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tv   America Reports  FOX News  May 1, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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i said, "no, you don't understand. it's gone." you, too, can feel better every day with relief factor, a daily supplement that fights pain naturally. call or go online now for our 3-week quickstart, just $19.95. >> john: looking live at fordham university in new york city where anti-israel demonstration are taking over the campus they are. students are occupying the building. columbia university deja vu is the chaos spreads campuses from coast to coast. >> this as they are preparing to dole out billions more in student loan bailouts and karine jean-pierre was just asked if perhaps there is something going wrong in our nation's colleges. >> is impossible that perhaps some of these universities that higher education has gone off the rails that something more fundamental has gone wrong?
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>> i would not go that far. you said it in your question to me is it a small percentage of students who are causing that disruption if they are going to protest, americans have the right to do it in a peaceful way within the law. >> john: hello, john roberts and washington sender at the small group of people but the disruption to the money is huge. >> sandra: the distinction a small number of students because there is a whole lot of outside agitators i am sandra smith you heard a lot from kj p a few moments ago we will have more for that for you in just a moment including an update on the president. why has he been so silent? one of the first questions in that briefing room, here is lindsey graham last hour on t that. >> here is a chance to rest of the occasion. he is ducking this issue. i would urge president biden to address the nation and be clear that every jewish student in this country attending any
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university will be protected by his administration. >> john: laura ingraham has some thoughts on all of this will join us in a couple minuts a stay tuned. >> sandra: and alexis mcadams live outside of fordham university. >> hey, sandra check it out behind me you can see dozens of students outside of the lincoln center campus on the upper west side in new york city. we will walk through here so you can see what's going on here. there are people over here yelling for students to hold their ground, yelling for fordham university to divert us from israel and saying the nypd should not be here on this campus. this is some stuff we heard at columbia the other day. we were trying to walk through the crowd to show you the scope of how big this is here. so this is off west 60th street in new york city and then we will shift this way to see this is the front look here. this is the building that students are occupying right now. we looked in there and you can see about a dozen tents right there inside of this main hall.
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the police are on standby there have not been any arrests just yet but we are trying to talk to students about why they are here to support it, why are you out here today to support palestine? >> because people are dying and that is wrong. >> are you a student? >> yes. >> are you afraid you may get arrested like at columbia? >> in order for change to happen, there must be consequences faced and the people that did suffer will wrongfully come along fully hurt. it is not -- there was no reason for the brute force and the amount of nypd that came. it was as if there were riots going on. as if there were people getting hurt. >> what about people smashing the windows of hamilton hall and supposedly the custodians that could not get out, do you think that's the best way to make your point on canvas? >> in 1985 there was a similar show of protest and what happened? columbia divested from the south african apartheid. that's how you may change. >> do you think fordham will
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listen to you guys? do you know if fordham does have a bunch of relationships with israel? >> i would hope so they do they have a connection, they have a whole program dedicated to tel aviv and a college they are. and my science has ever thing i have to say. it's complicit. >> what about jewish students across the don't feel safe? >> anti-semitism and anti-zionism and what we are is anti-zionist. when you hear jewish and you can be profiled -- >> when you hear the rhetoric that is spewed a lot of people calling for the death of jews and saying they are pro-hamas what to think about those messages mixed in the crowds of some of these campus protests? >> the people saying that are not for the cause. they are not for the sin because we are. no one here calls for the death of jews and no one here is anti-semitic here and we are pro-palestinian and those two things are mutually exclusive in the same way. >> thank you for talking to us. we will walk like this way before we send it back to you i want to show you up here where this is going on inside the hall. you can see the tents so i will
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show you through the glass. we will shift over here and you can see these tense. you can see the guy the gaza solidarity encampment and is not as big as what happened in columbia but here are banging on the glass of this hall. they've been asked by the nypd to stop doing that. they don't want damage to property out here but there are signs "faculty of the palestine liberation" "all eyes on gaza" that's what we are seeing out here on the upper west side, sandra? >> maybe it's too much but if she is still nearby and she just said she believes the people at these protests that are spewing the vial anti-semitic, anti-jewish rhetoric that that is not them, that's not part of their group, those are other people i wonder who she believes those people are then. >> yesterday when i asked some of those students outside of columbia about that, do you think these agitators are coming in and taking over your movement if you really are just trying to talk about the palestinian people who have died over there
