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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 1, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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[video playing] >> brian: we begin final hour with fox news alert. fireworks overnight at ucla campus in a standoff between pro-israel and pro-palestinian protesters. police clear out what is left of an encampment at tulane. >> ainsley: in new york city, 230 arrested at columbia, that number has gone up. nypd cleared anti-israel encampments on campus. >> steve: 70 arrested in new york city at city college. on this wednesday morning, we have live team coverage of the chaos on campuses coast to coast. lawrence is live from columbia university two miles north of where we're sitting and cb
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cotton is keeping tabs on the situation and we will go to ucla on the west coast. jonathan hunt is in the west coast newsroom. how did this melee start? >> jonathan: quite extraordinary scene, steve. 2 a.m. eastern, we got words that a group of counter protesters had arrived on campus and been confronting protesters that had been there several days. within minutels of them arrivin, there were clashing in front of royse hall. protesters and counter protesters went at each other with huge wooden poles, with pepper spray, with firecrackers,
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tossing them into kcrowds in th middle of groups of people gathered. they were quite extraordinary scenes. what is extraordinary to me, as we brought it to viewers live by kttv picture, not a single police officer was anywhere to be seen for 3-1/2 hours. i saw two lapd cars from one helicopter shot, they left the scene no highway patrol, no los angeles police department, no campus police department, nobody there as the two sides fought pitched battle for 3-1/2 hours. we heard from mayor karen bass that nlapd was responding three
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hours after the fighting started. it was extraordinary to watch, this is a public university in the uc system. it was a battlefield for hours and nobody step the in to help. it is not coincidental it was the end of passover and jewish students had been prevented from walking walking campus. many sympathetic to them and members of the jewish community decided enough is enough and ucla administration is not doing anything, law enforcement is not doing anything for us, we need to take a stand and we saw scenes of violence on campus of a major public university in the united states.
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embarrassment around the world and propaganda victory for hamas. >> steve: you set the stage perfectly. we see this playing out as we look at the video. people on the left of pro-pal pro-palestinians and the counter protesters on the right. we had a guest, eli, he said counter protesters are not students, they are l.a. residents that went over there and took matters into their own hands. >> jonathan: they felt like they had to, steve. i'm in regular contact with some of the jewish groups. there are support groups, there have been many antisemitism i incidents even before october 7, and there is a group here that
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helps escort nervous jewish people to son synagogue on friday night. that group put out calls yesterday for anybody who wanted in their words, help escort jewish students throughout the ucla campus. they decided to do more than provide escorts, that group and others thought they needed to take a stand and show they will not stand for this lack of action from the ucla administration and we see without law enforcement it ended, horrible violence. >> ainsley: someone had a speaker they brought to the fight, umbrellas to shield themselves. >> steve: pro-palestinian side had a big speaker taunting the
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other side and the pro-israel side took it away from them. >> ainsley: they said, we will not leave, the chancellor says he supports peaceful protest, not with violence. >> lawrence: where is the governor? >> brian: bad guys wear masks. if you're proud of what you are doing -- >> lawrence: that is exactly right. the campus, the governor have made it clear it is okay. it is okay because they called them protesters instead of pro-hamas terrorists. one thing to say, i disagree with the conflict, i want to bring an end to the conflict. it is another to call for jihad, say from the river to the sea. they were blocking jewish students from blocking class.
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how do you not have a civil rights investigation -- >> brian: merrick garland is busy, looking into donald trump's documents. >> ainsley: lawrence, you said this. >> lawrence: cardona, secretary of education, asked, no, there is no open investigation to this. >> ainsley: they are chanting death to america and replacing american flag with palestinian flags. israel is our aslly. replacing the flag that allows them to have peaceful protest. lawrence, you keep saying this, if that were the black community so black people could not go to school, there would be uproar from presidents of colleges. >> brian: how much anarchy do you need before you call the
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cops. >> lawrence: the president wants more. >> steve: exactly. hamilton hall, authorities said the people organizing it were outsideage agitators. the scene last night in los angeles, those were people who were tired of not seeing anything done and they had to go do it. >> ainsley: president trump was on last night and said these are paid and professionala agitator. >> brian: william did research on this, live from the ucla campus. you unwound the money behind the movement. >> you are right and there is no shortage of liberal foundations funding students for justice for palestine, i think from soros and rockefeller brothers, money
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is given to pro-palestinian groups and then the money disappears. there is no irs rules for sponsors to follow where the money is coming from and going, that is one of the problems. looking into this, there is network of liberal foundations giving millions to pro-palestinian groups that keep them going. it's been a powder keg for more than a week. garden variety assaults happening on daily basis, people get gets getting shoved and then barricades went up and jewish students are frustrated because university is not enforcing campus rules.
