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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  April 30, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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>> comedian jerry seinfeld thinks the extreme left isinks e ruining comedy. >> he's right. look, nothing really affects lef comedy. people always need it. they need it. >>so badly and they don't get ie . >> it used to be you would go home. at the end of the day, most people would tha will go, oh, cheers is on. >> oh, man, she's on a mary tyler moord wae on. >> all the family's on. you just expect it. there'll be some funny stuff we can watch on tv tonight. >> well, guess what? where is ibut guest. this is the result of thee re extreme left and psultc and peoe worrying so much about offending othee leftr peod >> he's right. sad. peop worri the time we left this evening. dvr so you never, ever, ever nem ashley strohmier, live in new york. the situation at columbia
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university heating up overnight. a group of protesters breaking windows and barricading themselves inside hamilton hall at the campus. they've pushed tables and chairs against the doors. and this action comes just hours after columbia university, the epicenter of the nationwide pro-palestinian campus protests , began suspending students. the ivy league school had set a 2 p.m. deadline monday for the protesters to leave their encampments at the campus. the university had been trying to avoid calling back the police, whose intervention on april 18th led to more than 100 student arrests. the protesters at columbia have inspired similar pro-palestinian demonstrations on campuses across the country. arrests nationwide are now approaching 1000, as the final days of class wrap up and commencement ceremonies are just days or weeks away. the protesters demand the universities cut financial ties with israel over the war in gaza, but many jewish students say the protests have veered into
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anti-semitism and made them afraid to set foot on campus once again. a group of pro palestinian protesters taking over a columbia university academic building just hours earlier, the school began suspending students after a deadline came and went without an agreement. stay with fox news channel for more on this developing for more on this developing story. right now, we're going to send you back to regular programming already in progress. meanwhile, i hear alec baldwin wants to hire her for a remake of benji. it's either that or 100 dalmatians's. every sequel just gets less and less. 99. >> anyway, speaking of movies, president joe biden has tapped steven spielberg, the director behind e.t e di., to tell joe's story. >> biden does have a lot t in common with in that neither o one knows how to get home.
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dolly parton is launching her own line of wine. >> not surprisingly it. >> it's only available in jugs . i feel bad. a doubting boeing's 767 had to return to jfk airport after its emergenceingy fell off. in response, a rep for spirit air said, what's an emergency slide? reportedly last, top bidenport aides secretly tried to oust karine jean-pierre becauseedlyih doesn't have a graspdoes on the issues and doesn't spennd the time to learn. >> apparently, her only qualification was that she'sd ts black . so it was either presst she'blac secretary ork oprah after anti-israel protest at harvardai flew a palestinian flanig whichg
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had replaced the one that's usually there the. ther two white house correspondentse. dinner was held on saturday with 2600 journalists and celebrities and peoplere neh who are neither protesters staged mock executions outsideis the white house correspondents dinner. din after it was clear none of them were interested in a hunger strikeneclear mi are. the at the dinner, biden joked that he was a grown man runninig against a six year old. he said this right afterthis a waiter had to cut his food. wl >> eve plumb, who playeday jan n the brady bunch, is 66 today. >> eve plans jth to spend the d- the same way she always does. >> totally. and shadowthe figured that would land better.
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there's a new air power depthi calculator that can accurately predict when you'lpol die. >> it's very popular among christie gnomes, dogs. all right, enough of that. >> so after being criticized avoiavoiding the media, joe biden has finally begun making some public appearances r to disprove the notion that he's deadan. >> and who did he start with? howard stern. >> that's right. tha the king of all medit'a interviewed the petrified of all media. >> it was a weird for man. and howard stern didn't look that great either. >> but what an appearance it was. of course, joe hadt what a hearu the questions not because of his age, but because howard ha had his head so far upd the president's. it was muffledo .
