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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  May 2, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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y urine, seizures, dizziness, irregular heartbeat, jitteriness, muscle aches or weakness, spasms of hands, feet, or voice. voquezna can help kick some acid, and so can you. ask your doctor about voquezna. [ applause ] >> out of time thanks to... [ applause ] >> trace: good evening i'm trace gallagher. it's 11:00 pm on east coast, 8:00 here in los angeles and
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this is america's late news, fox news at night the toll continues moving north. more than 2000 anti- israel protesters have now been arrested nationwide up your taking control of campuses no longer appears to be enough for these protesters. now they are issuing a list of demands that have nothing to do with israel or gaza and the agitators are also being revealed literally as police rip off their scarves and masks. anarchy continues running wild on different campuses here in portland oregon, students took over a library and when police arrived the protesters ran away from the cops carrying trashcan shields. as the number of arrests go up so do the number of college campuses involved. almost four dozen colleges into dozen states have seen police activity. even new york mayor eric adams was talking sense. >> zero-tolerance. as soon as that tent goes up and comes down. do not allow this to continue to
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expand. only 18 percent of 18-34 -year-olds are extremely proud of america. that is a problem. we can't allow our children to be radicalized over and over again. >> the white house still not getting it. >> there is no place for hate speech. or violence of any kind whether that's anti-semitism, islamophobia or discrimination against arab-americans or palestinian americans. it is simply wrong, there's no place for racism in america. >> alexis mcadams live at the new school and new york city where the crowd to its bigger but we begin with christina coleman live here in southern california on the campus of ucla. >> reporter: it looks dramatically different here compared to last night. go ahead and take a look at this. this is where that large encampment used to be where those pro- palestinian
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protesters have been protesting. as you can see it was all cleared out. it was cleared out since last night. there were at least 110 therapy or they are all gone and police made 210 arrests. take a look at this video. this is from early this morning. police using loudspeakers as they ordered the protesters to clear the area immediately. those who fail to do so would be subject to arrest. some 1500 students around the perimeter of the encampment to try and protect it as officers moved in. >> they did all they could to very peacefully resist this crackdown on the encampment. >> reporter: struggles did take place. some officers used players and flash bang type devices and eventually moved out the protesters. officers wearing swat gear to dismantle the barricades and arrested those who would not leave. some of them for multiple charges.
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>> failure to disperse. not obeying officer's commands, trespassing a multitude of different charges can be placed on these people depending on what crime is committed. >> the chancellor released a statement on the campus chaos saying the encampment on there was unlawful in a breach of policy. elect to unsafe conditions on our campus and it damaged our ability to carry out our mission. it needed to come to an end. a total of 210 people were arrested and charged with failure to disperse, a simple misdemeanour with a maximum punishment of six months in jail and a $1000 fine and unless any of these people had outstanding warrants, they have already been booked and released. back out here live, a much different scene compared to last night, it is calm and peaceful. this encampment is cleared out and hopefully it will stay that way. >> christina thank you. meantime on the east coast, the relief on the protest was short-lived.
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some anti- israel agitators are back at it. at least a couple of new york city campuses. we're live on the ground at the new school in manhattan with the very latest there. good evening. >> reporter: you can see it behind us. this is the crowd outside of the new school liberal arts college here in new york city. we are going to take a live look from our camera that's on the other side of the crowd. hisses at the area not too far from nyu. faculty members sitting at the new school voting in favour of a resolution, urging this university to divest from companies supporting and arming israel. protesters through red paint on the side of a campus building overnight during those protests which got a little bit chaotic. workers trying to power wash that paint away and someone also through red ink on the front door of the president of nyu's building. vacuuming one day after the nypd rate at hamilton hall where the students went in and barricaded themselves inside. police arrested dozens of
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students. check this out. >> everyone who sent gaza on fire that we will not rest, we will not rest, we will not rest until they divest and until the zionist entity falls. >> reporter: of the hundreds of people arrested at city college of new york and columbia university, investigators tell me more than half had no affiliation with the school at all. these protesters say they are not backing down. that includes here at the new school where they continue to demand divestment and not wanting to talk to the media. >> trace: we will get back to you as the news warrants there. live for us in new york. support is now pouring in to north carolina for the fraternity members who defended the american flag from campus mob saying they were honoured to give back to the nation. we're live in new york with that part of the story. good evening. >> reporter: there's been an overwhelming response over -- support for those young men who
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took matters into their own hands after protesters on their campus attempted to take down our american flag and replace it with a palestinian flag. this photo of that moment has gone viral. so much so a gofundme was created by a third party for the fraternity. so far it has raised more than $470,000 to throw this brought the party they deserve. even celebrities are chipping in. here is a represent donating saying next round is on me boys. one of those young members is speaking out. watch. >> the primary reason i was on that call before this ever even began to become an american issue, i was on there because i'm jewish and i'm orthodox and a lot of members that were holding up the flag where. it becomes an american issue that hits double hard and that really hits us both in our religious country and our homeland that we really feel is deeply important to us. >> reporter: the moment was
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actually the second attempt by protesters to replace the american flag on the un see campus which had been flying half-mast on campus after charlotte officers were murdered in the line of duty monday. the first attempt was stopped after the chancellor stepped in with law enforcement. watch. [ inaudible ] >> reporter: they told fox news digital it is still trying to figure out whether they have access to those funds as they did knot actually create a gofundme page themselves and if they do, they will determine how best to use that money. >> trace: good cause. thank you.
