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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  May 1, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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[ cheering and applause >> greg: out of time, thank you to everyone. i'm greg gutfeld, love you, america. >> trace: good evening, trace gallagher, 11:00 pm on the east coast, 8:00 in los angeles and this is america's late news,
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"fox news @ night". breaking tonight, students now taking matters into their own hands after the adults in the room, a.k.a. the administrators, are repeatedly failing other jobs. ucla has now canceled classes after violence broke out between pro- palestinian and pro- israel protesters. the fighting went on for more than an hour before the school even requested police support. and fraternity brothers that unc chapel hill stepping up to defend the american flag that protesters replaced with a palestinian flag. in other words campus chaos showing no signs of letting up and we have fox team coverage from coast to coast. alexis mcadams live in new york city with ultimo campus protests continuing there but we begin with bill melugin live at ucla where the violence has ended at least for now however the blame game is well underway. good evening. >> reporter: trace, good evening. as the sun goes down, attention
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is building up on the ucla campus and lapd source telling me lapd just went into a citywide tactical alert because of what's happening here. i will step out and give you a look. hundreds upon hundreds of these pro- palestine protesters have shown up here outside of the encampment, apparently in an effort to defend it as it appears law enforcement is going to take action tonight. if we can go off into the background, you will see there are large numbers of lapd officers in riot gear arriving on the outskirts of campus with their crowd control gear, their helmets, and they are starting to encircle the campus. we can pan to the left and just look at the size of the crowd that has shown up to essentially stop police from being able to go into this encampment. we have another line of lapd officers and crowd control -- in crowd control gear lining up here. i will step out of the way and we will plan to the left and give you an idea of the encampment is. it's right over here to the left.
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there are multiple lines of lapd and today the protesters, the encampment, they build a wall to keep police encounter protesters out. that is what you are looking at, wooden pallets and plywood that they have put together with zip ties and screws, that they've drilled together because they are expecting some sort of siege tonight, whether it's from counter protesters or from law enforcement. a dispersal order was given earlier, multiple dispersal orders actually and the crowd inside than encampment has been chanting "we are not leaving." walk with us and we will show you just what's going on. we have more lapd set up skirmish lines as they are essentially surrounded by these pro- palestine protesters who have been chanting things like "lapd is kkk" and multiple law enforcement sources are telling us there's a plan to try to clear out the camp at some point tonight. we don't know when that is going to happen exactly but you can see, step here real quick, there's a large law enforcement presence arriving on the other
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side of where we are right now, the sheriff's department is showing up in the sheriff's department -- we will get out of the way -- the sheriff's department actually has it looked like seven or eight up there huge jail busses that are posted up about a mile away at the federal building, implying that there are potentially going to be some mass arrests tonight. the students in the in camera it behind the camera have said they are not going anywhere despite multiple dispersal orders being given by ucla police. we are seeing larger numbers of lapd showing up. they did not have their helmets on before, they have come on now , we are starting -- if you look at the neon green, those are the less lethal weapons they bring, beanbags, that sort of thing. you get the sense that there is some in imminent -- imminent action taking place tonight. we've heard that from sources in multiple police departments, you have lapd, california highway patrol and you have the la county sheriff's department out here. right now we are waiting to see
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who will make the first move. there is still a bit of daylight and everything we've been hearing from our sources is once the sun goes down we will start seeing some law enforcement action. trace, could be another night of action on the campus. >> trace: and if you see something catches flag us and we will come right back to you for whatever you find that is fascinating or troublesome. bill melugin live at the campus of ucla. meantime new york city is still very much an epicenter for much of the on-campus anti-israel activity. last night the drama unfolded at columbia and city college of new york, now it's extending to -- university at nyu. alexis mcadams is live on the ground at nyu with the latest there. alexis, good evening. >> reporter: trace, good evening, you can check it out over my shoulder, this crowd which is still out. chanting things like intifada and demanding that this university also divest from israel, saying that they are done with what's happening in
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gaza and they want a free palestine. this is kind of what's going on here. and we've also seen what's happening not just year at nyu but across the city and the country. check out this video we shot just a short time ago this afternoon, also on the upper west side in new york city, you can see that's was happening. fifteen students were arrested there after they set up another gaza solidarity encampment. this time those tents were set up right inside of a campus building. the nypd moving in and making those arrests and clearing the way. the protests coming up there a night of chaos. nearly 300 arrests at two campuses including a majority of those at columbia university in new york city. the nypd even removed a palestinian flag that someone put up at a campus just near columbia, at the city college of new york, those officers then raising the american flag. this is what new york city mayor eric adams had to say. watch. >> that is our flag, folks.
