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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  April 29, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT

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or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ routed time pure thanks to everyone. -- we are out of time [applause] >> trace: good evening and i am a trace gallagher and it's 11:00 pm on t coast and 8:00 in los
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angeles and this is america's late news fox news @ night. looking live at george washington university or where protests ongoing tonight. >> we keep each other safe and responsible for each other and tied to the liberation of each other and whether or not we continue to save -- estate past 2:00 pm and do i get a second? all hands in favor? dead and we are staying out. >> the university conducted with hostility and arrogance refusing to be flexible on the most basic points where we ask for amnesty, they gave us more discipline. >> trace: breaking tonight after failing to enforce several redlines, appears columbia suspending student protesters who would not vacate the gaza solidarity encampment by the schools 2:00 pm deadline which
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is now a nine hours past and comes as hundreds of students being arrested on college campuses across 16 seats as schools trying to get ready for the graduation ceremonies and in the meantime the white house remains in limbo tonight still refusing to comment on weather anti- israel protesters should be disciplined. >> it's a painful moment and we get that. that americans are dealing with and free expression has to be done within the law and up to their leadership and colleges to make that decision. >> trace: alexis mcadams live at columbia university with the latest and it doesn't appear to be the students and area are are planning to leave anytime soon. >> hey, trace. the tensor so up in new york city and the student protesters say they're not backing down and will not stop until they get the demands they say they deserve from this university here so the
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president of columbia gave another ultimatum of today saying get your tenants off or get suspended and that didn't cut it. representative weighing on this a short time ago saying it's wrong the university threatening to call the police. >> we have a history of this country of student activism and protest and to see a university call police enforcement and on the very students who safety they are in charge of i think is incredibly alarming. >> but most of the students are not really alarmed essays empty threats from the university because it's been nine hours since columbia university gave the students protesters another warning to break down the tensor get suspended or knock it aloud but still those tense climb a university have yet moved only 20 have them in the past few days at least one person arrested outside the campus gates today. watch this. [ chanting ]
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let her go [ chanting ] >> large group of protesters standing around the main gates in new york city as the police are pretty used to it that's happening not just in new york city but spreading across the country from gw, arizona and northeastern university to name a few, large protests leading to big arrests at the university of texas today. and those police officers moved in quickly and right gear and they're not messing around on the university tells fox news many of us protesters not affiliated with the university setting up with an encampment to have metal chains and even tools in specific spots back at columbia, and my pdf high alert
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as they always are right behind me those gates but have not yet been asked to move and so keep an eye on that. >> trace: will get back to you if something happens there and let's bring in campus foreign respondent at university of southern california and it's great to have you on the show here you were a covid kid so your graduation was messed up and your senior year was messed up and here you were with your graduation downsized and as you look across the landscape it appears a lot of the students facing very few consequences for messing up other people's lives. >> across college campuses, they are blatantly violating university policies by putting tense in the ground and occupying places they shouldn't be and interrupting every day flow of campus life that's where it starts in and as universities are taking swift action we saw at columbia and now see it
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universities across the country. >> trace: it's amazing as this is video of protesters at harvard removing an american flag and putting up a palestinian flag and you can see what's happening there raising this flag and then i want to play some sound because it's very compelling. these are some of the protesters and what they are saying. >> never forget the 7th of october. 10 more times and a hundred more times and a thousand more times. idf are all the same. >> trace: october 7th, 10,000 more times and do you think if you go out and see these protesters, do they know what they are saying or trying to be part of something they think is chic or cool?
