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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 3, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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coast may 3rd. this is "fox & friends." protesters making it clear they are over the anti-american sentiment. [chanting free, free palestine. [chanting u.s.a.,] >> brian: all right and coming up. coming up short inflation is america's number one concern again. ainsley talking about the price of everything as we approach the november election. >> guy: get your hat ready, it's kentucky derby weekend and janice dean there she is live at churchill downs with that preview. >> lawrence: it's a busy friday morning "fox & friends" about to start right now remember it's better with friends. >> lawrence: buckle up a fox news alert right now. nypd surrounding an encampment at nyu, as crews dismantle their tents. latest major show of force by law enforcement as the
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pro-palestinian, pro-hamas protest persist in new york city and across the nation. >> guy: can you see those live pictures right now. mollie live is more there with this. >> you are looking live right now at that is soon-to-be the former encampment here at nyu. take ache a lot. this is the protesters. this is what is left. this is the clean up underway. tyler, pan right over here. we could see what they are working on. they are already working on clean up. it was about an hour ago that the nypd strategic response pulled one a number of buses. they moved in swiftly. they did give warnings to the protesters that remained here on site, telling them they are not allowed to be here it was time to leave. if there was an additional effort to push back against arrests, that there could potentially face additional charges beyond the arrests for the protest activity that was happening here. we believe that those folks have already been pushed all the way to the back of this protest, and appears to have left the scene here. there are some additional folks that have arrived here. essentially to support the protesters who were being taken
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away. some individuals that have been chanting some of the slogans that we have heard, this intifada revolution, there is only one solution. some of those more disturbing chants still happening on the far side of this alley way outside of the paulson center at nyu. the clean up well, well underway. back to you. >> all right. thank you so much, molly line. meanwhile, jewish students still feeling the fallout from those violent protests at ucla. this shocking video showing a brutal attack on one pro-israeli activist at the campus rally on sunday. watch. [shouting] >> move back! move back! >> lawrence: unbelievable. that's a hate crime. those alleged attackers leaving that young woman bleeding with a concussion after kicking her in the head and stomping on her
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israeli flag. the woman in that video, eleanor and her mother ruth who witnessed the attack both join us now. thank you all so much for joining the program. eleanor, can you tell us what happened? did anyone come to the defense of this young lady? >> so, during the incident and when everything happened at the time, the only people that were available to assist me with the people around me, my family, friends. and the other jewish people that were there to express their positivity for israel. no were around to come and assist. >> lawrence: ma'am, when you see this happening to your daughter, what goes through your mind. did you expect for jewish
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students, experiencing this in the 21st century? >> no, not at all. i was raised in israel and moved to this great country. me and my children. my children were born here to better future. freedom. a little bit more tolerant and there is no such hate to this extent to be experienced. i think it's shocking. i'm every day finding myself more surprised with the extent of the hate towards jews. all over. although, i must say, there is also a lot of loving people.
