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tv   The Five  FOX News  May 1, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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jonathan hunt in los angeles
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with continuing coverage of america's campus chaos. and the focus of that chaos once again tonight is the campus of ucla right here in los angeles, one of the blue ribbon campuses of the uc system. last night, we saw ongoing video battles between pro-palestinian protesters and pro-israeli counter-protesters. those battles went on for something like two hours. you saw them live right here, not a single law enforcement person was in sight for most of those two hours. it is a very different scene on the campus of ucla tonight where hundreds of officers have taken up positions, seemingly preparing for an imminent clearance of that pro-palestinian protest, encamped live on the campus of ucla is our bill melugin bill, what are you seeing? does it
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look like it's happening any moment? john, it feels like it's imminent tonight. i wouldn't say right this moment, but potentially within the next couple of hours, the lapd has gone into a citywide tactical alert. and we essentially have a stand up right now. take a look. we have a group of hundreds upon hundreds of these pro-palestinian protesters who have shown up on the outside of the lapd skirmish line. they're essentially trying to stop law enforcement from going into the encampment. i'll step out of the way and give you a look. we have a lot of lapd that has shown up here tonight, as you just mentioned, hundreds of lapd officers here. we have multiple skirmish lines. they're all in crowd control gear. and then over to our left , we actually have the encampment that is reportedly what we're hearing from our sources. going to be swept tonight. you can see the protesters have put up their version of a wall using wooden pallets and plywood. they've bound together with zip ties and they've put together with screws. there are hundreds of
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those pro-palestinian protesters in that camp right now. they were given multiple dispersal orders. they were told that as an unlawful gathering. but nobody has left that camp yet. tommy, if we can come back to the right, this is the result that can't put out a plea on twitter on x, essentially saying, if you support our cause, get down here and stop law enforcement from getting to us. they were hearing they were going to be raided tonight. that is what we are hearing. there are multiple law enforcement agencies on scene. you've got large numbers of lapd, large numbers of the l.a. county sheriff's department on the other side of campus and then mixed in with them are large numbers of california highway patrol troopers. some of the chants we've heard tonight from the crowd behind us intifada, revolution, lapd, kkk, shame on you. they boo every time more lapd officers arrive. what's different than last night? we've not seen any violence of any kind yet. we haven't seen any counter-protesters or agitators. we haven't seen any pro-israel crowds here yet.
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it's all pro palestinians essentially, in this standoff with lapd, which is essentially sandwiched in between the two groups right now, jonathan. yeah. so, bill, that's a really dangerous situation in many ways for all of those officers, given that you imagine they've got to disperse those crowds who have gathered there outside before they tackle the encampment, because if they don't, that crowd can just follow them in and effectively pincer the officers between the camp and their numbers. it's a difficult tactical situation. they're facing. it seems to me it is. and it's a great point you're making. and we can tell that lapd recognizes that because they've been surging more officers into this area where basically tucked between two buildings right now, a lot of the officers are in the buildings coming, coming in and out. every 30 minutes or so, we see a large group of more lapd officers coming out of the building. so they are definitely supplementing their
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resources here. but yeah, they're in between a rock and a hard place right now, because if they do bring more resources in from the outside, as you mentioned, they're going to have to open up the gate a little bit. people could surge in if they wanted to. and as it stands right now, lapd is very outnumbered, at least where we are. they probably have. i don't know, about 100 officers where we are on both sides, but there are many hundreds of protesters out behind them now. nothing has gotten violent. nothing's being thrown. nobody's trying to start any fights just yet or anything. but these chants are getting louder, more people are showing up. it's dark now and you just feel the energy shifting. it's no longer people just kind of standing around and it was kind of more relaxed earlier. you just feel the tension starting to build with the shouting and more officers showing up. so we're going to be here all night and what we are hearing is at some point in the coming hours, there is going to be an enforcement action on that encampment. and what we're being told is they are physically going to go into that camp and attempt to try to clear it out. jonathan. bill, while we've got a moment before
