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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  May 1, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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>> bill: here we go. brand-new infrared photos captured nasa's web telescope. the web reveals a portion of the nebula in never before seen detail, the horse head located within the orion constellation. >> dana: maybe we should send the protestors 6 million miles away. >> bill: we were at the north poll and using musk star link to go live. that's way up there. maybe there is a chance. >> dana: a great documentary you put together on fox nation for as well. lots of good content on fox nation. "the faulkner focus" is next. here she is. >> harris: the breaking news continues. it has been this way and jeep body who didn't see it coming,
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they should have seen it. anti-israel protesting on campuses across america are not so peaceful after all. explosion of violence and destruction after days of building tension and encampments blew its top. police sweeping in to restore order but many agitators, protestors, students and whoever is there as a big old crowd has vowed they are coming back. so some questions now. how exactly we got here. and to whom do we hold acceptable and how? what about accountability? i can tell you none of it is acceptable. let's find out who is paying for it. i'm harris faulkner. you are in "the faulkner focus." a look at the chaos, just last night. the university of california los angeles, let's start there. [shouting] >> harris: protest groups are
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fighting among themselves. people can get killed like this. we all know that. the adults in the room that the left is talking about. they aren't out there. that's for certain. so as that was going on fireworks ignited people wielding sticks university leaders called in the police but not until three hours of this. and later this was the scene at columbia university in new york city. [shouting and screaming] >> harris: the nypd decided to show the country and everybody else how they do it. they won't wait three hours or 60 more seconds. they cleared that area and arrested hundreds of people who took over an academic building this week at the university. they were occupying and now they
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will face burglary, criminal mischief, trespassing charges and maybe more. at the university of south florida in tampa, police used tear gas to clear the anti-israel encampment. look at them run. goodness. still covered, though. don't want to show anybody who they are. they know they were breaking the law. they arrested at least ten of those demonstrators and some surreal scenes making it crystal clear why students, many of them of jewish faith, some not, but all together are living in fear. >> this makes me feel extremely unsafe on campus. >> just trying to get last-minute studying in as anti-israel agitators are causing massive disrungss. >> allowing students to spread their bigotry and anti-semitism. >> they want to continue a state of war rather than finding peace. >> i feel fear and concern that
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my safety as a jewish student on campus as well as my feel owe jewish students. >> there is a lot of this threatening culture. >> harris: young voices at the center of the storm. they count. i'll bring on a student who watched the occupation at columbia unfold over the course of many hours and days there. he was actually in the middle of all the madness and among it, a moment of hope. watch this. [chanting usa, usa] >> harris: students at the university of north carolina were singing the national anthem as they raised the american flag again. anti-israel protestors had taken it down and replaced it with a palestinian flag. fox news correspondent cb cotton is at columbia university. cb. >> hi, new york city mayor eric adams using some of the harshest language yet to describe the ongoing protests which have erupted across the country in
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response to those who say hey, these were just students protesting at columbia. he says there were outside agitators who influenced and co-oped the entire operation. columbia issued a shelter in place at 8:30 local time last night and the mass arrests occurred. droves of officers moved makeshift barricades created by the student protestors and they were taken into custody with zip ties and led to correctional buses. nypd says in the days leading up to the overnight chaos even as columbia locked down access people got onto campus who should not have been. >> last week there was the wife of somebody who had been convicted for material support to terrorism on campus. we have no evidence of any criminal wrongdoing on her part. but that's not somebody who i would want necessarily influencing my child if i were a parent of somebody at columbia.