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but, this express of hate, i don't know. i'm loss for words, because it's just criminal, you know what? you don't like us? that's okay. >> lawrence: said there is even a suggestion for you to change. eleanor, do you feel campus leaders, the president, the people that are in power are doing enough to address this issue of anti-semitism and hate? >> honestly, not at all. i do believe that i have seen and heard about more professors, school leaders, valedictorians being chosen that are all pro-palestine, pro-hamas. i haven't seen much that are being chosen that are pro-israel. i haven't seen schools making sure that the students are heard super loud and super clear. and let them be their full
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prouproudspace selves without feeling scared. >> i know you have your daughter's back on this issue. stay in the fight. >> oh, yes. we are not scared. and we are going to continue because, you know, we have to make sure that we are safe and our children are safe and can make their voice sound and proud. >> lawrence: listen, ruth. i don't expect anything less from an iranian jew. you guys know the true fight. thank you so much. >> thank you so much. thank you. >> lawrence: former president trump is due back in court this morning for day 11 of the new york versus trump trial. eric shawn is live at the new york state supreme court with the details. hey, eric. >> eric: good morning, lawrence and everybody. pay with a check. that the instruction from former president donald trump to
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michael cohen in order to seal the deal with former playboy playmate karen macdougall. yesterday, here in court, a manhattan criminal court, the jurors heard that their own words. the revelation, party a meeting in trump tower trump had with michael cohen in which cohen secretly recorded the conversation on the iphone voice memo app. prosecutors are trying to show that trump was deeply involved in the alleged cover-up to quiet macdougall and stormy daniels. so the claims of their affairs would him would not hurt is 2016 presidential campaign. >> i spoke to allen about it. when it comes time for the financing, which will be. >> listen, what financing? >> we'll have to pay. >> pay with cash. >> no, no, no, no. >> a check? >> but the defense can claim nowhere on the recording is heard talking about connecting the payment to helping his presidential race. or falsely listing the money as legal fees, that the basis of
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the 34 counts of filing false business records against him. and you can hear him say pay with a check. checks, of course, can be easily traced. the recordings of the first time the jury heard from the former president's own words about the deal. and some of the jurors appeared rivetted at what they heard. after court, the former president continued to trash this trial. >> never been any abuse like this before. this conflicted judge get out of this case. he should not be having this case he gist us nothing. it's such rigged court. >> eric: he is also denying that he is falling asleep in court. you heard those reports for a couple of weeks now. the former president says no, he is not taking a snooze at the defense table. he says he is closing his eyes as he listens to the testimony intently. lawrence and guys, back to you. >> lawrence: thanks, eric. >> rachel: all right. well the most financial problems facing the u.s. right now is
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inflation. look at this. 41 percent, this is what americans say 41% of them say inflation is their top concern. housing costs next. that's a lot of young people, by the way, worried about housing costs and not being able to launch in life. debt is at 8%. healthcare costs and then low wages. i don't see anywhere this there trump problems north carolina. all about the economy. he continues to say my economy is my sales door good as economy is. look inside the numbers they are low. mostly government jobs and part time jobs. and inflation has not come down. therefore, interest rates are not coming down. >> lawrence: go ahead, guy. three consecutive months of worse than expected inflation. it seems like this problem already elevated picking up steam again. when you see numbers like we put on the screen from gallup, not
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even close, inflation number one on the list of concerns. i think back to david axelrod obama's guru saying it is malpractice for this president and his team to be bragging this way. it angers people. >> rachel: 100 percent. >> lawrence: one of the things frustrating americans is they have so much credit card debt because they were recommendation because of the inflation, they are spending money that's essentially not there. so capital one did a survey they said 77% of americans in this report say they feel anxious about the financial situation. 58% feel that finances are controlling their lives. 52 percent said they have difficulty controlling their money related worries. so, imagine saying things are going great when it comes to the economy, when you have the americans feeling this way. this is what's going to defeat him in the next election. >> rachel: part of the problem is you are running -- if you are joe biden, you are running against the guy who had greatest economy four lifetime prior to covid. he seemed undefeatable because of that. >> lawrence: they want to get rid of the trump tax cuts.