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it wasn't an interview. >> he waits a little wind ski. the only thing missing was a blue dress and an president.e it's a clear indication that the king of all media s. now the queen of all bj hey, you know, maybe stern gotim a changaybee. loo >> because all i saw when i looked at this interview was one gianth giantt guy who knew the stern show would be a safe space for spineless babbling ss jerry. and also joe biden. but what was really notable was how stern lapped up all the lies was jokes. spin more yarn than mother goose on crystal meth. but that's the dems dilemma. hi, joe. have him look demented. or let him talk and remove and all doubt. it's all the more hogwash to enjoy bayer'sem.
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first of all, joe lied about how he got busted at a protest while standing on a black family's porch. >> essentially i remember true story. i remember when there were desegregatin storyg winfield the neighborhood, and it was a, you know, 70 homes build a white suburbia. and i told and there is a black family moving in. and there was people were down therere prote. i told you not to go down you there. you went down. remember n t that? and you you got arrested. be standing on the porch with ad black family. right? they brought you back. the police said. yeah ught youk th, my memory of that. >> yeah. whenever he says true story, that's a tip off i get. i get. the mom recalls this differently. back then, she remembers him saying he remembers herself saying, well, someone pleasek th tell that white kid to get off our porch. he keeps sniffing our baby's hair. >> of course, no one can findre a record of this arrest. they tried. biden also claimed to have been a runner up in state scoringt a
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in football. >> i don't think a lot of people know that. you a star receiver in highn school. so you werhighe like the firstyh string guy. you were the guy who caught the ball runner upo caught and g like that. at >> t and whilehe h i'm stern kns his life story better than he does. n he d but i suppose the best evidence joe biden played footbal suppol is brain damage. stern then asked anothere bide y question about being a lifeguard. >> did you ever save anyone's life when your lifeguard was anyone ever drowning? >> yeah, he did. half a dozen times. usually younger kids, you know. dsbut you do the thing with the whistle and then jump in in the bathing suit and youju got it? yeah. yeah. greg: ha n kids. n kids it's rare. the good old days when howard stern, more intelligent people who could maintain a line of thoughnterviewt, you k like crack. stern then told biden that
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the president had had a very cinematic life. >> you have the movies, pinocchi cinemato. h and what's up with stern? it feels like he became everything he usedst lik to hat but maybe this is all he really wanted. the role of the everyman b was i just an act, a conduit for acceptance by the elites who usedcondui to hate him.e sai >> then there's joe saying, how is the senator? in the seventies, he wasng namel the most eligible bachelor. >> it's like wheorn i when i met jill, i was when i lost my family, i got to play in that ten months. i was on my bachelor's list. because you were united states senator. you were ten. yeah. and so and a lot of lovely women. but it was very salacious pictures. >> and i was just getting salaci woulde. ervic >> oh, yeah. senators don't get a secretsecrt service detail. joe bide s detain, one until 208 and he showed themm his gratitude by swimming in grt of in the pool.
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>> you can read that headline there. i'm too lazy. they'r soe, you got to wonder who joe was actually giving these you to. lazy. are there a bunch of retired senate ushers with photos of liz warre ofn wearing only a feather? but i got to say, man, howard stern is the only guy makes seth meyers look cutting edge. i mean set, he did reinvent himself. he went from being a funnyhe re to just a boring. so joe's nexjust at stop, the we house correspondents dinner. the drink of the night was vinegar and watedrink ofr becaus that's what you serve at a bag convention. e >> now the event is held in a huge ballroom in d.c hel., which is ironic, since there's never been anyone spotted there with a pair of thousands pai of media, politicians and navy celebs gather to tell each other how great they are. it's like working for kim jong un a bunchhot weak, scared people pretending to like a tyrant so they don't get eaten by his dogwn.
