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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  April 30, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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mom to the country. >> laura, somebody needs a therapist. >> laura: what is she telling us?a li >> a little support group and leave politics alone here >> laura: did she actually jumped into her lap at that poit or what happened?o >> closean enough, anything coud have hav happened, laura. we went when i think offo drew barrymore, raymond, i thin that pigtail little girl and18 et. she was -- i mean, that is it for me.t i will not even talk about drew barrymore and i sound like joe biden, after et because that warfecs perfection for her. all right, raymond, thank you. go home here that is it for ust tonight. follow me on's -- s [chanting]
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>> todd: breaking right now at columbia university, protesters stormed and taken over an academic building on campus called hamilton hall, smashing windowings and forming a barricade inside. student protest group says they will continue demonstrations until the school meets their demands of divesting from israeli groups. i'm todd piro, carley shimkus is off. in a moment we'll speak with new york congressional candidate allison espisito, to break down what she's seeing in this developing situation. first doug luzader live with everything we know now. >> doug: this spiralled out of control quickly at columbia university. students have broken into an academic building there. watch.
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[chanting] [cheering] >> doug: students have barricaded doors, used table and chairs and zip ties to secure doors. this representing escalation at a school that has been at the center of this nationwide protest movement. protests are not letting up. demonstrators have command eared parts of the campus, demanding the school divest from israel and want to make sure they face no consequences for their action. at columbia, associated press this took over 12 hours after
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monday deadline for protesters to leave their encampment, about 120 tents at columbia alone. this highlights different approaches students have taken. at columbia, there were initial arrests and then the school backed off. back here in washington, we have the white house condemning lawbreaking, steering clear of direct criticism of how schools are handling all of the protests. as we see, at columbia, they are getting larger and it is clear the negotiations have not solved this. >> todd: call this what it is, invasion, when you illegally enter a place by force, what we are seeing on the screen, that is an invasion.
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let's bring in allison espisito, retired police officer. your opinion of this getting this far to happen. >> good morning. thank you for having me. that is exactly what this is, anarchy, absolute unrest and it is unacceptable. you have a group of overly emoti emotionally and under informed indiv individuals. it is absolutely ludicrous. you have group of students that have taken over a building and reports overnight of faculty members that were inside the building and briefly held hostage. this will escalate and get worse until someone gets hurt.
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it is time for strong, decisive leadership. you see schools around the country where some leaders are stepping forward and stopping the anarchy. these students believe they are not accountable for their akszs and that is pinpointed where criminals are not held accountable for their actions. take a hard stand and end this now before it gets worse. >> todd: as a police officer, give us a description of law and order, controlling mobs. how would you put a swift end to this before scenes like this could think of happening? >> so this is beyond negotiation at this point. as new york city police officer, retired as inspector of the 70th police precinct, we dealt with a
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lot of protests. social protest, abiding by the law is one thing. w once you are stopping emergency vehicles, taking over schools, not allowing students based on their jewish faith to cross into buildings, you have gone into the criminal element of this and it has to be dealt with. they have to be held accountable for their actions. they are demanding amnesty, that is unacceptable. leaders must be taken into custody and handled accordingly. they are holding people hostage, report of jewish student or individual being tased yesterday on one campus. it is time for decisive, strong
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leadership. students must be held accountable. nypd or national guard. nypd are the best in the business, they will go in and make arrests with professionalism. un stereos need to understand, if you do the crime, you are held accountable and leadership in the government and colleges need to step forward and hold students accountable. >> todd: you said national guard, do we need to see national guard today when the sun comes up, if you can mobilize them that quickly? >> we don't need the national guard in new york city. the nypd is ready and capable of handling protest such as this. handling mob crimes such as this. they are absolutely capable of
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going in there and ending this today. they did it with occupy wall street, we did it with the protest, mostly peaceful protest aka riots of 2020, they need to be allowed to do their job. >> todd: i asked you what you would do. you ware running for congress, f you get to congress, what will you do to put a stop to this? >> well, listen, i'm a law and order candidate and government's number one job is to keep their people safe and they are failing to do that. i'm running for united states congress because we do -- we are seeing decline of law and order in this country and it is not rocket science 101. hold i believe cs accountable
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for their action. if you take the leaders of this p protest into custody, no normalcrashes y will resume. it has to come out of albany, washington and hallowed hauls of academia. >> todd: you mention consequences, there need to be consequences for our actions in life, this scene, child who is one year old and you try to teach them right from think wro. these protesters, this is wildest part of the story. they are demanding israeli divestment and amnesty, whether breaking glass, preventing people from taking finals, it is intimidating fellow students, many of whom are jewish. what is your message to these children who want no co
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consequences for their actions? >> the adults in the room need to take over this situation. these are same students that are not going to be allowed to graduate, that went through the p pandemic. adults need to take over, you don't have amnesty, you don't get to demand amnesty in name of social protest, that is not how this works. these students need to understand there are consequences to your actions and you don't get to -- because you don't agree with something, this is not the way life and society works. this society needs to come down and make sure they know there are consequences for their action.
