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tv   The Five  FOX News  April 30, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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>> trace: i'm trace gallagher it's 9:00 on the west coast and here you are looking at live pictures of columbia university in new york with police on campus of columbia confronting protest all night long and we know and of told you many times at the university failed to enforce its own rules and own policies now for the good part of a couple weeks and there for aloud the campus to be seized as they were terrorizing campus as they were even holding facility workers against their will will partly for a short brief time against her will all jewish communities as it's a wide
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shelter in place order being santillan protesters also from where you are seeing because reason you see of what you're seeing on the screen is because they moved all the as they went inside hamilton hall moving the media did this area by side the fences there so the shot you're seeing is what they allowed you what they didn't allow us to get were pictures of the library and the other side of the library front side which is where the encampment was but now we are being told hamilton hall was cleared of all protesters most were arrested and encampments were in clear family were arrested there as with dozens taken away in buses and maybe a hundred were arrested. the question is how long before they are back out on the streets with 1 saying we get arrested all the time we are back out in 24 hours with warren this great work tonight.
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>> it's exactly what he said arrested and take a look behind me this is off amsterdam avenue near 1 17th street in new york city in the upper west side you see these officers on standby as university called and this morning as they could handle this on their own a more as they're bringing food and supplies so we need you guys to come in and take care of this as the clit at the gaza solidarity encampment which the escalated a
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little compared to a few weeks before the as it was a chaotic semen they were doing this around this time to break-in to the windows as i will read you what the statement was as if they let other people in and there were 2 security guards inside were able to secure the release which we believe the group who broke into the building include students it's led by people not affiliated with the university although they are asking university to stand here through commencement with what the issue is here as the going to use this movement here to try and push their agenda. >> trace: alexis mcadams live on scene thank you very much. also bring a senator from
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california as well as columbia university student with her with nicole parker eden to you first coming at your college your columbia university know you are to go back these protesters are saying the police will be there for the next 18 or 19 days and you wonder if you and your classmates are ready to go back and give it another shot are somewhat hesitant to give it another shot. >> it's absolutely a combination of on the 1 hand the jewish community at columbia is incredibly strong and resilient as is the tradition of the jewish people but on the other hand it's frightening and assaulted with other have been marked on our campus and around while people don't feel safe
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because we haven't been safe because our university hasn't protected us. it's really a sort of internal struggle of on 1 hand it's a right to have this education and beyond the campus and on the other hand the university is failed to protect me. >> you wonder because we talk about this a lot is a lot the people to remain on campus and every 1 of them these people the university folded they would put another redline down and the whole question was as while they were doing that second and the been on the show being here for more than a week you been missing part of education your hundred thousand dollar a year education and you're right so been violated and owned their rights people say oh they have the right to be able to sit there and do what they want but they don't have a right to take away your rights.
