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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  May 2, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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this is an extremely dangerous drug now, marijuana, i call it something else, thc, cannabis. it's dangerous and is a disgrace it's purely political as usual by this administration. >> laura: monica i know you and i both know our parents who have dealt with the most horrific news they can get of their kids who started on weed who went to much more dangerous drugs. not everybody that smokes there? goes on today heroin but you don't start with heroin most of the time. horrible stories out there, it's just horrific. we are out of time monica doctor siegel, thank you both for joining us tonight. that is it breast tonight, makes you follow me on social media, x. and facebook, jesse is next, stay tuned. [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: welcome to 'jesse watters primetime', tonight...
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>> oh my goodness... >> jesse: campus day of rage, shocks the nation. biden has a problem. >> the ddi is not all roses, it has become and religion. >> jesse: happy d.e.i. thursday lemon. >> is thank you. >> out everybody lives behind guard dates in hollywood, we do not feel safe anymore and that's a big reason to be moved. >> jesse: los angeles no longer safe for models and actresses. candace cameron joins primetime. plus... >> what do you think about him? his last name is kennedy. >> is and he like dead? [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: fox news alerts, and night of anarchy on the west coast after anti- forgot their
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their hands on more weapons than vlodymyr zelensky. the brigade storm ucla campus last night strapped with helmets, gas masks and riot gear. not your typical mostly peaceful protesters, weapons of choice included fire extinguishers, bottles, two by fours and umbrellas. clashes with the police went on until the crack of dawn? >> get back! [ boom ] [ chanting ]
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>> get back! >> jesse: over 200 arrests made overnight, cops snatching their masks off like scooby-doo villains. away, that's not a college student! that's a 40-year-old woman. other protesters cuffed, grinning ear to ear. their parents must be so proud? at portland state university, anarchist also lead to seeds to a library that was let's be honest, already empty. police report said the only books they still were comic books, but then they retreated from the library when the cops arrived, watch. [ cheering ] >> it, yeah! hey,, stop! >> get out of the way!
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>> jesse: making a shield from a rubbermaid trashcan like a middle school or playing dungeons and dragons? never played football because you bounced off like a bowling pin. running towards police in a bankruptcy barrel, not the brightest escape tactic. police don't know what to expect is that hacksaw mary poppins? body cam footage just released at the moment of the nypd busted up columbia's liberation zone. >> stay on the ground! stay down! >> free palestine!
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>> jesse: joe biden ran on unifying the country and he has, now the left and the right are chanting let's go brandon in pitch perfect harmony. >> [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. [ bleep ] joe biden. [ bleep ] joe biden. >> jesse: music to my ears. good thing biden is hard of hearing. this morning he had a morning to joe cranked up to a 10. >> how do the democrats, how to all of us on that side say january 6 was wrong if you can have the same pictures going on campus? you lose the model -- >> the rise on college campuses, the riots at the chicago convention in 68, all of those things moved my family.
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from being democrats their entire life to being republicans >> are you offended by this? please, i'm trying to help you. i don't want donald trump to get elected, and try to help you. if you're too stupid to figure that out, you change to another channel. >> jesse: joe biden got the message,'s favorite tv shows telling him he's going to lose in a landslide to a law and order canada like nixon because of campus chaos. history has a way of repeating itself. after 10 days of silence, to save his presidency biden held a press conference and said "don't". >> president biden: we are as civil society and order must prevail. we often face moments like this because we are a big, diverse, freethinking and freedom loving nation. in moments like this, are always those who rush into scoring pluto points. this is not a moment for politics, it's a moment for clarity. that is no place for hate speech
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or violence of any kind, whether it is anti-semitism, islamophobia or discrimination against black americans or palestinian americans. >> jesse: who told him up -- he told her publicans not to pounds and condemned islamophobia. has anybody seen any is on the phobia? all we have seen is anti-semitism. and so incredibly brave to come out against violence. he could've said that during the summer of love. i wonder what changed. while biden tries to save his political life, trump has been beating this trump for a week think the cops and demanded biden stop sticking prosecutors on him when the real threats are on the radical left. >> mr. trump: so proud of all the new york finest, great people, so many of them are incredible. great job at columbia and likewise in los angeles it did a really good job at ucla. this is a movement from the left not the right, the right is not
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your problem. the law enforcement and they doj going after donald trump, they have to look at what is happening in their own offices because you are loaded up with radical left people that want this country to fail. we won't let this country failed. >> jesse: offering to scholarships now to american protesters. a terrorist state wants to sponsor these little johnny g. had to swear allegiance to hamas why isn't the fbi and media unmasking to these traders? a woman's life got turned upside down and inside out because she opened up a hair salon during the pandemic just if your family , nobody is even a bit curious about this radical thrill? there is terror staring us right in the face, former weather underground, former domestic terrorist, the guys group bombed the pentagon? he is out of their inspiring the university of chicago brigade with stories of revolutions past and he is a professor at the school day. no wonder it is out of control.
