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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  May 1, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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>> speaker-01: john kennedy grilled a far left professor hearing today, classic kennedy. >> i would like to submit all the good doctors objected to this scientific analysis for the record. >> you often retreats to -- retweet stuff is that what you are saying that you don't sport. >> i didn't tweet it. >> but you retweeted it. >> it's not characteristic of the propaganda tapings. >> are you going to call me sick [ bleep ] >> speaker-01: i wish i could've played at that's all the time we have left that your dvr and let not your heart be troubled, a grey get got felt will put a small in your face have a good night. [ ♪♪ ]
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[ cheering and applause ] >> greg: yes indeed i know, i know. according to report white house communications staff correct transcripts 148 times so far this year's remarks which is impressive because he's only spoken 4 times 3 times asking for directions a new poll has trump leading biden in all 7 swing states. [ cheering and applause ] upon hearing this joe said fine but what about slides and monkey bars states. in a near book a pair of
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psychologists say forgetting things is good for your brain just function properly they recommend the last 3 and a half years leak proof suits to guard against the ocean also ordered by joe biden's secret service. man in alabama hugged 1123 trees in an hour for a world record the previous record held by john karis wife. spectators in manhattan saw a man in an orange mask eat a jar of cheese balls making it the largest audience brian stelter has had in years. kfc perfume smells like barbecue
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perfect for women trying to attract their ideal man. we would stop doing these jokes if you would stop laughing -- laughing at them. for zebras broke free from a trailer on a highway in washington state if you need to help i'm only a few states away said 1 woman. come on if you are a liberal you would be applauding. let's do a monologue. they use their freedom to mess with yours. in the midst of relentless campus to tantrums don't we need comic relief get a little of this screaming here in atlanta. >> you are here hurting me. you are hurting me out, our, our , help, help, help.
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you're hurting me! >> greg: if you don't enjoy that that i don't want to know you. but this young person learned and ego wrapped in a parents is fine until you break the law this is an attack on speech know its effective policing. is much as i like a douchebag being carried off like a mattress of a twin bed you are also giving them what they want victim status something they don't deserve. it's 1 of the many scenes of campus chaos as dopey students chanda logan -- of slogans they don't understand about a conflict they can't explain some general -- hate jews some don't know what's going on. this is their version of the keg party but without the booze to hide the fact that they are ugly. either way they are spouting anti-semitism loudly and proudly which is legal until it isn't. it's not legal to block jewish students from getting to their
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classes is not legal to allow assaults and squatting it's not legal to break into campus buildings. the even trooped in with a flag screaming for revolution but it's a marxist wealth in sheet seclude thing from black panthers to the weather underground even maroon 5. they condemn authority with their own version of fascism. how are you the underdog when you are assisted by the people running the place. radicalized faculty sets the framework for which students feel not only empowered but sanctioned by those in authority the same way a child grows up to be an ass hole if it's parents act like castles and encourage that behaviour. did you see the columbia faculty standing arm in arm to block
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people from breaking at the encampment how else do they take over a campus and act like concentration camp guards they take marching orders from someone. at ucla they prevent jewish students from entering the library, watch. >> why do i need a wristband? not moving you guys want to prevent jewish students from entering fine. >> are you zionist? >> of course some zionist. >> you don't lead scientists in the library that i pay tuition for. >> these compassionate souls are for enforcing a border which will come down once the colleges realize they need jewish alumni to keep donating but in the real world oppressed people aren't on a campus nobody in the goo
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lawgiver said i might get worked to death in this coal mine but at least tonight's taco tuesday so they keep out certain people doing exactly what the left claims is wrong openly attacking jews welcome people on campus just watch. >> stop, stop, stop, stop, stop. taser, taser! >> greg: the attackers do all this while demanding nobody filmed them. imagine the reaction if cops asked for similar kit things. they have tiktok's explaining pronouns and body piercings most of them could be cleared up with a magnet held at crotch level. meanwhile the assume grounds of university are somehow sacred
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sanctuary from civility it isn't why is this different than a denny's. if they try to impede your ability to get a cheese omelette while preaching your death they would be first face a waft -- face first a waffle iron faces resenting a gluten-free eggo but they know that wouldn't fly in places where real people are they would get their asses kicked to take florida and texas a statement in the university of florida this is not comic cated the university of florida is not a daycare we don't treat protesters like children they know the rules they broke the rules they will face the consequences that is florida. [ cheering and applause ] that's florida where the candy asses get sunburns and sick burns he didn't put up with students acting like lawless jerks and spring break and isn't going to allow it on campus in texas the governor says no encampment will be allowed sorry kids encampment is in speech
