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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  April 30, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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when the protesters broke into the historic hamilton hall building. and just a few hours ago, 9 p.m. tuesday night, officers in riot gear end to that building and swiftly made arrests. columbia university has, of course, been the epicenter to the pro-palestinian protests that have now spread to campus . around the country, hundreds of students have been arrested nationwide, and upcoming commencements are in danger of being canceled. >> let's get straight to fox news correspond and rich edson for the latest on that raid at columbia.
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>> hello, rich. hello, jonathan. columbia university says the heightened activity on campus has ended and that the area has been cleared. this past evening, hundreds of new york city police officers arrested dozens of protesters who'd occupied and barricaded themselves in a columbia university building. officers scaled a massive police vehicle to enter columbia's hamilton hall from a second floor window and then let out the protesters in zip ties. the university says early tuesday morning, a group broke into the hall. some were students, though columbia says they were led by individual ones who are not affiliated with the university. columbia had threatened to expel students involved in occupying and vandalizing the hall. in a letter to the nypd, university president manu shafiq requested with the utmost regret, she writes that police clear hamilton hall and all campus tent encampments. shafiq says she informed students in the encampments on the west lawn that they'd be suspended if they refused to leave by 2 p.m. monday. nearly two weeks ago, the nypd
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arrested more than 100 protesters. many were released shortly after and demonstrators pitched new tents. the pro-palestinian groups have demanded that columbia divest from israel. jewish students have accused the university of fostering an anti-semitic environment and say they were subjected to harassment on campus through all this. the encampments at columbia lasted about three weeks and began when shafiq and senior columbia administrators testified before a house committee hearing. house speaker mike johnson and senior republican lawmakers have called on shafiq to resign over what they say is columbia's refusal to protect jewish students. pro-palestine encampments have grown on campuses across the country. the white house has refused to comment on how individual universities are handling these protests, only to say president biden respects the right to free expression, but believes protests must be peaceful and lawful. >> back in new york, mayor eric adams is scheduled to speak at 9 a.m. on the columbia demonstrations. >> jonathan rich i noted
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that the press release from columbia university in the last couple of hours said this is a quote, we believe that the group that broke into and occupied the building is led by individuals who are not affiliated with the university. and i gather you've been doing some digging into the money trail, etc., on this. >> who is behind this? what have we learned, rich? well, there are students for justice in palestine, which is a national organization, but it has local chapters and there are other organizations as well. >> when you look back into the money, it's actually sometimes quite difficult. in fact, the foundation for the defense of democracy said that it's when you follow the money trail, it gets pretty opaque to look at where the funding comes from. there are there's one liberal group out in new york that has sort of acted as a as as a way to to take donations in front of them to these groups on campus. >> also, when it comes to the individual chapters, some of
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these individual chapters for sjp are financed by school donations, their individual clubs and schools. so it really depends on how they organize themselves locally, but it's often quite difficult to figure out who exactly is funding. a lot of the groups that organized some of these events. >> yeah, always interesting though, to follow the money trail. richardson. thank you so much. joining us now for hema de gea, columbia university graduate school of journalism student who's reporting on the protests as part of her classes for huma. thank you so much for being with us. explain to us a little of what you witnessed over the last few hours. >> yes. so after the protesters occupied hamilton hall last night, they were in the hamilton hall pretty much all day. they were delivering food to each other. i'm pretty sure you guys have reported on that. there are buildings with each other using like a rope and buckets system, getting
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the food up to the protesters. and they were calling for more visibility about a palestinian young girl who died. i would say her name, but i forgot her name at this moment. and i don't want to give the wrong name alive. and then after that, what broke out tonight was that nypd came to arrest students who were at hamilton hall and were not allowed to cover anything, but was kind of pushed to the they were pushed away. so observers and press were not allowed to be on site while they were making arrests. >> and what have you heard from those who were with on the campus at the time that you were pushed back? >> have you talked to your fellow students who were there ? >> so i while i was reporting a reporting, once press was pushed out, i was waiting and we were waiting to see what would happen.