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stanford university called in the fbi won a man wearing a hamas headband was spotted on campus! makes adamant were eight maga hot and the media bowed thousand words about him. this guy with a hamas symbol? right under the radar permit during the george floyd rides a mega saw mons of chaos, dozens of cops injured, $20 billion in damage, almost nobody went to prison? mob rule one, four years later, they have the same expectations. joe biden can say it don't all he wants, our enemies will listen to him, why we are we citizens can! you can smack an old lady's hand off and walk out with no bail. nobody's worried about going to jail for a protest. using the foreign exchange students wasting the palestinian flag are worried about getting deported? joe biden hasn't deported anybody? the aca justice system focused on prosecuting republicans, not them.
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they are not stopping at free palestine either. this movement has morphed into a grab bag of your typical anti- american activism. >> demand... palestine, chicago and beyond. this proves explicitly acknowledging such harm as well as implementing eight communally accountable program of reparation, and reducing emissions by 50 percent by 2030. >> jesse: reparations to fund the police? global warming? what is that have to do with gaza? how does divesting from israel help palestinians? it does not. these protests are not helping anybody. the protesters are not even helping themselves. nobody will hire these psychos after their identities break. they have lost the plot. >> any time you are protesting for become secondary to what you are doing, then you are really
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not protesting. and you ain't many ways dramatize, what i did later in other situations was to bring get at captain to a cause, not become the cause? what's troubling to me about a lot of this is they have become the cause, it's about them. it's not about pushing that because cogley lost the message. >> jesse: everybody wants to fight the power in college, it's a right of passage. but what's to fight? life is too good in america, you still want to suffer for their cause. severity of a struggle is losing their meal plan because they are living in a tent. they want the cops to hurt them a little so the only time that is the only time they will feel real pain, makes them feel alive? raging against the machine the drop the sats paid off their loans and hired them just for their identity. is not what they wanted? france is warned in the end of history that if men cannot struggle on behalf of a just
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cause, they struggle for the sake of struggle, out of boredom, they cannot imagine living in a world without struggle. there's plenty of people willing to finance the struggle. dvd flag as a financial reason -- reason why the ivies have gone to so soft on arabs spring break, you get half their money from donations and gifts. a lot of that money pours in from the middle east -- made east. we saw how chinese money could massage the university's posture, money talks in many different languages. look around the campfire and see who is smiling, while america burns. cornell professor william jacobson joins us now, you went through a little bit, what's going on with you professor? >> well when i spoke out against black lives matter i was targeted but there is a much bigger problem now than the riots of 2020. we have on our campuses and in our cities eat marriage between
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of the extreme left, the extreme left that wants to tear us down, that hates the united states as anti-american, anti-western, anticapitalist and the islamicist who hate america, hate israel. everything you are saying is really a social contagion, he have highly ideologically motivated leaders, organizers, and he have a bunch of students who many of them, maybe not at most but many of them are going along because it's the thing to do. hating israel, hating the united states, chanting almost like cultlike phrases back and forth has captured a lot of the campuses. this is a serious situation, it's the extreme left that wants to tear us down, go back two years zero and start over, and the extreme islamists who worship hamas going to take us back to the eighth set -- eighth century. this is really a wake-up call for this country, what is
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happening now is not just a social contagion, it is extremely dangerous and this marriage of the extreme left and the islamists is not something we have really seen before and people need to recognize this as a serious situation. >> jesse: so the department of justice tried to frame and concoct a connection between the right and russia, remember what they did they with the trump rush occlusion? they did that fraudulently, there was never any connection between the right and russia. here you have the radical left, is a direct connection between islamic forces, it's doing is right in the face, they are chanting get, financing it, they are encouraging it. how come with the feds are not looking at this they way they look at the fake trump rush occlusion? >> that's a great question because what we are seeing is right out in the open -- trump- russia. >> of the weighing hamas
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headband, they're praising hamas, they're projecting on buildings, glory to the martyrs. they are chanting before an intifada which was the bloody suicide bombing campaign that killed over a thousand israeli jews. they chant from the river to the sea in english by the islamists who are chanting when they chanted in arabic, they chant from the river to the sea, palestine will be arab. you have manipulation going on here, yesterday as i want to be part of the crowd just like they -- prior experiences. but it's worse now because the people that are driving this and manipulating it and speaking on really as the mouthpieces of hamas and the iranian regime have the worst intentions for our country. outer think -- >> jesse: they should do and if you're a republican waving russian flag chanting praise putin, you're getting a knock on your door. these people don't mind? they let them do it all day.
