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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  April 30, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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>> brian: he says he is not watching. >> steve: how does this end? >> the end of the day, with enforcing policy, bringing in law enforcement or public safety, i don't know, enforce policy and make this campus function. >> brian: finish strong and find way to get great grades. >> ainsley: a lot of people support you and israel. >> brian: 20 >> we're standing by to see if the police come onto the campus. i don't think so. >> ainsley: thanks for bringing us the story out there. >> steve: continuing coverage here on fox. >> bill: thank you, guys, good morning to the folks at home as we watch two major events
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unfolding at different ends of the island of manhattan in new york city. you've got anti-israeli protestors taking over a major administrative building on the campus of columbia escalating tensions at that university. any moment we'll see former president donald trump who returns to the courtroom on the other end of the island. good morning, everybody. rocking tuesday already. i'm bill hemmer live today. good morning. >> dana: i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." what these college campuses it is no longer walk-outs, encampments and chanting. the scene overnight with anti-israel activists breaking into an academic hall smashing windows and hung flags in support of hamas and violated an order to vacate campus. >> bill: day nine of new york versus trump will begin. we expect to see and hear from the president to speak on his way in. he could talk about the violent demonstrations. we'll see what's on his mind at the moment and carry those
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remarks when they happen. team fox coverage now, bryan llenas from columbia university will begin this hour. what's happened and what is happening now? >> bill and dana, good morning. hamilton hall is now occupied by dozens of protestors. day nine on this takeover of the building. behind me this is the building, as close as we're allowed to get. one of the banners unfurled says free palestine. we can't see any of the protestors or occupiers inside that building from this vantage point. to give you a sense of where we're at, move to the left and you can show them, those are all residential dorm buildings. right next door to where all this chaos unfolded. students are waking up this morning begin to study for final exams, which begin on friday. if we take you over here around the hamilton building. a line of students that are now trying to get into the campus.
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the campus right now is under a limited access only. only students who live on campus and essential personnel are allowed onto campus, a direct response to the takeover of the hamilton building at 12:30 liz night last night. this is as close as we are allowed to go. we haven't heard protestors but this all began at 12:30 in the morning. protestors in the encampment began to storm the building with backpacks and sleeping bags. they broke glass and they started unfurling the banners and chanting. three maintenance workers inside at the time according to the columbia daily spectator, the newspaper here. one of those maintenance workers who got out said quote, we were held hostage. right now that is the latest from that event. i want to bring you over here to this long line as these students
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and faculty are trying to make their way in. somebody we spoke to, jeremy. jeremy, he is an undergraduate senior. you were trying to get into the university here. tell me they denied you. >> we had originally called public safety 6:30 this morning when we got the email saying only select few students would be able to have access to the campus and i called public safety and they assured us that we were able to have access and so we walked down here and low and behold we aren't given access. >> you are trying to eat. >> i'm trying to eat, a low income student. i luckily heard back from some of the administrators in my program graciously let us know we can go to barnard or teachers college two affiliate colleges of columbia and we can grab grub there. i'm not liking the amount of chaos that's ensuing around
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breakfast. >> what are your thoughts your fellow students have taken over a building, broke in and entered and this has escalated to where it is. >> escalating is the word. it was a misstep. i wish they would have engaged at the university when the president came to the table last week. a bit of a tragedy. we need to pack up and go home. >> how does it end? >> that's a good question. people like yourself and the news have to ask tough questions and see where the chips fall. >> you want to see the nypd come in? >> no. that was disruptive. i've been concerned to see the amount of gun and armaments around the campus. i'm not happy with the presence of nypd. >> even though you can't eat food and trying to study you don't want the nypd to break up what's going on? >> i'm developing these types of answers for these type of questions over breakfast. check with me later today and i'll tell you how i feel. >> the situation here, guys. we're still waiting an official
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response from the university. this is happening after they announced they would conduct suspensions of those students and yet after making that announcements, faculty members joined protestors which grew overnight in the encampment and they felt bold to storm hamilton hall and we wait for the next step. >> bill: thank you. we'll be back momentarily. the deadlines came and went and took no action and left with what they have now. who knows how long this will last? bryan, thank you, upper west side of manhattan. >> dana: protests are unfolding at schools across the country. william la jeunesse continues team fox coverage. good morning. >> as these universities try to straddle the fence between free speech and hate speech and violations of their codes of conduct, the situation is getting worse and growing with about two dozen campuses affected by these pro-palestinian protests including the universities in utah, wisconsin, oregon and minnesota. let's go to university of north
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carolina at chapel hill. protestors failed to make their encampment. police moved in binding a dozen people with zip ties. others kept at bay by multiple officers. portland state university in oregon, 200 protestors set up camp inside a library and blocked local police or campus police from getting in. police made 200 arrests there because they were demanding that the university stop and divest of companies doing business in israel. that's not going to happen with boeing up there. university of texas at austin, texas state police in riot gear made multiple arrests as protestors demand they be let go. austin statesman said police detained 100 people there after people set up camp near the university tower. also arrests were made at tulane university and nine arrests at the university of florida in gainesville. we have the continuing camp at ucla.