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>> columbia leadership asking for the nypd's help writing in part quote we believe that while the group who broke into the building includes students, it is led by individuals who are not affiliated with the university. the individuals who have occupied hamilton hall have vandalized university property and are trespassing. >> if you refuse the leave you may be placed under arrest. >> just before midnight, this is the scene at another campus where anti-israel protestors over at city college of new york set off flares before officers moved in to clear out an encampment there. arrest totals are being finalized between both campuses, it will be nearly 300 people. columbia says the students who occupied hamilton hall face expulsion. back to you. >> harris: that will be a career
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disruptor for those who are seniors. universities can no longer ignore the truth. you and i have been focused on it on this program for the first tents that popped off for the protestors and law breakers ameaning them that occupy college campuses. university of texas is now saying of the nearly 80 protestors arrested there earlier this week, more than half of them had no connection to the school. the new york police department released this video of one of those what they call professional agitators at columbia university. [shouting] >> harris: a woman widely identified as the nation's best known protest consultant. she was instructing the anti-israel mob as they took over columbia's hamilton hall. the same building officers took back last night. they crawled in through a window to get them. watch it live. new york city mayor eric adams
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today. >> this is a global problem. young people are being influenced by those who are professionals at radicalizing our children and i'm not going to allow that to happen. we knew and saw that there were those who were never concerned about free speech. they were concerned about chaos. it was about external actors hijacking peaceful protest and influencing students to escalate. it is nothing peaceful about barricading buildings, destroying property, or dismantling security cameras. >> harris: in "focus" now, noah letterman, freshman at columbia university. noah, i understand you witnessed the people who took over hamilton hall. tell us what happened? >> good morning and thank you for having me. i was on campus until 5:00 a.m. the night of the takeover and siege of hamilton hall. i'll say that it was one of the
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most terrifying nights of my life and certainly of this year. >> harris: so what exactly did they do? you just probably could hear, i would imagine you could hear mayor adams of new york city saying there were agitators and people who came in from outside the campus. that they weren't all students. what did you see? >> so i had gotten back from a dinner earlier that night and was walking in the park towards south on broadway when i got an alert on my phone saying hamilton hall had been taken over. i went to campus to see what was going on. i have saw students climbing through windows from the street into campus. the gates were locked down. i saw students taking over the building. i saw students climbing in windows and creating a rope pulley system to get food items into the building. >> harris: did you get the sense that most of them were students or did you see some people that
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you thought they don't belong on campus? >> i honestly have no idea how many were students and how many were not students. i have to believe that the majority were students. the vast majority were students because it is so hard to get on campus right now. it is difficult even for students to get on campus. oftentimes i'm given a hard time when i show my i.d. it is very difficult for us to get on campus. >> harris: one last question about that. from the moment the tents went up they seemed to have some yoon form tee about them. in other places where we have seen tents popping up on other campuses. any discussion that there was money flowing to make some of this happen? >> i have heard discussion. none of it necessarily substantial. sjp has been disbanded. that they are receiving their money from national and international organizations.
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>> harris: the post cover says columbia should get a failing grade for how it handled it. the difference in tactics, a tale of three universities, northwestern appeases its protestors. columbia is a mess and florida enforces the rules. hundreds of police officers from different precincts to break up what was going on at the building in columbia last night. another piece from them as well says america's new mob rule. the left fomenting disorder to get its way. the "new york post" is asking where the hell are the parents of those deluded columbia students chanting about attacking jews? former education secretary bill bennett called out university leaders. >> act as if you are in charge. it is your university. you don't have to negotiate with them about what investments to make. that's not their job. that's not your job to meet that
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demand. this is, i'm afraid, the legacy of many years of neglecting what was going on in our university. >> harris: you are just starting your career as a college student. so all of this is new to you. what are your impressions as you show up? i'm sure it wasn't in the admissions pamphlet that they were having some problems. >> certainly not. i will say that this has been a year unlike any other, and that i don't see how i can continue my next three years here without thinking about this. i have seen so much of the student body either just be purely apathetic or even be on the wrong side. i just don't know how i can move past that and live a normal college life. >> harris: will you move and go to a different school?
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>> absolutely not. to move would be those trying to force terror to win and i don't believe in that. >> harris: i pray you stay safe and all of those under threat at your university. noah, thank you very much. police are making arrests at the university of wisconsin after protestors there ignored their calls to take down the tents and get out. on the west coast, well, this is how it played out. [shouting] >> harris: it was a wild night at ucla. rival protestors fighting for hours before police stepped in. a live report from that campus coming up. now, i have such a question about what do they think they're doing to help the situation in gaza? they aren't feeding palestinians. their message is muddled. i don't know why they are out
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there. did they know why they are out there? republicans want answers soon calling for three college presidents to testify on how hate was allowed to explode on their campuses. i wonder if this will be different from the first round of presidents that they had, the ones who didn't want to do anything? gianno caldwell in "focus" next. many are over 22%, near 30% if you pay late. why not do what thousands of veteran families have done. call newday and pay off that high rate debt with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan. it lets you pay off your credit cards and car loans with one easy monthly payment. get the cash you need and the peace of mind you deserve.
