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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  April 29, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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the countries who one is that what you needs a therapist, mammala? [ laughter ] a little support group i think, leave politics are lona. >> laura: did she actually jump into her lap at that point or what happened? [ laughter ] soo and they were close enough, anything could have happened laura. i did not stick around that long soo for when i think of drew barrymore a thing of that adorable pigtailed little girl and 18, that is it for me. i'm not even gonna talk about drew barrymore, a solid joe biden, after 18. because i was perfection for her. all right, thank you. all right, that is it for us tonight. follow me -- i can't speak! you are talking in my ear. jesse is next... sweetie will come to 'jesse watters primetime', tonights...
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be one of the economy, the vibes are bad bug than ever say to strong. the economies kind of like you on the steps of air force one. >> jesse: biden in the correspondence dinner, what the real message was. >> president biden: what in the hell is going on? [ bleep ]. >> jesse: the arab spring break gives columbia the finger. >> help! some. some funny stuff we can watch on tv tonight, a guess what? where is that? >> of this is the result of the extreme left. >> jesse: seinfeld said the left killed economy -- comedy, john or hurley is here soon i'm smack dab in the middle of a good old-fashioned fight. >> jesse: plus. >> tell me about the bill of rights. >> oh, my god, cut the cameras. [ ♪♪ ]
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>> jesse: once a year politicians, journalists and celebrities get dressed up for the white house correspondents dinner. a tradition that goes back over a century to warn harding, one of the president and the process we theoretically have been adversarial relationship lay down their weapons and pick up the silverware and give each other a good old ribbon over cocktails and filet. it is designed to demonstrate the humanity of washington, which is why it once a year. >> it's not often we have so many people who have written about us and broadcast about us altogether in one room like this and i thought you might like to say a few nice words to me. [ laughter ] >> how about just a word are two, something friendly, even one kind wart? when i'm thinking, i'm thinking! [ laughter ] >> jesse: the presidents flex their funny funny bones, bring props and impersonators. >> distinguish guess, ladies and
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gentlemen, here i am. [ laughter ] as you know, i always look forward to these dinners. it's just a bunch of media to touch, hollywood liberals, democrats like joe biden, how come i can have dinner with a 3o like me? [ laughter ] the only thing missing is hillary clinton sitting at the front row rolling her eyes. >> jesse: barack obama brought out his anger translator. >> we will not always see i do i. >> thank you so much cnn for the wallet to wall coverage, for two whole weeks we were one step away from the walking dead! and then you all got up and moved over to the next thing! that was awesome. on did by the way, just so you notice, you do not have a bowl! >> jesse: and to order to even
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this go back the hole started committing to roast them all. >> the vice president is not here tonight for security reasons, he does not this event is being held at the airport applebee's. yes, right now, joe is elbow deep in a jalapeno poppers and talking to a construction cone he thinks is john weiner. [ laughter ] also true. >> jesse: the relationship between of the present president trump was so acrimonious, you know with him calling him a racist russian traitor from day one, he no-show to the dinner for his entire term. joe biden brought the party back saturday night but had a hard time breaking bread. literally. breaking that piece of bread looked challenging. now we did not slow the tape down at all this is regular speed. you think having dinner with a thousand of your closest friends an entire industry giving an office you may be in a better mood. but biden just met he had to eat
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solid? scarlett johansson's husband who does weaken updates on saturday night live, he was the mc. 's who one estimate was in dc and left my cocaine at the white house. [ laughter ] luckley the president was able to put it to good use for a state of the union. [ laughter ] >> jesse: had another good line... >> like many of you here tonight i pretend to do news on tv. my weekend update coanchor michael jay was going to join me here tonight but in solidarity with president biden i decided to lose all my black support. [ laughter ] >> jesse: besides ida, collins jokes do not have any bites, the president still being protected even add a roast? finally joe got onstage and had one good joke. >> it's been a year it. >> president biden: it's been a years and that delivered the speech and my wife jill was
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worried how i would do. i told her don't worry, just like riding a bike, she said that's what i'm worried about. [ laughter ] >> jesse: the rest of the evening was lame and tame. the president's jokes did not land and most of his material was not even aimed at the press. trump was the punchline. >> president biden: right-wing for elections in full swing and yes, age is an issue. i'm a groan man! running against a 6-year-old! >> jesse: biden and the president supposed to go up there and roast each other, neither of them did. the president and the press are now a protected class, the media is a joke and biden can take one. barack obama did 20 minutes on stage, biden only spoke for six. heater not bash the media, he actually begged the media to bury trump. >> president biden: i'm asking to rise up to the seriousness of