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i was still trying to report, take pictures, audio, video of what's going on in the scene. and then i eventually got in like protesters who were homeless and how some of them ended up coming where i was reporting and i started to speak to them, although they wanted to remain anonymous, i quoted them for my own classwork assignments and they told me that it got really violent inside. and some of the things that happened were, okay, i'm going to list a few things. i'm sorry if i'm rambling, but i'm basically they said that they said that police were violent. they pushed a protester against a wall. there was two protesters on the concrete ground. some protesters were not given medical attention and sources said they were also maced and one person fell down the stairs. there's a video of this. and one source said police tried to separate them and they heard sounds of chainsaws taking apart the barricades. and i heard from the the students inside the hamilton hall that the tactic police were using was making students think that they were getting arrested, but they didn't
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arrest everyone. now, without without asking you to take sides in terms of the pro-palestinian protests ,pro-israeli, how do you personally feel just about this kind of activity on your university campus? >> and i don't mean from a political perspective as to as to whether you are pro-palestinian, pro-israeli or anywhere in between. i mean, how does it feel personally for to see this on your campus? >> yeah, i personally i like me speaking right now not as like a journalist, but just as a student and as a human. >> this not even like me and my journalist side of me right now . i do feel like students, no matter what side of the political spectrum of scale there are, that could be pro-israel, pro-palestine, whatever they are. so they should be allowed to peacefully protest on their campus. so seeing what's going on has definitely been interesting to see. >> but do you feel that they did indeed cross the line as a
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university clearly felt they did when they broke in? is the pictures we're looking at right now. excuse me if that initial break in to hamilton hall was a line crossed there from peaceful protest to vandalism and destruction of property, i would rather not personally comment on any of that right now just because, like i said, yeah. >> yeah. my journalistic integrity. yeah. yeah, absolutely. and i gather, i gather thinking that some of the protesters who were not arrested moved a little north toward city college. >> what do we know about about that move by the protesters? >> i would tell you more about that, but i actually have no idea about that. >> okay. all right. so what are you are you on campus now? >> yes, i'm currently on campus . and what is the atmosphere like right there? yeah. so actually, students and observers are still not allowed on campus. >> the students that were around campus were escorted to their dorm through security
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and police. >> the reason i'm still allowed to be on campus is because i am student press and press were given special access facilitated by journalism columbia journalism faculty. but that's pretty much what is going on on campus campus. but even columbia journalism students aren't allowed to leave the building. >> so, yeah, yeah. >> i wonder for him, obviously this was a protest that caused major disruption, but it was by ultimately within the entire student body, a rather relatively small number of students. what is the reaction been of the majority of students who are seeing classes disrupted, classes moving online, commencement not necessarily canceled as it has been here in l.a. at usc, but certainly people are becoming worried about what effect all of this might have on commencement ceremonies. >> what is the what is the reaction of the majority
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of students who are not taking a position politically on this ? >> yeah, i have not spoken to enough people to speak on majority of people's opinions, but i guess like one of the sources i spoke to today, she was concerned about her graduation, but she also knew that what she was doing was important. and that means protesting. >> so interesting. okay. for him, ortega, it's been great to talk to you. thank you for bringing us insights from on campus at columbia university as we obviously have been talking about, hundreds of nypd officers wearing riot gear mobilized to make the arrests. you see them entering hamilton hall, that after they got the go ahead from columbia. joining us now for some insights on how this operation would have been conducted, former nypd inspector and fox news contributor paul mara. >> paul, it's great to have you with us in these early hours of the morning on the east coast. i'm presumably this operates
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and was not planned and executed over a couple of hours. >> this was planned over a few days, i would imagine, if not more certainly. >> and you know, let's not discount the institutional knowledge of the nypd. it's the oldest police department of its size in the country, the largest in the western hemisphere. and it's really seen a lot of this sort of stuff. and those lessons are embedded. so i am sure since the beginning of this, quote unquote, occupy motion on the quad there at columbia, they were gaming out the possibility that they were going to have to move on this and then, of course, once the building was occupied, they had to call an audible and figure out what they were going to do there. at that point, they're going to switch in to very much an intelligence gathering mode. >> they have a very, very muscular intelligence division now that is able to put together things like schematics
