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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 30, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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now, obviously elevated to such a level where authorities are going to have to get involved. throw the book at every single one of them no. cashless bail no. cash and release. it's time to teach these entitled students this is not a day care that they're living. in it's time to see consequences now now before they were 25, 35, 45 and do something much, much worse. >> todd: i blame covid lockdowns for the protests. they want to be part of a group because they were in isolation before during covid. join a sports team like hang out with some friends. don't destroy a campus. i think it's deeper than that, tomi. i think it all comes down to overconfidence that your opinions matter more than others and i call that the leftist playbook. tomi lahren, thank you for your insight. "fox & friends" continues. our breaking conch protest at columbia. ♪ [chanting there's only one solution intifada revolution]
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>> brian: unbelievable. protesters at columbia university taking over an academic building on campus called hamilton hall. smashing windows. barricading themselves inside. >> steve: that's some of it right there. happened a little after midnight. according to reports, about a dozen protesters made it into the building with at least 200 blocking the entrance linking arms and blocking the entrance. some hanging banners including ones calling for in inintifada. >> lawrence: divest in financial holdings linked to israel. >> ainsley: bryan llenas joins us live now. is he right outside of the campus. you can see him behind the gates. what are you experiencing? >> ainsley, guys. good morning. we are as close as we can get, unfortunately to hamilton hall. i would like to bring people right there but unfortunately this is a private school with
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the gate. this is as close as we are right now. this is hamilton hall that has now been occupied by dozens of students. you can see one of those signs unfurled. it says free palestine. inside of hamilton hall is the office of the dean of columbia university. as well as other academic departments that are in here. this is what we know, guys. i will take you guys over on this side so you can see. but at about 12:30 this morning here at columbia university, there was a picket line outside of hamilton hall and then all of a sudden a few students, dozens of students with backpacks and sleeping bags went into hamilton hall, stormed it and began occupying it. in fact, there is video of students, at least one student breaking a couple of windows with what looked like a hammer to get inside. once inside, they used zip ties as well as ropes to barricade themselves inside that according to the columbia daily spectator.
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the on campus student newspaper. they also blacked out using trash bags security cameras inside of that hall. and they have unfurled signs like intifada and free palestine. outside of the build go ahead, building, theyhave used chairs o barricade themselves inside. there are dozens of students that locked arms to form a human chain in the hours right after 12:30 this morning to keep people from going inside. there is also video that we have seen of faculty members wearing the orange construction vests that were also outside of this building at the time as these students were occupying this building. there are also reports that the encampment is a little less empty, indicating that those dozens of students that were the in encampment are now inside hamilton hall. we have reached out to the new york police department, the nypd says they have not been called to go inside. we have not seen dozens of
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officers staged here. in fact, the only officers we do see are these few a couple officers that have been outside here all morning in front of the main gate. now, whether or not the nypd is going to be allowed to go in will be a decision the nypd says by columbia university. we have not heard any chants or cheering or anything like that over the last couple of hours. we have seen some videos to indicate that those protesters inside of hamilton hall, which is right there, have kind of quieted down, at least in the last couple of hours. but, they have also blocked some of these windows by bringing down the blinds and putting up objects so you can't see inside. also, they have renamed the hall, it is now called hins hall. according to them it is named after hin are a hab, a 6-year-old palestinian girl killed in gaza by the israeli military they have renamed the hall. they have occupied this hall. this is one of the few days the students have to study before
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final exams on friday. we have had no official word from columbia university regarding this next escalation. the only thing we have heard from them was yesterday, when they had a presser and said that the students that refused to leave the deadline would be -- that they had begun suspending folks. right here, guys, before i send it back to you. can you see some students and people being allowed back in campus as it's, you know, people are studying, trying to go about their daily lives. ainsley and lawrence? >> ainsley: thank you so much for being there. be careful: let's bring in a columbia student who posted those videos, a lot of the video you are seeing this morning of that chaos. and jonas dew a student at columbia university. sun dial. you actually left the campus a little while ago and came here to do this interview. what exactly are you seeing what and your reaction to all of this. >> well, the most remarkable scene that i saw was someone smashing the windows of the doorway of hamilton hall in with