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the moment, move past the horserace numbers, and into the distractions, the sideshows, that have come to dominate and sensationalize our politics be back focus on what is actually at stake, deep in your hearts you know what is at stake, the stakes could not be higher. every single one of us as a rows -- roles to play, series role, making sure democracy enters, american democracy . with all due respect, i know my role and so do you. >> jesse: what kind of democracy does arike have of the president can -- conspires with the press to board the other politician in prison? biden is ordering reporters, don't cover my bad polls, my gas, the arab spring break, don't cover this election! your role is to destroy my arrival. how much more help kind the media give joe? and how is the media getting bossed around by a guy who does not even talk to them? he is barking orders to the new york times who has never sat
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down with after he decide down with howard stern for an hour. biden doctor super bowl interviews with cbsa can claim pattycake with al rocher, now he is ordering reporters to cover the blood bags hose not of the horserace? it's because he's losing the horserace back and he wants to keep it hidden from the country. a new cnn poll shows biden losing to trial by six points. these are landslide numbers? when you factory in rfk junior trump is almost beating biden by double digits . and this is a cnn poll. the wound borg poll had trump beating biden in six of the seven battlegrounds, look at that. trump has been in court for the last two weeks, while biden has been campaigning. the new york times calls it up blueprint for a donald trump electoral college victory, and a gift from the political godsmack "the manhattan courtroom will be the setting for mr. trump to play the role of a familiar american architect, the wrong
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command seeking justice from corrupt powerful forces. the former president is good in this role, and that is no small thing ". maybe that gaggle orders and corrupt court calendar will win trump the white house just like biden's basement campaign did. it games a former president does but, structured and away from his tongue logging, for you willing to it rallies actually campaign. it gives the media less of an opportunity to -- with trump's words and more of an opportunity for biden to get tongue twisted, or tell that cannibals eight his uncle. and inputs biden the harsh spotlight and put trumps on an interesting stage, voters have never seen before. and intriguing courtroom drama? remember, trump beat hillary by running against a raegan system. and what better scene could a director set for trump then in a courtroom. unfairly prosecuted by savage democrats regained the election
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with trials because they know this sitting president can barely stand. even though biden told howard stern he would debate trump democrats don't want him to. you on biden's folks don't want him to debate they don't want to give trump that platform and risk exposing biden like that on national duty. >> jesse: ducking a potential debate while you put your opponent on trial is exactly why biden spent saturday night not poking fun at the press, but begging them to save democracy, when he really means, save his presidency. former white house press secretary joins me now, haley, did you go to the dinner? >> no, i stay far away from the hyenas. is spent enough time with them in a briefing room. >> jesse: you are probably watching 'jesse watters primetime' on dvr like all was doing saturday night. >> of course,, yes. >> jesse: what was it like for you, in a experiences this sitting there and then watching it from tv. this seemed different to me.
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>> yes, it's really all i did to watch joe biden sit there and complain that this room full of people are insufficiently sympathetic to him. these are people that drool over him, when i look at these poles and i see, this 2 percent who think the economies excellent, they are the people in that r room, they were less than less than thrilled and they have biden sitting there begging them essentially to cover for him. it's just interesting to watch because i go back to my briefings and how hostile the presses and it's just really a conversation among friends, and you look at what happened saturday night, it's just another conversation among friends, ad in somewhat wine, out and some dinner and put it on a saturday nights . this is a group that america's up against, the presses covering for him but i don't think it makes him cross the finish line. >> jesse: add in some gummy state. when you know 70 don't like kaylee, and that person likes
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something, anything away to my of that person like something i can't lay gibbmac that must be bad. it's kinda like when guy vollmac likes a song and i'm like oh my god of this song must be terrible. do you think the megan voters see the media love and protected joe biden so pathetically that their leg wait a second, this is gross? if 70 legs joe biden that much, and carries out much water for him, something must be wrong? >> yes, yes. i totally resonate with the gutfeld song on with you on that. they are the waste. but look, -- the worst! they see the economies terrible, that can't afford food. this is why despite, young people can afford mortgages, can afford a home, can afford rent. the need for but over to the new york times and this is one article i can't get out of my head from a few months back, aviator joe, dog branding, the
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time when that meme came out, they just all glommed onto it and all these major news outlets almost solitary like those guys finally cool! finally has one iota of this wider that barack obama had and they tried to make it work and people just look at that and they rolled her eyes, these his presidency for the failure of what it is and they think back to three years ago and they remember the good days of president trump and that is why you see the poles going the way they are for the former president. >> jesse: dark branding had trouble with that dinner roll and have? probably needed those aviators. 's we think so much. >> at little butter knife to three using knife! [ laughter ] johnny goes to palm beach. [ ♪♪ ] >> florida? >> sweet home... >> alabama.di [ ♪♪ ]ng now i'll be smelling fresh all day long. [sniff] still fresh.