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anymore than pitching a tent makes you daniel boone nobody wants to say the obvious truth these are mindless brats when i was there rage i was a mindless brat as well but i didn't force my mindlessness on others except in bars and certain restrooms but encouraged by the people who indoctrinate them they demand blind obedience as well as an exemption from their own authoritarianism what does that sound like isn't that what they accuse us of oppression that's what it sounds like to me they are the oppressors they just suck at it and yet the media and dull justice to fall victim status claiming her pub weakens or pouncing and seizing on the circus here's a headline trump gop sees on campus who depict chaos under biden is not the fault of these violent ignorant children your fault for noticing what we are going to keep noticing and every now and then
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it's funny. >> you are hurting me, you're hurting me out, out, out, help you're hurting me! >> greg: a lesson in life when your need for attention gets carried away you might end up getting carried away as well. >> greg: let's welcome tonight's guests his ex-wife took everything except as depression, comedian jamie liss sow. so allergic to gluten she hates when producers say that's a wrap kennedy! unlike governor ho troll he can move his face, former congressman lee is elden and she's like a rubiks twisted
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often seen at garage sales. kat timpf! jamie week it about you being a parent but i'm sure you are loving parent you have kids these are children who love attention were okay with giving it to them should we be great finally serious question to you and you don't know what to do. >> i was waiting for the insult. >> greg: sorry as a sad divorced father what would you do if your parents ended up actually going to college which they won't the. >> now i feel more comfortable. well honestly as they often say when lunch is delivered to the set of the view there's a lot to unpack here there's so much
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wrong here my favourite thing i'm so glad you played a price as what's ironic is that still protesting i like to hear from protesters what their protesting when he goes security them that's real protesting with think if i'm part of the protest it's like you were holding back during the earlier protests this is how much potentially offer protesting can you imagine if you're sending your school here being $345,000 for 4 years that's what happened i heard that stat line by 3 noon $41,000 i wouldn't say did it we can get it there as congratulations as
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we are so excited the birth any day now. >> and keep them coming. >> that's what i told that trucker there dave. >> what drives me crazy as am going to both sides a little bit everybody's looking for a movement on their phone's somebody's blocking my way i would probably punch them where the guys to just grab these people and throw them aside it's not strong people they had the fraternities doing that going to the encampments and just throwing stuff away taking back their schools i went to ucla you went to uc berkeley surprised they been pretty quiet throughout all of this. >> greg: that's true but i am happy my daughter is going to a state school in the midwest where this nonsense is not happening if i were a parent
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spending that money i would be worried because it's the hr departments and senior vice president said all these companies hiring the future leaders were now pretty dang sure they don't want to hire anybody from harvard and columbia are places like this that allow this propaganda to infiltrate an entire generation of people and they are with his you know why they identify with what's happening in gaza you know why they identify with hamas because they picked a fight with a much bigger enemy would weigh more guns and that's what they are trying to do to the police try to pick a fight so 1 of them gets hers the shirt and stream on columbia for allowing it to happen because that's going to be the result. stomach i enjoy your tie off the back lee wondering this is a bunch of cosplay that when these kids are on campus they play
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these roles him in the ghetto went out i going to be a corporation i will forget about all this i will listen to my boss do the right stuff at the problem is not with social media and instagram your cosplaying is forever. >> this should follow them they're asking for amnesty as they take hamilton hall at columbia university and speaking of nonplayer characters what life might be like afterwards give a shout out to the janitors that's a tough job to clean up and reportedly held hostage as you know these hamas sympathizers types they if the cleanup they can have nightmares of headscarves and women with armpit here which probably there's a go find me page for these janitors so shout out to them i think this needs to be
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listened and go to universities know how to lead you crackdown on it you don't tolerate it it only gets worse my daughters are 17 graduate high school and 2 months is great to see the head of 1 of their schools crackdown on this instantly you talked about rhonda santos and governor greg abbott win she gave a press conference she said this is my responsibility this is on the universities likely you call in the national guard i have nothing to do here if you don't want to lead then step out of the way let somebody else step and who knows what to do. >> greg: i think she's trying to save face because she only as 2 left. cat after be fair a lot of these people aren't students that are there shouldn't the students who
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are there call it the interlopers of people are they that not the ones mentioned windows does it matter speaking overall being antiwar doesn't mean your anti-semitic just like to the people he went to the protests on january 6 went all the people in the capital on genuine success a distinction of course some of the things we are seeing and hearing people say of the protests are anti-semitic things they have a right to say those things no matter how disgusting they might be but you don't have a rate. the person who says i'm a zionist has a right to say that to you not the right to say you can't come into the library because of what you just said as complicated as people make it seem i think it's pretty straightforward actually all speech no matter how gross it is is protected under the first amendment. is there anybody who thinks this is okay i certainly hope not
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because i don't think any bashan a problem's calling about. it's like oh your zionist you can come into the library. you can't go to class also you're paying big bucks to be on the campus you can't use it for like you to get money back or something to me it's so clear-cut shouldn't be hard to call these things out. >> greg: up next drew barrymore swoons over a liberal buffoon. were nausea and sleepiness. ask about ubrelvy.