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of buildings where there is ingress and egress. and the unit that carried it out was led by esu. that's nypd is version of swat. they've seen all this kind of thing before. there was probably more entries than what we just saw. i know everybody sees that entry, that of that rampant into the side of the second floor, but they will likely some other entries as well. >> so yeah, they knew what they were getting into and that's why i think it was done relatively calmly. you know, we didn't have what appears to be what could have been a very volatile situation. >> we didn't get it. >> yeah. and paul, i was interested then we're just i don't know if you were if you were able to hear, but we were talking to the student journalist for huma de gea, and she says she listed off some of the things that those inside hamilton hall said had happened. >> a chain saw being used to break down barricades, somebody allegedly falling down the stairs, somebody being pushed up against the wall as she was reading those off to me, pull those
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list of complaints from the protesters inside hamilton hall. >> i thought, wow, that is that sounds to me like extreme restraint from the nypd and that this was a very nonviolent action that they took. >> yeah, very perceptive of you, jonathan. exactly. this really looks to have been done quite surgically. and if the biggest complaint is that somebody was pushed up against a wall, look, they couldn't wait for this to go bad for there to be images of riots or near riots going on at the scene. >> it empowers their social media, potentially lawsuits. and this is the kind of thing that a lot of the professional agitators look for, because what happens in these circumstances is they get right out. there are lawyers generally there that work with them. the lawsuits are quickly filed. the city tends to settle, which is a mistake in my estimation. >> they get millions that money gets distributed to the very
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groups that are organizing and pushing this stuff, and the cycle continues. so that's the biggest gripe that they have, that they used a chainsaw to cut through some barriers, then i don't think they really have much of a cause of action legally. >> yeah, it seems to me that it was carried out very efficiently and very with a great deal of restraint, as i say. but what was also noticeable, i thought paul was the display, not the use of overwhelming force, but the display of overwhelming force in the gathering of the nypd officers at the beginning. and that's presumably partly because they don't know how that crowd will react. >> so they have to have those hundreds of officers there on standby and they made a point of having them very, very visible. >> yeah, that's spot on, jonathan. and you know what? it also is a prophylactic move because you go in with overwhelming force.
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okay, disproportionate force. then it has a chilling effect on those who might have thought, hey, you know what? let's fight it out with these cops. >> we can do it. when you look out, you see a sea of blue people in helmets with batons, tear gas, etc.. >> and then you see the esu and sergie units going into the building like that. you start to say to yourself, we're significantly outmanned here. and you know what? let's not fight this one because we're going to lose. so that's a tactic to go in with an overwhelming sense of numbers superiority. they came in with a lot of vehicles. you know, once you saw those buses, you knew they were going to be taking a lot of arrests. they came in with that dinosaur that they're climbing up there, which is a device and a vehicle . and i frankly, they didn't have in my day, i'm only out three years, but i never saw that thing. but obviously it was very effective here. but look, this thing was gamed out well. it was well orchestrated. it was well-organized. but we should recognize something. >> also, i'm immensely proud
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of the way that they operated in a system that's entirely adversarial to them. the administrators, the faculty, the students. they all are for the most part, hostile to the pd. but this isn't over. and while it's great to feel like we can take a victory lap and that the forces of sanity prevailed, we have to remember that, number one, tomorrow's may day. a lot of these students, particularly professionals, they identify as communists. that's the 4th of july for the communist identifiers. that's number one. number two, the israelis are going to be going after rafah relatively soon. and i know the biden administration is trying to hold that off, but i don't think that's going to succeed. >> and if you think these people are angry now, why don't we get into the good weather of the summer months? we're up against the dnc and the israelis are doing clearing operations in rafah. then we're going to see something. so we should all put our helmets on, because i think this is far from over. >> yeah, it is. it is frightening to think what we might witness over the next few months, paul, and also talking of the