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don't take over our buildings and put another flag up. it maybe fined to other people, but not to me. my uncle died defending this country and these men and women put their lives on the line and it's despicable that schools will allow another country's flag to fly in our country. so blame me for being proud to be an american. i think the commissioner for putting the plaque -- flag back up. we are not surrendering our way of life to anyone. >> reporter: again tonight those protests continue. you can see some of what's going on. what do you have to say about the police moving into these protests? >> what was the question? >> reporter: what do you think about the police moving in? making those arrests like a columbia, you think there will be arrests at nyu? >> i think whenever the police decided to do it, they will just pick random people and arrest
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them violently. that's been the pattern. >> reporter: are you an nyu student? >> reporter: >> no i'm not. >> reporter: why are you wearing masks if you are proud of what you are standing for? why are people hiding their faces? >> i think that's a good question. a different interpretation of wearing masks than i'm used to. i find that this skews more pandemic and covid conscious so that's the reason that -- i mean personally that's why i'm wearing a mask. i get sick and i think a lot of my friends do too. >> reporter: so not wearing a mask to hide your identity? >> especially since we are all yelling in the same space, it's pretty much like i don't know, it's kind of like asking for it. that's why wearing a mask could be a good idea. >> reporter: thank you for talking to us. that's a new one that we had in her just yet, that outside wearing a mask below your nose there, not to protect who she is but more so talking about protecting her from covid.
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but we have seen nypd officers move in but it's nothing like we saw last night. >> trace: alexis, if things get ugly where you are, flag us and we will bring you right back on. alexis mcadams live at nyu, thank you. [♪♪] >> trace: meantime the facts -- "fox news @ night" commonsense department things all the anti-israel protests have overshadowed that thousands of may day events held across the country but one in particular still caught the eye of commonsense because it it was held here in los angeles. and because it involved you tla, united teachers of los angeles. that's the teachers union in the nation's second-largest school district with roughly 600,000 students but it wasn't really a celebration, it was a protest as you might imagine, and anti-israel pro- palestinian protest with a heavy dose of anti-semitism. commonsense knows the union is called united teachers but are these 32,000 teachers really united?
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are they happy to have their union and their union dos being used to promote hatred on their behalf? are these 32,000 teachers really just one big anti-israel voting block spewing anti-israel propaganda in unison, a virtual's symphony of hostility? should k-12 teachers be taking sides? should k-12 students no their teachers political ideology? remember, this is the same union that wanted to defund the police, ban charter schools and not teach kids to read or do math. but wait, commonsense dance corrected, the last one was not a goal, just a sad result of their wonderful work. let's bring in rabbi chaim mentz, you rassy grad student mark rayant and california policy attorney julie hamill. i want to get some news out of the way, we saw bill melugin at ucla, you came from -- what did
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you see out there? >> the situation is devastating right now. i have friends who are currently taking class, currently taking final exams and they've been blocked from entering campus. they've been stranded, preventing from entering and exiting because there are waves of hundreds of agitators descending on campus from all directions. they are on trucks with megaphones, they are screaming for violence, they are screaming for israel to burn. it's a very terrifying and unsettling situation for my peers and i. >> trace: we should know you have somebody out there, we are trying to turn the video around as fast as we can but we appreciate you being on, mark. rabbi, i want to put this out, this is one of the anti-israel protesters after the fighting at ucla saying this... >> for opens up -- over seven hours zionist aggressors curled gas canisters, sprayed pepper spray and through fireworks and bricks into our encampment. they broke our barriers repeatedly, clearly in an attempt to kill our community. >> trace: we should note they
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were all fighting together, they were all peppers bring each other, but now this group is changing the narrative saying that they feel like they are palestinians in gaza. >> they are doing exactly the playbook, the playbook is become the victim. what happens is thousands of people cannot get onto campus because these thugs, i hesitate to call them terrorists but that's what they are, they are terrorizing people. if i'm a student i can't get into the library. i have to get through. some people pushing away the jail they made for themselves? they are guilty as the murders of any institution. they are seriously taking over not only ucla but you have to recognize that this is coming across the whole united states. >> trace: the chanting at ucla apparently siding with the anti-israel protesters, chanting
