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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  May 1, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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>> dana: fox news alert. sun rises at college campuses, anti-israel anarchists considering their anti-american message of hate. arrests underway at the university of wisconsin in madison. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm dana perino.
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good morning. >> bill: been a day already, hasn't it? i'm bill hemmer. good morning at home. night of rage from coast to coast continues in some parts at this hour. police in riot gear responding to chaos at colleges in various parts of the country. you are looking at the university of wisconsin in madison right now. new york city's mayor holding a news conference blaming the outside agitators for driving the violent occupation at places like columbia university and also thanking his police officers who entered the campus and arrested hundreds of protestors inside. he said job well done. >> there was a movement to radicalize young people and i'm not going to wait until it is done and all of a sudden acknowledge the existence of it. this is a global problem that young people are being influenced by those who are professionals at radicalizing our children. i'm not going to allow that to happen as the mayor of the city of new york. >> bill: let's get to it all.
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brand-new hour begin. jacque heinrich from the white house as president biden remains mostly silent at this hour. griff jenkins reports from george washington university. first to the west coast in california ucla and william la jeunesse after a violent night there went down on television. helo to you. >> good morning. this is what the confrontation started. i'm on the quad, right? pro-israel supporters are airing scenes of the october 7th massacre on the big screen and this is where the counter demonstrators gathered and heading over to the encampment. that's where we're going now. last night at 11:00 according could campus police five to six officers were on duty at the time. as soon as it started they tried to give medical aid to one person and they scattered. there was no security presence here at all as the large group of 50 to 100 counter
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demonstrators head over and try to breach the barricades that you are looking at right now of the encampment. these fences are here and they went through the fences and went literally right up against this. they were met by pepper spray and bear spray. they were met by plywood shields that had nails drive through them and being pushed back with that. the protestors here had umbrellas to stop the spray. on both sides they had weapons and spray. they weren't able to get through the barricade. inside i talked to a woman yesterday saying there are 50 to 400 individuals there depending on the time of day. the university had declared this encampment unlawful but they did not move in. now they have to live with that decision. there is a meeting later today scheduled between the protestors and the university with what happens next. >> bill: back to you at ucla
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with more developments. 7:00 a.m. there. >> dana: come back to the east coast and check in with griff jenkins live at george washington university in washington, d.c. what is going on there? >> well, dana, the encampment here is growing. we have more than 100 tents here. we can show you actually a quick look here. you can see the number of tents lining the university yard here. in the center a stack of bike barricades. over the weekend they were torn down by students and piled up here. yet there are no indications that the school officials will call for this encampment to be removed. we're here with sarah, a student. when you stand here and see this, how do you feel about this and do you want it removed? >> thank you. i do want this removed. this is something that is distruckeding our life at college. walking around campus and being a proud jewish student it is hard to have people look at me and mock me and make faces at me
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because i am proud of being jewish. if this were to be gone in the next few days the environment around campus would be a lot safer and happier for students in general. >> you have started a petition with some of the fellow students in trying to meet with the officials here. explain what you are doing. >> we have' started a petition to urge the mayor to come and support us. to remove the encampment. we know that the university is on our side. they want this to be removed just as much as we do, as jewish students. they want to support us. but the issue is the city. the mayor doesn't want to help us and created the petition to urge her to send in forces. the university asked but she declined. >> when you watch what happened in columbia and you see it growing here, what is your reaction? >> i'm worried, i'm nervous. i see what is happening at columbia, ucla. i want to walk around my campus
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as a jewish students. jewish students at ucla are not allowed to get into the library. if that were to happen on our campus i would feel really scared being a jewish student. >> are there outside agitators as well as students? >> we notice in the protests these aren't just students. these are families, older individuals in the community that have come here. so it is not just students we're dealing with. it is grown adults. >> thank you. i'll send it back to you. we got a statement an hour ago from the mayor's office saying she met yesterday with school officials here and they are continuing to monitor it. dana. >> dana: griff, thank you. >> bill: to the white house we go now. jacque heinrich. no word from the president on the growing campus violence. what will the white house say today and when, jacque? good morning. >> good morning, bill. who knows? we'll find out hopefully later. the press briefing got moved up a little bit. reporters will be allowed inside an event biden is doing in d.c.
