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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  April 30, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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wrote this piece. i thought the case against trump is legal embarrassment now i think it's historic mistake. i read it with great interest. it's a pleasure to meet you. thank you for coming on the show. >> thanks for having me. >> bill: makes a relevant point talking with mccarthy or turley or all the folks we have had on today about how injurious legal system how americans on the outside look at it. if you are in a 50/50 country, right? 50% of you support donald trump and 50% of you support joe biden. you are going to look at this trial and close to 50% of you say he is getting a raw deal. that's not good for what that gentleman is talking about from boston university. >> dana: what realizing right now is that way more than a majority are looking at this and going trump is getting a raw deal on this case in new york the hush money trial. it is back firing on them big time. of course we shall see. and we will be back again tomorrow but in the meantime the faulkner focus is next. here she is. ♪ >> harris: we begin with breaking news former president trump's historic new york criminal trial is back in session today; however, at this point, they are on a break.
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so, at times we have heard from this president. we haven't heard from him in recent days. don't know if he will pop up to a microphone during this break. but we will be all over it if and when that should happen. earlier, the defense and prosecution teams were questioning michael cohen's former banker and previous to that, the judge issued the president with a hefty fine, a thousand dollars per violation for that the judge said happened per his gag order. he also threatened possible jail time for any further violations of a gag order. the president is the only one under a gag order in this entire case. not the convicted professional liar, michael cohen, former president trump is. it's day nine of the trial. trump faces 34 counts of falsifying business records and those counts are in connection with to payments back in 2016
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allegedly to cover up an extramarital affair earlier today at the courthouse. not on the campaign trail. >> six months is pretty close. november 5th is going to go down important day of our country. going to turn our country around. took me off the campaign trail but the good news is poll numbers the highest they have ever been. at least getting the word out. everybody knows this trial is a scam we have legal experts. we have producers in the courtroom and we will bring you moment by moment conch of all of what is happening in that courtroom when it reconvenes. for now, let's get to this. ♪ >> harris: columbia university under siege. new video from late last night. a mob of anti-israel agitators
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stormed took over academic on campus. yes, some of them would be students. we can't tell the difference on the video. we do know the conformity of all of this. it's a question i have been asking for over a week. who is setting up the tents? who is pays for it all? agitators? who is bringing them into the game? nobody shows up for free. we're all over it. i'm harris faulkner. you are in the faulkner focus. those protesters and others have barricaded themselves now inside of a building. and they have raised the palestinian flag which reads intifada. we will get into more of what that means for the rest of society. white house communications adviser john kirby responded to the scene just last hour. >> the president believes that forcibly taking over a building on campus is absolutely the wrong approach. that is not an example of peaceful protest. and, of course, as we -- you
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rightly noted, hate speech and hate symbols also have no place in this country. a small percentage shouldn't be able to disrupt the academic experience, these protesters taking over by force building on campus. i will reiterate, that is not -- does not comport with the idea of peaceful protests. hairs hacious is he quoting the president there, the national security committee council to the white house, john kirby, but we haven't heard from the president. does he need to make an address to the nation to explain what should be next? should he say all of what john kirby said himself? yes. all of it comes as college campuses across america have tried to handle chaotic anti-israel protesting on their campuses. some have tried less than others. earlier this morning, police confronted anti-israel protesters on u.n.c. chapel hill's campus. they arrested about 30 of them
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and cleared their encampment. yeah they are popping tents. again, i want to bring in this wordage tators, insurgents, people who come in from the outside are part of this group. i have had students set on this set with me these people are old are. if i recall like in their 30's, they are demonstrably different and not students. and they shout things like follow after me. you can hear it in the video. after the university of texas, austin, police tore down protesters' barricades and arrested people. protesters at upenn have refused to move, despite being warned about being charged with trespass. >> police arrested multiple people on vcu's campus after they refused to leave. and yale officials say they cleared out all of the anti-israel protesters after they threatened to suspend and arrest them. the white house responded now finally to the chaos. but, again, it's not the president. >> as far as police presence,
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that's up to the colleges and universities. that's for them to decide. and we have to be able to allow americans to peacefully protest within the law. that is important and that's what the president wants to see. i can't comment on every case, i can't comment on everything that we're seeing out there, what i can speak to is more broadly and what we want to see and what we have called out. >> harris: we have fox team conch of all of it. griff jenkins is at george washington university's campus. molly line is at yale, let's begin with national correspondent bryan llenas at columbia university in new york city. and, bryan, the rest of the nation is watching to see columbia has made so many mistakes here. they even gave 48-hour extension for people to move. they didn't head that deadline at 2:00 p.m. eastern yesterday. it took some time. so no one is listening to these university officials. and if you think it's bad on columbia, just wait until it spreads.
