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tv   The Five  FOX News  May 2, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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it's 5:00 in new york city and this is the five. [ ♪♪ ] >> president biden finally forced to condemn the insanity on college campuses as riot copo put an end to the anarchy. smashing through their plywoodet gaza encampment wall removing pallets and medal barriers as they fought pro- terrorist protesters for three hours. the battle was officers using teargas t, playes and flash bangs after being attacked by these radicals.
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then they started makingng arrests. unmaskinarreg and walking these hamas loving students one by one eventually clearing the encampment. the agitators weren't justthey spewing garbage, they left itd u behind as well. that cleared out campus was a-sm landfill of anti- somatic hatred. the school had to literally bring in bulldozers to clean it all up. after waiting weeks, presidentbe biden finally showing his sorryi face to make remarks speaking out against the anarchy. >> there's the right to protest but not the right to cause chaos.none none of this is a peaceful protest. t.threatening people, intimidat people, instilling fear in people is not peaceful protests. it's against the law. there's no place for hate speech or violence of any kind whether it's anti-semitism, islamophobia
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or discrimination against arab americans or palestinianmply americans. it is simply wrong.o there's no place for it in america.reco >> [ inaudible question by the media ] >> no. >> compare those words to what f donald trump is saying. >> they did a really good job a. ucla. this is th e radical left. this is a movement from the left the right is not... despite what law enforcementlike likes to say. the fbi director said that he worries about the right.ese he has a lot of -- radical left lunaticsthey. they have to be stopped now because it's going to get worse and worse., they take over countries okay., we are not letting him take oveu the usa. we're not not letting the radical left morons take over this >> jessear i will start with yoe
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it's versty interesting when bin was finally made a decision to h speak, he talked about there's e no place for anti-semitism and there's no place foria islamophobia. is he tone deaf? has he been listening to the fact that this is all about intifada and killing the jews. is it too little too late? >> it took him ten days to tellt usen that bigotry is bad. then he said republicans don'tot pounce and then he bounced. up there with his strong statement don't. you remembered open -- you remember nobody listens to the sky. trump comes in and constantly a beats him to the punch.ptiv is always early and more descriptive.y he gets in and makes seven greag points about the protest ande pr about what should be done about it while biden is just heads in the clouds. i get that you want to protest and fight the power at college,
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that is fine. but i don't think they're really knowing what they are protesting. they are protesting america. they don't kno aw how good they have it. right now they've never sufferer in their entire lives. >> president trump has arrived at the fire department, the firehouse. he is handing out pizzas righte now. we expect to hear from him in ai few minutes. finisher >> these kids have never really suffered. their idea of suffering islysuf. and it's like when you pitch a tent in your backyard mom heat me up some vegan plates, jimmy is coming over.d it is silly and it's not going to do anything to joe biden.t go he's not going to say they are angry at columbia, do something. they are not listening to joe biden. they got theno money fromth congress. he would probably go into rafah and cleanup hamas. thomas isn't even agreeing to
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any of the cease-fire demands. israel is bending over backwardo to do a cease-fire, hamas says no come get us. t nothing iso going to change. >> what's interesting is that students in these universities, they want this ridiculous stuff. they want pads, vegan food but they want to know all about thec financial investments at these universities. we want to b be e able to look at your books and find out what your university is supporting. and we find out that almost half of these agitators aren't evens students in the campus. >> good to be back with everybody. it's been unfortunate watching h lot of what's happened over the last week and a half. the police and law enforcement, even with president trump, i, i agree with part of it. i'm a supporter of police and law enforcement confronting anda holding people accountable whocc are not exercising their first amendment rights.efor