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colombia administration not being particularly friendly to the nypd, as you as you just said, that now, though, asking the nypd to stay on site through commencement, through may 17. so how do you feel the officers of the nypd will feel about that? >> well, they're going to do what they're told. >> the one of the great strengths of the nypd as compared to, let's say, some other agencies in and around the city and even in the federal government, i would argue, is that it's a paramilitary organization. >> and at the end of the day, you know, it doesn't matter how talented or what your rank is. >> if somebody is going to tell you what to do, you got to do it. and so they'll do what they're told. >> how that's going to look is the question, you know, because i'm sure that the people running the opposition here to the nypd cannot wait to characterize them as hostile occupiers, an occupying army, etc., etc.. >> and so how many are going to put their how are they going to deploy them? you know, that's going
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to remain to be seen. i'm sure they're going to use minimal force as necessary to meet the real mission that they're going to be undertaking is to make sure that the occupiers of columbia, the people that were cleared out today, don't regain a foothold. and i hope that columbia, this administration has learned their lesson because the first time they took the arrests, the first night they took 100 arrests, what did they do? they gave them nonsense, summonses, trespass, violation. >> it's a glorified parking ticket. and then my understanding is they decided to drop all those charges and expunge the record. >> that's no way to disincentivize this behavior. >> the bd knows what to do. they went through it and occupy wall street and numerous other times take the ground. >> hold the ground. so what they're going to want to do now is we may now in may 17th is to make sure that this thing doesn't reconstitute here, either here or 25 blocks north at the ccny guy, which is also the situation that we saw develop today. and i would just briefly, paul, i wonder if you think other
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police forces, including the lapd here where we have the protests on the campus of usc and ucla, will take a look at what the nypd has done over the last few hours and think that's what we should be doing . let's learn from how well the nypd executed this and do a similar operation ourselves. will this be the textbook and the model for other police forces? >> i'm sure it will. >> i mean, those are mature agencies. they know what to do as well. i've with all of them in the past over my career. there's all kinds of talent and institutional knowledge there as well. and there's also a lot of communication among police departments. >> i'm sure that they will take the right lessons here. all right. thank you, paul, at such a pleasure to have you on with us tonight. thank you so much. and we will be back with a lot more of our continuing coverage of campus chaos across the country. texas, it is a land of mystery
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beginning to end. shop now at show allegiance .com. >> welcome back to our continuing coverage of the chaos on campuses across the country. as we have been telling you, the nypd showed up in force late tuesday. hundreds of officers clad in riot gear, arresting dozens of pro-palestinian protesters. columbia university also deciding to begin and even expulsion of student protesters . joining us now from the scene is columbia university graduate school of journalism student calamari sampat. she has also been covering columbia's campus protests for the new york times as a reporter. great to have you with us this morning as it is on the east coast. tell me what you've witnessed over the last few hours on campus. >> hi, jonathan. thank you so much for having me
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. this evening has been a really a wild ride. so starting when we first heard that police presence was near campus, i was on the main screen near hamilton hall where were occupying a building. >> there's a lot of waiting. >> we knew that police was ramping up, but we weren't sure exactly what was happening. >> and then finally, police did enter campus from the gates on 114th street. and at that point, they went about like rapidly clearing all the students who were there. there have been a lot of student press covering what's been happening campus. students from the journalism school, but also from the columbia, columbia spectator, as well as wkrn, which is the studio radio camp on campus. but they cleared the entire area up front of hamilton, so no press was allowed to see what really happened. >> and i ended up being part of the group that was ultimately kicked off of campus ,and we were contained
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and attended 114th street and amsterdam and a contrary as if they did that very quickly that that clearing of all of you guys who were in front of hamilton hold that seemed to have was a display of great force by the police in terms of numbers, at least not in terms of i don't mean force in terms of violence, but they moved everybody out of that really quickly before they went into hamilton hall. >> and it yes, students were either given the option to go into the dorms in that area, though many of us do not live in those dorms. so we didn't have access or they instructing us to leave campus. >> and that's what ultimately happened to a number of journalists i was with. >> and have you spoken since then to students who were inside hamilton hall? >> and if so, what have they told you about what happened? i have not. all of those students, to my knowledge, have been arrested and have taken down have been taken downtown. >> there's been no communication with them since then. really, that is interesting.