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that happens, we've got nobody in our organization. i don't think who is better sourced within l.a. law enforcement than you. i wonder what you are hearing about the reasoning for what happened last night. why was there not a single law enforcement person that we could see anywhere near that campus for two hours, while the two sides brawled violently? what? what have they been telling you? your sources? yeah, we were wondering the exact same thing because we were watching those wild images last night. so we talked to our contacts today. they pointed the finger at ucla. what we were told is that ucla waited over an hour when all that violence was going on here last night, over an hour to make that request to lapd to get some help. then once they make the request, the officers don't just magically arrive on campus within a second. right? they got a stage, they got to get their gear and they got to arrive. that is why it was almost two hours of essentially anarchy out here, with both
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sides just throwing fists, throwing fireworks, just fighting each other nonstop. every law enforcement contact we talked to today essentially said ucla dragged their feet, waited too long. and that is why lapd took so long to show up here. they needed ucla's request and ucla's permission to arrive here. they haven't now. and that's why you see them here. now, jonathan. all right, bill melugin nobody better than you two have there for us throughout the night. we will be back to you regularly as what is obviously a tense, tense situation develops. bill melugin, thank you very much. and we, as i say, will be here throughout the night on fox news. we will bring you any of the live developments as bill was saying, it appears that the lapd, along with chp, who are also on scene, are poised to move in to clear out that pro-police palestinian encampment where we have seen so much violence in the last 24 hours. we will be back as the news develops. for the moment, e now we return to your m
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regulaorr >> it isn't about anti-semitism it's about anti- western values and the polling confirms that it's 38% of americans are proud to be american that's scary.. >> kevin. >> what makes us different from the protest referred about is you can see everything clearly. >> how does that shape up forud the future oenf the bigots? >> and there's always the passion when you were young what's different about thi difse is for the first time everu because you thinthk of protests they were shot on 16 millimetree film are to get resolution not the case here everything shotw s now is 1080 p earth 4 k even the
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surveillance cameras everyy single image even at night goes into an ai generator and we'll tell you who the individual is i hhire people i have thousands within weeks we are doing a background check i'm going toto find this it will be in there on the dark web the services you buy $5000 to do this check here's a resume with the picture of you burning a flag that goes in this file over here because i can get the same persons talento in this pile that's not burning anything. i don't care who sait d you aree you will never know what you didn't get a mortgage you'llwhy never know why you didn't get into college never in advanced occasionlleg because we see you. all you need to do is have youre eyes exposedw, with new 4 k imas and for the rest of your life you are in this pile as an image
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that far away ai can generate in can't leave th be stuff i find n background checks these peoplea: are screwed. >> what did jesse say? >> think that they didn't have background checks when i was young. dana you have these delusional o protests claiming the situation is similar to gaza.. maybe they are right but theyar are on the wrong side here they are justju waiting for hangin gliderg s.r >> they are alsois asking for amnesty on job fronts they want to know they would be protected and not put on any pile and you will never have to say if you a are an employer a couple otherhe things northwestern university landed on this solution to give muslim students theistr own segregated housing so that's the goal? segregated housing how does that fit with the law and how does that fit with furthering america
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what does that do for any palestinian student in gaza?as also there asked why bidents hasn't sai ad more but the protests and she said he is monitoring the situation they think that's all most worse thaw a nonanswer look to see seeing what's going on and choosing not to say anything and again the deputy press secretary is a o great i was 1 that's a great job but that's definitely not the commander-in-chief i just want to echo another thing things they're pushing this morning before newsroom got started they are talking about adding more gauze and refugees in america and more student debt relief for people going to schools like that so read the room guys. >> trace: you can expect them to read a room when he can't read appellate -- teleprompter. >> aheade ca...ter. if you think these pro- hamas college kids are bad wait until jobie biden puts the real ones n your neighbourhood exclamation point. n point.
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♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: think these pro-hamas students >> think of the pro- hamas wai students are crazy wait untilngi joe biden dumps the real thing in your the bidestn administration isce considering welcoming certain t palestinians as refugees.. keep this in mind. egypt and other arab countriesbn have been unwilling to take them in here is that the white house today. >> we're of value waiting policy proposals to further support palestinians or family members of american citizens and want to come to the united states.
