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tv   America Reports  FOX News  May 2, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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>> people have the right to get an education, to get a degree. the right to walk across campus safely without fear of being attacked. >> say it loud and say it clear =!-exclamation-point scientists are not welcome here exmac >> i want you to hear me loud and clear when i say this: we are not going to apologize for existing! >> john: president biden finally breaking silence on the
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protests rocking campuses nationwide. six blocks away where protesters have raised the palestinian flag. >> sandra: and continue to waive them as well and showing our nation's first president that university's namesake covered up with a palestinian flag and scarf. >> john: welcome to our two of america "america reports" i'm john roberts in washington where all of this is happening. >> sandra: we are watching all of it, good to be with you i'm sandra smith in new york and ucla campus workers are left to clean up that encampment that police cleared in the early hours of the morning. they arrested thousands of protesters after a violent cl clash. >> john: let's bring in doug waxman who is a professor of israel studies and director of the y and s nazarene center for israel studies, thank you for joining us we really appreciate it.
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you say that you understand the situation of the palestinians in gaza. but then at the same time, these protests do appear to be problematic. >> yes. i concurred that while many of the students involved in these protests genuinely are appalled by what is happening over the last six months, some of the organizations behind these protests in palestine have a more extreme agenda they have expressed in the past with resistance against israel which can include terrorism against israel so i think they object to that organization specifically but also more broadly to some of the demands and slogans and charms of the protests. i support their right to engage in peaceful protest but have taken issue with specific chants
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and slogans unde and demands. >> sandra: more than one occasion we heard a student on here a moment ago who said a student was attacked on campus, we have students on here who have been spent on and beyond. i mean, let alone they can't go to school. they can't go to class. they can't go to graduation, so this is having a bigger impact than an occasion. how do you think the occasions were if this does sour and does include violence how should it be handled? >> i think as much as possible university administration should try to de-escalate. should try to resolve the situation peacefully to talk to the protesters to try to essentially persuade them to stand down and move out of these encampments. so i think as much as possible they should avoid bringing in law enforcement without letting the situation escalates very what we saw happen ten days ago
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resulted in these spread of protests across united states and escalating attention so the goal is to de-escalate. and to prioritize safety of all students both in these protests encampments and others on the campus as well while ensuring these encampments don't disrupt classes, don't disrupt the students to go about their lives and study and don't result in any kind of unlawful harassment discrimination or targeting against any students. for jewish students and non-jewish students. it's a difficult balance in that administration to be able to allow students to protest while at the same time ensuring that protest does not spillover into harassment or violence or disrupting the business of the university. so i think they are in a very difficult position. some administrations i think are in balance and others at ucla in the past few days relief it's
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terrible for the university as a whole and the students. >> john: professor waxman, as we have seen in many other college campus is across the country, protesters there at ucla are calling for investment from israel. they are also calling for the nazarene center of which you are the director, to be defunded. you say the nazarene center has no ties whatsoever to israel. that begs the question, do these protesters really know what the heck they are talking about? >> i think particularly in the case of a egregious demand, i don't agree with the demand with taking away from israeli academic institutions but not israeli academic centers and ucla which has no ties makes no sense to me.
