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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  May 1, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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university campus. and what we have watched for 2 hours now is ongoing brawls between the two sides. wooden poles have been used to attack each other as the protesters clashed. firecrackers have been thrown into the center of crowds. pepper spray has been sprayed in the faces of protesters on both sides. it has been little of utter lawlessness. and what we have not at any point over the last 2 hours is a single officer from the los police department. there is chaos on the there is no law enforcement presence . for continuing coverage now, i hand >> a fox news alert happg right now, by lengths on the
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ucla campus between pro-palestinian protesters and pro-israel protesters. according to reports, pro-israel protesters tried to dismantle that pro-palestinian encampment overnight throwing fireworks and reportedly using pepper or bear spray. despite this chaos, there is no police presence on campus. you were watching "fox & friends first" on this early morning edition. i'm carley shimkus. >> i'm todd piro and just one of many developing situations on west coast campuses overnight. brooke singman with the latest. >> guys come in today marks day seven of chaotic anti-israel chaos interrupting throughout the campus and student staked out in a nearby resident calling the school for allowing this violence to go on for so long. watch. >> people getting hurt or they
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are people getting injured, and the police officers left their post here they were here and left, the security has the intent is encampment. you hung up on me. i called up earlier and you hung up on me. and just hung up on me again. i came down here to see what is going on, and i can't believe what i see. i'm looking at people, violence, throwing things at each other, pepper spraying each other. how are they allowed to have weapons on campus? speed to the is speaking up about the same encampment that is unlawful and violates university policy and law enforcement is prepared to arrest individuals in accordance with applicable law. s.w.a.t. officers moving into the university of arizona overnight as barricaded on the campus. portland state university's campus is closed for the second straight day as protesters continue to occupy the school's library. the protest are moving campuses
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today in california anti-israel protesters plan protest in the bay area with plans to disrupt the port of oakland, guys. >> carley: broke, thank you so much let's bring in nypd officer who served 13 years in law enforcement and the founder of nyc. joe, good morning to you. the scene in ucla is total anarchy and what is your reaction to it? >> this is no different than 2020 riots or occupy wall wall street, paid protesters that go out there and rally up the mentally-ill, and they cast fear. >> todd: what do we see right now from the mayor bass in los angeles? governor gavin newsom, joe biden? i'm looking at the situation, joe, in columbia in new york city, this looks way worse at this point, and this seems to me necessitates a national guard presence where
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you have two warring factions at this point pro and pro-israel, pro-anti-palestine. nic national guard time but what say you, joseph? it is an embarrassment to america and they need the full force of the military to go in there to lock people up and keep him in jail just like january 6th, they kept people in jail long periods of time. this is the only way this will on this nation, a slap on the wrist and a summons will not stop anything. they will go right back out there and continued the chaos. >> carley: we got a statement from l.a. mayor karen bass. it reads in part, spoke to chancellor block and chief troy is responding to chandler blocks request for support on campus. so, that request for l.a.p.d. support has finally come in,
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joe, two hours and 15 minutes into this thing. we are seeing pepper spray being used, bear spray, those orange police cones being thrown at people. one person already ensure that we know webb had to be taken away. what took the long? >> these are people that don't know what they are doing. they are looking at someone that hasn't been killed yet and law enforcement professional mind, you have to worry about a real person going in there come a terrorist act and having a poem, starting an active shooter situation. this can get out of hand pretty quickly. i don't understand why people are going in there and when i see people, officials going on for news and giving play-by-play. just do the job and send the cops in and just save people, lock people up, stop going out there and making this spectacle that is a problem we are having. they have to get the job done. once again, as a police officer, when you see people walking around with masks on their face dressed in black, this is pretty covid up your those people are
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up to no good and nothing to do with pro-palestine. it is havoc. almost like a child out of control saying i want whatever i want now. this has got to stop. it is an embarrassment. >> todd: joseph, we call that a tail and poker. you see people with weapons and that should be a sign to the administration of the schools that something is afoot, and it is not good yet. in the case of ucla, it is not like you didn't see this coming purely so the protest in new york city, columbia, nyu throughout these coast in california over the last couple of weeks. so why did it get to this point at ucla? were they not prepared and did not see this happen? did they have their head in the sand? >> this is about people showing their cards a little bit. the democrats party doesn't want to fix this because they will go against a bigger machine.