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bryan? >> bryan: harris, yeah, look, there were suspensions announced yesterday by columbia after 2:00 p.m. deadline. those students that seemed to really just embolden those students who then at 12:30 this morning decided to storm hamilton hall, barricade themselves using rope and chairs and tables break the winged doughs with hammers they are inside now, reportedly dozens of students inside according to the organizers columbia perspective he came over and pushed us across the street just moments ago. i will give you an idea what is happening on campus. only allowed in our essential personnel and students who live on the main campus. they have to get checked in at that blue tent. this is an important time right now. final exams begin on friday. we spoke to off campus.
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i can't go and eat something. this is something he had to tell us earlier. i'm low income student. food insecure. 40% of my students are food insecure which i think is ridiculous. you have to feed people if you want them to learn. we walked over here and we were told that we would be let on campus and they wouldn't let us on campus. >> so you tell me you are unable to eat because of this right now. >> that's correct. quite literally. >> bryan: right now you can see this is hamilton hall here. they have unif you should several banners. the one we can see from the street here says free palestine. other banners have said intifada. the demonstrators on x posted a press release earlier this morning and they said they are not leaving that building until three demands are met. the divestment of all moneys into israeli associated companies, transparency about who those companies are and ultimately they want and most importantly probably at this
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point amnesty. they don't want to face any discipline or punishment for the encampment, nor do they want to face any discipline or punishment for now breaking and entering into hamilton hall behind us for the last 11 hours. the big question now, harris, is when the nypd, if and when they will come in. there is a press conference at 11:30 for a different event. you believe it will be one of the first questions that will be asked here. the nypd has said and they will listen to the university on that as we await to see now the 11th hour here with those students barricaded inside. >> harris: who schedules a different event? how is that going to go? is anybody going to ask a question that's not about this? oh, i would like to go talk about hair salons out on sixth avenue. that's just bizarre. bryan, always a great job. you know, as you were talking, it really hit me the importance of really who is on that campus because i don't know if these protesters have realized it, if they have insurgents and
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agitators among them and they want amnesty, that could be really bad for them. i mean, some of those students hope to return to this campus. we don't know who is among them. they potentially have some problems, too. they just don't know it yet. bryan, thank you. bill bennett, so is he a former education secretary and secretary, you have joined me for education specials before. we did one during the pandemic. we're usually talking about, you know, how to bring children into the fold during a lockdown and all of that. this is kind of like a lockdown for those students who particularly are jewish and can't even go class on some of these campuses across america. >> yeah. can you imagine what a lockdown of jewish students. it is extraordinary, it is shameful on these universities that they have allowed this to happen. they seem powerless. you know, the administrations setting deadlines and missing them. not knowing what to do. throwing up their hands. it should be clear.