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i've said before, we have a history of protests in our country. the most successful anday persuasive and powerful protest has always been peaceful. it's always been with an end in mind and an absence of violence towards those who may be opposed to you... in this sense we are talking about what people are doing tooe jewish americans and the jewish people and how they are talking about the jewish state. i'm happy that people have beena arrested. one of the things i think wefocu should focus on... 's accountability in life.gott for many we've gone to a point where people don't think that they should be held accountable for their actions. when i listen to that young ladr come out of columbia and ask for food, she said humanitarian aido if you choose to go to a school
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or place where they are investing in things that you don't like then you shouldn't invest nor should you go there. you should withdraw. i think mayor adams had it right , there were people who were making problems. we should understand and w.eul shouldd teach kids and people n life that you can't violate the law and then hide behind the first amendment or hide behind fancy words. finallany one of the things i hy yet to understand, these people that are protesting, what is ita that you think you should achieve in the long run if you are not out talking about peace and talking about change and about bringing things to people's lives that they don'tat have. what you are y doing now isco completely against that. i'm glad to hear president trump and biden speak about that. >> finally president biden decided to speak. what do you think push the
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president. t was it that article?t co >> it could be.s the medicea was going why are yu being so silencer and i think the window closed. he had an opportunity to say something. i think he said too little toola late, the thing is they are not even protesting against israel so much anymore. the university oe.f chicago tody amended the green new deal be passed.prep that is preposterous his response was feeble and you are looking atno president trump, he spent the entire day in court and now he is out and aboutwa meeting with people who want to be there. the president can't even take questions on -- from the press. can't find outreach to say i am hearing that students at northwestern university... that basically the activists were self-appointed and they were telling if you were jewish
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you could not go into this location. that does not get the patent -- that does not get the president mad? then i heag?r that yesterday he did have a meeting with the anti-semitism council and they didn't tell anybody about it,at why? what are ang you f waiting for? the students yes, they are ofofc course an audience of his but s our parents, taxpayers, facultys senior citizens, holocaust survivors. there's a lot of different people that you have to thinkf h about when you are the leader o. the free world. i doalso have one less thing. k they don't knonow how to camp.oc when you camp you leave no trace. these guys left an entire mess o for everybody else to clean up. they should have had to clean it up. >> the university in iran has hs offered scholarships to theseof americanfe protesters.s. shouldn't they take advantage of that generous offer to live
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under the regime that supportssa and directs hamas? >> i think so. thi d a major that fits their mentality. they can and role in kill thea jews one '01mi and in phys ed to could do jihadist jumping jacks. go back to what biden said. s remember he based his entire campaign in 2020 on a hoax. he lied and said that president trump had claimed that there were five -- find people on both sides... now we have a real find peopleae hoax. joe biden came out and said we have to condemn anti-semitism and islamophobia.ia there's no islamophobia presenth there isn't that there.g: he cannot even t, it's pretty w clear thatil jews will always be treated differently, negatively. why can't you just say this is
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anti-semitism and it's wrong instead of placing it into the context of something now when you look at the protests, there's two things you have to notice. especially the videos we are seeing. mostly young womenng. a lot of people aren't talkinga about that and i don't know why they look miserable, disheveled, when you see those counter protesters, those brought boys. healthy, good-looking guys. they got it together, these women rms. there's something going on in our culture where leftism has led to young women a path where they -- their only purpose theyy perceive his outrage. you see this in every issue whether it's trans, supporting hamas, blm, they devoted their aimless energy into causes that serve to only undermine theirher future, their happiness and we've derided motherhood to a point where their only baby is a portion. that's the thing they want to protect.