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>> trace: the fox news at night commonsense department is hearing that anti- israel protesters are facing crackdowns and consequences. funny because common sense thinks they are facing coddling and comforting. the student editors at columbia law review said the police operation that cleared the encampments left the students quote irrevocably shaken and unable to focus. and they are demanding final exams be cancelled. when you are shaken and unfocused it's hard to study. easy to spew hate but hard to study. and those who got tossed from the anti- israel encampment also faced consequences. hundreds got arrested. immediately released while the detention wasn't lickety-split, the trauma is eternal. now protesters have demands including elbow and knee pads, lotion without sunscreen and food. gluten-free and vegan. even righteous revolutionaries have dietary guidelines university of chicago protesters
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also had demands like reparations and cutting emissions. nothing screams palestinian solidarity like... and if the protesters don't get their demands they should know iran is offering scholarships for expelled american students including tuition, room and board. common sense would need to check to see if the board is vegan. and gluten-free. let's bring in the founder of less people... the co-author of stolen youth bethany mandel, along with recording artist, tiktok start an pro-israel activist montana tucker. welcome to all of you. bethany to you first, the demands of these protesters is laughable. maybe they should spend a semester abroad in iran and get the free tuition and see what it's like over there for a while >> yeah, i mean instead this gofundme for these amazing prop
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boys who want to throw the best party ever, let's have a gofundme to send all of these students who are at these encampments to iran or gaza. all of these places and fly their rainbow flags and let's see what happens. a mall for it. >> it really is one of those things. the chancellor, they support the protesters but here is a jewish professor at ucla and here is what he said. watch. >> this was never peaceful, jews were not allowed to go in to the campus, not allowed to go to the library, not allowed to go to classes. it was never peaceful. they are vandalizing the entire quad. >> trace: elizabeth we knew that this was hate filled from the start but we brushed it aside anyway. >> maybe i was even naïve. i was shocked hearing what these protesters were saying. i came across a video where they were chanting go hamas, we love you...
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the fact that anyone in their right mind can listen to what's going on on these college campuses, these protesters who at one point apparently were protesters for peace or some kind of cease-fire, the pack hashmak fact that people can listen to this and claimed that is what this is is actually ridiculous. i'm shocked that people can do this. students are telling the world how they are feeling. >> trace: they really have told the world again and again and it appears some are listening and many are not. you were on the campus, you try to talk to some of these protesters. we are going to play some video of that. they weren't very talkative. watch this. >> do you mined if i interview you? >> can you tell me what's going on here? >> no sorry. >> are be allowed to ask you guys a few questions at all?
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>> i can direct you to that liaison. >> trace: what you want to learn from them? >> i went to the school to understand why they are there protesting. because they are putting up their camps, putting up their signs but do they actually know what they are chanting? do they know what they are saying. i went there with the intention of having a conversation. let me understand you see you can understand me and we can understanding to agree to disagree but no one would speak to me they kept calling me an agitator saying i have to speak to a liaison. when i went to speak to them they still wouldn't speak to me because they looked my name up and saw that i was pro-israel and kept calling me a zionist and saying all kinds of things. no matter how much i try to talk to them in a nice peaceful way they wouldn't speak with me. >> trace: here's the george washington statue at george washington university covered in this protest material. covered in all kinds of stuff. if we can put this video up.