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you saw moves of tv shows, it is iconic. we can't get closer, we were closer yesterday, now they put up barricades and fences and plywood. last night 50 to 100 pro-israeli prot protesters were going to take them down and were met by pepper spray. boards with nails in them and on the back, rope you can use it like a shield and push people that way. injuries occurred, none we know of that were serious. people being hit with sticks and bats and chemical agentings to the eyes. the situation is interesting. if ucla had a reason to go in and take this out and expel or s
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suspend students, this would be the opportunity. there was a meeting scheduled today between administration and pro-palestinian protesters. the uc system had taken pride in the fact they were taking a hands-off attitude letting free speech be what it is and giving people a free pass here. not sure that will be the case now that the police departments are here. they tried to bring in parking lot security in t-shirts, bodies, but no enforcement. that did not stop what was going on and maintain order on campus. >> steve: we heard earlier from the local affiliate that the campus cops were overwhelmed and retreated. the cops came in, but they have not done anything.
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when you look at outside groups and question the funding, we heard in new york, people leading the columbia protests that took over the building were outsi outside agitators. they were invited in by students and allowed to stay by the administration. this is a mess they made. >> for sure. you know, about 46 of the top 50 universities had anti-israel protests in the last two weeks. 150 arrests nationwide, about half were not students, but outsiders and ucla knows who is in the encampment. there is a list, not just anyone can get in there.
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they know these are individuals who are not students, they took no akction against it. unc, not going to happen, uc system, not a problem. are you going to expel students or threaten it and make it an empty prom isz. do you arm police officers to maintain order or rely on campus police who don't have authority or expertise to take care of the problem? there is different, look around the country, different universities have taken different approach how to handle this and maybe ucla brought this upon themselves up until tonight. back to you. >> brian: amazing, too, how many international students out of
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34,000 at columbia university, 19,000 are international students. if you are international student protesting on campus, you should be kicked out. >> lawrence: the president wants to invite more. there is a secret plan with white house to invite more refugees despite lebanon and egypt and jordan saying no thanks, the u.s. has to take it. no plan to address radical elements on campus. you want a secret plan to invite more refugees to the country, makes no sense. >> ainsley: president is considering inviting palestinians to live in america and have safe harbor. on your campus, that was unbelievable scene, where is the police? why isn't the president calling in police? last night, big, huge police
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tank rolls down the street next to hamilton hall and hoist that ramp up to the window, like a fire ladder right up to the window and crawl through with tactical gear on and they go in and grab individuals and put them on the buses. those people protesting are yel yelling the camera and yelling on the bus, arrested and charged with burglary, trespassing and disorderly conduct. what is it like now, lawrence, calm? >> lawrence: it is peaceful now. if you look behind me, more nypd have arrived on the scene much one thing we heard from protesters being arrested yesterday and reporters talking with them, they knew they would be back on the street within hours. does alvin bragg take a moment
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from his prosecution against a former president to find charges on these people? most people in the building held three people hostage for a period of time. what charges will be brought? >> todd: andy mccarthies third degree burglary and no jail time, zero. >> steve: already on the street and probably heading your way. i believe cb cotton, our correspondent, is on the ground not far from where you are. cb, i see broken glass behind you. >> cb: >>hi, steve, a lot of damage in the area after last night's chaos. i have two paper fliers, this know wo disclose, divest, we will not stop, we will not rest. you can see the glass panelling
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at this bus stop has been smashed. the city will have to foot the bill for this and columbia has damage, too. minouche shafik authorized the police to come in lasts last night. university released a statement, we'll monitor and be back to you. >> brian: right in the eye of the storm from day one. you will need ptsd therapy after this. lawrence, you are back with a special guest. >> steve: two. >> lawrence: we have students here that have been in the epicenter of this, alesha, and drake, an army student and student, as well. as a veteran and student seeing what is taking place on campus,
