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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  April 29, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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♪ ♪ >> the anti-israel demonstrations quickly spreading from colleges on the east coast to the midwest as far as texas and onto california. protests and encampments are descending onto clashes with police. those protesters who might actually face some consequences are demanding amnesty. hello, everyone. this is "outnumbered." i am a emily compagno with my cohosts, kayleigh mcenany and harris faulkner. also joining us today, fox news contributor lisa boothe and fox news contributor and former utah congressman jason chaffetz. there have been growing calls for crackdowns on the anti-israel protests that campuses across the country. we are learning that university of georgia police and georgia state patrol troopers have arrested multiple demonstrators during an anti-israel protests at the athens campus a short time ago. there have reportedly been 900
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arrests at protests across the country so far. llb is giving students camped out on the campus a deadline. they say 2:00 p.m. eastern today is the deadline for them to leave or face suspension. final exams, financial aid and graduation are on the line. those righteous students and professors taking part in the anti-israel demonstrations are demanding that the school grant them amnesty. they don't want their arrests and suspensions to follow them after college. jason, to me, it doesn't matter what they want or demand. i don't think hostages once or demands were taken into consideration when they were butchered or taken hostage by hamas. those that identify with shouldn't receive any type of amnesty for school administrators for having a tantrum and sympathizing with terrorists. >> welcome to personal responsibility.
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they are going to live up to the consequences of their actions buried all 900 plots of these people who broke the law should be prosecuted. if you broke the school rules, you should probably be expelled. you are talking about killing other people. is there any more hateful speech than that? they've got the whole cannibal. amnesty, are you kidding me? it is american as it gets to protests. you have to do so peacefully. when you call for the death and destruction of others including your classmates, there is a real-world consequence. it is not amnesty. >> it is rich to expect in any way that if your demonstration is against sympathizing with terrorism that you would think you would get off of scot-free. they have the luxury of never having gone hungry or having a slap on the wrist or being poor or having a phone outside other hand, et cetera think they are immune from consequences from their childish and demonic behavior. >> they have been, thus far.
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these students are saying they are standing against. they subscribe to the same belief system that led to the holocaust. we are witnessing a hostile takeover of colleges and universities across the country. this began and started a long time ago when these universities replace academic excellence with social justice warriors, with activism. go back to 2017 when stanford excepted the student for riding "black lives matter" 100 times on his essay. heritage did a study, 741 dei personnel and found that 96% of the tweets found that personnel were anti-israel. of course, what we are seeing needs to be universally condemned. the faculty and the teachers are wrong as well. and so are the administrators. it's going to take a long time to wrestle back universities and colleges from what we have seen.
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>> let's talk about the real world for example. the 100 professors at columbia university signed onto this despicable letter by students that called the hamas grotesque massacre a military action. maybe they will absolve these demonstrators. your suspension will be on your record. guess he was in charge of hiring at one of my prior places of employment? it matters to me as it does my prior place of employment. people who have sympathized with terrorism, people who call for and extermination of the people. go ahead and enjoy your college record being totally easy breezy. the private sector won't be so forgetting. >> you may have your first amendment right. you may be unemployable if you advocate for terrorism for hamas or against jewish men and women, which is what we are saying. i could not believe the he headline. far as gwu protester sided with
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final solutions sign calling for the extermination of jews. anti-semitism and leaning into the holocaust. there needs to be consequences without. george washington university out of the guts to change their name from the colonials to the revolutionaries when they anchored criticism. what about these students who have talked about the final solution? where is the consequence? we need leadership right now. you mentioned that 2:00 p.m. deadline. what's going to happen in one hour and 55 minutes? let's going to happen in congress where mike johnson has said let's pull funding from universities if you allow anti-semitism. condemning anti-semitism. apparently there are some democrats that don't want to vote for it. what's going to happen in the white house? will you pull student loan debt forgiveness from someone engaging in anti-semitism?
