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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 1, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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it or not, that's what they're begging for hate-filled tirades against people because they are jewish. i just think every decent american needs to stand up and say we're all jewish these days. we're all standing together against this craziness. >> todd: governor mike huckabee, thank you for your insights and what i find fascinating by what you just said you would assume joe biden would know if somebody is putting the name genocide before your name, they are probably not pulling the lever for you come november. apparently he still thinks he has a shot. governor, thank you as always. >> thank you. >> carley: what a busy night of protesting, rioting taking place from columbia university to ucla. it has now spread to tulane university in new orleans as well. >> todd: "fox & friends" picks up the conch from here beginning right now. ♪ ♪ >> steve: good morning, everybody. it is 6:00 a.m. here in new york city. and it is 3:00 a.m. in l.a. as
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you look there. fox news alert. police responding to protests on campus at ucla and, at tulane university as well in louisiana. right now, the lapd is on the scene at ucla after pro-israel and pro-palestinian protesters faced off and started fighting. >> ainsley: yeah. according to local reports, protesters tried taking down an encampment before fireworks and other objects were thrown. >> brian: it was like watching a live brawl for two and a half hours without a referee. swat official officers are at tulane university in new orleans as police work to clear anti-israeli protesters there overnight on the east coast, nypd arresting dozens of anti-israeli protesters while clearing encampments at columbia university, finally. >> steve: and more than 25 activists were arrested overnight just blocks away here in new york city at city college. it's spreading, folks.
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>> ainsley: yep. we have live team conch. lawrence is actually hosting the show live from columbia university as you can see. we have c.b. cotton, she is also at columbia university in a different area, keeping tabs on the situation. >> steve: that's right. but, in the meantime, let's start out west. right? >> ainsley: that's right. let's bring in eli self evette. he is a stud ucla. i was seeing state boards be then. >> brian: i think c.b. cotton would like to come on and set the scene out at columbia first and eli, just stay there, c.b.? >> hi, brian, good morning. set the scene for our viewers. take a look behind me. student protesters were arrested just behind this campus gait here at columbia university. droves were then brought out to nypd correctional buses. and, obviously, the university is talking about all the damage
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that's going to have to contend with now after student protesters occupied that campus building. but new york city is going to also have to foot the bill. take a look at this damaged city bus stop. this is absolute mess. we know that columbia university authorized nypd to come in last night. a spokesperson saying in part, quote: after the university learned overnight that hamilton hall had been occupied, vandalized and blockaded, we were left with no choice. columbia public safety personnel forced out of the building and member of our facilities team was threatened. we will not risk the safety of our community or potential for furthest can a labor relation, end quote. the mass arrests began around 9:30 p.m. eastern. droves of officers in right gear moved past makeshift. dozens were let out to correctional buses. their hands zip tied behind their backs. crowds stood by cheering on those protesters and booing the police officers. the nypd told us no one was injured during the arrest.
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but student protesters have taken to social media in the aftermath of the chaos to allege several students have been hurt. now, before the sweep, new york city eric adams urged parents to call their kids and tell them to go home before things escalated. many did not listen. and just before midnight, the nypd cleared out a pro-palestinian encampment at city college of new york. a spokesperson says at least 25 people there were arrested. but, between both campuses, lots of these students who were taken into custody aren't too fazed. >> we will do what we have always done. we will get arrested, just like the criminals in the subway, they always right back out in 24 hours. >> as you can hear right there, some of these people are very, very brazen. new york city police department will be holding a press briefing this morning at 9:00 a.m. and we're going to to be following author those updates. back to you. >> steve: c.b. cotton in front of a busted bus stop window. thank you very much for the recording this morning. >> ainsley: thanks, c.b.
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>> steve: it all broke loose last night, lawrence, about a little after supper time. we could tell the cops were heading your way. tell us what you're seeing at 6:04 eastern time on campus there at columbia today. >> lawrence: yeah, guys, this is calm now. that is to be expected after the show of force last night. remember the coming had been waiting on standby for a while. they wanted to clean it up from the very beginning. but because this is a private campus, they have to wait until the president invited them in. so what you saw is those cops come on the scene. they went -- busted out a window. climbed. in the emergency service unit, which is like nypd swat, came in, broke through, and they arrested them all. and they drug them out of the building, had all these buses filled. and i think, because of that, they restored order. now, you can compare and contrast that with what is happening at ucla where the cops have not been on standby there because they don't have a real police chief at the moment right
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now. they have an acting police chief. the mayor is not signaling that he wanted them -- that she wanted them there at the time. then you had the president of the university not signaling that -- so what you have is chaos there as a result of that, guys. >> brian: takedown. go ahead, ainsley. >> ainsley: i was watching sean's show last night at 9:00. then we see this big what looked like an army tank, it was nypd brought in that huge vehicle with all these law enforcement officers on top. they were wearing their masks. they had their shields. then they hoisted up that ramp right up to the window and they broke. in and peacefully brought in i'm reading different numbers, 30, 40, 48 people were arrested. they put them on those buses. and, you know, i know all of our viewers were thinking, finally, that's the front cover of the "new york post." it says cops finally arrest the anti-jewish rioters. >> brian: mobile adjustable ramp system. when they knocked on the door they said let us in? you are not going to let us in?