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now, i will give credit to one of my alma maters, the university of texas they seemed to know what to do. at the ivy league telling you all that money may not be worth it. it certainly isn't. why would jewish students apply to columbia? there are a lot of jewish students at columbia. why would they apply to penn? two questions i have principally, harris. one, find out who these people are. when you call the cops, just take ids. find out how many of them do not belong to cliewrstd. the second thing is act as if you are in charge. it is your university. you don't have negotiate with them what investments to make. that's not their job. that's not your job to meet that demand. this is, i'm afraid, the legacy of many years of neglecting what was going on in our
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universities. some of us warned that what has happening in the universities could take over the rest of society. so what do we have? i see your split screen. you have two travesties of justice. one quiet in a courtroom, and the other noisy at a university campus. >> harris: you are talking about the trump trial that's in a break right now. those people who were masked, you bring up a point i have been asking for days now who are these people really? yes, i want to know yes hot students are suspend them, expel them. if they are trespassing, prosecute them these agitators who are they working for because this is spreading like wildfire. secretary bennett it is a pleasure to have new focus today. i want you to watch something with me few monitor near you otherwise you will hear it? >> sure. >> harris: person who has your
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old job cardona asked about a anti-israel protests taking across on campuses across america here is his response. >> i think what is happening on campuses is abhorrent. hate has no place on our campuses i'm very concerned with the reports of anti-semitism. we are committed as the department of education to adhering to title 6 enforcemen. we have 137 open cases. we take this very seriously. we have increased the number of communications to college campuses to make sure that they have what they need in terms of the law and best practices on how to make sure they are protecting students. >> harris: so, secretary, the way i understand it, title 6 enforcement, they have 130 open cases. talk to me about that. >> yeah, well, you know, do they have enough -- he says do they have enough of the law to be able to act. enough of the law isn't the problem.
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it's enough courage. said courage is the secrecy of democracy. you know, show who you are. remind people who is in charge of this enterprise. if i were back in my old job, i think i would say, let's just hold all the funds to columbia, to chapel hill to princeton. i'm trying to be share here to the institutions i attended or my family attended. harvard, until they figure this out. it looks like they have no idea what they are doing. civilization is a precious thing. it's very rare. there are few countries, few societies in the world that uphold the values of civilization. we are one or used to be israel is another. for god's sake, let's get moral clarity on this. >> harris: you have a lot of education. you have a will lot of alma maters. you mentioned harvard. boy, i do feel like in the beginning if they had done some
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things differently, maybe it would have made a difference from what we are seeing now. it's interesting. i'll bring you back. i can't wait to talk to you next time. we will move forward. we just don't know what it looks like yet. secretary bennett, thank you for your time. well. >> thank you very much. >> harris: a big breaking news day. >> harris: i want to get back to former president trump's new york criminal trial. it's making history. everybody had passed on this case for six years including the current district attorney so thirsty to get trump, alvin bragg. of course it's a political year. he reaches back, grabs his case, and here we are. right now they are in a break. and they are set to resume very soon. we have producers and journalists in the courtroom. so there are no cameras. but we will get minute-to-minute updates on this. this morning bank executive gary farro took the stand. he was set to do that. it was right on time. he was a senior managing director at first republic bank in 2016. that's where and when mobile cohen allegedly opened shell
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companies used for the payments at the center of this case. he follows a quick testimony from long-time trump secretary rhona graff. and before that, extabloid publisher david pecker spent four days on the stand. pecker testified mostly about buying stories and not publishing them in order to quash bad press. stories not about this case but they are salacious so, you know. thirsty anyways, he also testified he did do the same thing for other celebrities, oh, are they going to go after all those other people, too? i will hold my breath. senior correspondent eric shawn is outside the new york state supreme court right now with more on this. so, eric, they are in the short break. bring us up to speed. >> eric: yeah, the president, harris, former president just arrived back into the courtroom sitting down after this recess and this proceeding will resume. this after mr. trump was found in contempt of court.
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judge juan merchan has find him $9,000. that's $1,000 each for nine different violations of the judge's gag order, in which the judge said that the former president attacked witnesses like michael cohen and others on truth social and campaign website. the judge even threatened if mr, threatened to send him to jail. well, the court proceedings continuing a moment from now. that witness that you mentioned, mr. farro, has now finished his testimony for the morning. and he is done. trump has said that the gag order is a violation of his constitutional rights. the prosecutors have branded his attacks to threats to the witnesses and proceedings. here is what judge merchan ruled saying, quote: the court will not tolerate continued willful violations of lawful orders. if necessary and appropriate under the circumstances, it will impose an incars tore punishment, that's jail the trial as i said wriewmed farro
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back on the stand. he is finished. the former senior managing director set up the show company for michael cohen used to pay off stormy daniels about her alleged affair with trump. farro said the money was designated as a retainer for cohen instead the bank really knew it was for political purposes or knew it was for a porn star it may not have been allowed to be opened at all while the trial was going on inside, outside supporters from the new york republican club loudly rallied in support of the defendant. this is michael cohen expected to be the star witness here. he said trump's fine, in his view, is meaningless, telling fox news, quote: the imposed fine is irrelevant. the judge merchan's decision elewis dates that his behavior will not be tolerated and no one is above the law.