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it's just not right. is a national security situation we have to look into. professor thank you is always. >> thank you. >> jesse: across american universities, arab spring breakers have been tearing down a magnet flags and flying palestinian ones. but when a mob pulled of these shenanigans at chapel hill, patriotic fraternity brothers stepped in and said not today, hamas. >> [ chanting ] >> why are you attacking him? >> jesse: the brothers defended of the flag sure it never touch the ground. one of the jewish brothers held up the israeli flag. is made them live it, hurts them out, douse them in water, but they stood strong.
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the moment resonated with the nation and to show their appreciation for these young americans, a gofundme was set up so the brothers could throw a ranger? 's going to be the party of the year because almost half a million dollars was already raised. chapel hill fraternity brother brandon joins me now. brandon, describe how the situation got started, take us through it. >> at fred's divorce be think so much jesse for having me, early appreciated. basically there is a protest after five days of encampment on chapel hill, i showed up by myself at first and then my friend trevor came and we held the israeli flag while they protested. that protest led to the middle of campus where we then went back to the south building where they were standing and we watch them chant and chant intifada, intifada from the river to the
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sea palestine will be free and as you did that they tore down the american flag. after that they continued to stay there and our chancellor and the police went to the middle of campus to put the flag back up which they did and they had to eventually leave because of the protesters. that is when me and my fraternity brothers went to the middle of campus and a healthy israeli flag and they held of the american flag let protesters chanted and screamed at us, i was told to kill myself like 50 times, called a fascist, it was a very troubling seen but we stood there is strong representing what we believe in. >> jesse: who were these people? where the even students? >> so a lot of them were students but i would say there's also a lot of people that are were not students. there was a woman there that basically was calling me chicken and told me to go to the front of the crowd second be beaten
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now. i think that's a problem, these people who don't belong on campus should not be here. they make us feel unsafe, a lot of the students here are peacefully protesting and they have the right to protest and they should execute that right, however if you don't belong to this campus you should not be here and you should not advocate against israel, or advocate against anything because you don't belong here. >> jesse: what he guys going to do with the money? >> unfortunately we don't have any control over the money, it's not up to us and it's not in our hands, i will say we appreciate the support and we appreciate everybody trying to reach out. >> jesse: listen, if you do have you hands on your money, maybe throw a party but maybe donate a little to charity. still for a party, a little charity, do the right thing. a lot of respect for you guys, good in others patriotic young man out of a pim xp thank so much, good luck. >> thank you so much, appreciate
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you jesse. >> jesse: johnny talks to voters. >> trump or biden? >> trump because he gave us [ inaudible ] [ ♪♪ ] oooh! i can't wait for this family getaway! shingles doesn't care. shingles is a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. ahhh, there's nothing like a day out with friends. that's nice, but shingles doesn't care! 99% of adults 50 years or older already have the virus that causes shingles inside them, and it can reactivate at any time. a perfect day for a family outing!
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[ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: fox news lord, bloomberg reporting trump has narrowed down his bp list of canada's, hi senator jd vans, north dakota government doug orden, south carolina senator tim scott, a lot of people missing from the list, sarah sanders, but as this could just be a smokescreen planted by the trump seat -- scene so the shock of peabody in july he picks robert desantis be! kidding. maybe i'm not. he will keep you updated.