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today. so far the president has been silent on this. white house officials have told us how the president feels about these things but gone to great lengths to avoid saying it himself. look at the video here. yesterday heading to a campaign event the white house had aides physically walking between the president and press as he made his way to marine one. at the event itself reporters weren't allowed inside. we've heard john kirby say biden believes taking over a campus building is wrong and andrew baits say biden condemns the use of the term intifada. biden is grappling with the divisions on display within his base. >> we desperately need the country needs clear moral authority. we need the president of the united states to speak to the issue and say this is wrong. what is happening on college campuses right now is wrong. it is unamerican. ist is not who we are. the president seems unable or
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unwilling to do that. >> today secretary of state antony blinken is in israel meeting with netanyahu, who vowed yesterday to go into rafah to begin an operation with or without a hostage deal. the u.s. continues to oppose those plans because of risks to civilian population without major evacuation. blinken urged hamas to take the deal on the table and met with families of hostages. >> there is a very strong proposal on the table right now. hamas needs to say yes. needs to get this done. that is our determination and we will not rest until they are reunited with their families. so please, be strong, keep the faith, we will be with you every single day until we get this done. >> behind the scenes the white house is weighing plans to accept palestinians from gaza to the united states as refugees. refugee status comes with housing assistance and a pathway to citizenship.
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officials have reportedly been weighing options to bring folks here who already have family in the u.s. it would rely on coordination with egypt, which so far has been rejecting any effort to take in palestinians. biden met with edge -- spoke with egypt's president on monday and hopefully more of a read-out from the white house on that meeting. >> bill: we await. thank you, jacque heinrich covering that for us on the north lawn. >> dana: our next guest was assaulted and shoved to the ground by so-called pieceful protestors at columbia university. forcefully ripped his cap off his head calling him sub human. he is an olympic bobsleders and graduate of m.i.t. and yale. >> a lot of people if they aren't familiar with the protests they have the impression the protests are mostly peaceful. the bunch of students who set up
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encampments. the rhetoric, the actions taken at these protests are vile and disgusting and extremely hateful. surrounding jewish students. yelling at them they are sub human bigs and zionists is tame compared to some of the things you hear. when it comes to trying to incite an intifada or call for a violent uprising using terror as a primary method of resistance, that is unamerican. i think for most people, when they view that and see the administration, who has been talking for years about a danger to democracy from one side, catering to an element that openly espouses violent intifada in the united states is confusing to say the least. >> bill: you are a big guy and take care of yourself. i am a quote professional jew, you wrote. it takes a lot to unnerve me. explain that. >> for ten years i've
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represented israel. very visibly jewish. i wear a cap on my head because of the pride of who i am. jew hatred seeks to remove jews through the public space through intimidation and threats. going out with that is what i go in a response and i'm proud. i have experienced a ton over the last ten years. it takes a lot to unnerve me. >> dana: tell me how you react when you have somebody like the mayor who gave a press conference referring to a lot of the protestors at children. is that what you saw yesterday? >> so i think that probably one of the main issues when it comes to these protests is handling adults with kid gloves. that is a bigotry of no expectations. these children, what we are calling children are 19, 20,
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21-year-olds adults at an ivy league, premier institution of higher education in this country. calling them children is insulting to children. calling them anything but what they are, which is agitators, terrorist agitators calling for harassment against a minority group. they are adults and knowing what they are doing. >> bill: do you think they are getting a pass when people blame a lot on outside agitators? >> i think the standard -- when it comes to dealing with the palestinian/israel issue. to hold no expectations on the israeli side. when you see there is no consequences whatsoever. the rules don't apply. it is the result of replacing objective reality with subjective reality. my truth rules all. so therefore the rules don't apply to me and continuing to encourage that with the future leaders of the united states doesn't help anyone.
