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tv   America Reports  FOX News  April 30, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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judge that is conflicted, badly, badly, badly conflicted. everybody knows this, this trial is a scam. it's a scam. the judge should be recused. speed to leave new york versus trump case is now in a break for lunch. just got word in the courtroom a moment ago former president donald trump their calling on a new york garage to "terminate" photo trial against him. it appears to be moving right along as jurors hear from more witnesses including former attorney for stormy daniels and karen mcdougal. >> john: before all of that took place trump was hit for $9,000 fine for gag order violations the judge warning he may look at jail time next time around. we have analysis from all the angles, judge jeanine pirro with jason chaffetz, jonna spilbor and former u.s. attorney jay town. they will all be joining us in the next two hours.
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♪ ♪ [chanting] >> sandra: peaceful, they say, now hear a live look at the protests that have been erupting on college campuses nationwide as anti-israel demonstrations grow more and more violent by the day threatening the safety of jewish students. columbia university columbia university now restricting access to its campus over anti-semitic demonstrations and professional agitators. okay, somebody has a microphone there and sandra smith in new york, welcome. >> john: plenty of megaphones across the country these days. i'm john roberts in washington
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and this is "america reports." the protests continuing after a mob of mass protesters breached a building on columbia's campus smashing windows and barricading doors to occupy the academic hall name for one of the people who helped create this country of ours. complete coverage starts now. >> we have jonathan schanzer on how many of these agitators are being fueled by these left-wing groups. we are following the money, jacqui heinrich outside the white house as it pushes responsibility onto the universities to handle the chaos, but first let's go right to brian yunus live outside columbia here in new york city so, brian, what are you seeing out there? >> sandra, breaking news just now the last couple of minutes columbia university releasing a statement finally addressing the situation at hamilton hall directly. this is a statement that says protesters "have chosen to escalate the situation through their actions, vandalizing
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property, breaking doors and windows and blockading entrances. we are following through with the consequences we outlined yesterday. students occupying the building face expulsion. "that is from the university spokesperson here at columbia. students who did not commit to the terms we offered are now being suspended. that come again, this is the latest from columbia university, the first time they have addressed the situation truly in the last 12 hours since the students occupied hamilton hall. behind me you can see this is the entrance to that university and it is really on a lockdown. the only people allowed in are the students who specifically live on its campus and essential personnel. this is a big week because this is where all the main libraries are in those libraries are closed during finals week. so it has been incredibly disruptive here. one of those students protesters spokesperson came out about an hour ago and had this to say before the latest statement from
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columbia, listen. >> we are not instant negotiations right now but students are open to negotiations if the university makes a good faith effort to support our demands. it would expel a of its students especially considering how much consensus this matter has on campus. i strongly believe it would galvanize the rest of the campus community to help as well. >> now the big question has been whether or not nypd is going to be called in. the statement we just got from columbia university does not make any mention of nypd as far as i can tell but this is what mayor erica adams had to say in a press conference alongside the nypd, listen. >> people have the right to display their concerns, but it should never reach the point of violence. it should never reach the point of hate. i think protesters should police themselves and say this is not what we stand for. this is not what we are about.
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>> now again the nypd will not go into the university as a private institution unless columbia university calls them in to help bring the students who have barricaded themselves out of the building. you see hamilton all here with the two banner and set been on. one that says "honoring the martyrs" i have one student here named leland, thank you for talking to us. tell me about the situation here. in the middle of finals, this campus is on lockdown, what do you make of it? >> the goalposts keep moving which is causing a lot of uncertainty and a lot of disruption. i feel particularly bad for the students who are graduating soon and are unsure about what is going to happen with that considering the weeks, again, the goalposts are moving and we don't know what the school is really going to do. >> you keep mentioning the goalposts moving, the administration here, what do you want to see them do? they came out with a statement saying these students face expulsion is not enough in your mind?
