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tv   America Reports  FOX News  May 1, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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i think he'll make an announcement and that they are making more ground and more states and more ballots. >> and you? >> i think new york he will say he is on new york that's why he is in brooklyn. i think you will go on jesse tonight i think he has nothing but full steam ahead. >> he may be articulating as well a strategy to harness young voters may be a big donor, he may be articulating a lot of things. i don't think he is out. >> no, i mean look. he is a difference maker and he knows it it could go either way which is why trump is smart to define him as a democrat. he is not stepping out and it is a race to find rfk jr. >> trump is smart to do that he said are you anything other than a democrat and he says no that's what i am and he declared independent but that doesn't mean -- [laughter] >> "america reports" now. >> a liberal college
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administrators won't take action, the mayors and the governors of these campuses should. and so should joe biden. [chanting] >> when you are talking about screaming at jewish students and rabbis saying no longer is this university a safe place for you to be it violates the very principles all of these universities supposedly stand for. >> the universities need to put an end to this now. >> which brings us to the top of the new hour and any moment now we are expecting an update from the white house. karine jean-pierre has stepped up to the microphone. what will they say about the chaos on college campuses which are now in full blown crisis mode? the latest flareup where anti-israel protests have emerged in the last hour hello and welcome i'm sandra smith in new york and john, imagine a moment where it takes a bipartisan group of lawmakers to
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step up and say anti-semitism is bad and wrong. that's where we are. >> john: i imagine it takes a bipartisan group of lawmakers to stand up and say that but some are saying no, no, no that goes too far and we can't agree to it. that's where we are i am john roberts you in washington and we are at "america reports" colleges are beefing up their police presence on campus. it appears some of the protesters are not students at all. law enforcement warrants outside agitators are fueling these violent demonstrations. >> sandra: we will get reaction from south carolina republican senator lindsey graham, he will be joining us in moments. >> john: first rcb cotton on columbia i believe she's at fordham right now. >> good afternoon right now we are at columbia university but there is a developing situation at fordham university's lincoln center campus. i want to try to paint a picture for our viewers.
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we have some live pictures we can pull up. it appears that a group of pro-palestinian student demonstrators have barricaded themselves in a lobby on that campus. and there are windows surrounding this lobby. what we have watched throughout the past hour or so is those protesters have erected an encampment inside the building. and a crowd outside the building, again more proud of my pro-palestinian voices, are encouraging the protest happening inside, encouraging them to stay camped out. again, all of these people together calling for fordham university to cut ties with israel. and moments ago we saw some utilities workers perhaps some cruise around the campus try to place tarps on the windows perhaps to quell the outside encouragement that these
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students were getting when they created this in kevin on the inside so developing out here more protests continue outside the campus of columbia university, john i'll send it to you. >> john: thanks we see them at fordham university as well breaking news to sandra. >> sandra: karine jean-pierre was asked why is the president not saying anything and she said he is getting briefings let's listen here. >> democracy was under attack or freedoms were under attack and we are still fighting for that today obviously. but he has not just on that by speaking as you heard from my topper he has taken action by moving forward with the first ever u.s. national strategy to counter anti-semitism more than 100 new actions were introduced obviously in that strategy. and that is how seriously this president takes it. i think what is important here is taking action on this issue. >> in these operations in new york and college campuses? >> we have been very clear on
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that. americans have the right to peacefully protest. they have the right to peacefully protest as long as it's within the law and pea peaceful. forcibly taking over a building is not peaceful it's just not. students have a right to feel safe. they have the right to learn. they have the right to do this without disruption and they have the right to say dumb i feel safe on campus and to attend their commencement without feeling unsafe. and what we are seeing is a small percentage of students. that is what we are seeing. they should not be able to disturb or disrupt the academic experience that students have. that is how we see things. it is important that students and communities feel safe here. and at the same time we are going to be really forceful here and continue to underscore how anti-semitism is hateful speech. it is wrong. it is abhorrent and we will continue to call it out.