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>> and it's so concerning in the appalling columbia hasn't surrendered to this mop and claiming this is a free-speech issue when it's not. these are people threatening others using violence and being intimidating by the way it's not just students of these are being supported and reinforced by columbia faculty which i find to be 1 of the most disturbing parts of it all these are people supposed to be teaching us instead they fan the flames of this pro- anarchy anti-semitic mop again freedom of speech does not include freedom to harass it doesn't include freedom to assault or intimidate that's what we've seen coming out of the movement is no longer about free-speech frankly it's never been about free-speech. >> as we look at columbia university we talk about 20 blocks city college of new york which is up and a lot of these
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protesters somewhere arrested as as they got to the city college of new york while there was some confrontation there in the media including us down here at columbia as here was the scene and then you saw this just up the road 20 blocks at the city college of new york where there were some arrests and tussles some fires with some bad up there so these protesters are still active they will be back on the street soon but they are still being active and that is something we should note. to bring in christina that because the whole concept is that while you see what's going on in new york you have people cracking down in loss angeles you see them cracking down somewhat they say they will give you redlines maybe they float past these redlines but even
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deeper is in south california you've tomorrow being made a you have united teachers of los angeles the second-biggest teachers union in the country saying they will have the mayday event tomorrow and it will be anti- israel i mean 600,000 students in the teachers union is going to come out in favour of hamas. >> it's so surreal and you ask is that even real and it's how we got here the answer is you are paying close enough attention in some cases because we need to pay attention who's being elected to the school board whether teachers are doing represent 35,000 educators 1600 students across the city of los angeles the second largest school district in the nation and posted yesterday on their instagram you had there and they call for a revolution. they want to revolution and
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meanwhile it's in california the majority of them aren't reading at grade level they failed to educate the kids and indoctrinating them. >> with the 130,000 teachers a part of them are they on board with this. these are union dues being used for this message. is there have to be a lot of teachers, a lot of jewish teachers holding on with it. as i did post some thing about it today that said they were not in support of this. teachers at the most important job in the country and seeing why it's so incredibly important and why they deserve to be working with. what they should be fighting for just a out of education. >> it's mayday alley you see the banners pro- palestinian zooming in a lot of those are pro-
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palestinian. >> i did grow up in los angeles went to a jewish elementary school when you see stuff like this yet to be thinking oh my gosh what in the world is going on when you have the teachers unions picking sides. i should never know k 12 what my teachers ideology is. i don't care what their political influences i don't need to know what it is it does not matter and yet time and time again they have to inflict their beliefs and their kids 6, seventh, eighth grade. >> it only continues when you get to university and i never expected that to be honest like we said they were paying close enough attention that professors teaching core required classes at columbia a part of the core curriculum and leading protests
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in support of the palestinian people who are again anti- israel as his teaching courses required for undergraduates and columbia has claimed they have spoken to a number those professors as they are still doing that and they're out there defending the encampment and that there defending hamilton hall and it's so ridiculous to me that columbia hasn't been able to get a grip and you have university professors indoctrinating students teaching them not just what to think but how to think. >> trace: happening at columbia university but also your alma mater -- alma mater university in sf california has the main commencement of activities and ceremony to have cancer and where they are painting on it it goes on and on and on with no consequences.
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mimic they feel emboldened and protected almost encouraged to do some of these as with the agitators we've been talking a lot about that's been spoken about a few weeks back they told me as they reach out out to the other side and wanted to hear their point of view and curiosity about that is that important part of critical thinking however instead they called her names and attacked with this anti- normalization policy is they cannot engage with people jewish as so these people are doing this anti- normalization policy denying the existence or even a right to exist by pretending they don't.
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>> it's a concern without porous it is intensive and thousands we don't know their intent we don't know who they are we don't know why they want to be here as they keep on coming and the concern is you look at the protest from a law enforcement safety and we look at the protests we know a lot of these were students as a lot of them are not and a lot of money is coming into these protests with outside sources and those who are not students as we saw in the george floyd riots in 2020 is any air more prone as history tells us his they do things they don't want to be done and it's the profiling of these people that is so difficult for law enforcement.
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>> as they threatened them the can shut down by 2:00 pm as they don't even attend columbia university they couldn't care less about consequences and for anybody who thinks is a just 2 students this is naïve is not what is happening here as early half of them as the university of most them didn't attend the university of texas. highly orchestrating plan as it doesn't involve university students as his individuals don't know what they're protesting is there people of marginalized groups as they want
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a joint effort they want to feel important they want to be a part of something bigger than themselves as happened in summer 2020 being a part of the group as because they feel part of that they'll make their voice heard and it's not free vigils who attend these universities as we don't know who is here and it's have people infiltrating university as the fbi needs to do their jobs as they sing as an nonprotected free-speech it'll.