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on trombone biden were both on the move, biden was in north carolina talking about lead pipes and chemicals. >> president biden: detecting and removing so-called forever chemicals,. >> jesse: trump is in new york delivering pizza to firefighters [ applause ] [ cheering and applause ] >> jesse: don't trump it shook some hands, signs autographs and talked with the guys. >> mr. trump: so much respect you don't even know. >> jesse: donald trump is in
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new york because the state at trial where they won't tell us with a crime is, he said "contrary to the fake news media i don't fall asleep during the crooked das witchhunt, especially not today. is simply closed my beautiful blue eyes sometimes listening intensely and take it all in ". the former presidential candidate and author for the love of country, i should have used that excuse in math class. >> closes beautiful eyes jesse. [ laughter ] >> jesse: the images of trump, the pizza delivery man, nothing like trump holding the pizza he thinks its gold. why people love it. >> it's new york pizza. >> jesse: it's different it's new york pizza. you have the bodega, you have the pizza man, the construction sites, is this getting traction? >> at the images i think speak for themselves that trump is out here and he's with the people and the other clip you've played for the the biden speech, they
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are getting exactly what they want, they cannot compete on the issues they're trying to essentially keep president trump locked up in a courtroom wherever and for however long they can drain him of his time and his resources. president biden is no less blatant than dictators we see like f. who and at others and other pseudo-democracies where they weapon eyes these public institutions to go after their political opponents, whether it's a department of justice, law enforcement, all these agencies to try to save us the american people from making the "wrong choice". i talk about this in the book, they are destroying our democracy in order to save it and they really believe they are justified in doing this. >> jesse: we will get to the book and a second, so trump has pizza and he's with firefighters and he's telling the fire government can you stop prosecuting me kamaka because we have hamas lovers out of their
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coordinating with iranians possibly, screaming into the streets kill the jews and the da days out to lunch? >> at the doj's out to lunch? president biden gave a very weak statement today refusing to speak the truth about calling out these pro- hamas terrorist apologists for exactly who they are and the danger this opposes. the greater danger it poses. obvious either disturbing the peace and undermining the rule of law in our cities and communities but what we are seeing is a symptom of the article ideologies, ideological warfare. >> jesse: so she has a new book, for the love of country, leave the democratic party behind. i just started, i absolutely love it, tell us why we need to get this book? >> our countries under threat, our freedom is under attack, the democrats in the biden administration are responsible. we have to defeat them in a selection to save our country.
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>> jesse: that's good. that's good! chalice -- tulsi gabbard, thank you so much. happy d.e.i. thursday. [ ♪♪ ]
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to create innovative products and new recycling technologies for sustainable change. because when you push for smarter solutions, big things can happen. [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: another bowling whistleblower dead after contracting a mysterious infection. senior national correspondent kevin cortez details. >> it happened again, joshua dean, a former quality auditor who sounded the alarm about the supply ignoring defects in the boeing 737 max jets is dead and what's more, he's now the second whistleblower to die not long after disclosing problems involving boeing. he went to hospital in wichita after experiencing breathing difficulties, during his stay he allegedly developed pneumonia, had to be intubated, shortly after he died suddenly. you may recall just a couple
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months ago back in march, another bowling whistleblower, draw ornette took his own life in the midst of a legal battle with boeing. his team manufactured the door plug the blue old mid air on an alaska airline flight back in january, shortly thereafter he told wall street journal he was fired because you simply pointed out the holes were drilled in the long -- wrong fuselage, something his employer figures he denied? in february you told npr he thought boeing was sending a message and if you're too loudly will silence you and to add to the growing number of very interesting questions about this case, both deceased whistleblowers are represented by the very same south carolina law firm. don't know what to make of that jesse. >> jesse: very mysterious, we will continue to follow it, thank you? since the 1920s, los angeles has been the film and television capital of the world. a magnet for beautiful and talented woman looking to hit it big. audrey hepburn came all the way
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from belgium, elizabeth taylor made the voyage from great britain, lucille ball came from brooklyn. now actresses and cover girls can't seem to get out of hollywood fast enough, the sports illustrated models hate -- scared to go to the store. will there be a model exodus? >> you know what you come to california, the city of dreams right? you think this is where i get a college or anything but it does not feel safe anymore, i don't feel safe going to the grocery store, i don't go anywhere outside of the metropolitan areas without my husband with me and it slowly don't take my kids into city limits. >> jesse: first it was the homeless, crime, now arab spring breakers and taking over campus. and even hollywood lifers are leaving. actress candace cameron was born and raised in la back what you just hightailed it out of there. and cameron, the start of the new movie unsung hero, joins me now. candace why did you leave?