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>> brian: they evaporate in 2025. whoever wins want to have that. he wants to make them permanent. george w. bush wanted to do that too. 11 minutes after the hour. ainsley is in columbia, south carolina. we are paying her to have breakfast with all of her friends. how did you pull this off, ainsley? >> ainsley: love fox news. what can i say. talk to individuals how inflation is effecting them. inflation is the number one issue for americans. you ask them any financial questions is it housing? is it paying your bills? it's just inflation overall. how is it affecting you? tell me your name first. >> i'm matt. >> where are you from. >> i'm from here. >> ainsley: how is inflation affecting you. >> anywhere from the dinner table, it's killing me and my family. and then just jobwise is a lot harder to find, you know, like jobs that are paying the way they are supposed to because they can't afford the material themselves. >> increase the prices of
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everything they sell. just so they can break even. >> ainsley: it's really affecting you because you ended up being laid off as a result of it, right? truck driver, lawrence will appreciate it. lawrence's dad brings in his income as a truck driver, too. you were laid off. you were a truck driver for budweiser. >> i left worked for them for a little while and left there and went to another driving company. building supply company. >> ainsley: have you been able to find another job? >> i'm going to start working with the rail industry in a few weeks. >> ainsley: i hear joe biden drives 18 wheelers. >> we're going to try to keep him out of there. if he can't drive a bike we don't want you behind an 18-wheeler. >> ainsley: thank you so much. what's your name, sir. >> my name is addison i'm from springdale, south carolina. >> ainsley: thank you for being here, addison. you are young and not making as much money as someone as your parents' age. >> i will say this, i see this firsthand because i'm young is the fact like my parents back in my age had already built a house, they had already made a
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name for themself. and there is me where i'm still young. i can't afford basic luxuries, i can't afford to barely afford to get rent. it's clearly just this current administration, joe biden causing. this with the way that inflation is going up is insanity. i mean, that's why we need president trump back as well as south carolina congressman joe wilson back as well. these guys know what they are doing. and especially for us young people where i see it firsthand that this country has gone through great changes. going to be my generation to fix so many of the problems because some of us are conservatives. some of us believe in this country. and we want to see it happened. we want to be able to live the american dream. they tell us -- i refuse to is accept that. >> ainsley: thank you so much. all right. well, these are real american stories. we have all -- if you are not there now. you have been there. you know how stressful it can be when you can't pay your bills. all right, back to you all. thanks, ainsley.
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[applause] >> lawrence: they love you at home. >> ainsley: thank you. >> rachel: they sure do. >> brian: now here is rachel with weather-related news. >> rachel: that was awkward toss. try it again. smoother. >> brian: thanks, ainsley. now let's go to rachel with more. >> rachel: that's worse. all right. >> brian: worse? >> rachel: work on that. >> lawrence: he throws the ball up. >> rachel: is he smoortder at it. come on. turning to your headlines fox weather alert. major damage texas and missouri after tornadoes touched down in those states yesterday. the twisters forming as a powerful system swept through the region and lots of flooding by the way in south texas. with some towns near houston getting up to 8 inches of rain. one driver failing to realize how high the water had actually risen. >> what are you doing? what is this person doing? >> that is a creek.
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>> what are -- you are driving into the creek, no, no, no, no, no. stop! stop! no, no, no. okay. that got bad very quickly. >> rachel: that driver was rattled but we're happy to report that driver made it out unharmed. portland police are working to hunt down an arsonist who set several fires at law enforcement training center at least 15 police cars were damaged after three fires flared up inside a fenced in lot on early on thursday morning. the building was not damaged and nobody was hurt. investigators use accelerant sniffing dogs to determine that this was an intentional act. a woman who stabbed her boyfriend 108 times while in a cannabis induced psychosis is appealing her conviction. the suspect now reportedly claims her boyfriend tricked her into taking the large amount of marijuana. she feared he would get aggressive if she refused.
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she was convicted of involuntary manslaughter and was sentenced to two years probation. no prison time though. hundreds of migrants are found in an abandoned bus in mexico on their way to the southern border. that was yesterday. about 400 people were on board that bus. some of the migrants claim to be coming from cuba and haiti. the migranties handed over to migration authorities: britney spears sparking concerns about her after reportedly being out of control clutch ago pillow. the pop star speaking out about saying the news is fake. paramedics showed up at my door illegally. they never came in my room but i felt completely harassed and those, guys, are your headlines.
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>> brian: nothing good about that story. feel good that you are not hurt. historic agreement on the horizon. u.s. and saudi arabia nearing a defense pact that could reshape the middle east. general jack keane is on deck. ♪ i worry about it right now ♪ keep them dreams alive ♪ 1999 ♪ i'm worried about it right now ♪ swimming in the flood ♪ ♪ hi, i'm katie. i live in flagstaff, arizona. i'm an older student. i'm getting my doctorate in clinical psychology. i do a lot of hiking and kayaking. i needed something to help me gain clarity.