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>> harris: let's go to the university of wisconsin in madison. look at this. i mean, seriously, there is so much of this live and moments ago and last night video and it has been a week of this. college campuses have allowed this to go on and on. again, this is from last night. and they are anti-israel.
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some are pro-hamas. say they want to help the palestinians. this doesn't feed any of them. they should be confused. i suggest they go to gaza and figure out what they need to do if they care that much. if they care that much. they were refusing to take down the remaining tents from an encampment here in wisconsin. it was a dramatic scene as police moved in and made arrests. are city resources being soaked up by this? there is probably crime and families if trouble. people they could help. one example of chaos playing out on campuses nationwide. [shouting] >> harris: there is so much going on at ucla you could put this on a real and play it on youtube for hours. but then it got violent last night. and overnight it went on for hours. opposing groups began fighting. we showed you a little bit of this earlier in the program.
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again there is a lot of it. everybody has a camera so it is unend. they used pipes and tasers. pro-israel protestors arrived and tried to tear down the barricade surrounding an anti-israel encampment. everybody the trying to get rid of these people. william la jeunesse is there now. what happened on that -- look behind you. oh my goodness. i had not seen today video of you standing in front of that. their own makeshift city. >> it has become one. the question is what is ucla going to do next? if they don't order it taken down, this is a powder keg. what we saw last night could happen again when about 100 pro-israel counter demonstrators showed up here. they tried to breach the barricade. both sides armed with sticks and clubs, bear and pepper spray. bricks and fireworks tossed into
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the encampment. at the time only five or six officers were on duty and they left when they were assaulted. the fighting went on for three hours until lapd and chp arrived around 3:00 a.m. >> you know, are people getting injured? the police officers left their post. >> how is the most beautiful campus in the entire country being overturned and squatted by borderline terrorists? >> so repeatedly the university has been warned that this kind of thing could happen by jewish leaders. it resisted proud of the fact they were respectful of free speech rights. yesterday an official told me they were monitoring it by the hour and last night they did call this encampment unlawful and said students could face discipline. that had 0 impact.
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today the palestinian protestors issued their demands, one, disclose and divest of any u.c. investments with companies doing business in israel complicit with genocide. abolish policing. cut ties with lapd. demand israel's end to an occupation of palestine. the u.s. boycott any ties with israeli universities. we talked to a student inside the encampment and here is what she describes seeing. >> a lot of anti-semitic posters that said from the river to the sea, palestine will be free. f israel. intifada. queers for palestine. all cops are bad. a jewish star that said step on this. a jewish star with a nazi sign and said it with as the same thing. >> so today the students for justice in palestine issued a statement calling the assault
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they faced yesterday horrifying and despicable act of horror and said law enforcement refused to budge as we screamed for help. they don't want any policing, cut ties, and yet they are calling for more police. the university would rather see us dead than divest. brown university they did negotiate with their tent encampment and agreed to allow the students to present a divestiture proposal in exchange they would end their tent city at brown university. we'll see if they have now set the bar for other groups like that to make similar demands. a meeting later this afternoon between the university and the protestors, we're not sure. >> harris: how did it go? did they immediately take down the tents? did negotiating with terrorists work for them? >> well, at brown university they made the deal. they said okay, get out of divest of any company with ties
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to israel. brown being the first university to agree to allow five students, palestinian students, to make a proposal before the investment committee why they believe the university should divest of those companies. in exchange they will leave their encampment at that university. that is a bellwether if you will, maybe a bar that these other groups will set. back to you. >> harris: i call those people who call for the death of their fellow students because they are jewish terrorists. and they act like the terrorists when they do that. so i guess if you want to negotiate with them you can. i hope it works out for them. the students who are there for peace and for studying deserve it. william, thank you. this is what anarchy looks like, by the way. it looks like this and i guess we'll tolerate it in some places. gianno caldwell, fox news analyst, i want to get your opinion. >> well, it is quite clear when we look at the pictures and