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the event was hosted by colin jones, whose claim to fame is banging scarlett johansson. but if that's your claim to, you should claim that fame, identityim. but then the podium he did what expected. he made a few jokes with those directed at joe or the non dex medi fox media having all the sting hae, knock knock jok it's hard to say which had less real teeth. stern's intervie tw colin are biden himself. but the weakest part was how jost had made his comedy turn into a preachy devotional to biden, his jokes weren't meant to be funny at all, just to express amazementeachy den ar how it could be possible that america would prefes amazr trump to. d joe. as for the pres, he received a standing for managingon to stand, although though his speech was the usual combo of shouting weird grins and shots at trump. >> why repeat him? you heard it before. but the story is wha t you hearar o on stern or in dc and that's
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what's happening in and and to america. no wonder they'd rather joke about trump who isn't president. it's hard to make jokes about violent crimte, war, crippling inflation, mental illness, squatting homelessness, illegal immigration, fentanyl overdoses, transak militancy, and, of course, american hostages. mid americbut whether you're hon or joe biden, it is better to seclude yourself fromding the rabble surrounded in wealth, comfort and power and hope the resd wealtht of wot notice. >> but we do. in a way, ster americawon't nona lot alike, masquerading as men of the people. the they actually find people gross. but if it's any consolatio find the feeling is mutual. >> let's welcome yang. she's been called a cougar more often than john mellencamp, but news anchor julie banderas, he was the band in mumford and sons winson commercial.
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his agent is the one with a sense of humor. writer and comedian joe devitoit and she moonlights as a skeleton in a medical school. "new york times"e moonlis sellr and fox news contributor gadhia . jill, been in new york a longllo time. >> some say too longu've bee. listen to howard stern. kind of like deliver each set hw up each question, which was obviously given to him liknequei you were a lifeguard. right. you know, you were arresteonoud on it like it was it was kind of sad to me to hear. and then when any any time sayss true story, you know, it's not trueay because the true story is true on its own. >> that was like the most painful sessio in of . like i could never have the. it just goes on, on and on and on and on and on and on. there.
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there was no happy ending, but his story is interesting because it is interesting every time he does say a true story,te it's but you know, he didn't nobody was eve ss n you know, he did tell a story once about cattle cannibalism strikingdi a his family, which s tragic back in world war ii. his uncle,y you his plane wentee down, but he was not eaten. unlike joe biden's storydown bu he actually fell in the pacific ocean. cannibalism would be in that if like a shark where he you. >> i don't think that's considered cannibalism. but i mean how is he going ca debate if he can actually tell a story straight. >> yeah, that's what i want to know. n'that's he's not going to debae it. >> i would be afraid to put him up against my actualthem ua de seven-year-old debate. >> he talks about trump being the equivalent of a six or seven-year-old. >> i don't think he could actually be clear. i wouldn't want to debatr 7-year e your 11 year old daughter. >> she would eat him alive. yeah. yeah and, i feel. i know. i do not think that he's going to actually debate. i think that he said that thintt because i don't know. he was he was he was in la laha land because he wae s in howard stern's show and he was feeling like his house was getting cast. so, yeah said you are from
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england, correct? correct. e yo how do you on the current events day, what are your thoughts on this election? evenu watching it with extreme level of bemusement or disgust or all of that? >> yeah, it's great television. yes, i knoreat telw that the bom of them are plummeting in their approval ratings, but it'sn thei it's the wrong kind of ratings you're looking at. yeah, we're looking at the tv s. sng looking >> fantastic drama. oh, it's going to get better. it's going to get better. i hope so. what do you make of that? what do you make of what you've >>u n? bideit >> i've got to say about this, how it's done thing, if i ma?iss because howard stern is the story there. >> yeah, he sort of reminds me of latreminde michael jackson. >> i know. i know he got the work done. yes. but he's not he's not white. howard stern. the mm-hmm. i know he's saying all the right things, but he's not wok that heeg to . >> yeah, he's trying to be mr. politically correct. it's the least b politi correct person in this country who's kidding?
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why do you think he made d that switch? i always think i call it the second. why did ginger mink? i think. i think he's hiding something. i think it's i think it's allowing him that free pass for his past. h exactly. yeah. he does want to get done. yeah, he did. doest canceldot to get cancelee . so you're the expert. nonsense. it's total nonsensyou're tere. >> the biden stuff in that interview is like same old, same. i was saying to howard stern, what a hypocrite he is. it's like a thing. it's kins liked like the trans a >> it's like, yeah, i knownd you did the work and you got a job. >> you're a bloke. yeahb. perfect segue way to you, joe, because you got the work done? exactly. you're the bloke. yeah. what d what do you what do you make of say, well, we haven'thed on touched on the white house correspondents dinner. >> have you ever gone to that? no whiteouseenter an, i'm not at anywhere near places like that. >> you're not allowed to go near places? >> well, it's mostly the school grounds and playground.