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>> i definitely don't think they know what they are saying i don't think nearly anyone on campus is educated on what's happening over in israel and ultimately i think people want to be a part of something that contribute into the community but that really isn't the case in fact i wonder if underlying motivations of students on campus. >> trace: i wonder if this comes down to leadership as universities like columbia put up a number of redlines and no consequences and keep single be suspended and have the police so it seems to be a leadership issue across the country. >> definitely is a leadership issue is some money so put their foot down and comes down to university leadership and saw that with columbia university, he did not have a background and we all saw how that would ended in we're reporting that's happened everywhere across the
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country so somebody nisa put their foot down but no one's willing to do it. >> trace: i'm gonna play this this is sabrina, a george washington university student who said this. >> i'm jewish and israeli will this country safer my children? not only a jewish problem but an american problem because these people are not championing against the jews but american values. >> trace: there chanting against everyone right? >> absolutely with those underlying motivations, at this point, we're not protesting in israel and gaza but american values and against america and what it stands for and bringing that to the front steps of college campuses. >> trace: best of luck to you and hope this thing works off for you and thank you for coming on. >> trace: are watching the anti- israel campus protest spreading and brings up a valid question of who is funding this
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activity and paying for the signs or maybe the protesters? live with a closer look at the money. >> understandably a lot of people wondering is who is paying for these protesters to have synchronized encampments on all these different college campuses and where is the money coming from? to unravel that thread, look at the different groups and who they are in the largest of students for justice in palestine receiving funds from a liberal new york foundation called westpac and receive activity fees charged to each student by the universities according to the watchdog group ngo monitor however, none of these universities looking at here would tell fox news how much money given to pro- palestinian groups. >> if you pump money to individuals to kill negative stories of benefit a campaign and they testified they agree to that is a violation of law and
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people have been prosecuted for that and pled guilty and that is against the law and then if you cover it up with 34 false documents, you have 34 very serious felonies. >> trace: looks like that was the wrong sound bite but especially supposed to be an expert that says some of these campuses have decided not to explain how much money going to the student groups and another group were talking about is a u.s. campaign for palestinian rights who claim to have led 43 protester demonstrations last year alone and that group provides banners and signs and stipends to higher fellows and activists who go to campus and other campuses running campaigns demanding the u.s. cut ties with israel and among their fellows is one who disrupted a private dinner at uc berkley and craig
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who according to yale daily news arrested for trespassing and reported $1.3 million in revenue and some of that money coming from the rockefeller brothers fund and george soros open society foundation now the rockefeller foundation says their grants are all about peace and the middle east and arizona state, my alma mater the only university that allows students to opt out meaning a jewish student can refuse to send their student fee to a palestinian group calling for them to be wiped out. >> trace: we appreciate you. will bring the start of the decision is israel activists along with the spokesperson for israeli consulate in new york former israeli diplomat and thank you so much for coming on. i want to play some sound this is congressman a democrat in florida today.
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>> i hope they will enforce this that you can't set a redline like columbia did a few days ago and did not enforce it and now's the time for enforcement. >> trace: we were just talking about this with grayson as they keep putting the redlines and no consequences and there some arrests in texas and a lot of whom are not. >> i went to columbia undergrad in usc for residents and the martial school so i feel like my door alma mater's front and center. this did not start three months ago this has been going on for 10 years at columbia university and i have been asked to donate for 10 years telling them you have an anti-semitism problem on campus and they have not listened. not about them enforcing things now but this is a long-term problem at columbia university but you're right. look at many other schools in
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florida who ended things in one day and it's possible the will has to be there that it may not be there. >> trace: she makes a good point talking about 10 years and jonathan turley wrote a great peace about left-leaning professors spewing hate but we saw professors advocating denouncing police and calling for republicans to suffer and strangling police officers in celebrating the death of conservators for the killing of trump supporters support the murder of protesters and on and on and other outrageous statements and these people still working on college campuses. >> the absolutely do in the big issue is our jewish students out there are suffering and i spoke with some of them today and they told me how hesitant they are almost crying to go to a campus where they were unwelcome and at the same time they attend classes wear professors taking
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incentives for students to take place of these hateful encampments as part of these classes and is an unacceptable reality and going back to what you said that it's all about consequences any to see these administrations act receipt consequences from the federal government for funding for these campuses. >> trace: you worried if they're afraid of consequences if you look at the poll of the biden handling of the war and the disapprove number is very big. >> thank god. you can't say i support israel and then lift sanctions off iran give direct payments in which $100 billion since you came into presidency and which one is it? do you support israel or those funding terrorism against israel? >> is it a leadership problem with these universities?