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so no communication at all, as far as you are aware. they were just put onto those buses and they have not talked to anybody about what they witnessed inside hamilton hall. >> mhm. exactly. okay. what, what is the so what's the reaction on campus among your fellow students to what has happened. >> sure. sure. i think there's an overall warming sentiment that students did not want the nypd to be on campus. i was on campus two thursdays ago when there was scores of police on campus, and i think it was pretty scary for a lot of students on campus, journalists or not. >> and i think that sentiment echoed again today. even when i was on 114th street and amsterdam not actually on campus, the crowd was repeatedly booing the officers as they walked by or as corrections buses drove past. >> so that definitely is the sentiment on campus. >> was it was there any sense,
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though, that the protesters had crossed a line 24 hours or so ago when they broke into hamilton hamilton hall and occupied that building? did anybody think that that was a different kind of protest to what we had seen out in front? >> i think that people on campus definitely saw it as an escalation, but i can't speak to what they thought about the escalation, if that makes sense . >> mm-hmm. so so for but for the most part, though, you believe that there is general support for the protests. >> i would say so, yes. >> amongst the student body. okay. kayleigh mcenany, thank you very much for being with us. >> fascinating. get your insights. thank you so much. thank you so much for having me. >> all right. that's culinary sample who has been on campus. of course.
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we will be coming back with more coverage of what has unfolded over the last few hours at columbia university as hundreds of riot riot clad police officers have cleared the pro-palestinian, anti-israel protesters from the hamilton hall. k. the hamilton hall. we'll be bacac >> imagine a future where plastic is not wasted,r fami but instead remade over americ that keep our food fresher, our families safer, and our planet cleaner to help get there. america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars to create innovative products and new recycling technologies for sustainable change. because when you push for smarter solution s, big things can happen. >> hello, i'm former arkansas governor mike huckabee. a lot of times you can't control the amount of sleep that you're getting. you can't fall asleep or you're tossing and turning
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the nypd to stay there until the 17th, so two days later. and while columbia initiated the pro-palestinian encampments on campus, it's only emboldened similar situations across the nation. so ucla police set up barricades to separate the two groups of protesters. >> and now the school is moving to shut down the pro-palestinian encampment ,warning students it's unlawful and to leave immediately or face possible expulsion or even suspension. on yale's campus, there were about 50 people arrested a week ago. the school said in a statement it supports peaceful protesting but won't tolerate policy violations. then at brown university, an agreement was actually reached between school officials and protesters. and part of that agreement, says protester took down their tents. they took them down by tuesday night. in exchange for university leaders to vote on whether they divest funds from companies that support the israeli military campaign in gaza. and finally, at northwestern, protesters took their encampments down as well.