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-- however one feels about the encampment, the attack on our students, faculty and community members was utterly unacceptable, it has shaken our campus to it's core but ucla did not even call police until 1:00 in the morning and the school newspaper is like they are the ones to blame. >> well ucla also outlined all of the violations of law that were occurring in the encampment they posted it on april 30th but they did not do anything about it. they said you are violating all of these laws but we are not going to do anything, so they emboldened this. you also have this group of people who are saying all cops are -- saying f the police, abolish the police and then crying about the police not showing up this morning. so you can't have it both ways. >> trace: but they want it both ways and that's the problem. you just told us a story market i want to bring this video up because we think it's compelling. this is where at the university of north carolina these students took down the palestinian flag
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and they put up the american flag which had been replaced. if we can play the video, it was really compelling and they put this up there and this was a fraternity and this is one of those things we've seen very few of, these are, you know, your aged students across the country during this. what do you think of that? >> i think it needs to be mentioned that these are not peaceful demonstrators, there are people among them who are violent agitators and their goal is to take advantage of our freedoms to hijack them in order to create an environment of hostility and lawlessness. it does bring a good sense of pride to see that there are people who are still proud to be american and still proud to represent those liberties and freedoms that so many have fought and died for. i'm proud of them for doing that and it brings me a sense of pride because these people, they have a game plan. they want to silence us, intimidate us and we will be silenced. >> trace: it's a good point. rabbi. >> america is looking at january 6th, january sixth, generous six. anarchists are always saying --
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they are not looking over here and they built this thing to go up around the entire country while they are the anarchists. i get to see anyone from january 6th going to jewish people and saying i want you to die. of yet to see them go them to campuses saying i want you to stop getting an education. this is the weakness of america. we are looking over here, there's an election over here. but really the damages going on over here. >> trace: this isn't my question but it's important, this is a list of demands, requests from the ucla protesters, some of the things they want. vegan and gluten-free food, superbright flashlights with a stroke, rope and zip ties, helmets, shields, would, lotion no sunscreen, knee and elbow pads. i want to move on from that with the ucla think and talk about what commonsense talked about, the teachers gathering for these anti-israel protests and you think are all the teachers on board with this? these are public school teachers. >> absolutely not and i want to send a message to all of the teachers in los angeles, you are not legally obligated to be a
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member of your union. go to my pay my and learn how to exit utla. now is the time. >> trace: it really is. it's amazing. julie, market, rabbi, thank you. we will get your video, mark got on it soon as we can. standby if you would. meantime the white house is struggling over what to do or what to say about the spread of anti-israel protests on campus as many universities say nonstudents are among the campus agitators. christina coleman is live. >> reporter: good evening trace, some universities cracking down on the chaos. new york mayor eric adams says club be a university acknowledged that outside agitators were on their campus training and co-opting the anti-israel protests. >> at their request, we went in and conducted an operation to allow columbia university to remove those who have turned the peaceful protests into a place where anti-semitism and
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anti-israel attitudes were pervasive. >> reporter: and at ucla last night a much different situation involving counter protests. the chancellor said outside agitators attacked the pro- palestinian encampment, law enforcement was called in to stop the unrest. a jewish ucla student tells fox news that he had a chance to talk to some of the protesters who showed up to campus. >> i can confidently say that they are not ucla students. they were just la residents, jewish la residents that had noticed how these pro- hamas protesters are treating jewish students. they say the main reason they are doing this was to attract police. they said they wanted la police to arrive so they can finally go inside the encampment and start making arrests. >> reporter: meantime the university of florida taking a hard stance. nine protesters were arrested there monday after students set up an encampment at the
