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tv   The Five  FOX News  April 30, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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alienating those who have support and those who hate israel. israel. you can't win for love or money on the spirit >> that's true. >> neil: are you concerned this will blow up in your face at the convention? >> well, my hope, the convention is months away, that between here and there, we will achieve a pathway towards peace in the middle east. if we don't, if this gets worse, yes, it will accelerate division. here in congress, in the united states, and around the world -- >> neil: so you don't think this is going to be another 1968, bottom line, you don't see another 1968 so far? another 1968 so far? >> i certainly hope not. >> neil: editor, thank you so much come appreciate knowing just coming out of that meeting come appreciate you taking the time. where this goes is anyone's guess. we will follow that pressure that hasn't mayor adams and the nypd, i think i misspoke. ♪ ♪ >> dana: or hello, i am dana perino come on the judge jeanine pirro,
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jonathan turley, jonathan turley, jesse watters, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ total mayhem breaking out at columbia university, a mob of anti-israel students barricading themselves inside a building on campus and hunkering down for the long haul. we have much more on that to come in this job at first former president trump sounding off after another huge day and is, in a hush money trial. watch. watch. >> this gag order is not only unique, it is totally unconstitutional. i'm the republican candidate for president of the united states. i received this honor in record time. nobody has ever done it faster. it's never happened. nobody has ever got the numbers that we got. i am sitting in a courthouse all day long, listening to this stuff. it's a biden trial, and i never saw so many prosecutors, they are all sitting in the room and
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nothing, over absolutely nothing, there is no crime. there is no anything here. >> dana: and this morning the judge ruling that trump be held in contempt of court and must pay $9,000 for violating the gag order. gag order. he even threatened trump with jail time if he violates it again. trump did get one small win. the judge is going to allow him to attend his son, baron, valuation ceremony on bay 17th. today, more witnesses taking the stand including the lawyer representing two women allegedly from trump past, but it is the person was not taken the stand yet that some say is threatenine credibility of alvin bragg's case. star witness michael cohen accused of cashing in on the trial with a nightly live streams on tiktok. abc news doing a review of those streams and they say that it appears cohen is earning a financial benefit through viewers donation spirit >>
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michael cohen here with another "michael cohen reacts." 10:00 again. same bat time, same bat channel. when i was testifying before the house oversight committee, i turned around and i said that donald trump has shown acts of generosity, but he is not a generous person. >> dana: michael cohen railing against the report on twitter calling it a nonstory and shoddy tabloid hype. let's start there. it is wonderful to welcome you to "the five," professor turley. can we start with michael cohen making money on tiktok after the show, commenting, when nobody else is allowed to comment? >> jonathan: my assumption is there not going to have the special effects when he testifies. who knows? looked, nobody is shocked that michael cohen seems to have gone back on his word that was only a few days ago. he was just recently criticized by a judge as a serial perjurer
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who is gaming the system. so it's fascinating about this trial, setting the table for this guy as their star witness. and i would think any lawyer -- when he takes the oath in that courtroom, i think people will be looking up to make sure lightning doesn't strike in the courthouse. >> dana: judge, what do you think of that piece, and then i would love to get your take on the gag order, as well. >> judge jeanine: the >> judge jeanine: the fundamental issue here, a former president and running for president right now is being gagged by one of the witnesses was allowed to trash him extensively every day, more than every day. it is eminently unfair. the american people know it is unfair. when michael cohen -- i'm going to go on tiktok and make a lot of cash.