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we don't have anything to announce at this time. >> 's plan is no doubt andasem appeasement to the squad the merry band of radical lawmakers were outraged when policehe cracked down on anti-semitic students at columbia aoc was lobbing frets and mayor eric adam saying if any kid is her tonight responsibility falls on the mayounr and university presidents or comets are also seething. >> sate state sanctioned violenceg th. >> it's only seen as an explicit effort to silence students and take away their first amendment rights. >> the bill they have is ainit definition so broad many of the jewish groups cannot support so i would you do that except if
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you want to weapon eyesan anti-semitism and use it as a political ploy? >> 1 of the biggest issues this country right now as immigration and joe biden believes the way to solve this is to bring in more palestinians whererdan countries like egypt, syria and lebanon refusing to take them in >> you see the pulling on palestinians they support october 7th, 9/11 it's a ticking time bomb of course joe biden says come on in. judge if somebody steals my car anand they go on a joyride i cat 9111 and say this is what theel suspect looked like my car make and model this is the last date and time i saw the car i don'tkn call them and say, please don't do any foot pursuits please
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don't have any high speech traces when you pull the guy ouh of the car if he resists him arrested just let him go, no i want my car back i don't tellth the cop to de-escalate thesealat people are adults they can voteh they can havave abortions and sx changes and can drive own homes. all of a sudden they say no, they are snowflakes they were arguing they weren't snowflakes now alofl of a sudden they shape shift january 6 and the building they smashed windows they hadnd anarchists piling anowd free windows holding hostages they need to be treated like adults not snowflakes. >> kevin you are a money guide joe biden will throw a lot ofn moneify in if he's going to brii these palestinians in and the truth is we are ready no the minority community, veterans int those towns where illegals areee being brought in although theyhe would be called refugees that they are suffering, the veterans are suffering subjugated to theu
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illegals. >> it pushes back up to the top issues of the election were toly security and immigration policyu no question's another for a log on the fire on this issue i because in places like new york seeing what's happened with immigration forced on theseit counties oier in cities or hotes in other states as well certainly san francisco and texas they don't of infrastructure to support these people you need another placean first with free bring anybody y anywhere because iouf you don't provide them a job or social and services and they have nowherehe to live they aren't that happy and bad things happen so i doo that to yourself until you have figured out how to solvehi existing problem's the country has right now is most border security i guarantee you it's a top 3 election issue watch happen we are only months away right this just adds fuel to
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that fire and dana we heard them complain arrests of an felonyn u prosecution or efforts to silence these protesters take away their first amendment rights this woman is in congress did she understand what the law is in this country? >> first amendment's first for a reason and it makes sense as soon as you cross the line intoi making sure nobody else can go to class you have infringed on their first amendment rights so no, she doesn't understand. to go home int time to watch the panel for's brett and he was going to ask a question and he said just thisii in let me see if i read this right there reporting the biden administration is going to let in all the gaza refugees let me read that again because he's like this is the day you willhos choose to say this you neverny o hear any of the protesters chant
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3 palestinians from hamas most palestinians believe all thosent things but they also don't want to be governed by hamas anymoreo they would say the joe bidende decision-making and slowness ofs it am stringing the israelis from doing what they needed to do to get this done more quicklh same thing that happened in ppenukraine so it gets much harr you make them have to doests everything more solely so these protests continue the protestor could've been taking care of before but administration told f them to hold off and last thing i would say is those pro- hamas folks are saying they want protection here in america as they don't want to be infringedi up on further first amendmentto rights they don't want to go to jail or be penalized but theyt thalso want to be free to say to jews go back to poland while gazans get the come here.ud >> you know what greg there was an article the democrats are
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internally in panic mode becaus they know bringing in the is gazans and they know the silencc of the administration as they yelled death to jews and to the from the river to the sea it doesn't just make the jews angry it makes americans angry. >> and also made of real asylum-seekers that doesn't matter though because of this i country don't trust this countrd and i don't mean palestine i mean america we cannot do that to a paper bag look at the and border look at the asylum process which is been corrupted it's amazing we are saying thean phrase pro- hamas movement it's incredible when you talk about those freezes almost everybody almost everybody was revelstoke by october 7th but over time forces scene and unseen diluteda and change ivet so you have pro hamas protests where israel's
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reporters are called genocidal and if you want to see how october 7th was possible that was a unintended consequence of the protest saying we arelo reminded of octobeokr seventh wn you look at the faces of those protesters their chants, that hh and their eyes. they aren't reaping or killing it. loo you look at that and you'll get a blind ideological hatred andoy go you know what i see how thiss is possible we've been told global revolution we see in the professional signs in the tents the actions across the united states highly organized and synchronized winner the patient jewish left-wingers going to speak out instead of sittingt. this out when trump called outet jewish leaders they claimed he was attacking them but wins protesters say kill the jews or go back there they never use the word attack in fact they rarely reported at all.
