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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  April 29, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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>> he was in the airport after just winning first place in the music international grand prix in new york city and he was awarded audience favourite out of 600 competitors. give him alike and a follow. you can find him there. i will tweet it so you have more. you have more. bring on politics with michael album michael allen of big and global strategies tonight. >> all right. record setting turnout at vero beac h. the book signing was insane. an11 hours. 11 hour book signing. ousands and thousands of people. oh, my. and i didn't take a single brea k, skipped lunch, took pictures, did every jokewice you got. hav you go to the bar. i swear to god, i went to the bathroom twice. it was amazing. on thbeacand tonighh t,a we hy on the beach doing a quiz. and tom, richard, very. >> judge, i'm very, very sorry.m we do have to go. it's okay. tie wi >> have a good one. welcome to jesse waterlls. >> primetime tonight. the economy. t
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the vibes are bad, but the numbers say a stronghe the economy is kind of like the steps of air force the one. biden in the correspondents dinner. corrence dinwhat the real messa, what the is going on? spring >> the arab spring break gives columbia the finger. oh, oh, oh. there'll be some funny stuff we can watch on tv tonight. well, guess what? where is it? o this is the result of the .. reme left and p.c >> seinfeld says the left killed comed.y. r hu >> john o'hurley is here. i am smack dab in the middlerl-n of a good old fashioned catfight. >> jessee about the bill of abot rights. oh, my god. cu thet the cameras once a year.
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>> politicians, journalistst dr and celebrities get dressed up for the white house correspondents dinner. >>or a tradition that goesa trad back over a century to warren harding when the president and the press, who theoretically haven'ofresidt adversarial relationship, lay down their weapons and pick up their silverwarrsarial ree ae each other a good old ribbing over cocktails and filet. design it's designed to demonstrate the humanity of washingtonede, which is why it only happens once a year. >> i >> it's not often that we have so many people have writtet' hav n about us and broadcast about us all together in onean room like this. and i thought you might like to say a few. nice wordst yolike to. >> how about just a word orendl, two? something friendly, even one kind word. enkind wari thinking. >> i'm thinking the presidents flex their funny bones. >> they bring props, even impersonators. uess,
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>> distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemelan, here i am. as you know, i always look these forward to these dinners d. it's just a much a touch. hollywood liberals, democrats like joe biden. how come i can't have dinner with a 36% of the people who like m e? e on only thing missing is hillary clinton sittinlyngg on a front l row in her. >> barack obama broughint out his anger translator. >> we won't always see eye tie and cnn. >> thank you so much for f t the wall to wall ebola coverage. but to all week, we were one step away from the walkinge deadwa and we all got up . d moved on to the next day >> that was awesome. fy, and by the way, just i you haven't noticed, don't hav have ebola. >> and in ordee r even the scor,
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the press books a comedian to roast them all. >> the vice president isn't here tonight. not fong to t r security reasonn he just thought this event was being held at the dulless, thi airport. applebee's? yes. right now, joe was elbow deep in jalapeno poppers and talking to a construction cones is he thinks is john boehner. >> also true, but the relationship between the press and the president, trump was so acrimonious, you know, with hima calling him a racist russian traitor from day onellm , that e no showed the dinner for his entire term. >>hitire ter biden brought the y back saturday night, but had a hard tim ae breaking bread, literally breaking that piece of bread look challenging now. >> we didn't slow the tape downs at all. this is it regular speed. you'd think having i dinner with a thousand of your closest friends, an entire industry keeping you in officousand osesb be in a better mood. >> but biden just looked moet he had to eat salad.
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>> colin jost, who's marriedtt j to scarletohant johansson and wo does weekend update on saturday night live who. >> he was the emcee the last time i was in d.c. i lefty coca my cocaine at the white house. luckily, the president was ableo to put it to good use for his state of the union. >> colin had another good line . like many of you here tonight, l i pretenikd to do news on tv. >> my weekend update co-anchor,n michael che was going to join me here tonight, but inn solidarity with president biden, i decided to lose all mya black support. >> besides that, colin's jokessd didn't have any bite. >> the president still being protected, evebites,n at a roast. finally, joe got on stage and had one good joke. >> it's been a year sinceed i delivered the speech, and my wife jill is with me tonight.