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i said this, professor, last week. week. have a copy of the march 26th order and it says trump is not allowed to make or direct others to make public statements. the reposting of tweets is not making or directing others to make statements, and to me it is indicative of the incompetence of this judge, the fact that this is appealed, if there is a conviction, when it is appealed, this will be part of the reversal, and i think today, you've got colangelo from the deferment of justice who came out and said, you know what, on the violation of the gag order, we want to be able to cross-examine donald trump. what that is telling you is there going to take everything and seeing what they can throw at him and see what sticks, whether it is defamation, e. jean carroll, civil lawsuits, impeachments, and he violated the gag order. and this is the department of justice, who is pretty much going to cross-examine donald trump. >> dana: do you think he should not testify, then, in this case? >> judge jeanine: i don't think he has anything to gain because of you look at this,
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this banker, all he did was he dealt with michael cohen, to establish an llc, and then the president's attorneys get up and they say did you ever have a conversation with donald trump? no, it's got nothing to do with trump. >> dana: a judge, jesse, use the word incarcatory, you could end up going to jail for things. >> jesse: i did not know about that. trump's involvement in the conspiracy, the conspiracy is on the left. you have a democrat d.a. coordinating with a democrat i can donate a judge to suppress the free speech of the republican nominee for president. and so what they have done is they have taken a major issue off the table. weaponization of government, renegade prosecutors, corr corruption. that is a major issue for voters in the fall and because they are charging trump, he can't talk about a major issue facing voters? voters can hear about the rigged
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system, the corrupt prosecution, a democrat d.a. who has inserted himself into a general election? and then gags the guy who is prosecuting from talking about it? that's insane. so all these things are on truth social, they are like press releases. a judge is saying we are going to now control the types of press releases that come from a presidential campaign. and if it attacks me or it attacks the d.a., you are not allowed to do that. well, what did he post? one time he just called cohen a liar. cohen is a convicted liar. and then he called a porn star extortionist a sleazebag. that is not a live. that is not a threat. that is just an observation, and he should be able to be able to make observations at trial. the other thing, he retweeted something i said. what i was saying was there are people who are lying on juror
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questionnaires. about negative things they posted about the defendant. and then it turns out, oh, you know what, i did say he belongs in prison. whoops. and so he can't talk about anything like that? that means rachel maddow could be seated and donald trump couldn't say maddow is on my jerry and she is staring at me, he can't say that or they are going to throw me in jail. that's not right. the american people know it is not right. this whole charade has happened, his poll numbers have popped. >> dana: let me give you the floor. floor. >> greg: what do i do with it? >> dana: don't do that. >> greg: trump has got to be really, really pissed. he now has to go to barron's graduation. now he has to sit through three hours of tedium. you want to do that, watch "fox & friends." i kid, i love that. michael cohen, we have to remind everyone, michael cohen was trump's lawyer. trump's lawyer. if someone broke the law over the legal advice given to you,
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wouldn't that be on the lawyer who gave you the advice? you have to enter the legal payment this way, because there is no other way to do it, how in the right mind can the lawyer testify against me as the chief witness. this is lawfare on boots, and it is another example, you look at christina -- what is her name, christina bottom, a lawyer for speed, she could face a total of life in prison over this other stuff, they are hunting everybody on trump so he is isolated in the media has always warned us that trump is an authoritarian and his supporters are like this big mob in red hats. if you want to lose power and get hunted, support trump. in today's culture, if you want a target on your back, you want your power taken away, if you want your job threatens, if you want to be threatened with jail,
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you support trump. however, if you want to reject trump, say he is evil, you rise, you rise in your career and everything. if you wear a red hat you will be shamed and laughed at, so the idea that if trump gets into office, we are going to have this authoritarian world, we are kind of seeing that right now but it is against trump and his supporters. in other cases coming up, everybody is stupid, the one in georgia is based on one word. "find." the word "find" that trump said when he said "find votes" doesn't mean look for, it means create. let's apply that to real life. let's say, jesse, you ask your spouse, can you find me the scissors? and four hours later she returns with an arts and craft project she made of wooded twine of scissors. you would think she is crazy. you would go, look, dear, the scissors are under the pillow where i left them, and she would go, okay.
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finding assumes something is already there. you know, doesn't mean create. but the dems are always about mind-reading. if you take away mind reading, they have nothing else, so if you don't want girls competing against men in sports, they might read and say you are a transphobe. if you are against dei they might read and say you are racist. trump says go and find me these votes, they think all he is saying make it up. >> judge jeanine: okay, i have to add something. you just had a very important thing. you said the truth is that donald trump is doing things on advice of counsel, okay? do you know what the judge gagged donald trump from saying gagged donald trump from saying in court? he is not allowed to say on the advice of counsel. this judge has literally pulled from donald trump the ability to use a defense essential to his case. >> jonathan: he is also guaranteed trump can't take the stand, along the scope to be this broad, i mean, for trump to take the stand is like jumping
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into a wood chipper and hoping you come out on the other side. i mean, it is not a good situation. but by the way, this judge said, on the order come on the contempt order, that this is all a matter of first impressions, l authority. then he went ahead and sanction him. you would think if the judge thought it was -- he would say, let me clarify, here is the rules going forward. instead, you know what, we've got to develop this as we go. here is your shanks and spirits before this is not spirits >> judge jeanine: this is crazy. >> jesse: how did you know where i keep my scissors? >> dana: go hiking every day, too. coming up, a full-blown riot breaking out at columbia, radicals still occupying a building on campus after calling for takeout. for takeout. ♪ ♪ but you need to watch out for diseases. i'll be okay. does this look ok?!