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it's interesting because as you look at this, i want to play some of the george washington university students chanting. listen. >> trace: we go out there, we still do not know what their goal is. they have different demands but we do not know what they want. >> i was at gw with my three oldest kids unlike montana i wasn't brave enough to go into these encampment's big -- because i had kit kids with me to call themselves peas protesters and there about coexistence. meanwhile i was afraid to have my sons where their yarmulkes on the way back and forth because people were staring us down. i'm talking about my seven and 9-year-old sons. there was such anger and hatred and hostility in their eyes. for these little boys who were just walking the streets wearing
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yarmulkes. this is the situation on campus is now. >> what do you tell them on the way home? what do you tell them? >> i told them to take them off. it's hard because i'm always fighting with it to keep them on and be proud. on the way home after i was like take them off until we get to the metro. >> trace: want to play this. here's an nyu protester. watch this. >> we call on students and faculty worldwide to escalate the protest. >> understand that you have always been the villains and when palestine is finally free, we will never ever forgive you. we will not stop fighting, this is only the beginning. >> trace: i would like to get you and montana to wait in on this. your thoughts on what you just heard. >> it is scary. these are students that are blatantly calling for violence and calling people around the world. i believe they said to stand up with them and not stop.
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we've seen what they are capable of at this point. it's been a couple of weeks. i get messages every single day not just from young people my age or younger but from parents asking me if it is safer there student to attend some of these schools these are schools that people around the world dream of going to not just because they are amazing schools but they are in the united states of america and they don't believe anything like this can happen. it is so sad, it is the opposite of anything we want to see. >> that's why went there to understand what they are calling for. it's not just anti- israel, it's anti- america. that's why everyone needs to wake up and understand what is happening here is affecting everyone. just because you are not jewish or israeli doesn't mean this is not affecting you. i think finally people are waking up and realizing what is happening. my grandparents are holocaust survivors and this is how the holocaust started with kids not being allowed into schools. people need to take this extremely serious. >> trace: thank you all.
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it finally happened but was it worth the wait? president biden making his first public comments about the anti- israel chaos on college campuses across the country. kevin corke live in dc with more on what the president did and did not say. >> breaking ten days of silence amid the ongoing anti- israel protest leaving the country. parmelee on college campuses. today 81-year-old president biden weighed in on the ongoing crisis. critics were quick to point out that he seemed to go to such great lengths in an effort to straddle political battle lines. most notably within his own party and ultimately ended up offering fairly more than boilerplate platitudes without actually addressing the controversy. >> there should be no place on any campus, no place in america for anti-semitism or threats of violence against jewish students. there is no place for hate
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speech. or violence of any kind whether it's anti-semitism, islamophobia or discrimination against arab-americans or palestinian americans. it is simply wrong. there's no place for racism in america. it's all wrong. it's un-american. >> in case you are wondering what else he had to say about the protest he was asked should the national guard intervene, is he reconsidering policies in the region amid the ongoing protests? no, and no thank you. also tonight renewed criticism of mr biden in light of an august 2020 social media post. by him blaming then-president donald trump for violence in the u.s. you may recall mr biden wrote this. remember every example of violence donald trump decries has happened on his watch under his leadership during his presidency to which critics of course both on the left and
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right have equipped. this means the ongoing turmoil is happening on mr biden's watch. under his leadership and during his presidency. >> trace: thank you. let's bring in lee carter and lauren writes. thank you both for coming on. one more soundbite from the president today and i will get your response. >> there is no place for hate speech or violence of any kind whether it's anti-semitism, islamophobia, or discrimination against arab-americans or palestinian americans. it is simply wrong. there's no place for racism in america. it's all wrong, it's un-american >> trace: islamophobia is wrong but that's not what this is about. he is trying to placate everybody and that's the goal. placate everybody and in the meantime it looks like you are just not leadership. >> i think it's really interesting to see the contrast and how people are reacting to this verse is how people reacted
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when people set all lives matter during the black lives matter movement. when people tried to say that we're not just talking about the police, we're talking about all lives. that's not the issue. what we're looking at here in this instance is joe biden isn't addressing the issue that we are facing and it's very real issue of anti-semitism and he's not dealing with it because he's trying to play all sides. if he is going to criticize other people for the same thing, you better be ready to take it because that's what he's doing himself. the contrast is so sharp. >> trace: want to put this pull up because it's telling. the choice for president voting now, among young people. biden at 40 percent and you see trump at 58 percent. these are under the age of 30. it's a category that he desperately needs. >> what is so interesting to me about this is biden is not pleasing anyone. but there was nothing he can do to pleas the progressives wing
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of his party. i'm around progressives all the time here and i can tell you he has radically out of step with the left wing of his party. they think there should be a double standard is essentially for college students breaking the law and a step right off campus and people are breaking the law and those people are fine to be arrested. it's a really ill liberal position p. i don't know what he could do to appease that wing of the party. he's not going to get those voters possibly and he does really need them. they are the very best surrogates and they don't even know it. >> trace: what you think about him calling japan and india xena public today? >> i think it's out of line. it's not diplomatic, it's not fair and it's not right. we've got so many issues here in our own border that we should be looking at ourselves and not casting stones anywhere else at this moment. >> trace: final thoughts on this lauren.