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a hammer, almost like a scene from the shining. and i also saw a student who was trying to prevent them from barricading, continuing to barricade the doors. and then he was essentially corralled by another human chain of pro-palestinian protesters and basically lifted up and shoved out. and called zionist. and he was physically assaulted and, again, there is utter silence from public safety, from nypd. so we feel alone on this campus. >> lawrence: jonas, tell us about this building. why this building, did they all just move at one time? was there a certain plan to make this happen? >> yeah it. walls very surreal scene. i was finishing up an assignment. i walk out. the encampment is alive. everyone is marching around and everyone is saying they are going to occupy hamilton hall. instantly i knew this was an escalation back in 1968 this was the big event that put columbia
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on the map in terms of being a very activist school. it really did a lot of harm to the university's reputation. they occupied hamilton hall back in 1968 to protest the vietnam war. and now they are doing the same thing because they see this as a continuation of the same movement. this is a very important building for columbia university. this is where the dean cf columbia college is where the center for the core curriculum and every student's college experience. >> ainsley: jessica, do you feel safe and what is security like on campus? >> i don't feel safe anymore. and, like i was saying, there is security presence on campus and, in fact, they installed like a new security check point outside of butler library. meanwhile while you walk into butler library there is a security desk. again, i don't feel safe because there are so many reports and i have talked to people who confessed on camera they are getting ids from students and
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they are not a student. and then they just swipe in and they even say how public safety doesn't look at the face, the picture of the i.d. they just see that it's a green light and they let you through. and so there was certainly many people on campus today. there was professional burglars who helped break into hamilton hall and, again, there is no response from public safety. they were truly nowhere to be found tonight you took this video, as this is playing out. we're watching this on tv. we are reporting on it. this is your school. what's going through your mind? >> honestly out of body. and i saw two very heroic people who tried to stop the mob from continuing to barricade the doors and that's when i also tried to step in and even just stand on the table. i wasn't strong enough to push them back. but, i was also like well, let me just get their harassment on video and we'll show it to the world. >> ainsley: jonas, do you feel like the school -- why aren't
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they reigning this in? these tents have to be out of here by this certain point. then they gave you two more days. then they said yesterday at 2:00. there was a 5:30 press conference and then they said they were going to start spending people. why can't the school rein in these individuals? >> i think what we have learned over the last two weeks, since the encampment got started is the university has decided that they're going to put the interest of the protesters, i can't even say the rights of the protesters because it's not even a right. they are putting the interest of the protesters over the interest and the rights of all the other students, including those who want nothing to do with this. and what i mean by that is that all around hamilton hall are freshman dorms where people are trying to sleep. they were yelling things. 3:00 a.m. into the night. and the butler library is right there. that's where people are trying to study for finals. it also means that classes have gone hybrid. finals have gone hybrid, right? they are prioritizing what the protesters want, which is disruption over the interest of other students and that's the
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policy of the administration. and i don't think it's going to hold up very well in the public eye. >> lawrence: such a good point about prioritizing the protesters, jessica. part of the negotiation -- i can't believe they are negotiating on a private campus about students or alleged protesters. they said they wouldn't invite nypd back on the campus after they made some arrests previously. how still not inviting nypd back onto the campus to arrest them. >> part of them really wants to see force these students to face consequences belligerent and violent actions. part of me understands this movement will only become more inflamed if they do face more arrests and almost make this problem worse. i'm thinking more academic punishments, automatic failure
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of classes. just some other more painful like long-term disciplinary action that can effect their, you know, job prospects upon graduation. because a lot of these people are seniors or are. >> lawrence: do you think a lot of them are students? what's the ratio. we keep hearing you have to have a campus i.d. to get onto the campus. then we find out some of these people are getting fake ids. other students are passing their ids to people that are private citizens. what is the ratio? >> actually, we learned tonight there is video of this actually that we have posted on twitter where people are climbing through the windows from the street. people presumably not affiliates. climbing through the windows of a john j. dorm. climbing through the windows and coming tonight campus and joining the protest. columbia has completely lost control of its gates. >> ainsley: jessica, we were in college once. i remember finals and exams, how
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stressful that time is in your life, especially when you are paying this much. you got into ivy league school. it's a very difficult process, means top of the class in high school. gone through hard work and studying for finals. now this is happening. not just at columbia. we had a long list yesterday of all the different universities experiencing the same thing. what is your response to that? what's your reaction?
