker mike johnson who went to columbia university to demand the president's resignation. former president trump casts all this as biden's failure. >> we're having protests all over. he spoke about charlottesville. that was a little peanut and nothing and the hate wasn't the kind of hate you have here. >> the white house pounced on that. spokesman writing minimizing the white supremacist poison displayed in charlottesville is -- in recent days you've heard president biden forcefully and repeatedly condemn anti-semitic
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comments captured on video. we've only see him briefly denounce the protests once and condemned people on the other side who don't understand what is happening with the palestinian. it called on americans to call out anti-semitism in schools, communities an online but no message from biden like this one. >> what is happening on america's colleges campuses is horrific. anti-semitic mobs have taken over leading universities calling for the annihilation of israel. attack jewish students and faculty. >> pressure is on biden to speak up as protests continue. he made no reference at the white house correspondents dinner. john kirby the next day said this. we'll leave it to local authorities to determine how the protests are managed. we want them to be peaceful and absolutely condemn the anti-semitism language that we've heard of late and certainly condemn all the hate
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speech and threats of violence in the protests. we've also seen, though, divided response between red states and blue states. in new york you had local authorities unable to really crack down on a lot of gatherings on private campuses. in florida you had schools threatening suspension for three years and at one university in texas they called in state troopers in riot gear to break up protests there. >> dana: thank you. >> bill: paul mauro joins us in studio. good morning to you. jacque referred to john kirby. here he is on abc yesterday. >> we respect the right of peaceful protests. people should have the ability to air their views and to share their perspectives publicly but it has to be peaceful. we'll leave it to local authorities to determine how these protests are managed. >> bill: locally you went to columbia to see this. i'm surprised by how police and campuses in reacted. in a lot of cases they have gone
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in quicker than we've seen let's say over the past four years or so on other protests we have watched. >> if you are the police and the president of columbia calls, you have to turn up as if a citizen calls 911 and says come in. that's what happened initially. they made 100 arrests. the problem was they were only trespass arrests, a summons. as a result they were all back in the next day. what happened? they decided they would go to remote learning. there is nobody on campus but the protestors. if they want to turn columbia university, a private school where there is no jewish students left to harass because everybody is off doing remote learning, then i think the feeling is let them turn it into a squall i had third world tent encampments. the calculus is at some point. a lot of this is performtive. nobody there to watch and take video they'll go home. they are wrong i think. a lot of schools jewish students
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are being harassed and impeded, rugby land standing in front of them. may day wednesday. this is not over. it will get worse. >> dana: it might be performtive for some but serious or others. what are you picking up from sources how it might be fueled behind the scenes and on the phone? >> let's raise the stakes. as we discussed a lot is driven by professional agitateors funded by a network of progressive dark money. this is what they do for a living. career path. the difference this time is you have the overlay of a designated terrorist organization in this case hamas. now we've seen hamas flags and hezbollah flags, we've seen them with the military wing of the hamas. but now you are starting to see some connectivity online. various social media venues between the students here and designated terrorist groups
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overseas including the houthis urging the american students to continue to do what they are doing. you are seeing other groups saying get more militant. i'm concerned somebody who did counter terrorism work, this is starting to go into something else particularly among students who are radicalized. at that point i don't think the administration can be blase' any l longer. there are social media networks out there popping off. if i can find these students can find it some of them are in arabic, others aren't. the other ones in english are more troublesome. something else. 15 april when this all kicked off it kicked off simultaneous events globally, not just nationally, right? so that argues a lot of reach, a lot of money, a lot of organization. are we so sure that there is no foreign influence in this? if you manage to put together simultaneous to the minute events in australia, europe,
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america, elsewhere, you have to say to yourself there is a controlling mind here someplace and it is time we started to pay attention. the fact that the administration does not seem to be willing to comment on it, never mind to move in any way on the hamas leaders in qatar who are supposedly an american ally, argues d.o.j.'s attitude toward this let's get past it. we have an election. if we start turning over some of these rocks, you will find rockefeller foundation money, desoros money. stuff they don't want to see. that money is also going to democratic candidates. >> dana: that's troubling. thank you. i'm sure we'll see more this weekend. i hope columbia can have its graduation. we'll see how it goes between now and then. >> if they do it will be eventful. >> bill: nice to see you. >> oh no.