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>> was worried tspeechwife how . >> i told her, just like riding a bike. >> she. that's what i'm worried about. o >> now, the rest of the evening with her. no worrieswas lame a. >> worry him. the president's jokes didn't land in most of hit ofs materias >> wasn't even aimed at the press. trump was the puncs.s thh line. >> the 2024 election is in full swing. and yes, age is an issue. >> i'm running against the six year old biden, the president,dh and roast each other, and neither of them did. protec >> the president and the press are now a protected class. tes,they're broke and bidene can't take one. barack obamabide did 20 minutese on stage. >> biden only spoke fos onr sixt >> bless the media. he actually bangh s in media. >> the very trump brand asking to rise up to the seriousnessmot
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that will pass the horse race numbers and the gotcha moments and the distraction of the sideshow. distractions to dominate, to cec our sensationalize our politicss and focus on what's actually at stake. >> i think in hardshipat stake,, the stakes couldn't be higher. could nevery single one of us i to play serious on the play.makg am after she s endures american democracy. wit i know my role, but withl all due respect, so do you. >> what kind of if the the president conspires t with the press to put the other politician in prison? onbiden's ordering reportersg don't, as my gaffes or the arab spring break don't cover this election. >>ng break your role is to desty my rival or help. >> can the media give joe? and how's the media gettinediage bossed around by a guy who doesn't even talk to them? yorkto he's four times who he's never sat down with after
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he just sat down with howard stern for an hour byinterv doug scheer, pbs sieo he can ply patty cake with al roker. >> and now he's ordering reporters to cover the bloodbath hoax , not the the horse race. >> this is biden's losing the horse race because and wants to keep it hidden from the country. a ne kew cnn poll has biden losing points. hows bidenthese are landslide n. when you factor in rfk jr. almos >> trump's almost beating by nixon. and this is a cnn poll. the bloomberg poll had trump beating biden in six out of the seven battles by double beat. and trump's been in court for the last two weeks whiler st two biden has been campaigning. >> the new york times called. >> gross look at that.elec also, the blueprint for a trump electoral collegtoe victory anda gift from the political gods. >> quote, the manhattan courtroom will be the setting for mr. trump to play the role,
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of a familiar american archetype, the wrong magmmand sen seeking justice frm corrupt, powerful forces. the former president is good in this role, and that's no small thing. t cour maybe the gag orders and corrupt court calendar will win wil trump the white house just like biden's basement campaign did. >> it gmer pres it keeps the fr president disciplined, structured and away from, strut his tongue wagging, freewheeling rallies and forces. >>s actual biden to actually ca. >> ioft gives the media less ofs an opportunity to twist trump's words and more of an wordand morey for biden to get tongue twisted or tell us cannibals and his uncle.uncl and it pute.s biden in a harsh e spotlight and puts trump on an interesting stage. the voters have never seen before an intriguing courtroom drama. >> remember, trump beat hillary by running against a rigged system? >> and what better scene could a director sete couldirect for n in a courtroom unfairly prosecuted by savage democrats
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rigging the election with trials because they know the sitting president can barely stand?ar even though biden told howard stern he'd debate trump. democrat s don't want him to.him to >> biden's folks don't want him to debate. they don'te want to give t trump that platform and risk exposing biden to a nationalhara tv, ducking a presidential debate while you put your opponent on triall putn sp is exactly why biden spent saturday night not poking funemt at the press, but begging them to save democracy when he really means save his presidency. >> former white house press secretary kayleigh mcenanys joins me now. >> kayleigh, did you go to the dinner? no, jesse, i stayed far away from the hyenas. m thi spent enough time with thm in the briefing room. >> you were probably watching jesse watters primetim >> jessee on dvr like all ofll us do on saturday night. what was this like for you?a >> i know you experienced thisex si sitting there and then watching it from tv. >> thi seemed s one seemed difft
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to me. de yeah. it's really odd to watch joe biden sit there and complain that this room full of people are insufficiently sycophantic, himc to him. him, whe i mean, these are people that drool over him. when i when i look at some of these polls and i athes see,h there are 2% who thinke ec the economy is excellent. room they're the people in that room. they were less than thrilled, es and there you have biden sitting there begging them essentially to cover for hisentiall himm. w and it's just interesting to watch because, you know, i go back to m goy briefings and all hostile. the press is and karine jean-pierre is briefing. it's realld it'st re ay just a n among friends. and you look at what happened you night, it's just another conversation among friends at it in some wine ad and some dinner and put it on a saturday night a. this is the group that america is up against. the presp ags is covering for h, but i don't think it makes them cross the finish line. >>in somy add inwhen you some gummies, too, when you know somebody who yoon't lit