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university's plaza last week in solidarity with other pro- palestinian protesters across the country. in response to the arrest the university says it's "not a daycare and we do not treat protesters like children, they knew the rules, they broke the rules and they will face the consequences." >> trace: it's a novel concept. thank you. let's bring in florida attorney general ashley moody, attorney general, thank you for coming on, we appreciate your time. i want to read this because christina just left with a good point, the university of florida spokesman steve orlando said the following, this is not complicated, the university of florida is not a daycare and we do not treat protesters like children. they know the rules, they broke the rules and they will face the consequences. and they have, which really is kind of a novel concept. you break the rules and you get penalized. >> yeah. this is commonsense. what you are seeing outside of the state of florida is an utter
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lack of leadership. if you are a university president and you are looking out on your lawn and you see in encampment, a city with a wall that's been built and then those protesters who have turned into now perpetrators of crime are demanding things like pieces of wood, helmets, zip ties, gas masks, you need to ask yourself why you are a university president. in florida, our universities said no, this is not happening. we immediately stopped any start of an encampment. people were arrested. i can tell you in one of our universities only four of the ten arrested were even students. there are zero encampments in the state of florida. that is leadership. but you look at these other university presidents and they are negotiating with terrorists, like joe biden is doing right now, negotiating with actual terrorists, that's a lack of a
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leader and that is not who you should have at the helm of especially these liberal elite universities who have no control over students who want to commit crimes and terrorize other students. >> trace: and now i want to talk about leadership at the top because we talked about president biden being silent on this campus chaos. today john kirby said this about bad actors being among the protesters. watch and i will get your comment. >> i'm not aware of any evidence either in the intelligence world or through law enforcement about bad actors such as you are describing. >> trace: attorney general, we don't know who's in this country , much less if they are involved in any of these protests around the country. >> we absolutely don't. when you hear about the students erecting a wall that is secure and fastened, maybe they should go teach biden how to build a wall. we've absolutely no idea who is
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here and a professor in iran just today said we have hezbollah like groups in the u.s. right now. and those folks will side with iran as well as these students that are against america. they are with iran. if there was ever a conflict with side against the united states and maybe someone should explain that to kirby. >> trace: i have very little time but i want to get your take on this. speaking of coming into america, president biden's flight program where migrants fly into the u.s. 91,000 into miami, 60,000 fort lauderdale kicks out go 6000 in orlando, 3000 tampa bay, 160,000 flown and dropped in your state. i have about 15 seconds. >> that is the illegal flight program and how are those screen folks working out? we've seen a double murder, a rape of a child and now they are
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entertaining bringing people here straight from gaza. this administration should not be trusted with the security of this nation or any state. >> trace: florida attorney general ashley moody, we appreciate your time, thank you. >> great to be with you. >> trace: coming up, the anti-israel protests weighing heavily on the presidential race. how both candidates are responding or not responding. and later in the nightcap, a man is in some hot water online after going viral for leaving his girlfriend in an economy middle seat while he was upgraded to business. and before the flight he left her in the airport and headed off to the business lounge. would you get your companion if you got an upgrade? why? why not? let us know x and instagram @tracegallagher. we will read the best responses coming up in the nightcap. keeping tabs as well on breaking news at the campus protests. [♪♪] it's doug. we help people customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. we got a bit of a situation. [ metal groans] sure, i can hold. ♪ liberty liberty liberty liberty ♪
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>> trace: a live look at ucla where last night you had protesters and counter protesters in some violent clashes. it appears tensions are again rising. let's get back to bill melugin it live on. what are you seeing? >> reporter: good evening trace. starting to feel like a pressure cooker out here. the sun is down and the vibe has shifted. the crowd is getting more aggressive with lapd, chanting that they are kkk, intifada revolution. more and more of them continue showing up, waving these palestinian flags and essentially what they are trying to do is stop law enforcement from going into the encampment. you can see a lot more lapd has shown up since our last live shot with you about 20 minutes ago. all of them are in crowd control riot gear. several have those neon green guns on them which are the nonlethal, typically they fire beanbags or something like that.