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remember if you said white liver matter if you said white lives matter you were called a white supremacist by the adl. s ayif you say death to the jews r death to the zionists there's no brown supremacy nobody is sayina that it's a very tellingscre discrepancy and it tells youce a larger forces at play here. >> trace: the biden approval on the gaza words 28%. andy's back, president trump out-of-court hanging out with uncle sam on the campaign trail. ♪ ( ♪ ) look, things may seem fine down there, but you need to watch out for diseases. i'll be okay. does this look ok?! ugh. how do i protect myself?
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>> dana: donald trump breaking t t >> donald trump there back in the warmth of his headquarters n including with uncle sam there e the former president had a rear brake from his hush money traila today and use that time update the campaign trail in wisconsin and michigan fox news head-to-head matchup shows hewi has the advantage in michigan tied with biden in wisconsin which is where trump get voters a heckuva show today. >> uncle sam is right here, a look at him he's in good shape. you thincak biden can bend down like that i don't know we'veuall lead each swing state by a lot w and we are going to make america great again. biden's run the government like a robin hood essentially in reverse stealing from the pour and giving it to the rich we are
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going to throughout biden'se economics and replace itar with our economics. but isn't it nice to have a president who doesn't need a teleprompter not that he could even read 1 anyways biden is countering by going hollywood a new report claims he's working on secretive campaign videos in his home state of delaware ate o big-budget flick with high-end video production and extras on the set and if that doesn'tyw sound hollywood enoughoo steven spielberg is helping bidenlp b produce the entire convention they will have an august. another thing president trumpid decided to do today was ever a focus on the economic message we know you mentioned border security and immigration as a top issue but we also noted that the economy isn't really talked about how biden is saying he would let trumps tax cuts expire
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and settle that into people'sugt consciousness so your opinions i on those economics? >> like to have thise narrative without getting into partisanship talking about who is running politically rate taxes when you raze them slow growth doesn't matter who youes are whatn' party you are right h we've avoided a recession which was engineered by the federal t government it's amazing lastng y thing you want to do now while it's around 3% is to whack it with more taxes because when you tax the middle class that is a form of inflation. you leave them with less money to deal with already inflated cost of food and housing it's as bad idea i get the rhetoric ofxh saying let's tax the rich make them pay their fair share you for that for 200 years evere tosince the first tax came to w america but it doesn't work and i'm against changing anything t
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that would cost more to therg middle class because we keep forgetting all the time 62% of c jobs in america are created by small businesses, family businesses struggling with inflation we have to give them a break so whoever is president keep the taxes the way they aree in another's aspect to think ab we are the g 20 we compete with other countries renter in the world here that's what i do we want to be in the middle in terms of taxation not at the top or the low-end in the middleddle where we are now with all thisoa can distorting a pharma companies leaving for ireland decades ago is because it wasn'' fair taxation was way too high don't do that to ourselves again let's stay where we are so what i hope happens here is even if biden wins, somebody talk sense into policy and say not now. your president don't don't do saying stupid to the economy but
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this should be an election issue the reason the market hangs in here there's a small correctiong but there's a 50/50 chance your get better policy for small business and large business in america because trump policy is more accommodating for business with less regulation and more support for energy and better in terms of what you think aboute foreign investment that's why the market is waiting.. >> 2021 was where campaignampa because of covid. but he's back out there how doe. you see something today competing for steven spielberg production?en >> think is perfect for joe biden he made jaws so he's used to working with the dead fish ha also did et another shriveled creature and et can't work a phone what's the message when you have no measurable successou
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you need a story you can't touto the economy or the border or crime unity we were promised soe you hire a a storyteller to cree a narrative that cannot be measured in statistics or prices or body count that's what he's trying to do i just open he weaves in the juicy bits go joe's grandfather was 8 by a cannibal are saved 6 people from drowning or was arrested in the civil rights movement. joe biden makes forrest gumpd li sound like a chardin 1 lastou thing about hollywood where were they when anti-semites were calling for genocide in celebrating october 7th.ntin quentin tarantino madeovie inglorious bastards starring brad pitt my look-alike about am team o of jewish soldiers taking out nazis a fictional movie souf in hollywood as long as the nazis or fictional they will
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fight them but a few miles down the road we will stay out of it. >> judge if president trump leads balls in thesetate battleground states you have anv electoral college wipeout bigget than his 2016 and biden's in 2020. >> no question and i think america's ready to bring donald trump back i think now more than ever americans are looking at everything from the economy to the state of the country and art saying we need somebody who will fight for us because it's notn happening with this guy in the y white house they hate to tell you greg i never thought you and i overlap a lot on our thoughts what i'm talking about the same thinsag. yeah, of these people thatood hollywood and dreamworks orchestrating an event at radio city and what are they doing? they're coming to create a movi because there is no substance tw joe biden on his own he can't do