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>> i feel bad for the administration and away they are in a tough position but we have to have a functioning university. this school costs over $80,000 a year and i think people should be able to not be deprived of those benefits they have for tuition. >> this is finals week, commencement is in a couple of weeks, how is this lockdown affecting you personally on such an important week? >> my first finalist today. we were supposed to have finals in person proctored to ensure integrity and fairness now they are remote still being graded and every day we get an email even this morning and email before of things are changing again which is already stressful enough given the weight of these finals. >> leland, thank you, stay here just in case but i want to send it back to sander and john, that was leland one example of students directly and indirectly affected by what is happening here. >> sandra: . >> sandra: we appreciate him joining us and giving his viewpoint on all of this thank you very much, john? >> john: sandra despite all the chaos, president biden himself has been tight-lipped at
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the growing protests. is a administration however is passing the buck to the universities themselves on how to deal with anti-israel encampments define school orders. jacqui heinrich live is the white house showing any sign of change in tone? >> a bit, john, since the protesters stormed and occupied the campus building we have gotten a new strong statement from the white house condemning it as "not peaceful and wrong" that incident appears to be a turning point in their messaging here. although we should point out this did not come from the president himself. and it did not include any call for the university to take any specific action. deputy press secretary andrew bates writes in part "president biden respects the right to free expression for protests must be peaceful and lawful. forcibly taking over buildings is not peaceful. it is wrong. and hate speech and hate symbols have no place in america" bates also said the statement excuse me bates says the president
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condemns the use of anti-fodder and went on to say biden has stood about anti-semitism his entire life here yesterday to briefing the white house avoided saying whether president biden is happy how university leaders are responding to this unrest or of any one in the white house has reached out to them. as far as we are aware the highest ranking official to contact columbia university is the second gentleman doug who reportedly reached out to jewish leaders and two private phone calls. he is jewish and he emphasized no student should feel unsafe offering his support on behalf of the administration. today and a senate hearing education secretary admitted more needs to be done. >> our jewish students on campus right now are being attacked or harassed in some cases. to defend the first amendment right it's not acceptable when students have today with anti-semitism on campus.
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we need to do better in our students need to feel safe. >> so far the white house has maintained that these need to make our decisions in response thing to the protest and that has changed since last night so far no response, john. >> john: jacqui heinrich with the latest of the white house. jackie, thank you. center? >> sandra: let's bring in jonathan cp of the defense of democracy foundation thank you for joining us. you see what is happening and it was not all whole so long ago that an attack like this on a jewish student in an american university if it happened one person will be front page news and it would be an absolute emergency. you have this happening to jewish students all over america right now. what about the university's handling of this and what needs to be done to bring calm and get things back to normal? >> you know, it's funny, right now what you are hearing is across every campus that i have talked to, you have university president and stakeholders that
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are just worried about business as usual how it is being disrupted. how you have outside agitators right now heading in the way of busibusiness as usual. we have seen at places like emory university where i went to undergrad or university of texas at austin where they have identified outside people, nonstudents, it seems to me like this is the first step that needs to be taken. ids need to be checked that outsiders should not be allowed. if students are still out there protesting, okay, that may be another story. but the idea you have adults that are not part of the university community out there and engaging in violence, engaging and hate speech, that is what we hear needs to stop. >> john: on the subject of outside agitators, jonathan, john caruth asked that by reporters this morning he said i'm not aware of any evidence either in the intelligence world or through law enforcement about bad actors such as you are describing. do you have a news flash for the
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admin? >> i don't know if it is a news flash. what i can say is that there are individuals who have appeared on campus that have a past. for example, samuel a guy i think many people are familiar within this country he was actually convicted of sending money to palestinian/islamic jihad, went to jail in 2003/2004 and was in jail till 2013 and was deported to turkey he tweeted that his wife is on campus at columbia university. may be two days ago but he put the picture up of her at an encampment. let's put it this way, she is not a student. she's probably 60 or 70 years old. what she is doing is a big question. but then there are some folks we have been watching as well. a guy by the name of osama abuhershaid based here in virginia, they are a corporate non-for-profit is on campus with a megaphone chanting.