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what goes through your mind? >> i'm pretty concerned. the response last night is lodge o overdue. there is no plan for veterans. i sent multiple e-mails and students feel unsafe and them blocking us yesterday seems ineffective, they had no plan from the beginning. >> lawrence: you are a student. this has to be heartbreaking to have folks say, you are not welcome on campus. we have been calling this out for six months, this is not a pro-palestinian mob, this is a pro-hamas mob. they are for war and they are calling for intifada inside campus and as jewish student
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yesterday, i couldn't access the library or the kosher dining hall. israelis are being killed at hands of terrorists. my family was in israel, they left a week before the hebrew university cafeteria was bombed. this is personal for me, i'm lucky to be here. >> lawrence: so important. as army veteran, seeing them replace more than flag with hamas and palestinian flag, is that okay? >> no. it is definitely not okay. there has been a lot of sacrifice gone into for me to be here. and my journey here was not simple or overnight. i come from a native american reservation, to see what is going on campus is disgraceful.
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for me, it is just been a long time coming especially from my background as a native american, b, an army veteran, why is this happening on campus with no response? >> lawrence: you are right. hope the president of the university changes course now. thank you for joining. it is calm now, when the protesters get out of jail, this is why you have nypd staged in front of the entrance. >> steve: do you have to have an idto get back on campus? yesterday it was only kids who live in the dorms. >> lawrence: that is what they say, students pass ids to protesters, can they get a handle on that? >> steve: stay tuned. >> ainsley: people are not in
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class, they are all learning virtually, if you are living at mom and dad's house, you can t taking it and go protest. >> brian: i thought there would be a license for that. >> ainsley: we had a picture id, if it turns green, you are able to go. >> brian: carley shimkus -- lawrence, don't move. carley shimkus you started 4:00 a.m. update us again. >> carley: blinken is in tel aviv meeting with prime minister netanyahu, trying to convince israelis to call off fighting in rafah. prime minister netanyahu said he will not accept a deal that including ending the war after blinken met with israel and met
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with families of hostages. folks in charlotte coming together to honor four officers killed in a shoot out on monday. an american flag covers the top of one officer's vehicle and flowers placed in front of the home where the fallen officer traded fire with a suspect. unusual surge in opioid deaths plaguing austin. eight people dead and many revived with the overdose reversal drug called narcan. majority of calls from the downtown area on monday night. typically one to two calls per day. 18 voters tack part in boca bash are facing charges raging from
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boating under finfluence to control of a controlled s substance. they were caught on camera dumping buckets of trash into the ocean. they are investigating it. >> steve: dumping the empties. >> carley: that is what trash cans are for. >> ainsley: chaos on campus, senator tim scott says it is time for leaders to take action so jewish students can other than well without fear, that is next. ve deeper into prayer. listen, it doesn't matter if you've never prayed before or if you're praying every day. god wants you to grow a little closer to him. to give you a little more of his peace. he■s here with you now. let him in. join me and millions of others on the number one prayer app in the world.
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and they're all coming? those who are still with us, yes. grandpa! what's this?
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your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly. >> steve: overnight, if you are just waking up 8:28 eastern time, police called into university campus where jewish students are on the front lines saying they are not safe. law lawmakers demand accountability from school leadership. >> ainsley: joining us now is tim scott. watching sean last night and
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watching police go into campus with that huge vehicle and going into that building and pull ing out individuals and waking up and seeing chaos, fights, fists, skate boards being used, teargas and fireworks, what is your reaction over what has happened? >> it is obvious the adults are not running the universities. your federal funding is a privilege not a right. we should say to every international student, a visa to our country is not a right, it is a privilege. for every single student on campus, saying death to america, or saying genocide to our jewish friends, they should be expelled from our country, their visa
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revoked. what is a right is for every student, every jewish student to go to class or study in a library in peace and safety. when the presidents don't do their jobs, they should resign and if it continues, we should revoke their federal funding, it is our responsibility to stand in the gap. period. >> brian: 19,000 of the 34,000 columbia students are international, can you believe that? they are in the encampments, they have to get out. what are for american kids and international? i guess they get full tuition and colleges want to cash in. >> about the money. >> brian: the president has a day off from court heading to michigan and midwest. he has a three-point lead in the latest polls.