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and they said they do believe there are some outside groups trying to take over the messaging. here we have not talked to too many students but i will check back and ask her about that but still no matter what campus you are on a lot of these jewish students don't feel safe so i don't know if he jewish student talks to her if that would change their mind about feeling safe on their own campus. >> sandra: by the way we are getting an update right now, alexis, fordham is giving the pro-terrorist campers one hour to leave or face suspensions or arrests. business according according to "new york post" recording right now based on organizers that are on the ground. the administration has given our comrades inside one hour to leave or else, this reads. there will be suspensions. i guess, alexis you are on the ground, we will check back in with you very shortly. >> sounds good. >> thank you, john? >> john: all right, let's bring in lower income of the "the ingraham angle" and clarence thomas we were talking
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of pat ryan of new york he is a democrat about this in the last hour that the house committees are taking on anti-semitism, and if a bipartisan bill of anti-semitism awareness and yet president biden, laura from the silence on all this is deafening. >> yes, well he has michigan to think about, right? when you look at this, reminded of ben franklin's line "an investment in education pays the best interest" and you are seeing this, are we really investing in education today? taking a step back from the hissy fit a lot of these kids -- privileged kids are having on college campuses, what are they actually learning at the sch schools? there have been for decades and attack on the teaching of the humanities back when i was in college in the 80s there began to be a waning influence of the humanities western civilization itself was coming under scrutiny under the microscope as breeding
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of misogyny and of course racism, sexism, all of it. it becomes kind of passe, even teach humanities and most of these schools today have a dabble in the understanding of the great works of civilization, but most of these individuals who are protesting have no clue as to where they came from. i mean, historically. they don't really understand or care to understand america because all day long, guys, they are doomed scrolling whatever the latest agitator is saying on social media. that becomes their whole world. that young woman that alexis interviewed, she said this is all i have to say what is on my side, that is kind of emblematic as to where we are right now with the higher education. there is a lot being taught that is propaganda and a critical
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lack of real knowledge and real understanding about enduring lessons of history that kind of ground you in an understanding of what our role is in the world and why we are here. and i think you are seeing that is what is really going on here. most of these kids don't really know the issues or they have read something or they see a snapshot on instagram and it infuriates them and there is a lot of suffering in the world for sure. and the norma suffering in the world. but their response to that is to make other people here suffer. that is the real problem. because joe biden had no trouble lumping everyone into one category in all the conflagrations for political purposes. my point using this for political purposes is a mistake. i don't think republicans should do it. i think we should tell people there is insanity and there is insanity. in what has been done to these
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kids who are trying to get an education, really trying, maybe came from nothing and trying to get a decent education and biological sciences or something really useful, they are not able to access the classrooms or even take exams or go to a graduation. and yet the left will be silent here and sit back and say oh these are a few outside agitators, nice try. this is what they spawned. this is what they created what we are seeing right now. >> sandra: by the way, laura, thank you for coming on i have two students from columbia who are just incredibly frustrated and sad and i think it is fair to say. they just came back they have been joining us a couple weeks on this issue. we will talk to them in just a moment, but as far as the outside agitators, laura, this administration while silent nose they can deploy the administration and their officials to investigate who these outside agitators are. >> do you think they'll be
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hanging out and saying well, these are outside agitators and this isn't very many people, these are just a few people -- if this were some pro maga or pro-life, pick your issue but they tend to be more conservative, this thing would have been shut down at 48 hours and these kids would be in jail right now and alvin bragg's group would not let them out. it would be unfair but that's what they would do. in this case they made a political decision. they have decided that michigan and the election is more important than may be taking a step back and saying perhaps we made a mistake to tie ourselves to the far left. perhaps we should not have given all of this energy to the squad or the radicals that are really trying to run the democratic party. the dentist for political expediency's sake in 2020 and the years before. and now the monster is coming back to devour them. that's what you are seeing at
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these campuses. >> john: i think a lot of people are wondering why doesn't president biden come out and address the nation, it doesn't have to be a formal prime time address but a talk about anti-semitism on college campuses and how it has no place. there been statements, but he has not fully come out. remember how quick he was to call out mega extremism? we have a montage here. >> donald trump and the republicans have extremism that threatens the foundations of our republicans. >> the maga threat is a threat to the brick-and-mortar where our democratic's institutions and also threatens character of our nation. will teach donald trump and maga republicans a valuable lesson, don't mess with movement of america. >> john: a threat to our democratic and solution what about the threat to society that seems to be going back to the dark ages of the 1930s with this relation with jews?