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i do think that there is this impulse particularly as said by the more extreme groups organizing these protests like students of justice in palestine to seize upon the sympathy of students feeling for palestinians showing the support they have for palestinians and to really turn this into a demand to cut ties with israel. i don't think it's productive and i don't think it will be effective either certainly not in times of war. >> sandra: you just describe what you call a delicate balance for them to handle situations. since one is punishing lawlessness, people breaking the law, why is that a delicate balance? i mean you have demonstrators occupying buildings, that is trespassing. you have the decimation of property at george washington. they are vandalizing a statue which is against the law. i mean you have anti-semitic slurs, threats to people's lives
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happening. why isn't that punishable question requires that a delicate balance? >> i mean suggesting a university and administration should not punish students who violate the laws of the university, and certainly they should not have an exceptions of vandalism or property damage. but we have to recognize that there are students who have strong feelings about what is happening in gaza and this issue. i think they need to be given an opportunity and a space to peacefully protest as long as those protests remain peaceful. i mean, it is a question of what is the best means to respond to these protests or to respond to the violations of university policy. and i think the best way to respond to that is not by escalating the situation further and having a very draconian or heavy-handed approach but rather trying to de-escalate the situation but ultimately s, if students are found to be in violation of university and then
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is to be disciplinary procedures in the investigation. but that needs to happen i think as much as possible according to regulations in the university rather than bringing in law enforcement for example which tends to escalate tensions or create worse situations. >> john: i feel they want a bridge too far and they tried to negotiate with them even after the initial police presence there felt that was their only point of recourse. professor waxman thank you for joining us we appreciated. >> sandra: thank you. on to nyu where we continue to watch the scene play out protesters have reestablished the encampment on university's plaza even though they were told to disperse or face consequences. alexis mcadams' life for us. any sign of this ending? >> hey, sandra no sign of this ending there is a smaller group in front of nyu today, there were hundreds just hours ago
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last night protesting into the early morning hours until they were cleared out of the way here. i would like to show you that encampment the gaza solidarity and kim and we popping up in campuses across the country and the city but they are trying to block our view here with their umbrellas. they also try to block their faces with masks, but they are screaming on their megaphone. let's look at some video that was just released a short time ago from the nypd. this gives you a look at what the cops are dealing with when they have to move in because these urban campuses are a big issue because it is not just students out here. you can see the nypd going into that hamilton hall there. hundreds arrested, sandra listed us from city college of new york and columbia university please tell us nearly half of them were found to have absolutely no affiliation with those schools. we know around 300 people are arrested at those protests and after those arrests students say they are still not backing down, watch. >> we remind everyone who set things on fire we will not rest,
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we will not rest, we will not rest until they divest and until the zionist entity falls. >> okay so a lot of people who live in this neighborhood since it is 80 urban neighborhood they say they are sick of the chanting and the chaos including aan incoming graduate students we will check in with now tell me, elizabeth why you chose you chose nyu you said you turned down columbia because of what is going down there what about nyu? >> i'm going into the social work program and they have an amazing clinical program for what i want to do. i would like to be a therapist. >> with all of this happening as a jewish student are you worried about your safety are you thinking maybe this was not the best choice? what would you like to see the school do here to make you feel safe when you to campus? >> i am jewish and i will not back down even if all of this is going on i will go to school and get an education. it is disheartening to see at this point we are drawing parallels between this and nazi germany.
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they are chanting zionists are not welcome but 95% of jews are zionists so it's tough to see. >> i'll move you this way but you can see on the side now since this is their umbrellas not blocking all of it but you can see around the corner there that is the encampment. elizabeth, when you see these encampments set up around here, what do you think that sends to the message to these students are they in charge or is a university like columbia and nyu in charge? >> we will see based on their response. >> what you think they should do with these encampment? >> i think suspension is a solution to this and also for those were not american i think deportation. >> thank you for talking to us and that is the latest on the ground. will continue to see more umbrellas just like this we will keep you posted if they talk to us. >> sandra: you know what, cb cotton tried earlier and they would not. alexis thank you for that we appreciated, thank you. john? >> john: and the pride of the
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umbrellas in the trump trial in new york we saw the former president and to the courthouse after the lunch break. stormy daniels former attorney is back on the stand for cross-examination. alina habba up next with her thoughts on next stay tuned. >> these were all timed by democrat prosecutors they were elected or appointed that could essentially know how long these cases would take and time them to hit right in the middle of campaign season of 2024. i'd go to america's best! why? for a comprehensive, quality eye exam! from a doctor? yeah! and it may cost less than your regular doc! plus, america's best has one of the nation's largest groups of optometrists! sounds good! it is! i'll go! good call! play ball! not your line... get 40% off a single pair right now at america best. because eye care is healthcare and you deserve the best.