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he has gone live on al jazeera from the g.w. campus he has been in columbia's campus. what he is doing there we don't know. but amazingly, this guy's face and name has appeared on the hamas website back in 2014. what he was doing on that website we don't know, but it certainly is cause for concern. as we are watching these protests grow increasingly out of control. >> john: perhaps mr. kirby should have a conversation with you. jonathan, thank you so much appreciate you. now listen. >> i'm going to go into the icebox now. that's it for about eight or nine hours. i would much rather be in georgia. i would much rather be in florida. i would much rather be in states that are in play. states that i would like to build a campaign. >> , president trump railing against the historic criminal trial happening right now in lower manhattan. so far protesters, prosecutors rather, calling several witnesses to the stand but have
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they made any real progress in the case? judge jeanine pirro with westchester county, new york, district attorney knows a lot about the stuff. she joins us coming up next. in t . and when the stock market crashes and it does from time to time, our clients are protected against losses. literally, they go up with the market, lock in their gains, and when the market goes down, they don't lose anything. we keep it simple. our clients earn in a reasonable rate of return and they don't lose money. if you have at least $100,000 to invest, get your investor's guide and see if it's right for you. to abandon their pets. those pets often end up in shelters that euthanize them after just a few days. but we're better than that, my friends. i'm john o'hurley, and i invite you to support puppy food bank with a $15 and i invite you to support puppy food bank with a $15 a month donation with your support puppy food bank can ship pet food to rescue
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>> sandra: former president donald trump is back in court today although on lunch break at the moment as testimony continues at his new york criminal trial. jurors heard more from gary farrow, a bank executive who once helped: open an account he alleges was used to make the payment to stormy daniels. via fox team coverage right now with judge jeanine pirro cohost of the five, standing by here in the new york studio with an analysis but first let's go to shannon bream live outside the new york state supreme court, hello, shannon.
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what else have we learned from today's witness? >> we started off with that gag order violation decision by the judge this morning. nine violations $1,000 each the judge indicating though in his order that there may be something else that may get president trump's to attention more than $1,000 per violation, their love allegations on more violations wednesday but we wrapped up with banker gary farrow talking about how quickly he learned from michael cohen wanting to set up an llc. the same day he got that set up he took a drawdown from the his home equity line got that into a new account and wired it out within about 24 hours or so. he said listen, there is nothing illegal or nefarious about that. there are times you do quick transactions like that. but it definitely seems to be the prosecution trying to paint there was an urgency at 2016 about getting that done and getting that payment, which then bank documents showed in court what to keith davidson the attorney for both karen
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mcdougal and stormy daniels has been on the stand the last couple of hours seeing text back and forth at ami, the company that owned the "national enquirer" essentially negotiating under karen mcdougal 'a story back and forth via texts getting back into detail and amounts of what she wanted in exchange for the story. be interesting think karen mcdougal as we know was not part of the alvin bragg indictment. before this trial start of the judge did rule she would be allowed to testify but with boundaries on what she would say in court. so while her case, her deal was not part of the indictment, obviously the prosecution wants to paint there were ongoing conversations to kill stories that could negatively impact president trump in the campaign. we understand davidson will be back on the stand after this lunchtime break. seems like there are a lot more questions to come and certainly will be more interesting on cross-examination. sandra? >> sandra: that is a lot thankfully we have someone who can dig into that, shannon, thank you.