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let me take my hat off as a minute, as a father, there was no way in i would spend $80,000 a year to send my kid to schoold i would rather them get into a trade or some kind of business. this is a display to the world, maybe think twice before sending your kid to radical/liberal establishment. >> carley: joe, the question why police were not on campus despite the fact this is now been going on over two hours. did the l.a.p.d. have to wait for the official at ucla to call them into the scene? were they waiting for that phone call? and now that it has been given and police given the green light to come in, what is that going to look like? >> yes, there is private property and police not cannot go on there and how many areas are barricaded to these people blocking entrances and exits which market is a good place to set up tents and cut plywood, what did they do to the entrance
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and exits qwest market is dangerous because you don't know what you were going into pure ad possible weapons, drugs, pepper spray possibly in bottles being thrown. this is not a simple situation, but once again a dropping of the ball from the judicial system, dropping the ball from campus officials, dropping the ball straight from the white house. where is the white house on this? they should be on every news channel right now 4:00 a.m. in the morning condemning these actions and sagging, enough is enough! putting the world on notice and sing we will: the national guard and walk with law enforcement agency to get this over with. where are they? they are silent and that scares me. >> todd: joe, one thing, you said this is a private institution but it's a public institution. i read that to say l.a.p.d. should have been on campus the first moment of unrest. it's not like they need to be cold and like they did at columbia, which is a private university. you see l.a. for the people of california.
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the people of california and their health and safety at risk, the l.a.p.d. can be there in a heartbeat but carley read that statement that came down 4:03 east coast time and west coast time, the chancellor working with the mayor to send in the police. it is abhorrent it has waited until this point. the bigger picture, joe, step back for a moment, why do all these incidents, these chaotic scenes seem to get out of control when it comes to blue states whereas red states, ug alston, a liberal bastion within a very red state, they need to get these things under control lickety-split. the first moment of unrest, they make a big statement and sent in a police presence and you know what, joe commit is over. you don't see this. why? because they would have had in till knowing a situation like this would happen. they would have had police on standby and barriers up here as it gets out of control and individuals are taking advantage of that. they
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know the police 12:00, 1:00 in the area but we don't know if they had police officers coming off duty. if they had think about that, a couple of cars out there it will create a bigger problem in a situation that may hurt the police officers. you have to think, this is going on across the nation as intel officers. they had to know there would be a protest. they had to know there would be thousands of people on campus. they got caught with their pants down and it's real disgusting. >> carley: this situation is completely out of control and you can tell over the past two plus hours it grew and grew in terms of aggression and chaos. now the police are walking into a situation that could be much more dangerous for them than if it was dealt with right when it first started. if you want to go back to the summer of 2020, joe, a lot of
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people talking about wanting to defund the police. what allowed the police presence, you are looking on the campus of ucla. bring us into the mind of a police officer, joe, tell us what they are thinking about your they get the phone call and have to go into this chaotic situation. are they wearing riot gear? what is going through their mind? how do they handle it? >> it depends look at new york city in the nypd. they were prepared and have riot gear and officers surrounding the area. they were ready to be called in a moment's notice. the question is is the l.a.p.d. ready for this question worked as they prepare for it? did they have officers on standby for? that is all the mentality you will have because two cops, you can't go in there and those two cops get beat up or lose their lives. you cannot go in there one or two officers. it is not a smart tactic. >> todd: we appreciate your insight this morning. fox news correspondent, jonathan hunt live in
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los angeles, amazing coverage before we picked it up from you. at about 6:00 pacific time last night, 9:00 east coast time, i received a statement from ucla chancellor gene block because i'm an alum of ucla info statement was touchy feeling, we have a situation on campus and we have security that will be keeping this situation calm, what in the heck happen intervening hours of chaos on the screen right now? >> complete chaos is exactly what happened, todd. it was extraordinary. we came on error at around 10:00 p.m. specific times are just about three hours ago thinking we were going to be continuing coverage of what had happened at columbia university in new york. within an hour, i started to getting word from my wife, actually who is a reporter with the local fox affiliate kt tv on campus at ucla. that things were
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getting tense and suddenly took their live pictures and thank you to the fox affiliate kt tv for that, we have depended on the last couple of hours. it was extraordinary what we saw, this group of protesters coming onto the campus, facing off with the pro-palestinian protesters who had been there for days, and absolute chaos and violence breaking out here and we watched, for instance, as firecrackers were thrown into crowds of people, exploding in plumes of smoke. we watched as people attacked each other with long, ridden polls. we watched as people pepper sprayed each other in the face. we watched as people brawled in the center of one of the blue ribbon universities of the uc system, ucla. what we did not the and still have not seen at any point was a single officer from the
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los angeles police department. frankly, it boggles the mind they have not been there. at one point, i saw two l.a. police vehicles and one of the areas, shots provided by the kttv chopper. they were on the edge of the campers come about 100 yards of the violence unfolding and they drove away from that position. now l.a.p.d. for sure is under understaffed, under resourced at the moment. we were talking to many law enforcement officials over the last couple of hours former and current, and they all said, it is completely incomprehensible that the l.a.p.d. did not moving quicker when violence was simply breaking out across this university campus. quite extraordinary scenes of brawls as you can see on the screen right now. the sort of scenes have played out over hours and not a single law enforcement person.