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videos across the country the powder keg has been lit. it is exploding everywhere. for many of my jewish friends that i speak to regularly, they are in fear for what's next. keep in mind we're talking about college campuses right now. colleges are about the go into summer break. so schools will be closing up. these protests will flood into the streets and when you see that some of these schools are calling for disassociation from police departments, defund the police, if you will. there will be other groups who were on that band wagon just in 2020 that will jump back on that band wagon, go out into the streets, protest, loot, riot, some of the same things we've seen in the past. this is showing a clear lack of leadership in the white house and in some of these city mayors. los angeles being one of them. >> harris: where is the president on this? look, i don't think that any one person can solve all of this,
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but setting the tone from the top is helpful. i want to quickly before we move on get your take on brown university from william la jeunesse and his great reporting just now. they have say they made a deal with the people who set up an encampment and occupied and wouldn't leave. what do you think about that? >> a horrific mistake. you cannot -- you cannot capitulate to the demands of people who are set out with hate in their hearts. if they are saying they want to kill jewish people, they have these beliefs that are compared to hamas, that's not someone you should be making a deal with. we should have peace in our universities just like you mentioned. high amounts of college debt and go for other degrees. how can they study in peace if they're jewish students? they don't know what will happen next to them. >> harris: house republicans are demanding three more university
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leaders testify on capitol hill hearing how the rise of anti-semitism was allowed to happen on their campuses. the house education committee. virginia foxx is here, the committee chair. >> as republican leaders we have a clear message for mealy mouthed, spineless college leaders. congress will not tolerate your dereliction of student to your jure students. american universities are put on notice we have come to take our universities back. >> harris: at least there are some people in washington, d.c. willing to jump in. one of those encampments is around the corner at g.w. less than a half mile from the white house. didn't hear anything from that particular address on pennsylvania avenue. the u.s. house is set to vote on what she was talking about this afternoon, that bipartisan anti-semitism awareness act. the republicans say it will more
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clearly define what anti-semitism is and why they have to protect jewish students on campus and while some democrats on board, many others are not. that further highlights the big divide within the democrats over the issue. >> this bill threatens to chill -- it is critical the federal government's -- >> we see house republican majority trying to exploit real problems to divide people and score political points rather than providing actual solutions. >> the belief that speech is violence. if you misgender somebody you can be expelled from school. the second you call for the genocide of jews, that's when they decide there is a first amendment protection of freedom of speech. >> harris: my question is what will they do if people on the far left like omar if that thing passes? that will be problematic for them. >> it will be because they will
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be on record as to how they feel. what they think is they are on the side of young people. cnn poll shows 71% of americans disagree with biden's handling of the conflict. when you look deeper into the numbers, 35 and under is 81%. that's a significant percent. you look on the other side of it, biden is trailing trump by 11 points when it comes to young people. so they got a real issue on their hands when it comes to this. i think congress is doing the right thing using their oversight powers as they have given in 2021, $174 billion to postsecondary institutions. colleges, universities, etc. they need to rein this in and see adults in the room. what we've seen is clearly unacceptable and can escalate to something far worse and we don't want to think about it as a
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country. >> harris: when these universities close down in a few weeks and summer is on and there are no more cameras at the campuses they may move this thing into where we drive and walk and so on and so forth. potentially could get interesting. $7 174 billion to the schools and. the white house has responded a little bit. president biden is silent on a critical moment in history. why critics say it actually could hurt him politically in the long run if he doesn't start talking. plus a day off from court for former president trump. you know they are out at wednesday. he is hitting the campaign trail today. he will be back at his new york trial tomorrow. we'll cover that from stem to stern. what's coming up and key takeaways so far and what the former president calls a political prosecution.