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♪ ♪ [chanting] >> you are the ones dragging people away. you are so mean. >> will ruin your whole life. >> jesse: a pro-hamas insurrection at columbia. smashing windows and hammers as they breached a building on campus, barricading the doors to occupy the academic hall. they hung up flags in support of terrorist who slaughtered to jewish families, chanting calls for a intifada. columbia trying to save face saying any student occupying will face expulsion.
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that threat did not scare them off. the occupiers are still there. banging those drums and a bongo, chanting for students to stand their ground. after waging a revolution for about a few hours, they got hungry. luckily, somebody threw down a rope and pulled up essential supplies in milk crates, but they struggled to get up this delicious-looking pizza. unable to fit the large square box into a smaller rectangular, sorry, how did these people even get into an ivy league school? >> students, students, hold your ground! >> students, students, hold your ground! >> columbia backs down! >> columbia backs down! ♪ ♪ >> this is delicious. >> jesse: so, greg, they have now knocked out the s.a.t. requirement at columbia that could explain the inability to get the pizza up to the
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second-floor. >> greg: that is true and also they don't really exercise that much. i'm going to repeat myself, we should be celebrating the monster turning on its creator. we should also know might almost be stepping away from this and just let the idiot on 88 actiono completion and let the colleges implode and if you have students, take them out if you're smart and enroll in another college, sue for the tuition you pay, and if you are jewish and you have kids there, get them out, because you know what? you are not wanted there. make points to illustrate, number 1, under the guise of freedom, they are impeding on the freedom of others, right? and they use the costume of the oppressed to actually oppressed. it is a rabid dog pretending to be an underdog. and then they condemn authority while they are actually trying to establish their own authority, you know, sanction and amplify by this internal authority which is the universal university. they exploit the sacred ground,
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a safe space for uncivil behavior but ask yourself, would you do that at a waffle house? would you try to impede some family's attempt to get a pancake -- do they have pancakes there? or waffles? no, you wouldn't, because he would get your asses kicked. you are coddled here. watching this, i say, let it roll. roll. >> jesse: they have been letting it roll and then today the mayor said, you know what, we might actually have to just go in and not allow jewish students to be persecuted. >> dana: it is outrageous. i agree with you in terms of come also, okay, fine, you want to implode, columbia, great, knock yourselves out, what do we care? but the fact that jewish students feel threatened on campus, that's where we have to step in and that is where you have to say something. mika brzezinski this morning on msnbc, she is the one who said this looks just like january 6th, right, so now you have a situation where there were also all of these cameras on the other side of that guy
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breaking into the windows, there is tons of media, with all of these cameras, they were preposition there in order to get this shot. who is helping them? let's find out. the other thing is, they are students for justice in palestine, s jp, you could also say students for a jihad in palestine, they have chapters across the country and gets millions of dollars from millions of dollars from george soros and the rockefeller brothers commode william la jeunesse a report out in california who reported all of this yesterday, cargo things that happened also outrageous outside of columbia. outside of columbia. one at the university of utah, one of the conditions that they asked for was ending comps on campus. campus. what does that have to do with palestine or gaza or hostages or freedom? nothing, that is just something the left wants. but the other thing is northwestern university and the professor they talk about this a little bit more but i will mention it, they did something crazy come in order to negotiate with their student terrorists, tell you what, definitely put you on a committee and then we will decide what jewish businesses aren't allowed to do business with our university anymore.