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i call on the adults in the room that know better, should know better telling students, you will not get amnesty, you will be suspends and students have right to study peacefully and enter buildings on campus based on $70,000 per year tuition their parents are paying. >> todd: let's bring in bryan ilenas live at columbia. what is the scene there now? >> we are on the amsterdam avenue side of the campus, the opposite side of where most press has been over last two weeks. you see the gates are locked here. nypd is outside. inside this is close as we can get to hamilton hall, which is where the students are occupied inside. there was chanting as soon as
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4:00 a.m., right now it is quiet. this is what we know, be about 12 12:30 in the morning according to the columbia spectator, the school newspaper, students were picketing outside hamilton hall and a bunch of students with sleeping bags and gear left the picket line and stormed the building and barricaded themselves using chairs and tables and the newspaper says they used zip ties to lock down the door. protesters outside hamilton hall locked arms to keep people from going in and chanting started and banter with written things like intifada and free palestine. inside, there were three facility workers inside of
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hamilton hall when this went down and the three workers left the building shortly after. one said they held me hostage in there. that is the situation we are dealing with right now. there are dozens of occupiers, protesters inside of hamilton hall. the university has not sent an official statement or language. there was a public safety alert sent out according to the on-campus newspaper alerting people there was a protest happening on campus. we have spoken to nypd, they have not been called in. there are no plans for nypd to go inside. the student newspaper reports an nypd officer did say they would go in and they thought somebody
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was potentially getting hurt or was hurt from this. this hour, this is what we're dealing with, dozens reportedly we understand from the student newspaper. and a student organization sent out press release, they say they plan on occupying hamilton until three demand are met, one, the university divest from companies associated with israel, financial transportarency and universal amnesty, they do not want disciplinary action or punishment at all, even though they have stormed academic building, occupied it, barricaded themselves inside of that academic building, they want promise from the university
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they won't be punished at all. those are three demands and they promise to have hamilton hall until their demands are met. they renamed hamilton hall hines hall, in honor of a six-year-old palestinian girl who was reportedly killed in gaza on january 29th during military operations there from israel. that is what they have renamed hamilton hall at the campus. nypd here -- they are here, have not been called in by the university, they are on standby and there are no plans to go in, they have not received as of last hour instruction from columbia to go in or do anything about dozens of protesters
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occupying hamilton hall on the other side of that gate. >> todd: when i hear you say there were workers inside, legal alarm bells go off, that is false imprisonment and kidnapping and not something any law should absolve anyone from. you can't say, i want amnesty for false imprisonment or kidnapping, that is not how this works. maybe a broken window and i shouldn't go that far. that cannot happen. you mentioned the press rel releases, you are more than a couple kids gathering on the school green to voice your. this is organized by outside forces. any sense how much outside
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forces, financially backed entitiies are leading to the scenes of anarchy we are watching on the screen? >> it's a great question and i think wonce we understand who i inside and who the occupiers are, we will get a better sense of who the organizers are. we are seeing posts on x or social media from official organizations that are leadsing t this. columbia university says they know the identity of many of those inside the uncamp mment since april 17th and have begun suspending those students. we'll have to see who is leading this, there are many students
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according to university that are receiving suspensions. despite everything the university has done and despite mass arrests on april 18th and threat of suspension, that has done nothing and it has gotten worse on campus with an academic building being fully occupied. nique next question, what does columbia university do? they set deadlines that are moved and surpassed and students are emboldened to continue to p protest and now have a building that is occupied and according to them, theirs. some other details in this, according to the on campus newspaper, they blackened out the security cameras inside. this was well organized and banners that were unfurled from this building, i will read, they
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say gaza calls columbia falls, another banner read intifada student intifada, liberation, education. just come some banners that were unfurled in front of this building. we are not hearing cheering at this moment, that has stopped over the last 45 minutes or so. this is a private university so this is close as we can get at this moment to see for ourselves. we have not reports of injury or anybody that is being held hostage or anything. i think it is just important to note the napier said there were facility workers inside when this building was stormed this morning and they went out and one worker said they held me hostage in there. >> todd: that is illegal, you
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can't do that. if i remember one thing from summer of 2020, it was your amazing reporting all hours of the night during the george floyd riots, call them what they were. what is your sense, when you look at this situation, do you think we could be headed there? do you think we are already there? these are horrible moments in our history. >> bryan: i think 2020 summer was something else, you had entire city up for grabs at that moment and it was intense moment happening nationwide. this is happening on one campus in the city, when i take a step back and realize all these universities across the country are getting their message from what is happening at columbia.