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>> to follow and that has anyone from the initiation been in touch with demonstrators, leaders at columbia or any of these universities that are seeing these protests? >> i don't have any calls to read out at this time. obviously we are closely monitoring the situation we are getting regular updates. and i will keep it there i don't have anything to share as far as calls or lead outs. >> on another topic has the white house receive the recognition from the d.a. to reclassify marijuana from schedule one drug to a schedule three drug? can you comment on that? >> here is what i can say -- >> sandra: remarkable response there, i mean this is no change from what we heard in previous briefings. the president is not speaking about this he did not have a direct response or a statement through karine jean-pierre but she did condemn the overtaking of the buildings, those are not peaceful protests she did say. but she did say these students have the right to their peaceful protesting. let's bring in republicans of carolina senator lindsey graham now. senator, you've been listening
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to the white house. she was right away out of the gate pressed by a reporter sitting near the front row. why aren't we hearing from the president as this chaos continues? >> we need our president to speak to the nation right now. yes, you can protest all you like that is part of being an american. he can't break or occupy buildings by force and you sure can't intimidate a religious group to feel unsafe. i have never been more worried about my jewish brothers and sisters in america than i am right now. i think it is incumbent on the president to have an oval office address not just by these protests but what is going on in the world around the jewish people. here is a chance to rise to the occasion. he is ducking this issue. he is afraid of the hamas wing of the democratic party. i would urge president biden to address the nation and be clear that every jewish student in this country attending any
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university will be protected by his administration. >> john: senator, we have this idea we have student protesters and a lot of them have been threatened with expulsion or suspension, but then there is this idea out that don might outside agitators that are really driving these protests. john kirby yesterday in a giggle with reporters said the following, listen here. >> i am not aware of any evidence -- either in the intelligence world or through law enforcement about bad actors. such as you are describing. >> john: no bad actors in terms of outside agitators but listen to what mayor eric adams of new york city said just a couple of hours ago. >> there are people we have been watching in organizations that are not part of the campus. we have been very clear. there are individuals and organizations that are not
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students. >> john: we have the president not coming out and addressing the american public about anti-semitism in these protests but now we have the white house saying bad actors and we have not seen any one clearly city officials not just in new york but that is across the country are saying absolutely they are driving this. >> i will ask senator durbin who was the chairman of the judiciary committee to have a hearing in the united states senate about this. let's get to the bottom of what is happening. who is paying for all these tents? all the tents look exactly the same. there is a lot of money being incurred here to put on these protests. what is the source of the funding? the idea that there is not outside interest afoot here is laughable. there is an anti-israel movement all over the world. i think it's behind this as two students taking part, you should be expelled. but i am urging the president to stand up for jewish americans in a time where they need your voice, mr. president and i will
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urge the senate judiciary committee to get to the bottom of what is happening. mr. kirby, admiral kirby, i think is wrong and mayor adams is right. let's have a hearing to find out what the truth is. >> sandra: okay, senator just a moment ago you called on the president to address this crisis and ongoing chaos directly from the oval office. what could be said to bring any calm to the situation? >> that every american person of the jewish faith will be protected by my administration from harassment and violence obtained in schools and any other place. that we will help protect your synagogues. we will make sure you can be jewish proudly and not be afraid. that you can go to school without fear of being harmed. i want him to say that not only to jewish americans but speak on behalf of of jewish people about the world. then i want to tell you of these universities if you don't regain
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control i will step in and cutting money off and send in military assistance if necessary. >> john: what is interesting to me, senator, in recent days we have heard from china and iran on this. here's what the iranian foreign ministry said about the protest and the reaction by some colleges to send in the police to disperse people. it said "the emergence of unfortunate videos depicting the american police's violent treatment of professors who support palestine and protest against treatment of -- i'm sorry -- and protest against the criminal zionist regime between america democratic in action enviably gnomic behavior of the merck government and scrutiny. american officials lacked the moral authority to lecture on human rights, women's rights, and freedom of speech" you look at china and iran, their self interest is so obvious that it is to be laughable. >> yeah. number one, about the human rights and how to treat women is
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a joke. a young girl was beaten to death by components of the iranian government because she did not wear a headscarf. they are notorious for killing people who want to speak up and demand a better life in iran so i could care less about what he says. here is the state in america. we have every right to express yourself we have every right to protest publicly and have your say pair you don't have a right to break into buildings, destroyed property, and you don't have the right to make people feel unsafe because of your religion. it is time for the president to speak up here. this getting way out of control and president biden needs to doe speak for him in nonsense terms. mr. president, the jewish americans people of faith of this country need your voice, speak with the heiress community who is under siege like any time i have seen since i have been in congress. mr. president, they need you we all need you. >> sandra: senator we will have to get going here but i want to say karine jean-pierre
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at the top there, there was not a whole lot of update from the president but she did say biden would deliver the keynote address at the holocaust day of remembrance he will deliver the keynote address. at the u.s. holocaust days of remembrance ceremony so he is going to speak in a few days on this, just a real quick final question to you. she just said when asked has he been in touch has there been any communication with these directors or president is he speaking to anyone? i mean, paraphrasing no was the answer. why do you fathom she didn't step out more prepared to say the president is acting on this chaos? >> he is afraid of the protesters. there is a real hamas wing of the democratic party who does not want to help the palestinians but kill of the jews. they say they are hamas.