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♪ >> guy: good morning, welcome back. here is an eyebrow raiser. a second boeing whistleblower now dead after experiencing a breathe illness. this comes after joshua dean expressed concerns manufacturing issues with the company's 737 max planes: good morning joshua's family. all happened very quickly. the 45-year-old died tuesday agonizing two weeks. his tells "the seattle times" dean having trouble breathing, intubated and gotten pneumonia
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and mrsa. doctors were considering amputating his hands and feet but he was too weak for surgery. joshua's pass something a lot to the aviation community and flying public. he possessed tremendous courage to stand for what he felt was true and right and raised quality and safety issues. dean used to work as a quality inspector for spirit arrow systems a boeing supplier. he was filed in april of 2023. he said it was in retaliation for flagging safety concerns regarding the 737 max plane. dean was mentioned as part of a shareholder lawsuit against spirit in which he alleged spirit would throw pizza parties to celebrate a drop in the number of problems. but he said spirit undercounted the defects instead of actually reducing them. the death of dean comes just weeks after the death of john barnett. he was a boeing whistleblower who local authorities say shot and killed himself march 9th. barnett was also. wrongfully terminated by boeing after accusing the company of covering up defects for the 787
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g liner. boeing and spirit are under a lot of scrutiny after a door panel flew off alaska airlines plane in mid-air in january. in march the faa gave boeing 90 days to come up with an active plan to fix quality control issues. brian? >> brian: all right, maddy, thank you. change gears to the middle east. historic pac could be on the rise. close to a security related agreement that normalizes israel-saudi relation these recognize each other. potential deal would amount to a new version of a framework scuttled by the israeli hamas war that was and could reshape the middle east. president trump was on path to doing that here to react, fox news senior strategic analyst. retired four star general jack keane. jen, i know on some level many people are surprised they are talking about this. what else has to happen first for them to normalize relations? >> yeah. well, first of all, let's just state likely a lot of the the reasons for the war in gaza and
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from iran operationalizing all of their proxies in coordination with what hamas was doing was to break this deal. because it was moving towards the very positive positive solution. started by the previous administration. abraham accords. gaza is raging. the crowned prince of saudi arabia is still moving in this direction. initially. israel itself. security arrangement similar to what we have. similar to japan and the philippines helped them with civilian nuclear power and some kind of an arms deal in return. normalize relations with israel. but that would not take place. war in gaza ends. and it would have to be pathway toward palestinian state.
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listen, the arabs want no part of hamas. there is no. future completely focused on what the major threat to the region is iran. and that is why they want to normalize relations also economic benefit to doing all of that they do want to see some movement. toward the palestinian state in the same regard. they want no part of the palestinian. that exists in the west bank. they believe they are corrupt. they never accomplished anything and has to be fundamental so two pieces have to fall in place. the u.s., saudi. love conditions and realities i just mention in so we netanyahu to come up with some type of peace deal. hamas walking away now considering a space deal they want a cease-fire, permanent cease-fire. they want no raid on rafah, obviously. and they wanted to allow the palestinians to return to the north.