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you look at this and go okay there's two parts to this. you've got the people who areled leading the protests, they are the lead singers. the students are the chorus. you pull out the lead singers n there's no chorus.o who arnde the lead singers, they are trained professional are instigators, who is behind this? our intel agents probably know that, why are they saying anything. how come they haven't come out and said i had nothing to do with this. on not supporting this but there is growing assumption that his money is going into these groupg , democrat sponsored groups to do this. why is he remaining silent on this? why aren't the actual journalists in media going aftet this to try to find out?ind they spent so much time. we're going to do a wholeject research project on they found nothing and yet theyf can't tell us who is behind this? a widespread anti-semitic
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phenomenon and you are not the least bit interested in who is behind it? but you arestee interested thaty be a white guy had a confederate flag on his bunk in the military >> well said. >> thank you. >> i'm interested in bot thah. >> donald trump meeting with nypd and fdny he's expected to meet at any moment we are going to bring it to life. coming up joe biden finallyng unites the country. >> pro- palestinian and pro-israel protesters coming together to deliver him the same message. [ ♪♪ ]
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>> donald trump just left the firehouse after mixing up a bit after court with cops and firefighters at the fdny firehouse in manhattan. that comes as the liberal media is in a bit of a panic this morning, fretting over how the images of chaos on college campuses could negatively impact their reelection prospects of president biden. >> this is not helping the people of gaza and not helping those of us who want to fight fascism in america. >> are you really focusing on what's going on in gaza about the children, about the women, about the innocent people and in israel, they've lost the message. >> do you care about joe biden being elected, let's stop fully around here. we have to condemn any kind of them -- any kind of violence or
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exclusion. >> we have to raise some alarm bells. they see violence and protest on college campuses. they see young people calling joe biden genocide joe and it scares people. >> i did not say that lately. the fear among jews in this country is palpable right now. >> meanwhile president biden is finally making good on his promise to unite the country. this was amazing. it might not have been the way he expected. a group of pro-israel and pro- palestinian protesters at the university of alabama uniting in a chance against him. >> i haven't been able to stop thinking about that all day. there is incredible, the images that you are seeing. i wonder if the president watches morning joe and he realizes it so bad i'm going to
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have to say something today. >> all i heard was let's go brendan. i don't know what you guys are talking about. the democrats have a terror problem. they have a heat problem. those protesters asked for the kneepads because they are blowing hamas and this is a democrat problem. those zip ties and ropes weren't for a play, they were going to have hostages did you ever think about that? they were planning on getting hostages. i'm surprised they didn't ask for hang gliders. this is the case with every major crisis than america faces whether it's crime, border or hamas. it doesn't matter to the left until it matters politically. when it becomes a threat is when it threatens their power. the democrats denied the crime wave until they saw the poles. the dems ignore the border until they saw the buses come into their cities and their political livelihoods endangered.
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never mind the october 7th to nihilism or the kill the jews chance or the rampant crime on campuses, it's the optics of that that worries them because it hits the politics. they said the protests look like january 6th. you have to understand. she said looks like. that's all that matters to them is what it looks like. january 6th was nothing like any of this. it was a single day of unruly outrage over an election. this might look like january but it's a thousand times worse because they are preaching the death of other people. if you look at it through a moral lens and not a political one you would figure this out. >> on monday i had seen that they had said this looks like
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january 6th. today this morning, al sharpton said it's like january 6th and she said don't compare it to january 6th. and i said wait didn't she compare so. the images speak for themselves. >> they speak for themselves and she had to go back from it. you know what happened on january 6th. everyone was hunted down, they went to the banks, they got your credit cards, found out whether you bought lunch in dc. if they can do that to lock up the people on the right, they could certainly do that to lock up a lot of these protesters who are covering themselves so they can't be identified appear want to say one thing. i see the former mayor in new york city and all of a sudden he said we can't engage in anti-semitism. in 2020 there was a revered
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rabbi who died. thousands of jews came out. he came out himself with the police and ordered that the police immediately summons and arrest the jews who were there. he has such a bad history toward jews and all of a sudden we shouldn't get -- we should not engage in any kind of anti-semitism. what we have in this country is the fear among jews in this country today is palpable. all of the reminders are there whether it's pre-world war ii or the glass breaking or not allowing jews into buildings. this is frightening stuff. so biden now because he is worried about the progressives is -- he's trying to make sure that there isn't any islamophobia, someone has claimed there was islamophobia out there today. biden has caused this himself.
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in 2021 he ran against donald trump it was the right versus the left. in 2024 it's going to be the right versus the left versus the progressive left. and biden created that mess. when he comes out and says we believe in free speech and in the right to protest, i don't want to hear you say that. just get to it. just condemn it, say it's criminal and they need to be prosecuted. he sounds like the professors. he's qualifying it. this is unacceptable. and finally, the left is silent because they are in lockstep with the progressives here. they started by saying for hamas, this is terrible, civilians are dying, the palestinians are dying. the next thing is they don't have food or medical care, we have to help them. finally now it's kill the jews and that's where the they are.