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>> harris: brand-new live pictures now. we have a new situation. this is fordham university, what gianno caldwell was saying is right. we will see more. when the schools shut down for summer these kids will have taken over streets outside of some of these campuses like they tried to do at columbia. fordham is in the bronx. we have a whole new area now of
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the five areas of new york. we may see the mayor again. it comes after what we saw last night near columbia. [shouting] >> harris: the white house is finally admitting what everybody can see. violent protests at columbia are not peaceful. they have not been peaceful. they were certainly not peaceful last night. as we've been reporting, agitators used hammers to smash windows to break into and take over that university building. remember we talked with a student who witnessed some of this a little bit ago on this program. they rolled out a two-story flag reading intifada. a term the biden administration says the president condemns. i wonder why he won't say it on camera? yesterday he chose not to take
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the opportunity to comment at all on the anti-jewish and anti-israel hate unfolding across america. aides rushed to biden's side as he avoided questions. chuck schumer has been quiet on the issue as well. yesterday he had this to say. >> smashing windows with hammers and taking over university buildings is not free speech. it is lawlessness. and those who did it should promptly face the consequences that are not merely a slap on the wrist. it is also unacceptable when jewish students are targeted for being jewish. that is anti-semitism. it is loathful, it is unacceptable. >> harris: peter doocy is live at the white house. you are at the nation's symbol of our democracy. anarchy is a problem for the
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president of the united states and silent. >> maybe he will tell us some point this week. the strongest statement from anybody at the white house is coming from the deputy press secretary, forcibly taking over buildings is not peaceful, it is wrong. the closest thing to a biden statement about anything that's going on this week came via a proclamation on jewish american heritage month. the language is strong and says here at home too many jews live with deep pain and fear from the surge of anti-semitism in our communities and schools and colleges and places of worship. the acts are despicable and echo the worst chapters of human history. white house officials are hoping to convince people who think they are too pro-israel here they are actually thinking about letting some palestinian refugees in, too. a white house spokesman confirming a cbs report about that with this. since the beginning of the conflict the united states has helped more than 1800 american citizens and their families
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leave gaza. many of whom have come to the united states. the best path forward is to achieve a sustainable cease-fire through a hostage deal that will stab lies the situation and a two state solution. president biden has no plans to address it today. he has a campaign event. same as yesterday. >> harris: we'll scoot across and go to a live event. peter, thank you for your report. republican senators speaking on topic. >> these criminals are chanting elimination slogans like from the river to the sea, palestine will be free. globalize the intifada. at stanford they wore hamas head bands. price ton they flew the hezbollah flange. george washington university they called for the final sol jules and posted signs saying they wouldn't leave until jews
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go back to their real homes. look at some of the consequences. columbia rabbi had to tell students that the university was no longer safe for jews. at ucla hamas sympathizers blocked jewish students from attending classes and assaulted jewish students. usc canceled its graduation out of fear of pro-hamas riots. it is time to stop these anti-semitic, pro-hamas mobs today. if liberal college administrators won't take action, the mayors and governors of these campuses should. and so should joe biden. when will the president himself, not his mouthpieces, condemn these hate-filled little gazas? president biden needs to denounce hamas's campus sympathizers without he quav kateing about israelis fighting
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a righteous war of survival. they need to yank the visas of foreign students and deport them. justice department investigate the funding sources behind this and the department of education needs to withhold funding for colleges that won't protect the civil rights of their jewish students. instead, joe biden is putting more pressure on israel these days than he is on hamas itself or on the pro-hamas chapters on america's campuses. i guess that's what we should expect from the leader of a democratic party that has let its anti-semitic elements fester and grow for years. another four years for joe biden means another four years of little gazas all across america. and that's something i suspect the american people will keep in mind this november. senator cordon. >> protests are nothing new in
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our country. it is also very clear that these institutions can regulate the exercise of those first amendment rights based on time, manner and place restrictions. neutral criteria. as you've seen since october 7th, the line between protesting and rioting has been crossed time and time again on college campuses across the country. places like columbia and yale, some of the mostly let, privileged institutions in america. pro-hamas rioters have taken over buildings, threatened jewish students, and prevented students from pursuing the very reason they are there, which is their education. i suggest that these administrations take notes from my friend in utah who has taken swift action to stop