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>> jesse: fox news alert, a shootout in charlotte north carolina leaving at least three in the -- law enforcement offices dead. national correspondent bill has more, build? 's one unfortunate the reports coming out of charlotte tonight are pretty horrible, so far three u.s. marshals are dead and several local cops are hurt as a result of a shootout with multiple armed suspects, take a listen to this video as neighbors could hear the gunshots. local residents reported they could hear active gunfire for hours as u.s. marshals and the police department were trying to save a fugitive warned on sunday for the position of a firearm by felon. police say as they approached her home to serve that warranted
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they were shot out from somebody inside of the host muck officer shot back and ended up killing the shooter on the front lawn but as they approach the house for a second time afterwards, those offices were mad with more gunfire from inside of the host kamaka ultimate ed lukowich what will people is out of the home were detained, tragically three u.s. marshals were killed and four charlotte police officers were injured, one quickly. >> we believe there's two shooters involved, we have two people of interest added the police station that are being questioned right now, and we have confirmed the individual that was set up, that we were sitting -- serving the warned on was the individual who fired the initial shots it was deceased in the front yard at the end of all of this. >> the order of police has at least 11 police officers all across the country have been shot in the last three days alone. in reaction to this shooting they posted on their eggs there is a war ongoing on america and
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that is "a stain on society". >> jesse: thank you [ bleep ] [ chanting ] >> hands off our students! [ chanting ] >> jesse: campus crackdowns in schools across the country this weekend in texas, arizona and georgia, were cops hold the students away like spoiled kids. >> you are hurting me! you hurting me! help! help you hurting me! >> jesse: still major pockets of resistance, cambridge, harvard students tore down to the american flag and raise to
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the palestinian one. just another reason why jesse juniors is going to princeton. at ucla it look like the gaza strip with israeli and hamas defenders duking it out hand-in-hand combat in a mosh pit, arab spring breakers even had of the two disrupt the prom. the adult staged mock eggs occasions of israeli soldiers committing war crimes right outside of the white house correspondents dinner which itself is a crime against co comedy. >> [ bleep ]? you [ bleep ] killers!
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>> jesse: today we somehow taught what different parts of the country handle crime? texas enforces the law, state troopers broke up a massive illegal student process forming at ut austin, 50 people arrested. but at columbia, this part of the country decided not to enforce the law. the university set a deadline for 2:00 pm today, pack up the tears tent city or face the consequences. and guess what happened? the clock on the clock struck two and nothing. rules don't exist if you don't enforce them. ask any parent what happens when you negotiate a bedtime. and ask what happens when there is no bedtime. do you want to live in house or children don't follow the rules?