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okay go up to the second floor. 100 people they round up. maybe they only arrested 40. they say what they are going to -- they went in there and cleared out that then they cleared out the encampments. and now there is a report that the nypd will stay on campus until the commencement. and guess who is outraged by this? the faculty. they are mad at the president for bringing in -- the president for bringing in the cops again. didn't we tell you that last time insane. they are calling for the president to be fired because they didn't bring in the cops. i'm not necessarily -- my heart doesn't break for her, but it should show you the mindset of what we are dealing with on these campuses and it's not just columbia. >> ainsley: where sour president? you had donald trump on the phone last night with sean saying this is ridiculous finally and he was thanking those police officers but we haven't heard from joe biden. >> steve: that's right. peter doocy was on the north lawn yesterday talking about how joe biden yesterday was at a high school doing a campaign
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event. >> brian: closed door. >> steve: here what happens we know about what has hand to the -- remember, we heard yesterday finally, the administration at columbia said if you don't get out of the building, and you're a student, you will be expelled. well, we don't know if that's actually happened. but the people in the building last night were charged with vandalism, trespassing, burglary in the third degree, and criminal mischief. and the people at the encampment outside have been charged with disorderly conduct and trespassing. but, as we saw earlier, that guy, he just said look, in 24 hours, i'm going to be out. the question is and i have got this question. are the names of the people who were arrested, and apparently outside agitators were the leaders. will those names be released to the public so we know who was involved? the worry as a parent of somebody in college is that your child can't find a job. well, i wonder if those names are ever going to be out there.
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lawrence? >> lawrence: well, steve, the court documents will be released. but, again, the protest made it very clear they will be out within 24 hours. so they don't even respect our judicial system. but i think the headline from yesterday is, that press conference with the mayor and all the deputy commissioners for the police department, you'll have the deputy commissioner for counter-terrorism saying that they there is outside influences on these students here. so, they are not just funding. this when you have terrorist cells -- we're witnessing real time radical callization of our kids all over the country real time. and all these professors that -- all these, real quick, brian, all these protesters that are rallying behind these students said nothing when the palestine had a flier four days after the attack with paragliders on it. those are the same paragliders that attacked the israeli people.
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so, again, there is so much outrage for what happened last night. but not a word for the jewish people. >> brian: they actually showed video at the press conference of the training of the students boy these other infiltrators to tell them how to do it. they said there is no doubt about it they are being led by outside sources. that's what i hope they have found. they said they have been tracking a lot of these people through new york city and columbia is just where they have landed now. so we have to start extricating them almost like a plant tar's wart and find out why they have spread their doctrine in 20 states, in 20 -- maybe 25 states now across the country as now florida, the university of southern florida also had some issues. so we will see how bad that gets. nyu students, city college students, all in new york doing similar things. nyu guys went up to columbia at city college. they also have allied with the faculty there as they set up their encampments. >> steve: you are looking live
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right now at ucla where it's 3:10 in the morning and protesters are still out there. if you are just waking up, overnight, fireworks, tear gas, fights breaking out about 11:00 pacific time as 100 pro-israel protesters tries to seize the barricade around that solidarity camp. you see the plywood in the distance? that formed the outside. and suddenly out of nowhere they have been gathering throughout the day. the counter protesters started wrestling with the protesters over the metal barricades and then they had to take the barricades down. >> ainsley: seeing news on the east coast and west coast as we are looking at right now. eli self i have the we talked to you yesterday because that video was circulating on social media. brian found that yesterday and sent it to our producers. thankfully you were able to speak to us. we want to get an update from you. you weren't allowed to go to class and walk around your own campus because these women barricaded themselves. >> brian: there were some guys
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there too though. >> ainsley: few guys. you said i want to be peaceful. that video is famous and all over social media. what were you seeing? were you there in the middle of the night when this was going down? >> yeah. serves in contact with you guys and i said i'm going to go out and just document footage for this particular interview. i con studently advocate for peace and i told the jewish ucla students that we should not be going there as this is not something we need to take part in. because violence is not exactly the right way the reason why in this is happening. have had enough. they have seen the way the pro-hamas protesters are treating jewish students on campus. they said fine if the ucla administration is not going to do anything or the lapd is not going to do anything we're going to do something about it. >> brian: what did you do? it looked like some guys went down there and started ripping down the encampments themselves
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and fell with resistance. this thing went on for it looked like about two hours i saw people throwing things at each other. like you mentioned a removal of barricades they said the main reach they were doing this was to attract police. they wanted l.a. police to arrive. >> brian: interesting. >> so they could finally go inside the encampment and start making arrests. >> steve: the reason you came tour attention because you proudly wear that star of david around your neck as you are wearing it right now, eli. we know as you just described, the people in the encampment have been the pro-palestine group. and then the counter protesters came in. but it's unclear who exactly they are. are you saying they were jewish students? jewish people in who were they? >> i can confidently say that they are not ucla students.