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this was the first major protest that launched the other protests we're seeing nationwide. it is important to see how the police and nypd react and how this administration acts and how far these students are willing to go. if anything we learned from 202, people were going as far as police and people were allowing them to go. there was true lawless nness unl they took action. that could happen if the administration continue to say they are going to do something and they don't. at that moment, that is when i feel thaey'll put nypd in a particular situation to go in there on university campus and deal with mostly students right
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before commencement. this is major escalation to occupy a building and i think at this moment, fascinating to see what this school does. important few hours how the school reacts. seemingly they have only been embolden by university actions. >> todd: this will go as far as adults in the room and leaders allow it to go. in 2020 it went too far, this seems it is heading down that path. with that, more "fox and friends first" after this. we love being outside, but the sun makes our
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after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day,
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businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" i'm thinking company wide power nap. [ employees snoring ] anything can change the world of work. from hr to payroll, adp designs for the next anything. >> todd: fox news alert, breaking now at columbia university, protesters stormed and taken over an academic building on campus called hamilton hall. they are smashing windows and
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forming a barricade inside. there are reports of workers at columbia saying they felt they were being held hostage by protesters inside the building. constitutional attorney mark smith joins us to talk about the criminal and legal aspect to all of this. beyond university discipline, what laws have these individuals, protesters, broken by doing what we have reported so far and what you have seen? >> reality is first amendment right to free speech does not allow you to break the law. you can violate criminal law if you trespass on to property you are not allowed to be in or destroy private or public property and if you assault someone physically, you are not al allowed to do that.
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exercise your right to free speech, that is fine. former saying by supreme courts justice holmes. my right to swing my fist stops at the end of your nose. if you destroy property, assault people, breaking and entering, it is a whole different world. >> todd: time, place and manny restriction on free speech, this is well beyond that. columbia university is a private campus calling into campus notion of free speech to begin with. if you are in a private setting, your speech can be controlled. we are well beyond that. if in new york, the new york district attorney actually decides to charge these people, what are we looking at? misdemeanors, felonies, something that could put people in jail for a significant amount
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of time? >> depends on what columbia university wants. if there is a victim, it is columbia university. first amendment only applies to government actors. columbia university is a private institution, not the government so first amendment really doesn't play a role here, because they are a private institution. to the extent columbia believes their property has been destroyed, they is file a criminal complaint and the take action and arrest perpetrators and bring them to court and let them plead guilty or not guilty. the district attorney can decide if to pursue the case. look at january 6, they used
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video to identify people, will columbia university have same approach or different approach with respect to protesters and people doing what they are doing right now. >> todd: ignorance of the protesters put on display in two examples. they don't know what the first amendment is or what situation it applies and many don't know what palestinian authority is, what palestine is or where it is for that matter. besides obvious ignorance going to naught. i asked allison if she thought national guard should be brought in, she said no because nypd is handle situations like this.