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>> where dolts don't falter was because they are known for his comment he like living in a country that? i don't. the view think they are being too hard on little johnny. >> it's never been in my life or my career that criticizing the policies of government is equated with anti- semitism, and that i think is a far right, comes with the far right, it comes from the authoritarian leanings where they don't want students on these campuses to voice their opinions because they want to change the narrative, one forward. >> jesse: nobody supports free speech on campus more than conservatives? you should be able to protest war, chan slogans and speak your mind without anybody censoring or arresting you. but this is not about free speech, this is about physically harassing a religious minority on campus with violent and anti-semitic threats . and preventing them from going to
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class. forcing remote learning and blockading the site were graduation is supposed to happen. conservatives cited the wrong pronouns on they were chased off campus by throngs of purple herald woman studies majors. the liberals can yell kill jews from a hamas campsite? and then congress will visit, and order them pizza? you know it's gone by when the media says republicans are pouncing. the washington post saying trump's gop seas on campus protest with chaos and divided. i'm not sure for depicting chaos, i think this is chaos black they lathered up with these schools with the di's crt, and scrap the sats and a tenure five disease telling them they will get extra credit for activism. they can chant hate speech and there's no consequences, classes are canceled and biden is hiding under his desk. >> we continue to believe and is
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that this will double times already today, that peaceful protests, americans have the right to do so, to peacefully protest, whether it is a commencement or out of their school or anywhere in this country, it has to be done where we do not have hateful rhetoric to, violent rhetoric, we cannot -- we have to condemn those, that should not be allowed. >> jesse: the founder of less people forget joins me now, you heard sunny on the views saying the this is just about free speech and they should be able to protest on campus, and sans anti- american to protest war. what you say? soon is incredibly anti-american to tear down a megan flags during a protest while you raise up flags of other nations kamaka that's number 1 number 2 would like to point out all of the incidents we have seen, all the horrific incidences, the violence, the threats and hate speech, this is the fault solely
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of the universities, not the student protesters. we're not talking here to the right to peacefully protest, we are talking about universities own rules, standards and policies being broken every single day, any time one of these schools puts out any kind of attentional threats to enforce their own policies, we know those threats are empty. when i say we, i mean the students out of these schools delivery threads that are empty, the ones that that a break the rules are also the ones our home terrified because they were threatened on their own cam campuses, being pro-israel or jewish themselves. >> jesse: what happens when columbia university tells those tent city pack up, and then it's 2:00 am and they are all doing god knows what in those tents. what's going to happen tomorrow, next week, next month, when did they do anything about it? soon clearly never, let me just say i was a graduate student last year, i got my degree last
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may and i was kept to the same standards everybody else which is following the rules, which months -- which means no plagiarism, citing sources, making sure my medical records are up-to-date. if they were not sent to my school at do not get to go to graduation, and get to go to class and enjoy the freedoms of being a student. i don't understand why things like medical records, taken to a high standard compared to policies regarding threatening other students or trespassing in this case today we have now been told were allowed to plagiarize and chant it kill jews and that's fine at universities at the united states. this is a wild time to be alive elizabeth. hopefully gets better before it gets worse. spee thanks much for coming on. >> 's thank you. >> jesse: kamala harris, seinfeld and obama. that is ahead. [ ♪♪ ] where are my keys? memory and thinking issues keep piling up?
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>> jesse: gervonta and took kamala harris off i sending her to atlanta to pitch their economic opportunity toward, which is really just 30. opportunity zones they plagiarized. kamala harris was telling black voters reelected joe and we will pump cashier neighborhoods, this may ask you help with her name recognition considering the black voters johnny talks to can't even pick her out of a lineup. >> who is this? soon i don't [ bleep ] know soon and no she's a black woman soon i don't know who that is. >> how is kamala harris doing? soon hair is it dude. >> help how to view of kamala harris soon all she does is laugh. >> what had she done for my community? >> it we don't need that, kamala. >> she loves a lot of things but not her people. >> jesse: democrats no kamala are a hot mess but they are stuck with her, can't even get it together, not a bookclub but they need to. the d&c tested, to figure out why she is unlikable? transit is this soon have a
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follow-up on afghanistan. [ laughter ] okay. [ cheering and applause ] >> i gonna roll out a coconut tree? [ laughter ] [ laughter ] okay. [ laughter ] >> some people understand what i'm talking about. >> jesse: that, was hard to handle what she does not care, she's leaning into it. >> you ask merely awaited a means to be the first woman and it's funny because people still got to get used to this? my staff for example sometimes they will show me little things, like apparently some people love to talk about the way i laugh. >> yes, i love your laugh. >> let me tell you something, i have my mother's laugh and i grew up around a bunch of woman in particular who laughed from the valley. i'm never going to be like --
