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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  May 1, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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to finally the groups of people who would want to hate and kill people of jewish faith, and act like the terrors of hamas were
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outnumbered by the police of nypd. president biden, m.i.a., they called him out on that, and a news conference we have been covering for you mama to go let's watch this. >> they called for the final solution and posted signs saying they would not leave until jewish people go back to their real homes. look at some of the consequences, at columbia rabbi had to tell students that this university would no longer safe for jewish people. hamas sympathizers jewish students from attending classes and assaulted the students. usc camped at the graduation out of fear of pro-hamas riots. it is time to stop these anti-semitic pro-hamas mobs today. and if liberal college administrators will not take action, then the mayors and the governors of these campuses should. and so should joe biden.
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when will the president himself now his mouthpieces condemn these hate filled people -- they need to denounce -- without equivocating about israelis fighting a righteous war of survival. >> harris: and that is how we start "outnumbered." i am harris faulkner here with emily compagno and kayleigh mceany. joining us today cheryl casone, and "fox & friends" cohosts brian kilmeade. we joined each other this morning a little bit earlier and one nation with speed 35. brian, i come to you first. you and i watch this area together from your studio. he said something that surprised me, and i reflexively went back to -- i did not know what is going to happen next if it happens again. >> brian: outside forces, he had a long speech.
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and they choose to do it another clock in the morning saying i have something to say last night, but i stuck today but i don't even care if the message was that in the white house he said have a message and speaking of this he said the forces on the outside look corrupt and they are corrupting our youth. and we keep this in mind. people on the outside or going into these campuses and the outside of finding people to go to the campuses we have to take a step back and look at the ford foundation. the rockefeller foundation in those groups and these palestinians for liberation groups. ask yourself do we want them to dictate what america thinks or do we actually want to say what the next generation thinks -- they not only hate jewish americans -- they hate our country. that's an event of a problem. >> harris: you are talking about the students for justice for palestine that specific is the group we're looking at. a student i talk with less artwork that i do not have proof
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of that but that's what i'm hearing here on campus paying for the tent and doing all of that you have information? >> follow the money obviously to brian's points and we had the official back in november testified in front of congress to say that these groups need to be investigated because where they getting their funding? but they do not do this in smaller groups the rockefeller brothers, they have a hundred thousand dollars that go to these pro-palestinian groups. one of the point -- we are making this in the news conference moments ago covering about pulling federal funding has already been very focusing that's what should happen them and lead to title vi, and what this is, it is on the books and it is the law, all schools that receive federal funds must comply in this bars discrimination -- schools that violate the law are at risk of losing their federal funding if they do not comply.
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this could happen to the education department is not. >> emily? i will report a said something that blew my mind, brown university decided to negotiate with the dash we call them the early least i because they put -- they tell you to step on them which is effectively tellig you that they'd like to take yo. so, we know that that is happening at some of these campuses, negotiating with these people, what position does that put legally the university and if anything happens? other students can start to sue i would imagine. >> emily: and worse, we talk about the violence we are seeing there is no excuse and nothing peaceful whatsoever about a lot of these images that we've been subjected to and certainly not, especially to jewish students of faith so absolutely i hope there is some type of accountability but it seems these academics have been allowed to fester in a place that has no consequences
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because they just felt from their homes to campus and back and they found that this type of discussion we talked before about a hundred professors in columbia signed onto that that disgusting letter that students germinated after the massacre of october 7 calling it a hamas military action sells this to them is the natural logical evolution of such and they need to be accountability but number one to the outside education we saw this over four years ago and all the riots -- will be some of the booking photos we saw everyone standing there in the kaleidoscope with different hair colors in their places of origin when their driver's license say with a live is nowhere near where they were setting fire to. the portland riots, they were coming in from other states another -- in no way they look like the people that they recorded to represent. finally remembered that campus is a place of education so i hope the education of these protesters are getting now is
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that there are consequences for when you break policy and break the law and when you are anti-semitic. >> harris: letting strangers onto the campus, these universities are opening themselves up to so much. not just people pulling the money out and not wanting to fund them as donors but also the student -- i wouldn't when i send my kids to a place where i wasn't sure they would be safe but i was sure the university would do nothing to keep them safe. >> kayleigh: leave her there are educators at several at the universities. but let me address the white house for a moment, coming up we had a game it is called where in the world is carmen sandiego, we need a new one and it's not a game it's a reality, where is president biden? when the president wants to speak at something he knows how to speak and reporters are teaming around the white house. he could put out a statement this morning i started about 5:00 a.m. about davies being protected in florida and six