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but you are a jewish american. how is this impacting you on a personal level. like to hear people that say they want to exterminate your people, from the river to the sea. intifada. things that you thought would not be welcome in america, how does that make you feel? >> it's terrifying to hear. i'm part of the larger jewish community. there are some kids who haven't been on the campus in the last two weeks because of the fear. and there was a professor who -- a jewish professor. and he -- his i.d. card was deactivated because campus, because the university couldn't guarantee his safety. yet, they let other professors who my d couldn't be on campus. still on campus leading the chants. it's just like the system is clearly broken on campus. >> ainsley: jonas, what year are you? >> i'm a junior as well.
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>> ainsley: covid really affected your high school years now seniors. now going through this and wondering if columbia will have to cancel graduation people tonight feel safe. what is your message to the president of the university? >> i think my message to the university president would be figure out how to take back control of the university. you can't negotiate with students who have shown they are willing to be arrested to break the rules. we have rules for a reason. we have rules so we can have a safe learning environment while also protecting free speech and freedom of expression, right? once have you decided that you are not going to tolerate the encampment, don't start negotiating with the protesters again, right? take decisive action to maintain a safe learning environment, a safe academic and intellectual environment. especially for the jewish community. >> ainsley: trying to raise leaders so be a leader. >> lawrence: jessica and jonas very brave to get the video and so he us what is happening on
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the campus. you are the future of the country. >> ainsley: did you recognize anybody in the crowd. >> one was a very good friend. i tried to negotiate and say it wasn't a smart idea. she told me to go away. >> lawrence: a friend? >> yeah. very close friend. we were very close. >> lawrence: how did that conversation -- i'm so sorry, ainsley. >> ainsley: go ahead. >> lawrence: had she within protesting before and you saw her. >> yeah, yeah. >> lawrence: you talked about it? >> yeah. we did. after october 7th, we did talk about it. we found out that we actually had a lot more common ground than what is shouted at these protests. but i think the person just became more radicalized as the protest moved on and as the war continued. >> ainsley: jonas, how about you? who do you recognize in the crowd? >> i have seen friends i have had late night conversations with, freshman year about politics. columbia is a school known for having students that want to talk about big issues. same with jessica, i want find a lot of common ground on paper
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with people we would disagree with one thing i consistently found, when you talk to people who disagree with you, you end up finding you have so much in common and that you have a path forward. whereas what we are seeing now. it's an echo chamber. living together in the encampment, going to these protests together. it's cult like. a lot of people would describe it as such because you have leaders saying, you know, from the river to the sea, and then they just mindlessly repeat it. a lot of people don't know what river and what sea. because of the echo chamber, we have seen a lot of -- what once were good friends get sort of dragged into this movement and it's very heart breaking. >> lawrence: unbelievable. y'all all inton brave. joan mass, thank you for joining the program. one of the things thinking about what are the legal ramifications of this. brian and steve have jonathan turley on that. over to you. >> steve: we do indeed. jonathan turley joins us now. as we look at the images that have come out overnight, if people are just waking up, this happened about 12:45 when they
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started to occupy the building. they broke into the building. they are on camera. we can see a the loft faces. here's the thing. not only did they break into the building. but they also, and lawrence kind of mentioned this a moment ago. there were three or four members of the janitorial staff who were in there and begging for the protesters to let them go. and they wouldn't. and then one of them came out of the building and the guy goes, they held me hostage. what are the legal ramifications now? >> well, welcome to criminal law 101. they are learning as they go. because they have now run through the criminal code. they have got trespass. they have property damage. they have possible assault. they have possible false imprisonment. that's a lot they are now going to get an education. there is a banner saying lynn enter ration education. education of a different type. some of these are likely not students. we have been living through this type of thing in higher education for over 20 years. and the fact that they literally took over a building is really
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quiet telling. because they have largely taken over campuses for the last 20 years including my campus. there is very little pushback from universities. it leaves this sort of, you know, mob to come crazy that exists on our excesses we want u to divest from all israeli investments. the president said no we're not going to do it. i will not call the nypd. we will suspend all of you that don't leave you are done for the semester or indefinitely there has been nothing done. after 2:00 they call a press conference. we are not going anywhere. and the faculty rims around the encampment as if to protect it and then they take this building how do you expect to enforce something at the same time call the cops. >> that's what's been reinforced on our campuses. now schools that offer a degree in activism.