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the average age of those people is around 26, 27, 28, 29. they were all older. and they were just l.a. residents, jewish l.a. residents that have noticed how these pro-hamas protesters are treating jewish students at ucla and they said enough is enough. if, like i mentioned before if the administration is not going it do anything we're going to do something about it. >> brian: lawrence? >> lawrence: eli, have you recognized any of the protesters? are they friends of yours? any of the people that you have seen on campus? >> no. i do not recognize any of them. they recognize me because of how viral the video has gone of me. and i have a lot of people walking up to me and giving me fist bumps trying to stay out of the crowd. as i mentioned before i'm for peace. i don't want to engage with a mob. >> ainsley: well, i was reading about the series of events that
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are happening on your campus. it says last thursday, this is when the protesters started camping out at royce quad right in front of royce hall. the university didn't want to intervene they are proud of tolerance for free speech. they said they were avoiding law enforcement until absolutely necessary to protect the physical safety of our campus community. then last night there was a turn of events. they were seeing your social media video. the administration took issue with that they said this encampment is illegal and students will face consequences if they don't leave. i was watching jonathan hunt throughout the night. he said this went on for three and a half hours. he didn't see much police presence at first. are you seeing police presence now? >> oh, there a lot of police presence. when i arrived there. there was not yet police presence and then i watched as police cars pulled up, all the police officers came out in their riot gear. they formed their line and they started marching. >> steve: okay. but you could see the protesters are still out there. >> ainsley: were there any arrests at ucla.
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>> no. no arrests. the marching -- they only arrived halfway into the court, strictly to say we are here. we're not leaving. and there was a lot of cheers for the police somebody started playing our national anthem. and a lot of people are hoping. a lot of pro-israel protesters are hoping these police will finally go need and get rid of encampment to make jewish students feel safer. >> brian: were you able to get that video to us? >> yes. i cents it over. >> brian: thank you. >> steve: stay safe out there. you just mentioned jonathan hunt up all night. he has been following this throughout the evening there in l.a. where it is 3:15. they are in the vicinity of campus. they haven't moved in? they haven't arrested anybody yet. >> they have moved in. no arrests that we are aware of. they have finally moved in by my count about three and a half
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hours after the violence first broke out. what we have seen now are a couple of skirmish lines. lapd according to the mayor's office is also on scene. what they appear to be doing for now just trying to keep the two sides apart. we went on the air around 1:00 a.m. eastern expecting to be covering basically the aftermath of the nypd's textbook operation at columbia. and then within about 45 minutes we started seeing these live pictures coming from our fox affiliate kttv of the counter protesters arriving in front of royce hall and then suddenly this outburst of violence. what i sat here and watched and we showed our viewers over the following three hours or so, was just ongoing battles between the two sides. hitting each other with huge wooden poles. throwing fire crackers literally into crowds of protesters on
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both sides. mace, pepper spray being sprayed into the faces of protesters again on both sides. and out and out brawls on the quad of one of the blue ribbon universities of the u.c. system. it was really quite extraordinary to watch it unfold. and the one thing i did not see in that two and a half to three hours of this ongoing brawling that you saw, was a single law enforcement officer, not from chp, not from lapd, not from campus police. there were some private security standing there. completely unequipped to deal with this. so it was an extraordinary scene. complete anarchy and chaos on the campus of a major american university and nobody doing a thing about it, guys. >> so, jonathan, watching that conch, we're waiting -- does the mayor, do we find out, does the mayor need to call in the cops?