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>> bill: it has been one horrendous spring for many. violent storms leaving behind a lot of instruction. we're live on the ground as many pick up the pieces today and a look at today's severe weather threat to let you know. have a look at this now. >> president biden: i'm asking you to rise up to the seriousness of the moment. move past the horse race numbers, the gotcha moments. every single one of us has roles to play, a serious role to play in making sure democracy endures. >> dana: a new poll shows trouble for biden. are hopes of four more years fading? >> bill: where the fani? she is a no show as her job is on the line. >> dana: what? ♪
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>> i don't need anything from a man. a man is not a plan, a man is a companion. >> dana: fulton county district attorney fani willis was outspoken during her hearing a few months ago. given a chance to debate her challenger, the scandal-plagued d.a. decided to skip the event all together. >> let's meet the candidates. christian smith is an author and attorney. fani willis has served as full county district attorney. ms. willis declined to participate in the debate and is participated by an empty podium. >> dana: the party primaries are scheduled for may 21st before the general election on
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november 5th. >> that thing is gigantic, it is huge. look at that motion on the right edge. >> bill: that was in texas. but you had catastrophic tornadoes sweeping through a lot of states, including oklahoma. towns falling to rubble. four dead, many more injured. the storm is moving through the plains now. brandi campbell is live in oklahoma. what do you see there and in the coming days? >> bill, as you can see behind mitt a scary, dangerous weekend in oklahoma but across the midwest and the plains. here in oklahoma, it was an overnight tornadic outbreak killing at least four people and so far at least six confirmed tornadoes. let's take a look at what we're seeing out here. this is sulfur, the downtown
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area where it has been majorly destroyed. basically everything here is a loss. where we are at least one person was killed in a bar where several people were trapped. two more lives were taken in another city, one was a 4-month-old baby. a fourth person was killed on i-35 near marietta. the damage spans across 12 counties in oklahoma. the strongest tornadoes here and in marietta saying it was at least an ef3. the damage here is extensive changing lives in an instant for residents and business owners. take a listen. >> devastated. >> tears. it was our livelihood, retirement. it doesn't look recognizable at all. >> when you say how do you recover from this, you know? see it on tv in other places and you feel bad for those people but you really don't know it until it hits you.
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>> now here in the downtown area it is blocked off because it is unsafe. buildings like this that are still standing but hearing it creak. the governor made an emergency declaration and asking for volunteers. some folks don't have insurance to help themselves financially at this point. on top of that, unfortunately we do have a threat for more incoming weather this week starting tuesday. >> bill: we heard the governor on our air an hour ago. there was warning so at a minimum maybe that helped save some lives and some injuries. brandi, thank you so much. good to have you there in oklahoma watching the after math. >> wow, that's really cool. video probably doesn't do it justice. >> dana: north of oklahoma twisters clocking winds over 136 miles-per-hour touched down in nebraska. one homeowner was settling into
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the second week in his new space when the roof was ripped off from above him and he is here now. jason from elkhorn, nebraska. you have an amazing story, veteran. several tours of duty. what was it like for you and your wife? >> thanks for having me on. it is really scary. i know i've stated it before but you are helpless at a time like this. i'm not afraid to admit it. my wife was the rock in this situation. that's her video right there and we're outside watching it come our way and she headed downstairs quickly. once it started to get really windy. i waited until i saw the house in the forefront explode and i headed downstairs. we were hunkered in the bathtub and it was really scary. you could hear the roof ripping off. it was an extreme, fierce noise. >> dana: how long have you lived in the house? tell us again. >> three weeks to the day my
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wife and i moved in. we just praise god for our safety and the overwhelming support of the community has been awesome. >> dana: you were downstairs in the basement. what was it like for you when you first come up out of the basement and see what happened? >> i was pretty hysterical. i won't lie. it was very emotional. devastating. we walked out of that bathroom and opened the door and just saw the heavens, the skies right above us. the house -- it was unrecognizable. we didn't see the roof or shingles on my property. where it's at maybe in a billion pieces or a couple miles away, we don't know. we just saw the clouds in the sky and my wife and i just cried and hugged each other and then just started the process of understanding what just happened. >> dana: one foot in front of the other is all you can think of at that time. zach brian is now a very popular
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country music singer grew up in that hometown in elkhorn, nebraska. put this on instagram. as an american and someone who lived there for formative years of my life i offer hopes and prayers to the communities affected by the tornadoes that tore through them. you plan to rebuild on the same lot. how do you begin? >> honestly, the builder came out. they were actually on site. i want the same house on the same property with the same fixtures. everything carbon copied. we plan to rebuild and we got the american flag up even when we cleared out, we had 50 plus volunteers clearing things out the day after and the last thing we put up was broke a pipe on a wall and stuck up the flag and we'll rebuild. the community has been awesome, family has been great. it shows you what not only americans but what nebraska and