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my question to you, what is legal standard that is a governor or president or somebody uses whether they say this situation has gotten out of control, we need national guard to reign it in. what is approach these individuals making decisions have to take? >> i think we recently saw this when kathy hochul called in national guard from new york and deploy them throughout new york city subway because of rampant crime wave going on there. the government can deploy new york national guard if she felt that was appropriate. there are instances where the president can get involved. this to me at this moment, todd, is a local law enforcement issue with in conjunction with columbia university, if there is a victim and crime and a victim it is columbia university and
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their staff. the first step, what is columbia university going to do? if columbia university says we are fine with them taking over buildings and hanging out here and if they want to stick around all summer in live in the bu buildings, then you don't have pres ptrespass, they are there with consent of the owner. i would want them kicked out of my private institution because they are not following the rules of first amendment. as to what columbia university does is hard to say. >> todd: as a parent, i view everything through lens of a parent. my kids are nowhere near university age, if they were how
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horrific trying to study for final exams. do students who are being deprived of education right now, being deprived of what their parents and they have been paying for, do they have a cause of action against the school for allowing this to go this far? >> mark: you can't have a cause of action if you have not suffered damages. question is whether or not students have suffered damages, if they are able to take their exams and goat th get their transcripts and moving forward with their degrees. time, manner and place restriction has been violated. i don't have my right to speak my mind at 3 in the morning and
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keep you up all night, i think they have a cause of action. they probably don't have damages. there is possibly cause of action. proving damages would be hard part of that. one thing, colleges are supposed to be places of learning. if students get in trouble by virtue of conduct that is important life lesson for them to learn free speech sometimes, consequences are not always free. >> todd: important point to make that students do not seem to understand. want your thoughts on the other big thing happening in new york, new york versus trump trial continuing with more witness testimony. second hearing day set for thursday on the gag order. let's focus on testimony, weather pecker last week or garry farro, is this an attempt
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to set up and establish the foundation for the michael testimony that is sure to be the barn burner in this case? >> mark: trials are a version of st st storytelling, what we've seen so far the district attorney is trying to set the stage for the main actors, that is why we've seen testimony of pecker here about the catch and kill program they allegedly had and now seeing testimony from bankers about pnl transactions here. there is reality of transactions and how the money was used was different from the bookkeeping record. they have to show difference between reality of financial
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t transaction against the recordkeeping to show disconnect or falsity, that is premise here and argue consequences of that and intent and that is what michael cohen might be testifying about. the district attorney is trying to set the stage and they have to bring this main actors to explain why this is problematic under the law. >> todd: the main actors, specifically michael cohen will get annihilated on cross-examination, so they were setting it up early with a sympathetic witness in david pecker, nobody going after him. there was an attempt to attack his memory. i think prosecution did what it wanted to do setting the stage for michael cohen to take the stand. thank you for jumping in with us on the columbia protest and trump stuff.
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back to the fox news alert. students at columbia taking over an academic building overnight. >> bryan: this is the hamitton building, we are on the outside. we can't go right necessary front of the occupied building. this is building dozens have now occupied. you see behind me this is office of the dean is located in this building. you can see a sign they unfurled outside of this building. move over here, anthony, it says, free palestine" and when you look at windows of the building, you will notice they are covered and you can't look inside the building. we have not seen anybody look out or try to look at us from
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this end. i don't know if they have access to this side of the building. this is a private university and gates are closed, that is one of many signs. we will recap how this started. it started about 12:30 this morning according to the on-campus newspaper and has been updating us as to what is happening. there was a picket line outside the building and students went from the encampment in the south lawn and stormed the building and took over it and barricaded themselves in, using table and chairs. outside the building, protesters locked arm to keep people from going inside and they started to cover security cameras and chant and unif i recall banners that
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said fintifada and rename hamilton hall hinds hall. named after a little girl they say was killed in -- final exams are on friday and organizers have taken to social media and made clear that the goal here is that they will continue to occupy this building and to p protest through commencement. they want to make commencement, they are threatening to up end commencement ceremony supposed to take place on campus on may 15th. that is something that has been a red line drawn by the university columbia university
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president said this encampment and this protest started on april 17th need to stop because we are having commencement on campus on the 15th. protesters here overnight have taken things to another level and escalated this situation by occupying this academic bu building, barricading themselves inside. we don't know what is happening inside other than some social media videos show protesters have quieted down. this way, you can see the name of the building, hamilton and over here the gate and this is again as close as we can get, we have seen videos on social media where folks tired out for the night and cheering has stopped over the last hour and a half. that is situation here thus far
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outside the occupied building. >> todd: think about the students who are trying to graduate and done the right thing entire lives, going to columbia to get great education to become productive be ms of society and that is potentially ruined by scenes eyebryan ilena brought us. allison, how is nypd trained to deal with this? everybody has a camera and the protesters are trying to trap the nypd doing something they view as police brutality. how is the nypd trained to go in and quash a scene like this, allison? >> well, it is important to understand that making an arrest by someone who doesn't want to
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be arrested is never going to be a pretty sight. it is not easy. nypd are some of the highest trained, most skilled law enforcement in the country and we are quite johnnadept at affe arrest mass incidents. they are the greatest leaders in the world and will be able to skillfully take the head off the snake and stop protesters by arresting criminals that need to be held accountable. what is important to note, this is no longer a peaceful protest, this is a riot, whether criminal or entitled child not held accountable for their action, this is what happens when we move the line in the sand.