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like daily and that person who you don't like, like something and then you think, wait a second, if that person like something, i can't like ike when that, that that must be bad. >> it's kind of like when gutfeld likes a song, i'm like,f oh my god, this song must be terrible. do you think mus the american voters see the media love of and protect joe biden so pathetically? n sothey're like, wait a second? this is gross. if someone likes joe biden that much and carries that much water for him, something w must be wrong. s. >> yes. yes. and i totally resonate with the gutfeld song. sotally te we i'm with you on that.. right. that they're the worst. and yours are pretty good. they're on the five. but look, i think that you knows ,they see the economy is terrible. they can't affor terribld to. i mean, this is widespread. young people can't afford mortgages, can't afford a home,r can't afford rent. and then you flip it over to the new "new york times" and there's this one article i just can't get out of my head from a fewe i can't of months b. aviator joe dark, brandon, t al
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in that time, when that meme came up, they just all glommed onto it and all of these major news outlets were almost celebratory, like this guyke is finally cool. he finally has one iota of the swagger that barack obama had, and they tried to make it work. and people just look at thatth. they roll their eyes and they see this presidency for the failurth e of what it is. and they think back to three years ago and they remembe andr the good days of president trump. and that is why you see the polls soarinyou see the poge they are for the former president. >> yeah, dark brandon had trouble ripping that dinne f for r roll in half. probably needed his aviators for that. and . le oomphnner >> kaylee, thank you so much. could this little butter knife, little butte r knife, use the knife. s to >> johnny goes to palm beach, the estate that borders florida, south carolina, sweet home, alabama.
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fox news alert. a shootout in charlotte, north carolina, leaving at leasta in e three law enforcement officers dead. national correspondent - bill milligan has more bill. >> jesse, unfortunately, the report s coming outetty of charlotte tonight are pretty horrible. so far so fa, three u.s. marshar are dead and several local cops are hurt as a result of a shootout with multiple armed suspects. multiple a to thisen video as neighbors could hear the gunshots and in the bathroom, toilet. >> now, local residents report they could hear active gunfire for hours as u.s. marshals and the charlotte-mecklenburg police departmenhet were trying to serve a fugitive warrant on somebody for possession of a firear om by a felon. now, police say as they thproached a home to serve
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that warrant, they were shot at from somebody inside the houseye, officer shotling back and ended up killing the shooter on the front lawn. th thebut as they approached the house for a second time e officers weres met with more gunfire from inside the house. >> ultimatele from iidy, two pee inside the home were detained. tragically , three us marshals were killed and four charlotte police officers were injured, one critically. >> we believe there are twoe be shooters involved. again,liere's tw we have two pef interest at the police station g that are being questioned right now. and we have confirmed that theou individual that was set up that we were serving the warrant on was the individual who fired the initial shots and was deceasedwa in the front yard at the end of all of this. >> and jesse, the fraternal order of police says at leas ot 11 police officers all across the country have beeof n shot in the last three days alone. now, in reaction to this shooting. ction tos shtingthey posted on w is a war on going
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cops in america, and they say that it's, quote, a stain on society. we'll send i stain ot back to. >> you. bill, thank you. now back to my day day. >> campus crackdowns in schools across the country this weekend in texasross the, arizona and g, where cops hauled students away like spoiled hur you're hurting mtie. oh, oh, oh. >> but there are still major pockets of resistance.e, >> cambridge and harvard students tore down the american
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flag and raised the palestinian one. just another reason why jesse j. is another reaso to p. >> at ucla, it looked like the gaza strip, with israeli and and hamas defenders duking it out in hand-to-hand combat ham a mosh pit. >> arab spring breakers even had the nervpit,e to disrupthe o the nerd prom. yep. demented adult eg mock executions of israeli soldiers committing war crimes. gs right outside the whiteide of house correspondents dinner, which itself tte is a crime aga comedy. good guy. you like that? you like that guy?