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>> i think. this is so funny. we saw that howard stern clearly his intervieawn thatw ss peaked when he was throwing cold cuts at strippers that. >> yes. hi a moment there.s hi >> i do believe that joee bi biden police did take him away from a black family's porch. i think it maybede pole happen within the past couple of weeks when he wandered off. >>lacouple but think when you wh the whole thing, it's not it's bad enough that howard stern has to give him these leading questions. >> but he ha td to explaind to to them what a lifeguard was. right. that's how connected is. he said, remember, you were a lifeguard, so you had a swimsuit, you went in the water, were drowning in a pool . >> and then biden just hasto g to go there. >> but for the correspond center, what ever happened to speaking truth power? yes, but the press, you're supposed to have an adversarial relationshiponsh with the president and even look like kayleigh mcenany. thent as at jim acosta in a headlock every week. >> and it was great because it j showed lik e, you know,he the press is supposed to be fighting with the president. they're not supposed to let him si witt and just be you're not
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supposed to baby the president just because he wears a diaper i . >> i mean, i think there. but i dir.d miss him not saying his typical reading the stage directions from the teleprompter i love when he says, yeah, pause. love, you he says serial number 8365 samsung model. so for biden that was a pretty good interview for. >> stern it was bad. and for the rest of us it was really it's like him. >>w cat,ouou kno. you're too young to have been brought up on howard stern, but hated don imus. and i think nostw he iern bus i. he's a joke. don imus. i know that makek he is. >> n o sense to you. why did you say, i know you're not old enough and then you use that the questiono ge anyway, because i want to get it out there. okay oute into into the univers. okay. so you don't have a question joe? i think you're a professional guy. you can even launch into an opinion without needing to be prompted. no, that's what makes me different. yeah a great. so this was like. this was not live, right? this was either that.
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>> yeah. don't like what was the stuff that got cut outas t tha? yeah, that's what i wantus to read. that'se that's the s the stuff e like, this is, this is the best and the best things that w we e have are also just his resting like his face all he's likee all the time. but it's like me at a part ayn e when someone's tryingonex to explain the rules of a new card game. >> to meplainee rules of. >> yeah, we're. i'm just like, yeah. fuzed and pretendingt and pre l, but just trying to think of how can i make it stop and get out of there becausehinkho i have nn interest in it at all. he look at this. you know his i squinted, yes, we like this. it's like it's like me duringnd a trainine dug, i, i would actually be so uncomfortabletabn interviewing some someone like that. but it's not really an interview. no, it's notmeone like tha not w words. he says some words. none of it is accuratefe. you just go. yeah, okay. yeah. wow. tragedaccuratey that's what i c. >> okay. up next, biden's numbers take a dive.
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a dive. >> nome's dog still isn't alive if you have chronic kidneyu'd le disease, you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with zikketoacida because theire is going to be more secure. it can serious side effectsa ra including ketoacidosis that may be fatal. bactere urinary tract oraa yeast infections in lowact oraa yeast infections in lowact oraa blood sugar,away bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occuergicr and stop taking for a second. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction infection, an allergic reaction or ketoacidosis, take of a guyh. who lost the bet and my dignity as if watching my team lose wasn't punishment enough. what are you looking at, huh? what are you looking at, huh? what do you. it's a one speed rule. and ray caster is you be paid for that yourself.
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this isn't scary. i'm doing it. another miserable call. the press who's barely whole. biden's campaign sounds the alar barel bidm while chrise romans pooch buys the farm a new cnn poll shows mrump pulling away fro biden 49 to 43% in a head to head matchup. >> and it's even control yourselves and it's even better for trump. a third party candidate in the mix. his lead his over biden grows to nine points, 42 to 33% with rfk, cornell west and jill stein included. som some are criticizing the poll because it's registered voters not likely e poll and there was no wayd to write in greg gutfeld for best quads d . i know.r quadow.