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and now, we hear this statement from eric karen bass. the mayor spoke to chancellor gene block and police chief dominic please chief of the l.a.p.d. l.a.p.d. is responding immediately to chancellor bloch's request for support on campus. they are not responding immediately. they still have not responded and not a single police officer we can see for 2 minutes after that statement was released and two and a half hours after the violence broke out. it is an extraordinary embarrassment for the city of los angeles for ucla, and frankly, guys, for the united states. it is just incomprehensible that this is being allowed to happen on the campus of a major public university, todd and carley. >> carley: you are right, looking at these images, it is stunning. it doesn't look like the
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united states but third world uprising. but is clearly a crisis of leadership as you were addressing. you have to wonder where the breakdown took place. who is to blame? who is responsible for this? why wasn't the call made to get this under control sooner? >> from what i understand from some of the current and former law enforcement officials we have been talking to, the police chief dominic choi would have been waiting for an order from mayor karen bass to go in. she may have been saying, "don't go in." i can't confirm that your key and how that works because it seems to me that the l.a.p.d. wt immediately when there is lawlessness in a public place and again and again ucla is a public university bute have to get clarity and hopefully we will get that later if these officials and
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mayor karen bass faces the cameras at sump point later today because this is extraordinary. i don't know if it is a failure of leadership or decision-making but certainly, carley it is absolutely a failure this is being allowed to happen on this campus. in the violence we have seen, one person taken away and an ambulance. i've seen a couple of people in the last hour helped out of the area, clearly hurt. a lot of people suffering being pepper sprayed. as you watch again there, firecrackers thrown into crowds. but is absolutely stunning to me what we are watching. as i said, we thought we would be covering all night the ramifications from the nypd's textbook operation at columbia university. and instead, we have been watching a complete failure of action on the part of any
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law enforcement organization here in los angeles in these scenes of utter campus chaos at ucla, carley and todd. >> todd: jonathan, not to get too far ahead of ourselves but the contrast between ucla and columbia, columbia say school behind bars for lack of a better phrase. ucla, the 20 years i have been there on open campus. to set the geography seen for you to the right of campus, multi, multimillion dollar homes across the street from street called charles e young drive. as you go to the south of ucla campus, that is the city or the village, if you will, westwood. is there a concern based on your theory these protests could spread to the residential area, to the village of westwood? >> we haven't seen any indications that any of this is moving off campus. but you are absolutely right in terms of the geography, todd.
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bit is a campus where you almost can't tell the end of the campus and the start of the normal residential area. you just walk and suddenly you are on campus or off campus. it is completely and utterly open, which is another reason why it is so extraordinary that the l.a.p.d. didn't move on to it. there are no gates, as you say, to close as they are our columbia pier there is nothing to stop anybody clearly as we have seen walking onto that campus and there is nothing to stop l.a.p.d. nothing to slow down the l.a.p.d. accept decision-making and that is only thing that has allowed these completely extraordinary scenes that we are looking at right now to play out today. >> carley: jonathan, it is really an incredible position when you look at the seams between columbia and new york and ucla and los angeles where the police called into columbia and they clear the protesters
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out without an incident into ours. you see what is unfolding ucla. no police presence there and you are looking on your screen right now at the chaos ensuing. think about the position and what it says about law enforcement, leadership of being able to make this call. your thoughts. >> i think, carley, there is a lot of frustration in the jewish community here in l.a. i've been speaking to people on both sides, obviously, the past few days. m what the jewish community has seen jewish students prevented from moving freely on the campus here in so jewish students being simply very fearful, even those who were not scared have been badly inconvenience and have been blocked from simple freedom of movement on a public university. i think what we have seen tonight's frustration. remember, tuesday night was the end of passover. i don't think that is coincidental. and i think you just saw
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frustration boiling over. a lot of members of the jewish community, they were members, for instance, bulletproof israel i'm a witch has done great work helping the people of israel. am escorting people of the jewish faith who have been scared to walk to synagogue on a friday night. bulletproof israel has put out a call by so to meet gnomic social media for anyone that wanted to walk on the campus of ucla and wanted to feel safe, they would have escorted them on. i don't know if bulletproof israel is on the campus but i do know frustrated members of the jewish community feel that they have to make a stand tonight, carley. >> carley: that is a good point. i guess you could say to these college leadership at these universities, if you allow these protests to take place for days and days on end, what do you think is going to happen? somebody is going to get frustrated and do something like this. jonathan, for clarity sake i may
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be there is no answer to this just yet, but whose job isn't to to call the police? and i am sure the police officer, the guy in uniform sees these means and wants to get the situation under control because people's lives on both sides are at risk here. would it be the chief of police? would it be the mayor? whose job is it? all of his think you are absolutely right, carley. the members of the los angeles police department, the officers who work on the streets of l.a. every day and every night and put their lives on the line for all of us would want to be there enforcing the law in preventing this violence from breaking out. their marching orders would come from the police chief, the acting police chief, dominic choi. there seems to be some confusion as to whether the police chief would have two get a direct order from mayor karen bass.