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it on his own so they aree creating their own fictionuth because the truth of what joe biden is doing is unsustainable he says we have the best economy the border is secure thater america's back respectedic on te world stage it's all nonsense al jazeera is cheering about thosen kids on universities and you have pollutant bombing ukraine you if the taliban running atn afghanistan with weaponswi isral with its hands behind his backit and china's licking their chops. if they have to create a fiction because it's because the realit. doesn't sell.addi >> when biden announced additional student loans those were art students and i love art but is biden trying to lose? >> you would assume so when youd look at what he is doing ande wa american people want certainty because when you have certainty in your life it gives you confidence and that gives you an
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ability to do other things righ now people aren't certain theyog aren't going to get there hadn been knocked offth when they gon the subway not certain when they send their kid to school theyoo won't be targetel,d by hate. there isct aatn expectation in america when you walk around ano go to work when you go to the boys room there isn't a girl and there these things have beenen taken away from us and what youy see is what you get with donald trump he has raw uncut we know what to expect with donald tru p joe biden is a mystery man you o never know where he is you don't know who is in charge he has disappeared in delaware with a hollywood movie producer what are they doing to him? there is no certainty what joe biden anything could happen ate any time and america is tired of living like that.>>
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>> up next biden d has high hops for the youth vote with his latest big move on marijuana. s . i've started thinking about getting botox® cosmetic for the last couple of years. i just see myself on video calls all day and i really start noticing the lines. i'm still eric and i got botox® cosmetic. i'm seeing a lot less prominent lines than i did before, the results have been subtle but noticeable. botox® cosmetic is fda approved to temporarily make frown lines, crow's feet, and forehead lines look better. the effects of botox® cosmetic may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness may be a sign of a life-threatening condition. do not receive botox® cosmetic if you have a skin infection. side effects may include allergic reactions, injection site pain, headache, eyebrow, eyelid drooping. and eyelid swelling.
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: joe biden throwing a >> joe biden throwing a hail mary gene. administration moving to reclassify marijuana as a lesse dangerous drug putting it on the same level as tylenol with codeine not full legalization so don't light up yet. judge do you think this is political? j >> actually joe biden wants itba to be political because he's trying to get young people to vote for them right abortion isn isn't enough, climate changes in
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enough student loan giveaways aren't enough today 6.1 billion additional student loans being given away here's the bottom line is about businesses and tax breaks although kevin i'm sureh you could talk more about thatit their access to traditional banking, they don't have access to financial services and in the end i think it's more of a business move what i'm concerned about our young people smoking grass him a prosecutor i get itu i wadgs a judge in narcotics jue my concern is when you don't at ththe prefrontal cortex fully 2 developed 24/25 for boys and girls are young men and women it's a problem. >> kevin we. >> it's a political move and the chance i mean is put on thees schedule is n the mid-seventies the process takes forever it
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would never happen in the election. i don't mess with scheduling narcotics is a federal mandate sure you have states done thisec in the economics aren't that trip attractive massachusetts did this california did it it just sets up dealers to make them less hassled by the law because nobody wants to buyse drugs from i the government. because it's crappy drug to get better from the dealer that happened in canada a lot of t these licenses for those who paid millions for them there'sh, unintended consequences not going to happen anytime soonequ. >> it's my experience you getnc better drugs from a dealerrugs that's what i've experienced so this is been a move for a longa time i think obama said he would do it they asked trump to do it biden promised in the 2020 campaign he would and he gotd he flack because what it's 3 a hala years he hasn't done anything they said they are studying itcm
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they talked about condition song they are t trying to kick it ill don't think it will happen beforehand but he can say i'mi' trying to get it done and it's a great time to be a far left interest group because whateverj you need to just tell the white house anoud they can figure it foalr you. i also think because the statesn have voted in many places tohey legalize marijuana they're trying to figure out a way to make it even.ngre we need a congressional law. of congress wants to get a ndtogether and pass it and deal with this schedule issue they could do that i don't see that happening in this congress but that would be the way to keep it out of the courts. grey >> you said it would be a slammed drought but the availability of these intensed e concentrated levels of thc makes pot intimidating to regular users it's not risk-free unfortunately the government only works in 2 modes legalize or abandon.