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>> hello jesse. my family and i did not feel safe anymore, we did not live behind closed gates and i think that is part of the protection you can feel, being somebody in the public eye, a lot of people would show up at our door and it was quite unnerving and paparazzi not kinds of things. it so we moved out of los angeles. >> jesse: you are not allowed to have a gun, you can have a guard dog you just that amount? >> i don't know, we have both of those. >> jesse: really? it's that crazy? >> yes. yeah. to the point it wasn't worth it for us anymore, were also in a different stage of life, have three grown children, and i want to be where they are. >> jesse: was it like mommy, mommy, who was at home is junky with the mace? >> you would be surprised. >> jesse: okay.
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[ laughter ] maybe i'm overdoing it a bit. tell us about this movie unsung hero? >> we are the number 2 movie in america right now, in the numbel story that celebrates moms, the unsung hero is about miracles, it's about hope, it's based on the real-life story of the small bone family, you may know them, or the stinger rebecca st. james the stories about how the immigrated from australian to america, lost absolutely everything and their mom made life an adventure, they stopped on beds made of close, they started a lawnmowing business they could put food on the table. it's full of adventure and miracles and tears but happy ones, it's a stronger story of faith and i'm so proud to have been a part of it. i'm in the movie but also executive producer. >> jesse: ou big show off! cameras candace, thank you for
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joining 'jesse watters primetime'. good luck. who is rfk junior and taking votes from? >> they are saying they're taking more from biden's. >> the polls also said that hillary would win. >> that did not work out? >> absolute not. >> argues that? >> no, i like hillary. [ ♪♪ ]
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this is a shell energy 100% renewable electricity plan lighting every soccer match at shell energy stadium.
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we're moving forward with the houston dash. because we're moving forward with everybody. shell. powering progress. [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: who does rfk junior hurt? do people want a third party? johnny hit the streets to find out. [ ♪♪ ] >> trump or biden? >> trump because he gave us [ inaudible ] soon biden. >> at the only choice is trumpet. >> i don't support people who support genocide. >> it is another candidate out there, would he think about him? >> who is that? >> his last name is kennedy the one isn't he like dead? >> what did he say? >> he has beautiful blue eyes. >> he is anti- palestinian a. >> i commend him for questioning covid-19. >> your so misinformed it's extraordinary. >> he's running as were independent, not republican or
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democrat, does that intrigue you? sue and that would intrigue everybody at this point. >> i can support anybody like rfk junior. >> you have to pick a side man. >> pick me, choose me, love me. [ ♪♪ ] >> this election, what issues are most important to you? >> the war against the gauze and people. >> abortion, and very pro-life it. >> a piece in the middle east. >> freedom of speech whether i like it or not. >> trump is being gagged. >> if you're under it comment investigation charge amount. >> and a commonly motivated trial? sued it's a claim. >> democrat judge, democrat prosecutor, biden pays their family. >> those are not claims. >> of their claims to me unless i investigate them. >> art of gay junior is big on the climate, health, corruption, the working class, do those issues intrigue you? >> he is anti- vaccine and anti- science. >> i mean the temperature is just right, we need more leaders
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ethical. >> is joe biden corrupt. >> if it walks like a duck it is a dock. >> his last name is kennedy, what is the kennedy naming to you? >> charity, maryland, conspiracy theories. >> he was posed to help black people that he died so soon i'm not a huge fan of the kennedys myself and i'm from boston. >> no point, she bleakly paetz me. >> he wanted secret service by joe biden said not today rfk junior howdy feel about that? >> very hypocrite go for somebody who has secret service himself. >> and joe biden likes to swim naked in front of his secret service. >> what a creep. >> him and trump should not have clearance. >> trump should not have secret service gimmick. >> no, he does not protect the macon people? >> half of the country felt very protected. [ ♪♪ ]
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>> rfk junior is pulling at 15 percent nationally, how big a deal is that? >> that is a large number. >> biden better watches as. >> is he going to take from biden voters are trump voters? soon saying more from biden. >> polls also said that hillary would win. >> that are not work out. >> apsley not. >> are you sad? soon no, i don't like hillary. >> and i think i'm crazy, you are right. >> would you vote for in 2020. >> i did not vote. >> trump, biden, sue and my dad swayed me to vote for biden. >> 2024? >> anything about red or blue soon rfk junior. >> donald trump. >> green party. >> don't trump. >> sorry dad. >> what he wanted tell jesse watters on fox news soon i don't know who jesse watters is. >> he's a big stars. >> i don't care. >> and get it together when you read the book? >> know? >> he's making strides out of there, let's get it fox news!