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>> it was nice to be able to campaign one day without being in this ridiculous show trial. biden trial i call it. who starts a case right smack in the middle of someone's election? it should be illegal because it is election interference. speed to come on mike trump
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moments ago walking back into court, things are back underway now. our nate foy is live outside the courthouse with the latest. nate looks like the issue of the gag order has come up again before the jury gets back in. >> that is right, john. trump walked back into the courtroom and didn't say anything but mentioning one of his people but as for the afternoon session what we can look forward to is the continuation of the cross-examination of keith davidson, the la-based attorney who represented both stormy daniels and karen mcdougal as both women sold stories about alleged affairs with former president trump leading up to the 2016 election, trump's lawyers indicate they have less than an hour left of questioning just before lunch, trump's lawyer emile beauvais' questioned davidson about the definition of extortion and deals to it suppress stories
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involving celebrities like lindsay lohan, charlie sheen and hulk hogan. davidson did not connect any of the deals directly to drum. he said: told him "f it i will do it myself ,"" referring to the stormy daniels payment and rather than trump doing it himself davidson testified he thought cohen was going to kill himself if he didn't get the position. they believed he wanted the chief of staff positions and said cohen "can you f and believe after what i've done for that guy? they include things about the jury being 85% democrats. in reference to that comment about the jury they say it was more of a general statement
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regarding the jury pool with new york city being a predominantly liberal city and also he said that cohen's facility doesn't need any protection from the gag order because he talks about the case in social media even accepting donations from his followers on tiktok. >> john: and there is an argument that it's fundamentally unfair we will see how that goes. nate, thank you. >> sandra: joining us now alina habba general council for save america, welcome back good heavy on the program. the trial resumed a short time ago we saw the former president reenter the courtroom there and we know the ex-lawyer ex-lawyer for stormy daniels is on the stand. testimony continues at this hour. what are your thoughts at this point in the trial? >> i think the defense is doing really great job of cross-examining the attorney for storming as we have heard he is asking him about the definition of extortion. why is he doing that?
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it's very clear. there is a very fine line between bribing somebody come extorting them because you know they are medical figures, they are a famous person, and trying to get them to pay off someone. as an attorney i can tell you that gentleman is in trouble. there is no question what is going on is completely fundamentally wrong. as a counsel for anyone this person was not acting as an attorney who is brokering and extortion deal. that's what we heard today. i look forward to the rest of the cross-examination but let's not forget the other thing happening. the unconstitutional gag order on president trump. this keeps coming up as a distraction to the american public because they cannot win a case that it's absolutely flawed and lacking factual basis to donald trump. we know that. this was brought by michael cohen, we know that we know his credibility is minimal if existent at all. i experienced that myself with my own trial. we are seeing complete and utter destruction of the bedrock
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constitutional first amendment and eighth amendment, frankly. it is sad. it is truly sad. >> john: let's bring up for a second keith davidson's testimony particularly on the point of how he consider the payments to karen mcdougal and stormy daniels be classified. the case revolves around according to alvin bragg financial records being falsified, being called "legal payments" instead of something else or legal expenses to cover up the commission of some sort of election interference. keith davidson said he would consider those payments to be called consideration, which is a legal term for something parties exchange in a contract. so alvin bragg's' hold case would seem to evaporate. >> let's talk about something no one is mentioning. hillary clinton with the russia hoax paid the feca violation for paying her attorneys to hide
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payments for that. okay? is she in jail? no. 150% if it is trump they will go after you. if it is anybody else who paid 8,000 i believe her fine was $8,000, how is that not a paper crime? if we use the standard has to apply to everybody. that is not going to be very pretty for the american people and it won't be pretty f for the left-wing democrats. they come after trump, they are coming up for america. it has nothing to do with him and everything to do with us. there is no campaign finance violation. in fact that is what michael cohen pled guilty to. the same man that perjured himself in my attorney general case and admitted to it on the stand. we are clearly in a very much political law fairing environment and as americans both democrat and republican if we don't stop it we are in trouble as a country. >> sandra: are you any more optimistic than you were last week when we spoke to you about the outcome of this trial for the former president?