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>> anti-semitism is running rampant on these colleges because they basically have been given tacit thumbs-up to keep going. they have been given a message that no matter what they do, no matter what laws they break, someone, somewhere, on a board of trustees knows someone who can get you out or they will be a soros funded prosecutors office that will make things go away. so most of these kids, sorry, are entitled, privileged brats. they have been coddled by their parents, they have been coddled by their teachers with great inflation and a lot of studies that don't really make them educated, now they are being coddled at the university. when i am telling the people watching across the country, these are people who will be bullied in the education ten years from now. they will be in government seven or ten years from now. these are the people who will be running our country perhaps. think about it that way but
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joe biden saying mogg extremists, what he said is 150 billion americans who support donald trump are i guess extremists. you know it we are extremists for? decency, goodness. an idea of america. i'm not saying we are perfect or trump is perfect but just that america is supposed to be a force for good. and ideals that transcend the moment of any political issue or conflagration in the the east and america is a good slash decent place with an incredibly rich history. most of these kids don't believe they were taught to race this hi hate this country that it is racist and sexist so they are repeating what they got from the modern-day democratic party so it's hard for the democrats to try to step back from this now. they are like this with these people. they are like this. that is the sinew of the modern-day democratic party and they are in a big bind now. i think we should just let them all fate gi to figure it out.
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>> sandra: remarkable to note that the press secretary laura a few minutes ago and that briefing was asked has the president got in on the phone with any of the school administrators of the universities to use discuss a plan or communicate in general? there was no update, there have been no reported discussions between the white house and these universities. that was not the first time she was asked that question. so big about that. by the way, this is the live shot at fordham they are surrounding this gaza solidarity encampment that popped up at fordham university. so they have no then warned reportedly to move on out or arrests will be made. we will watch this obviously closely and in the minutes to come whether or not they listen to that end if they don't how the university responds. >> they will not. again, they have been taught they can throw tantrums and they
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will get another tree for doing so. you know, they are the kid at the grocery check out throwing a fit beating on the floor with their fists, mommy i want this. instead of saying no, sweetheart get back in the cart you are not getting this they are saying okay, here's a candy bar just be quiet now. this is this generation sadly. >> john: or in case of northwestern here's a full ride scholarship. >> again, celebrate this. this has been celebrated since the summer of love and way before that. now we see you ripped down such as you get an award or basically that from modern culture and pop-culture and corporate america. i hope corporate america is watching because this will come sadly for all of their companies too. it is time for the same people to start taking charge. we sought in florida with university of florida they should've done real quick. >> sandra: i keep thinking of the girl alexis interviewed the young woman at fordham university who said she is calling on her university to
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divest from israel. i mean, she can do that very easily she can walk away and say she is no longer a student at that university. >> she wants to run for the board of trustees she can make that point but right now she is a student and she is supposed to be learning something. as far as i can tell all these parents should say we want our money back our kids are turning into brainless fools. they are doomed we don't know what they are saying and we have to pull up stakes and go elsewhere but these schools are in big crisis mode right now. >> j>> john: lawrence good to spend time with you. >> sandra: great to have you on. by the way we have two smart university students from columbia who are joining us soon they are onset we are on this live shot from fordham university, they have been warned to move out or arrests will be made. will the police move in? we will check back in place t this. >> we don't feel safe we are not being protected as students. our basic rights are not being upheld. >> people are yelling jewish students die, go back to poland,
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this is insane. >> john: we spoke with columbia students on the anti-semitism spreading as protesters on 40 university fordham university and on the ongoing case, chaos. two: takef $70,000. three: pay off your credit cards always dry scoop before you run. listen to me, the hot dog diet got me shredded. it's time we listen to science. one a day is formulated with key nutrients to support whole body health. one a day. science that matters. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪)
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>> john: from cassa columbia university to the gas at fordham university let's go to alexis mcadams outside of building being occupied and supposed to be cleared within the next 38 minutes, alexis what is going on? >> hey, there i want to show you behind me what we are seeing on the ground. they are chanting and they are calling for the nypd to back down but compared to what we saw last night on plum university there is not too big of a police presence. here they said it was a possible
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deadline did you hear that possible, possibly police would come in question are >> yes and they said about 44 minutes ago they would be here in an hour or so about 15 minutes. >> is a students are you worried if you are protesting or your fellow students will be arrested? >> very much so especially seeing what's happening in other colleges and all the unnecessary force police are using. i am very worried for my fellow students. >> when you see what happened to columbia here there is protesting outside obviously being kim and in the building is a different scene compared would have been a climb yeah this pretty peaceful. did you think it was okay when the students broke into that hamilton hall they are and how do you think they better should have handled that? >> i think they have a right to protest and we have the right to speak out against genocide. i don't think police should be involved like this. we are not fordham specifically i can't speak regarding other universities but we just want to speak out. we are tired of the situation
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and i don't think we should be punished for that. >> what about violence if there has been some violence and the police had to move in yesterday did you think that was wrong that there was violence at hamilton hall? >> i am not sure about yest yesterday. here everything has been peaceful. >> that is a different scene right here compared to columbia university where it all started but it is spreading not just in new york city but across the country and that ann kim and we are talking about is right back there where they are cheering and banging on glass. there are one dozen tents in there and we were told by one of the organizers here that they had some negotiations inside with school staff and they were told they needed to move the tense out or the police would move in so that's the next 30 minutes or so we will keep you posted. >> john: all right we will stay with you, alexis. we will get with you for any development. across the country to the west coast in los angeles where our william la jeunesse is live outside ucla and telling california it wouldn't seem like there?