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at ucla the person did the mandatory lecture at the medical school she is a, quote, activist in residence. she gave this racist, semitic, you know, diatribe. that's become the reality in higher education. so what too these students learn from this? they learn there is not many consequences. but the fact that they haven't been called in is not unique. look, at george washington. >> brian: now they have to, right? >> i think they do. >> brian: they took the building. >> when you start to lose buildings, at some point you will have to say we need those. we actually need those buildings. so, it's going to force the hand of administrators. they are going to have to do something with these students say, look, you crossed ruby con. it's time to go. >> steve: right. but, jonathan, they are the ones that would be pressing the charges. trespassing and everything else else. if the administrators are going they are just blowing off some steam the way they enforce the suspension thing at 2:00 yesterday, but, interesting
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thing the cops are there they showed up at 12:45 this morning. they are outside the gate. and they said when asked by the local paper, the columbia spectator. the student paper. they say would you go inside? and they said yes. if we hear that somebody has been hurt. so, apparently, bodily harm is the red line. >> look, the cities aren't doing much more in some places. in d.c., they occupied the actual street outside my office with tents. the d.c. police have just allowed them to do that. >> brian: they said it's not a good look. >> d.c. it depends what you are protesting. depends on the contented. if these were some other protesters, they wouldn't have let this happen for a nanosecond. >> brian: this, i think, judging by what the nypd says is their criteria. when you take a building, when you defy an order. when you have three to four people who said i was held against my will. is that where the nypd says i't checking with the president.
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i'm going in. if they went in now, would they be looking at a legal problem. would you think from what we know there is justification? >> if there is a criminal complaint by anyone, including those. >> brian: one of those janitors have got to go out and complain? >> someone has to. you can't stop the police from coming in to rescue someone. the university has made very clear that they want this to sort of burn out. well you now have a five alarm fire. you have lost a major building. at what point do you say we have to control our university if we're going to do higher education? because you can't not only lose control but lose your buildings, what do you have at the end? >> steve: coming up in the next hour we will have mike lawler, the congressman from the great state of new york, he has introduced the anti-semitism awareness act. where, essentially if there's a anti-semitism on a campus that southeast federal funding, they could cut off the federal funding, which, you know, the weird thing is, there are a number of democrats in congress
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who are against it. and we have seen some of them show up in support of the palestinians, and things like that. but, ultimately, one the complaints about this particular bill is that it's unclear to determine when does free speech, and this is right up your department, when does free speech cross into discrimination or anti-semitism? >> well, look, we have a very robust protection for preach free speech. it does not include smashing windows, taking over buildings, threatening students. also, universities have an obligation not just to satisfy the first amendment, which is there to really control the government. but, to protect speech generally. you have a professor who was prevented from going onto the columbia campus because he is jewish and is he outspoken. and so their solution was, for your own safety, we're not going to let you walk on to campus. >> brian: they wiped out his security card. i want you to hear kjp was asked. this the president is mia. he doesn't speak about it unless he puts on a suit and mocks it at the white house correspondence address. here is kjp asking about the
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2:00 p.m. deadline. what does the president say when the 2:00 p.m. deadline goes if these kids don't pick up their tents and leave, watch? >> all americans have the right to peacefully protest. at the same time, we have to call out any hateful rhetoric that we hear. anti-semitism is wrong. and so we're going to continue to do it. but, universities and colleges make their own decisions, it is up to their leadership. we're not going to weigh in from here. >> brian: said he was covering the truce talks and hostage talks. didn't know if he was watching this. >> that's the problem we have seen for years is this vacuum of leadership from our own administration officials. and this is a gas. it will fill that space. many of these people are almost professional agitators. if you look there are flags from antifa. there are outside groups that do this all the time. we have antifa on our campus. i have been writing about them for 10 years. they are the most anti-free speech. >> brian: students.