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weeks about abortion laws -- so we thought it was in him under his name he could speak if you wanted to speak if the president doesn't want to speak he knows how to not speak. currently, surrounded by advisors don't talk to reporters or look their way to stay silent. when the president wants to speak but not speak too loudly he knows how to do that? how do you do that? you put out a statement in you getting all the stories by u.s. president do not speak because that of course would make your basement -- what does that leave us with? ... the final solution signs, with a young man at the university of washington who was shouted at him go back to the gas chambers -- this is happening because of the commander in chief who is weak. so don't you ever tell me again that donald trump is anti-semitic as you've been trying to do for six years. look in the mirror, president biden --
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>> brian: the reason why they're going to have a graduation at brown is they agreed to have a vote on divesting from israel. >> harris: they had negotiated with the terrorist. >> a bunch of people are going to be there for four years they decide on the future of the institution on their investment not only can they invest in you and for innovation but you can decide where they can devise. that to me is insane considering no one even cared about this issue prior to the 23 weeks ago, and certainly not prior to october 7th it's absolutely insane but back to your point, it is insane for the white house to think they can get away on this, even if they come out -- i am walking republicans now -- why democrats are not there? you can't get together and anti-semitism mr. mark you can't get together and anything then. >> we know why they are not there, they got the notes from
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the deputy press secretary. >> maybe you don't show up to that. wow, we have so much more to show you this hour we are monitoring the university of wisconsin is trump is set to speak in the state in a just a few hours in a critical better ground state, you can bet he's going to talk about things that are important to americans. he is under a gag order so we are in focus for that and he will get to it all as he has been, we would talk about inflation and we will talk about this. where in the world is president biden? is that the game? we are playing it. and we will be right back. at newday we've been granted automatic authority by the va to make our own loan approval decisions. in fact, if you've had credit challenges and missed a payment along the way, you're more than five times more likely to get approved for the newday 100 va cash out loan. no one knows veterans
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with absorbine pro, pain won't hold you back from your passions. it's the only solution with two max-strength anesthetics to deliver the strongest numbing pain relief available. so, do your thing like a pro, pain-free. absorbine pro. with absorbine pro, pain won't hold you back from your passions. it's the only solution with two max-strength anesthetics to deliver the strongest numbing pain relief available. so, do your thing like a pro, pain-free. absorbine pro. >> [chanting]
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>> emily: that happened this morning at the university of wisconsin, police cracking down an anti-israel demonstrators their just a little over two hours ago. former president trump me a while to from now will speak at a rally in the state, heading to michigan after as he spends his day free from the new york criminal trial on the campaign trail. the former president spoke out about the scenes unfolding on college campuses just yesterday. >> at the protests that are going on are horrible. he has to get out and make a statement because the colleges are overrun in this country. >> kayleigh: meanwhile the midwest trip comes as the polls are showing in michigan and how they are razor-thin. brian? let me start by crystallizing why trump is in the midwest
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today. while he is going to michigan of this content is what you see, political had a great article on this why president biden is through the rust belt. president biden's path is clear it is rust belt or bust -- he won the sun belt which was far more challenging this time. here's the interesting part, while polls are showing that he is falling behind trump and swing traits across the country, they consistently show the older writer states of michigan pennsylvania and wisconsin are most competitive, trump has larger leads in the sun belt states to biden's loss to the support of voters of color. this is flip the parties under her head. >> brian: forever and it's exciting because you think about where both parties are both years ago, the thought was don't expect to get the hispanic vote, and you have a guy coming and
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then say no we are building a wall, and were gonna have control of the bread in the hispanic community said yes because i paid my way in the right way. a few things are happening, the issues that are coming back for what trump stood for our coming back more now than in 2016 and 2020. what you think of the economy or the tax cuts where were we? the numbers show that trump remember his economy better than president biden. the other thing i think that is important is when it comes to immigration every time he talked tough on immigration we miss that nothing is because donald trump has a great marketing team but because right now all the cities are overrun, it is the number one issue again and it has been donald trump number one issue in wisconsin and michigan. and the thing is when he talks about getting back to the values in law and order it is not an issue he did not have to tell you, no one can spin this or thinks that he is not for law and order strong an immigration
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and strong crime. so i think it has finally come to him and that's why he's doing so well just on his past resume and not in any great marketing plan. >> kayleigh: even in those rust belt states, he is doing quite well, you're seen the latest polls, and i put arden key -- he's on the ballot in michigan and you see biden 42, trump three -- so, he's even winning the states that joe biden needs to run. >> harris: trump, and i said this for several days running and i really particularly believe it now, i'm nothing to say too much in the sense of the gag order, but at some of the silver lining because when he hits the stump today, he knows what he has to focus on and it's going to be the american people and their problems and whether or not there and the rest of that wherever they are nobody's missing what's going on in the magazine the country right now.