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>> social scientists sometimes do look at immigration in japan, their policies and they don't call it xena phobia, they call it popular racism. they are much more pointed with their words. what was interesting politically about this is japanese officials took to the airwaves today and said look at your immigration problem. i can't believe you are criticizing us. that's exactly what we don't want. >> trace: thank you both. coming up, day ten of new york versus donald trump, the prosecution is apparently accusing... isn't a conspiracy two or more people? why is nobody else facing charges. later we all support free speech but should we tolerate these anti- israel protests? should we allow the flying up terrorist flags? allow people for chert -- to cheer for hamas. let us know. coming right back.
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b2 that is alive look at the new school in new york city. that's where alexis mcadams was earlier and this is where the crowd is growing and growing and they are chanting. so far we have not seen any violence there but the cloud -- crowd was coming very close to our crew so we moved them back a little bit just to keep an eye on things. we don't have any idea of any arrests have been made there but you can see the nypd on the left-hand side of your screen. we will keep our eyes on this as the protesters clearly are back en masse, they are back chanting and we will keep you up to speed on what's happening across the country. meantime we are about to hit day 11 of former president trump's criminal trial in new york and it comes on the heels of the robust hearing on trump's alleged violations of the gag order and some fireworks between
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stormy daniels former attorney and the defence counsel. >> good evening trace. when court resumes tomorrow morning, digital expert will take the stand. he has worked for the county da office for the past ten years and extracted digital data from michael cohen cell phone including a recorded conversation with former president donald trump where cohen asked him about the financing for the stormy daniels deal to which trump said what financing. it then appeared to suggest paying cash instead. this all happened after the testimony from la-based attorney keith davidson. he wrapped up his testimony today. trump's lawyer asked him about extortion and deals that he negotiated with other celebrities like lindsay lohan, charlie sheen and hulk hogan. lawyers also question davidson about recordings including one where he says about trump during the stormy daniels deal quote if
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he loses the election and he's going to lose, we lose all leverage. so settle this effing case. davidson said that he dealt directly with cohen, not trump. he also said cohen appeared suicidal after not getting a position in trump's white house. davidson believed that he wanted to be attorney general or white house chief of staff. trump also responded to reports that he slept during court, right own truth social contrary to the fake news media i don't fall asleep during the crooked das witchhunt, especially not today. i closed my beautiful blue eyes sometimes, listen intensely and take it all in. after court, trump delivered pizza to a manhattan firehouse and police station. you see that there. also today prosecutors presented for more examples where they argue trump violated the quartz gag order. the judge did not provide an immediate ruling but the da office is seeking more fines for
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former president trump rather than jail time because they don't want this trial to be delayed. >> trace: live press outside the courthouse. thank you. let's bring in the cochair of the america first policy institute centre for law and justice p. former florida attorney general... it's great to have you on the show. i want to pick up where he left off there. this really was a beneficial day for the former president and this was a damaging, a horrendous day for the chief witness michael cohen. everybody was attacking him. >> it was a great day for president trump. 's attorneys did a great job on cross-examination of davidson. this guy davidson is not only an attorney but he's an extortion attorney. he's got a cottage industry of going after celebrities. lindsay lohan trying to get $10,000 to keep her private medical records private. of the bad stuff. all of these celebrities. charlie sheen, hulk hogan.