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it would appear to me if there is lawlessness, you don't wait to get an order from the mayor every time a riot breaks out. if this was happening on the streets of westwood, as todd was just taking a couple of hundreds of yards away, the police would stop it immediately. they are just not going on because it is a university and because it is supposedly a bastion of free speech. this has nothing to do with free speech. this is lawlessness and violence and really, i say again, incomprehensible that the l.a.p.d. has not gone in there and according to whoever decision-making is ultimately at the top of this chain. >> todd: not even a couple hundred yards but a couple hundred feet. to really paint that picture, these are neighborhoods that blend into each other to your point. again, to set the scene, your wife is also a reporter and on the scene right now. i want your thoughts vis-a-vis
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her as to the breakdown of the individuals that we have seen on the screen right now. does she get a sense, and therefore, do you get a sense, what percentage are actual students and what percentage are outside agitators well-funded that we have seen at schools throughout our country? >> i think as columbia said, that there are certainly outside groups there. it is very hard to put numbers on it. i was talking to my wife, chelsea commit kttv reported that you mention who was there pepper sprayed earlier by some of the pro-palestinian protesters who have taken out their anger against the media. various points. but what josie a was saying, it is almost impossible to get information who exactly is therp to the barriers, the reporters on the scene and they say, can we talk to you? can we talk to anybody? what they are told you have to talk to one of our designated
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people. so okay, can we talk to the designated person? no, they are not available right now. it is impossible for them to get any accurate reading how many of those protesters are students and how many have come from outside. on the other side, the counterprotesters, same thing, some of them are students and some of them we know from chelsea's reporting our residents. one man, i believe he was an immigrant in the late '70s after iranian revolution and lived in l.a. and said, "he has never seen anything like this." he was watching this complete breakdown of law and order on the campus of ucla and felt he had to come and make a stand. because all of those who are supposed to represent him and maintain law and order were not there. and that is what you are seeing. people who have simply lost patience coming to make their own stand now because they feel
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that they are being let down by leadership at every level here in los angeles and on the campus of ucla. >> carley: ucla released a statement, "these kind of things are abhorrent and can lead to expulsion. it was quote jonathan hunt, thank you so much for your coverage throughout the night and for joining us. >> todd: and for your wife, prayers for her, nobody needs to be pepper sprayed during their job so we keep her in our thoughts. >> carley: senior advisor to the former u.s. a ambassador, rabbi, what is your reaction to the protesters that have erupted across the country? >> i think it is terrifying when you leave israel and israel he says good luck in america. that tells you something because israel has been in the state of the war for last 207 days. what is happening is the absolute plausible conclusion from the front of the police and
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black lives matter. they overlap here is incredibly align and this is what happens when you don't -- it is terrifying as americans and more terrifying as an american beef i >> todd: no fear of consequences. we keep saying a redline with columbia and now ucla and protesters cross that line. doesn't that literally incentivize the behaviors that we see right now? >> absolutely incentivize and fantastic job analyzing this overnight. the child from the police is to enforce lawlessness when it happens. this moment that we are watching is not lawlessness. the encampment that has been going on for days almost a week now is lawlessness. that was not dealt with. these encampments across the country in red states have not been dealt with. that invites additional lawlessness. because there is no ramification and for students do not fear
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concerns or consequences, the professional clearly leading these are further incentivized to go ahead and create a more havoc wreaking situation. let's just be truly clear, this is nothing to do with israel. this has nothing to do with palestinians. if they cared at all about civilians, they would do this to the uighurs in china, the muslims in sudan, the christians in nigeria. all of them since the war in israel has lost more innocent lives by factors much larger than the act of war while still american hostages kept in gauze over. >> carley: yesterday white house press secretary andrew bates issued a statement, president biden respects the right to free expression but protests must be peaceful and lawful taking over buildings is not peaceful and it is wrong. responding to the situation out of columbia university. rabbi, how do you feel about that statement coming from the