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>> students and also activists and anarchists. this is what anarchy is about. taking over buildings like this. >> steve: real quickly. what about the professors who are also on that site also in the building. >> our campus like other professors professors linked arms to preserve these protests. >> steve: thanks for linking arms with us. >> brian: i know you are here for the cubs mets series. >> i'm here for you. >> brian: we want to talk about the trump trial but we will put that off. >> go cubs. >> steve: thank you, sir. still ahead, another fox news alert. we have been talking about it if you are just getting up. hundreds of protesters stage overnight occupation of a major university building at columbia, hamilton hall. more on the shocking breach straight ahead live on fox
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[gunfire] [sirens] >> the u.s. marshals task force was attempting to serve a warrant for a convicted felon in possession of a firearm. according to police, the person, the warrant was intended for. then began shooting. he was killed in the shootout, also. now the charlotte mecklenburg police chief spoke about his fallen officers. listen to this. >> officer joshua ire recently passed away as he succumbed to the injuries that he sustained this afternoon in the shooting. we'll always be inducted to officer ire for his bravery and his sacrifice for this profession. we're still actively investigating this. it's still going to be a cmpd case. >> police believe there may have been additional two shooters and that two people were taken to the police station for further investigation. eight total law enforcement officers were shot during the shootout. and the white house now releasing a statement from president biden saying, quote: to the families of those we
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lost, jill and i and all americans are here for you and we will always be here for you. biden also said, quote: we must do more to protect our law enforcement officers. that means funding them so they have the resources they need to do their jobs and keep us safe. we'll get an update on the investigation from the chief of police in the next hour of "fox & friends." back to you, lawrence. >> lawrence: unbelievable. praying for those officers. thanks, brooke. all right, ainsley, over to you. >> ainsley: okay. thank you so much, lawrence. terrible story out of north carolina. now to this, it's a fox news alert. chaos on columbia's campus overnight as anti-israel protesters smashed their way into that academic building right there. as school officials fail to rein in the mob. here with reaction is fox news contributor joe concha. good morning, joe. >> joe: hey, ainsley, good morning. >> ainsley: we went to the bed with the school not reigning in these protesters and woke up to this. what's your reaction? >> expel all the students who were involved here, ainsley, right now. call the nypd because now we
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have to jonathan turley's point earlier. trespassing, property damage. actual columbia students trying to protect hamilton hall peacefully and they are being physically assaulted as these protesters breached the building. and if anybody there can't show i.d. that they are columbia student, then they should be put in jail. anybody who is in hamilton hall right now occupying that building. it's quite simple. while we are at it. let's fire every single faculty member enabling and participating in this chaos. i mean, ainsley, imagine if you are a parent especially a parent of a jewish student there, and you are paying upwards of $75,000 per year to have your kid at what you think is the best university in the country and this is your return on investment? this is what what happens when you allow the mob to take over. when you attempt to negotiate with protesters. some of which are certainly not even columbia students but bought and paid for by george soros. and, remember, we saw what happened when places like seattle and portland a few years
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ago when police stations were taken over. whole blocks of cities were surrendered. this will only get worse before it gets better unless somebody shows some backbone there in leadership and puts an end to this by bringing in the nypd. >> ainsley: it's no longer peaceful. this is more riot-like. you can exercise your right to free speech. but you can't break in buildings and destroy property without consequences. what's your message to the columbia president or to law enforcement? this is a private school. i wish mayor adams would say this can't happen in the new york area. we're come in. i don't even know if that's allowed to happen since it's a private school. only the leaders on the campus are able to do that. >> yeah. columbia's president obviously should be saying, all right, this is the end, this is well past free speech. eric adams should be saying the same. where is the white house on all of this, ainsley? karine jean-pierre was asked about this yesterday and
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basically got a thousand island word salad why she can't talk about it or why the white house isn't speaking up about this more. because they have a two state solution. that is michigan and nevada at this point and not, obviously, what we're talking about in israel and gaza because they are petrified of upsetting their far left base because they see the polls and they know that oh, boy, we got to try to play both sides of this while we are still strong for israel at the same time, we are supporting students like this who are broaching hamilton hall or at least not going to say anything too strong against it. so i would like to see the president make some statement about this today but i have a feeling we are not going to see that happen. >> ainsley: joe, we had two columbia students who were there. much of the video we are air something from the young lady jessica schwabb, she is a student there and she was posting video online also interviewed jonas dew a student columbus sun dial. listen to what they said. >> the most remarkable scene that i saw was someone smashing