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lapd is essentially sandwiched here, you have some of them facing the crowd of hundreds in front and then if we pan left we have another skirmish facing the opposite way. why is that? that is where the action -- actual encampment is where the anti-israel camp is. they have constructed a series of walls and wooden structures to try to keep police and agitators and counter protesters out. they were building that wall all day long. you can see the result of it. lapd is essentially boxed in right now between the encampment and these hundreds of outside protesters who support this encampment, who have now arrived outside of the police log and are chanting shame on you to any lapd that shows up. cebu them, continue to call them kkk. more and more people are starting to show up on the skirmish area and you can just feel the tension building over time. la is in a citywide tactical
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alert and that means they are calling and more resources and those resources essentially have to stay on longer shifts tonight. they are bringing almost everything they've got in the local areas to this campus. they have the help of the california highway patrol, the help of the la county sheriff's department. they are handling the other side of the campus where we are not. on the other side of the encampment there's another group of hundreds of people. what you are essentially seeing is this protest group in the encampment, they put out a call to action on x, twitter, tonight saying we are expecting to get rated, everybody who supports us come down here, show your support and stop law enforcement from conducting a red or a sweep of the camp. if we pan to the right one more time it appears hundreds if not thousands of people at this point are answering that call. the question is, what is going to happen in the coming hours? multiple law enforcement sources are telling fox news to expect imminent action tonight and some sort of enforcement on this camp
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which was declared unlawful assembly multiple times tonight by you see lapd, by what we've seen nobody has left. they were chanting that they aren't going to leave the camp and you can see the result, essentially a standoff. we will keep an eye on it. back to you. >> trace: we will go back to you as the news warrants. bill melugin live on campus, thank you. republicans are taking a hard line on the anti-israel protests on college campuses but democrats are bowing to the far left and alienating those closer to the middle. senior national correspondent kevin corke with more. >> reporter: good evening trace. quiet diplomacy, that is how former biden campaign operative some own sanders townsend describes president biden's reluctance to weigh in on the ongoing anti-israel protests sweeping the country and she does not thank it's a very good strategy either. "the problem is quiet diplomacy does not speak to what we are seeing in terms of the unrest in
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the streets." she goes on to say "if you do not do the work to meet them where they are and to talk to them about what you are doing and also to here them out, you cannot expect them to understand." them of course in this case is both the protesters and more importantly the voters out there which is especially meaningful for democrats because let's face it, they well outpace republicans when it comes to support among young college aged voters, especially in national elections. how they view the white house back it's response and its culpability absolutely matters. however this biden white house, at least so far, seems content to have others beside the president himself offer their thoughts on the unrest while crediting him for past statements that broadly addressed anti-semitism. >> i can't speak to youth and support and voters. that's not something i can do from here. the president has taken a lot of
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policy actions here. he knows that young people care about them. >> trace: like student loan forgiveness. meantime republican senate and house campaigns are now preparing to launch adds slamming vulnerable democrats across the country for not more strongly and forcefully condemning the protests that have erupted on college campuses over israel's war in gaza. that according to ask io's. as you probably can guess, polling shows that more than half of voters between the ages of 18 and 29 support permanent cease-fire in gaza. >> trace: kevin corke live in dc, thank you. let's bring it new york post reporter lydia moynihan and the editor of restoring america for the washington examiner, kaylee mcgee white. thank you for coming on. what do you think of president biden's silence on these protests across the country,? >> he is desperate for the youth
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vote but let me just say as a gen z and young voter, the students he's trying to win over on columbia's campus, at ucla, they do not speak for my generation, they do not represent us. they are a minority, a vocal one but albeit still a minority and let me give you one political example of this. there was a harvard poll released last week that ask young voters to rank their top priorities heading into november's election. they were asked to compare issues and the result was that at the very bottom of their list of priorities were things like climate change, student loan debt forgiveness and the gaza conflict. at the very top of their list of priorities were inflation, the cost of living and other economic concerns. so i will just say, when i'm heading to the polls in november and when many other young adults are joining me, we are not thinking about what's happening in israel, we are thinking about why we can't afford to buy our first home, why we can't afford to live in a city where we just received a job offer. so biden is severely underestimating what is motivating us as young voters.