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have the israelis say yeah. we give a phase. a temporary cease-fire. but we are still going for into wrath fall. how much leverage do we have over israel to take a deal that's not in their interest? is pushing israel in that direction steadfast. sinwar the leader of hamas in gaza, he is calling the shots there. what he really wants is an end to the war. he has not accepted any proposal since the deal was made back in november with the release of a -- of the 40 hostages. and because he believes the wind is at his back. he has got growing international condemnation of israel he has the united states openly disagreeing with israel's wash aims pushing them a place they don't want to be. what he wants to do is survive with his leaders and survive with enough of hamas fighters so
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he can rebuild his organization. he already thinks in his mind that he has achieved a major strategic victory in terms of the political isolation and condemnation of israel. so he is playing those cards pretty close to his chest. it's not that he wouldn't make a deal. if he thought that the temporary cease-fire could lead to a permanent cease-fire and there is certainly a lot of pressure on israel for that. pressure on netanyahu is one get the hostages released. you have can see that mounting pressure is taking place in vanderbilt. and, two, make sure he cleans up the rest much hamas in wrath fall. those are his two pressure points that he is actually dealing with here. and, i don't know what happens going to happen here because sinwar has resisted all of these proposals, you know, since november of last year. and we'll see what comes of it. hopefully there is some kind of
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temporary cease-fire, brian. to get as many of these hostages out, now max of 33. more than 33. they could be lying obviously about all of that they took the hostages right from the beginning for two reasons one leaders and two use them as leverage to end the war. and i don't think any of that has changed. >> if you leave sinwar in power and leave the higher ups in hamas in power. we will be back here in 18 months. they will pull off another attack. i would hope at some level the administration understands it's in the world's best interest for them begin issue in the job even if there is pause. it seems to be obvious. i think people are too focused on the elections. general jack keane, always great. thank you so much. >> have great weekend guys, thank you. >> brian: all right. meanwhile coming up straight ahead over the weekend 9:00 one nation among migrate roster of guests scott galloway great new
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book nyu professor. talk about why you should not follow your passion but talent in the next career. nyu. mike johnson going to kick off the show. tulsi gabbard brand new book and "time" magazine story on what to expect if trump wins re-election. going back out to churchill downs where janice dean is catching up with the horse trainer hoping for a derby win and to columbia, south carolina at lizards' thicket where ainsley is having breakfast with friends and talking to voters and her family friends. she couldn't be happier and we are at aing her. do you believe this? ♪ a lot of new dry eye patients in my office tell me about their frequent dry eyes, which may point to dry eye disease. millions of americans were estimated to have it. they've tried artificial tears again and again,
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♪ >> rachel: former president trump is due back at court in just a few hours. meanwhile yesterday, after a long day of court, trump showing his support for the fdny and firefighters gave him, wow, just the warmest welcome. >> guy: mark meredith is live at the white house with more on that story and other related topics as well. mark, good morning to you. >> guy, good morning to you. a lot of news to get to this morning. former president trump is due back in court roughly two hours from now. he has made it a tradition to stop and talk to the press as he goes in and out of the courtroom. and yesterday, as he was leaving, reporters asked him when is he going to announce his running mate for this november. >> what is your favorite. >> favorite what? >> for vice president. >> i will be making that determination some time frirt convention. >> after court you could see the
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former president stopped at this firehouse. there was some applause as he was delivering pizzato and meeting with members of the fdny and happening after court. veepstakes high gear as trump campaign getting ready for a fundraiser in palm beach. among the men rumored to be on the short list doug burgum, florida senator marco rubio and ohio senator j.d. vance. vance told fox the other day that he has not had conversations with trump about the v.p. role, trump told fox back in january that he already knows who he is going to pick but yet to give any specifics ss about who it's going to be. as for president biden, he visited north carolina, a battleground state thursday. biden lost the tarheel state in 2020. tthe candidate says this time around it's his economic message which could turn the state blue. >> this progress is part of my vision for an economy grows from the middle out and the bottom up. not just the top down. i'm sick and tired of trickle down economics.