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i agree. meanwhile, according to gallup, biden's latest approval rating ng to ga is now an abysmal 38.7%, which coincidentally is also his body temperature. >> but that makes him the most bounpopular president at this ti point in his first term in the past 70 years. e >> it's interesting how that happens, given old joe broke obama'pa s for most votes ever cast for an american presidential. >> so the president, with the cand can't even, find enough of them to help him move a couchhelp. >> meanwhile, what the wasll dakota governor kristi noem thinkingsouth da? >> she just took her vp chances out to a gravel pijut and shot at. >> after admitting that's what she did to a, quote, d farm dog. >> what a charming anecdoterainb to includele in a room with hero editor michael vick. seriously killing a puppy for
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is like nuking france for not shaving their armpits. e nuit's a little th >> so anyway, polleisls show biden's in real trouble. which tells you everything you need to knowin rea about.d o trump's trials as trump becomes america's choice for president, the only option for the dems is election interference through lawfare. their only strategy is to straeldshem from the playingr field rather than give the voters a chance instead of letting the election unfold. they're trying to take them outt back like an untraceable dog. except in this case, it's not back. >> they're doing it right in front of you . period. winston, i know in england that you have dogs. ru is it customary fur in the rural parts of england to decide you're going to just shoot a dora engt yog because hs trained? py trainei think you've got ths
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all wrong? yes, i think it is fantastic: .d >> really? and i'll tell you why. it's very important, actually. yeahou it'. hs >> we need psychopaths in the white house.on't >> look what happens when i you don't have a psychopath in the white house. a whole bunce.h. u'll h >> we need somewhat. do you think you'd have thought a plaza upav and columbia and university with putin messing in ukraine? >> if we have nutters in the white house, that doesn't happen. so she's got my vote. i meant's what, i love that is actually the argument, joe, that she was making that. i make the tough decisions and this was a tough decision, tou i don't know how toughho it is to just shoot a puppy when you could have probably taken it to the taken it to a shelter, i don't know. >> and i like christine, ut though. >> i just find this a bit odd. i yeah, it's a little strange. because think of whenever someone has a transgression, they could alwayu thins fall bat hey, it's not like they're out there killing. theyt, she did this time.
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so, yeah, i don't know who you know, who. >> who was it? who told her? w who wahe even said a bettera t politician wouldn't have put that in the book. i goer an wouldt news here. >> even a really politician to put that in the book. i don't know even who put the cats are cats. this saying like, yeah tell her to put in the dog shooting story. start now. so yeah, i. >> i'm just curious as to what people think is going o whh presidential dogs because it's escalating because romney put his on a roof. obamential da ate a couple of h. >> yeah. she's taking them out back and shooting them. >> you know, and i'll tell you this about biden's dogs, the crazies, y as they were this when those dogs were shot back? >> yeah, that's true. yeah. ection but, you know, i just one correction. i thina only ate one dog and it was part of a meal d in indonesiaog. rrectl i remember my facts correctly. and sometimes i don't like to remembesometimer them, but is case i must because we're going to talt ink about for the restr. of the year. >> cat. okay, what is this? okay, you wrote a book,wrot
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you have an editor, you have an agent. there are people that discuss what goes in and what doesn't go in a book, an at goe editoryou, is going to tell you, don't put this in the book. she wanted to pu thit it in bece it was probably already going to come out. >> then you why? what was who was going to tell a politician? yeah, who's going to tell the doisg hey, like you dogdog? can't talk, especially not nowpy . yes. when this first came out, i was like, how did this kind of. oh, she put it outi how. i just don't understand. i don't understand why you would share this. unhy you saying that aso sa someone who people say that about me all the time, right. >> aboe you share why would she share that? >> something people say about me? but this this you could notd tht waterboard that information out of me. >> yeah, exactlyut. u there's nothing you could do to make me say yes. i killed a puppy. yeaho kille, and there's the eg process. like you said, there's so many chances you have to be like, you know what? maybe i want to take that part about me shooting a puppany oute of the book. >> i do, too.