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guess what we heard. crickets, crickets. >> robert kraft pulled funding from columbia. he said it was despicable. we have seen that private sector accountability. we see it from this government. >> among the jews, we have seen it. but we haven't seen this corporate america as a whole come out saying you've got some tweets from elon musk or post from elon musk which i picked up recently. you are not seeing any of that from a broader corporate life. i would put it this way. 900 arrests. 900 arrests. that will give you an idea of how big these grounds are. they didn't say we arrested everybody on the number was 900. they said of everybody that was out there, we picked up 900. these are campuses that are overrun by these people. i think it's worth having a conversation about the money that's flowing from george soros and his organization and his son
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alexander who is reportedly much more of an activist then his dad ever was. it's worth having an conversation about the uniformity that we see with the camps, with the tents, with the signage, with what you can hear in the background. "repeat after me." the scripted chants that we have. look, summer is right around the corner. i'll be going into another "summer of love" where people get to run away with our justice system in america? because they want to propagate hate? half of them couldn't find israel on a map if their lives depended on it. they are getting some of the most expensive education in the world -- which is really sick. what are they learning? they are learning how to teach us to be known. they are learning how to teach us as a wider society not to do anything when the children have to shout. where are the adults in the room that this white house promised us? why don't they dispatch some
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adult acting surrogates and get the word out there that no one is going to tolerate page on the streets of america. what happened to red, white, and blue and not just the green of campaign donations is to mark but some extra schools on your commencement schedule, mr. president, and walk out like the speaker of the house, mike johnson, and meet them face-to-face. they call you "joke." go anyway and be chuffed at the top >> coming up. former president trump takes his biggest lead over president biden in a major national poll. that is next.
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♪ ♪ >> a brand-new poll shows former president trump with the biggest lead yet over president biden. cnn poll shows 49% to 43%. that is a 6% advantage. you add an rf kennedy jr. and third party candidates. what you see is 9%. a lead for the former president. the new poll found that 55% of americans now see trump's presidency as a success. majority approval with 39% saying the same thing about biden. when you pair what we are looking at now with gallup, president joe biden averaged 38.7% job approval during his
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recently completed 13th quarter and office which began on january 20th. none of the other 9 presidents are elected to their first term since dwight eisenhower had a lower 13th quarter average than biden. it is an historic failure. >> it scares me that about 30% think that joe biden has been a success. what could they .2? our borders are wide open. crime is surging. inflation is out of control. what can joe biden point to other than an infrastructure bill? meanwhile, you compare it to donald trump. people know that life was better and safe and secure. inflation was not out of control. economy was doing well and we didn't have wars going on overseas. i think those numbers will continue to get better for donald trump. >> the demographics are really interesting in the cnn poll. i wanted to see biden and
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president trump with different groups. here's what you find with women. president trump leads with one point. that is a big deal. flip over to 18-34. trump is leading by 11. independent learner last, trump is leading by 9. >> let's concentrate on the women vote. i think trump really gets handed this sort of bat of stew from the left about how women don't like him. that is why you are seeing the salacious in this. they are trying to tell her that and the evangelical vote to show that women and people of their faith really can't go for a president who did all of these things purportedly. everybody passed on that case with the film worker at the center for 6 years. now they want it, because it is salacious. women want the bottom line. i can only speak for myself.
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they already did the poll. the poll tells us. half of women like things to be better. by 1%, women would like things to be better. try this summer when we have to drive the cars on higher gas. when all of the high prices goes up because everyone is home with their kids out of school. try it this summer closer to the election. we are not running every household. we run the world when it comes to budgeting. in america, if you can go to the grocery store and bring home food, you are looking at the guy who can make that happen versus the guy that can't spirit >> when you look at swing states, this is the sacrosanct bowling. you can drive up numbers in new york. what do they say in wisconsin? on the economy on that point, we have an answer in the cbs poll. in michigan, on approval of current state of the economy, 38% approve of the current.