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>> trace: and it's interesting because the president's silence on this issue it leaves the former president and opening to say things like this... >> but it's a shame and biden should speak out. you should speak out. you should say something because nobody knows where he is. he's definitely against israel. >> trace: democrats are fractured and it's a winning issue for the former president. >> absolutely. i mean biden, it seems very political. is the first to comment on anything when it seems like it will benefit him. he was right out there after george floyd was killed, right out there after the roe v wade decision was made, he was right out there on trans day of visibility, even when it fell on easter. he's the first person to issue a statement to discuss an issue if you think that's going to win him political points. clearly here he is just too afraid to even broach it. it feels too dangerous. he's actually criticized or rather his people have criticized trump for fanning the
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flames of this issue but we need a leader with moral clarity and it seems like here biden is far more focused on what he is seeing in the polls than what is actually right when it comes to protecting the community. >> trace: speaking of what you were talking about earlier, this poll, biden struggles with young voters and you see his job of president, disapprove 62%, israel-hamas war disapprove 81%, those are deep disapproval numbers. >> and it's because he refuses to provide any moral clarity on the israel conflict. again, i believe that many young voters don't really understand the full extent of the israel palestine conflict and could be easily persuaded in either direction if our president, if our commander-in-chief were to provide some clarity on which position the united states has to take for it's own benefit. >> trace: what would they do lydia to maybe connect with younger voters? is that this topic or is it other things? >> i mean clearly people are
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worried about the economy. that is certainly a winning issue but he's been in control the last four years and it doesn't seem like his policies have really won over those younger voters. as you have reported extensively on the show, younger voters are seemingly more interested in what trump is doing. at this point, not sure what kind of messaging he can use to actually win over these people. >> trace: they are in a pickle the campaign is in a pickle. lydia moynihan, kaylee mcgee white, thank you. coming up a new york judge threatened donald trump with jail time if he doesn't keep quiet about his new york trial. and guess what, the former president was talking about on the campaign trail today. we will also talk about it with we will also talk about it with kash patel coming up next. [♪♪] a once—daily pill. when symptoms tried to take control, i got rapid relief... and reduced fatigue with rinvoq. check. when flares kept trying to slow me down... i got lasting steroid—free remission... with rinvoq. check. and when my doctor saw damage,... rinvoq helped visibly reduce damage
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to spend time on the campaign trail with the day off from his camilla trial in new york. ashley strohmier's live in new york with a look at wear the trail meets the trial. >> reporter: hello trace. donald trump took advantage of the break in his new york trial today to hit the campaign trail in wisconsin and michigan but that did not stop him from speaking out about what he calls a fake trial. listen... >> i'm a new york all the time with the biden trial. biden trial. a fake trial. that all of the legal scholars say is a disgrace, it's a fake trial, they do it to try and take your powers away, try and take your candidate a way that's killing them in the polls. >> reporter: trump is also accusing the judge of election interference, writing on truth social, rigged, crooked and above all and without question conflicted. it's a disgrace to our country, they've taken weight my right to free speech. those comments come after trump
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was hit with a 9000-dollar bill, ruling he violated a gag order, attached -- attacked witnesses on social media. if it happens again, trump could be put behind bars and that is according to the judges written ruling which says defendant is hereby warned that the court will not tolerate continued willful violations of it's lawful orders and that if necessary and appropriate under the circumstances, it will impose an accursed tory punishment. trump will return to the new york courtroom on thursday where he could be hit with another $4000 in fines for alleged gag order violations. and then la based lawyer keith davidson who represented both stormy daniels and karen mcdougall is expected to once again take the stand. >> trace: thank you, let's bring in kash patel, former staff under trump. great to have you on. eddie mccarthy writes, trump calculates that if people become convinced that the judge was in the tank for bragg, they won't