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i think that she had s to weigh like, okay, i could be vp and this story's out there. i i talked about it. and so i've got to do i've gote to itke, you know, get it out there. but it was poorl outy, poorly portrayed. i mean, you know, you don't kill a puppy because don't like it, right? you kill it like i get if it ifc it attacked an animal or attacked a person. but it'ske imal like it did this, this is poorly articulated when you kill you never speak of it again. right? that's it. my uncle kat: to tell me we han entire backyard fillede with shallow graves. >> we call it drifter heaven. julie, do you want to talk about the polls? you want to talk about the dog? lie, you talk about the dog. one >> yeah, i know. it's funny. it's like it's one of those things nobody wants to talf kth about, but when you talk about it, you can't stop talking about that. you really nt once can't. yeah. no, i think that her damage control attempt was really >> ie cot. like, she came out and she was like, well, you know, we kill horsed shs to got a she's
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like, we killed two horses like a couple of weeks ago. but i don't think they went out there with a shotgunorse and sha them. they probably had them euthanized like most people do when your ped theuthanpeoplet if you just have an animal you want to get rid of or an x ha no. >> i'm just saying i think it's very strange that she would use that as a justification for like, look, i kill animals, but know more mu i don't know more murder. >> what we need. >> yes, i can make the tough decisions. i think the tough tougheri th decision is to maybe tryin and train the puppe y or in or give it to a you know, give it to. but -- but just taking it outt o to a gravel pit seems like a snap decision. >>l the decision is don't talko about. >> yes. yeah. taut it. dear ignores all stopsr and trash talks. friendly copans, right.i've b liberty mutualee, my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. that's great. i know everyone. ready? yeah. >> how many people could
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windows and barricading themselves inside hamilton hall at the campus. they've pushed tables and chairs against the doors. and the action comes just hours after columbia university, the epicenter of nationwide pro-palestinian campus protests, began suspending students. the ivy league school had set a 2 p.m. deadline monday for protesters to leave their encampments at the campus. the university has been trying to avoid calling back the police, whose intervention on april 18th led to more than 100 student arrests. the protesters at columbia have inspired similar pro-palestinian demonstrations on campuses across the country. arrests nationwide are now approaching 1000, as the final days of class wrap up and commencement ceremonies are just days or weeks away. the protesters demand the universities cut financial ties with israel over the war in gaza. but many jewish students say the protests have veered into anti-semitism and made them afraid to set foot on campus once again. a group of
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pro-palestinian protesters taking over a columbia university academic building. so far, there are no reports of the nypd moving in to arrest protesters. since columbia is a private school, they would have to make a request before police can actually act. now joining us now is fahima deguia, a columbia university graduate school of journalism student who is reporting on the protest as part of her classes. fahima, thanks for talking to us this morning. tell us what you're seeing right now. yes no worries. currently, students are still protesting inside of hamilton and outside of hamilton as they've occupied the building. and they're chanting currently. i'm sorry, what are they chanting right now? right now they're chanting palestine, arabia. if you can hear it in the background, yeah, i can, it's, it is loud, but i just wanted to know what
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they were. they were saying. yes. fahima. i know that since it is a private school, as i just said, you know, they're trying to avoid bringing in police. it's kind of a process to get them in. have they been called back in tonight? no, they as of currently, as of now, there are no police inside the campus or outside of hamilton hall, from what we see from what is it? just students. yeah. for right now, in front of hamilton. it's just students. okay? and then it's just students who are inside as well. have you seen any faculty or staff, from what i see, i do not see faculty and staff right now in front of hamilton hall. just student protesters, okay? and obviously they're chanting and they they broke into the hall has anything become violent that you see? no, nothing has been violent and people have been actually pretty calm and peaceful, just like protesting and they're trying to be as efficient as possible. i would say, but yeah , about how many people are