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john? >> john: let's bring in judge stomach judge jeanine farrow who has some thoughts as she has followed this closely, before they broke for lunch keith davidson who was the attorney for both karen mcdougal and stormy daniels was on the stand. he was talking about the deal they were putting together for karen mcdougal who really was looking at this deal with the "national enquirer" as a way to kick-start her career, a bunch of writings and public appearances and things but currently she never meant to tell the story of her and trump. but again, we are left here wondering and andy mccarthy was wondering this again today. where is the underlying crime that alvin bragg is pending this to? >> the amazing part is just under the get-go there is no underlying felony either in a grand jury or the indictment or the bill of particulars. what we are dealing with, john, right now in the ninth day of expired misdemeanors that are brought by this d.a. who
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obviously knows nothing about the criminal law before a judge who hates donald trump who's daughter is making a fortune from representing the biden campaign and biden administration and what we got is everything being thrown at donald trump. this is exactly why this case, if there even is a conviction come will be overturned like the one seen conviction. you cannot throw everything and anything against the law and hope it will stick. so look at the one witnesses this morning. he is the banker and created the llc and got insulted when i called him a shell corporation, i guess. trumps attorney barely cross-examined him. the question was have you ever spoken to or much donald trump. the answer was no. it has nothing to do with donald trump. this is about innuendo. this is about inferences. it has nothing to do with the reality of what goes on in court every day.
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i was a d.a. in westchester county just like this d.a. is. this is unacceptable. in the end when you then add a former president who is running for president and we are watching his numbers go up on cnn where he is even ahead one point ahead among women in this country, you have to save yourself americans understand what the democrats are not understanding. that is that they are using the justice department and law enforcement to suppress a political opponent. i think even more important right now is the fact that donald trump, although he is locked down in a court room in lower manhattan, comes out and every time he opens his mouth he makes a good point. what did he do this morning? the first thing he did this morning was talk about what is going on in the universities. the president of the united states doesn't have the dash the dash the spine to talk about what is going on in the universities and when he did he set us up to the colleges. baloney.
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american justices at stake as well as the safety of jewish students and children on campus. >> which is a question everyone's minds in the result of the gag order violation to the former president, there was a warning of jail time. we are left wondering how realistic at this point is that? >> make no mistake, sandra, this d.a. and this whole collusion on the left will do anything to put donald trump in jail. in fact they even had a meeting with the state, local, and city people as to how it would happen if he were to be put in jail. now let me make one thing clear. that gag order is in constitutional. it is said the president cannot make a direct comment to make a statement and the president did not. he just reposted statements made by others which is not a violation of the gag order. even a judge does not know how to write a gag order.
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and from the department of justice comes down who says it should donald trump take the stand, i want to cross-examine him on the violation of the gag order. apparently the judge is going to allow it like everything else, which will call up for a reversal, but that is assuming there is a conviction but not before the election. >> john: judge, we sometimes wonder what the overall effect on trump is in all these legal woes he has got. here is what he said this morning when he arrived in co court. >> they took me off the campaign trail, but the good news is my numbers are the highest they've ever been so thank you for getting the word out. everyone who knows this trial is a scam. it's a scam. >> he is not campaigning as much as he would like to though he is going out tomorrow but do you think that what is going on these various courtrooms across the countries getting sympathy for him and raising poll numbers? >> i think it is a combination of things, john. i think you can call it empathy, i don't know, some of the but i would use empathy, more
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importantly what they are seeing is a man who was running for president who can have everything thrown at him. they can take his money, they can take his reputation, they can impeach him, indict him, they are looking to put him in jail and this man is still on point. he still knows what to say. he still knows how to fight for the american people. he knows what the issues are, he is ready to debate wednesday, thursday, friday night or whatever he said last week. they are seeing a man who will fight for them because he is fighting right now for himself and ultimately for all of us. >> sandra: on my way in this morning i could hardly believe it, john, the judge -- there was a multivehicle trump train of trucks, cars flying the american flag chanting out the windows heading down to lower manhattan driving through times square. >> amazing. i could not get my camera fast enough but it was something to see. >> sandra: judge it was great having you want today. >> we watch you every day.
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>> john: great, good to see you. >> sandra: biden's question over the chaotic campus protests as house democrats bump heads over how to handle the situation. reaction from former utah congressman jason chaffetz will join us live next. >> discussing what is happening on these college campuses, they are parroting hamas talking points. the fact that hamas endorsed these protests last week. the farmer's dog is fresh food made with whole meat and veggies. it's not dry food. it's not wet food. it's just real food. it's an idea whose time has come.