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>> john they have canceled classes for today and close the library as well as the major buildings here are worried about a takeover if you will. ucla has four weeks of classes left leaving the question what will they do about this tinderbox behind me? what is a vocal and visible symbol of the resentment toward the university and the students inside of it, right? and last night we had about 100 pro-israel protesters, counterprotesters show up and tried to breach the barricade they confronted the palestinian supporters both sides had sticks and clubs, pepper and bear's play, some had plywood shields started with nails and pallets to shove and strike their opponents. some fireworks and bricks will reportedly thrown into the compound there were five or six campus policeman here, they left. three hours later l.a.p.d. nc hp showed up around 3:00 a.m. >> there are people getting
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injured and the police officers left their post. they were here they left. this year he has abandoned this encampment. >> now both sides have a mix of students and outsiders jewish leaders in l.a. warned you silly this could happen upset by the anti-semitic remarks and attacks to students, they are very proud of their commitment to free speech declared unlawful but did not act last night we saw the consequences. >> the reason this is happening is because jews in l.a. have enough they've seen how these protests are treating jewish students on campus and they said fine. if ucla and the administration won't do anything and if l.a.p.d. won't do anything we will do something about it. >> so the students for justice in palestine which is a big place here issued a statement demanding number one that the
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entire uc endowment divest from companies doing business in israel and they also said the universe had to cut ties with l.a.p.d. issued a statement saying that the universe who would rather see us dead then divest. we demand the universe the end of this sham of pretending the school is neutral that has chosen genocide before and it will chew genocide again. the question, john, moving forward who has more leverage? a member on the stiffest sure issue brown university did negotiate with their tent centers and did agree to consider a vote on the vesting and exchange the concession the tent city in brown would be disbanded. we will see going over if that is a new benchmark for some of these pro-palestinian groups, john? >> some negotiate some simply bring in the police and cleared them out let's see what happens at ucla william, thank you. sandor? >> sandra: john, to columbia where more than 200 a lot to mark arrests have been made of these anti-israel protesters by the nypd authorities have cleared out the building
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protesters took over there, let's bring in two columbia university students, xavier westergaard and daniela simons who've also served in the idf and one of the students suing the school welcome to both of you. i say every time you sit down i can't imagine what you've been going through. and what it has been like for you. to be students there and you can't even walk on your school's campus? >> think of having us first of all. it has come to a point where i am speechless i have nothing to say. i think back to october 7th and the events that ensued on campus shortly after and i think it never had to get to this point. what do you think, xavier? >> two weeks ago i came on the show and i was afraid to walk on campus. now we don't have to be afraid of walking on campus because we are not even allowed to walk on campus. the nypd came in after two weeks of mixed messages and total -- what is the word? lack of communication from the university. the only communication we got
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was that there were ongoing negotiations with the student leaders of this protest these unauthorized protests had already been condemned against university policy but the university didn't do anything. what's the point of having a policy if you don't do anything >> go exactly and they only stepped in one facility's workers were held hostage inside hamilton hall. the email that was put out by the president, she said the facility's workers held hostage and then it was anti-semitism is always aforethought. it's never about breaking university policy is with anti-semitism. complete anarchy. >> sandra: you can break the rules, no consequences. it seemed it struck you a moment ago when we were talking to laura ingraham and i reported what we heard from the white house and that was through the press secretary that the president of the united states among this chaos all over the country has not gotten on the phone and spoke with the school administrator or a university president. you said we haven't heard anything that the white house has to say.