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leadership says you have until 2 p.m. or midnight or 4:00 a.m., they will keep pushing it, they are telegraphing what they are going to do next. they will occupy buildings, they will destroy property, they have already attacked and harassed and assaulted students based on religious worship and ideology. this is no longer a peaceful protest, this is a riot, nypd has a responsibility to go in, leadership and college has responsibility to protect students and buildings and institution. commencement ceremony should not be interrupted, this can be ended with help of nypd, some of the most skilled police officers in the world, they are able to handle mass protest and riots. i was on the ground in 2020 and
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we were able to quell the d demonstrators and we came through. we had a few injured cops, i was definitely one of them, we came through the other end and nypd is equal to task and will be able to quell this if given the opportunity. >> todd: you may not know who the students are protesting, especially if this is their first protest, you know and nypd know who outside agitators are. curious to see if the d.a. can p prosecute them. got to leave it there. thank you. bring in cheryl casone. these protesters are demanding the school divest from israel, that is not going to happen. there is bill on the house floor to give congress more power to defund schools. >> cheryl: let's start with
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endowment fund. 13.6 million. they want the school to divest from blackrock, air bnb, targeting caterpillar, they have sold bulldozers to israel and we know about the project nimbus at google, they want divest tour from google. that has happened before at columbia university, the university did divest from south africa during the years and that is one issue. is this way to do it? i don't think so. this is now becoming a very bad situation on campus. you mention what is happening in congress. this bill would crack down on antisemitism on college campuses, force department of education to use international holocaust remember rans event of
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antisemitism when they enforce rules and give government more power to defund university. it is split between democrats. jerry nadler, his district is upper west side in midtown manhattan, just below columbia university, his neighborhood. he is ush approximating back. listen to back and forth on how to handle the problem, they are split, watch. >> only will this bill not heal deep wounds, it does nothing to combat antisemitism on campus. >> right now is time to send a message congress stands with jewish students and families around the country. >> this bill does not solve anything, does not stop rise of antisemitism. >> this is more like a talking point. >> cheryl: i will make this
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point. there was a protester in university of austin texas campus, she said, we are being brutalized, students protesting. what about girls that were brutalized at super nova music festival october 7? you have calls to destroy israel, kill israel, kill jews, this is happening on campuses. does congress need to act? many think they should. we will see if they do. >> todd: please tell me how having starbucks catered to your p protest because of deep pockets, is being brutalized. one other point we need to point on, especially demo dem disconnect, there are s significant ram ifksz /* ifksz
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you have a woke on woke situation. if democrats defund collegeings a s and universities, huge democrat voting block. all told, joe biden and kamala harris will have to deal with that in the coming six months. >> cheryl: you have ilhan omar and rashida tlaib and alexandria ocasio-cortez supporting students and encouraging them. when they go back to washington it puts them at odds with their own party and the president of the united states says antisemitism has no place on college campuses in this country. at least the white house is clear on that, lawmakers in democratic party are not clear about it. >> todd: action needs to follow suit, you can use language which
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this white house has, it is part of overall environment of law lawlessness, not following the law. joe biden saying, i ignore the supreme court when it comes to student loans, that filters down. part a. part b, they can take action as federal government to deal with this and they are not. overall, our institutions are not stepping up, especially in blue states. you saw video of the red states dealing with it, they nip it in the bud in the heartbeat. >> cheryl: i brought up great state of texas and other states that say no, we will not let lives of student body of university be disrupted and not let jewish students be attacked and insulted and threatened and
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that is happening. these students are using columbia as a barometer, we are inspired by columbia. i have a concern what will happen today in other college campuses across the country and if this situation will go from bad to worse. >> todd: next 24 hours will be telling. thank you. more "fox and friends first" after this following the overnight protest going out of control at columbia university. more after this.