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this community can do together so come together for a single cause. a lot of positivity that can be taken in tragedy like this and see how everybody gravitates towards one another and we all come together for one cause and one reason and it is really cool to see. >> dana: i'm so grateful that you came on the show. so glad you and your wife are safe and you plan to rebuild and have that flag there holding strong. thank you so much. we'll be in touch. >> thanks, dana. i appreciate it. >> dana: bad weather is continuing. we're tracking today's severe weather. download and stream fox weather. >> bill: get it right now. technology can really help in situations like that. question now, who is exactly paying for all those anti-israel protests on the college campus? fox news followed the money trail and we've got some answers for you in a moment. is there gender bias in a.i., artificial intelligence? what a new study reveals about some stereotypes that haven't
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>> bill: 9:30 monday morning. we're tracking the protests going back to the 18th of april. 900 overall arrests and just since saturday you had 275. we'll see whether or not the number continues to climb. of the schools we've taken note of, the west coast, east coast, texas. this is just a partial list of the protests we're tracking. maybe your school is on there. 48 are listed there. there could be more but what we've seen in a major way, rice and purdue and vanderbilt, columbia in new york city. yale as well. i see notre dame in the bottom corner as well. from the west coast william la
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jeunesse on the far-left groups paying for and likely stoking these campus protests today. william, what did you find out? good morning. >> good morning, bill. at least 1.3 million came from two liberal foundations, rockefeller brothers and george soros. other democrat led dark money groups funnel money outside the i.r.s. that pay for talking points, posters, recruiting and activists. universities go bank roll activities groups. where is their money coming from? protest groups go by different names. the largest students for justice in palestinian receives funds, among others, from a liberal new york foundation called west pack as well as activity fees charged to each student by their university. according to the watchdog group ngo monitor. none of these universities would
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tell us how much student money is given to pro-palestinian groups. >> the fact that universities are hiding or giving excuses for not providing that information when they have to know what the status is something that's very much, i think, counter to democratic processes. >> another group the u.s. campaign for palestinian claims to have led 43 protests or demonstrations last year. it provides banners and signs, salaries and stipends to fellow activities who go campus to campus running campaigns demanding the u.s. cut ties with israel. among the fellows, this one who disrupted a private dinner at u.c. berkeley and another person who was arrested for trespassing. another is a woman who spoke at a university of texas protest and previously was detained for blocking a biden motorcade in dallas. according to the palestinian youth movement. the campaign for palestinian
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rights reported 1.3 million in revenue in 2022. much of it coming from the rockefeller brothers fund and george soros open society foundation. so the source foundation says its goal is peace in the middle east. rockefeller brothers says it will only happen when israel ends its occupation of the palestinian territories. bill, acu is the only university we found that allows students to opt out so a jewish student can direct their money not to a group that wants to end the jewish state. >> bill: william la jeunesse, nice to see you in los angeles. thank you. >> you allow for more than 2.4 trillion of tax cuts to expire. that means you own the largest tax increase on the american people in the history of the country. >> dana: get ready for some potential sticker shot on april 15th next year. president biden is promising to
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let trump-era tax cuts expire next year if he wins a second term meaning that millions of americans could soon face steeper tax bills. let's bring in charles payne, host of making money with charles payne on fox business. show everybody on the screen, call for number one. the tax cuts set to expire and impact on married filers. how much everybody would pay more. if you have two kids you are looking at $2400 more. th three kids $73 hundred. that's a hefty sum. democrats talk a big game about ending republican tax cuts. obama campaigned on that but never did that with the bush tax cuts. i don't imagine biden will. he is not shy about raising taxes especially when it comes to regulations. >> the regulatory burden in this country is one of the untold stories. i have had a person on the show last weekend, trillions of
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dollars we pay for because businesses, particularly small businesses, have to pass it on. what's intriguing around the world in ten to 15 years taxes have come down. to compete on the global stage you need lower taxes. to go now from 28% is economic suicide. to your point maybe it won't happen. it is also somewhat ironic for president biden to say we have the greatest economy in the world and not mention by the way, it is happening under trump taxes. low taxes might be working, right? what scares me more than this is some of the other stuff on the drawing board. particularly taxing unrealized gains and the capital gains tax things. we have dangerous stuff ahead if president biden gets elected. >> bill: ask ireland what lower taxes did. cnn had a poll sunday morning have trump leading 49-43 and
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what we find in terms of success or failure. 61% view biden's presidency as a failure. 55% think trump was a success. the importance of the economy on your vote. extremely important. 65%. if you go to the next one of that 65%, who would you favor in that poll they find trump at 62%. >> the irony, of course, president biden tried a grand experiment by pushing all this money into the economy. some was unnecessary. corporate balance sheets and household balance sheets were the best they ever been. now the savings rate on friday down to 3.2%. you know, every time you hear someone saying the economy is strong, people are spending because prices areing up. not buying more things, right? so people are keeping up trying to keep up. >> dana: say that again.