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♪(fun music)♪ mom, can i help? camping was fun, but it looks we brought the woods back with us. if you're a mom, then you really need weathertech for mother's day. it's the ultimate way to kid proof your vehicle. from laser-measured floorliners for the front and rear... to protector... and seat back protectors... we've got mom's covered. your turn. (hose spraying and laughter) find all these american made gifts, perfect for mother's day, at
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>> it's coming your way, hey, hey, it's a video of the day! [ cheers and applause ] >> greg: drew gets close enough to smother the vp who wants to be our mother.
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the video of the day comes from drew barrymore who slobbered overcome ally harris on his talk -- on her talkshow role it. >> i keep thinking in my head that we all need a mom, we'll need a tremendous hug in the world right now in our country we need you to be mom common-law >> greg: that's the nickname her step kids color behind their back because apparently for non bilingual viewers it also means socket in spanish don't laugh all this time i thought my masseuse was complimenting me she also caught talk about her which is street. >> asked me earlier but what it means to be a first woman because people still or use of
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this my staff for example it'll meet me some people talk but the way i laugh which i love you left which with me to leasing i have my mother's left eye group of around a bunch of women in particular left like that i i don't want to be like that though i'm not that person. >> greg: her inappropriate laugh is what women do so when you find it weird you probably are sexist. sorry ladies criticizing a left that doesn't make me sexist i'm sexist because i say women can't do mast. >> he's got a point thank you whoever that is that's our mom. maybe they should have asked about the whitehouse drama or the economic trauma law or her relationship with michele o
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obama law or a llama finally we address how close drew sitting to her i'm not sure she's can ask questions or propose thank goodness stupid isn't contagious or they would infect each other like a commercial of breath mints for idiots. is not the first time she's gotten uncomfortably close with a female guest. >> greg: i said female lease this time she didn't get jabbed by a boner is that the most underrated word on the planet boner i'm bringing it back, kennedy. >> never left greg lease that's what the trucker told me. a boner. >> your children call you that. who gets most stepchildren. >> greg: why do democrats
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parental lies leaders like howard stern said joe biden you're like our country's father then you've got drew very mark lang them mom wise that? >> they are immature twits the kittens who are taking over college campuses are the products of emotionally stunted children and i think it's very sexist actually the only appeal you can make that call ally harris it's not about her economic or political prowess it's really about kant that you just be like a mom and to give me a hug because she is incapable of anything else so she think she is giving her this big complement it's actually an insult it's actually a punch to the uterus actually kat that actually has to be harsh i wouldn't know obviously anyway you can't spell uterus without us so does any of this situation
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make you upset the fact they are sitting so close? >> actually like drew barrymore i think it's interesting the way she interviews people it's always the same vibe as 2 women peeking on molly together will there waiting in a club. it's like do you feel it yet? >> there waiting in the bathroom and and it's just like i just love you touching a little that is the vibe it is weird to see it when it's common let harrison particular like an authority figure people forget how many people she put in prison right like when you put those black fathers in jail how did you feel [ laughter ] >> it's not about the left --
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left esso both an annoying laugh i have my dead mother's annoying laugh i never brought that up as a clap back before simi that's a tip for the law it's not the laugh it's at the times at which she laughs it's like she's talking about something serious or something that makes no sense that's what makes people ask it's not your laugh is annoying but are you okay more. >> greg: was that is rangy as expected? >> for those 22 of yes as far as coparenting skills and that's where they want to go with this howard stern, joe biden calmly hears their parenting skills a soft think of his pick for great protector is common let harris yet to look at the last 30 years where she's at the opportunity to prove herself as a great protector she won't protect the border even or parental rights
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or law enforcement or women's or a thousand other things right you think of her record and thinking about nicknames doing all those. mama llama dingdong personally she's to go and hopefully november is the opportunity. >> greg: she really could've made a name for herself on women's sports because nobody else was doing that i can accept jk rowling but she really could've steered that somewhere like can i call you john mola quick. >> unanswered anything just keep having me on. sue mccree sleeping in your car? >> i just closed on a minivan. >> thank you thank you very much. >> greg: and i told you by the