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does the governor need to call in the cops. and do you think the anarchy at usc earlier in the week played a role in them waiting a while to go in because these cops were overwhelmed at some points. very violent at other points. and they took the blame, according to some columnists. >> well, the decision-making structure is going to be very interesting to hear officials try to explain today. yes. technically speaking, the mayor would have some control over the lapd. technically speaking, the governor would have some control over the california highway patrol. but, if there is violence taking place anywhere, could you imagine if this was on a street just 200 feet right of the campus? if people were fighting in the street? of course the lapd would have been there. of course the chp would intervene if they happened to witness it. of course the l.a. sheriff's department would intervene. nobody did anything. and, yeah, the decision-making
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on all of that has to be questioned at length. >> brian: but it's a state college. >> it's a public university. a state college, yeah. so, technically speaking, chp would have initial jurisdiction along with campus police. but, this was anarchy. this would a riot, this was out and out brawling, fighting among hundreds of people on a public university. it doesn't really matter which law enforcement agency had jurisdiction. somebody had to stop it and nobody did. >> steve: yeah. lawrence? >> lawrence: you know, jonathan, i'm just curious because, you know, your wife works for our local affiliate. she was maced on the campus. do you feel like this is just par for the course in l.a. though? i mean it seems like lawlessness runs rampant within the city already. was this just a perfect opportunity? >> you know, i think it's interesting, lawrence. because certainly a lot of people involved in what we
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witnessed over the last few hours were not students. i think people came from various parts of l.a. as you just heard eli saying, he didn't believe any of the counter protesters, almost any of them, were students that they were all people from the jewish community coming and making a stand for themselves. i think as columbia said, ucla will ultimately say that among the pro-palestinian protesters were a lot of outside organizers. we'll have to find out in the coming days who exactly has been there. but, certainly, this was an opportunity for anybody who wanted to cause trouble to cause trouble. because, official l.a., be it ucla administration or law enforcement in l.a. was doing nothing to stop it. steve jonathan, as we look live at ucla right now. and there is some of the pepper spray and tear gas you were talking about earlier all that craziness when people were gated
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terring each other. what is interesting is what is going on right now is the riot cops are still there. i mean, the university and the city declared the camp illegal. so you got figure if the cops are still there at 3:21 in the morning, they are probably going to clear out that encampment. because, after they arrested everybody here in new york city last night, at hamilton hall, they cleared everybody out of the gaza solidarity zone. and then the staff of columbia cleaned up the encampment. so there's a real good possibility that camp is about to go. >> yeah. what i think is perhaps different here, steve, is clearly the nypd was planning for that operation over some considerable time. i have to say, given what we saw last night, there doesn't appear to have been any planning or any coordination for that type of operation here. so, i think what you're seeing now is the minimum number of law
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enforcement officers that they need simply to keep the two sides apart. they are going to need a lot more if they decide to go in and actually clear out the camp. so i would say we are a little ways from that yet. perhaps it will happen in the next few hours. buts i would say that l.a. law enforcement and, again, whether we are talking about chp or lapd or the sheriff's department for that matter, if they come in to help and campus police, they are not anywhere near organized and ready as the nypd clearly were when they went onto the campus of columbia. >> ainsley: jonathan, when you look at the contrast, you see what happened at columbia, people were irate all over the country for allowing that to happen. for allowing people to storm that building and barricade themselves inside for 12 hours. but, final limb, the president of the university decided we have to do something. they called the police. private college. so she finally called the police. they come in immediately and you saw what that looked like, the visuals were incredible last night. but then when you contrast that
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to what is happening at ucla, you are noticing literal fist fights. people throwing speakers, skate board. >> steve: tear gas. >> >> ainsley: one guy beaten on the back by a stick. tear gas. you would think that would be a good enough reason for arrests to be made. do we know -- any statement from the school or from the police officers as to why that's not happening? >> nothing, nothing whatsoever. we don't know if a single arrest has been made. and we got no indication at the moment that any arrests have been made. there was -- as far as we can tell, and it was talking to our security consultant here, it looks like they just established skirmish lines simply to try to keep the two sides apart. and that is all they are doing at the moment. and, yeah, it was horrific scenes. and, lawrence, thank you for bringing up my wife chelsea daughters reporter with our fox affiliate. kttv. she was sprayed point blank range by one of the
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pro-palestinian protesters. she was doubled over on the ground and had to be dragged to safety by her security agent. >> steve: she should file charges. >> that was happening to many reporters and many citizens there. it was coming -- i have to also point out it was coming from both sides there was violence on both sides. awful scenes. >> brian: how much do you want the jewish kids to take? they finally stood up. >> that's exactly right. >> brian: jonathan, real quick. in negotiations brown, obscene, reached agreement with student organizers to putting to a vote whether to still invest into israel and allowing israel to invest with them. are there ongoing negotiations with these encampments at ucla? >> they are talking to the protesters. whether they would term it negotiations, i'm not so sure of that. i can also tell you this, just across town at usc, brian, i
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have been told that the president there and i have been told this from a source who is very close to the negotiations that are ongoing there. the president there has told the usc protesters who are camped out like they are at ucla, that they will not call law enforcement in on to that -- the grounds of that private university, which is an extraordinary to send. >> brian: good luck for that. >> ainsley: for knew. that's what happened at columbia. and now law enforcement is going to be at columbia until may 17th after graduation. >> steve: that's what they are waiting for. a couple weeks the kids were all be gone. >> brian: they already canceled their graduation. >> the uc system is on a different calendar. graduation isn't until mid june. so it's a long wail for this to go. >> brian: oh, really. >> steve: june is going to be a long summer. >> brian: trimesters. >> ainsley: they do things differently out there. >> brian: my daughter is in trimesters, too.