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>> retail sales were up x percent. doesn't mean people bought more things, right? the last retail sales report i think six or seven categories were down. the ones were up like gasoline. we spending it at the gas station or food. we're spending it at the supermarket. friday we found out our savings rate is 3.2%. 3.2%. the record low is 2.9%. it was 3.6% the month before. we're drawing down savings at a rapid pace. that's reflected in that poll. >> dana: wow. i think that's interesting for us to keep in mind about just because you see retail sales up doesn't mean people are having a great time buying stuff. >> bill: 3.70 a gallon this weekend. watch it. now we're coming into the month of may, charles. history repeats itself. >> i think even, you know, the cnn poll, i was toggling the channels and they were beside
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themselves. they were trying hard to erase or mitigate their own poll. it was fascinating to watch. by the way, one of the crazy things that has gone on is this unrealized gains tax is really, they admit is a tax on white people who achieved and made a lot of money. their goal is to rebalance the ratio of wealth gap. that's b.s. they say that because they want to get black and hispanics a vote. if they were successful to confiscate this money, none of it would go -- you don't change the wealth gap by doing this. if you want to help me, do this and how do you this re do this? get out of my way and make it easier for me to achieve the american dream. it's rhetoric. >> bill: see you at 2:00. fox business. here we go. >> somebody is telling you vote out of fear. they are trying to manipulate you into a --
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>> rfk, jr. responding to critics saying he is running as a spoiler as new polling shows he could upend the race for the white house. new york prosecutor berated a police officer who tried to pull her over. how that is going over with the governor. we'll see you. >> can you please step over here? >> i'm not going to. >> what is the reason you are so against what i'm doing? i'm doing my job. you say you are a d.a.? >> i'm the d.a. what can i do to make a better cotton crop? we believe that the best products are made in america and come fresh from the family farm. and produced under the most sustainable farming techniques. from our sheets to our blankets and quilts this is a product that can be passed on. it could be a family heirloom. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20.
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>> you say you are a d.a.? >> i'm the d.a. let me get you my badge. i am the d.a. in -- county.
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>> i just don't understand the hostility toward me. i'm doing my job. >> you are being a [bleep]. >> bill: you are watching a new york state district attorney captured berating a police officer exposing her behavior after a traffic stop that clocked her above the speed limit. the governor kathy hochul rebuking the d.a. for thinking she is above the law. while the d.a. claims that she took responsibility for her actions, the case has now been referred for a state investigation. >> dana: i want judge pirro's take. fox news alert. donald trump's criminal trial taking a time-out today. when it resumes tomorrow the prosecutions third witness will take the stand coming as the judge is set to weigh in on a request to hold the former president in contempt for violating a gag order. this has been going on for a while. eric shawn you were outside the courthouse now. any closer to getting the ruling on the gag order?
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>> we don't know when the gag order will be. we have two different hearings. one that has already been held on ten gag order violations. another hearing will be held on thursday about an additional four. meanwhile the trial will resume tomorrow. so far no one yet has tied president trump into the alleged election conspiracy to interfere with the 2016 election. prosecutors could soon be slowly moving toward that. when the testimony resumes in the morning back on the stand will be michael cohen's former banker, gary pharaoh. on friday he set up a shell company that prosecutors say was used to move the money to pay off stormy daniels. so far no witness has tied trump directly into the alleged scheme to hide his alleged affairs both with stormy and allegedly with karen mcdougal to hide them from the public to protect his presidential campaign. that's not part of the charges
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but is a base theory on this case. we could get more when cohen takes the stand. he is a convicted felon and convicted perjureor and liar. obsession with getting trump. he cannot be trusted. as you may know cohen served time in prison and pled guilty to tax evasion, campaign violations, lying to congress. the prosecutor has defended him saying michael cohen, like other witnesses in this trial, has made mistakes in the past. he lied. he lied to protect his boss. and you will learn that cohen is committed to making sure the defendant is held accountable for his role in this conspiracy. on the hearing on thursday, we will see if judge merchan holds the former president in contempt. he could potentially face up to $14,000 in charges for the 14 counts. they are $1 thousand each. prosecutors don't want to seek jail time.