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president biden tried to say democracy is under threat with trump but we know it's not true. because we believe it's under threat right now with you and president, maybe that's why we haven't seen president biden. it feels like he is someplace we cannot quite see him. i will say this about trump and an opportunity he has today, and that is really to come up with some solutions. what would trump do about the economy? about this question much delayed all out and then try to answer some questions in people's minds because they going to be independence now. we are going to tune in like never before. they are not listening to president biden. haven't forgot his economy, they just hate it. and they are living in it. inflation. >> cheryl: and the economic part of this, that's where the president's pulling back has fallen in the last two years and those tax cuts and the 2017 tax cuts, the one that stimulated the economy corporations were hiring markets were doing
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better, all of that is the resume of donald trump and that is where it is happening in michigan or wisconsin when you have a lower income families under the crush of inflations they are the ones that are going to go in and vote for their situation and that is the economic situation. i sound like a broken record but it is certainly true and that is what trump is and it i assume to say. >> emily: they care about the economy but i do want to put this up for our viewers to see, when you can layer deeper in that pullback, you find out a lot about the trump trials but people care about the economy. you see michigan 26% more likely to vote for donald trump if he is found guilty as opposed to 45% no impact, pennsylvania 31%, 45 north entech, wisconsin similar numbers. so about 70% say no impact and they're more likely to vote for him is found guilty. >> and the democrats if they shouted kill the beast, and they
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use lower warfare or loss there or against the president they thought it would somehow eradicate him from the ticket. it would make him a people's minds somewhat in the past who isn't ready of the vote. it did not realize and i would think stupidly because it's obvious that it will galvanize everyone because the persecution of the president is such a farce. he might go to jail for using twitter for speaking his mind and he has been attacked from all sides in the subsurface continues to go absolutely people will feel galvanize what they see is a repetition of men those being persecuted by people of power they feel the effects every day in their pocket as they are going to work and essentially earning less under this president but then when the tent on the tv, they see what is being put forth by the democrats which is essentially how you will also be hunted. >> this case should not have survived a to dismiss. but here we are.