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>> listen, like i said and i have said time and time again the president has done nothing wrong. if we are in a fair environment, if we are not in manhattan where they intentionally select a venue which despite our motions to move it is intentionally blue it is a blue city. and the pool is blue it is what it is. that is all intentional. georgia, washington, d.c., you cannot get it twisted that this is all by design by the biden administration. am i hopeful? my client did nothing wrong. if he was given a fair jury, if he was given a fair trial, if he was given a fair trier of fact who does not need to recuse himself i would have zero concern. my concern is we have politics permeating our courtroom, that my client has truly become a victim of political law fair and persecution, and as a result i have seen in court his treatment be different than anyone else i represented. my concern is the same as his is. these are witch hunts. they are designed to stop him
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from the campaign and he truly should not be in the courtroom, frankly. the fact he is here every day is an injustice. you know, i am hoping the jury will listen to the witnesses and the fact they have no fact and that we will get the right result which is he should be completely vindicated. >> john: just i wanted to ask you about one thing davidson said michael cohen's state of mind after the election, davidson said cohen was despondent and outraged that trump did not bring him to washington with him. he thought he was going to be may be chief of staff may be even attorney general. is he sort of painting a picture of somebody who may be kind of vindictive? >> may become vindictive is an understatement. when i questioned michael cohen on the stand i asked him if there was ever a podcast he did not mention president trump or a member of the trump family and he admitted there was not. why? he has profited from the trumps in every regard while he worked
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for them, while he turned against them, and while he has tried to instigate witch hunts for his own benefit. financially and otherwise. this is a person who clearly is disgruntled. they were upset he did not go to washington. that has been widely known and after the president went to washington he put his name on as counsel for him despite the president having absolutely no knowledge. we have seen all of this with michael time and time again. i have had the pleasure of meeting him several times deposing him. i think it's credibility will come through as a zero. if not, i mean quite honestly, there is enough history with him going to jail for his own cr crimes, to prove that way. so we will see what happens, but quite honestly let's not forget this is an 8-year-old case the statute of limitations is way past. nobody brought it until president trump announced he was running. this is all based on somebody named michael. it's a joke. >> sandra: alina habba good have you in the program we appreciate you joining us. >> thank you.
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>> from new york city to portland, oregon, which you are looking at right now anti-israel protests are taking over campuses across the country. leaving jewish students on edge. brian kilmeade standing by to give his take on the unrest coming up next. >> the first and second intifada resulted in a lot of suicide bombings and monitoring jewses and to chance that in the middle of a campus does not belong in an academic environment like that because i know there are so many of you who have served your country honorably, whether it's two years, four years, or thirty-two years, like myself. one of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is your eligibility for a va loan. not 80 percent but 100 percent the value of your home and that's what you can get at newday usa.
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statue of the very first president of the united states, listen. [chanting] >> sandra: we have fox team coverage a brian kilmeade is standing by to weigh in on the growing unrest but let's go into peter doocy and the latest on biden's remarks. was there any call to action? >> there was not really a call to do anything specific or deliver other than don't have anti-semitic behavior and don't have islam a folk baked behavior and don't destroy anything on campus. i want to point out that video is a five minute walk up from where we are standing right now. president biden was talking about not just things happening
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there but in other campuses and he said the reason we are starting to see police officers going and clearing out these encampments is because laws are being broken. >> we are not an authoritarian nation where we slam once or squash dissent. the american people are heard. in fact peaceful protest is a tradition of how americans respond but neither are we a lawless country. we are a civil society. and order must prevail. >> after that aboard air force one on a trip to north carolina white house officials still won't tell us if president biden has been in touch with any university presidents. >> president biden, with respect, he is old he is weak we will all get there someday. i understand the president has political problems. i am sorry for that, but, you know, he made them. and just because the
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democratic party has been takinn over by people who hate israel and love hamas that is no reason for him to go along with it. >> president biden took two quick questions after his scripted remarks he says no he does not want the national guard to get involved with these protests and also, no, these protests are not making them reconsider policy in the middle east. sandra? >> sandra: peter doocy to your point right down the street that is happening and still happening at this hour they just twisted a palestinian flag on that campus as well, thank you. john? >> john: let's add in brian kilmeade "fox & friends" cohost and a host of "one nation" and the brian kilmeade radio show and several projects net yet to be named. with the president saying anti-semitism is acceptable et cetera, et cetera and not long ago we had a sound bite from a young woman one of the