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>> oh. today we saw how two different parts of the country handle crime. aw >> texas enforces the law. state troopers broke up a massive illegal studente protest forming at u.t. austin. legal st50 people arrested.ple but at columbia, we're caliphate has been set up on the quad. >> this part of the country decided to enforce the law.iveri the universityty set a deadline for 2 p.m. today. pack up the terrorist tent city ork up face the consequences. and guess what happened? consequewhat hapthe clock strucd nothing. >> rules don't exist if you don't enforce them. ask any parent what happens when you negotiate bedtime. then ask what happens when there is no bedtime? >> do you want to live in a house where children don't follow the rules because they aren't enforced? >> well, we're living in a
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country where adults don't follow the rules because they're not enforced. do you like living in a country like that? i don' forist. i do >> the viewer thinks we're being too hard on little johnnn. . >> it has never been in my life, in my career that criticizing policies of government is equated with anti-semitism. and that, i think is a far right comes from far right. it comes from both authoritarian leanings where they don't want students to on these campuses to voice their opinions because they want to change the going forward.ecause >> i think we have to be very, very sincere. having said that, noesse one supports free speech on campus more than conservativedy ss. ves? >> you shouldn't be able to protest war, chant slogans and speao protk mind without anw censoring or arresting you. >> but this isn' censot about fe speech. >> this is about physically intimidating and harassing sp religious minority on campus with violent and anti-semitic threats and preventing them from going to class, forcing, ma
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learning and blockading the site where graduation is supposed to happedng the sn. conservatives said the wrong pronouns and they were chased off campus by throngs of purple haired women's studies majors. >> the liberals can yell yel kill jews from a hamas campsite . and members of congress come visit and then order them pizza . you know, it's gotten bad when the media says republicanss go are pouncing. >> the bezos washington post saying trump gop seized on campus protests to depict chaos under biden. >> well, i'm not sure we're depicting chaos. i think this is chaos. they left off these schools, te d.c. arts for activism to get extra credit. >> hiding under his. >> biden's peacefully
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americans should have a at their school or o anywhere in the sky. not regarded, condemned, though that should not be allowed. >> founder of lest people forget, elizabeth picco joins me now. elizabeth, so you heard sunny on the view say this is justs about free speech and they should be able to protest on campus and it's notst o anti american to protest war. what do you say? >> well, first of all, it is incredibly anti-american to tear down american flags during your protests, while you raise up flags of other nations. that's number one. number two, i'd like to point thatt all of the incidents we hv have seen, the horrific incidents. i'm talking the violence, the threats, the hate speech on these campuses. these are the fault solely of the universities ths, not
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the student protesters. and again, we're not talking st about the right toy prot peacefully protest. like you said, we all support the righest to peacefully protest. we're talking about universities, all rules, i standards and policies which are being broken every single day. si dayand any time one of these of aols puts out any kind of potential threat to enforce their own policies, we know those threats are empttheiy. studst mean you just when i say we, i mean the students at these schoolsese scho know tm threats are empty, by the way, the ones who break the rules, but alsopt a the ones who arene at home terrified right now because they've been threatened on their ownr campuses for either being pro-israel or jewish themselves. >> so what happens when columbia university tells this tent city, pack upy tell it twor else and then it's 201 and they're all just hanging got in them an tents doing god knows what what? >> what's going to happed s n tomorrow? >> next week, next month? when do they do anything about it? >> clearly never. right. let me just say, i was a graduate student last year. i got my degrey tudente last mai
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was kept to the same standard as everyone else, which wa ts following the rules, which meant obviously no plagiarism. for example, citing sources, ri even things like making sure that my medical records were up to date and sent to thci,mye sc. >> and if they were not sent to my school, i didn't get to go to graduationt do, i didn't get to go to class. i didn't get to enjoy the freedoms of being a student. i'm not undeo toclass and enjoyy why? things like medical records, policies regarding submitting thosical rece to the school are to a higher standard compared to policietas regarding threatening other students or trespassing in this case. >> yeah, we've now or trespa bed we're allowed to plagiarize and chant killed jews, and that's fine at universities in the united states. this is a wild time to be alive, elizabeth. a wihopefully it gets better bee it gets worse. thank you so much for comingse. on. >> great primetime. thank you. kamala>> jes steinfeld and obama ahead. my surprise was all over thenict