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cart work yourself up the property ladder. >> 1 story, 4 doors. was watching this video and i couldn't believe somebody is out ock wording the law it was like she seems normal almost like it was so crazy. didn't like when howard stern said that joe biden would be like the father of the country i don't think he could be a father because he is not being the father of just 1 guy just 1 guy's not doing a good job was also some of the most uncomfortable body language ever i proposed to my girlfriend this weekend and i didn't get as close as did the common. >> now i have to ask yes or no. >> she said maybe just kidding she did say yes actually
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breaking some news gutfeld i didn't know congratulations we should do the rest of the show on that actually. unfortunately we can't that's amazing like i can't insult you. >> that's what i was hoping to use that for. >> you can't insult her because she lives in canada actually. up next school and ask bands for athletes protesting trans an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. step back out there with fasenra. ask your doctor if it's right for you.
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the best way to solve a problem is to keep it from happening. (♪) at evernorth, we combine medical and pharmacy data with behavioral health data to identify members in need of care. predicting and treating behavioral health issues quickly... while lowering costs for plan sponsors and members. that's wonder made possible. evernorth health services >> historian 5 words! >> greg: girls protesting shop. 5 west virginia middle school students who refuse to compete against a trans athlete were banned permanently from future shotput competitions i which happened daily obviously during
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the event they protested the biological male who won first place is that nests and i don't mean this as upon. >> all of a sudden we woke up 1 day and transgender people began disappearing human beings when did that happen. half the days of the years in our holidays to celebrate these people and when anybody else's rates are in conflict in the best interests of the check with a stick to go a different direction that always rules. daughters are probably going to the girls locker with the other 6 your outlook you got daughters and with they get in trouble they refuse to share the bathroom with whatever you said? >> they are called a bigot fascist nazi they are the ones
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targeted with that attack is that they're being intolerant you want to defend women's rights speaking up on behalf of all these girls. >> all i can think about is shotput and, have you ever thought about doing shotput? >> i don't even know what 1 looks like. >> greg: it's basically a medal ball but i don't think he could pick it up. would you pay to see her do shotput? [ cheers and applause ] >> bring out the shotput getting really think that interested in getting up from my seed. >> how was it legal for a public school to do this purchase is constitutionally protected speech so how is it legal? >> they are blocking anything they literally just didn't show up that's against the law is not against luggage got banned from
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all shotput's. did you know the shotput industry is a 45 billion-dollar a year industry? >> greg: is that true cleat. >> no i made a debt. >> that's why i didn't now. i feel like i could give it tip to the transgender athlete maybe don't win by so much right make it a little bit close this on mma thing during the glove touch the woman tapped out and like you have to make a close this person 1 the shotput they had 3 more feet and 1 more penis i don't know if they still do this but when i was wrestling as we had a girl who want wrestle who just wrestled on her team as she wanted to pin me and i wanted her to pin me so didn't exactly work well.
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i just don't even know where how that even works but has a come in handy as a sport you would do later life is it out my canon broke at somebody. >> these ancient greeks at some crazy ideas. >> year janitor hamilton all last night maybe as of the thing is a lot of people say the female athlete should be the 1 speaking up they are the ones his opinion matters and here are 4 females to get banned for speaking out it's in saying. >> there are cases where i'm not on the side of the biological male in the female category this case is a little different this student has been identifying as a female for 5 years. >> so has jamie. >> since she was 8 this in somewhere where it's like i'm so bad at swimming but i love i'd
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love to be so much better than other people what could i do can beat the women. like if i raced against a 90-year-old so i would also be better than them because i have a slight biological advantage in this case it's a person who was really born in the wrong body and for some people it's made up and that's drama queens and super annoying they're turning sports on it said this case unfortunate doesn't help but it's a case where i feel bad for the person because evan made any other accommodation other than say you can't do competitive sports period and that seems harsh. >> greg: you don't the cry mission a band the kids. >> greg: dacian a band those kids. >> that's also the wrong reaction it's over simple vacation to a complicated issue and nobody is making it better. >> greg: now you can stop crying kennedy liberal panic
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>> ♪ ♪ >> video of the day. >> she fears getting canned ime and orange man nicole wallace about his appealing is a hate rash watch which you think will happen if trump wins? >> to penny and what happens in november 7 months from now we can't say for certain there would even be a white house correspondent's dinner or even a free press or a white house press corps depending on what happens from november 7 months right now there might be a correspondence dinner or a free press. >> you may not be sitting there.