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62% for trump's economy. 38% for the current. 61%. trump economy, 62%. these are bad numbers. >> it is a 24-point differential. when you have a president that is campaigning, he enjoys going to pennsylvania. he didn't go to that region for a long time. now he's campaigning for votes. this is so beyond the margin of error. these numbers do not reflect a good month at the office or a bad time with the 401(k). these deep chasm filled numbers represent a deep-seated unhappiness. they are sick and tired of having a president that doesn't say i feel your pain. thanksgiving was 18% more expensive this year. christmas was much more difficult this year. all of that matters to americans to that point. the president should take
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notice. at the end of the day, it's not he jolted up and gives a campaign stop. it's about the policies and all of the decisions that have had a negative effect on all of us and we are sick and tired of living through and being told is actually not a reality. >> the following is great for trump in very poor for biden across the board. the fervor against the biden versus the ground game of the left, the digital operation of the left. here's what i say this. a poll very important in nbc poll. among voters who voted in 2020 and 2022. they are registered. they have been out. biden leads by 9. those that did not vote in the last election, he's bringing in new voters. you've got to make sure they are registered and show up. >> that is why i have been pleased to see that leadership changes in the rnc. there's been a turnaround in the fund-raising efforts.
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biden, trump embraced absentee ballot. that is important considering the new era. i will say what is really important finding the majority 55% of americans view trump's presidency as a success. joe biden's own message was i'm not donald trump. even heading into 2024, his messages i am not donald trump. americans are having trump nostalgia. where does joe biden go from there? >> really, really quick, what is joe biden's plan for the future? what is his plan to tackle immigration and crime overseas? nobody has the answer. >> or ice cream. >> turned on by grandsons of voters. >> ice cream that cost more for everyone else except him.
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president biden is floating tax hikes for all fees elected every day, veteran homeowners are calling newday to pay off credit card debt that's been piling up. many were shocked to learn they've been paying 22% on their credit card balances. and if payments were late, as much as 30%. that's over three times the interest rate on a newday 100 va home loan. pay off high rate credit cards and other debt with a lower rate newday home loan. save hundreds a month, thousands a year. hi, i'm greg. i live in bloomington, illinois. i'm not an actor. i'm just a regular person. some people say, "why should i take prevagen? i don't have a problem with my memory." memory loss is, is not something that occurs overnight. i started noticing subtle lapses in memory.
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zyrtec allergy relief works fast and lasts a full 24 hours so dave can be the... deliverer of dance. ok, dave! let's be more than our allergies. zeize the day with zyrtec. ♪ ♪ >> piano monday. so much for scranton joe. they say president biden is floating a tax hike for millions of working americans. willing to let part of a trump era tax bill expire if he is elected. higher taxes for middle and low income americans. does he do his own math is my question. fox business and where lawrence live with the white house's details. handed him a calculator.
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>> president joe biden saying in every speech just about that he wants to let the trump tax cuts expire. the president makes it sound like it is just the wealthy and corporations. listen. >> president biden: looked, and now trump is saying if he gets elected -- that tax credit expires next year. okay? [cheers and applause] let me tell you something. it is going to stays expired and dad if i am elected. >> everyone will get a tax hike. trying to remessage about the president is saying. the president wants the tax cuts to expire while protecting americans making under $400,000 a year. that is not what he says. he can't pick and choose what part of the law expires. a tax foundation making 85,000, we see taxes go up by $1700 a
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year. a single person would pay the same and increase taxes. a married couple with two trinkets making $165,000 he would pay an additional $2500 in taxes each year. this in combination with the economy will play in this election. >> are you better off anywhere ? it was ronald reagan who asked that question of the american people in 1980 when he ran against jimmy carter. >> when the president talks about having those tax cuts sunset, he doesn't add the caveat. he doesn't at this point. >> you have to call him and teach him in we all laughed at that. get to see you. you just said something off-camera that shook me. what do you mean, people don't actually know they have tax c cuts? >> we saw this.
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it is really confounding. trump gave a tax cut to every american who pays taxes. every income bracket. use all the facts. the left is a very good job of messaging on this. and most when times were good at that trump gave this tax cut. they are going to realize it when joe biden takes it away. we know what it's all about. we can't get enough of your money. we've got inflation for you. we've got inflation for you. now we have to raise the interest rates. you can afford a house, credit card or mortgage. those tax cuts that president trump gave you, we want to take those. if you've got the win the messaging battle and show people what they are going to lose. >> we saw a family making $75,000 a year. i don't know if our team has that graphic. their taxes now are going to go up when the tax cuts sunset to the tune of $1700 a year.