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what does he have to do to pull it off being he's in dead heat in wisconsin? >> when you watch the president campaign on his one day from court in michigan and wisconsin, continue doing what he's doing, talking about america's future and making sure every american gets to live their version of the american dream, talking about the fact liberal elite are coming after him, he's standing in the gap for everyday patriots. no better contrast than deerborn, michigan where you see patriot lovers coming out and you have oppressors, injustice league stand nothing solidarity between joe biden and an
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anti-semites are rallying around joe biden. i love president trump, love his passion. he is wired for what we're going through right now. >> steve: senator, wherever i go, people supportive of donald trump say i wish tim scott was vice presidential pick. i'm sure your ears have been ringing. have they started to vet you and ask if you are interested in that? >> i've had no conversation with the trump organization about vetting or what is next. what i can tell you, as poor kid growing up in the deep south who has achieved the american dream, i want to fight everyday so america continues to afford poor kids in iowa or new york, same benefits, if you work hard, you
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get lucky. we guarantee a fair playing field. >> brian: i diddureiobackground check, you passed, don't worry about that. good stuff. >> ainsley: true. love your heart for the lord. thank you. saving old glory, u.n. unc students rallying to save the stars and stripes. >> steve: will and pete straight hey off the grid. when i think of the veteran out there that needs to refi his home, he may want to purchase and we can help them and provide that financial solution for them and their families. it's a great, rewarding feeling. everybody in the company, they have that deference and that respect and that love for the veteran that makes this company so unique.
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>> ainsley: fox news alert. while campuses struggle to get control of students, at unc
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chapel hill, they are bringing order back. activists had replaced the american flag with a palestinian flag. >> usa, usa, usa! [cheering] >> ainsley: here with reaction, "fox and friends" weekend co-host pete hegseth and will cain. good morning. pete, you fought for our country, i will start with you. one hand, so exciting americans are praising america and doing the right thing. how sad that campus to campus to campus, they are replacing the flag with palestinian flags and yelling they hate america, wipe israel off the map. this campus got it right.
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>> pete: we should take heart and remember majority of young people respect and love the country. this is reflection of majority of unc. conversation is being driven by noisy, powerful, influential minority of people who hate the country. putting up the palestinian flag is saying, i reject the place i'm being educated. you love palestine so much, go stay with them six months and see how you feel when you come back. the chancellor put the flag up with them, then took it down so it wouldn't be a controversy. >> ainsley: will? >> will: they should find unc
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frat broes and give them full scholarships. full story is fascinating. they had replaced the american flag with the palestinian flag. school administration came out and reraised the american flag. once school administrators and security left, they began to take down the american flag again. they then protected it for an hour. his family immigrants in the military. they were pelted with bottles and rocks. their love of kourp and patriotism, a lot of people love america. what they should be celeb celeb
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for is bravery, exhibiting patriotism. that is rarity and that is the kind of student you want at north carolina. go, tar heels. >> ainsley: this is wednesday, what am i thinking? i interview on fridays. talk to you on friday about what is coming up on the weekend. back to our top story. mass arrests and violent clashes overnight as anti-israel pr protesters on campuses. bill bennett is going to join us l live.