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that was an exchange for the administration to allow them to continue demonstrations through june 1st. >> also, jonathan, i do or note these universities i mentioned cost anywhere between 65 and $90,000 a year in tuition. back to you. >> yeah, extraordinary numbers can be a lot of very annoyed parents, right? >> if commencement ceremonies don't happen at the end of that. thank you, ashley. it's interesting as well ashley was talking there about the schools across the country here in l.a., there are major protests going on on the campus of ucla and usc. now, i've heard from a source at usc who has been directly involved in the negotiations there. >> the protesters have been told by the administration that they will not be asking the lapd to intervene as they discuss the protesters demands of divestment. also at ucla, which i believe
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is what we're looking at right there, the campus, the campus protests there has for the first time just this evening, been declared illegal by president fault at ucla. so it will be interesting to see over the next 24 hours what happens there. that is a major encampment, as you can see from those aerial pictures. and it is causing a lot of difficulties on campus. and a lot of jewish students are saying they are very fearful as they walk across the campus these days and that they are being blocked in certain cases from getting to where they want to go. >> now, jewish students at the ivy league school have obviously the ivy league school, being columbia voiced concern about the safety. and as i was just mentioning, across the country, jewish students are very concerned. >> now, the protesters on the other hand, claim they were just exercising their first amendment rights and continue to do so on campuses. >> joining us now is shahar
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ehsani, a former israeli diplomat and a former spokesman for the israeli consulate in new york. great to have you with us. when you hear the protesters say this is simply a first amendment right and then you hear so many jewish students being so fearful about being on campus and it runs the gamut from inconvenience. obviously, that they cannot use a campus as they wish to to outcry fear in some cases and harassment. what's your reaction to what we are seeing on these campuses across this country? >> jonathan, thank you for having me. there is nothing farther from the truth. when you think about the realities that so many students are facing today on college campuses, including jewish, but not limited only to jewish students, i can tell you that the air of hatred and intimidation this atmosphere is all over at ucla. i spoke with a few students today who tried to gain
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access to the powell library to study for the midterms. and they were told by students blocking the way that the only way they'll be able to approach this public library would be if they declare fealty to palestine, and then they would get a yellow ribbon that will allow them to come in a yellow brick, then. i mean, that's unacceptable. can you imagine that? this is the reality on u.s. college campuses in 2024? beyond the encampment is a there is an atmosphere of hate with people, hoodlums who are completely covered in fear. you can't even see who the person is. it's unfathomable. it feels like iran pre-revolution and i would watch some videos as well. >> shot by students on the campus of ucla for instance, where they were trying to go to, as you mentioned, a library.
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they were trying to go to royce hall, etc.. >> they're being blocked. and then i read some of the comments like, go around the other way. you can this that is that is completely missing the point isn't here that any student, regardless of race religion, color, anything should be free to walk across a university campus in any way, in any direction they choose. >> you know, think we're focused on the pro or, by the way, not pro-palestinian pro hamas terror agitators. but think about the majority of students. think about all of those students who just want to be able to carry on with their studies, to study for their exams, to gain access to the library. i mean, we spoke about ucla. ron paul has been completely defaced. where is the budget going to come out to fix all of this damage and destruction? is this also included in the protest agitators demand for
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free speech? is this included in what we're supposed to give them as the general public? and then you touch upon the jewish students who are being intimidated, who are seeing the star of david on the sidewalk and being request to step on it with signs calling for the deaf for all jews and all zionists with symbols and swastikas all over the place. and at the same time you see the weakness of the administration. whereas ucla administrators and ben, the uc pd is standing there being absent legally nothing. this is incredibly frustrating for people who just want to carry on with their lives. and it is time that the administration will put their foot down or face the consequences, because if they're unwilling to uphold the law and that's what we're talking about here, upholding the law, then the federal government must intervene and deny them any funding as a
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result, because this is the state of anarchy and the united states is a state of law and order. >> do you i'm interested, do you draw any distinction at all between those protesters who are passionate about the cause and want to express their pro-palestinian views and do it in a way that doesn't offend that, isn't anti-semitic? or is every one of these demonstrations is immediately stained by having one anti-semite among them? >> well, the truth is and it's truly tragic to see if we had seen an expression of free speech, a criticism of policies, criticism of israel. i mean, jonathan, all you have to do is look at the state of israel itself and you see what democracy is really all about, not just now, but throughout israel's reemergence on a global stage since 1948. but what we see here is slogans