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california officials have taken a hands-off approach here. jewish students and teachers complain they have been stopped from going to class and are being harassed. the university of pennsylvania they have no trespass signs up there surrounding several campus buildings. brown university is also negotiating with students over divestment and said listen, we'll consider it if you leave peacefully and not replace your tent encampments and only authorized protest activity would be allowed. jewish students say it is not good enough. >> i think that from living in israel for 20 years i know protesting is a person's right. what is not right is them yelling death to america, death to jews. >> so these universities are dealing with different audiences. some of their own faculty is backing up the protests. you have alumni and jewish
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students on the other side. they're between a rock and a hard space but many are hoping commencement will save them. >> dana: we'll see about that. william la jeunesse, thank you so much. back to the chaos at columbia. a graduate of the university, fox news contributor andy mccarthy. somebody in academia says he feels like watching his professional home destroy itself is a moral injury for somebody who is a graduate who was aware of the politics at columbia. how do you feel about it? >> it's very hard to watch. when i was there, dana, it was still within a decade of the major riots that had occurred at columbia why in 1968 in connection with the vietnam war and when i heard that student say that he would rather not see the nypd come in, part of me wants to say how else do you
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think this gets resolved? when i was an undergrad at columbia it was a few years after kent state where four students protesting the war were killed when they had a military and law enforcement response to the violence that was underway there. so it's a powder keg of a situation. i can understand why they want the law enforcement people to stand down until it's absolutely necessary to bring them in. but i really think this is a problem of the administration. the people who were the main rob will rousers here, it won't be enough in the end to suspend them. you need to expel some people and that's what will shut this down and what's meaningful to these students. threatening them with arrest is -- >> bill: i'm sorry to walk over you. your family has deep ties to the school. they missed their moment
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yesterday. dana and i were on the air when the 2:00 deadline was put out and they just let that thing wave like a bull fight, right? and they took no action. now, andy, they have themselves in a situation where those students, if they want, they can stay there for months. >> i think this goes more to dana's old line of work than mine. if you are going to have a red line, you have to be ready to defend the red line. if you say we want everybody -- we want this disbursed by 2:00 you don't say that until you are ready to take the action at 2:00 that will disburse it. otherwise you encourage that and make it more robust than the first place. that's what happened here. they initially cleared it at the beginning and let it regenerate within 24 hours and it has gotten much worse.