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we turn to this exchange with our own peter doocy live in the briefing just a moment ago. i want to get your thoughts out of this. >> some of these encampments have matching tents, we are told there are professional outside agitators involved. we don't know they are being paid to so chaos by domestic entities, this president biden does he want his administration to find out who is funding this? >> what i can say, i cannot speak to the organizations that are being reported on the ground. that is not something for me to speak to. that is obviously something local governments, local officials i keep saying local government, local officials are going to speak to. they will have better information on that. what we have said and i don't think i have iterated that yet from here is that the doj and fbi are going to continue to
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offer support to universities and colleges in respect to federal laws, so that is something the doj and fbi are doing as far as local organizations and what is all being reported on the ground, that is something that local law enforcement certainly is looking into. >> i understand president biden historically has spoken very forcefully about anti-semitism. but this week he is not, he is m.i.a. is he that worried about losing the youth vote for this protesters? >> i'll be mindful you are talking about youth vote in 2024 -- >i have to say what i have to sy and just give me a second. so i am not going to speak about some of these is that adorable? we go sorry. an alarm. >> all right. and i will speak more broadly. i can't speak to youth and support and voters that is not something i can do from here. the president has taken a lot of
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policy actions here that he knows young people care about. >> sandra: it struck me just there i set it to you, they are referencing reports from the ground? this is the white house. they can get any of that information first hand. why are they not? >> any conversation between the white house on the university is a two-way street so i don't know why president biden and his team have not reached out but the real question is why minouche shafik have not sought outside support for this. for us this is a crisis and we have known this is a crisis for the last six months and only now they are responding? we have been telling people these protests are not pro-palestine they are anti-semitic they israel. and they would inevitably escalate and become violent and all they have. >> sandra: she kept saying these are mostly peaceful that there is just a few students that are involved in the bad stuff, the vile rhetoric, the anti-semitic words.
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>> i think it's the university's responsibility to educate the students. what is anti-semitism on what is not buried there is an anti-semitism's task force and that is great but when they are not teaching students why this is hateful, that is a problem. and we are seeing they are becoming more and more extreme because the university has failed to step in. >> sandra: is it fair to say they are teaching the opposite? >> yes. >> that is powerful. what is the message? if the white house at the white house today what could be done from your view? you have seen this firsthand, you are experiencing the threats, the vile rhetoric, you can't even go to your classes anymore. there are people who can to the graduate. what is your message, xavier? >> that is to be strong unequivocal condemnation for the actions on this campus. they can't shift the blame from those on our campus engaging in this despicable way and there needs to be a serious review of
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how the universities are funded because if they are receiving funding from the federal or state government that has to come with a lot of strings. if they can't protect our rights as jewish students they should not be receiving a dime. >> sandra: we appreciate you both joining us we are breaking news please come back we appreciate you telling your story's. >> john: to waukesha was nonsense milwaukee from president trump a rare day out of court on the campaign trail let's listen in. >> hello, brian good job, great job you've done. i hear the numbers are very good, brian? that is the only thing that matters at this point, right? okay, thank you brian. i think we will. my former chief of staff, really great guy who loves or state very much race previous. where is wright's previous, everyone had a hard time with that name here we don't have a hard time with that name anymore after years of that name we have no problem thank you very much.
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next a woman, mary pat kruger. thank you. they came a pat. and your executive county executive if you look at paul farro a great person who has done a fantastic job. eric peterson, your sheriff. where is erica? i signed backstage h is i mean every sheriff should look like eric. and the greatest purchaser of advertising in history of the world, mike lindo. [applause] [cheers and applause] nobody buys ads like him. thank you, mike. with your help we will win wisconsin this november we will defeat kirk and joe biden the worst president in history of our country. we will make america great ag
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again. and it ain't so great right now. it is a laughing stock all over the world. including our colleges, universities, look what is happening to our country. and our border. some people say you go to the colleges to get your eyes off the border. last night we are not talking about the border, millions of people are coming in. millions of people. we had the safest border in history and then the worst border in the history of the world, but they are not talking about that now they are talking about colleges and universities. people that have gone astray. last week we saw numbers showing clearly that the economy is crashing with the g.o.p. growth plunging by more than 50% just in this quarter i think we are plunging. we are now in a biden