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white house deputy press secretary and not the president himself? >> >> as none of us have heard prior to this discussion, certainly he doesn't carry much authority and even the statement that he read is weakened, and other words, he doesn't say respect law but is looking for something cold more peaceful and what does that possibly mean that are not allowed to enter into classes or go through certain pathways it's not safe to be on campus? that is not condemnation and taking over a building, that was the line. when you make up lines as things go on and you don't have the courage to say because you are looking to an election from 100,000 people and dearborn, michigan, a, you are looking for support from the wrong people and b you are inviting this to happen. i will say this further, president biden has been incredibly weak on the israel/palestinian issue and condemning israel multiple times
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regarding their pursuit of returning hostages including americans and fighting against the regime on their border. when the president can't see the moral clarity between i think the most obvious moral of our lifetime, and he can't express that, certainly he will not be able to express on the college campus. we went to your point, our call they come ari fleischer said that joe biden has a two-state solution and those two states winning votes in michigan and the fat. that is why he has been to our point so many places shocker of shockers we have seen arrest. i got that statement from the ucla chancellor as ucla alum and it was pretty weak, mealymouthed and ten hours later, protests. taken as a whole, rabbi a look at this and from a p.r. perspective, how much do the scenes of unrest actually bolster hamas and their narrative?
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>> well, hamas has come to know and praise the protesters. why this is not considered domestic terrorism mom not a lawyer, but they have taken over a piece of territory and enforce their own laws on it. this happen in seattle and this happened black lives matter. there is one rule for some people and another role for some people. this is evident president trump on trial right now and based upon what happens to those people january 6 versus these people here. i'm not comparing the law whom i'm comparing the application of the law. when there were two sets of laws being applied, the foundation that makes america great has been weakened. until we repair that come it will be a disaster. i will say this on behalf of americans, americans will figure this out and we historically have here at 3,335 years been persecuted and figured it out but countries that do not protect the ability for jews to
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be able to participate actively and fully, those countries do not tend to succeed in the long run. this is a stain on america, not a stain on the american. >> carley: rabbi, how are the scenes viewed on the israeli people and also, does this show of support for the pro-palestinian side make it more difficult during those really intense negotiations, usually take place in qatar between israel and hamas? >> yeah, you can look at this two different directions. number one is, it is clear who is not saying anything. the president hasn't said methinks. secretary blinken hasn't said anything. chuck schumer hasn't said and they of the people of israel used to hearing these people come and speak loudly on these issues just replaced jews with every other minority in the circumstance by any elective leader anywhere in the united states of america.
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when you sit in the jewish homeland of israel and you don't hear the same voices, you are incredibly concerned if they won't protect americans, how will they view their ally in the middle east? part one. and negotiating with hamas leader, qatar, egypt, israel does not do negotiating. the united states of america has surrendered. it is clear that i cannot finish the job. what they are doing is immoral and therefore, in between hamas and israel, israel has lost its moral higher ground. now commit is fighting as opposed to the win it desperatey needs. >> todd: rabbi, the phrase -- all contacts of life, we have seen money talking in the situation basically funding these protests. on the other side i was listening to trace gallagher who had an interesting custom he expects there will be lawsuits from jewish students who were impacted by these horrific protest across the nation.