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it leads to complete anarchy. >> dana: you are in bobsled so you aren't competing in the olympics this summer. you know the olympics well, right? i keep thinking about the big events we have. talking about presidential conventions. where do you think this goes when we get into paris and the olympics? >> i think fostering and environment and culture where it's acceptable to target specific people and promote speech hateful towards that people has repercussions throughout the world. it has extreme reper cushions with western values. they try to promote the acceptance of allied yell geese. the difficult is you try to accept ideologies that hate your own. it will spread and become a bigger movement. as we saw at columbia. a lack of law and order led to copycats all over the country leading to chaos. >> dana: we are watching it now at the university of wisconsin live. you can see students getting arrested there. the police look like they're
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being putting gentle. even putting her scarf back on for her. >> bill: a pleasure meeting you. thank you. >> dana: say hi to your mom. >> mom, i hope you enjoy this. [shouting] >> dana: foreign enemies of the u.s. are watching these protests reveling in it. what leaders in iran, iraq, china are saying about the growing chaos. >> we have refused to have the moral clarity to understand israel is defending to defend its own nation and iran and hamas are tearizing the their citizens.
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instances of elite universities caving to anti-israel mobs and negotiating deals with protest organizer. northwestern plans to establish full ride scholarships for students and guaranteed faculty jobs for palestinian appear dem ickx and brown considered divesting from israel in exchange for removing their tents from school grounds. >> dana: today is college decision day for thousands of students across america. many high school graduates are left stressed and anxious over the financial aid forms. the roll-out of a new form led to processing glitches causing major delays for students waiting to see if they get student aid. biden's education secretary had this to say about it yesterday. >> look, there is no excuse.
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i'm committed to making sure the protest works to make sure more students have access to higher education and to a a simpleer process to give students an opportunity for higher ed.. >> dana: the u.s. has received only 8 million applications so far. well below the 17 million usually seen at this time of year. jim garrity said. the education version of the healthcare debacle. they tried to create a new website. the man in charge of it has resigned and took no responsibility for it. now cardona is saying they'll figure it out. imagine you are a kid and can't say to your friends where you are going this summer. it is stressful for parents everywhere. >> bill: markable thing when you think about 2020 and covid and how much education in america has dominated the topics we talk about almost every day. it continues. this now from new york city.
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we watched it on tuesday. here we go. >> i'm sitting here that's exactly what they want. they don't want me to be on the campaign trail. it is a real disgrace. all the world is watching. it is a disgrace to new york. >> dana: donald trump making key battleground campaign stops today scheduling rallies in between his court dates. joining us is fox news contributor jason chaffetz and the president will be headed up to wisconsin and michigan today to try to get those two stops in. remarkable how he is able to maintain some pretty good polling numbers, jason. if you look at the fox news poll, he is tied with biden in wisconsin. and up over biden within the margin of error, but up in michigan. your thoughts on all that as we look at those two states as decisive. >> i think president trump's numbers will only get better. the visual difference between what is going on at college campuses, including wisconsin,
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across the nation, in new york they are trying to prosecute donald trump over some paperwork issues instead of going after these. remember, you had president biden's attorney general and secretary of homeland security testify that white supremacy was the nation's biggest problem. yet they've taken their eye off the ball over all these other things that we see. the border is not safe and secure, but it was under donald trump. they were signing peace accords when donald trump was president in the middle east. and now we have this sort of chaos at home and wars overseas. the contrast between trump and biden could not be bigger. for donald trump to have the tenacity to be able to get out there, go campaign and have to go back to court, i think is offensive to a whole lot of americans. >> bill: it is interesting they chose these two states for this break. as you mentioned he gets 24 hours when he is off duty from the legal mess. that's part of the blue wall from 2016 that he busts through.
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just by that much but he did it in wisconsin, michigan and pennsylvania. i think electorally if you look at the map eight years later, i think it is very difficult to see how he wins another term unless he wins a wisconsin or a michigan, or a pennsylvania. >> there is a reason why both presidents are going to continue to go there. hillary clinton made the famous mistake of not paying attention to wisconsin. donald trump is perhaps the best retail politician we've seen. the people of wisconsin today are going to see a president trump who is there on the ground, joe biden and kamala harris who are silent nowhere. chuck schumer not saying a word and a peep and you are having chaos in wisconsin. that contrast will show donald trump actually cares. he is here, and he is about safety and security. that message of safety and security, donald trump wins, joe biden loses. >> dana: i'm curious what you
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think about rfk, jr. who is not always in the headlines on the front page but he is there and he is actually on the ballot in michigan and in california now. in michigan what do you make of his chances? obviously i don't think he will win there but he could tip the balance for one of the two top candidates. >> i think a lot of people who are disaffected by biden go into rfk, jr.'s camp. i think he has talked a good talk about vaccines and the concerns with the mandates there. he is still a liberal at heart. still a kennedy. a lot of people who see that biden and harris and the democrats have lurched so far to the progressive left they don't feel like there is a home. maybe they feel more at home with somebody they are familiar with like a kennedy. i think donald trump wins a big portion of the undecided because they actually say hey, you know what? we need safety and security. we need a good economy.