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>> kayleigh: the biden administration is supporting a plan to get palestinians a safe event in the united states coming up next. ♪ ♪
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mother's day! ♪ ♪ >> president biden has been a real 20 comes to the anti-semitic anarchy at the nation's colleges but according to a new report hisses administration has reportedly considering a plan to welcome people from gaza into the united states. they report that single but inefficient have discussed resettling palestinian refugees with an immediate family member living in the united states, and he goes on to say that those who pass a series of eligibility, medical or security screenings were qualified to fight to the
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united states with the refugee status, which offers permanent residency. it will be a path to american citizenship. >> it is outrageous but expected, this is the administration find people to every major city without telling everyone, the governors and mayors leaving the charges. so now we are going to bring in people from gaza, because back to the conversation the person i had in the oval office, when he said why do we always go to country with people from -- it's not that he's putting down the people is because with it comes this whose price tag and he said we have an obligation to the people of this country to use the tax payer dollars for the most part for the people of this country. more checks going after people who at this displace no action through our own, put them in a neighborhood where they can acclimate and i checked this before we go out there, each at
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this closer, closer, saudi arabia is right there, and their five star hotels may be a four season if they summing it. why not there. and i'm just up by this percentage. 72% of the palestinians refugees support what hamas did, do we keep our fingers crossed for the 18th%? >> kayleigh: this is my question but i do not understand yet, before lisa fry refugees here, why can't we bring that american hostages here? there is a long list of americans who need to come home before we start considering who is going to buy the president's speech or vote. >> harris: great question, it would be amazing if we have from the president today saying that may clear up the palestinian refugee issue and the interest versus hamas war, i'm going to try until i can't do anything
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more to get the hostages safely home. i want to flip the switch on the conversation and concentrate on americans. the question is right on point and it is spot on and the problem is he is not listening. he never focus on the hostages of palestine, has he ever heard him say he's dedicating here this week my time, he did form a program to help protesters who were confused about what is going on with palestinian refugees and getting into trouble, he is concerned about this. >> b >> i want to say this about where the president is today with everybody, no one really talks about the palestinians in their fight, not even the protesters, none of this is feeding them -- if they are electrical grids or water or food ran out in the first six days of the retaliation? as everyone said it did and i have no doubt, they were suffering before this war.
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and no one cared about that. if your food runs out in six days you are hungry before october 7th. i do not hear that coming from the dash i don't even hear from the president because they don't care. so if you want to fly people over and over for the checkpoint so we don't know who's coming into this country that is par for the course for him he loves having changes in the country that we know nothing about. >> emily: there is also zero acknowledgment, it is hamas that they did not let them -- it is there are a lot of things that happened that cemented the situation -- why doesn't they call out -- >> the irony is to claim refugee status is a legal definition they have to claim that -- some of these refugees might be claiming their refugee status because the persecution from my greatest ally that is
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your government what irony there. but immigration has become a top political issue in the country i doubt that is so because americans are sitting and saying we need more palestinian refugees, it became a top issue because of the lawless southern border, you are telling me that president biden is can it take executive action particles a southern border, but to bring in more palestinian refugees. wow, good luck with that in the general election. >> i would pay for all of this is my initial thought? if inflation is bad now with all the stimulus money we still have on the books, this will make it exponentially worse 75% of all palestinian support hamas as the government and their leadership and we are looking at 1.5 million palestinians i like the idea of them going to other places in the middle east because the acclamation issue but the same time with the magnitude seen in the cities in the states across the country with our funding and paying for
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the migrants coming in from venezuela and nicaragua in cuban -- on planes not having to go to the southern border at this point how are we supposed to cover the cost of this? there's no way we can do this as a nation. >> the emergency services at the southern border already tied up. one moment of anti-israel protester that went viral stay with us that is coming up next veteran homeowners, car payments are getting out of control. get a newday 100 va cash out loan at lower mortgage rates to pay off those high rate car loans. mike had a heart attack a year ago. but he's still living in the red. with a very high risk of another attack. with his risk factors his recommended ldl-c level should be below 55. find out if you're living in the red.