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it needs to be in between and ir go back to the premise i made many years ago here. booze is worse it just got ther first rateth it put down roots i we accepted the poison as part of our daily lives nevermind traffic fatalities spousal abuse, aggression of users. stoners aren't known for violence although this news c strain oraf stuff makes peoplen crazy you see it on the street we except the body count of alcohol as a trade-off for daily oblivion i don't see pot the us days as being risk-free the jury is still out on the data.fe it's are different pot of fish. >> i see what you did there. >> i don't. >> america buzzing over its new national hero be man. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete,
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[ ♪♪ ]stor >> as swarm of bees delayed last night's baseball game betweener
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the diamondbacks and dodgers after thousands emerge from the nest behind home plate all hope was lost until a brave beekeeper came to the rescue to clear them out. becoming a hero to around 30,000 fans in attendance giving him a huge ovation after he stuck around to throughout theis ceremonial first pitch which is tough to do after you save the world. ?wege what you think >> he is all hero and we should probably of a parade just make sure there are no bees >> jesse? >> stud and has a great arm 2hee hours to get there was way too long i'd have a beekeeper on standby at my property it's a maintenance contract so there within 30 minutes.av >> i know you have a soft spot for bees.n >> there's been a pocket thatof news for bees for several years but all of a sudden they are back in a big way.
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>> great don't you like it? >> idea for shark tank okay so sharks it's a be you to fall away at the winery and you're working on your buzz your day is stung by unwanted visitors. you put on this portablebe beekeepeekr onesie 100% biodegradable made in america 10% goes to the rain forest weon are asking 10 million for 1% who's willing to make money like bees may connie i brought a sample of some >> don't give up your day job io am out man.r] >> i always wanted to do that.:o >> 1 more thing up next. t after. it's up next. ♪ ♪ las vegas grand prix
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latest proposal on the table, only on fox news channel one with big data. quick thing here. the one journalist memorial foundation announced last week that there is a formation of a white house press secretaries committee in support of the memorial. i worked with dee dee myers. dee dee was the first woman press secretary. she worked for bill clinton. and we were able to get signatures from press secretaries dating from the johnson administration all the way through the biden administration foundation was launched on june 28, 2019. >> and there's going to be this memorial. you can see it there to honor fallen journalists. >> and so it was fun to work with everybody there. >> that's nice. yeah. all right, my turn. let's do this. okay. tonight. one more time. kennedy. >> jamie lee. so, kat timpf lee zeldin, i think i saw this show. no doubt this was bob's last night, but it's a great one to watch it. >> hey, let's do this one. all right, here goes the animal
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sounds going to play the animal sounds good to go around the table and. okay, we'll start with the end of it. okay. play what? oh, gosh. i think it's a white house. that's it? yes, that's it. you can't see it either kevin or warthog. an animal. okay, it was. let's roll the tape. it was a walrus. you at the point. goodbye. zoo and aquarium in tacoma, washington. and it was both making stinging noises and at the same time. i love it when animals. >> shut up. all right. oh, my god. judge oh, okay. enzo is a police canine who was stabbed multiple times
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while helping take down a criminal. luckily, the only blood bank for dogs in nevada was able to supply him with blood and plasma to save his life. enzo was so thankful to all the doggy donors who helped save him, and he is now home safe and i just want you to know that tonight i will be on the ingraham angle. >> oh, yeah. there's no truth to the rumor that kristi noem was seen leaving the crime scene. >> kevin, you got 30 seconds. a 27 year old man struck gold and diamonds when he snagged two pairs of $14,000 earrings for just 14 apiece. >> the french designer, which is katya, made a mistake. and of course, when they realized the error, they tried to give him something free, like a little leather bag. he said, no, no, nanette, i want the real thing. and the brand did the right thing and gave him those news am jonathan hunt, live in los angeles


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