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that is disguise industry. he never ever talked to donald trump, he admitted he only dealt with michael cohen. first time he ever laid eyes on president trump was today in the courtroom. this was all about cohen. what kind of attorney would be secretly videoing, audio inc. his own client and secretly taking audiotape with davidson. he is setting all this up because he wanted to go in the white house. >> trace: i know you have a bone to pick with this gag order. mike davis said this earlier and i want to see where you agree and disagree. watch. >> gag orders protected criminal defendants going through the process, not the government. this is clearly unconstitutional. it is a sort of damocles over a criminal defendants had. if he speaks out against the judge the prosecutor, the staff, the witnesses, their biases the process, this judge has threatened to throw him in jail.
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>> trace: what would you add to that? >> as a career prosecutor, the judge can easily put a gag order on all the witnesses, meaning michael cohen. i've had plenty of homicide trials, the judges calling all the witnesses and say you are not talk about this case. is to protect his rights... this is an upside down courtroom. the judges letting michael cohen speak freely on tiktok, making money off of all of this, putting president trump and -- in a prison uniform on tiktok. donald trump can't defend himself. the prosecution wanted to find donald trump for walking outside the courtroom after packer testified. media asked what you think of him. all president trump said was he has a nice guy. they didn't want to gag him and find him for saying that. it will all be overturned. after the trial.
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>> we have talked about this a thousand times but nobody has explained to me the actual felony. they keep talking about conspiracy to commit but there's no charge of conspiracy. there's no co-conspirators, what's going on here? >> i think you are as confused as every attorney in the country is confused by this. he is not charged with conspiracy. he is charged with bookkeeping violations which he did not commit. it's not a crime and they had to bootstrap a bunch of misdemeanours together onto a felony because the statute of limitations had run years and years ago. the former da declined to prosecute, doj declined to prosecute... alvin bragg is prosecuting. he% horton today when there is just mass chaos at our universities as you have been showing. yet alvin bragg is in a courtroom for donald trump instead of out there protecting our students in this country.
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it's outrageous. >> trace: great to have you on the show as always, thank you. as protests continue on college campuses across the country, some students are turning to god. in two of them will join us live to talk about pro-israel, pro american demonstrations that are not getting nearly as much attention until now. find out why state troopers needed the help of a rodeo clown in washington and a golden -- golden retriever is a welcome riding pressure in today's best viral videos next. alive look at las vegas nevada were nearly 150 weddings happen each and every day. dallas texas home to the largest record shop in the country and alive look at ocean city new jersey, originally known as exbeach. if you cannot join us live, do not forget to set your dvr or watch us any time.
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we are coming right back with a pro american look at these protests.
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>> trace: the chance are increasing in volume since the last time we checked in here at the new school in new york city. this is an anti- israel protests. you can see there is a significant police presence there. this is where alexis mcadams was earlier. we had to pull her back because quite frankly she was getting some pretty hateful rhetoric thrown at her and some threats. we pulled her back but the protest has been going on for hours and we'll go on for hours more we will let you know if there is any violence that happens. now to the stark contrast and what's happening at schools like berkeley where demonstrators face harassment and schools like liberty university were -- were massive groups of students gather to pray. let's bring in a member of young women for america, liberty
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university student avenue in dayton along the with the student supporting israel, thank you both for coming on. we appreciated. you say liberty university is prioritizing truth in the midst of darkness. what do you mean by that? >> liberty students gathered together every wednesday and friday voluntarily to worship the lord and have our time of community together. we do it peacefully. we've had israeli men come to campus and speak to the entire student body and we've had the opportunity to pray over them and a place like liberty university used to be common in america. it's not anymore. all we are our students who love the lord, love each other and love the country. >> trace: it really is. you can see the crowd and the right-hand side of the screen, it's amazing. the disturbing part of this is your part of the story because here is a viral video, we can
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put this on the screen of you being punched and called a colonizer. we want to listen to a little bit. watch. b2 it's unbelievable to watch. on want to know why you were attacked. do know why you were attacked? >> twelve years ago i saw the students supporting israel at the university of minnesota. one of the chapters is located at the university of california berkeley. we ended up going towards the encampment just to hold israeli flags and sing the national anthem. i was more than enough for all the protesters in support of hamas to try to steal our flag and then to have not a student,
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those are not students, to jump and punch three times in the head from behind. while all of that evolved and while all of that took place, zero reaction from the local security, police and the home of freedom of speech, the students even managed to sing the pledge of allegiance for palestine. something which i've never seen before. this is something we're going to continue showing up to protect our students and show our support to israel and to the united states b2 freedom of speech, freedom of their preferred speech. jonathan falwell said this, at a liberty prayer gathering last week. >> we have a lot of people in our culture today, college campuses where what we just experienced, it's happening tonight. it's happening and angry. it's happening in violence. it's happening in hatred. tonight what is happened on this campus is happening in love.