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♪ >> todd: a fox news alert. you are looking at brand new video. take a look. protesters smashing the door at hamilton hall at columbia university overnight. these protesters using these violent tactics to get inside the building demanding the school follow their demands to cut all ties with israel. outkick host tomi lahren is here. tomi, we have seen protests overnight. virginia commonwealth, u.t. austin. i saw some protests from my alma mater law school ucla. a jewish student literally being prevented from walking from one part of campus to another. literally being blocked and when he moved the moved, to block him as well. what do you think about what's going on on our quote, unquote, institutions of higher learning? >> well, first of all, it's horrifying. i will say this. there is a moment in the movie
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captain phillips where the somali pirates looks at the captain and crew and says i'm the captain now. that's exactly what has happened at columbia. the inmates are quite literally taking over the asylum. it's the weak leadership from that administration and administrations across the country that have caused this. and this is going to be a ripple effect. there are going to be students across the united states, mostly in blue cities and states that are going to see what happened at columbia overnight. they're going to take that as their path and queu cue. administrators and completely and entirely to blame for this. these students don't just come up with these ideas and feel so entitled and emboldened on their own. they sit back, observe. and watch the actions. despite what they are displaying to us, these are intelligent students. these are mostly intelligent people. so, they're quite aware of the actions with no consequences and they're going to do as much as they can do and they will push the bounds and limits until somebody says know.
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what really bothers me, todd. now nypd and other police departments across the country are going to have go in and they are going to have to handle. they don't mind doing that. that's their job. but then you just wait and watch. then it's going to go from and israel, to anti-semitic to anti-cop to anti-law enforcement. there will undoubtedly law enforcement officers who will get hurt in the process. they are going to be screamed at and demonized and demoralized. you add that as the icing on the cake. this is all entirely preventable. if you have the will to keep your campus and your community safe; however, there is a lot of liberals and liberal institutions that don't have the intestinal fortitude to do it. that is on high display for the last several months. >> todd: tomi, i wouldn't be surprised if to your point if all that happens that you said happens ends up actually there is a new defund the police movement. oh my god these cops came in and disrupted our protest we need to defund the police again and then all of our cities and towns go into more disarray than they
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already are. i'm creating a new segment right now. it's called tomi justice. tomi, what punishment should these students and the outside agitators face? >> carley: well, listen, they need stiff consequences. what you are seeing at column i can't tell liberal news media has been shrieking about for years insurrection, a riot. when you look at the summer of 2020 and what was allowed to happen, a lot of these students, a lot of these outside agitators are taking their cue from 2020 actions were consequenceless. in new york city it was actually rioters and not peaceful protesters that received settlements for their actions. so, again, another precedent in place. but i will also say before this turned into insurrection where they actually took over a campus building, i would have said, you know what? let them have their encampment outside. lock the doors, turn on the spinach lers and blast god bless the u.s.a. by lee greenwood on repeat. i have a feeling they would have
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dispersed quickly. now, obviously elevated to such a level where authorities are going to have to get involved. throw the book at every single one of them no. cashless bail no. cash and release. it's time to teach these entitled students this is not a day care that they're living. in it's time to see consequences now now before they were 25, 35, 45 and do something much, much worse. >> todd: i blame covid lockdowns for the protests. they want to be part of a group because they were in isolation before during covid. join a sports team like hang out with some friends. don't destroy a campus. i think it's deeper than that, tomi. i think it all comes down to overconfidence that your opinions matter more than others and i call that the leftist playbook. tomi lahren, thank you for your insight. "fox & friends" continues. our breaking conch protest at columbia. ♪ [chanting there's only one on


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