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>> that is with 0 kids. $1700. president biden doesn't explain why. >> on the more children you have -- look at that. >> that is going to hit -- the other stunning statistic that biden has presided over is $1 trillion that americans have on their credit cards that are paying 20 plus percent annual percentage rate. that is devastating. you put this on top of it. why, mr. president you want to increase taxes more americans? >> because he cannot add. >> what are we going to get for that? >> him, but eventually. the extra tax, lisa, is inflation. it's a triple threat. >> americans are getting killed with higher prices on ever everything. people are maxed out financially with credit card debt and
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struggling to pay for their house additionally. just to underscore that messaging battle on this issue, "the new york times" did an online survey and found 40% of americans believe they received a tax cut. that is an uphill battle to fight. fortunately all the hole on the economic model, trump's winning when americans believe you would be better off on the economy. you look at the recent cvs battleground polling. they believe they were better off under donald trump. on a gnat, he wins on this issue and you keep the message simple. >> it really drills down to, i said what do you get for all of this to jason's question. really truly, what is he trying to do with this. is this a flex for home? >> i think the problem that i see here is the white house has different definitions than we do. they tired of continued platitudes that he puts out there, "pay your fair share."
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he continues to show americans and entities into a box so it is us versus them. it makes average americans feel like going he's not going to do that to me. make those corporations pay more. similar to the crime situation where we have seen felonies become misdemeanors and violent crimes become nonviolent. this administration has defined about middle-class very nar narrowly. over 27 million americans right now feel that they are in poverty and they cannot pay their bills. they are food insecure and the like. they have steady incomes and assets and bank accounts. there is a disconnect between how the white house sees americans and who needs and how we feel. the calls have exploded with people saying, i cannot pay my bills. i have no resources to help me. this is a president that will message this in a way, president trump just tried to help the rich.
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don't worry about the tax cuts being restored. he is not articulating to us that the rich people are all of us. it affects everyone threefold. they are in that category. it affects them through inflation and affects them every day as they become valued at less. this is a shell game he is playing good when you ask about his intent, i think it is to preserve his power. it is to do whatever he can to purchase votes. >> when you look at $75,000 a year, i'm not saying that is no money. there are a lot of people who would love to make that much. the challenge is predominantly the urban centers have the most population or the place was close to it. they are trying to get to the jobs in the urban areas. that money doesn't go as far. if you made $75,000 and you are living in the beautiful town of pocatello, idaho, it would spend
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differently than if you are in a family of 2-4 in manhattan. it hurts everybody when he does this. up next, vice president kamala harris suggests that sexism is to blame for people who criticize her over her left. no, girl, it is silly. type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people
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some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. ♪ [announcer] with clearer skin girls' day out is a good day out. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. ♪ ♪ >> vice president kamala harris arriving in atlanta to kick off the administration's economic opportunity tour. eris is getting attention after talking about her struggles as the first female vice president as well as addressing her life.
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>> you're asking about what it means to be the first woman. eddie's family. people still got to get used to this. my staff for example, sometimes they will show me little things that amuse me. apparently some people like to talk about the way that i laughed. >> i love your laugh. >> i have my mother's life. i grew up around a bunch of women in particular who left from the ballet. they laughed. they would center around the kitchen and drink their coffee telling big stories with big laughs. i'm not that person. i think it is really important for us to remind each other -- and our younger ones, don't be confined to other people's perceptions about what this looks like, how you should act in order to be. >> that is the vice president appearing to suggest that people
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that talk about it are misogynistic. here is cnn saying that flat out. several people said harris rubs them the wrong way and all the ways that are familiar from criticism of her. her laugh, a fragrant target of republican operatives. defenders say it plays into sexism. the segment to me it is not the way in which she laughs, it is that times in which she laughs. i want to play a clip that is emblematic. she is about to be asked about afghanistan. and the disastrous withdrawal. so we don't have that. we will pull that up when we get in. >> enters kind of funny that she is claiming sexism when she was selected in part because she's a woman. which leads me to my bigger point. you live by the sword, and you die by the sword.