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hold the convicted felon over him. the trial may even end up being a political net positive if voters are convinced it says less about trump than about the democrats abuse of law and -- law-enforcement processes as political weapons. is he right? >> yeah, look, i think what you are seeing is the two. of justice applied in administrative way to the judicial process by the judge himself. what i see is a complete destruction, bastardization of due process. i was a public defender for a long time. representing defendants, some of whom screamed accursed judges in court but none were held in contempt because their freedom of speech rights are ultimate. it's nonselective. when you have a judge whose family member is making millions and millions of dollars from the information pouring out of that courtroom, per new york state rule of the judicial canons of ethic, that judge cannot preside
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over the hearing. there's another hundred 50 judges that could take the case, the judge chose to keep the case, shows the unconstitutional orders and if the order itself is unconstitutional, his threat for an incarcerated of punishment is in and of itself unconstitutional. what donald trump is speaking and championing for america's constitutional due process rights like he was talking about for everybody on the campaign trail and what andy was saying resonates with americans. >> trace: speaking of speaking out, michael cole in the once loyal lawyer has been cashing in on ex-president arch money trial by discussing the case on nightly tiktok livestreams. something legal experts warrant may spoil his credibility as a witness. -- michael cohen -- what credibility? >> let's just review who he is. a multiple time convicted felon who went to federal prison for lying, swindling and stealing client funds among other things. and then this guy while on federal probation just this year went before a federal judge and
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lied to him in a legal pleading and made up case law to try and get his probationary sentence over early. this guy is now going on tiktok and as you said, i don't know you can destroy your credibility any further but if there is someone who can do it, it is definitely the likes of michael cohen. i've never seen a witness in a criminal proceeding participate in social media before they took the witness stand and the fact that bragg and company are allowing it, to me shows me that they are in on it with him. >> trace: it is baffling. i'm not even a lawyer and it's baffling from the outside looking in. great to have you on the show as always, thank you. meantime back to the breaking news, let's check in with bill melugin live on the ucla campus. >> reporter: more of the same out here as the standoff continues between lapd and crowd control in this massive protesters who've gathered outside of this encampment in an effort to stop police from going in. on the other side, take a look,
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another protest group has arrived, they are turning their cell phone lights on, waving them around, that's another area of the encampment were police are now having to respond. then to the left you have the income it itself. you've essentially got lapd and law enforcement completely sandwiched and boxed in by the encampment and then multiple groups of pro- palestinian protesters encircling lapd after the encampment put out called to say if you support us, come down and stop them from raiding us as everything we are hearing is there will be law enforcement action tonight. >> trace: could be a very long night. bill melugin live on scene, thank you. coming up, is all right to leave your travel companion behind an economy if you get bumped up to business? the nightcap next. [♪♪]
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[ ♪♪ ] >> trace: here with the nightcap crew here tonight's topic upgrade for me and not for the. a man is in hot water after getting upgraded to business leaving his girlfriend in economy in a middle seed leaving her in the airport so he could visit the business class lounge would you ditch your companion and take the upgrade? >> no. a few hours of enjoyment for him
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and she will be mad at him for a life they will fight about this until the end of time the classy thing to do is if you get an upgrade and your partner doesn't you walk back to economy you find a servicemember an elderly person you make it there a day you give them the first class ticket and you stay loyal to your partner. >> trace: julie? >> it has to be fake there's no way somebody does it it's a terrible my husband's 6'8 i would give him the upgrade just so he could extend his legs. >> trace: christina? >> i would take the upgrade. my husband would understand and i would let him do the same and joy it. >> kevin? >> of had this circumstance and no i didn't go to the upgrade. >> trace: ashley? >> my husband did the same thing came back of me and gave some buddy else the seed but if i was this guy's girlfriend i would
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abandon him at the airport and he would be somebody else's problem not mine. >> trace: kayla? >> somebody online will accuse me of sexism but i wouldn't if i were leaving a wife and i was a guy but if the wife is leaving her husband and he's like go for it i think that's acceptable she deserves the upgrade. >> trace: okay so the pole says would you leave your partner yes 17% on next mac it, 22% on instagram and deborah said it my man did that i would stay home and change the locks on the doors and windows. also depends what trip work trip yes family vacation no. travel partner sure, wife never enjoy your time with her life's too short thank you for joining the nightcap thank you for watching america's late news fox news at night, see you tomorrow.
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