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i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? >> steve: 12 before top of the hour. back with fox news alert. multiple fights broke out on the campus at ucla during a standoff between pro-israel and pro-palestinian protesters. in our nation's capital, white house is denouncing takeover of buildings by pro-palestinian protesters. lucas tomlinson has details. >> lucas: it was the white house deputy press secretary condemning violence, not president biden. calling the hijacking of that
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building not peaceful. riot police arrived on campus at ucla yesterday. we heard from john kirby. >> the president believes forcefully taking over a building on campus is a wrong approach, that is not an example of peaceful protest and of course, as you rightly noted hate speech and hate symbols have no place. lucas t >> lucas: cbs reporting top u.s. officials discussed getting additional palestinians out of gaza and processing them as refugees if they have american relatives. >> secretary, do you condemn antisemitism that is happening on college campuses right now? >> absolutely. >> will you get involved in
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stopping camps and protests? >> lucas: violence taking place on may day, rooted in markist ideology. >> steve: bring in bill bennett, former education secretary under ronald reagan, former drug jar under hw bush. good morning. today is may day. when i look at essentially when the cops got called in to columbia, it was 56 years earlier in the same building cops stormed the police during vietnam war era protest and arrested hundreds of people. they didn't want to call the cops, they had no choice. >> that is right, i remember that. i was alive and remember that well. we may see repeat of that summer
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this summer at in chicago with democratic convention. what is not getting emphasis is role of faculty. people talking about the outside agitator, main problem is insiinside agitators. faculty condemn the president for calling the police and indoctrination that takes place of many students, not all, is done by faculties that are on campuses. by the way, it is interesting to note, they are not just coastal, l.a. and new york, seeing it in indiana, utah, a faculty is a faculty is a faculty, fact of university life. until that is addressed and the bias they bring with them, we'll continue to have problems. >> steve: bill, there is clear
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antisemitism and any time we've had jewish students on this program talking about when talking about how we need to be eliminated as jewish people that is somebody in my chemistry class and explains why on monday second-year student at columbia filed a lawsuit against columbia university. you are not doing anything to keep me safe. also, bill, i'm surprised it took so long, parents are demanding tuition refunds. >> i can see that, let's lead with the lawsuits. alvin bragg will not push for prosecution of these people but the lawsuits and this is more serious than '68, this is discrimination against jews and jews say never again, never again. here it is. how close to the surface it is.
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we see this in america, we see it in europe. and it is really hard and obnoxious and needs to be addressed. i'd like to see those janitors hire a great lawyer for false imprisonment and they will be able to ride free for the rest of their lives with a good lawyer. court is next place to go, i don't think alvin bragg will prosecute them. as long as you have inside agitation going on everyday in the classroom in colleges all over the country. >> steve: we will wind up seeing summer of unrest leading up to the conventions and who knows what will happen next. bill bennett, thank you, sir. >> thank you. >> steve: have a great day. "fox and friends" stepping aside, check in with dana perino. i have knowa idea what you'll be
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talking about. >> dana: you guys have done a great job talking about it, more to come. nypd clear protesters at nyc. more at ucla, mayor adams will be live on our show. republican and a democrat team up on bill to force universities to fight antisemitism or forfeit federal funding, can congress get behind it? they will join us. secretary blinken in israel, up d dates us. can i beat bill hemmer at donkey kong? i do think so-and-so does dave l and buster's and we'll explain when i seeraye you at 9:00. b efr e or if you're praying every day. god wants you to grow a little closer to him. to give you a little more of his peace. he■s here with you now. let him in. join me and millions of others on the number one prayer app in the world. hallow.
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>> ainsley: we'll wrap up the show with this unbelievable scene in arizona. a swarm of bees delaying the game between the diamondbacks or dodgers after emerging from a nest in the netting behind home plate. a beekeeper saved the day. following the over an hour-long delay the team actually had the beekeeper stick around to throw out the first pitch and got a huge ovation from those remaining in the stands. >> steve: that's what we're buzzing about this morning. >> ainsley: was anyone stung? >> brian: i don't think so.
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>> steve: lawrence, great coverage from columbia. final thought. >> lawrence: we have a press conference coming up with the new york mayor. he is supposed to address what's happened on campus. i had a jewish resident in new york, wanted to tell you guys thank you. she tore this sticker off a post as she was going to work. that's the type of stuff they're dealing with, guys. >> brian: clear to other people you shouldn't be anti-semitic but not clear on the people on the campus behind you. >> ainsley: pray every day for the colleges. >> brian: nny and city college is a mess. >> steve: the mayor's press conference starts at the top of the hour. see you tomorrow. >> what, over there,


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