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similar to columbia. here's another look at how things excavated at the ivy league university after the demented protesters believe the encampment. the demonstrators stormed hamilton hall. we are learning a bit more about those agitators at columbia and about what happened when they got hungry. here they are trying to smuggle food to their fellow protesters and comrades. less than 24 hours after taking over a university building the protesters were asking columbia for humanitarian aid. to continue their anti-semitic demonstration. >> why should the university be obligated to provide food to your people when you're taken over the building? >> first of all, we are seeing their obligated to provide food for students who pay for a meal plan here. >> you mentioned there was a request to have food and water brought in? >> is a question of what kind of community an obligation columbia feels it has to its students, do you want students
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to die of dehydration and starvation? or get severely ill even if they disagree with you, if the answer is no then you should allow basic -- it is crazy to say we are on a ivy league campus but this is basic humanitarian aid we are asking for good people please have a bottle of water? >> they put themselves deliberately in the situation in this position. so seems like yours had a saying we want to be revolutionary to take over this building now can you please bring us food and water? >> no one is asking them to bring anything we are asking them to nonviolently stop us from bringing a basic humanitarian aid. we are looking for a commitment. >> emily: it would be hilarious if it wasn't so patently offensive. they do not want someone to violently stop us from eating or drinking water but they are calling for violence against jewish people and demonstrating violence against jewish people they want to have basic food and water what about the hostages
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that they still have been cultural, or the students that didn't go to class, they are calling for the extermination i'm supposed to care if they get thirsty? >> harris: i have never seen anybody say they want to advocate and the numbers closer to 2.7 million that hamas is not feeding a given water tool, they attend themselves into people in gaza before october 7th. they have become the hamas citizens, by the way i don't believe they really support hamas. >> let's be real about this. so, you have a group of people now on a campus where it to getting you have to be pretty smart she didn't sound smart -- she sounded manipulative and hateful to me, i hate everybody and now you have to feed me i'm willing to carry the signs to whatever against -- but you have to feed me. by the way we know that there is money flowing from either dirty ngos, a corrupt money coming from really rich folk like
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alexander who is taken over -- we know that they have played a role in some of the demonstrations taking over bridges and such and such in the last few weeks and months, so the question becomes you solemnly show the video, you see what's there you don't think they're paying for that food they have musical performances -- they are not paying for that they have things that they are selling their hearth shelving inside where you can pack stuff and sleep in a tent for six weeks. >> cheryl: i heard all i needed to hear, a student had said we are being brutalized by the police. we are being brutalized and i thought you know who really got brutalized, the young women that attended the supernova music festival on october 7th that is who got brutalize. but some of these universities are not caving northwestern's scathing saying our policy and
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students get a full ride in scholarship all academics who are palestinians get full-time support >> now you know who not to hire. >> this is appropriating oppression and let's be clear it's happening because of hamas and its because of their actions. but this person complained that she needs a glass of water there at risk of dehydration and they need humanitarian aid i don't know who needs to hear this but you pay $65,000 plus to go to the schools you are not in gaza and you are distracting people from the very because you claim to represent you are complaining about water and you need to find a way to help people instead of complaining you are the victim. >> despite all the chaos violence and hate the scene these campuses across the country -- one mama gave us hope. students and the university of north carolina restored an american flag to have been replaced with the palestinian
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flag the anti-semitic pro hamas protesters. [chanting] [sinking national anthem] [singin national anthem] >> brian: that was a good response because it has meant to encourage and from what we saw some of those kids are so patriotic and we saw the nypd taken the flag off of that state
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switch flags and they did that at city college i love that they get down there and they flipped it on their own, unfortunately the palestinian flag is still over washington -- for that girl who dresses up -- she should be ashamed of herself, think of her rationality, she thinks it is our job after you go ahead and break and enter into the building for us to st feed you, because it is pretty dumb. in the end they got blown out and they got arrested but that they according to andy mccarthy they are not going to do any jail time everyone who took that building will not do any jail time. >> harris: emily howard ask you to speak to that. >> emily: we know the answer, there is no enforcement of the laws whatsoever, if you prick school policy they should be consequences that is what's written but all the students he is nothing. what happens after you get
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arrested here? or punch someone in the face multiple times here, the laws are not being enforced because of who is making decisions right now. this is disheartening. >> brian: i hope they go through with the suspension. or a lease expulsion. >> that will change some people's lives. >> $72,000 a year now it is always data. >> at the university of florida we are not a day care, you break the rules you pay the price there are consequences and you don't have a problem at the university of florida. >> to that point some of the students were on camera saying sure, but we are not going to go to jail, they can arrest us but we will not go to jail we know the rules. they have to have a hard lesson at some point, i don't have any faith it's going to happen anytime soon, but i hope there is some accountability for these people. the resume should go -- >> coming up now we are