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you are a rabbi in the jewish community and do you expect the flood of lawsuits from jewish students that they've had to endure the last week and a half but the last seven or eight months? >> yeah, not just the last seven or eight months but tens of years where what you would say about the jewish people or the state of israel is acceptable and that you can never go ahead and replace that with any other minority situation. i do think there will be a flood of lawsuits. but i want to make two points clear, if you are not jewish and he went to the schools, why aren't you leading the lawsuits? why is this happening on your campus? taught her why aren't you demanding that they protect your reputation? you were very proud to be ucla alumni but today i would be burning my sweats. if you don't stand up and the people, the will not succeed and maybe a couple of lawsuits. but if americans do not stand up
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for this and alumni in great institutions don't look at this and say this does not represent me, then ultimately, the battle might be won but the war will be lost. >> todd: i made the joke when i was getting ready today the people in the building, not sending my donation this year and obviously goes beyond that. this is heartbreaking. i walked these campus walkways in every building at ucla looks the same. it is a beautiful campus. it is underdone, undercut by these horrific scenes of violence. it makes me horrifically sad. >> carley: talk about the war itself because antony blinken arrived in israel yesterday on tuesday and apparently the mother is fresh optimism, as it is being reported, new negotiations could lead to a halt inviting fjord prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying reiterating israel's position that forces will launch anticipated military operation in rafah regardless of
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cease-fire deal is reached with hamas. your reaction where does that lead us? >> 209 days these people have not been heard of other than propaganda and videos by hamas. we need to pray for their success and bring them home any possible way that we can move but not at the extent of israel finishing the war against terror on their border. israel has an obligation to bring its citizens home where they can safely live and safely live in the south and north, not in bomb shelters but on playground spirit and how does israel accomplish both of these when the united states of ameria does not clearly and unambiguously support them? this is perhaps the most dangerous time for israel on the diplomatic stage since its very inception. president biden and secretary of state blinken, show me one think they have touched that they have not made worse for america or
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our allies in the last three and a half years? every time it says lincoln is going in the region, i pray thae leader of israel and the leadere allies will be able to hold the line until we can get meaningful leadership beckons united united states. >> carley: it's is a great point and over the past week, hamas has done two things with respect to the united states. when they have praised the protesters on college campus, pro-palestinian protesters and released hostage videos. one is a young boy who had his arm blown off at the music festival. and his mother and father have been on air many times. his mother said that she could hardly recognize her son in this horrific hostage video released. he doesn't have a arm anymore and his head is shaved now here he is to have longer hair. she said it may look exteriorly like i'm fine, but inside of a my body, it feels like a hot
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poker on my back every single day for the last 200 plus days because my son is still in hamas captivity. rabbi, it does feel like those hostages are being forgotten. i mean, what about them? what about their future? why isn't there a greater leadership when it comes to the biden administration to try to focus on those hostages? any of them dual citizens, is really americans? >> why don't they say their names? why don't they demand additional actions will be taken until they are brought home? we aren't the americans the first hostages released? do they not come because they are also israeli or less because they are jewish? herschel's mother has been a beacon of light of morality and clarity. i remember the first time i met her, i was wearing a tie i particularly liked. she said that i used to
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cheerful. i can't even stand looking at it. well he is still in gaza. promise when he gets released, you will save that type for him. i have a special place in my drawer where that toy is waiting for santa to come home. why hasn't antony blinken said his name? it is so puzzling and so disappointing. when they say optimism and tweeted 207 days enough and always reacting and not pro-acting. at the same policies have led to a disaster. the police are leading to a disaster on our own doorsteps in the interest, terrifying parts. these protesters wish harm to america just like the people of gaza, certainly hamas and it
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begins with israelis or jews and does not end there. >> todd: that story is both heartbreaking and touching at the same time. looking forward to you wearing that tie when it comes home at his wedding. >> carley: you are right about that, israel is fighting this war for not just itself but the united states. one of the other hostages, the youngest one, he turned one years old in captivity in january. i remember during the pandemic, president biden did something i thought was a good thing, he had a list of the number of people who died during covid up here the number of people. i think it would be a wonderful thing for him to bring that back and have that list of the number of people still being held captive by hamas and continue to remind the american people why we are in a situation that we are in and why israel is fighting the war that it is right now.
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rabbi, thank you so much for joining us this morning. >> todd: thank you, rabbi. let's go to former new york detective, dr. oscar odom. we had you on the program to address the situation but the scene is at ucla. and you from a law enforcement perspective, here that the l.a.p.d. according to jonathan hunt, there is no sign of them on the campus even though we did receive an email from the mayor karen bass stating at around 4:00 a.m., 37 minutes ago, they would be entering campus. when you see that, just how many failures from a law enforcement perspective do you identify when something like this happens? 101: 40, chaos happening in westwood during >> yes, first of all, i would like to thank the men and women of nypd for doing a great job going in there, outstanding, thank them but so many other issues to worry abou. when i look at all of this chaos