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demonstrations before things turn violent. austin university said half of those arrested monday had no affiliation with the university of texas. in other words, the mainstream media would have you understand or would suggest that these are somehow students who are outraged at what is happening in the middle east. but in fact in texas -- and i bet the same number holds in other parts of the country -- that nearly half of those are not students at these institutions. what they did find when they arrested some of these outside agitators was guns, mallets and other weapons that were confiscated by law enforcement. these obviously are people not interested in peaceful protests. these are funded by many of the same outside groups like george soros, other dark money groups that support antifa and other
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riots that we've seen in our american cities in the past few years. the right to peaceful protest is a fundamental right, as i started out by saying. it does not grant any of us the ability to damage property, threaten the safety of others or violate the rules of our university campuses. senator langford. >> thanks for pulling this together and making it so clear what we are trying to accomplish. every university and student has the right to be able to speak their mind and test out new ideas. the nature of being on a college campus to speak out and to be able to think through different things. but when you are talking about screaming at jewish students and rabbis saying no longer is this university a safe place for you to be, it violates the principles that all these universities supposedly stand for. literally in these locations where jewish students are being told it is not safe for you to be there anymore i can't imagine any other group on campus that university officials would say
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it is no longer safe for you to be here. these are the individuals that should have the right to be able to go to their education and to be able to speak their own mind, yet being intimidated and harassed, screamed at with words of genocide. have a protest sign if front of them says resistance by all means necessary. everyone understands what it means and that group holds it up including violence and october 7th. listen, we are a nation that prides ourselves on the right to be able to speak out but also a nation that says you cannot go an intimidate someone else in the process. when law is broken on that, then law needs to be enforced. if you do not enforce criminal activity you get more criminal activity. we're seeing it in some of these privileged universities to allow individuals to come and violate the law and assume it won't get worse and worse. it is and has and will continue to until we actually have clear
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parameters of yes you can speak your minds, yes you can say a dumb thing, but no, you can't intimidate other people. again, for universities that pride themselves on creating safe places on their campus to literally create environments where they know they will thrive in crime and have people take over buildings and try to relive the glory days of the 1960s and protests, what they are really doing is continuing to intimidate other students and they know it. they are winning. when graduations get canceled, classes have to move, the violent protestors, they are winning the day. so this is up to universities. we've all been very clear, the auf lie answer definition the state department used to define anti-semitism. the department of education has refused to use it and many university presidents have refused to use and left an ambiguous definition saying you can speak out against israel. of course you can. you can disagree with israeli government but you can't call for genocide.
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that moves into anti-semitism and that should be something that we actually speak out on and make very clear on every single campus. >> good morning. thank you senator cotton for organizing this important discussion on a very disturbing issue. what we're seeing on college campuses is total chaos. we all know that universities have an obligation to provide every single one of their students a safe learning environment. that's not happening. we saw it again on the news last night. these are violent protests. this is occupying university buildings. this is breaking the law. and then you add in the vileness of looking at other students and
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making disgusting anti-semitic statements to those students, not allowing them to participate on their own campus and their educational endeavors. this is beyond the pale. and i think many of us recognize that. not many of us are speaking up. we certainly don't hear it from most of the elected officials. we certainly don't hear people speaking up on university campuses. we certainly don't see any kind of strong, positive action by university officials. instead we see chaos, we see vileness and hate. we see growing division. but there is one group -- really a couple of groups that are
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supportive of this. hamas is a terrorist organization that kill babies, they kill old people, they still have americans held as hostages in gaza. report that. report that. and now we see these actions on campus, which hamas supports. they are endorsing these protests. we see the supreme leader publicly applauding the growing number of protests, that growing number of encampments that have sprung up on college campuses. he celebrates the flying of hezbollah's flag in streets in
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the united states. let's be clear, do we see iran or hamas supporting protests in their jurisdiction? no, we don't see them supporting it. in fact, we see them cracking down on any kind of protest. any kind of protest. and have been criticized from those on the human rights watch for those actions. let's understand what is happening here in the united states. what's happening is a growing anti-semitism. what is happening is chaos on college campuses, not free speech. the criminal activity and violence. it is time that we demand that students -- all students are