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the president may have been find for $9,000. he did get some good news from judge merchan, the judge said there will be no trial on may 17th. that's important because that is the day that the former president's son barron will be graduating from high school, you may remember there was controversy, the former president claiming that the judge would not allow him to attend barron's graduation. that is not the case. judge will now allow the former president to attend the son's graduation in florida may 17th. trial proceedings resuming about an hour or so until we get the lunch break. harris, back to you. haste harris thank you very much. we are back in as he just said. we will monitor all of the latest updates out of that courtroom moment by moment as i have been telling you. we will dig into it with our own expert legal team. leo terrell and t tom dupree wil be with me. plus we are watching what is unfolding on college campuses, anti-israel protesting pro-hamas hate. it's escalating.
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♪ >> harris: moment by moment conch of day nine of former president trump's new york criminal trial as they get ready to resume the trial. and we'll let you know as soon as they are set and going again. meanwhile, my guest and focus now leo terrell attorney and fox news contributor. ari fleischer, former white house secretary, also a fox news contributor. and tom dupree, former deputy attorney general. gentlemen, great to see you. tom, i'm going to come to you first and just talk kind of at 37,000 feet about this case. your view? >> well, my view, harris, this
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has been a slow developing case. the prosecutor spent the first week giving us a lot of information about the shadowy world of new york tabloids. but they didn't score a lot of direct hits on trump. now we have moved into the phase of the case where maybe we are getting a step closer. we heard a lot from the banker who was dealing with michael cohen and heard a lot about the shadowy world of michael cohen and how he operates and how difficult he is to deal with. we still did not get that direct link connecting trump to this payment that would put him squarely in the crosshairs of criminal jeopardy. i think the prosecutors are say saving that for another day. i got to say we have heard about a week of testimony so far. i suspect the jury is going to start demanding pretty soon some direct evidence of criminal activity. >> harris: all right, leo, you know, you have got a sex film worker at the center of this. stormy daniels. and then you have that other case that they kind of brought in. i'm wondering how much of this isn't just a flex for salaciousness? i'm talking about karen macdougall. talk to me about the choices of
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some of these witnesses and what the judge is allowing into this case. >> >> the judge is allowing everything. because, let's be very clear, the prosecution has failed to put on any evidence, harris, of indicting president trump of a crime. but any admissible evidence. this is nothing more than to basically try to dirty him up. the prosecution is hiding michael cohen. they basically want to delay his testimony. michael cohen, if there's any evidence against trump it's in the hands of michael cohen. but he has no credibility. he is a liar, is he a convicted felon. so far we have zero evidence in this trial and the whole intended purpose, harris, was to hurt president trump's election chances have failed. all you have to do is look at the recent polling, trump is doing quite well in the polls. >> harris: well, real quickly, and, you know, ari, the politics of this are at play. you dirty up an ex-president,
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it's just not anybody, he's running, again, against the guy who, i mean, he is having some problems, president biden, on the trail. people can't understand him. i mean, it's pretty much a mess at times. >> well, two political items today that are taking place, in my opinion. one, the $9,000 fine, contempt. i predict to you, harris, there will never be a bigger fund fundraising moment for donald trump than this one. is he going to today to send out an email to all his donors saying help me raise the 9 thou. he is going to play the victim and raise a huge amount of money as a result of this. two, let's just look ahead. let's say donald trump is convicted. my prediction for you is that will be akin to donald trump losing a primary on the island of manhattan. it's not going to have significant electoral impact. and the reason is because it's such a democratic jurisdiction with such democratic jury and a