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and mayhem across the country from a law enforcement perspective, so many issues of public safety taking place. the campuses, you can have agitators also from outside coming there to cause problems, affect and havoc across the country. next, we have to watch for possible terrorist activities that can happen from this because the fact that everybody is all over the place. they are spread and no law and order on these campuses. that is causing so much. the united states constitution provides freedom of speech, we know that. a freedom of and you protest peacefully but people forget the constitution where an exception for a time, place, and manner of restrictions on certain pro protests. you don't have carte blanche that you can do it forever and however you want to do with. the constitution also provides time, place, manner of restriction. looking at the seams across the country, time, place, manner is
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not enforced and public safety officials have to be careful. public safety officials and police officers cannot go in because they need the task and approval from the mayor to say, "okay, it is okay to go in most go. on enforcement hands are tied with the property, which we normally do. so, until they give the order, they don't have a chance to go in there. the way it is going now is totally out of control and it will take a lot to get things under control. after that, we'll have to see what happens pure just to bounce to new york city come if they don't lock people up for murder, what makes you think they will lock people up when people are protesting? it is not going to happen. so if we want law and order, we have to let the police be the police. you have to back them and not throw them under the bus and go do something and then you are not backing them because we are back to square one again. you will have the protest going on and tie the hands of the police officers. >> carley: when it comes to ucla, the order needs to come down from karen bass to get the
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l.a.p.d. onto the ucla campus. notable there. >> that is correct, that is correct. >> carley: when it comes to columbia because we also want to talk to you about that. the official word came out the nypd would be moving into the columbia campus to clear people out of this hamilton building. it came down by nypd deputy director and posted on x, columbia has requested assistance to take back their campus, which has been disturbing, which has seen disturbing xo violence, forms of intimidation and destruction of property. oscar, fox news confirmed with the nypd that police used for, what they call distraction devices, which are typically sound to vases like flash bangs or powder charges in a canister to clear the agitators out of hamilton hall. can you tell us about that strategy, that tactic and what all that means? >> it is a great strategy
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because what happens when you have to throw people off guard and provide some sort of surprise attack to get them to move another way or thinking about something else here this is where you can go in and distract them. and you can get them out peacefully. you can't go straight up head-to-head because affect so many things blocked up so many things locked off here just like that, you have to use other type of tactics to go in there and divert them or have them looking other ways so that you can go in there and make the arrests. this is something nypd does. as you can see, we were able to get people out in a peaceful way and throw off the attack and be able to go in there and let the police be the police. so many times, you tie our hands and at the end and something blows up, you run to us. go, go, go in and go in. but if you let us do it in the beginning and support us, than a lot of things can be in order and you can have peace on both sides when you allow us to do this. but when you don't and you make
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this more reactive as opposed to proactive, that is where we have a lot of issues taking place. the police want to do their job here this is what we do. but if you don't and tie our hands, we can't do anything. >> todd: that is a great point. we have seen in areas law enforcement has been allowed to commence at the outset. we don't see these scenes because quite frankly, dr. odom, the people at these protests are weak individuals and they are not strong, they are not tough, weak minded, sad individuals who are going to cower at the first sign of real obstruction in their faces. what is happening right now with ucla is not that. there is no police presence and as a result you see the sink get out of control. i want to combine these two scenes because as you mentioned, new york city, we don't prosecute the murderers and these individuals that we show being arrested, we know will be out on the streets if not all on the streets already. so, do you worry that we will
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see scenes like in los angeles right now being repeated in new york city today, at columbia, nyu, city college sort of looking at ucla as an inspiration, if you will come especially when these individuals really don't have any true consequences for what they did at columbia all day yesterday if they are already back out on the streets? >> no doubt about it. so definitely i have concern for the campuses here. i'm happy that nypd is on alert, and hopefully, people will wake up and allow the police department to be proactive and to do their jobs in order to prevent this type of chaos. once again, from a legal standpoint, there was a time, place, manner of restriction on free speech. free speech is not absolute. people must realize that it is not absolute. yes, it is in the constitution but it also says time, place, and manner of restrictions on it. i worry about the agitators, the people from the outside appear
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they are able to blend in when they blend in, they can cause all types of habit, a domino effect with doing this. if there is sleeper cells, so to speak, now is the time for them to observe and possibly do whatever they want to do because they were so much chaos, and there was no law and order. i worry about infiltrated and these extra bodies coming in and doing something pure to be have to be on alert. >> todd: to >> carley: speaking of law enforcement, no law enforcement, an incredible statement come out from a columbia university classics professor. his name is joseph. and he was critical of columbia's president here at a lot of people, especially on the right, calling for her to step down saying she is the problem. maybe she's not the problem because this professor said he was angry that police were called in originally a couple of weeks ago to clear the