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>> dana: last week "politico" had the headline. it still holds true even though they've done a couple of paper statements about it. this is about the administration, meaning the biden administration response. biden camp not sweating political fallout from latest round of campus protests saying that they don't think this is going to hurt them in the election at all. the headline for "politico" playbook that day is the biden team has been blase' about it. now you have a situation that is growing and they will be on the back foot. last week they were upset oh my gosh over 50% of the country believes in mass deportations and think trump is doing better on immigration. what do they think will happen to public opinion when people see this on college campuses and the biden administration doing nothing and the columbia faculty administration participating in a protest and doing nothing, negotiating with these students for several days? and letting this go on to the
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point that now you have images that are terrible. last thing i would point out, it is very performtive. if you look at videos you can see there are major reporters with all of their equipment and their photography equipment there to take pictures of them breaking into this student hall. it is not like it is just chaos for chaos sake, this is organized. >> this has such a 1968 feel to it, it just is remarkable to me that they would whistle past the graveyard and think this won't have major consequences. i really believe that what went on in this country in 1968 leading up to the democratic convention, ironically, maybe not so ironically in chicago that year, had more to do with delivering the white house to richard nixon than maybe even the negative publicity arising out of the vietnam war did. the sense of the country flying
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off the rails, the sense of unrest in the campus, in the streets, in the urban areas, law and order became a major, major issue in that campaign. i think the biden people are nuts if they don't think they're being hurt by this. >> bill: thanks for being nimble. we brought you on to talk about the trump trial and you wrote two great pieces in last two days. one about the judge and one about new york state law. and i encourage our readers and viewers to check that out and read it online now. thank you. we'll check with you later today. eric shawn is outside the courthouse as we wait to hear from the former president moments away we do believe. good morning there, eric. >> good morning, bill. the former president trump has arrived here at manhattan criminal court. he is inside and haven't seen him in the hallway yet accompanied by eric trump, one of his sons, younger eric is an
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executive of the trump organization and if indeed he walks in the hallway with his father it is the first time a family member of the former president accompanied him to this trial. after all, the former president has clearly shown he is not happy to be here. >> there is no case whatsoever. it's a disgrace. we have a conflicted judge and it shouldn't be happening. not in this country. >> back on the stand this morning in a few minutes gary farro. he set up the shell company for michael cohen. that cohen used to pay off stormy daniels. farro's testimony lays out the foundation of the financial documents. the financial trail that prosecutors say are the backbone of the 34 charges that trump faces for allegedly filing false business records. cohen, billed trump in invoices listed as fees for his retainer
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for providing legal services. prosecutors say it was a sham to hide the true purpose of stormy's payoffs that were reimbursed by trump and soon be hearing from the trump accounting department bookkeeper. the detense says she protested the checks and sent them to the white house for the president to sign. the president's lawyer said no one told debbie to keep anything secret. he told the jury president trump had nothing to do with any of the 34 pieces of paper, the 34 counts except he signed onto the checks in the white house while he was running the country. that's not a crime. let's look live across the street from the courthouse. you see the demonstration. supporters of the former president. several dozen supporters from the young republican club here in new york city waving trump flags, maga hats, a sign says trump, the people's champ.
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among supporters andrew giuliani, the son of rudy giuliani. he has very supportive of the former president. the former president can't see these protestors. he is on the other side of the building. the trial is starting any moment now. back to you, bill. >> bill: thanks for the preview. back to you momentarily when there are headlines. thank you. >> dana: any second now we expect to see former president donald trump as he goes into court. plus anti-israel protests escalating at university. an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. step back out there with fasenra.
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i just figured it out because the poll numbers are the
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highest they've ever been. and i appreciate you've treated me. actually, i thought quite fairly, at least the people here, which is a lot of people. and i appreciate that the biden protests that are going on are horrible. it's all caused by him because he doesn't know how to speak. he can't put two sentences together. he's got to get out and make a statement because the colleges are being overrun in this country. the anti semitism, all of the problems going on, they're being overrun. i've never seen anything like it. he said he ran because of charlottesville. well if the people that know charlottesville, when you extend the statement it's a big hoax. what was what they say was said and they understand that. and charlottesville is peanuts compared to what you're looking at now. this whole country is up in arms, breaking into colleges, knocking the hell out of columbia university . i mean, they took over. i know the building very well. they took over a building that