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>> i want to make a point on academia. i was listening to a podcast today. apparently it's already happening were professors who are jewish are being quietly uninvited to conferences or they are being not asked to submit papers to things you would normally have an academia. there's also a quiet anti-semitism happening. >> we should announce anti-semitism. right at the outset. this is the issue at hand. one of the reasons when during black lives matter people talked about black lives mattering is because of things they were doing which peoples say blue lives matter. because he hadn't spoke he should have just said is the issue at hand. we need to address it head on. one of the things you said, we talked about these pro- -- i
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don't know why we say pro- hamas. they said you don't want people to her trump. you don't want that group voting for them. we have to figure out how we make people -- make these people aware... to your appointment we should hold everyone accountable. i hope every... we should go after these criminals here. i was in atlanta yesterday. it was interesting watching these kids outside. aid to gaza, stop the genocide. no one had released -- released the hostages. i think it's a credible argument to make. i want is to -- a two state solution. you can be pro- get eight to gaza and be in favour of israel. you can be pro- in favour in
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ensuring that we try to save lives at the same time released the hostages. i don't understand how you are not that way. all you do is be the notion perhaps rightly so that maybe you are against israel and not for peace but for violence that many of us are opposed to. the whole idea of tenured professors on campus, we have to reevaluate all of that. tenured professors cannot teach their kids to go out and preach and impart violence. they can teach them to make their case and do it peacefully but those who were advocating violence should be fired. >> i saw three episodes of paw patrol this morning and i am just engage -- engaged. to the media understands that chaos for an incumbent is a killer. that's why they push the riots under trump and trying to hide
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the riots now. it's deadly. they see it as a pr problem. they are not saying let's stop hating jews, they are sending -- they are saying don't you know theirs scammers out there. it hurts their talking points. they've been talking about right-wing violence for three years. now they can't talk about it anymore. we know better than anybody around the table, the images on the screen are powerful, you've had the airport, you had migraines, you've had ukraine, you've had gaza, you've had crime and you are going into a convention in chicago where there's going to be reaction and going into the summer to have this on campus, they will need more than steven spielberg. >> not even just the summer, wait until next fall. donald trump finding his gag order while his lawyer argues why the star witness michael cohen gets to shop around a tv show. i went to experian. i mean, i trust them.
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♪ ♪ >> day ten of the trump trials a wrap and the former president is out of the precinct called icebox doing one of his pitstopd delivering pizza to cops and firefighters. r forty-five railing againstai the gag orde r saying the judgeld should tak te the muscle off. ot >> i should be out campaigning right now. i want trio be out campaigning right now. i'm not allowed to testify under the gag order i a we're going to to be appealing the gag order. there's never been something like this before. this conflicted judge, he should not be having this it's such a rig court.. >> reporter: trump's team pointing how the ex-president can't respond.atin the convicted felon gets to cash in with dopey tick talks about
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the trial.l. he gets away with taunting truck on twitter calling his old boss of boulder names and posting images of trump in an orange jumpsuit. michael cohen has also been shopping around for a tv show called the fixer." in inspired by trumps the apprentice. a little pitstop, no comments so after. >> we love to take the comments and love to hear from him. if he's in a courtroom all dayn. he can't. when he was campaigning on wednesday he was happy and heera spoke for over an hour at each event. it's interesting as a politicalt observer to watch how these two campaigns are going forward.aske he is being asked to run the new york marathon with 20-pound weight on his ankles and he's able to do it. i don't think that michael cohen should be able to do i don't know how to stop it. i don't get it but it does seem extraordinarily unfair. i think these are these e five
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things that this election is going to turn on. we mentioned it already, abortion is an issue. immigration we know that's an issue, the economy is the numbem crime ise an issue, andff ageopolitics.e is on every single issue president biden is upside down. >> isn't it fun to watch president trump deliver pizza?ct >> reminds me of those movies ie made is n the eighties. >> i don't normally call back ti things that i've said in the passed. y humble person. but didn't i predict that law fair would shape and frame a better version of trump because it caused him to focus and it put him in a cage. foc he's like a professional boxerof that iess abstinent. abstinence until the fight and then he's angry. he's one of those guys the more you put him in a box the more
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contained energy is focused and then all of a sudden dare i say they have made trump a morett erappealing, better version. it's trump 2.0. i say more trials because. >> because i'm sure he agreescy with that. >> do you notice how lucy is? he was just like... he was a happy warrior which is an interesting thing to see. >> if the abstinence is in it? >> i agree with i really do.he he is playing their game and he is winning it. what he is doing is he is sofo focused whencu he comes out of court, he is lucid, clear, you don't worry or get anxiety he's going to struggle. he talks about college campusesk talks about inflation, talks about the border. he's got more eyeballs on him for that 30 or 45 seconds thanjo