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protesters at columbia university saying they will stay at this "until the zionist entity falls" the zionist entity is israel. and we will stay at this until the zionist entity falls is basically saying we will stay at this until the end or destruction of israel. they are still at it. >> john this is astounding one of the biggest mysteries out of everything we have covered sensational events from 9/11 to my january 6th until the collapse of the economy in 2008. this is the biggest mystery. out of all of these things the biggest mystery, where does this come from on american college campuses? is it the million people here from other countries? as of the millions of dollars here from other countries? is it rich people who don't like our country alone infiltrating it? william la jeunesse broke down all the money involved in this, but we had a professor on this morning around 7:00. he is at ucla. he says to me and he is jewish walking around campus he was
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literally assaulted for being jewish. we have video of people talking about this and for the president to check the boxes on "committing a crime is bad" committing a crime is bad i'm sure we had that, but what will you do about it? how serious are you taking it? how passionate are you to eradicate it from america? how concerned are you? every time you have anti-semitic behavior anti-israel behavior it makes it harder to get the american hostages out and the israeli hostages out. and it gives hamas more leverage to deal. let me remind you, everybody, why there is a conflict in gaza to begin with. 2200 innocent people were killed from eight months old-80 years old. if they were not killed they were captured. 82% of the people in gaza support that move. so this is why we are in that place. there are good guys and bad guys. if you want a solution that is think tank stuff. but if you want to talk about
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today what is going wrong you don't do what is in ucla. what is happening at george washington university. why is there no cop in the area that will do what they did at city college? get on the ladder and under file if that is a word, that what george washington statue? why is that there right now? >> sandra: there was a group of ten anti-israel protesters that were arrested at the university of south florida including one with a gun according to police. these were some mug shots only four arrests i guess, no, that number grew. they were arrested anyway meanwhile but these were the mug shots of them. this after cb cotton a short time ago according to the nypd sources confirm on the 282 people arrested at columbia university tuesday night and city college of new york 134, brian, were not affiliated with either school. that is almost half. 148 did have an affiliation but
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cb notes an affiliate is not necessarily a current or full-time student. where is the investigation into who these agitators are? >> i will speak to speaker johnson over the weekend saturday on one nation and i will ask him is this enough of the doj to launch an investigation into these programs customer we used to do it at 9/11 automatically and we are good at it to figure out where the money comes from who is behind it and what their goals are. it may be russia and china behind these other groups and hiding because evidently frantically it's hard to put together where the money goes into the foundations but having said all that and the bigger question is when can we have a leader speak like mayor adams did yesterday when he said i am an american how dare you take down an american flag on college campuses, when will you realize, america, they are corrupting your kids with people on the outside and stand up for what is right and create order on these campuses? final thought. i feel so bad for the nypd the
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l.a.p.d. and all of the police force is and small. they are vilified and it delegitimized around the country not here but elsewhere and asked to go in an impossible situation and clear out encampments and they have no idea where they are going into. but they have to put their lives on the line and they have to sit through it. 75 pounds on their back today having to take away plywood and coolers and go through thousands of people. again, it is because spineless executives and a superintendence and administrators are afraid of their own students and their own boards. cops have to bail them out and get no respect. the things they have screamed in their face is sickening and should not be out of the mouths of anyone in america. >> john: the situation, brian, at ucla the other night when opposing protest groups fought each other for 3.5 hours before any police showed up, apparently
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the president of the university of california system made it a priority to "reimagine campus safety and policing to adopt community and service driven safety in inclusive response models which to me i guess suggest if two sides are fighting we let them fight until they are so exhausted that you can deal with them. >> it may be good for your eight and 6-year-old in your house and maybe they learn something but when we watched and covered that on "fox & friends" in the morning it's probably your second favorite show after this one, we watched this happen. what is interesting is gove governor newsom condemned counter processors, mostly jewish. if they got condemnation from the mayor about this action but without that action two nights ago we probably would not have the takedown of this encampment today because we realize this is out of control. i still don't know why they weren't called in or why the mayor and gavin newsom, how much gel can you put your hair? how busy does that keep you? you can make a phone call and say send in the cops this is out