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they are radical the party right now that will literally help destroy the jewish faith. until may 6 or 7 you can't wait the administration should have their back. you need to tell these schools if you don't clean up your act i will clean it up for you. >> senator i was glad to spend time if you think you for joining us, appreciated. a lot of people asking that question a light of the fact that all the republican house committee chairs got together yesterday with the speaker and said what they are doing in congress wide basis has jurisdiction to address this anti-semitism and biden is saying nothing about it. >> sandra: it's almost purposeful you would think at this point it's not that she didn't think she would be asked about it in that briefing and i want to get this in here as w well. she just took another question about this. and she said when asked if the president has spoken with the
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mayor of new york city, he has not. she said i understand the question, i don't have anything to read out as far as the conversation with the mayor from the president, but i think we have been very clear about what we are seeing on the ground. i've been answering these questions the past couple of days. so he is not calling the university is not calling the mayor of new york city where this is happening, what has been a communication? that briefing is ongoing and we will keep monitoring it, john. >> that there is no outside agitators when literally every leader in every city where this is happening says yes there is and that is incredible. many jewish students at columbia university still afraid even went to clear the protesters some are planning on skipping the main graduation ceremony there and talking to a senior planning on doing just that coming up next. >> devastating max gorden his
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life on the ground in oklahoma with more on cleanup and recovery efforts there, what a mess. wow. >> buildings have been toppled over, moves ripped apart, towns in tatters after 28 twisters tour across the state. we will have the latest on those recovery efforts after the br break. his risk of a second attack hasn't. mike is still living in the red. with a very high risk of another heart attack or stroke. he doesn't know with his risk factors his ldl-c (bad cholesterol) is still too high - the recommended level is below 55. are you living in the red? get in the know. learn how to get a free ldl-c test at
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great plains and the heartland and in oklahoma there were 28. and ef3 twister hit here in sulfur oklahoma perry we are standing in what used to be a historic downtown area and i wanted to show you the 360-degree view of this destruction. you can see how it leveled the downtown area. this used to be historic downtown and you can see brick buildings toppled over, roofs ripped off, even that car toppled over, here died. three were injured and here in oklahoma five people in total have been killed. there is a silver lining to all of this the white house has a disaster declaration for the state of oklahoma which will unlock federal aid. and the red cross being one of them, other age groups distributing food it will be a
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long road to recovery especially here in sulfur, when i talk to one business owner he just doesn't really know what comes next this town now looks like a war zone. no later on today another threat of severe weather just simply not what people here in oklahoma need right now. >> sandra: max gorden just act horrific situation for so many. our prayers are with you. >> john: center of the unrest on columbia universities campus left many jewish students feeling unsafe including our next guest who moved in with her grandmother in october after moving off campus when she was still attending classes until about two weeks ago. katie letter a is a senior at the university she and her famie planning to skip the commencement because of the chaos. katie joins us now. first of all what are your thoughts on clement university
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finally calling in the authorities to clear out hamilton hall and leadership that the folks in charge at columbia have demonstrated? >> i certainly think it's about time. the problem is it's too little too late. our administration has shown very little leadership of any over the past six months and the years the anti-schism to mike anti-semitism has been allowed to flourish but jewish and american students have been warning demonstration of these handy stomach tightened anti-semitism, and pro-terror rhetoric has been spreading across campus and unfortunately the administration chose to cower and negotiate with these terrorists instead of protecting their students and causing this whole horrible situation to come to an end. >> katie stay with us, we want to run back to the white house because karine jean-pierre is talking about john kirby's comment that there were no outside agitators involved.