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is that is a big deal. and i wonder if what's going to happen to them will be anything comparable to what happened to j six, because they're doing a lot of destruction, a lot of damages. a lot of people are getting hurt very badly. i wonder if that's going to be the same kind of treatment they gave jc six. let's see how that all works out. i think i can give you the answer right now, and that's why people have lost faith in our court system. so the biden protests are a disaster. and he hasn't even made a statement because he's not capable of making a statement. i'm still waiting for him to debate, he said on the low, very lowly rated howard stern show, he said, very strong. oh, i want to, i want to, i want to debate. well, we haven't seen it, but we would love to debate any time. and i think it's a good time to have a debate. even though it's early. but six months is pretty close. november 5th is going to go down as the most important day in the history of our country, because we're going to turn our country around. our country is going to hell. it's going to
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hell. it was very sad to see, but november 5th is going to be the most important day in the history of our country. so i'm going to go into this trial. i'm going to sit in a freezing cold ice box for eight hours, nine hours or so. they took me off the campaign trail trail, but the good news is the poll numbers are the highest they've ever been, so thanks for getting the word out. every bay knows this trial is a scam. it's a scam. the judge should be recused. he should recuse himself today. he's the most recusable judge, and he should recuse himself today. maybe he will. maybe he'll do the right thing. but really, more portly than the recusal, he should terminate the case, because they have no case. as jonathan turley said, as all of them said, every single one of them -- dershowitz, mccarthy, every one. they've all said this case
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should be ended immediately. this case is over. many of them are not fans of mine, but they want to do the right thing for the country. i appreciate you being here. thank you very much, and i'm going to go into the icebox now and sit for about eight hours or nine hours. i would much rather be in georgia. i'd much rather be in states that are in play, and i'd be able to campaign. biden is out campaigning. he can't campaign because every time he opens his mouth he gets in trouble. but biden is campaigning very nicely. i think when i start campaigning he'll stop, he'll go back into his basement. but i want to thank everybody. you've been treating me very thoroughly. i want to thank "time" magazine. they did a cover story which was very nice. there was at 60%, at for.
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so i want to thank you, eve everyone. >> so there we have the pretrial or marks on day nine here. he covered a lot. what he did not mention is that tomorrow, on wednesday, he will be in the states of wisconsin and michigan holding rallies tomorrow. as for today, though, charlottesville, second time mentioned in recent days. mentioned the campus chaos we have been covering all day and night, and also had a few words toward the judge. karl rove. there's two competing stories in new york today. downtown you have president trump at his trial. uptown at columbia you have campus protests, out-of-control, and the images i think are terrible for the biden administration, which has been pretty hands-off.
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there's no sign of governor hochul, no signs of mayor eric adams, no sign of chuck schumer, let alone aoc. from a visual standpoint, andy mccarthy referred to 1968 in terms of voters wanting a return to law and order. does that fit in here? >> absolutely. i thought the former president's remarks, the mistake was he should have led with what he had to say about the riots, and the student unrest, because that's what people are thinking about and the contrast between that and what's happening at hamilton hall would be particularly powerful. he has a limited amount of time. four days a week he is stuck in that courtroom. he ought to be thinking carefully about what he says each day as he goes in, because i can set the tone for the day. if he had taken the little bit of remarks he made about columbia and made them bigger and lead with them, that is what the message of the day would be,
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and it would be a good message for him. >> bill: he might have another chance when court breaks. as you mentioned, karl, standby. we will ask you about a piece earlier today. lawrence jones is standing by with an update on what he has now. lawrence? >> hey, good morning, bill and dana. we are just waiting on the university to make a decision if they are going to invite the police back onto the campus. as you guys no, they have made this negotiation with the protesters that the cops were not going to be invited back on. that is before they took over a building and barricaded themselves in and decided to create a hostage situation before three of the janitorial staff. so the question is, what is the next move from the school? as you guys may have seen earlier, i had opportunities, i went to the protesters and asked them what they think about october 7th, what's happening with the jewish students who have been afraid to be on campus. and as they continue to say, it