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>> steve: jonathan, thank you very much. great reporting through the night and give our best to your wife. >> thank you so much, guys. >> brian: go out to lawrence with a very professor iran i can be bits at columbia business school. >> lawrence: let's bring ron in someone who has been vocal on b. this issue. you teach on the campusry surprised when you have your colleagues standing with the pro-hamas protesters. >> no, lawrence. unfortunately, good morning. i'm not surprised. some of my colleagues at columbia have been doing this for decades now. so i'm not surprised at all. early 2,000 is when i joined. >> lawrence: do you think it's fair to say that the radicalization started with some of these colleagues teaching -- four days after the attack to have them with paragliders on their flier, almost celebrating what hamas did to the israeli people. >> they were celebrating what hamas did. you are talking about the
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students for justice in palestine rally that occurred on october 12th, just a few days after october 7th. israel was not anywhere close to gaza at that point. israel was unfortunately picking up body parts in southern israel. and they were doing a rally over a thousand people literally celebrating hamas and what they call the achievements, the victory of the quote, unquote, resistance. but, no, i'm not surprised at all. i have seen at columbia and other campuses for decades now the radicalization of our youth. these will be the future leaders in america. i think it's a real long-term threat to the united states and to democracies all over the world. >> lawrence: what took the president of the university so long to act? i mean, nypd was ready. they made it very clear they were on stand by. as you can see, they cleaned it up within two hours got them out
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of the campus out of the building, arrested them what took so long. >> go back to studying and taking exams and graduating you know, that's a question she would need to answer. it did take her and the board, frankly, a long time. as i said from october 12th. this should have been stopped right there and then. there were broken windows or at least one broken window back in martha a few of my colleagues and myself wrote a letter. hundreds signed that letter saying, look, we have a broken window phenomenon, literally and metaphorically a broken window in the butler library. this would lead to more and more violence. this is exactly what we're seeing. i'm very grateful to the nypd. i think many -- the majority is grateful to them. i think they came in. there's no injuries as far as i know. and it's about time.
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it's good. i support the president of columbia. president shafik's decision to call police. it is late but better late than never this is what some of your colleagues are saying in a faculty letter nypd about a raid. we hold the nypd leadership responsible for disastrous lapse of judgment that have gotten us to this point. the university president, her senior staff and the board of trustees will bear responsibility for any injuries that may occur during any police actions on our campus. so they're condemning the president of the university for bringing the cops in i hope they represent a minority not a majority of faculty. the vast majority so i would hope of columbia faculty and students want to do their job, study, get a world class education and research there are faculty, unfortunately, at columbia and other universities
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one is anti-semitism, other one is willful ignorance. not know knowing really what's going on these professors are being influenced and we need to investigate whether they are being funded for example the students for justice in palestine there are indications they get illicit funding. that should be investigated bipartisan, by the executive branch to see who is driving this. there is no way that suddenly all over campuses in the u.s. we see this type of violence, this type of anti-american rhetoric, this type of anti-semitism. >> lawrence: you have been teaching here for a long time.
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>> you have been teaching for a long time why do you say? 'many of my colleagues are painfully asking if i'm here for 10 years you get he out of here. shoot me. if i'm here for 15 years i will shoot myself. i have been here for 24 years. columbia, as many other universities, it's a tale of two cities. there is a good side to it. great research, amazing students there is this other city if you will, very negative side to it and there is novak consume. it's been seeping all over. it's a great question. >> lawrence: we have been witnessing. professor, there is going to be a 9:00 a.m. press conference with mayor adams going to address this situation. hopefully we can get some
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clarity. thank you for joining the program. >> thank you so much. >> lawrence: steve, take it away. >> steve: great interview, lawrence. right now down to new orleans, it's a live look at tulane university and ucla after riot police moved in to break up chaotic protested we have been showing you the ucla stuff. denouncing the takeover of campus buildings by pro-palestinian protesters but it just keeps happening. lucas tomlinson is live in washington with the latest. lowction. >> the white house deputy press secretary not president biden condemning that violence on college campuses calling the hijacking of that building in columbia not peaceful. riot police arrived at ucla after violence overnight. yesterday there was no camera white house press briefing but we did hear from john kirby. >> the president believes that forcibly taking over a building on campus is absolutely the wrong approach. that is not an example of
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peaceful protest. and, of course, as we -- you rightly noted, hate speech and hate symbols also have no place in this country. >> here is former president donald trump. >> biden has to do something. biden is supposed to be the voice of our country, and it is certainly not much of a voice. it's a voice that nobody has heard. and, look, i don't think -- i don't think he is able to do it. i don't think he has got to take to do it but he has got to. >> yesterday biden spoke at high school campaign event in delaware. no press allowed inside. that cbs report that says quote top u.s. officials have also discussed getting additional palestinians out of gaza and processing them as refugees if they have american relatives documents show. recall the white house also floated taking executive actions on the southern border in recent months. our own aishah hasnie caught one biden's education secretary yesterday on capitol hill.