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>> we know from many communities we know charge moments pose challenges for law enforcement and the president continues to believe as i said multiple times that the americans have the right to peacefully protest that is their right and is part of our freedoms in america and at the same time we will condemn anti-semitism. we believe that his hate speech it is a bore in and we will continue to condemn it. >> does the president believe the members of clumber university and new york acted appropriately by having the protesters at the colleges arrested and having it shut down question marks because that's a question for universities to decide on per the law enforcement know it is going on on the ground. live a better sense of what is going on on the ground and obviously they have to make a
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decision. we are talking about protecting students and making sure they feel safe on campus. we are talking about a small group of students who are disrupting that ability for students to have that academic experience. that's what we are talking about here. we believe and i will continue to say this americans have the right to peacefully protest within the law that is incredibly important. we also have to condemn hate. we have to condemn anti-semitism. that is something the president believes. we also understand as i just stated to your colleagues that many communities this is a painful time. and it's a very charged environment, charge moments when you see those types of charge moments they pose challenges for law enforcement. but that is their decision to make. >> all of these protests nationwide erupting on college campuses, has the response been the appropriate response or has it been too much? >> look, there will be a lot more investigations, there will be cases on this and i don't
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want to get ahead of that. i can't go into every case here. but what i can say is in these charge moments we understand how difficult it is. we understand how painful it is in this moment and how because of that, because of those charge moments it can be challenging for law enforcement. at the same time, students have to be allowed, americans have to be allowed to peacefully protest that is important and it's part of our freedoms here in america. we have to make sure we continue to say that. we believe in this administration and we have to continue to say that. and call out any anti-semitism that we see it is dangerous, it is a warrant we have to call that out. >> on a different topic with the present encourage democrats -- >> john: karine jean-pierre talking about the reaction bringing in the police to clear out the demonstrators nkda i know you were listening with us.
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the amount of forest to clear these protesters has it been appropriate or some say it's too a harsh. given what you've experienced on that campus, at this vaunted university since october which caused you to move out and the occupation of the university not allowing students to go to class, putting commencement in jeopardy, what do you say about the amount of force that was used to take these folks out? big i think was absolutely necessary and i think it was necessary six months ago and certainly three weeks ago before it escalated to this level. i think it's very offensive to anyone who has morality or values and is an american citizen who is a proud patriot to characterize these protests as peaceful. these are not peaceful protests. these are pro-terror anti-israel anti-american protests that are funded by known terror groups and say things like "october 7th
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will happen every day to you" "burning an american israeli flags" "call on hamas to strike jewish students and bond tel aviv" if these protesters wanted to help anyone in the middle east they would have accepted the offer that the administration gave them to directly invest in early education in gaza and instead they turned that down to continue to terrorize students and faculty including many faculty who have in fact supported this terrorism including joseph massad who said the attacks on october 7th were "awesome" and "amazing" it's horrendous this is allowed. breaking windows, destroy property and terrorizing students with discrimination, free speech is not a right to discriminate and harass. >> john: if i could one quick question because we are almost out of time karine jean-pierre said this is about protecting students. what grade would you give the biden administration on that
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point? speak of the biden administration had the ability to call in the national guard and protect my fellow jewish students and all students at columbia and all of these other universities and they chose not to do that. alongside the administration at columbia which is mostly culpable for this horrendous attack at columbia. it is now inspiring other schools around the country to exhibit this horrific terrorist behavior. i think all parties in power are responsible for this and they either needed to get a backbone and show leadership and morality or the need to find a new job. >> john: katie, it's great to talk to you. we wish you well and congratulations in your graduation even though you won't be celebrating at the commencement if it goes on, we appreciate you spending time with us. >> thank you, my pleasure. >> john: now this. >> when they take the that out when they sign up for the stat for the loan is free money, it's not free money. >> sandra: another bailout