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inside. so how many people are inside? i actually have no idea how the number of people inside, but there are people on the balcony and there's about 4 to 5 people on the balcony right now. i would say. okay. yeah, and then there was an alert. the school sent out an alert just a little bit ago. what did that alert say? yes, i would have to. can i, like, put you on speaker so i could check absolutely. really quickly? yeah. yeah well, to summarize the alert, sorry if you hear a lot of background noise, that's okay. go on, so basically, all of the alert says is there's major protest activity on morningside campus in and around hamilton hall. avoid vicinity if possible, i guess the alert is just informing students of what's going on. okay, so in your, i guess, history of being at this school, have you gotten an alert like this before in in
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recent memory at least? yeah. so they do send out, alerts pretty frequently, especially with everything unfolding today with the encampment. they do they have been sending out alerts, okay. and i would say, yeah, in the history of my time at columbia, they do frequently send out alerts about safety, whether it's like something happening around the school inside the school. yeah. okay. so it's not unusual, i guess you could say for them to send. okay. that's good to know. and then as far as the commencement ceremonies, what's going on with that? have you heard any word on what they're going to be doing. are they going to push them back or i mean, are they going to have them? i think that's what everyone is on the on toes about. no one knows what's going to happen to the graduation ceremony, but the letters that were given out to people who are protesting at the encampment did say that if you are part of the protest and were set to graduate, and if you are suspended, you will no longer be able to graduate. okay but everyone everyone's kind of curious what's going to
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happen with the graduation ceremony. obviously, we're going to we're going to keep checking in to everybody's keeping their eyes on that one right now. okay. fahima, thank you so much for your time this morning. and be safe. thank you. thank you so much for your time as well. thank you. of course. thanks, fahima. stay safe. and then if you're just now joining us, a group of protesters did break windows and barricaded themselves inside hamilton hall at columbia university overnight. of course, we're going to keep an eye on what's going on throughout the night. stay with fox news channel for more on this developing story. but for now, we're going to send you back to regular programing already in progress.. painfu >> well, i can't wail,t for this family getaway shingles. doesn't care ahhh, . shingles is a painful, blistering rash that can last blistering rash that can last for weeks.
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all right, here. jerry seinfeld, the politically correct car y comedy is wrecked. >> roll it. the politicahynothing really af. people always need it. they need it so badly and they don't get it. >> it used to be you would h go home. at the end of the day, most people wouldom go, oh, cheers is on. >> oh, mash is on a mary tyler moore on. >> all the family's on. a you just expect it. there'lle some funny stuff we can watch on tv tonight. >> well, guess what? where is it? this is the result of the extreme left and pthisc and peoe worrying so much about offending othe andr peopl. >> oh.reg: che cheers is on matches on all the family. >> he really is 70. joe. okay, so he's talking about sitcoms. he's not talking really stand about standup. yeah. do you find that like, when you come u home, he's making cos a good point that like when you turnhome you on there are ne
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sitcoms that actually are there to make you laugh. >>o sitcom they're to instruct. >> yeah. i recently saw an episode and of the jeffersons, and i couldn't believe how hard i was laughing. >> yeah, that wabelieve how has, really funny stuff. well, i think what's interesting is that you see that people speak out against this. it's seinfeld, j.k. rowling, joe rogan, dave chappelle. they have what they call f-you money. but it shows you you row reallyw need to have a lot of money to be able to say a fewu need to what' as going on inure so our culture right now. so, i mean, i know for me, f-you mone y is when i see how how small the check thm receiving their way of saying f-you. but he makes a good point. like comedy ofw buy not supposep politically correct. >> it's supposed to be subversive. and i'm nopod tot. >> the comedians don't sit in the front of the classroom. yeah. sitting back. so makes a good point. that is true. winston, as a musician, you go shet in trouble for just for likingg a tweet? if i remember right, it was like writing a book. >> liking a book? is it jordan peterson's or. it was a book by a american journalist called andy? >> no, that's right. who's been on this show?