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the windows of the doorway of hamilton hall in with a hammer almost like a scene from the shining. there is utter silence from public safety and nypd. so we feel alone on this campus. >> encampment is alive. everyone is marching around and everyone is saying they are requesting to occupy hamilton hall and instantly i knew this is an escalation. >> she said she saw the public safety on campus but not anywhere near riot or this protest campus security isn't build for what you are seeing on your screens as far as organize occupation of buildings and all the damage that we're seeing done there at this point. so, again, the only way you solve this is by the nypd coming in, going into that hall and arresting everybody in it and then a clear message being sent. you will be arrested or if you are a student here. you will be expelled it's really
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that simple. again, we don't see any action at this point. today will be very interesting as far as who plays out and who steps up to say no more. this cannot happen on our campus it's happening all over the country. thank you for joining us. waking up this early for us. >> joe: thanks, ainsley. >> ainsley: anarchy on the columbia campus as protesters occupy columbia building. nypd inspector paul mauro joins us next with what action the department can actually take. ♪ ♪ if you've ever grilled, you know you can count on propane to make everything great. but did you know propane also powers school buses that produce lower emissions that lead to higher test scores? or that propane can cut your energy costs at home? it powers big jobs and small ones too. from hospitals to hospitality, people rely on propane-an energy source that's affordable, plentiful,
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he was scrambled early outside of columbia. bryan, what is the latest? >> brian, i want to give people a sense of where we are right now. this is hamilton hall. this now the area where dozens of protesters have now occupied the office of undergraduate admissions is here as well as the dean of college office is here among other things. you can see the sign that's unfurled there it says free palestine. we haven't seen any students come out that that have occupied this since about 12:30 in the morning. haven't seen any faces in the windows yet or anything like that. i will have anthony pan over to the left a little bit though. those buildings right there, those are dormitories for freshmen and sophomores alike. right down the block. and this is the issue is that this is our final exam study days today. and right next door to the library and to the dormitories, you have these protesters who have taken upon themselves to occupy hamilton hall here. and if i bring you over here, you can see this is as close as we are, unfortunately able to get. to the front of the building. but this is hamilton hall here
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and anthony is going to go in and show you. we haven't seen any nypd officers on campus. we haven't seen that many public safety officers at all, either. and we haven't heard any protesters over the last couple of hours. any chanting or cheering. but this is the building that they have occupied. and just to recap, this all started about 1:30 this morning. those students that were outside picketing all of the sudden with backpacks and sleeping bags reportedly according to the columbia daily spectator ended up breaking into the building, barricading themselves into hamilton hall. and that is where they are now. we have seen the video of the guy with the hammer breaking the windows. there were reports also that there were at least three maintenance workers who were inside at the time that these students rushed in to occupy hamilton hall. one of those workers on the way out said that they were, quote: held hostage. at this moment, we spoke to the nypd this morning. they tell us that they are essentially just waiting for a
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columbia university's cue. they no intent coming onto the campus at this moment. we know that the daily spectator reports that one nypd officer said that when they arrived in the middle of the morning or the night, that they would go in a if they got a call that somebody was, quote: hurt. so that is what we're hearing. we have not heard anything from columbia university as of right now. but i can say that we have seen reports, including from the paper here on campus that, there was an alert sent out by the university urging students not to come to this main campus, the morning site campus unless -- unless necessary. and that was sent out this morning, according to that paper. so, look. this is study time. this is the main central part of the campus. and you can see here that there is just now one officer here and security as people are being checked in. only those with ids and columbia
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faculty and students are allowed. in brian, guys? >> steve: yesterday you got update at 8:00 a.m. maybe the university will give you update especially with the urgency what happened overnight. bryan llenas painting the picture. he will be on that campus shortly hopefully. let's bring in paul mauro, retired nypd inspector. how long do you stay outside knowing property has been damaged. for a while people have been detained against their will and they have defied campus orders? at what point does it become the cops acting on their own? >> well, as a number of y your guests have articulated here unless somebody is hurt or imminent danger being presented to the public, if columbia is not going to be a complainant on this thing, then the nypd is not going to go in. very clearly they are waiting for that cue. the p nypd is cognizant if they