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joe biden to come off ice todayt ,sending her to atlanta to pitch their economic opportunity tours, whichpitcll are really just trump's opportunity zones that they played for us. campbell opey is tellingtelln black voters, reelect joe and we'll pump cash into e wi your neighborhoods. this may actually help with her name recognitionghborhoo, consig the black voters johnny talks to can't even pick her outack va lineup. >> who is this? i don't know.. ] is that i know she's a black woman. sot is. know who tha that house kamala doing. kamala soarris do. >> how proud are you of kamala harris? e do all she does is laugh. what has she donlauge ford sh my community? kamala harris loves her electric buses. we don't need that. co. lae >> she loves a lot of things. you know, lot of people democrats know kamala's a hot mess, but they're stuck with her. they need to get it togethera he >> i mean, not a book plug,bu but they need to. th kamalatsted with focus groups to figure out why she's unlikable. >> it turne is ule?s out is thi.
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>> and then i have a follow up on afghanistan. >> okay. i think you just fell out of the coconut tree. >> okay. some >> some people in this arepea talking about that cactus, hardd to handle, but kamala doesn't care. she is leaningo into it. >> you were asking me earlier about what it means to be the first woman. >> and you know, it's funny becausn anausee people still got used to this, right? >> i mean, my staff, for example, sometimes they'lle show me little things that just amuse me. like a >> like, apparently some people love to talk about the way i laugh. oh, yeve talk abous. okay. i love your laugh. >>ll, let me just tell you something. i have my mother's laughd frs ae grew up around a bunch of women in particulaver goinr.
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>> so that's just i'm not that person. >> see what you did there? hate income was left sexist. >> but don't worry. they're hard at work rebranding kamala for max the 19th time. as we all need a mom. i've been thinking that we really all need a tremendous hu ag in the world right now. yeah, but in our country, we need you to be mom. >> a lot of the country. we need a great protector. >> joining me now, former speaker of the house newtjo gingrich. speaker, do we reallining me no the great protector mama la? oh, that's almost cool. i think the idea of cutting from we need a great protector and have kamala there is like insane. she she has this problem. she is serving with the most unpopular president in the history of the gallup poll,
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according to the last quarter. and she's less popular than the most unpopular president. yeah. now, that poses a certain challenge for how you rebuild, particularly becausew you re weo three and a half years to learn that she can't learn anything. learni mean, the truth is, when you listen to her for a while, it is somewhere betweene an sophomoric in eighth grade and strange. i think it's a nervous nervo i think she laughs because she's nervous and frankly, when i listen to her, i get nervous too, because she is the vice a president uncensored idea of her being vice president. ini find pretty frightening. >> i do too, and i will noti be going along with the rebranding. i will still call her kamala harris, not ellail . m out of respect for my own mother, who is a great protectomothr and someone else needs protecting. and that's the press.a, for because barack obama, formerme president, really wants everybody to be nice to the wants because he says, speaker,a that the press usuallyke
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get everythingr that right. >> listen, there's a difference between facts and opinions. >> yeah. .e and the one thing that our se still pretty much sticks to is the facts. he may >> you may not agree with whatever is in the new york times o witr whatever'swhar on msnbc, but generally they're not going to just make stufbcrally thf up. >> they're not going to just make stuff ue p. >> but i mean, most frighteningc about this is that barack obama probably believes it. he lives in a fantasy world. you know, he's often that gigantic mansion. and he i suspect, doesn't groce go grocery shopping. if he did, you'd understanryd that the real problem for joe biden is called realit y. it's the reality of crime. it is thy e realitofy the border collapsing. it's the reality of gasoline and grocery prices. it's the reality of thea worldn
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chaos. and now, of course, it's a reality of studentss all over w the country who are going crazy and the naturagone cral culminal of left wing ideologicaln brainwashingof lef on our campub so, you know, i think foama,r oa ,none of that exists because he you know, he lives in a nice littleecause h a isolated world surrounded by people who say, yes, you reallyent and are brilliant, mr. president. and he believes them. >> who doesn't say it? >> michelle and everybody tells them he's brilliant, except ford . all right. it is kind of funny that,-- you know what she says to him. e >> yeah, i don't know either.t and i don't need to know. that's none of my businessnekno >> newt gingrich, thanks for coming on. >> great to be with you. johnny hits the beach. who is the vice president ofnd the united states? joe bidebiden?n, texas.