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>> sandra: fox news alert as campus protests continue many in new york city we are watching governor hochul of new york. she is speaking right now about something completely different. i believe the conversation is about chips right now. but i believe we are monitoring this because of course we are interested in any word she has to say on leading her state through the many campus protests that are ongoing at this hour. so we monitor news from this and
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get news as we get it. >> do you have people in clumber right now on the scene to see what is going on there? do you have staff there to watch? >> i do not. >> does the civil rights office have someone up there? >> i do not have staff at the columbia university. >> john: in the secretary of education miguel cardona in the hot seat a couple held today as protests disrupt college campuses showing no signs of abating pay lawmakers considering the plan to fund those schools that could really put a rift in the democratic party. we have fox team coverage former utah congressman jacobson chases trends us but we begin with aishah hasnie who is live on capitol hill. this bill that is before the house really could see a lot of division in the democra democratic party. >> absolutely, john, good
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afternoon. across the country right now the question is who's in charge right now? who can take control of the situation that is out of control? there is talk right now in the e house of defunding these schools but it's in the early stages. even folks on the left are talking about it. there is no text on it yet. there is text, though, on a bill that will be taken up tomorrow that redefines, expands the definition of anti-semitism. it is michael lawler's bill. it paves the path for eventually defunding these universities. it is going to divide democrats. a jewish congressman from new york is against it because he says it infringes on free speech. at the same time that democrats are divided on this how it's are united as house speaker is going to announce more legislation and even more investigations coming up at this 2:00 press conference that we are going to bring you live. it appears he wants to expand the scope of their investigation into anti-semitism on college
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campuses to now include other committees outside of just the education committee. we are going to find out in a few minutes. meanwhile over in the senate as you mentioned education secretary cardona was getting a grilling over what he is or frankly is not doing right now. cardona repeatedly condemned anti-semitism and the office of civil rights is currently investigating 137 cases nationwide including two cases at columbia. that was not good enough, john, for several frosted republican senators who are demanding action today. >> an investigation is very different than action. i appreciate the opportunity to look into it but now is the time for action. what are you doing right now on columbia's campus? >> on campus? the situation we are doing a lot. we have updated guidance, we have a letter in graph right n now.
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we have increased title vi investigations, we have open investigations -- >> sandra: john, just to put this in perspective these title vi cases sometimes take up to six months, but because there has been an explosion of them all across the country, i am told this could take even longer. we are not getting any answers on whether or not the education secretary will try to expedite some of these. john? >> john: we will keep watching. >> sandra: let's bring in former utah congressman and fox news contributor. imagine a moment in american history where we need a bill to crack down on anti-semitism. >> it is already against the law. is already against so many of these school policies and discrimination, they preach diversity, equity, and inclusion. but these same people have a hard time figuring out that based on your religious affiliation that if you want to kill those people, you want
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death to israel, you want death to the jewish state, that may be intimidating to someone of the jewish faith. they totally selective. it is targeted toward jews, it's fundamentally wrong at its core is yet they choose not to act on it because they have this right of an left-leaning base of the democratic party that has lurched so far the left they don't know how to deal with it. they are more interested in votes in november than they are dealing with the safety and security of jewish-related people on these college campuses today. >> john: i think a lot of these protesters are emboldened probably by what happened in clumber university in the 1980s. i believe the hall was occupied then. the protesters won that fight and here's what an official with columbia university said about any potential by
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columbia university to remove these protesters. they say "liberators acting in solidarity with palestine continue to hold themselves to a higher standard than columbia. to columbia's administered as an trustees, do not incite another kent or jackson state by bringing police officers with weapons on our campus. students' blood will be on your hands" i mean, kent state was horrible. jackson state as well. we have seen police commodities college campuses for mail down to ut in austin. and they take the protesters away and nobody is getting killed. so, this inflammatory language, obviously, it's meant to scare the pants off the college trustees and president at columbia, but i don't think there's much chance of that happening. do you? >> press the students of today weren't even alive when this happened. it begs the question who is funding this? who is putting people up to
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this? i don't think the students going there are saying hey, show me her portfolio of investments in industrial. is out there protesting for? up so they are talking about. the department of justice, the department of treasury should get to the very bottom of this very quickly figure out how they are spewing this hate and where that money is coming from. there is not probable cause. there is enough articulable suspicion to do that but of course they won't talk about that because that is counter to the democratic narrative. >> sandra: it is hard to believe. as one jewish student down in lower manhattan pointed out during a speech earlier noting the masks, they are covering up their identities as they protest. they don't want anybody to know who they are. it is remarkable. jason, we appreciate you joining us today, thank you. >> john: thank you, jason, see you again soon.