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democratic judge. i don't see it change of pleaing chanchapping orchanging the vief the road voters. now, if he is not convicted, that's the equivalent of donald trump winning a primary in a blue state on manhattan. the huge upside for donald trump, if he's not convicted and if he is convicted i really don't think it's going to change any minds. i think people are going to attribute it to all more of the noise of the get-trump movement and it won't change anything to help the democrats win. >> harris: well, it's interesting. the other thing that will be a defeat for democrats in a way is a huge delay, if that's brought on with the claims of immunity for the president and they decide to kick that down to lower courts and that takes up more time as we get closer to the election. a delay is a defeat for democrats in that sense on this issue. gentlemen, i'm going to bring you back. when we come back together, i want to talk about the 14 violations of the prosecution says that trump has done, nine
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of those were fined. you mentioned $9,000. it was 1,000 for each violation that the judge said happened. judge merchan on his gag order. so, when i see you again, we will dig deep into why michael cohen go on tv all the time not have a gag order. i will see you soon. thank you. we will keep you on top of the former president's trial moment by moment. we are also following all of the anti-israel and jewish hate that is moving across college campuses. we are live on the ground at yale university, george washington university, columbia university, next. ♪ nesses go further with 5g solutions. that's why they choose t-mobile for business. pga of america and t-mobile are partnering on 5g-powered analytics to help improve player performance. t-mobile's network helps aaa stay connected nationwide... to get their members back on the road. and las vegas grand prix chose t-mobile
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♪ >> harris: the most expensive schools in america arguably, even around the world. and another elite university is facing anarchy. police at yale have now cleared out the school's anti-israel encampment. they reportedly warned protesters get out or they will be arrested. fox news correspondent molly line is at yale. mollie? >> harris, a beautiful spring day here at this point in time. give you a look here. this is the across campus area of the yale campus. beautiful spring day. few police officers left on the scene. wide open and lovely. the students this ivy league institution walking across getting to class. that the main library. >> this is the heart of campus. this is where the encampment once stood. it was pretty feisty here this morning until that warning came out.
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take a look. [chanting yale, yale, you can't hide. we charge you with genocide. we charge with you genocide] yale, yale, you can't hide, we charge with you genocide. >> per yale, yale personnel issued final warnings that protesters in this encampment set up on sunday afternoon on yale cross campus end or face suspension for violating university rules and arrests for trespassing. all of the protesters chose to leave the encampment per yale and the university has now cleared all of those tents and other items from this area over the past several days administrators had told those protesters that the encampment, their activities violated university policies, that they were disrupting. the academic and university operations this is all per the college. this is how they communicated with their students and ultimately the students chose to leave, no arrests were made
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today, but there were some arrests made over the course of last week. perhaps that played into the mindset of the protesters that chose to step off onto the sidewalks. they spent a few more hours here this morning and ultimately left. it doesn't mean that the passion doesn't remain here at yale or the protests can pop back up again. but, at this point in time, a beautiful spring day, a clear campus here where the tents once stood. >> harris: yeah, we got that part. we saw the people who had been arrested in twist ties getting on a bus from earlier video as you were speaking, mollie. what's interesting is when you put in place some meaningful consequences and you don't move deadlines, they will leave. i know to all of those students and agitators out there who might be watching, they did it yale, maybe they can do it other places. >> potential contrasting with other universities. >> harris: huge contrast. mollie, thank you very much. let's get back now with the trump trial. it is back in session. a new witness is on the stand. robert browning. he is the c-span archives executive director who manages