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you are inciting violence as this leadership not doing anything that's wrong. i am surely hoping that not what the fda are doing but i have heard about it. mimic a hope not either. >> the thought is 1 of those things we stand by if you would the whole thought of this as many of these are agitators and your classmates waited more compassion for you as they don't have any compassion for you that okay if you've been hurt they don't care if anything happens to you and security because the concept for all of this. >> it's a concept they failed to address thinking about what cole said it's important to note so a grassroots movement like we are
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being told by many of the protesters as it's popped up in clusters as we have with fit we had encampments pick up at the same time with emerson and harvard and ucla within 24 hours of each other seeing the same tents as these are $500 check tents this is not what this activism looks like and it is necessary we follow the money and find a who is this and who is behind this. >> trace: it's the concept of it's the money people paying for these agitators getting students to join the group. has as they attend chile trade
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stonewall this information doing good in best to get of journalism stuff and get to the bout of this and at the show as so the most awful offenders of human rights supporting people doing these actions across the country knowing you aren't on the right side. >> with hamas coming out and applauding these protesters in all of these bad actors christina coming out and saying we support you and know they want to resonate as they know there's no consequences it emboldens them a little bit. >> many of the people included in those cohorts was canvassing across the nation as they don't even know where it stands because the major there
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proceeded pro-israel they dead that openness and willingness to have a conversation as it's a way they are treating jewish people whom we are looking live at columbia university in new york it's 19 minutes after midnight may 1st, mayday and new york city these are people some protesters holding on we know the encampment was cleared the gaza encampment we know hamilton hall has been cleared there been many arrests and we don't know how long the people protesters who were arrested will remain behind bars but we do know they will be out very soon we will tell more after the break.ases does this look ok?! ugh. how do i protect myself?
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>> or picking up some activity at columbia has been pushed on the other side of offence giving us to the outside at columbia and this is not near the library as is not near hamilton hall as you can see a heavy police presence still there that you might see on columbia university as they have asked nypd to be on hand through may 17th for the commencement ceremonies may 15th as we'll be a police
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presence until may 17th. in the meantime we are still working on getting video some brand-new video of police addressing a crowd of protesters 20 blocks north of columbia university as it's a lot more contentious as you had scuffled going on as there are still trails on social media and things being escalated is the first video they have the fire in the background here and we had desolate we've seen pieces with no injuries so far as well
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we are waiting as we've got some background nypd as they have to be exhausted heading from columbia up to the city college of new york. >> it's stressful not only with the chemical don't as her checking for weapons as they having it happen at multiple locations at the same time they made an entry hamilton hall this will keep potentially creeping in until the morning.
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>> trace: is this the new video of the city college? okay we are getting that's now we will sit and listen. let's watch the video. >> free free palestine, free free palestine. cease-fire now, cease-fire now, cease-fire now! [ cheering ] church or. >> free free palestine free free palestine. >> and the police are saying to these people you have to go home we are going to arrest you we are going to keep arresting you
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as it looks like that appetite to keep chanting and keep screaming is still there. >> is what happens as this is going to continue to embolden as if people do not care if they get arrested they continue to speak their rhetoric as they don't care as as as you have embolden crowds here as assumptive leaders is up to
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leaders to put a cabal shown this to make sure there are laws so nypd can get all of these protesters off the street we have past alina free-speech we are seeing continued anti-semitism and creeping on terrorism. >> amihere the name is we need to have need to hear about these type of things as a guy that has to pay your interest about it. for nick to testify before congress as everything is going off the highest threat levels in the nation i agree view. what are you doing? what is the fbi doing is what measures are being taken here on u.s. soil as it's the fbi's
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number 1 priority as i sure hope the fbi is all hands on deck is i'll make this a very clear as a don't fit agree violence it in any form and peeking in choosing to drop the hammer down as that's what they have done over the last several years they make it a priority it that vigour and interest being used to investigate what's going on in the country those who hate on america there in alignment with foreign terrorist organization groups especially with the wedding it's great. during this want to see what
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actions are being taken there calling the fbi it been a victim of the civil rights act of 1964, title vi i want to know what they're trying to do as they take a serious as every other threat and our students are jewish citizens in this country do not have to live in fear not okay cannot be tolerated and the fbi is a critical role making sure people feel safe in this country. >> will get back to you as we keep rolling the new video and there city college as we see the tussles we seen before is a keeps coming in via going to continue our coverage of breaking news and what's happening at columbia and city college of new york.