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she was a diversity higher. joe biden wanted to check some boxes. you have a president w who is te most unpopular president i in 7 years with the vice president who also has a story close when it comes to popularity. he can fire her because she wasn't selected because of our competency. she was selected with diversity. the same thing with karine jean-pierre. she wasn't selected for competency. she was selected because joe biden wanted to check out some boxes. now we are stuck with her. >> i wish we had like that. she has asked about havana syndrome and afghanistan. she lets out a nervous chuckle. i don't think she intended to slide what happened in afghanistan. showing someone that doesn't seem ready for the job. we see it in the poll. 36% of voters approve of the performance. >> i am hoping we get that clip. she needs to be on camera
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herself doing this so that you can see that timing is sort of the context of the laughter. i think it is important. we have seen it so many times when she visited a science lab and took on an affected french accent. no one knew why. it isn't just the laughter, enters the nonserious moments that we see the vice president in at times when the world is on fire. the border is a good one. it isn't that she goes down there in cockles. she goes down there without answers and doesn't come home with any solutions. that is the biggest concern for people. behind the scenes, we know from many sources, it is chaotic and has been. it has been tamped down in terms of who talks outside that circle now. no one's had that much turnover in this administration in a way that she has. that speaks volumes to what she's like.
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>> we do have like them so we will play now. >> okay. >> is that sexism, or is that something that makes people not feel secure? afghanistan was a moment for the administration. you express confidence if you feel like you have the facts to back up your side of the story. >> we have thoughtfully discussed this on the accounts in a million times. it has nothing to do with the cadence of her laugh. it is that is inappropriate affect. inappropriate display at all times throughout her presidency. once again, we are seeing this formula were someone who couldn't pass the bar has made it into the white house as second in line to the throne. we are supposed to take them at face value that they have earned in. i think that she can't have it both ways. weren't they crowing about how america has spoken. it is time for a female vice president.
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i'm here on this way representing so many of you. don't tell us that we can't handle being a female. you have not demonstrated any progress or capability and then bury monica monica of at least having the appropriate affect. once again, we are tired of it. our criticism is reduced you must being sexist. >> i agree with everything that has been said. she has been unserious. she has accomplished anything in 3.5 years. the cac on his hideous whether you are male or female. it is awful and rubs everyone the wrong way. the one it is an authentic. it is a weird fake laugh. >> how do i feel this moment? >> no one talks. this is someone who has had all these occupations and may be that criticism is because she hadn't dead anyway provided a material support for anything.
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>> biden's attack dog. we will see how she does on student loans. coming up, in a speech when's tenth anniversary. we will look back on some of our memorable guests to visit that couch. feeling ughh from a backed up gut? ughh. miralax works naturally with the water in your body to help you go. free your gut and your mood will follow. for 8 grams of fiber, try mirafiber gummies. (vo) if you have graves' disease... ...and itchy eyes, the truth may be even more uncomfortable. people with graves' could also get thyroid eye disease, or t-e-d, which may need a different doctor. find a t-e-d eye specialist at if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be.