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>> nobody knows where you will be sitting. >> you could be sitting naked in a traffic intersection there nobody takes you seriously the only audience you ever get is when we show a clip of you on fox. apparently she is a delusion a grand jury make sense but she is less of an impact than a punch from kat. now i love the fact she thinks she's dangerous rate. >> does she really really believe this that's what i don't understand this you really believe this or she's just saying this because that's the type type stuff people say. >> i don't know i have to say it doesn't make any sense. >> she's talking about the effects of a trump presidency non-americans like this could happen to the economy. this could happen to me scary
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weapons of these president. we are erie was president they had the white house correspondence dinner every year a course going to be a press corps because his favorite activity is fighting with the press corps. jim acosta is only person in washington as a boner for the trump presidency because without it he is completely irrelevant. >> he says trump doesn't destroy the media, the media destroys himself going after trump. since twice 16 cnn hasn't been the same took whatever objectivity they had left and tossed into the trashcan where you live. >> i remember going wow what was that. what's going to happen we can
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see as they didn't have to bring up trump even biting gives a speech she's also bringing up trump as it's a comedian coming on gutfeld yes to mention his ex-wife like for a joke. >> have you told her yet? ex-wife you're getting married? amazing. that's hilarious. you didn't even consider that did you that was far. >> happy married for a while. >> greg: you said now with such bitterness. >> greg: is this another reason to vote for trump? >> kennedy is right there there for 4 years might have had their
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biggest moment in the sun during those 4 years the press corps continues to exist in president trump as a point out would many times go around the room where reporters can ask at the craziest wackiest most unhinged questions on their minds and life went on we felt that to the extreme was in existence during those 4 years. we've been there done that nicole wallace's outing herself. >> greg: up next look like situation.
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absorbine pro. lighting every soccer match at shell energy stadium. we're moving forward with the houston dash. because we're moving forward with everybody. shell. powering progress.
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>> should we be concerned? >> greg: a crook looks like mayor pete yet still out on the street. english police showed the computer-generated photo of a man who looks like pete booted jake suspect apparently broke into a 90-year-old woman's home falsely identifying himself as a police officer same way he identifies himself as competent. we got to thinking what our wanted posters would look like here's kennedy.
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here's me. here's kat. and check out lee. finally hears jamie. there's a certain generation which is no idea what a guy wearing a barrel means everybody our agent knows the great depression, it kennedy they take his passport? >> they absolutely should they should take it that and his federal key cardiac they he should be nowhere your power fees going in some older ladies home possibly bug ring here we didn't read the full police report but it should be possible >> if i committed a crime in the
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eustis sketch could leave and tell them what i look like i don't understand how they do a police sketch i couldn't tell you what you look like. >> i do know what you look like. i have photos of you right. >> beh couldn't describe how i look how does police sketch as work is what i'm saying right? isn't it weird. >> yeah, i also don't know how you get that job. bay when he does look like somebody you tortures cats. lead you think it's him? >> i want to congratulate mayor pete this is a win for him most communities and unites dates he's not wanted. there is a community in the uk where he's actually wanted even if it's connected to a burglary at something. >> greg: jamie thoughts on this? >> it's bad crime and hope they
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catch this two-dimensional nineties videogame character and if you like that's 1 job ai isn't going to take over this is a piece of. [ bleeps ] i would feel for the guy my face was on a most not wanted poster as we could probably button up the segment i wish i'd quit joke about ( ♪ ) look, things may seem fine down there, but you need to watch out for diseases. i'll be okay.
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[ cheering and applause >> greg: out of time, thank you to everyone. i'm greg gutfeld, love you, america. >> trace: good evening, trace gallagher, 11:00 pm on the east coast, 8:00 in los angeles and this is america's late n


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