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the collection of video that's aired on the network. and i want to bring in leo terrell, ari fleischer, tom dupree. tom, what would you ask this particular witness on the stand? >> well, that's a good question, harris. look, i love c-span as much as anyone, but it may be the sort of thing that's going to put the jury to sleep here. we will see. look, my guess is they are probably going to be going back for archival footage. talking, comments trump has made and that sorts of thing. again, this falls into the category of stage setting. the prosecutors have taken a long time laying out a very elaborate framework for all the evidence that they say is going to come in showing criminal activity. but it sure is taking them a heck of a lot of time to get to the point. the other point i wanted to make, harris, this morning's gag order ruling that we touched on brieflily earlier one little nugget buried away in there the judge takes a bit of a shot at michael cohen. he doesn't kale him out by name but he does say there are people out there who are basically abusing the gag order. and there are people attacking trump and claiming they can't be
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attacked because of the gag order, maybe they need to be taken out of the protections of the gag order. >> harris: that's specifically what i wanted to talk about, leo. the judge, judge juan merchan has issued his first gag order ruling. there are two. there will come another one on thursday, so part two of this. the judge fined former president trump nine out of the 10 alleged gag order violations that the prosecution said happened. and it was $1,000 per, so it's 9 grand that trump will have to pay. the prosecution all together has alleged 14 violations, so, again on thursday, they will hit the remaining four. we will see what he will do. that issue about why you let a convicted professional liar just talk all over networks, do whatever he wants, without any consequences, without a going order. i would hope the judge would ask himself about that. he told trump earlier that he would, quote: impose incarceratory punishment, means put him in jail if he breaks the gag order again. >> you know, harris, it's so
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amazing how the judge is basically hammering trump and trying to be fair as a judge. he is not fair, harris. he's a political agent of the democratic party. let me be as clear as possible. this gag order is unconstitutional. trump will never pay these fines. his reference to michael cohen too little, too late. it is a gag order that is one-sided. michael cohen going on tv. throwing trump under the bulls every day and the judge looks the other way. these words he just mentioned in this order just words. no meaning, no impact. no effect whatsoever. this is a one sided political trial, targeted at trump campaign, not the verdict meaningless. it is to hurt trump's election chances. i can't say that enough, harris. i have said it to you a thousand times. i apologize. it's just a political attack on trump. >> harris: no need to apologize for the truth. i mean, ari, it does feel at times like the side show is the
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law and the main event is how much can we dirty up trump as you and i mentioned before. but politically, what does that mean for joe biden who is tanking in the polls? i mean, he can't even get ahead when someone is in court for two weeks. >> well, none of this seems to be working for joe biden. these indictments have actually made donald trump stronger. they have helped him to raise money. they allowed him to maneuver around ron desantis. i think the democrats thought every time they indicted him it would be the kiss of death and they could get rid of him. they only made him stronger. joe biden has been weaker. the other irony of this, harris, i would make the case that because we are seeing less of donald trump out on the stump, we are seeing him in the courthouse, he actually is going up in the polls because one of the things that hurt him particularly with college-aged, mostly -- college educated mostly suburban women voters he was saying things they didn't like. saying things they disagreed with. but here they are seeing him being put in the position of victim and something unfair
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happening to him. politically, i think that's rebounding to him. now, there's a little irony in that i think president trump would say he wants the focus to be on himself and campaigning. he keeps going up the longer this trial has gone on. cnn's poll the other day showing him up by 6 percentage points. there has only been -- i'm sorry, this is the only time in the last seven elections, it's only happened once that a candidate won by 6 points or more. 6 points advantage for trump is massive. that's what the cnn poll showed. so, nothing is politically seems to work for joe biden. amazingly, this trial seems to be working politically for donald trump. >> harris: it also gives him an opportunity on those few times we have seen him. we saw this especially as this trial was starting. he would talk about the problems that americans are facing. he would take his time and go to harlem and, you know, greet voters in a demographic potentially biden may not win much of the black vote.