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>> campus protests continue across the company. 2:00 p.m. eastern time deadline to clear the encampments or face suspension and removal. we will have a live update from columbia's campus in moments. we are also awaiting a state department briefing coming up. we will be monitoring both for news. come join john roberts and meet live as "america reports" top of the hour. >> all right. you saw sandra. we were together 10 years ago on this day kicking off this program. it is "outnumbered"'s tenth birthday. throughout this entire week, when it has been good to go but you should celebrate for a week. we will be celebrating the special moments and people who have graced us with their fabulousness on their iconic white cows. i look back at some of our most
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notable guests from the past ten years. >> i am an example of the good parts of marijuana. for instance, i am the oldest person to beyond "dancing with the stars" and until the semifinals. >> and you think pot for that? >> absolutely. >> joe theismann is here. happy days are here. today's #1luckyguy you are not in charge today. you are "outnumbered." >> on behalf of hollywood, i apologize. i am sorry. [laughter] >> there is no point in working hard. there's no point to try. it doesn't matter. >> joining us, oh, yes, country music star john rich. >> worth about 100 million
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bucks ♪ >> we get to point our cameras that whatever we want. we want to point hours at the people who are doing the kind of job that makes make civilized life work. >> sharon osbourne is here for the very first time. >> if you are young and on your third date, on the second glass of wine, talk about money. this is great advice. listen, can we talk about your family? what is your student loan size? this is real love. >> this is real love. we love this show. lisa, you are one of our early guests. >> the first time i was on the show was in 2016 at the rnc convention. i did not know that it went to facebook live. i was complaining about being hot and sweaty. there is a really cute video out there. i've gotten to know you and all
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these amazing people. this is one of my favorite shows on the network to do. you are the og. >> i am the original gangster. just a gangster. >> i remember when it came out on the press release that "outnumbered" was coming out. it is my dream one day to be here. it is such an honor. >> it is my dream to sit next to you. at the lectern at the white house, i wonder when she would get him on. i want more than that. remember, it was in iowa. we needed a town hall. senator joni arts. they had a tractor outside. we did that in the ep at that time for "outnumbered" said, we've got to get kayleigh mcenany on the show. look at you now. it's every day. >> such a dream come true. jason, tell us what it's like to be in your seat. >> you get to discuss things and banter back and forth and to be
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one lucky guy sitting in the middle. congratulations. it's fun. it's a fun show. that is why it is the best rated show. it deserves it. >> substance mixed with levity sometimes. i think people need. >> i love that. >> we are taking it into the next 10. >> happy birthday to us all. has it flown back? >> where is that champagne? the delicious mix that we go through, and doesn't fly by, but it sure is fun. more "outnumbered." ten plus one. in just a moment. >> i was just a young correspondent. one day, they said in me to be the one lucky guy out "outnumbered." if you go on "outnumbered," we need you to wear a short suit. what is a short suit? we will show you. they bring me back to their
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room. the suit was fine on top, but i had shorts on. it was a suit with shorts. my legs, as beautiful as they where will be seen by millions. i waltzed out there as one lucky guy does in shorts, hairy legs and all. i came back and said, was that a good idea? one executive told me, jesse, i don't think that was beneath y you. so, happy tenth anniversary to "outnumbered." we love you. please don't make me ever do that again. who knew they could be connected? for me, cosentyx works on both. cosentyx helps real people find clear skin. and in psoriatic arthritis, can mean less joint pain, and help stop further joint damage. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and increased risk of infections some fatal have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection
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>> breaking news right now. one: 15:00 p.m., the state department will hold its news briefing. they have a lot to talk about. some reports out of ukraine that will hit the state department
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and the pentagon unlike today. i have to do with an early before our weaponry or whatever is going from the 90 been -- into law. before that can arrive, ukraine is suffering right now with an early arrival of some russian fire. there's a lot going on in that part of the world. our american hostages in israel. maybe they could come up and have something substantive to say today. 2:00 p.m. eastern. press secretary karine jean-pierre will hold the white house press briefing. that needs no details. you know how it goes. 2:00 p.m. hour, columbia university's deadline for students to end their anti-israel encampment on campus. this is new today. if you don't take off by 2:00 p.m. from the campus, you get suspended. there are a lot of people in the tents who sat on my show, "no
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faulkner focus" and told me that they don't even go to school on our campus. the big question is, what are they going to do with the peoples who are insurgents who have come in to stay in this very uniformly put together ten colors and someone is playing for event come together. these are live pictures outside columbia university. law enforcement gave its press conference last week saying that they would be purged and ready outside when the university was going to make a big moving case they needed to be called in. what happens if those people don't pull out? it is an hour and a minute and a half from now. live pictures right now outside columbia university. ready. a crowd forming out there. mostly media right now to take that end. before we go, let's get some last thoughts. >> john: as we spoke about
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earlier , there might be consequences for these demonstrators that have aligned themselves with butchering terrorists. the reality is they are not sure what those consequences might be. it remains to be seen what might happen. will there be consequences for that? >> the president said they were unable to reach agreement with the protesters and exploring alternative options to remove the encampment. that is going to be tested in one hour and 30 seconds. >> there go the rest of the campuses that are popping up like the university of georgia happens they are also looking at the same thing. you saw a unc out in california. what happens at columbia university, those leaderships and law enforcement, we will be watching and covering it. "america reports" now.


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