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[cheers and applause] protests we college campuses across the country, whether or not this could hurt him with younger voters this november. but the president was asked yesterday whether or not it would change husband stance on u.s. policy towards israel and i said no. guys, back to you. >> guy: that's interesting. he said he is particular and tired of trickle down economics. i think americans are sick and tired of bidenomics. that's really his problem. >> rachel: i think trickle down economics is precisely what he and hunter biden were all about right there. that seems that's exactly what that was about. let's bring in ainsley. live from columbia, south carolina. is he having breakfast not with friends with literally her own friends. >> guy: her actual friends. >> rachel: i love it. >> ainsley: thanks to my dad, rachel, he brought in a lot of his friends, including sally and mr. dunbar, they own dunbar funeral home here. he was a teacher. that's your biggest issue, right, why? >> it is because it's public schools these days, especially
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in south carolina, we're not a unionized state and there are so many legal and federal issues that push the agendas, got 25 kids in your class and barely making $50,000 a year and you got to support your family and don't have time to teach then they do a lot of merit based stuff. if your kids are below poverty, you are not going to have the test scores. >> ainsley: they need increase in pay. i would agree with that my mom was a teacher forever and my sister is a teacher, too, in charleston. thank you, sally. we have vince here. what's your number one issue? >> illegal immigration i think is a big problem, a huge problem. we got. >> ainsley: who to blame for that? >> well, i think maybe both parties; however, they left -- the democrats used to be for a secure border. but now they are for totally
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open border over 7 million in this administration illegally crossing our southern border. and bringing across crime, fentanyl, i'm a physician, and we used to use fentanyl in the operating room and still do. this drug is killing hundreds of thousands of americans. and, yet, they act like it's not happening. they are covering it up. it's a huge, huge problem. so, illegal immigration, drugs crossing our southern border seems like the left wants to ignore it can't ignore it anymore. >> ainsley: chip i will get you in a little while and a veteran we want to talk to. but for now back to you in the studio. >> rachel: great seeing you ainsley. 150th running of the kentucky derby is tomorrow, one training is making his derby debut at churchill downs. >> guy: that man is phil demat toe he joins us along side
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senior meteorologist janice dean phil, tell me about your horse strong hold. >> he's doing very well. you know, he galluped this morning in the rain and seemed to like it. so, if we get that scenario tomorrow, i wouldn't mind it. >> janice: you are okay. you are from california. this is the first time he has done a mudder right now. >> yeah. he has been training pretty much the whole year on a dry track. so, this was kind of a good little test run this morning. and to me he passed with flying colors weather is going to be better tomorrow. that's what the meteorologists say. tell me about your trajectory? it's not a path i would think about studying law but you also worked at churchill from the back side here. >> yeah. this is where i started. i went through college. the university of arizona
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racetrack program. but, before that, i was in law school for a year. so i kind of was all over the place. until i found i needed to follow my dreams. so, churchill downs was the first racetrack i worked at. and i just remember at the end of the day, always looking at the hoping i would train a derby horse and thankfully 20 plus years later here i am. >> janice: that is incredible. tell me about the house. >> yes, strong hold, i trained his mom, so i know the family very well. for rick and sharon waller, they bred the colt, and i have had him ever since he has been a 2-year-old. he broke his maiden here at churchill downs which is always a plus. so he knows the track well. and he has kind of run at six different tracks since then. and this is -- will be the first time he will have run at the same track in a race. so hopefully, you know, his last race here was a win and
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hopefully same thing on saturday. >> janice: phil, you are an example of the american dream, following, pursuing your dreams. good luck tomorrow. we will be watching strock hold. >> thank you so much. january ran what a great story. we love it. i love these stories of people who have a dream. they pursue something else and they are like, no, i want to go back to what my heart tells me to do. exciting. i think i'm going to bet on strong hold. >> i think is he a worth a little wager. >> janice: all right. back inside to new york. great stuff. >> guy: its amazing first track he ever worked at churchill downs? pretty good. >> rachel: i would rather be at the derby than in a courtroom. >> guy: courtroom. got to turn to the court. trump trial resuming in new york city in a matter of hours. and shannon bream will be breaking all that down with us outside the courthouse, that's next. ♪
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♪ >> brian: believe it or not, day 11 of the donald trump trial versus new york is set toe set up in less than two hours today from douglas douse a computer forensics expert with the manhattan d.a.'s office. >> rachel: he took the stand after lengthy testimony from former daniel and macdougall attorney keith davidson whose trump's lawyers pressed on an alingsd pattern of extortion with other celebrity clients.