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when you can watch listen get the latest news business and news headlines on sirius xm anytime anywhere. fox news audio on sirius xm america is listening. trump's trial resumes. these are all legal hail marys to keew,
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one of the reasons seinfeld was such a success reasons was becae nothing was off limits. >> she had man hands, man haddso
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the hands on me, the comedian and his long time companiond hi seemed to be inseparable, carvin [ lat it. kn i wasn't even in. well, everyone's going to think weight gain. not that there's anything wrong with that. >> excuse me. you must know where the chinese restaurant at is. is around here.t di why must i know? because i'm tiny chinese. >> all the chinese have done>> s seinfeld himself says this show would never fly today tor networks would just wate down every edgy joke. >> we would have never met the soup. the left made comedy boring. we can't even laugh at ourselves anymore. even lau jerry has had enough. nothint ourselg really affects . people always need it. they need it so badly and theyn don't get it. you just expect it. there'll be some funny stuff we can watch on tv tonight. wellweon, guess what?? >> where is it?
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this is the result of the extreme left pc and people worrying so much about offending other people. >> he went on to say there's too many cooks in thhe wene kit, and dozens of executives stripped the edginess out of every single crack. >> if seinfeld was that safe, we never would have menfeld waty peterman. >> my friend's hot toast as well. he had melanesians of papuaed mn new guinea once said. >> and whe fn you you can hearhr uncle buzzy laughing from the grav e, mr. peterman himself. >> seinfeld actor john hurleyjon joins primetime ardal hurleyllo! >> ji mean, you couldn't do you couldn't do cannibal jokes today. ah ha ha.! well, somebody can, but theyve e have to have been real, right? you have to be. president toes make jokes like that. actually didn't actually, iti reminds me of a time when i was
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ever in papua new guinea with the little naked natives m of bangladesh, presenting them with my annual mission of charitable giving. i gave them a total wash list. toilets, yes, eco friendly and elegant, even under the canopytall of a tropicalfrie rainforest. >> oh, i misndlys j.i miss j >> peterman so much. i really do.n the the rickshaw that thec th homeless were using for or for, i think it was kramer, he said they have nothing elses to do. >> strapped some rickshaws to them. what i homeless jokeshter ] are probably a no-go zone now. >> well, not only thatstri they have stripped there, are therppede are several actual episodes of seinfeld that have been episode stripped frome the syndication because they didn't they didn'ication t pass muster back then. so could you tell us about some of these long lost series?