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and when you have jewish people say, guys, want to know what it was like in the 1930s when nazism was increasing? this is what it was like. one of the hostages moms, the one who is in the video last week, they were on a podcast and i listen to it today. they saw their son after 200 days. she said, the mother said, i barely recognize him, but i knew it was my son because i know it was my son, but she said he was speaking hebrew, we usually speak in english. he had his left arm had been cut off, amputated, blown off, and he is not being well taken care of. and what she said was, i am sitting here doing this interview and you might think, she looks okay. she said, but inside, i am being completely burned with a poker in my back at all times of the day, so we cannot forget those hostages and what the families are going through. >> jonathan: northwestern also, as part of that deal, gave scholarships for palestinian students, and also special housing for those students, a
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very large deal. and this has always been the approach of some universities, the path of least resistance. but at some point, administrators are going to have to go to the students and say, we actually do need the building. building. the buildings have a function. and we can give up everything else on campus, but we need the buildings. but remember, at columbia, years ago, they rated the library, remember that? because they were upset that conservatives were coming onto campus. this didn't just happen overnight. welcome to higher education. these students have been shown over and over again that there are no consequences. >> jesse: and other have to be because we have moved beyond violating the student code of conduct. you are smashing windows. didn't they hold a janitor hostage? >> dana: yes. >> dana: yes. >> judge jeanine: let me tell you. there is so much to say about this. the first thing that i am struck by is the fact that they got these cuff els, hats, masks on, they will not identify
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themselves but they want to harass, intimidate, and assault you but they are not willing to say who they are. i suspect a lot of that is because many of them are not students. they are professional agitators. they are people from off-campus. but here's the problem. when you have someone like this presidenpresident. 6:00, nothing happens, she is emboldening those people just the way the left is emboldening the criminals to commit crimes by saying we are not going to do anything, don't worry, we are going to let you out. the most outrageous part of all of this, and i didn't know that mika brzezinski said that about january 6th. that is the first thing i thought of, january 6th. i also thought of kristallnacht when they were breaking that glass as a reminder of what happened in the late '30s in germany. but the issue is this: we are standing on talking about this. this can be resolved in no time. all you have to do is you get the police on campus.
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you don't owe an explanation to anybody. they are disrupting things. they can be charged with crimes. they can be charged with the assault on those superintendents or whoever was in the building, as well as false imprisonment, as well as a variety of other charges. you clear the campus. i want to know who is on a visa. i want to know that their visa is being suspended and that they have started revocation hearings. i want them out of this country. i don't want to hear they are listening in al jazeera and cheering what is going on in the united states and the palestinian flag is wrapped up in the united states on columbia university. and calling for the elimination of jews, blacks, believe me, they would all be in jail right now. and i don't resent any blacks, but what i know is that title vi of the civil rights act makes it very clear, deprived of education can withdraw the funding or the tax benefits, the deprived of justice should be involved. have a president who is such a
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wuss, we are going to let the universities had a lit while we have a president being prosecuted in lower manhattan comes out on the first thing he said is we have to stop what is going on in these universities. it can stop. they have to understand they they have to understand they don't have the power, we do, and we are tough enough to use it. >> dana: can i add one thing i forgot to mention? this is according to columbia's own statistics. they have 36,000 students total. 14,000 of those students on foreign student visas. now i am all for educating in the western-style people from all over the world, but i think this is something that columbia is going to have to take a look at. >> jesse: they sure will appear all right, the two students blocking protesters fre doorway will be on lower exclusively tonight on 7:00. coming up, the ragin' cajun james carville unleashes on young voters for ditching joe biden. joe biden. listen to this. >> that's all right. [bleep] -- you don't feel like the election is important. the election is important. ♪ ♪
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what will your next success be? ♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: and joe biden is taking a shellacking in the polls and it's got the democrats melting down like never before. first up, it's the ragin' cajun himself, james carville has a simple four letter message for young voters who soured on joe biden. >> i hear this a lot. young voters are just not into this. and you just can't blame them. oh, [bleep], [bleep]. all right? are you watching what is happening in the supreme court? that's all right. [bleep]. you don't feel like the election is important. you are not addressing the issues that i care about.