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>> lawrence: "fox news sunday" anchor and chief legal correspondent shannon bream joins us live outside the new york state supreme court. talk about this gag order again. this is a second time that this is brought to the forefront. what do you expect to hear from this judge, quite aggressive against the former president when it comes to these gag orders. >> what is interesting, lawrence, we have seen a little bit of his toughness though also going toward michael cohen. as you guys know, is he former president trump's former fixer and attorney. is he out there doing all kinds of social media, trolling the former president giving him a hard time. when the judge came out last time, those first initial of violating the gag order he signaled out one not to give the prosecution. he said to the former president nine of 10 of these have to pay this fine. there is one he left out in which president trump had referred to cohen and stormy
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daniels as sleaze bags. the president, his attorneys and legal team keep bringing up if cohen is out there trolling him, directly saying things about him. making money potentially off a tiktok stream, county former president not respond to this guy in the judge seemed to signal in court yesterday michael cohen is not the guy i'm worried about here. i'm talking about you talking about jurors, about other court personnel. we are still waiting to see what the judge will do on that front. the forensic analyst from the manhattan's d.a.'s office is the first witness we expect out today. is he the one that revealed the phone call recording on the iphone recording between michael cohen and the former president. so, expect to hear more from him today. and it's going to wrap a little bit early today in court because jurors have obligation be there until they do. >> question on the gag order. we can understand why the trump team says this looks unfair to the former president, one of the arguments people are also making is that the gag order itself is unconstitutional. what do you make of that? >> you know at one point they had said some people in the
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trump square and in their spear sphere saying we are going to fight this the supreme court. this is a first amendment issue. you are taking one of the two primary candidates running for president and telling them they can't talk about things. even though the former president refers to this case as election interference. despite getting those fines earlier this week when he was out campaigning on wednesday in wisconsin and michigan, did he talk about this judge being crooked. conflicted. this is a rigged trial, so, he is willing to push the bounty dries of it and he says his argument is it's a first amendment issue on the middle of a presidential election. you can't shut down my ability to speak. >> brian: the big thing is, i think people are understanding what an i had i don't say michael cohen is. and nobody likes him. and he doesn't understand that and look at what he put up. taunting the president, this is one week after he said he voluntarily stop talk about the case until after. keep messing with my donald, i won't send any money to your commissary. i'm not even sure what that means and shows a doll wearing a
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jumpsuit. the judge has no control over this in the judge can't say i want anyone involved with this trial or on the witness list to not tweet or talk about each other publicly? >> ? as far as we know the prosecutors have not asked for a gag order on anybody. and they might want one now and michael cohen ebb is their witness. he is going to come. all this stuff about the commissary and jumpsuit and all of the other unseemly things he said about the former president. i got to think prosecutors are like stop talking, stop talking about the tiktok. you are right. cohen said a week ago out of respect for this process i'm not going to do anything until that's over. that did not last. prosecution. and you are right. everybody in that courtroom seems to have a problem with michael cohen exexcept for when he walks in michael cohen. >> rachel: legal expert and
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political analyst. tell me about the fact this was clearly a strategy coordinated on the part of the democrats to keep trump tied up in court and and according to the president he thinks this is election interference. he has used this court time to do what he did yesterday. which was, for example, take pizza over to the firefighters who are saying to him publicly please save us. please save this country it looks good and has good interaction. do you think the democrats are going to reject this strategy that they have him tied up here yeah he would like to be on the campaign trail but he is turning new york city into a place that a lot of people thought was not trump country. >> yeah. i think has always had great political in60s, long before he was run as a real estate tycoon around new york. he knows whereby the pockets of support are. he is very smart about that. and if he is going to be stuck here, he is going to try to maximize each time there is a break and before and after. court will usually hear from
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him. because he knows the optics of this are good for his argument that they want to come after you, understand in the way. he knows that works really well with his base. he will try to use his down days like he did yesterday rallies, that's where he gets energy. this is stuff for him to sit here with no electronic devices, no diet cokes and have to be bashed for hours a day. it's tough to have to sit there and listen to this. >> lawrence: especially in a cold courtroom as he says. >> brian: it is freezing. shanahan yes, it is cold. >> brian: it's an ice box. >> shannon: it is freezing. >> brian: have great "fox news sunday" show we will be watching. ainsley? columbia, south carolina at lizards thicket, she will be with us at the top of the hour. >> lawrence: i love how you said thicket. ♪ you make my dreams come true ♪
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