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of control. >> sandra: two things on that karine jean-pierre confirmed in another gaggle today there has been no conversation with university presidents or with the president of the united states. there has been no discussion about how to bring calm to these campuses and safety to these campuses but a professor we had on the air a few moments ago with calling the cops he said it is a delicate balance and the fear is that bringing in the police will lead to escalation. that is their viewpoint. that is how they respond to that challenge. >> that is what aoc and the entire squad says how dare you do that and escalate things but >> johnson and these republicans and i think it is josh got josh gottheimer, why can't they get in and pick up the phone and say straighten this out. do know what that is question market leadership. if he is worried about his poll
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numbers or terrible advisors but to run away from the white house correspondence every single day and mock them over the weekend and they continue to not answer any questions is really insulting. >> sandra: not just that but john and i were covering the white house briefing yesterday and karine jean-pierre talked about reports as if they couldn't send someone from the administration to go give them first-hand information. that is something. >> john: and john kirby went so far as to say there is no evidence of bad actors outside agitators among these protests. >> i don't even think he is looking at that. how about the friday comment when he said the president is only looking at these cease-fire talks he has not had time to look at the protests. can we get them another flak screen? do you have that in the budget? we can look at both? >> sandra: thank you, brian. >> john: think it we will see you tomorrow morning our second favorite program. >> sandra: exactly. meanwhile columbia university has been at the epicenter of the
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anti-israel protests and police say nonstudents are playing a big role in the growing chaos. retiring nypd inspector says he will tell us next he scheduled with safelite in just a few clicks. we came to his house... then we got to work. we replaced his windshield... ...and installed new wipers to protect his new glass. >> customer: looks great. thank you. >> tech: my pleasure. >> vo: we come to you for free. schedule now for free mobile service at ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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was that necessary? no. neither is missing your daughter's competition to do payroll. with paycom, employees do their own payroll so you don't have to miss your daughter's big day. time to shine. get paycom and make the unnecessary unnecessary. [whistles] >> sandra: dramatic body cam from moving in on anti-israel protesters in columbia as arrests on college campuses spread coast-to-coast and no police are saying nonstudents are playing a big role in the chaos. let's bring in former nypd
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inspector paul narrow, good have you on. if that is the case, where is the investigation where who these skaters are question marks figure you would think will be at the outside level particularly because this has kicked off nationwide and clearly there is a lot of coordination at the national level for these things to be occurring simultaneously. that would mean you need doj as the overhead investigatory body no matter how much the police department's confer with each other and cooperate we won't see that. we won't see doj turn the rocks over of the funding command and control of these groups why? because it is entirely too close to the base of the democratic party in an election year. i'm not telling anyone anything they don't know that the concern is about the very slim margin in michigan but also the funding going to democratic candidates is going to be more of an embarrassing. frankly they need the money.
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so they will not go after it at that level so what happens? it is left to two mechanisms. the local cops have to get in there and clean things up very often after administrators have let things go too far but secondly what we are starting to seem now to advance the story here a little bit we are seeing it all go into the civil courts which was inevitable. you will start suing nc class actions, that will turn some rocks over but it's a long process so we will have to wait. >> john: when we look at potential federal involvement here and we had matt whitaker the former acting attorney general under trump talking about this little while ago, you don't have outside agitators coming to set up protests camps and buying pizza and buying tents or whatever, but you have them fomenting hate speech and anti-semitism. it seems to some people that that should fall within the doj's rome when it comes to civil rights violations.
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>> it certainly seems that way to me and i can tell you some of the characters involved are known to me i remember them from occupy wall street. i think one of the things that people may not realize is being a "outside agitator" in america particularly in new york and the blue cities is a career path, it's a job, it's a profession. generally it is protesters who start out at college age and get weaponized by older people ultimately they segue into management class. and they get paid, this is their job. there are over 1,000 civil rights groups in new york city alone that are registered as 501(c)(3)s never mind nationwide. the money comes from all usual sources that we talk about its labyrinthine very dark it's a spiderweb. it's hard to penetrate. so the stuff is always with us because it is a profession. unfortunately their weaponize college students every few years and this is what we get. >> sandra: am still looking at this lives picture of the statue
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of george washington blocks from the white house and it is still that way. no one from the school is going to go clean this up? and make this right? that is incredible. i mean, ours are going by where that is left like that. paul, good have you on the program and thank you for the update. >> thanks. cross-examination of former president trump's trial criminal offense to attorney mark eiglarsh coming up next.