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stagflation. do know that is? it's worse. it's the worst it's worse than inflation and we are in stagflation which spells the death of the american dream without including the horrible numbers we see flowing in from the poor and crime-ridden countries all over the world. they have people coming in from the poorest and heaviest crime countries all over the world. congratulations. they come out of prisons, they come out of mental institutions and to be a neighbor right near you so congratulations. i think wisconsin probably you are very open-minded toward that, right wisconsin? are you open? [boos] i don't think so. no, it's terrible paired what's happening is terrible. on top of all of that biden just declared if he gets four more years he will drench the middle class in the largest tax increases in the history of our country bowing repeatedly -- [boos]
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that he will ensure the trump tax cuts the biggest tax cuts in history and he says that's not the rich is the companies that employ people and the middle class and the people that benefit the most are lower income people. they are the better ghost and he wants them to expire he won't replace them. it means you have the biggest tax increase in history of our country so i don't think we will let it happen. i don't see anyway if he wins they are trying this weaponization of the justice department, so so far that has not been working so well because we have the highest poll numbers we have ever had. [cheers and applause] but what it all means is under kirk and a single individual earning $7,500,000 a year will pay almost $2,000 more in terms of just the tax cycle alone in a family of four earning 165,000 that is a lot dollars a year
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will see at least 3,000 more added onto your taxes which are already high. 73% of americans are now living paycheck to paycheck. that is the highest number ever recorded. think of what that means. paycheck to paycheck. what does that mean? you get fired, you lose your job, you get sick, and you can't live? this is the highest number ever up in a number no one ever thought they would see. crooked joe biden wants to raise taxes on top of that and raise business taxes which will lead to the destruction of your jobs. you know what, ultimately it will just lead to the destruction of the country. we have so many negative forces, uncle sam is right here, look at him, you are perfect. this guy is the best. like a perfect uncle sam. [applause] because we need you, that's right, thank you, uncle sam, get up here for a second, look at the sky.
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[cheers and applause] this guy. while matt, he is in good shape. he is in good shape. look at this guy. outside. outside. i said we have to make a speech here, uncle sam. good-looking uncle sam though, give me a pen somebody let's get uncle sam taken care of. give me a pen. i have to get a pen. let's go. just throw it appear. give me a pen, please. do you think biden can bend down like that? [cheers and applause]
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where is uncle sam? >> i want the pen too. >> here is your pen back. uncle sam you've got it. [cheers and applause] that's nice. secret service -- [chanting "trump"] secret service doesn't love that stuff you understand? they are looking like what is he doing? don't do this. it's uncle sam, right? he looked good to me. but with me in the white house we will protect the trump tax cuts for working families we will make our middle class stronger, bigger, better, stronger, wealthier, and more prosperous than ever before we will do it quickly too it won't take a long time.
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one thing, i was there, i know the good people i know the bad people i know the smart ones, the dumb ones, the ones that think they are smart. ones who don't think they are smart that are smart, i know them too. all different types but i got to know them in 2016 i didn't know anybody. i learned fast, i know everybody, i know them better than anybody. the biden job numbers are fake. he is counting people coming back from work. remember when we had the pandemic people left and they said come back in two or three months when this goes away come back. he got those numbers and he tries to add them on. do you know what they call them? part time they call them fake numbers. they call them "bounce back numbers" it's a bounce back automatic. if this young gunman right in front of me were president he would have a bounce back they would say oh, they were just our numbers it's an important thing to know. a lot of the numbers that just
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came out on emigration and unemployment were illegal immigrants. almost all of the numbers were from illegal immigrants. isn't that great? [boos] the illegal immigration that would be taking care of better than the people in the country that are best desperate for jobs but when i am in the white house the biden economic bust will be replaced with the trump economic boom we will replace it. [cheers and applause] when i left office we handed crooked joe the fastest economic recovery it was the fastest recovery, think of this, economically ever recorded. the stock market was as a record high, the price of gasoline was $2 and even less than that a gallon. think of that. we had periods of time where it was $1.57, $1.87, how does that sound to you?