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>> trace: continuing coverage of new york city it's brand-new video coming in the city college of new york which is where grotesque the ugly a short time ago with video coming in as we are looping in the stuff adding to it as lee spoke to the protesters and warned them they had to go home we don't know if these protesters are ones that are at university about 20 blocks the better part of a mile as you can see earlier video here he saw fires in the background people being arrested and looking at new video in their as we've been talking here the entire night and we see what's happening here she is a big decision whether they're moving back to columbia
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university and finishing their year graduation on may 15th and it has to be a little bit tough. >> it is tough our campus hasn't been say for the last few weeks the students assaulted end the go back to poland with water and rocks front of my friend it's absolutely a circus and in my view it's the fault of the university for failing to enforce their policies intending to keep all students safe and it's the fault of the university has got to the pumper we needed to have a sustained nypd presence don't say that to absolve them of blame but there been no adults in the room the last few weeks as with the trend over the last few months in which they have continued to fail to enforce our disciplinary
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action. >> and when talking about trends and how this is at columbia out the city college of new york and florida images and texas images and university of arizona it's 1 of those arizona university where the more these happen at colleges across the country more emboldened the students feel. >> it's because the universities are handling everything wrong and they would rather send jewish students home and take proper steps and reinforce safety on campus and tell students go home because we can't protect you they would rather provide the pro- terrorists on campus that ask a take the steps to reinforce it but i would like to speak of trendiness morgan brought up a good point before where were these protesters when it's very evident muslims in china are
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going for a legitimate genocide where these protesters when iran is violating women's rights the answer is self-explanatory they will get the proper attention for standing up for those causes but they are getting attention for these causes. for argument sake let's go through the rioters argument they want columbia to divest from organizations and companies that profit from alleged genocide that's not taking place in the middle east. when it take the matters into your own hands your paying over $80,000 of tuition to a university which is columbia and you are aiding them in assisting the genocide that isn't happening that you're speaking about some take matters into your own hands and you can leave another point is that they asked nypd to remain on campus till may 17th when it get to the root of the problem for once in your life get rid of the violent students on campus so you don't
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need the nypd until the 17th to reinforce it so that students can walk around campuses without being persecuted don't do it backwards do the right thing once and for all. >> trace: we know of a live look at the saint college there city college of new york with pictures on the screen if you can because now we know exactly what's going on in realtime years a live look as they were addressing a crowd as with the past few minutes or so. >> they seem to be very sporadic mobile capable of moving from 1 university and all of a sudden they bounce to city college. definitely looks like a transport bus as things
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certainly seem to be calming down it's been a very stressful 6 or 7 hours as hats off and the squad there talking down saying we need we don't need that level of response and to me thank god they were there as that's why they're just is fed up with these kids doing an incredible job as they might have the stamina to make it past midnight and new york. as other rather rick an assignment their hats off to law
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enforcement but it's happening all over the country rate happening all over the country. >> was happening there as you see some people front on buses and being arrested we should tell you and to make ourselves clear in new york city there is very little appetite unless your initials or donald trump there is very little appetite to put you in jail so they won't be in jails but they don't have the appetite or the resources and they will be out of jail between this time tomorrow night where we are going to see pictures like this again wrap us up we have 1 minute until we go to break and then we come back and we come back with got arizona state students pushing back against the anti- israel protesters in the meantime take us to break your thoughts on how they just recycle these protesters in and out of jail everything today which doesn't help. >> it absolutely doesn't.