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charles payne on biden's eye-popping student loan han handout. >> john: plus our fox cameras capturing snapshots of smugglers cutting holes into the border wall. this time in the state of new mexico. matt finn is there. matt? >> john, moments ago we saw yet another instance of illegal migrants trying to escape border patrol in a game of cat and mouse. we will have the fresh video for you after this break. they'd love to buy gold. me but because it's gold - they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept... one... keep... it... simple. rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs, and our premium coins, can help you preserve your wealth. call rosland capital at 800-630-8900
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are going to continue to take actions that we believe helps all-americans an end all communities. >> you mention what he said in 20 something in charles bill he said trump's response was to charlottesville was a moment where i thought found to be complicity. how does he explain how do you ask blaine has i was this week question works because the president has not been shown on this issue when it comes to hate speech, anti-semitism, he said -- he started -- he launched the first ever anti-semitism strategy to counter anti-semitism. something know the president did. no the president -- >> school building at ivy league campus got -- >> and we called it out and we said that is not peacefully protesting. taking over a building at a university is not peacefully protesting. we have been very clear we have been very clear taking more than 100 new actions to deal with anti-semitism in this administration and nobody has ever done that before.
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not any other and administration has ever done that before. we are going to continue -- we are going to continue -- we are going to continue to do the work. it's not just here in the white house we are talking about doj. we are talking about homeland security. we are talking about department of education. talking and working with campuses and colleges to deal with this issue. we have seen an uptick in anti-semitism in the last certainly several months in the past year. and we have to call that out and it is not okay. go ahead, fill. >> question you've made the distinction between the president's support for peaceful protest and he was a less than peaceful protests i'm curious what is the president's view and the view from the white house on some of these college campuses where we have seen the u.s. flag torn down and the palestinian flag replace it? >> what i will say is this.
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americans have the right to peacefully protest within the law. within the law. we have to also respect that we cannot disturb campuses in the way of taking over buildings. in the way we have seen, that is not peacefully protested. it is not. look, we have seen some really vile, hateful, hateful language used against the jewish community periods jewish americans in this country. is a dangerous time for that community. we have been very clear about what we need to do to fight that hate, but also condemn that hate. so we will continue to do that, and as it relates to what is
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happening obviously the actions that colleges and universities are taking, obviously it is up to them. they are on the ground, but we will continue to call that out. >> not all of these protesters have expressed anti-semitism, but some have. and i am curious, does the president believe that perhaps some of these universities that higher education has gone off the rails that something more fundamental has gone wrong on these college campuses? >> i wouldn't go that far. you said it in your question to me. is it a small percentage of students who are causing this disruption. student should feel safe to go to school. they should feel safe to be able to have that all-important academic experience. they should be able to have their commencement and be able to have their families and loved ones showed up for them on that important day. and i wouldn't go that far in your question because as i stated and you stated that we
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believe it is a small number of students who are causing this disruption. if they are going to protest, americans have the right to do it in a peaceful way within the law. and we are going to continue to call out to hateful speech as we have been thank you, everyone, thank you, everybody. >> sandra: i would say majority of the questions were about these growing protests that are happening and many times she referenced what she said are "mostly peaceful protests" while the president does call out anti-semitism and the occupation of buildings on these campuses but the question was a good one from peter doocy when she said how much this president is doing to crackdown on anti-semitism, is it working? and condemnation is sincere of taking over buildings on these campuses and of the vile, disgusting rhetoric being spewed, what are they doing about it? i mean, john, i they have the power of the administration, she
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was just asked about it to investigate what the white house just acknowledged our outside agitators. what are they doing to find out who is getting in there? who is bringing in the tents? peter doocy acknowledged many of them look the same. there were bought at the same time put it at the same time. who is behind us? they have the power to investigate. >> the big question as well is why isn't president biden coming out and giving some sort of an address to the nation? it does not have to be a prime time address but going before the cameras into denouncing what is going on in terms of the rampant anti-semitism permeating most of these protests. and that there is no place in ameamerican society for appearee will talk to laura ingraham about this 20 minutes from now but how many times has president biden called out what he says is maga extremism but can't call this out it doesn't make any sense.