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the economy was better under trump than biden. >> bill: well, electric vehicles in michigan are stalled, i guess we could say, right? they've been put in neutral. that's an issue he can drive home. we'll see how it goes. >> dana: keep going. step on the brakes, press the pedal down. >> bill: nice to see you. we'll talk soon. thank you. >> this is an area where you have to learn from the mistakes of history because if you don't learn from the mistakes of history, we are all doomed to repeat it. let's not forget what happened in the lead-up to world war ii. >> bill: we have a bipartisan team taking aim at anti-semitism as anti-israel rioters spur violence on campuses nationwide. look at these instances in the last week. can they get congress on board? we'll talk to the two co-sponsors, republican mike lawlor, a democrat ritchie torres. they'll be live after the break. people tell me they'd love to buy gold.
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>> dana: protests happening now in paris. remember, it is may 1st. that's may day and a celebration of communism and so we don't have exact details on all the things they have grievances about. maybe their short work week and they get to retire at age 62 putting their country into a terrible situation financially. i comment when i probably should be telling you they are having some protests there in paris. >> bill: parts of europe this can become a hot day. so we'll see. what is it local time 4:30 in the afternoon? we'll see if this escalates from here but wanted to share that with you today. may one. 10:32 in new york. a moment of triumph amid terror as nypd officers restore the american flag at the city college of new york. late last night after anti-israeli protestors removed
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it, replaced it with a palestinian flag. the protestors were seen firing off flares at the entrance to campus, just a few blocks away from columbia university. close to 300 arrests last night in new york. >> dana: america's enemies are throwing support behind anti-israel protests on u.s. campuses. iran legislature and china calls the demands justified. gillian turner is live at the state department. hi, gillian. >> as you just mentioned america's enemies are watching the protests unfolding. some of them share the anti-semitism animating these protests, these regimes using it as an opportunity to hammer the biden administration's response. asked the state department about it yesterday and they said they're having none of it. >> i don't think anybody in this administration is interested in
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taking a human rights lesson from the iranian regime or the people's republic of china. they both crack down on self-expression, on free and fair press, on basic human rights. it's clear. >> iran's foreign mins is tear is busy executing women and teens and dissidents in record number. the violent treatment of security forces against professors and students protesting the genocide and war crimes of the israeli regime in various universities of the u.s. is deeply worrying and disgusted by the public opinion of the world. next door to iran an iraqi cleric is speaking out against the u.s. after -- we call for a halt to the crackdown at the voice of american universities demanding an end to zionist
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terrorism is our voice. i read that a little funny but you get the gift. in china the communist regime is carrying out genocide, state media said protestors' demands including those for intifada are justified. there you have it. some of the world's worst human rights abuser using these protests as an opportunity to hammer the biden administration. we'll see how much longer the protests carry on but having a foreign policy effect. >> dana: thank you. [shouting] >> bill: so many american universities have become ground 0 for hate and violence against israel. we watched it live for weeks now. today a first of its kind bipartisan bill, which aims to
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combatant i semitism on campus, might just get a vote. it might pass, too. welcome our guests to the program, ritchie torres and mike lawlor. gentlemen, thank you for your time and good morning to both of you. your congressional districts bump up against each other outside of the city of new york. congressman torres i've heard democrats say they don't like the idea. they think the bill is too broad. make your case as to why we need it. >> look, the majority of democrats and republicans share the goal of combating anti-semitism. we might have differences about the means to achieve the goal. i support the legislation because it would codify in federal law the definition of anti-semitism and recognizes that anti-israel sentiment can be a form of anti-semitism as evidenced by the chaos on college campuses.