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>> secretary, do you condemn the anti-semitism that's happening on these college campuses right now? >> absolutely. >> and are you going to get involved in trying to stop some of these camps and folks that are protesting? >> [no response] >> the violence overnight taking place on mayday which is rooted in marxist ideology. >> steve: it is indeed. lucas, thank you very much from d.c. now we will take you live to l.a. and the lapd is on the scene after violent clashes at ucla. we'll don't think anybody has been arrested yet. andrew is a former federal prosecutor and criminal defense attorney and he joins you now. andrew, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> steve: you saw the cops move in last night in the 9:00 hour at columbia. they arrested a bunch of people. dozens of people. they had hundreds of cops. now, in l.a., they have got a lot of cops. but apparently no real law enforcement. it's as we heard from eli a little while ago, it sounds like
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jewish people, not students, jewish people who lived in l.a. were so fed up with the pro-palestinian protest they just went over and started trouble. >> it's time for some law and order. i think it's overdue at this point. there is a wide array of things that police can do in this situation. at a minimum, they need to start charging these folks with arrests that actually can stick and cause them to not go immediately back. we heard last night as the reporting was going on that some of the agitators were saying they jews need to get to jail so they can get processed and get back. even saying they didn't want people laying down in front of the buss so that the bus could say get to the police station and get them process sod they could get back out. they can use charging decisions in this case that can escalate the nature of these -- of the charges that these folks face. so it's not just trespassing or disorderly conduct. but we have conspiracies that appear to be happening here. i mean, would he even saw on january 6th, obviously, they went with very serious allegations like ricco and people are going to jail for years and years.
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so i think they really need to figure out how to make this stick so that these folks aren't just back out the next day. >> steve: have we ever seen anything like that? you know, there have been antifa signs out there and stuff like that. i don't know that they have ever been able to actually charge antifa because it's not an organized group, they have argued. it's just kind of an idea. >> well, there's a lot. >> steve: how do you get around that. >> there is a loft creativity that we have seen prosecutors use in ricco allegations when it's politically motivated. >> steve: right. >> so when you actually sit down and look at it, there are ways to get groups that come together, whether they are organized through formality or not to charge them with very serious allegations where things can actually stick. now, you compare that to what happened during the blm movements, there was not particularly heavy prosecutions that occurred during those riots, that kind of swept the nation. >> steve: got a question for you. you know, over the last couple of weeks we have heard some of these student protesters and maybe the agitators, funded by
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various left wing groups. could the actual left wing donors get involved in some sort of charging? >> absolutely. if they knew that illegal activity was essentially going to happen, and that seems to be the entire idea of what this protest stood for, that they were going to go on to these campuses, trespass in places that they were not allowed to be and continue with illegal activity. you put together the actual criminal act of trespassing, and a conspiracy to do so, two misdemeanors put together that's a felony. >> steve: the problem is we are in new york city. prosecutors are not like you. >> the prosecutors are soft on crime. and as we look live at ucla, same thing. that's why the cops haven't even moved in. they are there in the riot gear but they are just -- i don't know what they're waiting for. >> the hypocrisy of prosecution in this city cannot be overlooked as donald trump is on trial this week, continues to be on trial for something that is an expired statute of limitations, misdemeanor offense that has no evidence of that guilt. yet, we have this type of chaos
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going on in the city and we don't have real prosecutorial hammers coming down on these folks. >> steve: do you know what? there was at least one student a second-year student up at columbia on monday, filed a class action lawsuit against cluble because the university could not guarantee the safety of its jewish students. that's a creative way to get their attention. >> it is a creative way to get their attention. columbia, as well as the other universities across this country have to recognize that students have a right to safety. we have now been hearing these woke ideas on college campuses for years and years talking about how everybody needs to feel safe in their pronouns or feel safe in the way that people look at them. but when we are talking about actual threats of violence that are going on. there is deep threats of violence. that's something that needs university attention and i think lawsuits like that absolutely should open up their eyes wide to it. >> steve: so the people who were arrested last night in new york, they are probably -- they are