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>> tonight o
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>> fox news alert and live pictures from portland state university at this hour. look at these pictures. protesters continue to clash with police they're back lining up face-to-face with them at some points. brushing up against them as we saw earlier today, john. and more chaotic scenes from college campuses coast-to-coast. >> john: we are getting more information as well what's going on there. apparently a number of students or agitators we don't know if they are from the outside at this point, they took over the campus library. they've since -- since been removed. listen to this, from the organ governor adding more detailed. in the statement saying i fully condemn the criminal actions taken thursday morning resulting
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in the burning of 14 police bureau cars and endangering first responders in the community said tina kotek. i have no tolerance for discriminatory harassment or violence or property damage. it includes vandalism this week at the portland state university library and against nearby businesses and. they are in direct opposition of organ values and threaten our working people family businesses and community as a whole. she said the state police responded. contrast that with the crickets coming from her neighbour to the south, gavin newsom on what's going on in college campuses there. >> it's interesting it appears we are getting an alert from the portland police on what you see on the screen at the university. they have made 12 arrests today, four of those were psu students as they were to resolve criminal activity near -- in and near the
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library. >> which means eight of them were student -- students. >> sandra: cracked. >> john: and i'm not that good at math but i made that when. it seems agitators are using themselves to join the fray. portland oregon is a good place to start if you are an agitator. >> sandra: and if you're looking at a trend for the nypd rest situation at columbia, in most cases it turns out to be less than half of the arrests made our students. >> john: alright, day ten of former u.s. president donald trump's criminal trial underway. let's bring in a criminal defence attorney, i'm sure you reviewed the testimony in court, mark. keith davidson the attorney for karen mcdougall and stormy daniels. the defence apparently is not
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making the case davidson has a habit of squeezing celebrities in vulnerable times and what more vulnerable time could you squeeze donald trump than just before the election in 2016? >> that's right it doesn't look good, neither did packer really. neither wilco and. what they are missing is the key piece of evidence that for me would help justify bringing this charge and that is some type of audio or written communication where donald trump himself makes it clear i want daniel's paid off because it will affect the election. we know that that doesn't exist so what you are left with is peer speculation. was he somehow a part of this and if he was, okay,, was it to pay off to help the election are interfere with an election? or a mirrored of other reasons like to protect his marriage are protect his brand. it is peer speculation to thank it is solely because of
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interference with an election that this payment was made. >> sandra: we are told there is a five-minute break break right now mark before the redirect that we were told. there's a chance we could see former u.s. president donald trump emerge there shortly. but we will keep watching that. this was the former president earlier mark saying the case should have been brought eight years ago, listen... >> there is no case that should have ever been brought but if it was going to be brought it should have been brought eight years ago. we are talking about 2015, 2016, nobody has ever seen anything like it and they weight until i announce who starts a case right smack in the middle of somebody's elections? it should be illegal because it's election interference i want your reaction to that he's talking about the timing as you are. >> while ideas -- does agree with him in one respect, prosecutors are notorious for taking their time before they
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bring a case. the kind of have to first of all, first they know they are going up against the best lawyers that will eviscerate the case unless it is solid. secondly they've got to be ready because the minute they indict, if got to be ready to hand over the evidence and the trial starts. the fact they delayed i am sure many will think is as a result of politics and only they know whether they delayed because of that. but it's not uncommon for prosecutors to take a while because -- for criminal prosecution. >> john: apparently they've been listening to some tape that the defence attorney for trump has played in court to davidson khaki asked davidson if cohen needed authority from trump to make the payment to stormy daniels and davidson admits it was never discussed. they play another call for davidson and he confirms he said if trump loses the election, they lose leverage in terms of the payment. what do you make of that quick?
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thirty seconds. >> i don't think it doesn't, so what. let's say trump was involved, was he the one who said, but on the paperwork, legal fees versus campaign expense. no. they don't have that evidence it was all co- when. even if donald knew about it, still it is not enough. that's all cohen, i don't see it yet, i don't. >> sandra: we also don't see the former president yet but we are watching. mark great to have you on. >> john: thanks mark. we've got lots to look forward to tomorrow when it's finally friday. i assume the soul continue, the trump trial and the protests as well. >> sandra: that you can count on at this point could be with you. >> john: good to be with you as well thank you for joining us. i john roberts. >> sandra: i am centre of smith. the story with martha maccallum live outside the courthouse starts now. [ ♪♪


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