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ira is not an arbitrary definition. the product of a long process of deliberation, the consensus definition among every leading jewish organization throughout the world and so adopting it in federal law is a matter of common sense. >> dana: mike lawlor, your thoughts now. >> this legislation is critically important at this moment. we're seeing these anti-semitic protests rise up on college campuses across america and the failure of these administrators to crack down on them. in part because they don't adequately understand what anti-semitism is. this is not some protest just rooted in a conflict between israel and palestine. this is a protest that is rooted deeply in anti-semitism. so what we are doing with the anti-semitism awareness act is defining it so that the department of education has the teeth to enforce it on title vi
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violations of the civil rights act of 1964. it's critically important in this moment. >> bill: i'm reading. the bill has 40 co-sponsors. 13 are democrats. i want you to listen to ilhan omar about jews on campus and listen to the end of the comment. >> i think it is really unfortunate that people don't care about the fact that all jewish kids should be kept safe and that we should not have to tolerate anti-semitism or big ott tree for all jewish students even pro-genocide or anti-genocide. >> you are either for genocide or against it. congressmen torres we have free speech in america and it can be ugly speech but there is the first amendment. how do you overcome that with this legislation? >> keep in mind the first
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amendment applies to the government, not to a private university, which has its own policies and code of conduct. but even if it did apply to private universities, it is subject to time, place and manner restrictions. and first there is a difference between free expression and intimidation. between free expression and harassment. what we're seeing in places like columbia university is systematic harassment and intimidation of jewish students. the creation of a hostile environment for jews on college campuses in violation of title vi. so it is not about free speech. it is about conduct that is putting at risk the safety of jewish students throughout the country. >> dana: one quick question for me congressman lawlor. has the white house said whether they would support it. if it passes will the president sign it? >> they have not yet. i'm hopeful they will, though. i worked on this legislation with congressman gotheimer and torres going back to last year and we worked through it even in
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the after math of october 7th. we worked with the white house to get their input on this. so i'm hopeful when this passes the house today -- and it will -- that senator schumer will bring it for a vote immediately in the senate. it has broad bipartisan support in the senate as well and that the white house embrace this. we have a responsibility to act. these college administrators have failed. the president at columbia university has failed to keep the students safe. we met with her last week and said negotiating with those pro-hamas agitators won't solve the problem. you have to have consequences for actions and conduct. and the failure to get ahold of this campus until the nypd came in last night is a failure of leadership. so congress must act. i hope president biden will embrace this legislation. every president since president
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obama, including president biden and president trump, have adopted the ira working definition. this is codifying it into law. we're codifying what is already being done so they should embrace it. >> bill: gentlemen, thank you for your time and see what happens today. a democrat and republican coming together on an issue that has gripped the nation. thank you. >> dana: we have major testimony expected today as the house looks into how u.s. tax dollars were used to potentially fund dangerous virus research at the wuhan lab. plus is david busters getting into the gambling game? carley shimkus and tom shillue are here to react. ♪ lately? get ready for a shock. the rate on credit cards is now over 22%. if you want to save hundreds of dollars every month, pay off the balances on your high rate cards with a lower rate va home loan from newday usa.
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>> bill: now gambling is hitting the mainstream and maybe hitting a bar near you. in a bizarre new way. david buster's has a plan to allow you to place bets with friends and family. ping-pong, carley shimkus, tom shillue. do you like the idea? >> i wanted you to come to me second. i was willing to take the opposite of whatever carley said. >> bill: carley, what sport would you dominate? >> little mini basketball call the shots. that one. you get a lot of chances. i think it is a phenomenal idea. i don't know who came up with it. whoever did deserves a raise. the company will make a lot of money. can you imagine how many adult men 20s and 30s will go to david
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buster's instead of bar or there and the bar. everything is more fun when you have innocent money on the line. it will be a little money. there will be a cap how much you can bet. like ten bucks. >> dana: the opposite opinion? >> i'm sad now. i was sure she would be against this and i was going to come out for it. look, it is bad to gamble but i don't think you can stop it. people will do it anyway. people are doing it anyway at dave and busters but doing it under the table. now they're making it official. nothing you can do to stop it. might as well embrace it. it is a serious thing. i used to think the addicted to gambling. when you meet someone, they go through their life savings and lose their house and everything and don't know it happens. >> bill: they barely go through a day to put down a wager to keep their mind occupys it. >> dana: i don't like the online