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>> jay-z. yes. blsumenting the blm riot and the antifa movement of 2020. the thing about this is they haven't just ruined comedy they've ruined music, they've ruined hollywood. they've ruined publishing. >> they've ruined everything. yeah. the thing i'm a little bit annoyed is sorry thing little is 2024. , it's >> jezza love him. it's late. cyou could have said this eight years ago. yeah. hillary lost the election in 2016, and it's not reallylary a breaking story. reakin >> this is old news.t it in fact. i mean, i remember iold news hed about this before, but only when he wouldn't do colleges anymore because of the pc thing. that's not of the pc i that's f, but you've got to speak. there are a lot of people taking risks here, julie. >> yeah. i don't think the comediansakin >> y risks anymore becauseke they're afraid they're gonna get canceled. that's the problem in this country is tha t the wholethat cancel, you know debate is isth >> gn everybody's mind so people can't be funny and i disagree i think. i think you do seeree like basically on rogan's show and
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all the people that i've mentioned, did i just mention some names? >> am i having a stroke? n my stroke?i did. >> but i think you're thinking you're me again. they are got. but there are there there are people that are out there. they're just not on they're comd not. i think comedians are afraid of offending the woke culturiae and the left culture that is now dominating celebrities and dominating comede whole thy you're on my show, young lady. do you find that the case here ? >> yeah, no, i'm very intimidated by you. suggest that your height. yes. why are you laughing? >> cat is, is it? could it? >> should he have said this sooner? he said it. he sai a a times.. >> but the college thing, itto was like you're not going to be doing colleges anyway because you're jerry seinfeld. yeah, i do. >> yeah. you're a lawyer. so he was like that level of money. but also i think a lot of the shows that he mentioned were really old shows. showentioned them, but i think it applies a lot more recently than those. >> yeah, i didn't meano to offend you personally, i apologize, but like
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pers. ficeou could you make you make the office? yeah, you could make the office. millennials, we all rewatch the office over and over again, and we all just sit there. >> i can never do this now. yeah, yeah. there's a lot of stuffd ne you could never do. amos and andvey know. but look at tim dolan. >> you look at shane gillis. these are all guys a thrivingal in a really interesting climate. it's like no w work is helpingw woke you because by rebelling against the woke, develop a really strong audience. all right, we got to move on. p ence.will a coin's new design display. >> california's decline. >> what is going on on american campuses? do they go to war? enemies want to enforce, want to influence the thought processes of our kids? if you say someone's pronoun the wrong way, you can get kicked out of college. the jewish kids are hiding in their dorm, afraid to go to class. from the river to the sea, palestine must be free. that was to be set on campus.
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at boystown have answers. >> is it boystown board slash parenting a story in five words? >> let's help the gavin out devido governor gavin newsom in california asked the public for help designing new $1 coindi that highlights his state's innovation. ts o there are a lot of submissions. they didn't go very well for him. they mentioned crime, homelessness, sky high, skyt ofl high cost of living. >> what would you put on the new coin? wellg.ut, first i want to say, you know, it's bad when you're getting roasted online by coin collectors>> you. yeah, i think they should have one that a lot of hundreds of thousands of californians everinhouly year can relate to.
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>> if we could take a look at it, it's it says welcome tax . god got can i have some of the let's throw one up. >>what i have there i have a con that i came up with e pluribus . do we have the oh yeah this is a this is a pelosi. >> even the earth shakes her face never moves. but was this a good idea?a go >> well, i have a coin, too. okay. it's californi>> kat aa broughto one good thing. yeah. coming out of california. do in have it. oh, yeah. it says i'm the best thing to come out of california in 15 years, and i'm literally from the dumpster dumpster scene team, which in you? so you're in the music business. you must go eat, go to the y. nia frequentlu are in
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>> have you noticed a change? last time i was in california, san francisco about a year ago,n i walked out of my hotel rooml n and someone literally in front of me on the street, bam.e >> and then.nd and then i turned the corner and there's a giant mirror irne >> two st greta thunberg. yeah. >> all the churches have blm flags, the trans flagnd about what's going on. >>ha it's. >> it's dystopian. yeah, it really is. yeah, it really is.d it's it's sad. sad, but true. it's the pelosis factruee for wn money is tight. >> that's very good. >> all right. we've got to take a break. don't go away. we'll be right back. when you smell (♪you real amazt of jane, please. >> time stops. sly go and you realizode you're la steve with the laundry detergent. jane, seriously? good scent victims of mesothelioma and their families may be entitled to receive a cash reward from
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columbia unive


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