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>> trace: i got about a minute to get both of you involved are you surprised what you see happening on college campuses across the country? >> i'm not surprised at all. honestly as a nation our morality has declined. these institutions are surprised when they teach progressive values to the students and they teach the students to hate their country and then these universities are surprised when the same students turnaround and vocalize that on the campus. >> trace: it's one of those things where it is surprising to a lot of people in your position. a lot of people around the country. you said you will keep going and he will keep speaking. what is it you are trying to convey to these people. what is the message you are trying because as they hit you in the head and they assault you, what is the message you are trying to convey? >> we can't let the extreme
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voices take control of our higher education institutions. this is a crossroad for our country. this is our hill to die on and we need to make sure we can continue speaking and teaching people. we want to make sure that the student supporting israel, we keep giving students the opportunity and the voice to represent the state of israel and to represent our values without being scared and we keep pushing forward. >> trace: best of luck to both of you. thank you for coming on. new max verstappen tonight's viral videos is somebody in north bend washington playing jumanji because drivers in the area saw four zebras running in between cars. turns out they were being taken to montana when they broke free of their trailer. troopers with the help of a nearby rodeo clown were able to round up the striped force on. all zebras are now safe with their owner.
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they call wisconsin residents cheese heads but philadelphia got its own 24/7 cheese vending machine. they have now rolled out the first of its kind machine, customers canal by a range range of meats, crackers, jams and award-winning cheeses and the machine will also allow you to create a whole -- whole charcuterie board. one couple found a way to include their dog and the nuptials by having the golden retriever serve as their ring bearer. the pup stole the show as he ran down the aisle in his dapper talks and was cheered with shouts of good boy. they warmly greeted pancakes at the end of his mission. if they could find a cat named syrup period if you have a video to share, share with us on social media. coming up, have the anti- israel protesters been a little too free when it comes to free speech? is it their preferred speech? especially when it comes to flying terrorist flags and shouting pro- hamas chance.
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>> trace: we're back with the nightcap crew. tonight's topic anti- israel
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protests. we are all big supporters of -- of free speech but should we tolerate these protests and the hateful speech. should be allowed protesters to have their say or should we fight back and stand up for our country like... let's bring in the team. let's get to kevin corke first about this. your thoughts. >> your right to say whatever you would like to say. i also will defend my country, it's owner and i'm glad to see some people are finally doing that. >> i very fair assessment. montana tucker. >> i think everyone should have the right to protest, the right to freedom of speech. when it starts getting violent and you are calling for the death of all jews and the death of america and ripping down american flags and instilling violence, that needs to stop. there's a fine line b2 you look at this thing and you think if
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the kids at columbia and the protesters want to go out there and speak but you do not have the right to take away the education of other students. you do not have the right to commandeer the school for your purposes. your thoughts. >> that's absolutely right. that sort of the approach that princeton took to the applause of many last week when they crystal-clear state of the roles which an encampment breaks and it breaks the law and other ways and students were arrested. they are still there and still flying hezbollah flags and still calling comps pigs and it's very disturbing. a silver lining of this if anything is that bad ideas are dismantled out in public for all to see. it is really important to see the lack of knowledge and lack of openness underlying some of these ideas. >> we live in the greatest country in the world. freedom of expression is a protected right as we know all
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-- as we all know that even the burning of the american flag as disrespectful as i think that is is protected in this country. i find it ironic that those with expressing disdain for the flag do so only because of those... >> trace: should be tolerate these protests? 11 percent yes, instagram 5 percent has. free speech is fine but not hating the country you live in. everyone should be able to voice their opinion but these are not protests. as long as they can tolerate being arrested. trash, protesters should be arrested and sent to palestine.g get them outa . thank yochu for watching. i'm trace gallagher
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