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gambling. you are trying to stop. the companies do carley, haven't seen you in a couple of days. 250 to get you back in the game. it does ruin lives. addiction for gambling is a real thing. maybe not at dave and busters. i will meet you at the skee ball. >> i wrote down bowling, >> something satisfying about pac man always. >> bill: what's the story about the transgender competition we're hearing about? >> i will connect these two stories. because i love -- because i love seeing connections across -- what would totally sink this whole transgender thing is if it reached sports that you could bet on because what would you do with the odds? they would be out the window. if you were a bookie you couldn't set it up. if there was a biological male in it. the bookies would sink this
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whole thing. las vegas would say you can't do it. fortunately it won't get there. people have already start evidence to wake up. this thing is very sad to see. this is basically an old story to anyone who has woken up to how silly this has gotten. it is a sad story that the teenagers are the ones on the front lines. they are the ones that have to do the fighting and the institutions haven't caught up yet. they will be embarrassed. >> your thoughts, carley. >> in west virginia there is a ban on transgender women competing in women's sports. an appeals court came down what was considered a narrow ruling and said for one student, 13-year-old she can compete on the track and field team at her middle school. now there is a group of five middle schoolers who said that they boycotted competing against this one student because they feel like it is unfair. the narrative is this was a
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narrow ruling. it is narrow to everybody else but doesn't feel narrow to the students it affects. >> dana: it could be a trickle-down effect. carley and tom, see you at scee ball. a fox news alert. investigating the origins of the covid pandemic and how u.s. tax dollars were used to fund research at the wuhan lab in china. what a key figure is telling lawmakers on capitol hill. plaque psoriasis. she thinks her flaky gray patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. allison! over here! otezla can help you get clearer skin and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing otezla for over a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen.
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would hear independent thinking why they are protesting. turns out they didn't want to mix it up with me. look at this. >> would you mind if i asked you some questions about what's going on here? >> we are not media trained. >> you don't have to be media trained. look, nobody is actually unsafe regardless of what anyone says they feel like. >> could you tell me more about what you are asking for? >> i'm not a spokesperson for the movement. >> i don't need a spokesperson. >> we aren't media trained. >> almost nobody ever wants to talk about october 7th at these things. i will ask about october 7th. >> this is a very complicated an nuanced issue. >> if you want to somebody, talked to someone trained to talk to the media. >> i'm curious about the divestiture calls. >> i'm not a media liaison. >> we were angered by our government for foreign ethnic genocide and it will set people off. >> we got that media training line a lot.
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which is very curious. we will get into it later today. 7:30 p.m. on fox nation. anti-semitism on campus, student speak and see the promo there. a deeper dive conversation. didn't get it last night. hope for it tonight. >> apparently they are trained. a lot of them gave you the exact same answer. we'll check it out on fox nation. >> dana: good for you, brian, can't wait to see that. right now a key figure in gain-of-function research at the wuhan lab is facing tough questions on a house hearing looking into the origins of the pandemic. chad pergram is live on capitol hill. >> peter runs echo health. a long time collaborator with the wuhan lab. the committee says it used u.s. tax dollars to bolster work on coronavirus. >> we search similar does the opposite. it puts the world at the risk of
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a pandemic. something even dr. fauci addressed as far back as 2012. >> despite questions about eco health, democrats say it is not a smoking gun. >> this is not the same as uncovering covid-19's origin nor evidence that the scientific community has sought to cover up the origins of the pandemic or caused it. >> scientists argue about the need to do gain-of-function research to understand viral threats. it is an issue of national security. >> whether or not we should be doing it in the general scientific lab i'm not so sure. we want the ability to anticipate what others might do. >> committee says there are discrepancies between evidence from the pandemic and what was told to investigators is a closed-door interview. >> dana: thank you so much. >> bill: before we go, a lot of serious stuff today. let's end in a place that's out of this world. >> dana: i'm for that.
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>> bill: here we go. brand-new infrared photos captured nasa's web telescope. the web reveals a portion of the nebula in never before seen detail, the horse head located within the orion constellation. >> dana: maybe we should send the protestors 6 million miles away. >> bill: we were at the north poll and using musk star link to go live. that's way up there. maybe there is a chance. >> dana: a great documentary you put together on fox nation for as well. lots of good content on fox nation. "the faulkner focus" is next. here she is. >> harris: the breaking news continues. it has been this way and jeep body who didn't see it coming,
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