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and they they the puerto rican flag day, i think, was the was at the one time i was in thatt actually, i don't remember what i didi don', but i do remeo that never showing up again. well r they probably took it ouw because you were in it and i shouldn't take that personally. >> n shoo, of course d and you shouldn't. so, john, when you hearrawn jerry talk about that, i mean, he seems sad. i mean, he seems like it's never coming back.ming b >> is comedy coming back?ac well, it's an interesting question because, you know, jerry, of course, more than anyone, had a more accessible and cleahan of comedy. i mean, there wasn't a cleaner t comic in the business in the last 50 years of our, you knows? ,our laps. and for him to say that and s he said this about ten years ago when he said, i no longer am doing college campuseso lo, he sayss th they're they're mean spirited. and he says, okay, that was ten years ago. and now the problem is that we
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have our ability to be silly. that's a sad thing when you think about it. are just it just just let the shoulders go loose and say something silly about yourself. i have a whole and s show. i mean, my one man show is justn all self-deprecation and it's safe because i can make fun of myself. so , you know, i'm hitting myself before anybody else can take a shot at me. and there's a lot of material. we have lost our sense of humolr . >> yeah, it really is.>> jes i am a walking self-parody. so, john, you're saying are some afraid of offending other people? because when a puerto rican guy says, fine, make fun of me, or are hispanicit guys, is cher coming on? come get come get some you know every race, gender, creed, color, whatever. >> they're fine with making funn of themselves. >> i think we're all sensitive kidsk wesensitiv making fun of . historically, ethnic groupsuld e would be searching to be included so be in the comic
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repertoire of of our culturewe t and now. no, no, no, we can't. don't and it's not that they don't want it. it's that there's a selectup group of those who know better, who feel as though they shouldived of be deprived of it. i comedy is no longeour sillr c it's not about that. it's mocking and it's sarcasmy. and not comedy. right? we have to make america silly makn. let's run on that. thank you so much,that's >> you still remember remember as as firesign theater once said, we are all just bozos on the bus. john, good seeing you. thanks, as always. sei and we miss you on seinfeld. and if you want to see y john o'hurley anywhere, go online and find them, he wants you to be with hihe wa primetime is out in floridaou this weekend. wer >> while we were there,y ha i obviously had to put johnny to work on delray beacohnnh, whs
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the most powerful person in the. country? >> my mother, i must say, t of battery company. he's got some kind of power somewhere. the president,. joe, unfortunately, our world. tell me about the legislative branch of government. >> hmm. e branch>> i that th makes judicial decisions. they basically control all our laws. brat are the other branches of government? >> republican and democratic legislativeanches o.g judicial. eggs benedict sounds? absolutely. who is the vice president of the united states? >> joe biden. i forget her name. it's really bad. carla. >> kamala harris. is that the vice president? >> yeah. oh. oh t vise pres. name a person in joe biden'se
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cabinet. n. who is the secretary>> w of transportho station? >> michael jordan. pete davidson. >> kei >> the attorney generalths th is merricke at johnson.e is g the last name is garland. and judy garland. >> we're not in kansas anymore. how many supreme court justicesk are there? ansaore.400. i actually voted for them. and i actually care about the justices for. we don't vote for justices. oh seven. >> ahigher. 12. lower. ten. >> lower. nine. same a justiceone name judge.ud? judy, you're an idiot. ranked carn idiot!s. >> sonia sotomayor. >> amy schumer. cut me about the bill of
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rights. >> oh, my god. cut the camerathe cames. >> carabao cup. a! who was president after jimmy? >> abraham lincoln. is jimmy one carter the one. that came before obama? that was bush. okay>> tha. same difference. reagan wasn't expecting thise ia right. name a state that borders florida. tennesse thae. . >> right there. mississippi. georgia. olin virginia. south carolina. sweet home. >> alabama. a labamawhere the skies are so co. what major event happened o on july 4th? >> uh, washington. on a boat. >> they signed the declaration of independenc declarae. throug >> what happened on january six? i don't know what happened on januaryi don'
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six. >> january 6? i don't know. i haven't heard of january six. >> january 6. it's my birthday. happhday.>> hapy birthday to yo what do you want to tell jesse watters on fox news? let hey, jesse. hold on. we'll do that.are you? ready? one, two, three, go. hey, jesse. how are you?u you should be here. >> it's great. it's my world, and you're just living in itsh's . : were s >> we're starting a movement right back. work and play. link relief work, play, link, release. the only three in one extended release formula for dry ice lake. >> when i started mypillow, it was just a problem solution one product company. well, since then, with the help
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lunch. and i just powered through. throe i love you and you love me. >> and that's what this is allta about. we could feel the movement starting to take shape. a mentcome i can't really put a definition on it, but something is happening in this countryit'a and you're a part of it. and i'm a part of itit. >> and i love you. let's do some text. >> darlene from massachusetts, did you see biden talkingd with food in his mouth? >> where are his manners his? >> disgusting. tony from brick, new jersey. e >> the last biden too get roasted was uncle buzzgey. >> chris from colorado springs. jesse, you are the jay petermane of fox news. >> yeah, the great tanrm o didn. some maybe spf 30. i'm waters and this is my world and welcome to "hannity" and ni


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