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congressman, first of all i want to start you with this. a bipartisan anti-semitism awareness act is being introduced in congress today. you are a cosponsor of that. but it looks like it's going to expose some deep divisions within the democratic party itself. listen to it congressman jerrold nadler, you're calling from new york, said about the bill. >> this bill threatened us to chill constitutional speech critical of israel alone is not constitute unlawful discrimination. >> john: so speech that criticizes israel surly is allowed but when it gets into anti-semitism that would seem to cross a redline and almost to protest these folks have been engaged in these anti-israel and anti-jewish rhetoric. >> i want to be very clear i don't think this should be partisan. i served 27 months in combat as an army officetoir amendment rights to protest, but
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significant lines have been crossed toward violent action, violent rhetoric, and clear and incontrovertible anti-semitism. i represent significant jewish community and i want to be clear that is absolutely unacceptable. and we are taking bipartisan action today to pass this anti-semitism awareness act which will put much stronger more aggressive protections in place to hold accountable those as we have seen a significant spike in anti-semitism. i am proud of two cosponsor that bill. i am one of only 13 democrats to do it and i have called out in both parties, folks with extreme and anti-semitic rhetoric and i will continue to do that. >> sandra: congressman, was there a missed opportunity yesterday when the speaker of the house held a press conference he had other members of congress they were all republicans, and heads of their committees. stepped up to condemn what we were seeing and announce a crackdown on it. why aren't we seeing more
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republicans and democrats as you just said this is not a partisan issue, stepping out and condemning this and offering suggestions of how we will in this? >> you are right. in a moment like this i am 42 years old, this is the darkest most divisive most anti-semitic i have seen our country. we have to rise above the partisanship. we have to be patriots, not politicians, and put forth legislation like we are going to vote on today that i probably put forth with my neighbor, michael lawlor, to the south republican, to say we are going to draw a clear line and we do not tolerate anti-semitism in the united states of america that i risk my life to defend. i agree, absolutely. >> john: center just pointed out, congressman, house committees yesterday announced that they are going to take steps to end anti-anti-semitism on college campuses. almost all those of involved aoc
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and president biden said last week at an event in virginia. >> it is especially important that we remember the power of young people shaping this country today of all days as we once again witness the leadership of those peaceful student led protests on campus like columbia, yale, berkeley, and many others. >> representative acosta cortez in new york, i learned in a long time to listen to that lady. spewing she supports the anti-israel protests and he says to listen to her what to make of that? >> again, clear lines have been crossed from peaceful to violent that is unacceptable to anti-semitism that is unacceptable. we need actual leadership. we need folks that are going to not to cater to extremes on the left or the right and actually step up, do the right thing from a position of moral authority and moral clarity, that is what
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i am trying to do here in congress issues and a lot of issues and this is what american people want. this is what my constituents want in the hudson valley north of new york city that's what i am working on. >> sandra: congressman final question and the frustration is not at you, i believe we are all in the same place watching what is happening on these campuses but just a moment ago there was a opportunity for the president's press secretary to step up and say he is going to come out and speak on this and forcefully condemn what we are seeing especially the taking over these buildings on campus. why are we not hearing from the president directly on this issue as far as we are concerned it will be another six days before he publicly undresses that based on the holocaust speech we were just told about. >> we need leaders of all parties and all levels of government and boards to speak
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with one voice. i am telling you, your frustration is the right word. i talked to my constituents especially my jewish constituents, they just want to see that leadership and that clarity, so again, i can only speak for myself and what i am doing here. i am being very, very clear about that. as 1 of 13 dems corresponding with this bill and willing to do the politics. >> john: congressman matt ryan you show courage and conviction many of your democratic colleagues apparently are avoiding. we thank you for being on with us, thank you. >> thank you for having me. >> sandra: charles payne has been standing by watching the breaking news on these college campuses he joins us now on making the new fox business coming up against your show so thank you for standing by, charles, your thoughts first on the growing protests we are seeing and what we heard from the white house. >> i think what we heard from the white house really is one of the reasons these protests have gone this far and gotten out of
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control. you have to have strong leadership here you can't equivocate -- go and listen politics cannot play a role in this. even the congressman you just to continuously saying on both sides, this is not in both side thing this is one specific issue at one specific time and that is the threat to american jews in this country and the white house should have said something along time ago. maybe the national guard should have been sent in a long time ago. new york state the governor should have done something a long time ago. the city should have done something along time ago. things like private property, property we can't do this we can't do that from all of the excuses and the discussion not when it comes to threatening people's lives. not when it comes to threatening pupils read him. even the notion of an encampment is a physical threat. we have allowed that to happen as a nation we watched it happen and our leaders let it happen.