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>> judge jeanine: nancy pelosi is freaking out on msnbc host who dared to question president biden's records on jobs. >> joe biden is doing that, creating 9 billion jobs in his term in office. donald trump has the worst record of jobs. >> it was a global pandemic. >> he had the worst record of any president. we've had others' concerns in or country. country. we want to be an apologist for donald trump, that may be your role, but it ain't mine -- >> i don't think anybody can excuse that. >> judge jeanine: poor nicole wallace is having the mother of all meltdowns. >> depending on what happens in november, seven months from now, we can say for certain there would even be a white house correspondents' dinner, or even a free press, or even a white house press score. this time next year i might not be sitting here. there might not be a white house correspondents' dinner or a free press. >> judge jeanine: okay, dana,
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i have to start with you on that one. nicole wallace saying this time next year i might not be sitting here at donald trump gets elected, let me ask you a question. donald trump was present for four years and she was sitting there. now she is worried -- >> dana: i think the president is going to do just fine at donald trump is erected. i don't know why the press isn't complaining more that he is the one who doesn't give any interviews or do any press. i was a debbie press secretary, by no means did i ever think my words in a written statement would substitute something the commander in chief ought to say, for example, on the student protests. great statements coming from the deputy -- you mentioned alger zero. everybody around the country is watching the media on this. i thought nancy pelosi was really rude to katie to her. she didn't deserve that. you can't give trump credit for biden credit for the jobs creatp lost all the jobs, but point out
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covid was the reason, jobs came back -- covid ended. katie did not deserve that. and james carville, we are witnessing the six stages of grief, however many stages of grief there are. started with passion. we have to say trump is a threat to democracy, and then he went to, well, biden is not doing very good, is he? now he is raging. what we might get next week is acceptance. >> judge jeanine: you know what? the truth is, gregg, the ragin' cajun, he has turned into basically a curmudgeon. i wonder if anyone is even listening to him anymore. he only comes out every three or four years, but boy is he angry. >> greg: he is evolving into the character in "deliverance" that attacked jon voight in the woods. while he is talking, somebody is cleaning his teeth, in the middle of having a root canal. someone should tell nicole that
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she's not that important. she's not that well-known. that that is a delusion of grandeur. and i might not be in this seat in a year. another reason to vote for trump, i guess, but i don't know who you are. you just had the biggest audience you've ever had by playing that clip here. i think the meltdowns are expected because every front looks pretty dire. there is no policy that they can speak of that why was anybody and there is no shining example of optimism. the democratic party paid a price for always looking backwards. our country went to hell because they were busy painting our past as a hell. they enabled the woke to infiltrate and they chased all their best people out, all their intellectuals come all the writers, and they were replaced by destroyers, not creators. there is no one on the left that is creating anything, just destroying, destroying comedy, women sports, law and order,
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housing, energy policy. i'm trying to think of one thing the dems have created, aside from emotionally damaged and perhaps mutilated children. >> jonathan: the problem is when you escalate rhetoric like this, where you go from here. people saying there will be camps, they are going to make journalist disappear, democracy is going to end and wallace will be somewhere in an unknown spot. what's left? like roman decimation? what can you go from here? >> jesse: don't give them any ideas. >> jonathan: nothing convinces the young is much as a raging 79-year-old. aisling blade of the camera, so convincing. >> judge jeanine: the amazing thing, i saw a headline today that said the white house officially claims that biden made 148 mistakes in the last four months. that's a public record. that is more than one a day.
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and he doesn't even speak once a day. but the guy makes -- he makes all these mistakes, and yet they promote him as if he is the best thing since apple pie. >> jesse: he told the press they have to root for him or else democracy dies. at the white house correspondent's dinner. very next day, nicole wallace comes out and says i'm going to lose my job. well, nicole, nicole, had never said anything about the american people losing their lives, losing their livelihoods, she just cares about her own gig. trump made her a star, he made stars out of all of these people. that's what is really going to happen. it is not all about her. now, katy. she got out of mind. they have a very disciplined message machine. nancy is supposed to come on set and's view talking points take her mike off and go raise cash. she uses the social shaming. are you defending hitler? that's what this is. not going to get invited, your
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career is not going to take off. they are bare high school girlish when it comes to their methodology. that is a breaking news alert. [laughter] if you are 18-30, so you have now, at most, experienced the last obama term and a trump term, and then three years of biden. the other democrats always like to talk about my lived experience. well, let's look at their lived experience. that two-term, trump, obama, low prices, low crime, no immigration, not really many wars. the biden years was like war, you can't buy a house, crime wave, prices are high. it is, that lived experience, he's mocking, james carville, their lived experience. we were told not to do that. >> judge jeanine: coming up, turks and chaos. multiple americans arrested while on vacation on the islands
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♪ ♪ >> greg: a vacation nightmare in turks and caicos. multiple american tourists have been arrested in the caribbean island in recent weeks, could face 12 years behind bars, after leaving ammo in their luggage. turks recently implemented stricter gun laws. one of the men busted accidentally left four rounds of hunting ammo in his carry-on from a previous trip. he's out on bail. but stuck in turks awaiting trial. >> i still hold onto prayer that, you know, that consideration be given to the fact that we had zero intent to break any law. this was just an oversight and it's something that i'm deeply, deeply sorry for.