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no chance the president could end up in the pokey because of any potential violations. >> dana: we'll cross that one off the list. thank you, eric shawn. >> bill: rfk, jr. facing new attacks from president biden and the former president, donald trump. this as the third party challenger threatens to draw a significant chunk of the vote. alexandria hoff has more from d.c. five, 10%. who knows until they vote? >> that's right. good morning to you. who rfk, jr. pull more votes from is a hotly-debated question for months now and little time for the trump and biden campaign to try to ask that. both are on the hunt now. trump said rfk, jr. is a democrat. a vote for junior would be a wasted protest vote. rfk, jr. responded on x saturday calling trump's post unhinged and within that challenged him to a debate. here he is yesterday.
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>> he is telling you vote out of fear. they are trying to manipulate you into abandoning your values. >> it works both ways. president biden campaigned in philadelphia this month he was joined by the democrat dynasty kennedy family showing that they endorsed his campaign over the son of bobby kennedy. president biden fell further behind former president trump, nine points total when independent candidates were included. kennedy pulled 16% of the vote. that would indicate that kennedy poses a larger problem for biden. the president and former president met in a dead heat at 37%. bill in that poll registered republicans supporting kennedy outnumbered democrats 12 to seven. >> bill: okay. he is getting up there to ross
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perot numbers. alex, thank you very much. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: bill, i know you missed this. women's basketball great candace parker announced her retirement. two titles at tennessee, three in the wnba and two mvp awards. most valuable players. two gold medals, that's just scratching the surface. she made the announcement on the first day of training camp. my heart and body knew but i needed to get my mind time to accept it. time to retire but best of luck to her. >> bill: how did you do on the draft in the nfl? >> dana: great. fox sports gave me all i needed to know. i nailed it. we talked a lot about the bengals. by sunday i was like who is left? >> bill: i was watching still.
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>> dana: i saw number 527 goes to the bengals. congratulations to them. good luck to you. >> bill: we'll see how they do. this from the border now in el paso. check it out. [shouting] >> bill: you have these riots along the texas border. one d.a. has taken on the legal fight to try to put a stop to it. that d.a. will join us next. bop ease you back in to the dating scene. that includes having a smile you feel good about. fortunately, aspen dental specializes in dentures and implants made just for you. and with flexible financing, you don't need to sacrifice quality work for a price that fits your budget. at $0 down plus 0% interest if paid in full in 18 months. helping our patients put their best smile forward. it's one more way aspen dental is in your corner. veteran homeowners need cash but worried you can't get a home loan because of your credit? here's great news. at newday
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[shouting] >> bill: you might remember the scene from back in march. it continued in april. a texas d.a. is bringing down the hammer on some migrants accused of breaching the border in another riot. that el paso d.a. calls for justice, name is bill hicks and with me now. good morning to you. you pursued 140 migrants on misdemeanor charges a day after a judge let everything just go
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by. what happened? >> sure, good morning from sunny el paso. first off, there is a judge -- one judge found probable cause and granted probable cause and arrested all of the migrants, 140 of them had already been booked into the county jail on a probable cause finding. a few days later the public defender's office had filed a writ bringing all those cases back to a different judge and that different judge then looking at the complaint affidavits found no probable cause. first we had probable cause and then a no probable cause finding. we decided to take all those cases to a grand jury and let 12 people from our community make a decision. is there probable cause or not? 12 people from the community looking at the broader case, looking at the videos from the helicopter overhead made the decision that there was, in
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fact, probable cause to decide that there was a crime had occurred. so now we have all those cases back in the court system. >> bill: what is interesting about this, bill, is that we see people cross the border every day. we do not see people being prosecuted every day. why not? >> well, i think it's important to understand this isn't about migration or illegal migration or what have you. this is about breaking the law and about the way that it occurred. if you are going to come into the country in a mass group like what happened on the 12th of april and before that on march 20th, if you are going to do it in such a way you are destroying property, endangering lives and harming our national guardsmen and state troopers or the state police, if you are doing it in that sort of way you are doing it in a way texas defines it as a riot.
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if you are doing in a way that is against the law, i don't care if you are a u.s. citizen or you are not a u.s. citizen. it doesn't matter. your immigration doesn't matter you are breaking texas law. >> bill: we don't see a lot of people like you take action. time for one more here. the public defender said this about you and others. she said i find it amazing they were able to indict 140 misdemeanor cases overnight. yet they have hundreds of felony cases waiting to be charged for more than a year. they can claim all they want that it isn't about politics and it is not about immigration laws, but their actions scream otherwise. have a few seconds for you to respond to that. >> she doesn't have hundreds of cases waiting to be indicted. our indictment system is on track and doing good keeping our cases go. we're doing a very good job. >> bill: we'll watch it for the next round then.
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