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omar alghabra's and! >> jesse: see what she did there? making six max laugh at sexes, but they're hard at work rebranding smac for the 19th time. >> we all need a mom. as been thinking we all need a tremendous hug in the world right now, but in our country we need you to be the mammala of the country. >> jesse: joining me now, former speaker of the house, speaker do we really needed the great protector mammala? >> that is almost cruel. the idea of cutting from that we need a great protector and have kamala there is like insane! she has this problem, she is serving with the most unpopular president in the history of the
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gallup poll according to the last quarter and she's less popular than the most unpopular president. now poses a certain challenge or how you rebuild, particularly those over three and a half years to learn she can't learn anything. the truth is when you listen to her for a while, there somewhere between sophomore and eighth grade, i think it's a nervous giggle. she loves because she is nervous and frankly when i listen to her i get nervous too because she is as a vise president of the united states, and i find it pretty frightening to. >> jesse: i do to. and i will not be going along with a rebranding, i will still call her kamala harris, not mammala at a respect for my own mother who is a great protector? and somebody else needs protecting and that is the process because that barack obama, former president, really wants everybody to be nice to the press because he says speaker that the press usually
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get everything right. listen... soon there's a difference between facts and opinions. the one thing that our side still pretty much sticks to is the facts. he may not agree with whatever is in a new york times or whatever is on msnbc, but generally they're not going to make stuff up. >> jesse: generally do not go to make stuff up? >> what's frightening about those, barack obama probably believes that. he lives in a fantasy world, he is often a gigantic mansion and he i suspect is not go grocery shopping, if you did he'd understand the real problem for joe biden is called reality. it is the reality of crime, it's the reality of the border collapsing, it's the reality of gasoline and grocery prices, it's the reality of a world that is in chaos and now of quarters
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it's at the reality of students all over the country we have gone crazy and the natural culmination of left-wing ideological brainwashing the, on our campuses. setting for obama, none of that exists because he lives in a nice little isolated world surrounded by people who say y yes, you really are brilliant mr. president and he believes them. >> jesse: idoko does not say? shall. [ laughter ] everybody tells him he's willing to accept her -- michel. it is kind of funny -- >> ask you don't know what she says to him. >> jesse: i don't know either and i don't need to know, it's none of my business! thank you for coming on. >> great to be with you. >> jesse: johnny hits the beach. >> who is the vise president of the united states be one and joe biden? [ ♪♪ ] as 2 weeks. and when you can breathe better, what isn't better?
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[ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: one of the reasons seinfeld was such a success was because nothing was off-limits. >> if she had man hands. [ laughter ]
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>> man hands? >> hands of a man. >> the comedian and his longtime companion seemed to be inseparable, i wasn't even in! [ laughter ] know everybody's going to think i'm gay! nothing -- now that there's anything wrong with that is. >> excuse me you should know were the tiny restaurant is around here? when it did like chinese? [ laughter ] >> jesse: seinfeld himself said to the show would never fly today, the networks which is watered down every edgy joke. who would have never imagined the soup nazi, left-wing -- the left made comedy born, we can even laugh at ourselves be mike jerry has had enough. >> nothing really affects comedy, people always needed, they needed so badly and they don't get it, it is expected that will be some funny stuff we can watch on tv tonight. guess what? what is it?
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this is the result of the extreme left and pc crap and people worrying so much about offending other people to three he went on to say this too many cooks in the kitchen and thousands of executives strip the edginess out of every single crack. if seinfeld was safe, we would have never met jay peterman. >> my friends, a toast, as the one-handed man from papua new guinea i said... >> jesse: you can hear him laughing from the grave. mr. peteman himself... seinfeld actor, john hurley, joins primetime. hello! >> at hello! >> jesse: you could not do cannibal jokes today! >> somebody kind but the would have been a real. >> jesse: or you would have to be president to make jokes like that. >> actually reminds me of a time where i was in papa new guinea
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with the little naked natives presenting them with my annual mission of charitable giving, i gave them a total watchlist told, environmentally friendly even on the canopy of a tropical forest. >> jesse: i miss jake peteman so far -- so much, i really dpmac the rickshaw that the homeless were using before i think it was kramer, is that they have nothing else to do, strap rick scholz to him and. [ laughter ] almost jokes are probably a no go zone now? >> not only that, they have stripped -- there are several actual episodes of the seinfeld that were stripped from the syndication because they did not pass back then. >> jesse: could you tell us about some of these long-lost? >> the date -- the puerto rican