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out, right? >> it would stand to reason that they are out already. and that they are getting ready to go back. that that's what they were saying last night to the cameras before the arrests started to take place. that's the way the bail process works in new york. those types of crimes. there's no chance that they're being held for anything more than a few hours. they are likely to be back out today. >> steve: heading back to columbia. >> that's right. >> steve: all right. andrew, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> steve: all right, lawrence, you just heard the former federal prosecutor a lot of the those people arrested last night probably out. probably heading to where you are at right now. >> lawrence: that's exactly right, steve. they made it very clear as they were being interviewed that they would be out within hours and come back to the university campus. but, as you can see, i was here yesterday. a much different site here as you can see the barricades right here in front of the gate remember the campus is still on lockdown. unless you're a student, in the housing system here on campus, you're not allowed on the campus
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right now. but nypd is still here. they have it unlocked. you are not allowed to go past these perimeters. we did our live shot from here where we were talking with that anti-israeli protester denied what happened on october the 7th. we were essentially right here. and we were close to the gate. well, they don't have that opportunity to do that right now. as you guys remember last night, nypd had been waiting to get on the campus. they had to be invited because it's a private university. they took that ramp, went up. their special service unit which is kind of like their swat team, got through the barricades, broke through the window, and they cleared it out, guys. those buses were packed up. they are going through the court system right now. and we expect at some point today, those same protesters that were arrested yesterday to be right back here on campus, guys. i will send it back to you guys in the studio. >> brian: all right. thanks, lawrence.
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joining me right now is former hawaiian congresswoman and author of brand new book called "for love of country." leave the democrat party behind. that is her urgency and that is what she is going to be talking about in a moment. congratulations, tulsi, good to see you. >> good to see you. >> brian: what are your thoughts when you are looking at what happened in columbia. nypd, law enforcement in to save the day. vilified by the faculty, but there was no other choice at the end. >> i mean, there is a few layers of issues here, brian. obviously it is first and foremost maintaining the peace, law and order, and forcing the law as we are seeing our police officers do every single day. but the underlying issue that i hope everyone is paying attention to is the violence, anti-semitism, and pro-hamas calls. you hear some of the calls that these kids are doing on these campuses saying we hope october 7th happens 10,000 times over. they are parroting this radical islamic terrorist that hamas,
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al-qaeda, isis, all of these organizations are trying to perpetuate around the world, which is the extermination of jewish people, a propagation of their radical islamist rule. they want to establish sharia law and a caliphate around the world. and that's the short-term and long-term threat that these groups pose to freedom-loving people and civilization everywhere. >> brian: what normal person says sharia law, that's really going to enhance my life in the ford foundation in the rockefeller foundation, george soros' group. they all have to be called out. we have to stop pretending like there is not invisible force behind them. they are very visible. it was brought out last night one of the reasons they went in the nypd is because these are well-known actors. not students that are agitating little league training on campus. i do also want to talk about what else is going on in the country. and that's talk about donald trump. today he has an off day with so he is going to be campaigning in the midwest. how do you think so this trial will challenge his candidacy? >> well, they are -- the lawfare
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and use of the department of justice to go after donald trump, it is having -- the desired effect. they are trying to keep him tied up in a courtroom and off of the campaign trail. limiting his ability and his time to get out there. i think it's important and very good that he's going to states like michigan like wink and pennsylvania. not ceding any ground to the democrat elite recognizing and pointing out to people he will be the president for everyone. that's what we need right now. >> brian: let's talk about your book. you write for love of country. you have been working on this for a while. >> just came out. >> brian: in 2001. you joined the democratic party. what was the party like then that attracted you and what do you mean has changed? >> when i joined the democratic party. it was a party that stood for free speech. if you remember the aclu back in the day was willing to take a stand for free speech. even steve speech they disagreed with. it was a big open tent party that fought for the little guy.