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as the stories get out, and unfortunately more families are drug into this nightmare, that the state department will get more involved. its tearing families apart right now, and i've got two kids at home that, their little hearts don't understand. >> greg: so, judge, this sucks for this guy. he simply forgot, i think, that he had something in his bag, and is that enough for turks and cake ghost a kind of say, what can this guy do? >> judge jeanine: i think the professor will agree with me, we don't know what the justification is. we don't know what the defense is. what we do know is he said it was not intentional, it was accidental. accidental. he can circumstantially prove he had been on a deer hunting trip in texas and he left the animal by accident, which to any gun owner, you usually keep your ammo in a separate bag, but that's just me. and it's a sad commentary, but recently they increased the
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penalties because people like bruce willis and oprah winfrey and a bunch of other people like sherry redstone are going to turks and caicos now and they don't want any crime. they've got drugs and gangs and, you know, they are sending a message. i'm going to say one more thing because i know this has to be short. short. when you want to stop crime, you have to be clear there are going to be consequences, and i'm not saying that this guy doesn't deserve a break. i think he does. i don't think he did anything intentional. but this is what countries do. this is why china doesn't have a drug problem. they kill you if you sell drugs in china. >> jonathan: although on the scale of gun runners, we can put him relatively low -- >> greg: yes. >> greg: yes. >> jonathan: the idea of inserting the bullets physically, manually, has not been a huge problem in terms of this law. i think the problem i see is they don't seem to have a lot of leeway in how they deal with these things. you can't have a criminal law that is strict liability, regardless of any circumstances. this is obviously not an
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intentional crime. again, i imagine he really was trying to get there with four rounds. >> judge jeanine: he was trying to leave, that's the crazy part. >> greg: tsa, they probably poured out his drink before he boarded. jesse, do you ever worry about this? you are suddenly remembering you left something in your bag from ap brickner my previous bachelor party that you didn't tell your wife about? >> jesse: you are a bad kid. it me in trouble one of these days. you go shooting and maybe have a round or two, a shotgun shell winds up in their own pocket, winds up in the suitcase, that happens. there is random shells laying around somewhere. if trump's president. >> greg: way to tie it back to him. him. >> jesse: this is a commonwealth. this is a british colony, turks and caicos. all you call your majesty over in london. your majesty, president trump. we have a situation. we have one of our fellow patriots, oklahoma, good guy, good family, maybe you could see to it that he doesn't face charges. charges. lickety-split. lickety-split.
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that's how you do a deal. >> greg: that's great. dana, i have been to turks, i've been to caicos, and i've never been to end. where is end? it's called ampersand. i love the ampersand. >> dana: sugar white. okay, two things. let's see what secretary antony blinken is made of. and also, here is the other thing -- >> jesse: blinkity-blink, lee palestine and go to turks and k goes. >> dana: in other places, they don't forget, necessarily, hopefully they are remembering evan gershkovich in russia. >> greg: not a wnba player. >> dana: that's true. i don't know what it is, i've never done drugs, don't shoot guns, if i go to the airport and my bag is going through, i start to have this panic attack, what if there is drugs in there? i don't know what it is. i never had a problem at tsa but i always think what if there is something in there that i forgot about? about?