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celebrating our anniversary, stick around for so much more. ♪ ♪
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>> where a moment to lay now as law officials are trying to restore order in colleges across the country. where the president himself to finally weigh senator will be here to get their take. the house g.o.p. is expected to grow d.c. officials on the chaos on george washington university we are waiting the arrival to the campus where they receive the encampments in person and make remarks. joining us live as "america reports" will be at the top of the hour. ♪ ♪ >> 80 "outnumbered" the tenth anniversary and we are celebrating all week long, today we are going behind the scenes to learn more about the og herself, harris faulkner. >> harris: i am harris faulkner, original cohosts and cocreator of "outnumbered" and welcome to a brand-new fox news program outnumbered, this is
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"outnumbered." you are watching "outnumbered" i am harris faulkner, from the very first day, my behind-the-scenes eye from the show has been a delicious mix of motherhood, up and down with my weight, keeping up with the biggest news stories this is outnumbered with the fox news report we are covering -- you are watching "outnumbered" in this story is taking shape as we speak, political elections, road trips together americans most important stories, why are they doing this at night? what are they hiding? and the dynamic unscripted show debate and banter that is like pancakes. my addiction to cohosting "outnumbered" comes from a natural born curiosity and a need to show my daughters and my husband and i will write her family and the data states of texas and arizona and beyond, that one's best efforts can generate success and joy. so the years, i've had some fabulous cohost, and a couple of
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superstars are with me right n now, emily compagno and kayleigh mceany, i'm so blessed to work with them. my favorite behind-the-scenes moments are all about the beauty, no one loves a smoky eye is much as i do. throw assumption from colorful woman wardrobe and i can take it all out for a spin on the iconic white couch. happy tenth birthday, "outnumbered." love the og, original outnumbered cohost. >> i love this so much for ten years. you bring so much gravitas to journalism and fun and life and you have put a jet fuel behind the show for a decade. >> harris: thank you. is the only true love in my life, being with you and emily is a dream come true. it really is. and i hope you guys know how much i appreciate being with you all. >> thank you so much. >> brian: this is going to be one fun christmas party.
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all this bonding. >> harris: do you get the picture of the time brian brought in albert? [laughter] here we go. >> he has to be a lot of places at once. that was the genesis of the story was a topic we did about comfort animals. >> you have so many jobs in the building, that there are times when you literally would walk up and we are in the middle of the music. >> brian: also i would be doing the radeon summerwood turn in at an angle or have a fever a gets caught could always stop and because i am here already. it's [laughter] >> that's what we need giant bears who will sit here for us. >> didn't acknowledge it if people would make that a story. we should try that as a story of. >> not t the real thing. >> thank you so much. >> harris, it is a honor to
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celebrate you. >> more "outnumbered" in just a moment. >> you wonder where the years go, it has been ten years since we first went on the year, i have the opportunity to be one lucky guy a couple of times just want to say happy first decade to you and many more to come. >> harris, emily, congratulations it is the best show and it is so great and harris i feel if it was yesterday when you and i watched outnumbered and we had fun for my one lucky guy in the middle mike johnson in so many others that set them on the couch with us to all the rotating cohost and all the incredible stories that we covered over the time congratulations on the continued success of outnumbered so happy for you are. >> happy tenth anniversary.
9:55 am
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>> one of the hottest places right now if you want to take questions you're looking at on the left side of your screen, karine jean-pierre is at the white house press briefing that just started right now. we are monitoring that. imagine the questions about what our going on in the world and the united states and president has yet to speak. let's all go right now the white house. also, this as we are awaiting remarks from the independent presidential candidate robert f. kennedy jr. scheduled to make what his campaign called a major announcement during an event in brooklyn, new york. coming after the recently secured ballot access in two additional states california, michigan is also on the ballot and a couple battleground states. rfk jr. set to take the stage at any minute now. we are monitoring breaking news and you think we won't think whatever one thinks which is he may pull out but you don't think so. >> i don't think so i think he is looking at the numbers.
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he is not somebody who will put down his toys and walk away. i think he'll make an announcement and that they are making more ground and more states and more ballots. >> and you? >> i think new york he will say he is on new york that's why he is in brooklyn. i think you will go on jesse tonight i think he has nothing but full steam ahead. >> he may be articulating as well a strategy to harness young voters may be a big donor, he may be articulating a lot of things. i don't think he is out. >> no, i mean look. he is a difference maker and he knows it it could go either way which is why trump is smart to define him as a democrat. he is not stepping out and it is a race to find rfk jr. >> trump is smart to do that he said are you anything other than a democrat and he says no that's what i am and he declared independent but that doesn't mean -- [laughter] >> "america reports" now. >> a


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