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if someone does not figure something out and says maybe i will lose the state of michigan, so be it to do the right thing. speech we heard from pat ryan a few seconds until the person from new york and he and a number of other democratic colleagues including jared moscowitz of florida are signing onto this bipartisan bill, but watch this little episode from this morning when our aishah hasnie confronted minnesota congresswoman ilhan omar about statements that she made at some of the jewish students at these colleges support genocide listen to this. >> congresswoman do you regret the comments he made about some jewish students being pro genocide? >> do believe there are some out there? >> she shushed her. she would not support what she said or explain it, she shushed aisha and the other correspondent was there as well. >> we have heard of these folks
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echoing the same comments. there is obviously -- i know in america it is sort of a right of passage we become emboldened and we have new ideas, we think. there feel something inorganic about all of this. you've talked about the tents and expenses an organization so you want to wonder how many of these kids understand what they are saying when they say "from the river to the sea" or use words like genocide particularly with the history of israel and jewish people. for an elective leader to be this reckless, this dangerous, it is so scary. we have a chance to interview moscowitz and he is obviously offended with his colleague and i think listen maybe we take a step back. maybe we don't need to talk about maga republicans in a harsh better way to make them the enemy and know we talk about a fellow american who thinks tivoli and gets down to really nefarious almost not beyond
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vitriol just really nefarious, scary terms because it is going too part. >> sandra: member the irony of the white house being asked a few moments ago about the president and his plans to deliver commencement addresses. there are many students who won't get to experience that. they won't even have bears and they will have a graduation ceremony because what is going on. charles, great to see you, thank you. john? >> john: and one of those colleges is usc. my wife went to that school. they canceled their main graduation ceremony that is out in the open, big stage, 65,000 people typically attend it. the individual schools will still have their graduations, but the big event they are canceled. ed and gwen at columbia is threatened and there are other colleges that are thinking about canceling them as well. we will keep watching what is going on this is fordham university they are the upper west side of manhattan. just above midtown and we will have more when we come back. n.
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wall strategy today how so? >> that blue wall is really important for both campaigns. pennsylvania and michigan states that flipped for biden in 2020 after going for trump in 2016. and once again right now in wisconsin and michigan it is extremely close neck and neck. president trump is on his way for a rally in wisconsin before going to come here for a rally in michigan. there is growing concern in all campaigns about how independent candidate robert f. kennedy jr. could impact the race in these crucial swing states where it's expected be extremely close. and where a lot of benefit and voters don't like the candidate of either major party including voters we spoke to in deep lieu detroit. >> kind of like the better of two evils to be honest. not impressed with what i have seen the last four years. >> what to think of rfk jr. question mike >> i think he is a great option and i hope he does not get swept under the rug.
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>> from or donald john trump is running. i like this. i voted for biden and i don't know this time. >> what you think of rfk jr.? >> he might be something i think about voting for. >> rfk jr. of austria's campaign is working on the ballot in all 50 states it is on the ballot in michigan and they announced this hour they have enough signatures to be on the ballot in new york as well. sandra? >> garrett there for us thank you very much. >> john: protesters take over another college building this one on the campus of fordham university so why haven't americans heard directly from president biden about all of this? we will put that question to laura ingraham coming up next. >> sandra: plus our house
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