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i mean, you have seen this president focus more on the voters when he has had an opportunity to talk. looking less like a campaign and more like somebody who might be president. good to see you both. all of you, rather. and i thank you. as the news continues, i may call you back. we'll need those legal minds as we get more updates from the courtroom straight ahead. plus, i'll have more on those campus protests that are hitting cleanings across the country and now we are reaching a new level. who is buying the tents? where is the conformity? where is the uniformity coming from? ♪
8:45 am
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>> harris: well here is new york city's mayor eric adams. remember our reporter, eric shawn, and bryan llenas -- excuse me, bryan says other things would be talked about
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today. in fact they are doing a standard briefing on city business. there are reporters packed at this venue and you can bet that there will be some questions about the anti-jewish hate that's spiewg at nearby elite college columbia. he did not have any opening remarks on that. maybe he will get to it himself. but, right now, it is important to talk about the economy and some of the things that they're talking about, run this town sort of thing, that's their theme. you see the poster at the meeting. it's also important to talk about what's going on across town and has become worldwide news now with the jewish hate protesters spreading across america on college campuses. so, if he gets to that, we'll go to him. just a half mile from the white house, anti-israel and jewish hate are metastasizing like a disease. at george washington university. it's been six days. that close to the white house. so it's hard to argue that the president has missed it. the school says professional organizers are among the hundreds of protesters camping in tents on campus. maybe they would like to clue us
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in, maybe go out there, ask them where they're from. i don't know. if you're running a college campus, you got to be curious. dismantle barricades being piled up at the center of what has now become a large encampment and g.w. student one of them told fox who is ultimately responsible. >> because these people are not only chanting against the jews, they are chanting against american values. and it really stems from the faculty. that is the root of this problem. they are indoctrinating kids with anti-israel lies and hate and this is where the problem starts and it has to end with that problem, too. >> harris: republican senator come cotton is pressing washington, d.c.'s mayor to take action. here's what he posted. mayor bowser has let a pro-terrorist mob take over a large area of george washington university while telling police to stand aside. her flagrant disregard for the law shows why d.c. must never become a state.
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griff jenkins is live at g.w. >> griff: harris, there is no plans to try to shut this encampment down. it's growing. you can see the signs here. this is some of that anti-semitic language that the jewish students feel is offensive. let me show you the encampment though and take you in. it's growing because it's spilled into the street off of the university. this street, eighth street is entirely blocked off. but, over here, harris, is the university yard where this all began and you can see the signs. this is where some 70 tents. the students have been camped here. you can see kind of the signature sign of this protest is the george washington statue here draped in the palestinian flag and the traditional palestinian keffiyeh scarf. here we spoke just moments ago a faculty member at g.w., holding anti-hate sign. she is out here upset about this. here is some of what nicole incidents in had to say, listen.
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>> i don't understand how it's okay for for anyone to go against policy rules of the university or of any business. so, by way of blockading a street, by way of my building needing to have tap access with my card this whole building was locked down last night with zero access, that crosses a line for me. >> griff: and the protesters say they don't talk to the media but they do say off camera they have no intentions of leaving any time soon, harris? >> harris: yeah, i wonder when parents are going to start to demand some of their money back if their kids can't get to class. that's what they paid for. griff jenkins, thank you very much. let's go back to the trial of donald trump making history at this point with that former ex-president on trial. back now leo terrell, wary fleischer, tom dupree, we will do a lightning round of quick last it thoughts.
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tom, i will start with you. >> sure. harris what we have seen the prosecutors playing clicks of video of donald trump making comments during the 2016 campaign about issues and accusations against him and that sort of thing. to me, i think what they're doing here is previewing what their argument is going to be later in this trial whereby they are going to try to say this idea of this alleged scheme was really political in nature, that it had to do with concealing information from voters rather than a personal thing that trump was trying to cover up. i think that's why we heard the c-span testimony. that's why we are hearing now court records and the like. it's a preview of coming attractions from the prosecution. >> harris: leo? >> the defense team, harris, did not even cross-examine that last witness. do you know why? he is meaningless. it doesn't move the needle. >> bottom line, where's the beef? where's the evidence against trump? so far, six, seven days of testimony, no evidence against trump. >> harris: ari? >> i think all of this shows why you should not indict your political opponents, especially somebody who is running for
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president, former president. you know, yes, you should indict a president and former president if they shot somebody on fifth avenue. but for something like this? he has really been indicted because he won the 2016 election. that's why. and because he is running again. neither party should do it to their opponents. >> harris: gentlemen, it has been a pleasure to have your political, ari, and your legal, tom and leo, expertise on this. it is making history at this point. and as you said, it is bolstering trump right now both fundraising wise and when you look at the polling and those battleground states those are tough gentlemen, thank you very much. and watching the faulkner focus. so much breaking news. so glad you are with me. outnumbered after the break. ♪
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