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is disinformation, guys. >> bill: lawrence, thank you. keep an eye on it, okay? we want to bring to our viewers, check this out in "the wall street journal." jerry baker penned something that i think deserves a lot of attention. hope for new york, here's one line. "beneath the surface, a potential earthquake not just for the little bubble itself but for the world beyond the hudson. the bluest of blue states is looking purple." you read that. is he on to something? >> i think he is. it goes back to something that
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it helps swing the direction. four years previously, they been defeated
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okay, they are working on it. here we go. this is a cnn poll saying they would still support trump even if he is convicted of a crime, 76%. i guess we don't have the sound bite, karl. basically the sentiment is they think it's a sham, it's a kangaroo court, it's a smoke screen. they think people are turning back to trump. so it doesn't seem like the trial as having the effect that the democrats hoped it would. >> well, look -- i think that's largely true. i am in the andrew mccarthy/jonathan turley beliefs that come of the four indictments of the former president, this is the weakest and the stretch. in essence, the manhattan d.a. is attempting to set himself up to enforce his view of what
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federal election campaign spending laws are all about, which is sort of weird thing why he doesn't have that responsibility there. it is still a stretch but there's some problems for president trump in this. remember, this election could come down to a handful of votes in six or seven battleground states. 12% say president trump did nothing wrong. 33% said their view was he did something illegal. 33% said he did something unethical but not illegal, and 21 percent don't know. at 21%, that includes a large number of republicans who i think are basically saying, i haven't figured this out yet, and i've got an anonymous call from some organization that claimed there is a polling firm, and they asked me to season thing bad about the leader of my party so i'll say i'm unsure even though i've got some qualms. in a close election, even a couple of percentage points of people who say i change my mind as a result of this, could be
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problematic. that's why it's high stakes. >> bill: karl, thanks. karl rove in austin, texas, checking in today. in the meantime we want to get on to our panel. thank you for that. you guys kind of have the same jobs a little bit here. you've got a big problem here. you are a defense attorney, so you see into the eyes of those who are defending the former president. right now you don't see any evidence of a crime. explain. >> i don't see any evidence of a crime because there's been no evidence presented of a crime. four days of testimony, three witnesses, and so far no illegality has been testified to or presented. there is none to present. that is what makes this case so utterly remarkable. i would be saying that regardless of the person sitting at the defendant's table because it is just not there. that's why everybody is shaking, we are all shaking our heads.
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how did we get here? >> dana: we are also waiting on this gag order decision. you think it'll come today? >> it sounds like the judge will consider evidence of further violations of this alleged gag order situation. we have to remember about the gag order is that it is very vaguely written, and from a legal perspective that the significant issue, but in terms of getting relief, i think that is very unlikely. however, there are other options we have to pursue because this is a significant violation of a political candidate's first amendment rights, and i think the decision to take this case to trial right before an election is at the risk of him having higher scrutiny of those first amendment rights by the federal courts. >> bill: let's set the table for who is on the stand today. gary farro, he was on the sand on friday for a bit. he'll come back and be the lead witness and then? >> gary farro, nothing to see
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here. not uncommon whatsoever. who they plan on calling next, one question i have is why they're even thinking about calling karen mcdougal. because she's apparently on the witness list. she's got nothing relevant to add to this. we don't even think stormy daniels has anything relevant to add to this. nothing that they can provide to that jury is going to lead to a crime. it is all totally lawful information that we already know. the big question is, when is michael cohen going to testify? because i look at this case as, david pecker was the smoke, michael cohen is in years. that's all this is about that's what the prosecution is trying to bamboozle this jury and confuse them into a guilty verdict. shame on them. >> i think for a prosecutor it is very dangerous to try to confuse a jury, because you need to have beyond a reasonable doubt proof of criminal acts, and we have nothing like that
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here. the prosecution has tried to distance themselves from michael cohen. michael cohen himself has said, this case isn't about me. as we have seen, it's only going to be about michael cohen in his credibility or lack there of. because he's the only person we think we can tie to any criminal acts. to believe somebody with that kind of track record and history of fraudulent convictions, any sort of dishonest history like that, it's going to be an annihilation. >> bill: did you see andy mccarthy's piece this week? did you see that? >> dana: he writes about seven articles a day. >> bill: hang on. i had to find the quote so i could be accurate here. roy cohn taught donald trump a lot about law and new york, and his number one rule was, don't tell me what the law is, tell me who the judges. andy mccarthy went on seven pages about the judge. now he's playing to the state. do you see it the same way?