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>> d.e.i. is something we must have! >> jesse: happy? thursday! our favorite day of the week we are bringing the best stories about diversity, equity and inclusion. first up calmly harris went on to the drew barrymore show the other day, remember? >> we all need a mom, i've been thinking we all just need a tremendous hug in the world right now but in our country, when e.g. to be mammala of the country. >> jesse: charles did not like that, not because drew married different drew barrymore was on social distancing but she thinks that drew barrymore is racist. he wrote this in the new york times "is an illustration of the 90 vacation of black woman, casting them as racialized human security blankets, calling alike. calling here is mammala what she has been calling his own mammala for years watch. >> a family could be children, and ella who call me mammala a.
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>> it's one of my favorite titles, being mammala. i've had a lot of titles in my career, certainly vice president will be great, but mammala will always be the one that means the most. >> jesse: arizona has not been the same ever since governor katie hobbs was reelected, radical transgender -ism read how big and now it seemed into arizona's own capital. >> when is it time to change? why do some day become an activist, does one begin? that's one of the things really the whole topic of kids being transgender comes up. now, listen, listen to your kids? i don't care. please use they them pronouns. >> jesse: cortland parents were disturbed to discover an outdoor sign school has been letting male students sleep and the same cabin as their teenage
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daughters. according to the school, the female cabins her for female students regardless of sex assigned adverse, nonbinary students and transgender students will feel safer in this space. feels like we ask everybody if they felt safe besides the actual females. but don't worthy have a solution, suck it up. and you know what, maybe they should. no. thursdays complete with a primetime victory, when don lemon is calling d.e.i. a cult. >> i think a lot of media companies need to do some self-examination about what is happening inside of the company. d.e.i. it is -- look there some great things about d.e.i. but it's not all you know roses, i think we have to take a look at it and it's gone too far, it's become a religion. if you don't abide by religion
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you get kicked out of the church. >> jesse: oh! happy d.e.i. thursday everybody! we got lemon! our movement just got bigger. like that. [ ♪♪ ] can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge. ♪
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no. ♪ -no. -nuh-uh. ♪ yeah. oh. yes. ♪ oh yeah. yes. isn't this great? yeeaahhhh!! ♪ yeah, i could do a cartwheel in here. oh hey! would you like to join us? no. we would love to join you. ♪
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>> jesse: remember joe the violinist? joe biden paid off his student lone debt and we found out he's not alone there's more where that came from. joe biden is a raising $6 billion in student lone debt ready? for people who got art degrees from the art institute. college went belly up. ready? meet her. she is a 34-year-old cosplayer who posted -- posts raunchy content on only bans. she is all about trans lives matter. we bailed her out. next up t cells korean boy band
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merge and rights f. the pigs on her social media. she enjoys nice walks in the park. retreating videos of pro- hamas protesters in columbia. you paid her loan off. we also have... she has a variety streamer and an anthropologist. she describes herself as mostly void, partially funny with big gremlin energy. she's an enthusiast of derby animal plush pillows, demon statues and frog mascot costumes. you paid her student loan off. them have andrew. the videogame life streamer who goes by... and when he's not going by that his online communities call him cyborg corpse. last but not least meet travis. he uses he him and they them pronouns. calls himself a sophisticated cartoonist with a burlesque
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sense of humour. we paid all of their student loans off. art degrees. there you go. serious question. do women get turned on when men nailed the parallel park job? you know what i'm talking about? when we look and we nail it. like you see that? she never notices but do they like it? let me know. text me. now from corona california i choked up with your interview with the frat boy, maybe theirs hope for all of us. when al sharpton is criticizing your liberal protest you really lost the base. april from tampa, when did gas masks and riot gear become part
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of the packing list for college? this protest has a writer. it's insane. and deep from laurel park new york. trump better be careful holding pizza boxes like that, the cheese will slide right off. i thought it looked pretty even. nobody likes the tilted cheese. michael from elmwood park new jersey, that was my go to excuse when the teacher caught me sleeping in class. worked like a charm. he's just taking it all in. aven from florida, if trump delivers a pizza to my house my dad said only to peas going to get is pic dissent is as your vp. a lot of rumours floating around, not sure what to think about it. >> hannity: welcome to hannity. breaking tonight anti- israel protests


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