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anti-israel writers smashing into a building at columbia university name for alexander hamilton and growing tensions at george washington university in washington, d.c. griff jenkins has got more on that with the preview here he is, griff. >> hey, john, the protests here at g.w. in the sixth day with no signs of things moving. the equipment is moved into the street. we will bring you more on that as we come back. dr. scholl's has the breakthrough you've been waiting for. now there's an easier-to-use at home skin tag remover, clinically proven to remove skin tags safely in as little as one treatment.
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suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. we want today is mark days six at george washington university a protest in the district of columbia for hundreds of demonstrators are bucketing an area just a half-mile from the white house. national correspondent griff jenkins is in the middle of it all and will take us for a
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walk through it what are you seeing, griff? >> john, you can see the encasement has spread. now between 21st and 20th you can see the police blocking it and trying to do with that but here on campus in the university yard is where it all started. i want to take you mean because they are doing a little bit of the action. there were all of these bike racks blockading the university of the yard here. they tore them down. this is the george washington statue draped in the fragment they took all the guardrails, john, i will bring you and show you they stack them into this giant pile. unlike the demands we have seen in other places like libya where they tried to impose a deadline for removal, there is no signs this is going anywhere and the d.c. police taking a hands off approach not moving in, "the washington post" reporting the university at one point over the weekend requested that they be removed from here but that did not happen. that is why virginia foxx
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chairwoman of the house education committee wrote a letter to bowser but i can take you in here you can see we have not seen violent encounters except for when they got these barricades and stuck them up here over the weekend. there were some clashes but no arrests, no major clashes. but it is a lot of this chanting that has been going on now for six straight days with these peaceful protesters out here. it is some of the chance they say the "from the river to the sea" that we will get to at some point because they cycle through the same chance that our offense or to the jewish students. >> john: i am curious have you asked any of them which river in which see? >> yeah, most of the protesters here won't talk to us. let me see, pardon me, how do
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you feel your movement is going? speak i'm not talking, sorry, i'm busy. >> as you say they don't want to talk to the media. they were actually chanting at one point don't talk to the cops, don't talk to the media so we are just observing them here and seeing where it goes. this seems to be at best a stalemate at this point. yesterday was the last day of classes. they will start exams but for the time being however the city street is another situation off-camera law enforcement tells me they can't get through these to bring in things like ambulances and fire trucks. john, we send it back to you. >> john: i think sandor wants to jump in but i do think the person you talked to did look pretty busy. >> sandra: griff what can we expect the next couple of hours to look like? >> well it looks like the next couple of hours will look just like this with this going on all day long with not anyone trying to stop it. there was just on friday when i
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was out here the school saying that students out here could possibly face suspension, but we are talking to the school and they are not telling us any more about whether they are going to hold any of these students responsible. it's important to note one last thing not all of these students are g.w. students. we know they are students from other schools like georgetown and american and we have seen some adult activists out here as well. >> john: you know, the g.w. campus for folks who may not be familiar with it is very much like nyu. is a city campus. you can walk through it and it's like walking through a normal city block so there is no restricted access unless you try to go inside the building. we have heard from columbia university that the students who are occupying hamilton hall named for the venerable alexander hamilton of course, one of the founders of this country, are going to be expelled if they don't get out to to sweet. there is no indication they are going to. there is no indication of any