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you fast-forward to where we are today and the insanity of the woke war mongering elitists in the democratic party, it has become completely unrecognizable. and they pose a very clear threat to our freedom, free frem of speech. we are seeing how they are trying to erode our fundamental rights and threats to our item in this society. that's what i talk about in my book. my experiences being in the democratic party at some of the highest levels for over 20 years and the reasons why i left. and most importantly a call to action to americans across the country that we must stand together and save our country from the biden-harris administration who are trying to undermine and destroy us. >> brian: you were the golden child for a while. and then all of a sudden you were the one everyone was afraid of and didn't want to talk about anymore. >> yeah. >> brian: what was that like for you? how much did that play into the fact that you are an independent now? >> you know, i was surprised that they designated me as a golden child for a little while. i think i ticked some of the
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boxes they were looking for. they wrongly assumed that i was going to be. >> brian: compliant. >> compliant and allow them to be a punt master and just go along with whatever the party line was. within the first six months of my being in office as a member of congress, they learned very quickly that that is not who i am. that i love our country. i will always put our country first. something that caused a lot of ire and a lot of attacks coming from the most powerful people in democratic party. >> brian: that only made you stronger. you are also serving in the military too and attract add lot of republicans would love for you to switch parties. you are kind of in between now but i think you are on donald trump's short list probably as a running mate. >> i'm speaking to americans as i feel as i do. very concerned about our country. >> brian: pick it up. tulsi's look is out this week "for love of country." >> thank you. nice to see you. >> brian: as universities across the country are met with chaos, the university of florida is shutting down protesters right away, making it clear they are not a day care. florida attorney general ashley moody on how florida is keeping
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their campus under control for now, next. ♪ ♪ sometimes jonah wrestles with falling asleep... he takes zzzquil. the world's #1 sleep aid brand. and wakes up feeling like himself. get the rest to be your best with non-habit forming zzzquil. ♪ ♪ after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" i'm thinking company wide power nap. [ employees snoring ] anything can change the world of work. from hr to payroll, adp designs for the next anything. the future is not just going to happen. you have to make it. and if you want a successful business, all it takes is an idea, and now becomes the future. a future where you grew a dream into a reality. it's waiting for you. mere minutes away. the future is nothing but power and it's all yours.
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country, the fight for fairness in women's sports still rages on. after the biden administration announces its changing title ix guidelines is really what the president's priority should somebody in here to react is florida attorney general ashley moody. >> good morning, ainsley. >> ainsley: you had donald trump on this network talking about all this chaos. where is president biden. meanwhile is he focusing on title ix. what's your reaction? >> yeah, it's bewildering to me why biden is going out of his way to shred protections and opportunities for women that were fought for for so long. and, in fact, in some of the arguments and litigation that's been maids and, of course, you know florida is leading, pushing back, fighting this. is that, you know, we are encroaching upon safe, private spaces for women. that's one of the main arguments, and let's just be real. when it comes to security and safety, that is an after thought for this president. that is not a primary concern.
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and you can see that from the border to fentanyl to college campuses. to how we're engaging with israel and protecting our ally. i mean, safety and security of this nation seems to be after after thought, safety and security of our campuses and for women seems to be an after thought. and i think it's bewildering many as to why he is adamant to do away with so much long established opportunities and protections for women. >> ainsley: yeah, is he changing it so schools would have to allow biological men to play sports. your alma mater, university of florida, we see all these other campuses that are encouraging disruption. they are teaching these kids how to be activists instead of scholars. but at uf they are doing things differently. they are saying this is not a day care. anti-israel agitators who break the rules will face consequences. they arrested nine israeli protesters. firing all their employees in dei positions and administrative appointments as well.
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i'm sure you are proud of your university. what went into this? why are they doing this? >> yeah, look. i'm a former federal prosecutor. former judge for over auto decade. here's the key to making sure this doesn't happen on other campuses. enforcement. you heard it here on your own show. enforcement early. everybody knows you got to wipe things down with clorox before mold takes over your home. as soon as a protester goes to being a perpetrator, that needs to be shut down. it is time to shut it down. and when they go to court and when they see a judge, a judge needs to say you will not go back. you've committed crimes. you are alleged to have committed crimes, if you do go back you break another law i will hold you until trial. if they said that in new york you wouldn't see all of this. it's a mistake as you are watching this sad footage from around the country to keep calling these people protesters once they become criminals. because what that does is when we see the footage of law
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enforcement officers trying to do their jobs and ensure safety for other students in the community, it looks as though or we perpetrate that narrative they are trying to stifle free speech which is absurd and not the truth. colleges, universities want to promote free speech. they want to protect it. our nation wants to protect it. but we will not coddle and embolden criminals. and as soon as those protesters shape shift into perpetrators it's time to shut down. >> ainsley: you talk about shutting it down. you talk about the changes to title ix. desantis said south carolina, alabama, georgia and texas are on board. governor abbott is in texas is sues ago well. he has ordered the department of education to ignore biden's changes. you have a lawsuit as well, right? >> we do. and you've seen multiple coalitions of attorneys general around the nation push back on this. again, we are extraordinarily concerned with shredding the
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protections for females. i think 15 states so far have sued to push back against this. and i think you'll continue to see a fierce fight here as we stand up for the safety and opportunity of biological females. >> ainsley: thank you so much, ashley. we have a fox news alert. chaos on campuses coast to coast. lawrence is live on the ground at columbia university with the latest. that's next. ♪ ♪ where excellence, comfort, and electricity... are forever in bloom. welcome to beyond. the mercedes-maybach eqs suv. (♪) (♪)
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