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joe biden doese . the truth is that he is winninge in spite's of the fact that they're locking him down. now they had four more counts to the gag order. remember they took him off twitter and facebook.hat msnbc won't run anything that hm does. then he comeesurt s out of courk they say what do you think ofai, david packard. he saie'd he's a nice guy. they want t to gag him on that. he can't even say someone is acg nice guy.>> j >> maybe he is in prison shape.v yes, hine is serving sometime bt comes out ripped. >> greg is right about he did do that early on in this process. if you are trump and if i'mt running a campaign, the only thing i would want him sayingch about michaeael cohen or any otr witness in the case, let me tell you what we have to do and layout. you have to figure out two
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classes of voters you have to vt win. first those that voted for haley will they come back to therepu republican party in the fall. two, independent voters in many states.t that's what isi would be focused on. if you thi are biden it's an opportunity to issue theer y toughest executive order you can. to talk about an economic plan. these are the things that i would be doing. of trump getting there.g i thintok the optics... b before hefe goes into court he s saying everybody is unfair against him. it's hard if you are an american who is struggling to hear a billionaire complained that he is innocent and it's bad that he's in court. talk about america. if you are biden, talk about thw things you will do as well. otherwise you will be at a>> >> bring pizzas to the jury.d: t that's tampering? allescratch that.p, w we all know real men major inn
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history not art.tory joe biden's bailing out the student debt of useless our degree measures. -- art degree
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call 833 leaffilter or go to as easy as 1, 2, 3 ♪ ♪ >> greg: good news, red g >> good news reed america. joe biden is forcing taxpayers to pay off the loans for almost 300,000 plumbers and boulders. that's not right. i meant art students. joe biden cancelling 6.1 billion in loans taken out by 300,000 students at the art institutes. a network of for-profit colleges that were shuttered last year. >> this is the first timelo they've cancel the loans and offered an explanation, claiminn that these people were treated. so that's fair enough but thenta it calls into question all ofal the other loans that they didn't explain.
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6 billion out of 154 billion,, why did they explain this one and not the others? >> your guess is as good as mine. i share everyone'sth opinion on this. edina has been the most t articulate about thihes over the many months and that. [ simultaneous talking ] >> both you and the judge for truckers and plumbers andlumb electricians. this is wrong.ianspr i appreciate iect -- the explanation but there number of people and our society who are filling gaps in our economy where we have shortcomings. their loans and should havshe some forgiveness d should have some dispensation for now. >> it's a transfer.ey they are f taking money from somebody else. is like thise th forgiveness bs. judge one of the odds that the taxpayers are bailing out a few of these aging protesters we arr seeing? that has to be a few that we are
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paying for. >> we ar>>e paying for them. probably paying for theirheir lawyers to when they go to court if you have a prosecutor who is willing to do his job. wil you know what i love about this scene? they say that the institution lied to them and told them they can get jobs when they really couldn't. out then i found out that fine art majors are less employable than high school dropouts. if they actually didn't knowhe that then we should sue them for being stupid. >> you are right. by the way, who should bear responsibility? by those shared responsible... it could be split.ege, borrower bank and >> biden wants all of us to pay for something but never has the temerity to send to thesi universities youti have to get your act together and use should use some of your money to pay this off what they are trying to do with this entire student lone bailout is more than the cost og
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-- they would triple the... they could paper all the pre-k programs. what is to stop donald trumpg, from saying anybody in a red state that you have a mortgage, i'm going to pay that off. that's the president we arewe asetting. >> jesse you almost majored inmo heart -- in art history didn't you? >> i was this close and i was a history major, i let the art out i dropped it right on it stupid head. now look at me. i did a deep dive on some of these bailed out college art history majors. here is a 34-year-old transgender cosplay only fansla creatoy r who is very pro- palestine. then there's another woman who wrote after pigs on a videoig about columbia protest. s,my favourite, this is a mostly void partially funny big gremlin energy lady who says pleased byp her gifts such as statues of demons and a frog mascot costume p. we are paying for it. for
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>> that's outrageous. >> the fastest, nextana:. i'll be okay. does this look ok?! ugh. how do i protect myself? with the new scotts healthy plus lawn food. it's the only product that prevents 27 diseases while feeding your grass to help keep your lawn healthy this season. want me to show you how to put it on? no, i think i know how to use a spreader. pick up a bag of the new scotts turf builder healthy plus lawn food today. feed your lawn. feed it.