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>> a clear leadership problem that was started with the jews never ends with the jews and the jews have always been the canary in the mine and was starts with free palestine may very quickly deteriorates her free chicago and minneapolis and we should all be aware. >> it already has as you're seeing in one breast cease-fire and nursing bomb tel aviv and death to america and ny d. is kkk is not them sinking kumbaya holding hands on swaying on the quad but they're screaming for violence but then sing their peace protesters. >> there's a reason why my pen has the u.s. and israeli flag on it. >> trace: thank you both. as the white house struggles with the messaging pack a new poll shows president biden's popularity has dipped to record
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lows which is saying something as the senior national correspondent live doing that story. >> biden administration to protect jewish students from anti-semitism and to support pro- palestinians demonstrating and on universities the white house press secretary referred to the college administrators. >> that's for them to decide and we have to be able to allow americans to peacefully protest within the law and that is important and what the president wants to see and i can't comment on every case or everything group seeing out there. >> members of congress are commenting. he called on the university's presidents to resign and suggested the government to deploy the national guard to campuses if the threats continue and congressional democrats current and former also at odds. >> benjamin netanyahu is to say
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anyone who criticizes what israel is doing do you are anti-semitic in the vast majority of american people are disgusted with his actions in gaza. >> i don't need them of the reality happening and it's not political discourse to tell jews that they should be gassed. >> trace: >> gallup says his job approval is the lowest of the last nine presidents going back 70 years the cnn poles assist 28 percent of americans approve of the handling of the conflict well 7. in january, 34 percent improved and next month schedule president to give commencement at west point and morehouse college with a contingent of alumni and students at the historic buck college demanded they resend at morehouse. >> trace: live for us in dc
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and thank you. the commonsense department just saw the new cnn poll showing most americans say the trump presidency successful and as you might imagine that inside cnn there were some house of commons paste off anchors. none more so than cnn's resident trump haider who was stunned at the poll because a million people died in covid and, of course, in context have never been best friends so this might be a best way to point out that the million who died we're during biden's term of the covid policies of the left did lead to a million stupid mistakes but the real reason americans say the former president more successful than the current is because they approve of trump's policies on the economy of law and order and immigration which
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means they disapprove with runaway inflation and criminals on the run and 11 million immigrants running free in the reason cnn surprised as they believe the trump white house was riddled with chaos and what cnn forgets the day and the liberal media manufactured that chaos in commonsense things americans is telling them to stop creating and start covering the news. spring in and thank you both for coming on in hear is that trump poll we're talking about looking at success and failure and you see trump, 55 percent and that says it all and is anyone surprised that trump was being called successful? >> i don't believe so but jim acosta is doing what we had seen a lot during the trump administration where he's making himself the headline instead of the news is the fact that it
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surprises cnn that people look back three or four years ago and think wow, the economy was better but by the numbers is absolutely true as the border was more secure and we had a stronger geopolitical status in this world and by action that's absolutely true and that shocked cnn to believe the american people are not necessarily stuck an echo chambers of the american people cannot be pulled out of the reality saying is more expensive. >> trace: this is the 13th quarter job approval ratings going back scarlet joe biden is nine points below jimmy carter. >> you don't meet those you don't need me to tell you being lower than jimmy carter is not a good place to be in a points to some of the central flaws of the
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democrat strategy running a negative race trying to make donald trump the issue and go on donald trump's weaknesses and that's incredibly difficult win your brand is so weak. >> trace: i want to play the soundbite is alan dershowitz talking about jewish democrats and how they are in play right now. >> i think it's turning a lot of people who used to be knee jerk democrats saying we can vote for the administration and refused to condemn the squalid and anti-semitism but the question is who's side are they gone as they are a wrong or israel side? >> trace: a lot of my friends say decedent thing and 20 seconds each. >> if you look at the facts, clear the administration is on iran side more than israel released billions of dollars and continue to placate around over defending our greatest ally in
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the middle east, israel and that is been to the detriment of a nation under attack and remember there was a cease-fire on october 6 and it was hamas and those funded by the iranian regime perpetrated so let's be queer in action this administration closer with the wrong than israel. >> democrats are deeply divided on this this will be a headache that won't go away and we seen this with the scenes from the university campuses earlier in the program and it will be a nightmare and not have to try to appeal to younger voters who are really upset while risking using voters. >> trace: thank you and the latest on breaking news and charlotte caroline at where multiple law-enforcement officer shot and killed in a standoff and will show you exactly what happened there. that's coming up. and unforgettable scenery with viking. unpack once, and get closer to iconic landmarks, local life,
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and cultural treasures. because when you experience europe on a viking longship, you'll spend less time getting there and more time being there. 's
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>> trace: of fourth law-enforcement officer has died in the aftermath of the tragic shootout in charlotte north carolina as a police officer died from his injuries and in critical condition all day and just learned moments ago, he's passed away. three u.s. marshals killed in the incident and the fallen officers part of a task force getting ready to serve a warrant when they came under a hail of bullets and returned fire in addition to the deceased, four other officers injured and tonight authorities believe there were two shooters involved in one of the suspects was killed and two people of interest being questioned and we will bring you new information as it comes into fox news at night.