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flag day i think was the one -- i was in that action, i don't remember what i did. but i do remember that never showing up again. >> jesse: they probably took it because you were in it. [ laughter ] >> and i should not take that personally! >> jesse: of course not. so drawn when you hear jerry talk about that, he seem sad. he seems it gets never coming to. is comedy coming back? >> well, it's an interesting question because you know okay jerry of course more than anybody had a more accessible and clean platform of comedy. it was not a cleaner comic and is it business in the last 50 years of our laughs? for him to say that, and he said this about ten years ago when he said i no longer am doing college campuses, he says they aren't mean spirited, and that was ten years ago. and now the problem is that we
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have lost our ability to be really. that is a sad thing when you think about it. it's just, that the shoulders go lose and say something silly about yourself. i have a whole show, my one-man show is also deprecation, and it's safe because i can make fun of myself so you know, i'm hitting my cell before anybody else can take a shot at me. there's a lot of material, we have lost our sense of humor. >> jesse: it really is, i am a walking show parity. so john, you're saying, are some people afraid of offending other people because if a puerto rican guy said find it, make fun of you or hispanic i said sure, come get some, every race, gender, read, other, they are fine with making fun of themselves, and think we are all sensitive of others. >> historically ethnic groups would be searching to be included in the comic repertoire
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of our culture. but now know, we can't. it's not that they don't want to, is there is a select group of those who know better who fear as though they should be deprived of it. our comedy is no longer daily, it's not about that. it's a mocking and it sarcasm, and that's not comedy. >> jesse: we have to make america silly again. that's one on that. thank you assume i john,. >> remember, member as far side once i got we're all just bozos on the bus. >> jesse: john, great seeing you. thank you as always and we miss you on seinfeld and if you want to see john hurley anyway, go online and find him. he wants you to be with him. [ ♪♪ ] u primetime was out in florida this weekend, while we were there, they had to johnny to work. [ ♪♪ ]
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>> who is the most powerful person in the country? >> at my mother's. >> elon musk. >> a lot of different companies. >> to the president. >> joe biden unfortunately. >> tell me about the legislative branch of government? >> i don't know. >> it's the branch it makes judicial decisions. >> it has control of all of our laws you want what are the other branches of government? >> republican democrat. >> legislative, judicial. >> eggs benedict. >> it sounds absolutely delicious. >> who is the vice president of the united states. >> and joe biden? >> i forget her name, is is really bad. >> car like? >> kamala harris. >> is that the vise president connects yes. >> oh! [ ♪♪ ]
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>> it name a prison and joe biden's cabinet -- person. >> who is a secretary of transportation. >> at michael jordan's. >> keith davidson is. >> as the attorney general is it maric. >> johnson. >> in the last name is garland. >> were not in kansas anymore. >> how many supreme court justices are there. >> 400. >> ask you voted for them and i care about of the justices. >> we don't vote for justices. >> a seven. >> twelve? >> ten? >> lower. >> nine one name of justice. >> [ bleep ]. >> a judge and... >> judy? >> you are an idiot! you want brought to? >> amy... >> a schumer? >> tell me about the bill of
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rights. >> oh, my god. cut the cameras spammer and. >> camera! cut! >> who was president after jimmy carter. >> abraham lincoln one it's the one that came before obama. >> that was bush. >> same difference. >> raegan. >> it was not exciting this. >> name is state that borders florida when tennessee's right there. >> mississippi. >> georgia. >> virginia. >> south carolina. >> sweet home... who in alabama! you and where those guys are so blue! >> what major event happened on july 4th? >> george washington on a boat. >> the side of the declaration of independence. >> what happened on january 6th through and i don't know what happened on genuine sixth.
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>> january 6? i don't know what i haven't heard of january sixth. it's my birthday. >> happy birthday to you. [ ♪♪ ] >> what you and tell jesse watters on fox news? >> hey, jesse hold on, let me redo that. soon, hey, jesse, how are you? sue and you should be here, it's great. >> it's my world and you're just living in it. >> jesse: were starting a movement, be right back! [ ♪♪ ] my mental health was better. but uncontrollable movements called td, tardive dyskinesia, started disrupting my day. td felt embarrassing. i felt like disconnecting. i asked my doctor about treating my td,
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>> jesse: a record shattering turnout in vero beach over the weekend. book signing was off the chain. we had 3000 people. i was there from 930 in the morning until 8:30 in the evening. and 11 hour book signing.
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i sat and didn't eat lunch and i just power through because i love you and you love me and that's what this is all about. we could feel a movement starting to come and take shape. i can't really put a definition on it but it's something that is happening in this country and you are a part of it and i'm a part of it and i love you. let's do some texts. darlene from massachusetts, did you see biden talking with food in his mouth? where are his manners? disgusting. tony from brick new jersey, the last biden to get roasted was... chris from colorado springs, you are the jay peterman of fox news. he had a great tan didn't he? i'm waters and this is my world. >> h


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