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>> i think that, in a case where you have such an obvious credibility issue which your only viable witness, i would hope a jury could overlook any sort of issues with any of the rest of the information that has been presented. but i am an optimist like that, so i think there is still a possibility that donald trump at least has one juror if not more than that to understand that this is all just smoke and mirrors. he's an unlikely underdog. americans love an underdog and donald trump is kind of appeared that way by being forced into this position. >> bill: we've got to go, but did they find the right judge? >> they found the right judge to win on appeal, that's what they found, so yeah. this is a horrible judge. >> dana: thank you for being here with us as we get underway on day nine of this full coverage of the new york versus trump trial, continuing as the prosecution's third witness takes the stand. across the country, anti-israel protesters escalating tensions on college campuses. we'll be right back. mer had auto glass damage,
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>> bill: we thought there would be breaking news. there is already inside the courtroom. two bits of news here. donald trump has just been find $8 thousand for violations of a gag order im polesed by the judge. so that's eight different violations, $1 thousand each that total eight grand.
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back with katie and jonna, did you expect this or is there more to come? >> i expected he would issue sanctions based upon his responses to the defense attorneys during argument. he made it clear he felt that trump had violated these orders. again, i believe that the orders are unconstitutionally vague and especially the order pertaining to trump's commentary on the judge's own daughter. according to the daughter can only be enforced if it interferes with the judge's work. if that's the case the judge should be recused himself. this is what we expected. i believe there is another hearing on thursday for additional allegations for violations of the order. >> dana: the jury was not in the room when those violations were announced and the fines were announced. they were brought in afterwards. in this situation will the jury know about that? >> no, they shouldn't. especially if they're following the order they aren't supposed to be on social media or not doing their own homework. if i were representing donald
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trump, i would tell them to write that check for $16,000 and go violate that ridiculous gag order another eight times. that's what i would tell him. this is so unfair given that he this is so unfair given that he is taken
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white house because a new reaction to the protests happening across the country, especially at columbia. >> it looks like what happened at columbia university last night did move the needle for the white house, shifting away from sort of the generic statement that we have been getting generally condemning displays of anti-semitism and calling this protest at columbia not peaceful. i want to read it to you from andrew bates, deputy press secretary. he says, "president biden has stood against repugnant anti-semitic smears and violent rhetoric has whole life. he condemns the use of the term entifada as he has the other tragic and dangerous hate speech released in recent days. president biden respects the right to free expression but protest must be peaceful and lawful, and here is the shift here, forcibly taking over buildings is not peaceful. it is wrong, and hate speech and hate symbols have no 's in america." so this is a shift in town from the white house. it comes from the deputy press
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secretary. we haven't heard it from the president himself. a statement from the president's letterhead, we'll be looking for that later on today. but generally yesterday in the briefing the white house dodged a lot of specific questions on whether the president has spoken to anyone at columbia university or other officials in the white house have done so, and also whether he approves of how the administration is handling its response to this. broadly, the white house wants to allow the schools to handle the response. but when you see this spiral out of peaceful protest into acts of harassment, intimidation, and now taking over a campus building, it seems like that was the turning point for the white house. we do know that the secretary of education, miguel cardona, will be on capitol hill today. i expect he'll get a grilling from lawmakers, because there have been calls from lawmakers to block some of these rioters,
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student rioters, from having their student loans forgiven, calls for suspension, those kinds of things. the white house hasn't wanted to metal so far in with the response from the university was going to be, but with this shift that took place last night at columbia, perhaps that will be ahead. so we will hope that the president echoes the message that we just got from the deputy press secretary, but a shift in town, i would say, guys. >> dana: jacqui heinrich, thank you so much so much. >> bill: the ceo and founder of axios' and author of the new book "just the good stuff," good morning to you, jim. where is the good stuff? >> the good stuff is happening outside of these protests. >> bill: we will get to the book at a moment here. there's a poll that came out from monmouth. they wanted to know who is jacked up for a rematch. they found 36% of democrats, only 27% of independents. but about two-thirds of republicans, about 63%. what does that tell you? >> it's a problem.