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like it's been said tonight we need to address the root of the issue in the root of the issue is that these people are deeply anti-american and that is a rather clear seeing started under the cloak of being anti- zionist now it's uses a sanitized slur fuji as the root of this issue as people try to promote anarchy in their anti-american political it ideologies and agendas. >> the first went after israel than their fellow classmates we [ ♪♪ ] ness owner. i own a lemonade and ice cream shop in florida, so i can feel
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as here's the police moments ago as we are looking alive is either hands behind their back as the been arrested and taken away. >> you will be placed under arrest if you do not leave and disperse. this is the new york city police department you've been warned to leave campus if you refuse to believe you may be pray -- placed under arrest. as this is the new york city police department. >> they have arrested a number of people who don't own exact number of the people you been
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arrested columbia university as these are these are university students who got tired of the protests on their campus and started to say we are going to shut these guys down 1 tactic used as i want to play some of the music he played for the protesters watch this. [ ♪♪ ] >> trace: guessing it is not as effective as that video but it you decide to do this.
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tell me your side of this the guys just fed up? >> we've been fed up the last 6 months. we've been dealing with this on and off throughout the last year has been pretty hard great opportunity we want to offer camps as we want to feel safe. >> dylan did this work we. >> they are off of here that's for sure and i'm hoping they don't come back because we are ready. >> trace: was this a group thing did you guys come up with the idea you think other universities might want to give it a shot? >> we just went to watch and had conversations with staff members and found out the whole story
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want to go home and asked if he could help move it to the garbage bin or whatever by the encampment and they said go for it so we obliged we couldn't have been more happy to help. >> were you surprised when they said they could use your help you sought to make a qa win they said yes, we could how did that feel? >> exciting. we thought they'd be against it the only thing we're shaking at is that. >> trace: you guys do good work sure we will talk to you again pictures on the right, the music was great thank you joining us on fox news at night you guys been great. back to you quickly doing around robin of our guests.
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you had a chance to go there at city college of new york to give us your thoughts about what tonight meant to the university as well as the protesters themselves? >> it's the first time we've seen the university take a leadership just in the last 2 weeks and's the encampment was erected but really the past 6 months columbia claims they issued a handful of suspensions all were lifted columbia loud nypd on the campus at the beginning of the encampment suspended a handful of students the majority of those suspensions have been lifted many students have been seen on campus there as well the inmates a been running the asylum tonight was the first night we saw leadership finally step up and do their job for that i am grateful and inmates running the asylum 35 seconds for you now
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may be less. go ahead. the inmates are running the asylum want talked which she just said i think the reason why columbia finally stepped in is because they didn't have much of a choice desperation was there there is liability there great people he can speak to that but the fact is is a systematic excitement and calls for the genocide and the liability combined with the fred outlook and what could happen to law enforcement responding to these crowds. injuries that could happen all of it forced the universities
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including columbia to shut this thing down. >> trace: your final thoughts emily? >> unfortunately as people of said tonight it's hard to believe this happened again knowing these protesters themselves and rioters know they will be detained will be right back where they are in 24 hours need to give them to reinforce they can get away with resting jewish fans and until that happens fortunately you can expect this to happen over and over again. >> quickly are you going back? >> it's supposed to go back and if they prove it continues for the policy unfortunately stain police presence on campus feel a bit safer and a bit more welcome on campus. do you know anybody who's not going back? i know a handful of students that don't plan to go
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back to indiana guard. best of luck to you. thank you for coming on. aaron cohen, thank you. again, this is a live look. these are some of the people who've been arrested at the city college of new york. york. we don't know if these people migrated from columbia university up to the protest at the city college, but the protest at city college of new york, about 20 blocks north of columbia, got very ugly very quickly. quickly. they lit fires and they were in some scuffles with police officers. we don't and have not heard of any injuries, but we can look forward, i'm sure, to seeing some of these people back on the street and back protesting and more protest as the days and weeks go forward through commencement and through the summer. this has been continuing coverage. coverage. we will continue our breaking news. look at what's happening in the protests around the country on trace gallagher in los angeles. dr. schollt. at hom >>e frustrated by skin tags, doctors. doctors. that's the breakthrough you've
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