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of the trial such a resume as a prosecution continues its historic case against the former president which testimony from michael cohen's former banker is live with a preview and good evening. >> good evening trace and former president donald trump will spend a week at trump tire before coming here where you mentioned michael cohen's former banker a man named gary farrow will take the stand and started his testimony on friday and testified that he set up multiple accounts including one called the central contest sultans llc they say he used to wire adult film actress $130,000 and so far prosecutors had not tied trump to alleged conspiracy to win the election and former ceo david packer testified that
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they suppress damaging stories about trump during the 2016 campaign and trump looking to testify but leading up he's been live streaming on tiktok and talking about the case and appears to be accepting monetary donations and he already told that cohen's a convicted perjurer and cannot be convicted in cohen said he previously lied to protect trump and trump himself talked about cohen outside the courtroom last week one of four additional alleged god order violations the judge will consider in a gag order hearing there's already a hearing where prosecutors accused trump of breaking the gag order 10 times so this will be a new hearing about the additional four and the judge will decide on a possible punishment that could include fines ordering him to remove the questionable post from social media and the trial itself will resume tomorrow morning.
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>> trace: outside and thank you and let's bring in criminal defense attorney and it's amazing when you look at him telling the story about michael cohen who's raising money on this and any chance he gets, he's taking a swing and raising money on it and the god corner only involves trump. >> it didn't sound like michael cohen was litigator of our generation looks like he was a fixer reeling to fly close to the sun the question here is how much of cohen's actions did president trump know about and it would not be rare for a president or anyone to say i'd like to win this election and i'd like to save my marriage so white you do what you need to do to pitch at this potentially false story to bed the question of raising an llc and having the money is typical of the llc is a holding company and there's nothing untoward here but the
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issue is michael cohen declared by both judges and his own convictions to be a liar and if you are a liar once, jury in any case entitled and directed to discount the testimony from that witness. >> trace: it's interesting as an attorney with the brookings institution said this on abc and i want to get your thoughts. >> if you pump money to individuals to fill negative stories to benefit a campaign and packer testified they agree to that is a violation of law and people have been prosecuted for that and pled guilty and that is against the law and then if you cover it up with 34 false documents, you have 34 very serious felonies. >> trace: he's on the left and doesn't like trump but the idea he wants trump to be in alcatraz
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and they're struggling to elevate this to a felony and people say they should put him in alcatraz. >> what we call this in the world of trials is trial psychosis when you're in the heat of battle or commenting on a case that is in the heat of battle could cure perspective tends to take over the way you think it's a groupthink scenario now this individual here has completely discounted the defense which was that it was not solely for a campaign benefit but perhaps had a little of that sprinkled then but perhaps 95 percent of the reason an impetus and push was just to save the brand and reputation which is worth so it's disheartening to see an expert kid on social media or a publication and close her eyes completely to what it is a viable defense. >> trace: cnn said this is the judge needs to reverse his ruling to have trump to be
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question about proven misconduct from other cases and if he doesn't, trunk and have an easy path to having a conviction and the case tossed out. >> this is the weinstein appellate decision that came down to see the forcible rape and other actions presented in his jury that resulted in a 23 year sentence needs to be reversed why because their crimes a person is facing but you can't bring in dozens or 80 other instances to prove what we call propensity and if state of mind is an issue, you can provide that information state of mind is not an issue in these allegations and highlight something we've talked about many times before which is the public pressure on local judges state judges as it does not go to the defendant which the constitution requires pagosa the court of public opinion why you
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have appellate courts seeing in the weinstein case that the judge acting as a prosecutor as that was a hot topic and that's exactly what we see. >> trace: thank you. >> amid all the hate, students at liberty university spreading the message of love and we will talk about that plus the ohio pastor be profiled more than once here says he's now facing new legal pressures to stop his 24-hour homelessness ministry but if you know him, he is not a quitter. hotel industry seeing small growth but the competition from the private rental market growing very quickly. which do you prefer? the convenience of a hotel or a homestyle vacation like an airbnb? let us know.nois we will red the best responses
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this was not as organized as a pro-israel event a commitment to spread a message of love, not hate. a