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protesters out and this reads nypd presence and our neighborhood in intake ensures the entire community. the armed police entering the campus police and students and everyone else on campus at risk. the statement goes on from there. if you want answers how we got here, dr. odom, maybe this is it. this is coming from a columbia university professor. >> yes. that statement normally, you call us when you think you need us. but what about everybody else? what is going on? because they would be the first to criticize if something happened on a campus, agitators was there and they blended in and so much chaos like some of them did, you would say, "where is nypd? they are not doing their job here at my taxpayer dollars are paying for you to do this and they were not doing it." we are not puppets at all but the first line of defense. you call us when we need you. you call us and you ask us to do
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something and it is lawful and we received -- we protect life and property. you called us and we didn't call you to see if you wanted to do this. you called us and we came in and did what we were trained to do. nypd is the best police department in the world pure to be go all over the world to help people restore law and order were to address issues, intelligence to riots to rescues to disasters, we do it all. remember, you called us here at the police don't pick up the phone and call you and say, hey, you think you need me? we do what we are told and trained to do. and as you can see from the incident at columbia, we did it in a professional manner. it was peaceful and we were able to stop and clear it out and restore law and order. we were able to restore peace and get some of the agitators rounded up. we did what we were trained to do and we came here professionally. and you can also leak him with a
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talk to one side but you need to talk to the other side for people who were not protected the people that were glad who cause these different issues we. now it is in the courts hands. we did what we were supposed to do in the courts let them back out again. that is not our issue. we did what we were supposed to do. if you call us again, we will come in there and do what we need to do to restore law and order mp so everybody can do what they need to do in a peaceful manner. that is what it is about. it is not about taking sides but a peaceful manner to restore law and order a pair that is nypd does. >> todd: dr. odom, thank you for your time. we appreciated your former fbi agent, special agent and navy seal, jonathan, we are getting breaking news into the newsroom. the latest news out of los angeles, are preparing for multiagency operation to secure the campus, a ucla the protest, but there's another caveat, a
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statement from what appears to be university of california pd chief saying the following, presumably those are the officers on campus, security on campus, "we had 500-600 officers working in an order for additional resources requires multiple agencies preparing to go in and render the location safe"." from planning and preparation perspective, just how negligent was ucla, l.a. mayor karen bass, and governor newsom for that matter with regard to what we are seeing horrific scenes out of ucla tonight? >> i would say the same thing for all of these different locations where they have to react instead of taking action. before these individuals get onto these campuses. in the case of l.a., that is the greatest example of failure out of all of these hereinabove by
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no means is it alone and fai failure. the nypd, your previous guest, i enjoyed everything he had to say about the nypd, but they are governed by a leftist mayor in new york city. and a police commissioner that doesn't know, apparently, what they are doing. so they don't stop these things from occurring. even in texas where they handle things differently in texas, the handling is pretty much the same and the fact that they allowed these leftists and islamic onto mentalist which is called red green alliance. to people need to start looking at this. they allowed these individuals to play their games on college campuses about something that they convinced everybody is about the palestinian people and their freedom. but in reality, this is hamas. hamas is iran and iran wants elimination of all the jews in israel and israel as a state.
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ultimately, that is what these people are supporting whether they realize it or not. that is what law enforcement and the city officials are allowing to occur on these college campuses. >> carley: yeah, and hamas dating back 30 years ago but they asked themselves in a meeting that took place and the fbi actually, jonathan, has tape of it. they wiretapped the meeting and have a tape of hamas leaders stating, how will we speak to young american mines? let's infiltrate the college campuses starting with professors. you see that very scene unfolding on your screen right now, a seed planted 30 years has sprouted into this here it also on columbia, jonathan, one of te reporters asked pro-palestinian protesters if please come here and end up handcuffing people and you guys get arrested, what is going to happen? listen to what the protester said, "we will do what we have
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always done. we will get arrested like criminals in the subways. they are always back out in 24 hours." they are thinking, we will be arrested but there will not be consequences. >> i'm glad you brought that up because i was on jesse watters show in the evening when that individual was interviewed. the first thing that popped into my head is the fact this guy has done this before. these protests have not been around that long. this individual was talking about people who protest professionally because of all truism and they were belief that they are going to go in and destroy whatever system they don't like. that individual come along with many other people at columbia university and all of these universe universities not only trained in what to say and do, but they have done it before. and they have no worries because law enforcement and the way
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these cities consistently and continuously computes freedom of speech with intimidation, with force, and violence, which is almost exactly what the definition of terrorism is. they confuse that with freedom of speech. nowhere in the first amendment is violence, or threats, intimidation protected. those are not protected pieces in the first amendment. >> todd: it is not in there. >> law enforcement needs to realize is. >> todd: we appreciate your insight, thank you very much. we have confirmation that riot police have moved into the ucla campus in westwood, california. we will bring you the very latest when we come back. "fox & friends first" 5:00 a.m.. "fox & friends first" 5:00 a.m.. hour 5 minutes away. don't go anywhere. don't go anywhere. ♪.. but instead remade over and over... into the things that keep our food fresher, our families safer,
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>> carley: fox news alert, happening right now lapd is moving in on the ucla campus after anti-iae


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