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take action now and columbia has not sanctioned it. columbia is going to blame the police. the lawsuits will ensue. the media here will make the nypd the bad guy. i'm just talking real politics here, brian. this is thousand will go. the nypd is waiting for the administration who has bungled this thing from the get to go to finally say okay, it's gone too far, we need to fix it and we need the nypd to help us. >> brian: how do you get out of this, number one, what were they thinking setting a deadline that they can't enforce at 2:00 p.m. yesterday? not only did they not leave, they were ringed by supporters, people almost protecting them. the encampments. number one and number two, they held a press conference saying they increased their demands now. they still want divesture from israel which is not going to happen. >> of course it's not going to' ha. and the litany of failures in this thing is legion. i mean, in the initial series of arrests when they took 100 students, they only charged trespass violation, which is a glorified parking summons.
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so, of course, the students were emboldened and empowered. a lot of these people are professional agitators, they are being well-funded by this spider web of progressive money. so, sure, they are not intimidated by any of this. as a result, they just feel like they can continue to go with it and now they have got themselves in too deep and columbia, frankly, doesn't know what to do here. >> brian: by the way, we have at least 20 campuses inflamed similar to the way this sin inflamed across 16 states. so i'm not just talking about columbia. it may have started here, but it's actually rippled throughout the country. some kids are filing a lawsuit as late as monday, a jewish student allege that columbia has failed to provide a safe learning environment during the ongoing demonstrations, dozens of protesters were arrested. what about these -- what about these lawsuits for these jewish students who, as you know, are under threat and the administration admitted it by saying you could just come in and zoom in to your class and tell the jewish professor it's
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not safe for you to come on campus. we are making -- we are voiding your i.d. so, is that an acknowledgment it's not safe for jewish students? icolumbia subsusceptible. >> ascertain if you can no ho did it take photographs or footage. all of this is going to end up in lawsuits. you have a class actions by the way, brian, that's already been filed. that's going to be very, very pen travon. you will get a lot of information about who these people are charges go up to burglary. if anybody has been moved inside of that building, because apparently they tussled with some school safety people. you might be getting to the point where you could reasonably
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charge a kidnapping. this has gotten very serious. the administration better wake up and the lawsuits are going to be an avalanche when they come. i think columbia has asked for it here. >> brian: let me ask you, you saw george washington university they asked the d.c. cops to go in there. the cops said no, it's not going to be a good look for us. at what point does the nypd say you have allowed this thing to intrench over the last two weeks. we told you this was going to happen. maybe they don't want to deal with it. is it up to the nypd or not if they're called in if things do get worse today? if you are called, yougot to go. the optics don't matter. at that point you go in with the professionals. you're going to have what is called -- used to be called riot control. different term for it now. disorder control is what they call it. control and units like that are going to go from, trained in handling crowds. they are going to try to do everything as surgically as they
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can. these kids seem to be pretty dug. in you may get some ugly scenes. a lot of these kids have never been handled before. and what they don't understand is that if the police are told you are going to go, you know, they are going to go. it's ask, tell, make. if they don't comply, they are going to be forcibly removed. >> brian: evidently, rocks the sides of softballs in these tents. as if possibly used as weapons should the police come in. or anyone come in. and you wonder if faculty -- >> very much like occupy wall street. i just wanted to get that out. it's probably going to be a lot of the same characters. >> brian: unbelievable. thanks so much. >> paul. we will talk to you again as this whole thing unfolds in real time. all right, let's go over to steve. >> steve: all right, brian. thank you. as chaotic protests pop up on campuses not just here in new york city but coast to coast. many are asking how did these protesters get so radicalized. here to discuss is kurt knutsson the cyberguy. good morning to you. i remember the protests of the
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60's. they were different in so much as what motivated people, many cases, is social media. >> it is now. we ask the question. you look outside and say okay. there are people lined outside of columbia university. clearly not students or faculty. and are they the influencers. no. you are right. it's social media. if we take a look at social media right now. you have to ask what is the real motivation of the information on there? there is so much false information currently on social media depicting a scene that we see video of. it will, for example, say something is peaceful in this protest, when there's no peace at all inside of it. and then they are arming essentially the self-proclaimed social justice warriors with information about pro-palestinian anti-israeli propaganda online constantly. and we have to start asking, really look into this. where is this coming from? where are these people?