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protected in this country and that they have their rights protected as well. senator kennedy. >> thank you. you get to hit me. you can hit me upside the head and knock me into next week. what we're seeing at some of our college campuses is a rule by the mob. that's what many of you -- not all of you -- but many of you would call a threat to democracy if it were being perpetuated by republicans. democrats seem to be able to do it without consequence. that's point one. point two, we shouldn't paint with too broad a brush some of
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our universities have done a good job. i'll mention three. vanderbilt, tulane, and the university of florida. they have done a good job in dealing with this rule by the mob because of their leadership. the presidents of those three universities are passionate advocates of free speech. they understand that the constitution protects free speech against government. but it does not protect disruptive behavior and they understand the first amendment to the constitution makes a distinction between speech and behavior. and it is not complicated. you don't have to be scalia to
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figure that out. all you have to do is read the document. so i want to thank them. i think the president of columbia could learn a lot from them, an awful lot. point three, i think much of the problem comes from members -- some members, not all, but some members of these universities' faculty. there are members of the faculty at some of these universities who believe in diversity, equity, inclusion, and the right to kill jews. they do. now, this is america. you are entitled to believe what you want. it may be an evil thought but you are entitled to believe it. you are not entitled to act on
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it. and many of these professors, not all of them and not at all universities, but many of these professors, instead of celebrating their universities as a diverse place of ideas, they are convinced they are right and they want to punish people who disagree with them. that's a big part of the problem. final point, president biden could stop this stuff on a dime, on a dime. how can i put this? it just goes to show you that even old people can suck, okay? all he would have to do is pick up the phone and call the president of columbia university quietly and say madam president, how are you doing?
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listen, i don't have a lot of time and i know you are busy. you have 14 days to get control of your campus or you are not getting any more federal money. she will pounce on that like a ninja. but joe biden hasn't done that. president biden is not going to do that. it's not just because even older people can suck. he is not going to do that because of the raw gut politics, and you know it and i know it. president biden is scared to death to alienate the hamas wing of the democratic party. and he has read that new cnn poll that just came out that said that 52% of likely voters, a cnn poll said 52% of the voters. >> harris: he has put out some
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things right there. we don't have much time, power panel. the senator hit the president hard there. doug, your response. >> my response is pretty simple, harris. joe biden can lose this election if he is not forceful in speaking out against what is going on on college campuses, threatening to use the cut-off of federal funds as senator kennedy suggested as a lever. we saw it in 1968. it cost hubert humphrey the election. there was violence in the streets then. it is being worse now. this could be a make or break moment for biden. with him trailing in the polls, this is a moment where unless he shows leadership, speaks against anti-semitism, the entire democratic party and the top of the ticket could lose in large measure because of what's going on now. >> harris: i want to show these
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images before i come to you, sean. they are stark. columbia university on the left of your screen moments ago. it is cleared out. the lawn there totally clear. on the right you can see what it looked like a couple days ago at the height of the occupation. who is paying for the tents? >> right. outside groups as mentioned by the senators funding these radical left wing young marxist kids. to doug's point in the original question here. joe biden, i hope he is watching fox, watch the press conference. you had senators condemning what is happening on college campuses. this is a softball for joe biden. joe, listen, you failed on foreign policy, failed on the southern border, on the economy and inflation. this is a softball. call it out and the american people will respond and go maybe joe is not as weak as he was. by not saying anything he reconfirms what americans believe about him, he isn't in
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control and incredibly weak. take the ball and run with it. hit it out of the park, joe. i don't think he will. >> harris: the 1960s taught us if you stay silent you are part of the problem. jews and blacks were together. many other minorities and our white americans. now they are divided and biden has to pick a lane. apparently he is confused. thank you, gentlemen, "outnumbered" after the break. ] introducing allison's plaque psoriasis. she thinks her flaky gray patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. allison! over here! otezla can help you get clearer skin and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing otezla for over a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen.
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