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kind of discipline there at g.w.? >> that is right, john. an important point. is not the expulsion threads now in columbia but now on friday when i was out here the school did tell the students if they continue to occupy this university area they could face possible suspension. that was the language. but today, this morning, when i talked to school officials they are not saying anymore about where that stands or whether these students are going to face any students out here. john? >> john: griff jenkins for us not far from us. the g.w. campus thank you, sandra? >> sandra: thank you. now back to the new york versus trump case the key prosecution witness is reportedly catching in on the on tiktok. brett coleman on whether this puts the witness' credibility in jeopardy. and you've been the wife
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>> sandra: heartbreaking day for law enforcement for officers killed in four wounded in a shoot out trying to serve an arrest warrant at a home in north carolina. our senior correspondent jonathan serrie is live in our southeast bureau in atlanta. police are questioning terkel persons of interest. who are they, jonathan? >> they are describing them as two females, an adult and a
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17-year-old who were in that home when police were attempting to serve that warrant and the shoot-out broke out. neither have been charged and investigators have yet to describe their relationship to the suspect. police say 39-year-old terry clark hughes jr. opened fire on members of the u.s. marshals fugitive task force as they showed up at the home to serve a warrant. a neighbor shot video of the chaos that ensued. >> he is in bathroom, tyler. speak of the suspect was killed but the shooting also claimed the lives of charlotte police officer joshua iyer, north carolina corrections officers sample og, and alden elliott as well as deputy thomas weeks. all four leave behind wives and children. >> they are heroes.
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they are heroes because they face dangers that most humans should not have to face. they accept that danger and not a single one of them backed away from that challenge yesterday. >> four other officers were injured in the shooting but all are expected to make a full recovery. sandra? >> sandra: a terrible story, think of covering that. >> john: what an awful day. any moment now we are expecting from mike johnson set to speak on growing anti-semitism in college campuses. wiwill they crackdown? we will take you there life. d i, our clients are protected against losses. literally, they go up with the market, lock in their gains, and when the market goes down, they don't lose anything. we keep it simple. our clients earn in a reasonable rate of return and they don't lose money. if you have at least $100,000 to invest, get your investor's guide and see if it's right for you.
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>> john: awaiting prosecution for cohen how do they plan to poke holes in his testimony? let's bring in federal prosecutor brett let's look at a 30,000-foot level. cohen has lied, he has been in jail, he has been in violations,
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reagan still has not articulated an underlying crime, the judge is going along with it and michelangelo to be a lying prosecutor, what do you make of this question mike >> anyone looking at this will save this is not how the justices of system works. this is not what we have seen in decades and decades in the use of that power. but i look at why would a judge to be willing to allow the evidence in that he has been willing to allow? i have practiced all over this country. i don't know of a single judge i practice in front of that would be allowing the evidence to come in like this judge has. >> crazy. >> sandra: brett, obviously we are waiting for the former president to reenter this, here in new york. there we go, we are waiting. i was telling my team thursday and friday i believe back end at 2:11 for the 2:15 so maybe in ten, 11, 12 minutes from now but
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as this resumes and quite clearly you have the world watching what is happening in that courtroom. we are left wondering where this goes next, who is called up as the next star witness and how they will handle this knowing that the world is watching. this is not a court room where what happens in the air stays in there. we are watching every detail that comes from there. from the strategies that you have seen so far? >> i would say you are spot on on one critical aspect which is the evidence that has come in so far has not articulate it a crime. remember someone being accused of a crime has with amendment rights to make sure they are confronting those that accuse them of crime based on full understanding of what the allegation of criminal conduct is. here it's very difficult for the defense team at this point to really even articulate what is


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