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>> greg: i am talking about, dana, just buy those when you get to the hotel. they sell them everywhere. >> dana: it's weird. i don't have guns, but i think it would be in my bag. >> jesse: don't tell americo you don't have guns, dana. >> greg: anyway, the guy is out of bail, which is good. we hope he comes home. "the five" can let us know how and is. >> judge jeanine: one guy was sentenced to six months so we can see what happens here. >> greg: who does this man look like to you? the wanted poster in the u.k. going viral. ♪ ♪ i hear it all the time. people tell me they'd love to buy gold. but because it's gold - they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept... one... keep... it... simple. rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals.
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♪ ♪ >> jonathan: a police wanted poster from the u.k. is going viral because the man looks a lot like pete buttigieg. the image is computer-generated and the suspect is wanted "in connection with a burglary." but don't worry, it's not mayor pete. or is it? is this a case of a mistaken identity or criminal mastermind? >> greg: two things. one, this has happened. in fact, it happens to me. there was a sketch of a most wanted suspect, and a lot of
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people thought it was me. it was going around for a while. and it wasn't me. but anyway. >> jesse: take your glasses off. >> greg: by the way, i have a question for you guys, the legal people. do any of these sketches actually catch anybody? because if somebody asked me to describe dana, who i have been on the show for 13 years, i wouldn't be able to do it. do these things -- you see sketches, they don't look like anything. >> jonathan: they do. >> judge jeanine: if you have a victim -- it's usually the victim who is identifying the person, and the victim will remember the face, the hair, you know, it's just another piece. >> jonathan: the fact is he has access to airplanes. it takes about 12 hours to get -- >> greg: that's true. >> jonathan: could have committed the crime and made it back. >> greg: mr. burglar mr. burglar. >> judge jeanine: racist road, you don't know, could have been busy having an alibi. >> jesse: let me see the picture one more time. let me see it again. >> greg: there it is.
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>> jesse: what's with the hair? >> greg: he looks like he's in oasis. a '90s, kind of '90s guitar-driven u.k. band. >> judge jeanine: he doesn't look like a burglar come he looks like a pedophile. >> greg: what about the sketch? >> judge jeanine: in the middle guy. middle guy. [laughter] [laughter] >> greg: joking! >> dana: if you took that picture and wrapped it up and gave it to him for christmas, he would probably be happy with that. >> greg: he would put it on his fridge. >> dana: is a striking resemblance. >> jonathan: all right, "one more thing" "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪ dr. scholl's has the breakthrough you've been waiting for. now there's an easier-to-use at home skin tag remover, clinically proven to remove skin tags safely in as little as one treatment. ( ♪ ) look, things may seem fine down there, but you need to watch out for diseases. i'll be okay. does this look ok?!
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♪ >> dana: time now for "one more thing." judge? >> judge jeanine: one of the things that bothered me today were students they were pushing the cops back. they have their own dividers and pushing them back, cursing at them. this high school student walked into his local sheriff's office
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friday night looking for help. but it wasn't to report a crime. he needed help tying his necktie for the prom in just a few hours. the deputy was quick to come to the aid of the student. he tied a perfect knot in the necktie which he then handed off to the younger man. >> jesse: then he used it in a crime of passion. >> dana: i think that's went to college at pueblo, colorado. greg? >> greg: tonight, we have a great show, we have kennedy, jamie lissow, kat timpf, lee zeldin. let's do this. greg's absolutely disgusting news. you want something repullive? let's roll it. it is disgusting. a little baby bat-eared fox. that is a bat-eared fax. >> judge jeanine: how do you know that? >> greg: i'm reading it. cincinnati zoo. look at this. like a cross between a fox and a bat, hence bat eared fox. its name is cow. it likes to eat and nap. >> dana: like you. >> jesse: storm chaser had a
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little bit of a scare. check out this guy, tornado coming through. all of a sudden 18-wheeler, boom. and everybody is fine. >> dana: wow. >> jesse: lo love it. tonight, "jesse watters primetime," get it together series continues with the latin king soldier, he will be 8:00. >> dana: i like that chapter. jonathan turley? >> john: there is an ohio man who received a gift of life from a stranger. you have a nate resident, who was shopping and saw a yard sign for a guy who needed a kidney and a phone number. i know greg is going to say this was organic lawn treatment. but, they actually got together and a life was saved. >> dana: fabulous. >> dana: fabulous. thank you for being here, professor have. a great night, everybody. >> bret: dana, thank you. >> dana: have a great show. >> bret: thank you. former president donald trump


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