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[cheers and applause] but under $2 a gallon with 30-year mortgage rate was at a record low. the lowest ever recorded $2 -- think of this, 2.65% that's what your mortgage rates will. now you can't get a mortgage. if you want to pay eight or 9% you still can't get them. we had no inflation. we had no inflation. we had the greatest economy in history. everybody said this isn't to me, is everybody. we had the greatest -- we had no inflation. today or inflation is so high it doesn't matter if you make money it doesn't matter it eats you. inflation is what they call a country buster. you go back 200-300 years to countries with inflation, they got busted. asked germany how was inflation many, many years ago it destroyed the country. it is a country buster. we have record horrible inflation. and now it is getting worse. now they think they are not going to be able to cut interest rates because it is getting worse. you don't hear that and they
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don't talk about it. the fake news these people are going to say we don't want to talk about it. [boos] but then biden came in and unleashed mayhem on our economy just like he unleashed mayhem on our border. the border, there has never been anything like this a border like this. there has never been anything in the world, there has never been a border like this in the history of the world. using covid as an excuse, crooked joe biden launched the greatest confiscation of middle-class wealth in the history of our country. it is middle-class wealth, he confiscated it. in three years joe biden and his party still trillions of dollars from hardworking americans and gave it -- he gave it all to their cronies in washington. there are errors to be. he gave so much money away in the green new scam is the worst scam in the history of our country. they spent $2 trillion, the green new scam, the greatest
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scam in history they spent $2 trillion on the so-called "american rescue plan" which was not rescuing -- how is the rescue plan doing? trillions of dollars wasted which the neck and stomach economists call of the original sin and his advisors call of the original sin that led to rampant inflation where it began. they spent another trillion dollars on their misnamed inflation reduction act and then they admitted it really wasn't meant to reduce inflation. they call it the inflation redemption act. remember when a certain sender set out to prove it and it was the end of his career? i won't tell you his name was mansion, i'm sorry. no, that was the end of his career. he was popular. he was getting more and more popular he started out not so popular for many years and then he became popular because he was rejecting all of this madness and then for some reason he
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agreed to sign a couple of things that were not good and it didn't work out too well. $1.2 trillion for the fake infrastructure -- he had a package of infrastructure. you take a look at it, it is fake. it is fake and it is horrible. and all of that money again going to the green new scam. joe biden's economic plan is to make china rich and america for. my economic plan is to make america richer than ever before. [cheers and applause] that's what we are going to do. you vote we are going to save our economy and we are going to bring our company back from hel we have a country they are, look at the crime. i lost a tenant a big drug store, a big one and one of my buildings and they said what is the problem? this is new york what is happening all over i don't think is happening here so much maybe it is actually.
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oh, in chicago, and chicago is happening. they say sir, we can't keep the product and i said that's a good thing isn't it? they can keep product called the manager nice guy i said would happen? he said we can't keep product and i said oh, that's good isn't it to mark no, they are walking in with bags and taking it off the shelf so now they put bars up and they put glass up. somebody wants to buy toothpaste and it takes half an hour for the guy to come, they open up and -- how the hell can you make money doing that? who heard of it? if someone told you to go for three years ago that was somebody you would say that's not possible. we knew 3300-400 usually young people walking in department stores and robbing the place walking out television sets. we are going to give our great police, they are great, their power back. [cheers and applause] and they are going to protect us again.
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and you know you saw it last night that was one good thing that really happened. you saw it last night because new york was under siege last night. and these people at first they were intense and the person that heads up columbia university it was a great school it has been badly damaged i think reputational he. but the person who heads it up, a woman, she waited so long she was so weak, she was so afraid, she was so bad, they could have done this with the tense and it could've been quick and no problem but they did an incredible job they went into one of the big buildings, a beautiful landmark building, boy, it got the hell beat out of it last night. you are supposed to take care of those buildings. it took a beating. but the police came in and exactly two hours everything was over. it was a beautiful thing to watch new york's finest. [applause] you saw them go up and ladders, you saw them go up and ladders
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and break in the windows getting income of that is dangerous because you don't know what is on the other side of that window. they went and knocked it out they were incredible they did a great job. new york's finest. you notice like that throughout the country. chicago, great police, l.a., great police i know so many of them i know so many of the top people in the middle people i see them all over. they are great and they can do the job. but we have to give them their power back. [chanting "usa"] where did he come from? all right. thank you. go home to mom, right? go home to your mom! thank you, thank you. [cheers and applause] say hello to mother. she will be angry.