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are they even in america? >> steve: great point. we heard from federal law enforcement this is what putin has tried to do sow disorder in the united states. it would be so simple. we have been talking about whether or not there are any outside agitators on campus. we don't know the identity of any of those people. but there probably are outside agitators outside this country online just typing up a storm. >> unleash law enforcement right now, they can tell where phones are located at any given scene. at any location. we'll could right now find out who is inside columbia that's trespassing. we have the technology to do it. >> steve: it's called geo fencing. >> are we going to be using that technology? probably not. not seeing much activity as of yet. but the tool is there, technically. and then i just -- i look at a lot of this and you see the scenes of video and you see moments happen where the police are maybe moving in say, say in
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austin yesterday, every one of these protesters holding up that phone of theirs. how many phones does it take to capture a moment? 5? 10? why are all of them doing it? i suggest this. this is less about a meaningful protest and more about the need for a lot of people to simply self-identify on social media as an instagram moment to say look at me. i'm an important social media justice warrior. i am here to make sure things are right. and i am for the cause. and i think a lot of people in these fringe groups are also joining in that have no business being there. they could care less what the cause is. but they are just showing up to say oh, i'm part of this, too. i feel important suddenly. so, social media is causing this to snowball in such a way that it's interesting and i think we are going to dissect this a little bit and look back and say
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okay, maybe 5% of the people had some meaningful connection to the root cause of why they are there and about 95% were there for narcissistic need to fulfill their own self-esteem with social media. >> steve: that is so damning. if true, and what they want to do is just want to take a picture. take a selfie. there is the discrimination back there. look hey where i am. >> look who i am, look where i am. my identity is now reinforced there it's interesting because people you and i grew up in an age our identity came up from our friends and family and who so around us. today, a pocket full of billionaires in big tech silicon valley. >> steve: sure. >> have fooled so many americans to believe that social media is real life. that that's their identity, that who they broadcast they are thing about social media, we have been talking about it on the program for years now. social media doesn't have any
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rules. that's why any regulations through the federal government, because, initially it was just to try to get it going. now it's going. but they are not reigning it in. to your point earlier that, is why outside bad actors, foreign nations, who knows who it is and russia, china, probably trying to do stuff. tell us about the pugh study that you just. >> hours ago a pew research survey 1013 americans both democrats, republicans, and they asked them a variety of questions related to social media. the most profound thing that i think came out of this was that 64% of the combined group of americans believe that social media is more negative for america than positive. and i think this morning when we wake up to news like this. you say you know what? you're right. you are absolutely right. this is an unguarded, anti-american tool that's working against us. you have essentially americans claiming to be moonists that are
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sitting inside of columbia university right now. you know, living the dream on social media. >> steve: cyberguy, thank you very much. by the way the cops, we understand, are moving in on the yale campus at this hour. details on the other side of this break. ♪ ♪ dupixent helps people with asthma breathe better in as little as 2 weeks. and when you can breathe better, what isn't better? this is better. this is better. that's better. and that.
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