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university spokesperson also tells fox news that even at this hour, students are continuing the spirit of that gathering with a 24 hour prayer gathering at a campus chapel trace. america could use a little love about right now. ashley strohmeyer live for us in new york. ashley thank you. now to a story that fox news at night has been following from the very start. the ohio pastor using his church as a 24 hour homelessness ministry, says he's now facing new legal pressure from his town to cease and desist. let's bring in the pastor of dad's place church, chris havel, and first liberty institute senior counsel jeremy dice. thank you both for coming on. i just want to read this, pastor bell, because i find it fascinating. the city put out a statement saying this is not a bureaucratic dispute. this is a very dangerous situation for the people that dad's is trying to help. what do you make of that statement that they gave to all the media organizations? yeah. well, i, i, i think it's
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a dangerous place for the enemy who's trying to steal, kill and destroy, it's very dangerous because people's lives are getting saved both physically and spiritually. at dad's place. and that's what we're about. we're about the gospel of christ, and we're seeing lives transformed. people made new and, and just amazing things. that dad's place. yeah. and jeremy dice to you. you know, it's one of those things where you think i know that that that they're trying to create their own narrative here, but, you know, it was 22. we started doing this story. this story, it was 10 degrees below outside bringing these people in a nursing being inside the church is dangerous because it could be a fire hazard? >> is seems like the mayor will do just anything to make sure the pastor is in a jail cell rather than helping people in this church and a brother drive people outside of church into the pouring snow and heat of the summer rather than have them in a place of the safety as over the last 90 days, committed to work with the city putting new
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crossbars on the doors and taken out an oven at their insistence and applied for approval through the state at their insistence and have done everything we possibly can move people and the caretaker that was there and someone had a serious seizure condition and because he was alone by himself outside of the safe church used to be in with a lot of other people has now passed away. how may where people have to be displaced and dislodged and moved out of that church for the mayor to be happy here? she will not rest until the pastor is in jail and that churches shut down but we will not rest until he can continue his ministry unabated by the city. >> trace: i say he's no quitter but here sing i don't understand that the city is saying this is a dangerous situation but i have their sound
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people seem to thank you help them quite greatly. >> i was alone for a long time after my husband died we lost her house i was living on $36,500 a month those $360 a month i wouldn't be standing here today and i can attest to that without it. >> trace: dad's places save my life and the city says you're risking their lives and what you say about this dichotomy? >> i think if we see someone on the street and we say, go do well and be well but don't actually take action to help them, that's like a dead faith to me because my face demands that i take action that i lay down my life and love and don't just say i love you but i live that out in my actions and as i
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said before, i cannot to anything else and i am compelled by my love for christ to lay down my life for anyone who walks through the door from rich to poor no matter where they come from and i just can't do differently and it's what i'm called to do. >> trace: is the city offering a solution seems like they're harassing been offering a solution? >> there solution is to send and fire inspectors at 5:30 am to discover new evidence to use against this pastor they need to shut down and leave town or go to jail and those are no choices at all especially when the first amendment has made the choice that says you can be a church without the mayor challenge you to go to jail. >> trace: pastor jeremy? will keep checking back in with
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>> trace: we are back with the night cap put that back in tonight's topic is the hotel industry experiences strong growth, accommodations like airbnb and vr be a and to some favor rentals lead to a group and others preferred the amenities and guest services of a hotel so what will it be? to you like the vacation or what's it going to be? >> airbnb, that's tough but that compared to a hotel where you can just press a button and say i feel like breakfast right now or can you clean out the room, a hard challenge but i'm going with hotel.
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>> sometimes you want both. >> while i love looking at photos of people i don't know and wondering who or what is behind that walked because it door, all take a hotel. >> trace: it's interesting in to you sometimes you're looking at old pictures and you wonder who's house this is and what you think? >> it depends on the trip if you're going with a big group skiing girl doing a big family trip, and makes sense to rent a house but if you're going on a smaller trip just you and a significant other, a hotel make sense so it depends on trip so i wood to either. >> i'm more of a resort girl then anything and i need everything done for me, i am a mom now. >> trace: if you're going on a
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ski trip, it's all fun to have a house but you're going with just your wife, you have to get a hotel. thank you well and we ask our social media crew and what's it going to be? 70 percent yes, and hotel 67 percent as vacation rental is a lot lower and to words, room service. vacation rentals are huge with little kids but without kids, a nice hotel and a vacation rental houses no vacation if he so often make beds and clean and its hotel and room service to me and barbara says vacation rentals work well for us and much more affordable and thank you for watching america's late news. i'm fox news @
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[ ♪♪ ] >> hello everyone i'm jesse
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