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and signs of hatred. we see violence, we see destruction. we have seen a pro-israel demonstrator being tased by a by a pro-terrorist supporter. this is not free speech. and this cannot be condoned in any way, shape or form. naturally, this has nothing to do with legitimate criticism that we are very much willing to accept in israel and for sure here in the united states . >> but that's not what we're seeing. okay. shahar isn't is always a pleasure and an honor to talk to you. so thank you for being with us. >> now, protesters at the city college of new york have also clashed with police over the last few hours before officers there cleared out an encampment that was erected last week. now that chaos broke out as protesters at the harlem public university tried to bust through a barricade that was blocking them from reaching the tent city. the first popped up friday. you can see police officers were pushing the demonstrators
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back as they tried to maintain their position. and just like at columbia, dozens of students, you see them in the buses. there were ultimately arrested. there is still much more to talk about as we break down the chaos on campuses across the country. we will be back after a short do >> look, things may seem finese down there, but you needw do i p to watch other diseases. i'll be okay. i'll be okay. f? well p, i don't. >> i protect myself with the new scott's health plus lawsui . it's the only product that prevents 27 diseases that prevents 27 diseases of heating of grass to heli how keep your lawn healthy this season. >> wanted to show you how >> wanted to show you how to put iilod today. no, i think i know how to use at spreader. pick uraight,p a bag of the new scott's turf field are healthy. >> plus lawn food today alone feed everybody in one super straight, super white teeth. teeth. >> they want that hollywoo red white smile. new sensodyne clinical away rights to shadespatients. whethh
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clinically proven automatic leg movement that soothes pain and naturally promotes healthy circulation. >> call now police officers carrying zip ties and riot shields stormed hamilton hall, a columbia university building being occupied by pro-palestinian protesters tuesday night. they streamed through a window, swiftly made arrests. joining us now, ted williams. >> he, of course, is a former d.c. police detective and defense attorney. ted, always great to have you here. i wonder what you make of the nypd operation that we've witnessed over the last few hours. >> hi, jonathan. it's good to be on with you. let me say from the beginning, as a lawyer, i believe in the right to peacefully demonstrate. and i think that these students, the protesters had a right to peacefully demonstrate our country was
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born with demonstrations. they had a right to have first amendment rights to speak out. they do not have a right to intimidate or any segment of our society. but certainly the jewish students that were felt intimidated and still feel intimidated around this country. but when you look at the fact that 1200 or more israelis were killed by or that get ahead of itself, they israel, the right to go into gaza. but in the same instances, you had over 30,000 palestinians back in and some of them wanted nothing to do hamas that had been killed. and when you look at that, it's throwing or a stick of dynamite in my house to kill a fly. and so i think they had a right to demonstrate. but the demonstration became violent. they crossed the line.
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jonathan, when they went into hamilton hall there and, they busted that place. they broke glass. they everything. they even held some individuals hostage for a temporary period of time. that was wrong. that crosses the line is what about new fighters in the police department when in after they got permission from columbia administration to go in. and they did an excellent, excellent job because this could have ended with some of the individuals in that hall, in hamilton hall having been killed. >> yeah. and, ted, as we've seen the nypd carrying out this operation now, we have seen all the police forces acting at the university of, texas austin, university of north carolina, chapel hill. but in places like ucla and usc here in l.a., no lapd action so far. do you think we will see more police in the coming days?
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>> i've just got about 30 seconds, ted. you i think it's debatable. we're going to see more acts. and i know you had one of the students who said that there was some anti police on columbia. and i think you'll find the same in all the campuses as long as a peacefully assembly assembly, then i don't think you're going to have a problem with law enforcement. it's when it gets out of pocket . >> jonathan. yeah. ted always great to talk to you. thank you so much for being with us. early morning there on the east coast. so here's where we stand right now. >> about four hours or so ago, the nypd arrived at columbia university. hundreds officers, many of them wearing riot gear. they went into hamilton hall. they cleared out the protesters . we don't know how many were left there, but they cleared out those who were within just a couple of hours. it appeared to be a text book
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operation. those protesters were arrested and downtown, where they will be facing now a very jayati of charges. and now we wait to see what other police forces do in other jurisdictions to break up the campus protests that have broken out on so many college campuses right across this country. we are here with continuing coverage on fox news of what is campus chaos across the country. we'll be right back. >> you know that thing your family does? yeah, that thing.
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