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because she is watching right now in television. she is watching on television she said "that's my son." the biden inflation, you know it is interesting when the fake news reports a story? they will say there was pandemonium. one guy said something i don't even know what he shouted. there was pandemonium. but look, front row joe ran back there and said look at that guy. front row joe. [applause] that is good. he ran, he ran, when he sees the trouble he runs into it. every country needs people like that. anyway, thank you front row joe. the biden inflation disaster is a direct result of kirk and joe's trillions in wild spending that is what is happening. a tax on the likes of which this country has never seen before in the last three years the average wisconsin film has lost between
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20-$30,000 thanks to crooked joe's inflation. think about it is an inflation tax, it's a new tax. i just thought of it in the plane coming up here. i never used that expression. i call it biden inflation tax because if you had what inflation has done to you that's about a 30% tax increase and i think even more than that. you can get a pay increase but your pay increase isn't nearly overcoming what has happened with inflation. so i just came up with the name i thought it was quite bril brilliant. [cheers and applause] it's called an inflation tax. we have a new tax, ladies and gentlemen. we have a new tax called the inflation tax and these price hikes are continuing to drain nearly $1,000 from the typical wisconsin family every single month. does that sound like a lot? i think it's a lot. chicken, i love chicken, is up
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24%. baby food is up 30%. eggs are up 59%. gasoline is up 50%. but it is going way higher. airfares are up 33% without the service that we used to get. and a 30-year mortgage rate just hit 7.6%, one of the highest averages ever. other than that we are doing quite well don't you agree? and the country is going to hell but then we are doing quite well. we are honored to be joined today by shanna gray who owns a vegan restaurant, supposed to be really good. i'm not into the vegan stuff i must say but i will have to try this. when we come here and a short period of time in milwaukee we will try that vegan food i don't know if i will like it, but shanna says her business is being brutalized by the soaring cost of food. she has never seen anything like it. and right now she says things aren't working. she was doing great. three and a half years ago she
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was doing better than she ever did during the trump years she said i was able to afford things, i wasn't worried about my future, i am now. i'm starting to really worry the stress and anxiety are really hurting me. i would like to have shanna come up for a second and say a few words. [cheers and applause] >> as we spoke before, is very important that we change what is going on now. none of us can continue to go with the biden administration. we definitely need to make this house party over. we need trump in 2024. so make sure you vote trump, 2024. [cheering and applause]
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>> mr. trump: thank you very much, i appreciated. >> thank you for having me. >> everyone: one more year! [chanting] >> mr. trump: thank you. how nice are those two? that was shannon's daughter and think of what -- is just common sense, you know, it's very dangerous to bring people up here from the standpoint. you don't know what the hell they're going to say. we didn't we hearst that. she could've said," like mad ladies and gentlemen, go vote for biden." and everybody would just say, that's not a good thing he did. that's not too good. you never know what they're going to say. so far never had a problem with that problem has been out before but others. but i want to thank shannon. were going to go there during -- you get ready for me. maybe you can convince me with that vegan food? you get good healthy vegan
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food. but the choice for wisconsin is simple. if you want lower cost, higher incomes and unaffordable american dream then you have no choice but to vote for a gentleman named donald trump for president. [cheering and applause] crooked joe likes to talk about -- the biggest jump fee of all, think about it, is all of the 50% biden inflation tax and that's what it is. just think of it. if you look at the real numbers of that it's incredible. we thought it was 30% any thoughts that that we were sure it was no more than that make it turned out to be actually 50% and the extra cost you're paying out the grocery counter and the gas pump and all the other blatantly up to go by matter what you buy and that is all taking place within three and a half years. think of it.
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but he is -- here's the good news, we have six months. with these stupid people running our country, that's an eternity because you can end up in world war iii with this group here. you don't know what's going to happen back with six months sounds very short. it's not. frankly with them is an eternity. but it is not that long a period of time. we'll be here -- it will be a very quickly and we'll have a great convention, a good time and i'm honored to have chosen your state. rhymes -- we are honored. were honored biden has run the government like robin hood essentially in reverse, stealing from the poor and giving it to the rich. and ashley what he does. we -- you know, they talk the game, trump, trump, trump. is the opposite. is the opposite. is like what i was saying the other day, the new york times, every story the right
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is so -- is the exact opposite grandmother so untruthful. they take something and make the opposite. so when you're reading the story you remember to do the opposite. it's the terrible thing. it's the same with the democrats. you know, they say many of the rich people are with democrats. it's changed. we become the party of the worker. we become the party of the middle income. is done a hole flip. just listen, a few examples of what biden inflation tax has really brought. crooked joe is spending hundreds of millions of dollars to give $7500 tax credit storage people who buy electric cars. what do you think of electric cars? >> everyone: [boos] >> mr. trump: i like elon but, you know, the car -- there's a place for electric cars but you have to have other choices, too. they want to have a gasbuddy and back of five years from now by 2030 they want to ha have, think of this, almost everybody having an electric car but they don't want them.
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and they're not selling. and you know one of the great thing -- people don't know well how come they keep getting made? you know what, because our government subsidizes the hell out of them so the car companies are doing okay counter making cars that aren't selling and it is not selling them again giving billions and billions and -- a bogus -- dollars a week of subsidies to create cars or people don't want and again, i'm all for them. if you want to go to the candy store count by yourself a little candy and come back home? but if you want to take a trip to a place like mar-a-lago to say hello to me -- [cheering] you better get yourself a different mode of transportation. [laughter] and, you know, the scary part about that, they want trucks to be that way and the trucks have to stop six times going to california versus not stopping at all. if you get the diesel the big diesels, and it're


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