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♪ ♪ >> harold: [laughs]
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welcome back. >> welcome back. the next time you both out the door without your keys, don't sweat it. researchers say that forgetting something is actually good fornu your brain as a natural part of the memory process do yourget sometimes forget your keys or something that belongs when you leave the door? >> i think your brain is finite so when i add something to what i need i have to move somethingo away tveo make room. if i leave for work i have my wallet, my work bank, my keys, sunglasses and then if she says can you drop this off in the trash, it's wallet... trash and no keys.e then ito have to go back inside but i don't have my keys so i'm outside. i might have been talking to some people out there, i'm gone for four hours, i miss the show. >> what i would do it was would
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end up throwing out the wallete. and the keys with the garbage. that's all i had to say. >> >> i don't havaue a lot off problems losing thingspr. >> you don't lose anything? is. >> dignity. besides that i'm good. >> if forgetting things when leaving the house is good ford o you than peter is in excellent condition.almo almost every single time we go to leave, especially when we are coming back he's like i'll be right back and it's always something. hat, sunglasses, sometimes keyso sometimes wallet, sometimes phone. we had to call the guy and he has to come back around when weg forgot the phone. >> you know it's ae of good exae of this? thank about why you forget not to put your fly out. what is it that makes you forget? there's -- someone will start r talking to you. you get distractedoo.
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the first time, i could hear everything you call miracle eatr at one 800 2347090. and schedule your free hearing evaluation today. >> as news breaks, fox news is reporting live. mr. trump was found in contempt of court. some of these people are very, very brazen. it's going to continue here. we don't know how many more days. israel has put its latest proposal on the table. >> only on fox news channel is shutting down. >> for one more thing, jesse's never seen the tri city chili peppers play baseball. now where they're playing it in glow in the dark. that's right. the whole baseball games in the dark, they call it cosmic baseball glow in the dark. >> unis glow in the dark. bats and . everything's black lit. >> and the whole stadium is on gummies. tonight, jesse watters, primetime, the heroic university north carolina chapel hill fraternity brother put the flag back up on prime time. >> here we go. fantastic. okay. after going viral on tiktok for
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greeting people at target, the store had a special surprise for the friendliest customer. little as i became an honorary team member at his local target, greeting customers in his very own mini uniform, he also joined the team for morning huddle and made sure that the toy department inventory was good to go. cute. way to go. >> all right, greg. big fan of child labor. all right. so right, right. kill me. charlie arnold, adam corolla, kat timpf tires. oh, that's at banger. yes, it is. it's a lot of guests. >> let's do this. greg. nosy neighbor news. i don't like it when my neighbors are looking in my yard. >> see what i'm up to. making a little shallow graves for my bad meals. take a look at this fella. this woman. just mind your own business doing some little outdoor exercise in knoxville. >> and look at what's rubbernecking, too. like, leave her alone, you spotted. look at that guy.
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yeah, that's adam schiff. all right, dana. >> check out echo and australian shepherd. echo the australian shepherd. and everest is a golden retriever. and this is what the mom came home to the dogs. >> they're not just on the furniture. they're on the counter and the refrigerator. i judge your dogs wouldn't do that. >> oh, never. that's all i got. how do they get out there? >> okay. orlando police and the make-a-wish foundation teamed up to give this young man a four year old who's battling kidney disease. stone hicks said he wanted to be an officer for the day, so they made him an officer, got him his uniform, he got his car. >> and i guess what you want to do happens. you got a chance to meet some paw patrol characters. his favorite on his favorite show. >> way to go, officer stone, my man. oh, what a great story. >> that is terrific. all right, >> that's itxt for us tonight.ed have a great night. >> welcome to jesse watters. >> primetime tonight


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