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the white house knows it. you saw pulls all year with 60% of democrats saying they didn't want biden to be the nominee. so he's got a real problem. then you have the story we were just talking about, these protests on college campuses. there's a real divide inside the democratic party whether it is where these protesters, whether or not to be a staunch ally of israel. young voters in particular who are turned off by joe biden. that's a real problem for a president who, in any election we are going to enact by 10,000 votes here or there in seven states, you see it with this statement today. he is in a terrific pickle. on the one hand, you stand with the protesters knowing that your base is getting agitated, or you do what you know he wants to do deep down inside, stand more with israel, which he was forcibly set in the beginning. now he's kind of trapped in the middle. >> dana: and when you're trapped in the middle, basically you are roadkill. that's what ends up happening. i wonder about, also -- last week, the headline was biden's
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blase attitude about this. now you have the images. you are an expert in a lot of things but one of them is how people consume information. i wonder about the images we are seeing and how that can affect people. people might not watch the nightly news on any of the three big networks, they will see it all day long on their phone. how does that affect their thinking about law and order? >> especially for people who vote, i think there's a generational divide. let's remember, most young people don't vote, or like lawlessness. this is a real absence of leadership at the end of the day from academic institutions. when you are not clear about what you stand for, we are for free speech until it becomes lawlessness and you're interrupting the academic opportunity for other people on campus. when you don't have university presidents doing that, you have weak leadership, you get this. there's no way the american people will be so pathetic to people busting into rooms, locking down classrooms, making it impossible for kids to go into class. people having to cancel commencement addresses at
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multiple -- >> dana: we had a guy on early whose low income student at columbia, he needs to eat at the student hall where he has his room and board. couldn't get in today. have to find someplace else in order to get the sustenance he wants and in order to get through his day. to speak of a number of friends i have who are jewish are texting me, that are calling, these kids are scared. a lot of friends have kids on these campuses who are jewish, and they are getting threatened, and they are being ostracized, and they are not able to go into the classroom or go to the commencement address. it is a real problem, and not a real obvious solution right now other than universities cracking down. >> bill: go back to a couple months ago where he saw the head of harvard at that hearing on capitol hill. it didn't go well for any of them, and i think maybe the president of columbia learned a little bit, but maybe not enough. when you set a deadline for 2:00 yesterday and you don't act on it, you are essentially inviting a whole lot of problems. right now at columbia they've
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got a lot of problems, because if they are not willing to forcibly remove them from that administrative building -- by the way, this isn't just some dormitory. this is the main administration office at columbia university. so now you are faced with a big issue. how long do you let them stay, or do you go in and create what will be an ugly or seen? >> yeah, again, it comes down -- we have a real leadership problem in the country. we have it in churches, businesses, and in politics. we don't have strong leadership, we don't have moral clarity. when you don't say, these are the things we will tolerate and these are the things we won't tolerate, you get lawlessness. you have this entire generation of kids who -- i don't mean to sound like an old fogey, but they weren't in boy scouts, they weren't in girl scouts, they weren't going to church. there were these unifying institutions, this common ethnic or common morality that i do think was binding us when we were much younger. when you then get into a college and you're not getting leadership there, or you are getting bad leadership, then you
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start to make bad decisions. and, listen, people should be able to have their views and speak as forcefully as they want to. you just can't cross into lawlessness and you can't cross into racism. when you do those things, i think most americans are normal and they watch this like, what are you doing? >> dana: most of the student there should pick up this book. it's called "just the good stuff," it is by you. it's a great book for anybody thinking about their future and life success. it is not at that campus protest. a lot of good information here. >> [chanting: shut it down] >> dana: you are watching that mob of anti-israel agitators storming the building on. up town in new york. downtown the judge overseeing the criminal tile of former president trump imposed $9,000 fine for gag order violations. a brand new hour of "america's
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newsroom" as we continue to get breaking news from all over the place. >> bill: we said it was 8. the judge apparently added wrong. >> dana: it's 9. >> bill: something happened. >> dana: it's 9,000. >> bill: there was a correction issued from the judge. i'm bill hemmer, she is dana perino. here is the latest f columbia university now on lockdown restricting access tote main campus an anti-israeli activists duke took over the dean's building occupy hamilton hall. now they refuse to leave until the school meets their demands and grants am amnesty and they have big demands, too. moments ago trump going into court scolded the protesters before day nine. watch. >> the biden protests going on horrible caused by him because he can't put two sentences together. is he going to get out and make a statement because the colleges are being overrun in thi


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